Launching Into the Deep prt 3||Apostle John Kimani William

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we magnify your name again we magnify your name [Music] we magnify your name show this up for the glory you dissolve all the glory you dissolve all the glory to them you disarm all the [Music] thank you all because of who you are [Music] should reign powered man you see [Music] you dissolve all the glory yahweh yahweh you desire for the glory yahweh yahweh you deserve all the glory yahweh yahweh your desire for our glory [Music] yahweh say you dissolve all the glory you desire on the glory [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] yahweh glory glory is [Music] [Laughter] on the glory you deserve [Music] yahweh [Music] [Music] glory yahweh we declare your desires [Music] yahweh yes we praise what we declare and we give it all to your lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] yahweh [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yahweh [Music] your way your way the miracle working god your way your way your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] the miracle [Music] [Music] [Music] raise your voice and call him your way [Music] [Applause] [Music] away [Music] we call you [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] once more [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] my [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] yes [Music] once more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we worship you lord we give you praise and all the honor our father we declare my god for sure you are the working miracle god in the mighty name of jesus you are worthy of our praise you are worthy of all the honor you are worthy of all the adoration you are worth your father glory to you to thy name oh my god and my father [Music] and yeah [Music] we give you praise we give you praise our god we give you praise our god we give you praise our god receive our praise and all the honor we seek [Music] for the honor and glory of your name hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah oh my god and my father we glorify your holy name we exhale the name because you are yahweh blessed be your name our god and our father in the mighty name of our lord jesus who seek worry about where to in the mighty name of jesus name of jesus hallelujah our god amen amen blessed be the name of jesus christ [Music] fast in zuri i thank god praise and worshiped him may the lord bless you so much in the book of hebrews chapter 13 and verses 8. i know this is a a verse we can even quote without opening opening the bible but let it let us read it together in jesus name the bible says that jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forevermore jesus christ is the same yesterday and today and forevermore to your partnership [Music] ten commandments that you shall not make for yourself and neither in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters three and verses 18 second corinthians 2 my message bible kindly message bible yeah the bible says all of us nothing between us and god our faith faces shining with the brightness of his face and so we are transfigured much like the messiah our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as god enters our lives and we become like him our faces shining with the brightness of his face and so we are transfigured much like the messiah our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as god enters our lives and we become like him step by step from one level of glory to another becoming like him blessed be the name of jesus christ [Music] to the depths of god they must have been with jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my desire [Music] to [Music] i worship you [Music] me i give you praise [Music] and all that i adore he's in your is he new this is my desire this is my desire to lord with all my heart my heart [Applause] [Music] within me [Music] me [Applause] [Music] is it lord i give you my heart i give you my soul every moment lord i give you my heart yes on my way my soul is only for you [Music] [Applause] lord i give you my heart foreign [Music] [Music] moment [Music] for man to remain the same yesterday today and forever more that is the character of god because our god is in perfectness but man we are created in weakness that we may be transformed day and day there in the outer as you'll be [Music] [Music] [Music] a chance to change a chance to be transformed a chance to be perfected to his weed and to his recognizer either mighty name of our jedi [Music] every obstacle every interested for me together to route into the deep of ghana oh my god neodore buana leondon everyone leontoreiro [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god oh my father in the mighty name of jesus [Music] in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus as praise and worship comes up by this time you ought to be teachers you are say over yet here i find you need someone to sit down with you and go over the basics on god again starting from square one babies muka when you should have been on solid food wrong ago but this time you ought to be teaching yourself yet here i find you need someone to sit down with you and go over the basic on god again starting from square one baby smith when you should have been on solid food long ago [Music] come that is the will of god may god help us in this season may god help us in this prayer festival in the mighty name of our lord jesus as we go into the deep of god as we route to the deep of god that will be able to be transformed unto his will and to his recognizer in the mighty name of our lord jesus that we may be able to stand up and manifest the glory of god in our generation foreign even in this night our father blessed be your holy name our god and our father in jesus mighty name we pray and even trust her amen to change missouri blessed be the name of jesus thank you father thank you our god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] me me foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] have your way come and do what only you can do i have your way we need you more than ever before have your way have [Music] [Music] [Applause] only you can do by the power of the spirit of your lord [Music] what's only you can do we humble for your way hold on [Music] what only you can [Music] [Music] i