Latest and Greatest Landscape & Construction tools - The Best & Worst Power tools & Innovations 2018

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check this out mobile brought me out to houston texas where i was able to tour the world of asphalt but i'm also going to be bringing you footage from the world of concrete and everywhere else i can find cool stuff and make sure you guys subscribe because coming at you right down the pipeline frankie and i are in the process of building a plywood sink yep i think out of plywood that should be an interesting one right frankie yep should be now this one is called the steel wrist it allows you to rotate the bucket indefinitely 360 degrees has a built-in grapple on the back of it allows you to tilt the bucket from side to side giving your excavators that much more capability all right do any of you guys remember the old halogen lights that you would plug in they'd be about 500 maybe even a thousand watts you would eventually touch the light in some way shape or form literally barbecuing the flesh off from your body well those days are gone no heat and no power cords so for you guys that snow plow this next one is for you they're called pole plows i put my very first one on the back of my pickup truck just a few months ago and it's a game changer after experiencing how fast and productive these things are i knew i had to have another one and put it on my second pickup truck this is like the skill saw your daddy grew up with except on steroids and it's actually meant to cut giant timbers so that makes it cool made in germany and it runs out for what battery you can shut it off and you can still push and it'll clean looking at is a concrete saw but it's a battery powered concrete saw and you can see exactly how well this works here right in there did he not know what he was doing now this unit is made by steel and it has zero torque i swear i feel like i could probably grab the blade and stop it but please don't do that now they'll tell you you have to let it rev up before you can actually make the cut which is kind of like telling you that we don't have any power in our songs the battery operated concrete's off he's got the water hookup right there shut up and sit down and the way they do that is they have this sensor inside of the saw that has kickback protection so if the sod jolts out of the operator's hands it automatically shuts it off keeping you from slicing your face off now you may be asking why would i want an undercut saw well if you've ever had to crawl in a trench and try to cut underneath the pipe or try to do a vertical 90 degree cut that's when you need an undercut saw this thing makes up for all of the slack that the battery powered saw didn't have thank you guys said it before the little things make me very happy check this out come back here one of the worst jobs i've ever had is crawling upside down into a machine trying to clean out the radiator in the dirt business this gets plugged up and you got to get pretty creative or you got to be a gymnast to get it cleaned out check this out look at this the radiator slides in and out i love this thing slide it out clean it up put it back in place on the volvo i mean to me guys that is a game changer right right then and there but delayed engine shutdown pet peeve my guys jump in a piece of equipment someone walks up to talk to him and what do they do turn it off while it's still at high idle that means that diesel engine is cooking with the delayed engine shutdown they've programmed this thing so you can't do that you can literally turn off the machine stick the key in your pocket walk away and the machine will still run until it reaches the proper shutdown temperature that's cool but they didn't believe it or not guys this next one almost got me kicked out of the world of concrete because the guys running the show didn't want me to drive it outside of the area now the guys with overland cart didn't care at all but the guys that were running security sure did of course if you don't get it right the first time you can always try again check this out guys this is so cool plus you can bring it in and you can manually dump this how's that camera looking yes i am that picky so here's take three and about now security's calling other security for backup all right guys sometimes innovation comes at you from a completely unexpected place take the battery on this black and decker system the battery will power the drill it'll power the sander the flashlight it'll even power the jigsaw but the battery will do more than that you can take the same battery you can plug your phone into it and this battery will then power your phone meaning you can take this on the go take this with you and making it a portable power supply for your phone that is really flipping neat stop this this machine is really neat check this out in the front they've lightened up the loader arms giving you more capacity in the bucket this is where your money is made this is where their new design comes in handy for you guys to gotta move a lot of material lighter loader arms still strong as ever more capacity in the bucket more money in your pocket max by rigid tools this is the power base it's got three different heads this is the rotary head put this on your jackhammer away this is a right angle hole drill and this is the reciprocating saw head but watch this check this out let's say all you got to do is twist it turn it lock it you're in business but let's say this isn't the way you want to cut you twist it you can pull it off you can angle it a different angle and you can cut that way as well it comes off with a click of a button and this power head communicates with the battery which communicates with the rest of the tool to optimize the torque so when you grab a different power head it knows what's on there and it can make the right and it can deliver the right power to that tool head all right guys this is hilthy's outdoor laser transit system it's got about a six foot drop protection so you can see that it's got it's protected on the outside of it but the protection goes deeper than what you see right here actually internally all of the vital components are also protected to keep it from your average drops when falls and it can handle it all right guys now i know this looks like a regular fuel tank that fits in the back of the pickup truck but it's not it's a little extra special because it has depth on it as well so if you get that equipment that needs depth you can fill it up with one nozzle nozzle i think i just hit puberty and you can fuel it up with another with your regular diesel fuel making this fuel tank a one stop shop this is a tracked wheelchair made right in texas and it allows the user to go through snow mud dirt debris take it out hunting fishing do whatever they want to do with it all right guys this is absolutely awesome it's called soil compaction assist so as you're operating the roller now you can put a sheet foot over the top of this um so you can work it in dirt or asphalt but are they operating the roller it's testing the density of the ground beneath it giving you feedback right on the display up in the cab if you've actually reached the right density with your soil or your asphalt so it's giving you feedback as you're actually operating the machine so as you go forward and backward it'll tell you if you need to make another pass or if you're good to go and can move on to the next section i've never seen this actually in a machine before okay guys this is the actual screen that the operator sees while he's running the machine now this is a blown up version of it but this is right next to him so you can tell that he's actually he gets instant feedback all right he needs to hit another section or he's good to go and can move on to the next one oh all right let's check this out guys you're gonna like this go for it this is a cutting wheel or a grinder stuff like aluminum stainless steel cutting and grinding where do you find it at our website our 800 number or at any over 100 trade shows we do around the country so i'm just going to walk this back all right and put it on the palace on top of us all right junior high school every year this could be easier if we had a guy at each side he works his way out but i'm like dude why don't you just not get in the trophy them off now i'm going to get down to a radius all right
Channel: Stanley "Dirt Monkey" Genadek
Views: 1,665,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Landscaping, landscaping tools, landscaping equipment, landscape, landscape tools, construction, construction tools, equipment, heavy eqiupment, best landscaping tools, worst tools, tools, tool, best tools, excavator, power tools, power equipment, innovations, tool innovations, futuristic, top tools, top tools and equipment, top power tools, top tools of 2018, top equipment of 2018, worst tools of 2018, worst power equipment, worst power tools, Unbelievable, best, top, latest tools
Id: jEcnxdCc9aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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