need you more than ever before i need you more [Music] [Music] come and have your way holy spirit we need you more than ever before that you may help us to get into the deep help us holy spirit help us to launch into the deeper view into the things of god we can do nothing without you help us holy spirit help us holy spirit [Music] for foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you can do better than that for jesus he deserves all the praise it is glory and honor hallelujah [Music] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] well [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] key [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] my [Music] hey [Music] [Music] my way away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you the glory we give you the honor we give you the praise and adoration hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord [Music] crap offering our praise here again [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah amen thank you so much worshipped him god bless you wherever you are watching or listening from we love you thank you for joining us tonight for our mini question i can assure you that tonight god has prepared that has prepared a table before us and we are going to partake of that table in jesus name chinese [Music] [Music] we are delighted tonight to be able to launch our call center this has been a vision that we have been having for quite some time tomekuana numbers ambassador kuana our pastoral team and ministers ambassador were to achieve to now prepare the calls and we minister to people according to their needs luckily during this season to me on aquaman there has been a big need an increase of the people who are according and sometimes mutual nasimu we miss on some calls that we are supposed to respond to and because we desire to take responsibility of the ministry and the monday that god has given unto us to minister to you remember when jesus saw the multitudes and he said these are a sheep without a shepherd and jesus was filled with compassion and i believe even today jesus is filled with compassion when he look at his people who have needs and they have no one to attend to them and here we are and god has given us the grace we desire to do the best we can and so as nbci radio and tv nbc ministry together with the mother ministry kingdom seekers fellowship we have put up a call center that is going to be operating day and night maybe not the full night up to around 11 00 p.m at night and also very early morning from 6 a.m so that we can be able to minister to you now nikki pena could launch this call center to now on yeshua peach and a media team yeah call center villain baby uh that is a call center and bio took on our pastoral team and our ministers and uh they are able to respond to calls they are able to correct data so that if there is anything we need to respond to later we can be able to respond and do some follow-up and see that every need has been ministered to to the best of our capacity to make a water katikai so that is our call center that is the number you can call that is the number for the call center that is zero kawaii deal the number is zero three four one zero one double two double zero ten now i take it up again zero one one one then zero one two two zero zero i think he number ten there cooper here [Music] now i was there some a few minutes ago and i was praying with the team the team was interceding and we are telling god we raise this as part of the altar where people can be able to send their prayer requests and god is going to answer to every need we have committed their call center to the intercessory team their people be praying every day so that every call that is made the grace of god will be sufficient to meet the needs of god's people and so we are doing this with all seriousness because it's not a business center it's not a call center for business there is a call center for ministry free ministry where we can be able to touch lives where we can be able to do counseling where we can be able to minister god's grace in healing in deliverance where we can be able even to follow up on some needs and see um we have been able to do the best of our of our capacity to be able to minister to those needs now even incapacity the other prayer lines ambassador to connazo i believe they are going to be in operation for some time but we'd like to shift now all the calls to the call center so that is the number uh father in jesus name i stand before you with humility to acknowledge your grace and mercy upon this ministry in the mighty name of jesus thank you for the expansion the lord in jesus name today we are launching a call center where your people can be able to make calls and they can be comforted they can be ministered unto they can be able to receive a word of healing a word of deliverance and so far tonight i dedicate this call center to you in the mighty name of jesus and i declare this call center is established in the spirit leader this center is connected with the same grace in this altar all the ministers in this call center i declare they are covering i declare the grace of god as a minister to your people in the mighty name of jesus and from this course center my father we shall be able to send a word a word that is going to bring hearing to many a word that is going to bring deliverance and comfort oh god in jesus name i declare the wisdom of god in this call center i declare the power and the anointing of the holy spirit in this call center in the mighty name of jesus i declare heavenly potos that are open in this call center ministering angels in this court center in the mighty name of jesus a harvest of miracles in this call center in the mighty name of jesus the fruit of the anointing from this call center in the mighty name of jesus and so tonight my father i dedicate this center to you and i launch it not only physically but also in the liam's of the spirit to answer to the crime and to the needs of your people in our generation in the mighty name of jesus i launched this consent of my father declaring through this call center the works of the devil be destroyed in the mighty name of jesus chains will be broken out souls will be saved out in the mighty name of jesus because you alone you are our god our trust and our hope and so i launched this center tonight in the name of the father and of the sauna and of the holy spirit amen amen amen have your way holy spirit take over in the mighty name of jesus bless every minister who is ministering in the call center from today as they sit in that call center may the unction of the holy ghost be upon them to minister to the needs of your people in the name of jesus we worship you and we praise you in jesus name we pray amen amen hallelujah so god bless you we apologize for every call that we have missed in the past and we hope we are going to do the best from now if you use that number for the call center i believe there will also be someone who is ready to respond to your call if there is a lot of traffic so many people calling we can always be able to call back because the system is computerized we can always be able to see uh the missed calls sometimes we also be able to respond to the sms's and we are going to do our best to minister to you in jesus name and to minister to god's people who are in need i give god all the glory for that opportunity in jesus to share maybe one or two testimonies layout sita somako makaratasi nimaya chaka offici they are quite a number of footscapes ambassadors econo testimonies lucky uh we have been receiving so many testimonies that have been coming in and that is why we encourage even to put a call center because we see the move of the power of god touching and transforming and healing people in jesus name um [Music] kamali yokoca 1966 years old she came on the way from neri just to testify of what god has done in her life alikuja together with her daughter ambayanaitoros her daughter also by naitoa uh virginia now my the healing especially upon our mom alipona wakati was the 10 days of prayer he your son devoted you know when we think of some of these chronic diseases to know a combination it is a death sentence or a life sentence and biorezima oishinai god is healing his people as we continue to put our trust in his holy name and so today that was very very encouraging but another testimony that has been very very encouraging i received a testimony yesterday and today i decided to call that person nicasema leo today i'm going to call that person because the testimony was very very encouraging [Music] i may not be able to capture everything maybe we'll have that testimony in the coming days because it's a wonderful testimony to lady on a capacity mbci tv long story short contest it is not about us it is about him a struggle for those ears so we give god all the glory for what he is doing because he is a mighty god and he is a mighty deliverer now you could be listening to me tonight and you have a chronic disease you could be listening to me tonight you have a spirit of information i can tell you the power of god is throwing out and you can receive your hearing tonight you can receive your deliverance tonight in the mighty name of jesus the yokes of the enemy are being broken now in the mighty name of jesus oh god i thank you for everyone who is raising their faith united to receive their hearing ah i read the touch of god in the mighty name of jesus i release your miracle in power to continue throwing her delivering your people from every oppression of the enemy setting the cops is real in the mighty name of jesus i read the hearing power because by the stripes of our lord jesus christ we are healed heal someone tonight let there be a harvest of testimonies even as we continue to wait upon you let the bright eyes open uh let the death eat us opener in the mighty name of jesus hey every spirit of infirmity i command you out of that body in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus let the rem walker because you are almighty god there is nothing uh that is too hard for you have your way holy spirit in the mighty name of jesus father i give you glory and honor for there's so many milicus that we are receiving and we are humbled and we are saying not unto us oh god but unto you beyond the glory beyond the honor praise and adoration i bless john wherever he is even now i speak that you're going to cause him to become a mighty servant of god to testify your goodness in our generation in the mighty name of jesus thank you for the so many who have been healed so many that you have opened us for them so many that even during this coveted 19 father you have continued to show yourself mighty you are the god of the mountains are you also the god of the varies i give you glory i give you honor in jesus name blessed be the name of allah so what do it mbci it's 100.3 so regulatory co2 el doret igokitui ikomero iconieri ikokerico ikona kuru le nicono there is one thing i desire is to get more frequencies we know the tv is national national unawares but we desire to get more frequencies [Music] it is a worthy investment and so i want to appreciate your support and through your support will continue expanding our media [Music] [Music] in our media transmission and so we give god all the glory i can tell you for free something is just about to break forth in the mighty name of jesus there is a crowd of glory that is hanging and he says it's not about you at church it is about him [Music] and to me that is my passion even when i'm praying and i'm fasting when am coming out of my comfort zone my cry to god is mungus trying to give you the leading of the holy spirit on how to pray quanzia wakaturianza [Music] [Music] [Music] in the shallow water and we can go for more because there is still more that is available for us now to kiana if we go for more we are going to see the wonders of god and the way to go for more is to round into the deeper likuenda queen dini uh launching into the deep now require to me uh sams here about to make aqua our friar and psalms 42 verse 7 assam are deep calls to the deep in the lower of your waterfalls all your waves and blickers have swept over me so deep course because it was not just a good idea it was a god idea now questionability was a good idea for you and your destiny inaza matunda wa pendua mimi namini because i know how i began my life from a humble beginning i know how i began my ministry and i know by surrendering and desiring to launch into the deep sometimes you can tell tell what somebody carries by the results you see in their lives foreign [Music] when we take root then we blossom in days to come jacob will take root israel will burn and blossom and fill all the world with the fruit so the only way you can fill all the world with your fruit the only way you can burn and blossom is when you take root so the question i'm asking you this season how deep are you how far have your roots gone down [Music] we don't want to launch the deep we want to shine up to [Music] [Music] nataka when they buried santa ju so an attacker misses yeah so the many sacrifices that you have been offering they will never be forgotten but you are taking your roots down and you are rising will come so as we prepare for next week [Music] chapter 8 from verse 25 then for our summon moses and aaron and said go sacrifice to your god here in the land but moses said that would not be light the sacrifices we offer uh offer the lord our god would be detestable to the egyptians and if we offer sacrifices that are detestable in their eyes will they not stone us we must take a three-day journey into the desert to offer sacrifices to the lord our god as he commands us last verse 28 pharaoh said i'll let you go to offer sacrifice to the lord your god in the desert but you must not go very far now pray for me give us that scripture 2018 new living translation all right go ahead pharaoh the pride i'll let you go into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the lord your god but don't go too far away but don't go too far away now ali and pray for me let my people go that they may go and worship me like any foreign option that you can still worship here in egypt moses i can't insist like in your fair work i say my then you can go in the desert but don't go very far sonic double standards endocannisa they are [Music] some people about their eyes are not right and now they are not serious with god they become uncomfortable because they will not be in control and they want to be in control but jesus said i'll build my church we are not building our own churches the church belongs to jesus [Music] the house of jacob in the coming days or in the last days canisa the church will take root we launch it to the deep and the church will burn and blossom and the church is going to be fruitful in the whole world the only way to be fruitful in this season is to launch into the hadoop [Music] um and that is what i would like to touch on tonight that there is a spiritual system to access the deep things of god i hope in iraq what whatever now is it that there is a spiritual system to access the deep things of god now he's on cheers the bible says in the book of first corinthians chapter two and verse eight first corinthians chapter two from verse eight if we can lead very quickly the bible says none of the rulers of this age understood hater for if they had they would not have crucified the lord of glory however as it is written no eye has seen no ear has had no mind has conceived what god has prepared for those who love him but god has revealed it to us by his spirit the spirit touches all things even the deep things of god the spirit now known a unicapital s meaning the spirit of god such as all things even the deep things of god that means the spiritual system to access the deep things of god is by the holy spirit and that is why the church must work hard to embrace the holy spirit in this dispensation this is a dispensation where the church without the holy spirit will not be able to accomplish the purposes of god now exactly [Music] now exactly if you can read very quickly ezekiel 47 from verse 1 the man brought me back to the entrance of the temple and i saw water coming out from under the dress shield of the temple to add the easter for the temple faced east the water was coming down from under the south of the temple south of the altar he then brought me out of the north gate and led me around the outside to the outer gator facing east and the water was flowing from the south side as a man went eastward with a measuring line look at this as a man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand he measured off a thousand cubits and then he led me through the water that was anchored deep that was one level ezekiel number two he measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee deep he measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist he measured off another thousand but now it was a liver that i could not cross because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in a river that no one could cross he asked me son of man do you see this then he led me back to the bank of the river when i arrived there i saw a great number of trees on each side of the river what was happening with the trees he said to me this water flows toward the eastern legion and goes down into the arabah where it enters the sea when it empties into the sea the water there becomes fresh swarms of living creatures will live wherever the water froze there will be large numbers of fish because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh where the liver froze everyone will live exactly higher [Music] nothing can survive there there is no life because the water is sorted what do i mean the israel the bible says in the book of john chapter 7 and verse 37 john chapter 7 and verse 37 on the last and the greatest day of the ephesians jesus stood and said in a loud voice if anyone is dusty let him come to me and drink whoever believes in me as a scripture said streams of living water will flow from within him by this he meant the spirit whom those who believed in him were later to receive up to that time the spirit had not been given since jesus had not yet been glorified [Music] [Music] the bible says jesus was filled with the holy spirit without measure the reason jesus walked with the power of the holy ghost as the bible says in the book of acts chapter 10 and verse 8. little the bible says how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and power and how he went around doing goda and hearing oh under the power of the devil because god was with him the same spirit who was upon jesus is the same spirit who is upon me who is upon every believer tonight but the difference is the measure because the spirit of god came upon jesus without measure he received the fullness of the holy spirit the ability to access the deeper things of god the only way to access the deeper or to range into the deep is when we totally surrender i remember those old days waka togenda swimming to kiwa villanova [Music] [Music] [Music] they are just in the shallow waters of the spirit of god and the holy spirit the bible says no i have seen no ear has had what the lord has kept for those that love him but the spirit of god he is the one who searches even the deep things of god this season i am launching into the deeper by the helper of your holy spirit because the holy spirit is a spiritual system that helps manner to launcher into the deeper in the mighty name of jesus can somebody declare i am going to launch her into the deeper in the mighty name of jesus i am going to see the realities of the liam's of the spirit i am going to see the possibilities that are in christ we have not exhausted the possibilities that are in christ for the church sometimes i ask myself is this all that jesus died for he is is this all that is available nikki so my efficiency one from verse 17 i keep asking that the god of war jesus christ the glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom and liberation so that you may know him better i pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints these leeches of his glorious inheritance in the saints we cannot be able to access them in the shallow waters but there is an is let's see verse 19 so that we come out of this and is incomparably great power for us to believe that power is like the working of his mighty strength which he exerted in christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at the right hand of the hand of god in the heavenly liam's sansa happen to know nakamba there is a glorious inheritance that is available for the saints the same power that resurrected jesus christ is the same power that is available for us as believers the power that can bring back everything that is dead in your life marriages can be brought back to life careers can be brought back to life ministry can be able to flow in this power there are possibilities that are in christ that can only be realized when we range into the deeper i declare the grace of god in this season that we are going to launch our into the deeper in the mighty name of jesus i am fully convinced that there is more that is available for the church i don't like to criticize the church no matter the denomination i don't like to criticize the man of god but one thing i take as a challenge is to know that there is more that is available for all of us there is more that is available for me i thank god for what he has done but i will not allow myself to be satisfied with what i have seen because i know there is more that is available for me otherwise i serve almighty god my father is the creator of heaven and earth so i know there is more that is available for me how do i get more how can only be able to get more if i go deeper if i break the limits there was a measuring line and bio exactly there was a measuring line museum [Music] [Music] [Music] when i was getting this message of deep calling than to the deep nares chimba fence yeah the king [Music] but there is a secret if you deep call it and to the deep camera launch or cast your nets into the deep where canyon is even in the raking arijua for this great miracle to take place you know when you go deep in the sea there are presses fish zinedakama a swamp kamaviri new kisinanda the kind of miracle in the shallow waters of there are people who have given up but once you run into the deep you are going to be surprised by what god can do in your life and through your life in your ministry in your career in your business when you launch into the deep nagit for this season that the people god is going to use in this season they are people who are ready for the cost you are going to sacrifice to spend time in the presence of god make this coming week a week of divine appointment yakuma because of my destiny i desire to launch it it's not about your church in fact what we are seeking for we are seeking to see the reality of the word of god in our lives i desire to see the god of the bible not the god of kingdom seekers fellowship not the god of any other religion or denomination i desire to see the god of the bible who is the same yesterday today and forever the same things he did he can do it again habakkuk said oh lord we have heard of your fame but in the midst of the year revive your works of god and in love remember mercy nina we celebrate what god has done in other generations and we are i am inspired when i read books like the gods generals sometimes i read with a lot of tears because i see these are weak men but they surrender their weaknesses because the power of god is manifested in weakness so they were superhuman the bible says erica was a man of the same passion and gekko are discouraged what pendulum what distinction is there between the church in the world a the power of god will be present the wonders of god will be manifested ah i am tired of the talk i desire to walk the talk i am telling you it is possible to see the wonders of god in our generation i may not be able to speak or i'm not maybe i'm not able to speak to everyone because there are people who are satisfied with the status queue because [Music] and i am forever grateful for the opportunity to put my faith in god that is why i love this psalm i i love [Music] a [Music] [Music] there is no any other solution especially people who feel there is greatness in me and i desire to manifest my greatness their people walk around and they understand that whatever i see in the outside is not equal to what i see in the inside there is more in the inside than what i see in the outside the bible says the house of jacob will burn and blossom and be a fruit in all the world when they take root when you run into the deep that is when you manifest your greatness and so if you are there i want to tell you what we are speaking today is not not what we are going to be speaking one year from now things are going to be different some people will be talking about the wonders of god in the ariser when you know [Music] in the mighty name of jesus this would be like a time of harvester this would be like a timer of manifestation joanna jangwani and tyra the timer of his manifestation let this time be the time of your manifestation let this time be the time of the manifestation of the church meme inauguration because the church is moving in the mighty name of jesus the church is moving on and the church is launching uh into the deeper and when we launch into the deeper the wonders of our god will start manifesting it will begin with small pockets our testimonies they are praying in families they are praying in small groups but they are connecting with the same grace ceo doesn't matter your denomination after lord hatu sheikh wakansa after all there is a remnant in every denomination i say that there are even lemonades that are in other religions in hey the lord is going to visit them and turn up their their eyes around in the mighty name of jesus and use him for his own glory hey he i karma i am just a voicer i am telling you prepare either way for the lord because the lord is coming i hear the sound the sound of revival i hear the sound the sound of the mighty waters of the holy spirit in the mighty name of jesus yes there is a downpour i can see the crowds the crowds of the spirit of god in the mighty name of jesus it is just about to reign in the mighty name of jesus yes lord send us in the mighty name of jesus the reign of your spirit in the mighty name of jesus send us the reina the reign of your holy spirit in the mighty as you speak in tongues it is not just a prayer you are downloading the deep things of god in the mighty name of jesus when you speak in tanza you are ranching into the deeper you are connecting with your miracle you are connecting with your treasure with you are connecting with the gift of god you are connecting with the wisdom of god you are connecting with divine favor in the mighty name of jesus yes connect with the supernatural in the mighty name of jesus let the holy spirit search for you the deep things of god that belong to you that belong to your according that belong to your destiny in the mighty name of jesus to take over in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus our rauncher into the deeper outcaster my nature into the deeper in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus [Music] speak to god tonight until the holy spirit our round into the deeper there is a spiritual systema enough order by the holy ghost the spiritual system takatifu diana [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the holy ghost will come upon you and he will overshadow you to be overshadowed by the holy spirit when you overshadow somebody you are making that somebody to be lesser when the spirit of god overshadows you it means the holy spirit is taking over is taking control and and the angel told mary when he overshadows you you are going to conceive and you are going to give bring forth a son and his name will be called jesus if you are going to bring forth your greatness around the holy ghost to overshadow you allow the holy ghost to take over around yourself to decrease in the holy spirit to increase in your life it doesn't matter [Music] your academic glorification it doesn't matter your position in the society but you can tell the holy spirit i am nothing without you i can do very little without your power but with your power i can do exploiter peter and jon who are able to overturn their world upside down by the power of the holy spirit philippa when he entered samaria he brought joy to the whole city because when he went there he was full of the holy spirit around the holy ghost to overshadow you no matter your title around the holy ghost to overshadow you make a diamond recommender no matter your status in the society surrender to the holy spirit he is able to release a treasure to release a dimension to release possibilities that are not possible in the mighty name of jesus with anything else but honey with his mighty power killabaganda babushi rikaba ganda i feel it's like already the fasting has begun the atmosphere is writer in the mighty name of jesus so even tonight receive the invitational even tonight receive the gracer even tonight receive the touch of god receiver the power of the holy spirit welcome the holy spirit in the mighty name of jesus in the power of the holy spirit totally surrender yes yes yes yes in the name of jesus yes in the name of jesus yes in the name of jesus yes he is coming down he is coming down he is coming down he is coming down he is coming down he is coming down hey wherever you are [Music] and the power of the holy ghost he's coming down he's coming down he's coming down he's coming down hey come here gandaba they is the river is flowing tonight the river is flowing as it was ha with the secular the river is flowing tonight the river is floyd tonight the river of god for the bible says in psalms 46 and verse 4 for there is a river that froze and that river makes glad the city of our goddard the bible says there is a liver whose dreams may grant the city of god the holy praise where the most high dwells are i pray that this liver will flow god verse 5 the bible says [Music] verse 5 god is within her she will not fall god will help her at breaker of the day may the river flow tonighter deliver of god the liver that brings joy the liver that brings hearing us the river that brings freedom the river that carries the gifts of the holy spirit the liver that carries the promises of god the blessings of god the river that manifest their seed of greatness in our riser let their liver flow tonight i connect with the liver i connect you i connect you i connect you may the holocaust prepare you for this seasoner a seasoner of rauchinga into the deeper a seasoner a seasoner a seasoner a seasoner a seasoner a seasoner a seasoner a seasoner of branching into the deeper ricka baganda babushi rika bagandarimasaria [Music] bring freedom bring salvation let there be divine operations for them that are seeker chronic diseases are disappear now in the mighty name of jesus goita disappear now in the mighty name of jesus cancer disappear now in the mighty name of jesus disappear now in the mighty name of jesus pray to mazza disappear now in the mighty name of jesus [Music] christ singer of the bladder by the power of the holy spirit in the mighty name of jesus witchcraft power be broken tonight in the mighty name of jesus [Music] forces of devil worshipper be broken tonight i release destination in the mighty name of jesus i release captiza i set captives fear in the mighty name of jesus i set her destiny's freedom in the mighty name of jesus by the power of the holy spirit thank you lord in every nation in every continent where lord this program is being received i send out the power of the holy spirit to minister to your people according to the anita according to their calling according to their purpose in life minister to them now touch them wherever they are in all the nations of the world in every continental order touch your people tonight touch your people tonight holy spirit let the river flow in the mighty name of jesus let your power flow that's someone in america in the name of jesus in netherlands in germany in south africa in zambia in china in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] i connect you with the liver i connect you with the liver i connect you with the liver the liver of god for there is delivered for us and it makes god the city of our god father i connect this altar with that liver let this altar be connected with the liver so that this liver may throw and touch the lives of your people there is an impatient tonight manifest the gifts of the holy spirit let there be divine activation of every dormant potential dormant potential be activated i call further every dormant potential in your life to manifest by the power of the holy spirit in the name of jesus in the name of jesus what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god what a mighty god what a mighty god what a mighty god we serve i worship you lord i give you glory i honor your holy name i magnify your holy name i bow before your throne i enthrone you the king [Music] the lord of our lives uh blessed be your holy name tonight blessed be the name of the lord tonight come and rain rain rain rain rain somebody is opening their heart tonight i release invitation somebody has never spoke any new tanza i received the gifts of the holy spirit be filled with the holy spirit tonight receive the spirit of the living god in the name of jesus christ [Music] receive the holy spirit wherever you are be connected with the liver of god the liver of the spirit let it rain our god let it rain our god thank you jesus i want to invite the worship team bless the lord of my soul [Music] heal the sick deliver the oppressed [Music] the power of god is throwing [Music] in the mighty name of jesus tonight i speak to everyone [Music] who has a vision a dream a word from the lord that is greater than yourself a prophetic word that you cannot even imagine how it can become a reality how it can be fulfilled i want to tell you it is possible it is possible it is possible for that prophetic word for that dream for that vision to become a reality just allow the holy spirit to help you to launch into the deep this season this decade if it is a new season new things must spring forth even in our lives even in our ministries new things will spring forth but we must take root by launching into the deep in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] testimonies [Music] [Music] i give you glory i give you honor i desire to be a partaker of this end time grace in the name of jesus and to be a partaker of your glory that you are releasing upon your church in this decade in the mighty name of jesus sparing of darkness let the forces of religion be broken let every limitation be destroyed that will be able to launch into the deep by the help of your holy spirit so that we may see oneness [Music] i prepare your people for next week a week of prayer and fasting and as many as i've purposed to partake in this prayer festival i release the covering i release the grace i commission them to ranch into the deeper not by my not by power but by your spirit oh lord you are our helper hey holy spirit you know the way to the deep help us now in the name of jesus to launch into the deep in this season father i thank you for what you are prepared to do in the coming week the treasures the lord your people are going to receive as they launch into the deep may those treasures my father be released from tonight ready for your people to receive in the mighty name of jesus i bless your holy name holy spirit we repent where we have grieved you we repent where we have ignored you as our helper we embless you in this help us to be able to receive the deep things that the lord has prepared for the church in this season we bless your name we magnify your holy name thank you for the healing thank you for the invitation thank you for those people tonight that you have released your power i raise a double portion upon their lives continue working in their lives tonight and glory and honor be unto your holy name in jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in jesus name we pray amen god bless you sms numbers the play alliance ambassador uh ambassador are we going to eat one meal are we going to fast normal fasting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and so next week we are going to take time in the first days to connect with the holy spirit to allow the holy spirit to take over because he's the one who is able to search the deep things [Music] and then from there we'll be able now to pray along the promises of god that concerns the holy spirit the bible says god has given us great and precious promises [Music] their prayer items on every day but remember every first day of the prayer festival we begin with worship we begin with thanksgiving we begin by telling god thank you for this far thanksgiving open the gates i'll enter his gates with thanksgiving so on monday it will be a day of thanksgiving on tuesday we are going to tell god forgive us where we have grieved your holy spirit [Music] [Music] foreign we need you to tell god forgive us where we stood sometimes even publicly transforming the holy spirit to the faculty and then we are going to see the move of god in the land and [Music] where we have resisted the holy spirit [Music] prophetic ministries [Music] [Music] [Music] you have been giving us ones or walmart now partners to the support kazi and andrea para heavens [Music] [Music] [Music] we appreciate in the next one months and we really thank god for your support so i believe this is a fatal ground he is yokazia khanissa moja nikasi ambaita dini zote makabila mataifa heenum bakuba yamamitoshiro [Music] the body of christ international and so when you support us even if you are a pastor you can sow your seat there now this is a fertile ground because i [Music] animated and i know many people have been there thank you for those who made a pledge and they have continued to support may god bless you so tonight as we give our offerings i'm very much encouraged by your support last year thank you for your gifts thank you for your support in jesus name i want to pray even tonight as we give i believe we are going to keep the momentum of the work by the grace of god in the name of jesus christ [Music] and we praise you in jesus name we pray amen god bless you you can use our papal numbers 871 01 871 0 0 871 0 1 pay bill number [Music] and so whatever you send charges are on [Music] four zero seven eleven one twelve one twelve zero seven zero six twenty six twenty six twenty six zero seven zero six twenty six twenty six twenty six two masada kayaking you can always reach out to us and we'll be able to help you how to give your sacrifice may god bless you tonight [Music] remember our call center number and to main launch 0 3 1 0 1 22 0 0 3 1 0 1 [Music] and also you can prepare to make your request be known unto god [Music] let it be a time of thanksgiving but if you have a need the bible says in the book of philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 that with thanksgiving we should make our request be known unto god so i'll come back here to pray with you in jesus name [Music] feel me alone till i overthrow [Music] feel me lord till i overthrow me long till i overflow feel my spirit till i [Music] feel me lord hear me over [Music] feel me [Music] feel my spirit [Music] this is me oh [Music] my [Music] feel my spirit in my [Laughter] me [Music] the rain of the holy ghost is falling on my life rain on the holy ghost is falling in my life [Music] very the power on the holy ghost is falling in my life the power of the holy ghost is falling in my life [Music] and the rain on the holy ghost is falling in my life [Music] [Music] oh yes very [Applause] [Music] [Music] very [Music] [Applause] in every area of my [Music] [Applause] very [Applause] very foreign [Music] over every area of my life oh yes tonight every night over [Music] me feel my spirit feel my spirit [Music] [Music] feel my feelings [Music] thank you jesus fill us tonight until we overflow with your spirit this is our prayer panda to where's the coomba whatever two or three shall agree i want us to agree with you my prayer request you have not been able to send yours but wherever we are we can believe god psalm 65 and verse 2 the bible says to you who answer prayer psalm 65 and verse 2 the reason we go before the lord is because he is a god who answers our prayer all you who hear prayer to you all men will come all you who hear prayer to you all men will come that is psalm 65 and verse 2 whatever [Music] can you take one more minute and just tell god thank you because of hearing my cry tonight my cry for healing my cry for divine intervention my cry for divine visitation my cry my father my god for deliverance my cry for salvation of a loved one just tell god thank you for hearing my prayer yes [Music] [Music] [Music] i give you the glory for all that you have done not unto us oh god unto you i come before thee with us giving my father for the great and mighty things that you have done i say thank you lord we are forever grateful that we have a father a father who hear and answers our prayer and so tonight oh god because you are never tired of our prayer we come before you for the bible says that men ought always to pray and not to faint we pray without ceasing and so tonight we come before you oh god in the name of jesus i stand oh god i'm believing you together with my brother sir my sisters oh god who tonight are presenting their prayer before you one hour one hour one out of my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i present every prayer request before you and i pray that you are going to answer and to send a harvest of miracles tonight thank you for the power that is coming down in the name of jesus to touch every need to answer every prayer we give you glory we give you honor thank you for what you are doing now thank you holy spirit for your visitation everywhere in this nation in the nations as you move with your mighty power glory and honor be to the name of the lord thank you for answering the cry and the prayer of your people in jesus name we pray amen amen we give you praise to god we give you praise of god we give you praise sagam thank you father thank you for divine intervention we give you glory we give you honor standard as we continue to worship continue to surrender before the presence of god may every power of the enemy leave you alive tonight receive freedom for whoever the son sets free he is free indeed god bless you [Music] so the church without walls continues and because i know we are reaching many i believe we'll continue enjoying these services at the comfort of our homes and the grace of god will continue throwing in the name of jesus please prepare for coming week with your family with your friends you can connect and join together with like-minded brothers and sisters and pray together and wait upon the lord to encourage one another in the mighty name of jesus i love you all and i believe god will help you to launch into the deep this season in jesus name shalom that i'll be with you [Music] nina [Music] um [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] he died [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] fill me i am kill me till i overflow tonight [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign our thoughts are gone find your spirit of god only my god all you are able to satisfy your circle nothing else can take your place of god coming off your income and take your [Music] [Applause] place [Music] say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] me i [Music] [Music] is [Applause] foreign [Music] what can i do without your tears [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i cannot go without you jesus come and take your place in my life fill my heart feel my life have you always [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] m [Music]
Channel: Apostle John Kimani William Official
Views: 28,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bJ5eALNr3ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 50sec (12650 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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