Late Night ZBrush with Pixologic Paul Gaboury - ZBrush 2020

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uh wow hello everybody for late night with zbrush zbrush late night is what we're doing well this is late night for me uh we're doing a little bit of a try in the nightly stream for me and uh for those of you in other parts of the world uh it's early morning i know in europe and russia and it's afternoon in the world of asia so in other parts of the world i want to see uh i might want to change my life i look a little washed out to me let's let's set a little mood lighting first here eh let's do this oh maybe we go warm oh yeah maybe a little warm light tonight warm light tonight all right what a great great great so how is everybody doing i see there's some regulars here i see mr sandson you're here thanks for coming hey david vaughn's facebook uh bt sculptor all right great to have you 1 a.m where you're at andreas on facebook 1 in the morning oh man so uh first things first i kind of need to fix my my wacom here hold on my uh what a great start for myself let me uh i gotta fix my wacom driver here it's not got my pen correctly not calibrated let me calibrate this you guys can watch me calibrate real quick that's exciting stuff i know there we go much better okay so ralph 3am in brazil where else we got people so we got 3am in brill brazil mr samson thanks for joining me yeah right this i thought too would be perfect i like it you're going right into my joke here i've been working on this gremlin what great you know stop working on the gremlin before midnight my time right but in all actuality um i've just been having a lot of fun making this guy so i want to get it done so that i'm just going to sculpt some things on here tonight with him we're going to be taking questions uh we're going to be going for this but you know before we get into all of this uh i want to first start off with the announcement that we have released a free version of zbrush and this is called zbrushcore mini so this has pretty much got sculptures pro as its main feature and it's a great way to just get in digital sculpting do we have anybody in here that's never used zbrush so far or is everyone a zebra user for the people that are watching right now i'm intrigued if you're if you're never used zebras for raise your hand now go perfect i can't see anything you're doing okay i am crazy doing this stream at this night right but why not let's try something different okay oh i'm glad you guys you're enjoying zbrushcore mini okay so again for those that don't know this is a free version of zbrush so now you've got three levels of zbrush to get into you've got zbrushcore mini you got zbrushcore and then of course you got zbrush which is slowly now becoming zbrush professional in a sense right uh you're fairly new john only a couple months so what are you even using john zbrush or zbrushcore because now there's obviously also this mini version so i'm going to dive into this in the beginning uh because i just want to make sure and show this and answer any questions that are coming out we just released this all my days are bleeding together right now uh wednesday uh so there you go so but you're just going to go here to download it's free to download you just got to make an account a pixel logic account and there you go you'll have the mini available for you okay uh i'm going to be looking at zbrush central often because one of the cool new things that's in the zbrushcore mini is the ability of the way we you can save all the files so instead of just saving like a project we now have what we call an i uh an image 3d so an image 3d by a gif or png so right here you can see on gbrushcentral there's actually a post we started for people to start sharing your work so this is actually a model so i can download one of these models and actually start working on it right so here's stuff that joseph's done and during his stream people have put other models up here so you can start sculpting zbrush mini uh superscore mini and uploading him right here and other people can grab them so this is pretty cool so i want to kind of highlight that and show that there's pretty cool models in here i'm going to grab the that first one this one right here so all i got to do is just do a save as that's it and then i'm just going to save it to my desktop let's see i'll save it on my desktop and there we go okay so let me let me get in there first before we start diving more deep into my my gremlin he's just fitting to do on a night stream so here is zbrushcore mini all right so like i said it's all sculptures pro driven so you could just start going right um you only have a limited number of brush compared to zbrushcore and zbrush so you've got these brushes right here which you've got eight brushes total you've got some madeira materials to switch through so you can click on on any material that you have right here which again is just eight materials to work with so we were trying to really make this as simple as possible easy to get into get used to being able to sculpt in something like zbrush and now you're in the zbrush world okay you john you can grab for many posts so you can share this anybody you can put this in an email if you want these files uh that's why we wanted to come up with this extension because we thought something like this for this free version were people working would be a very cool way to save files would be an image because then it's doing two things right you can see what the model is right and then you can actually load the model from that image so it's pretty cool to be able to do this right so for example this is just me now just pulling on this and you can see what sculptures pro is going to do it's dynamically tessellating so this is going to be driven by draw size right so if i go with a smaller draw size you'll get more tessellation what that means is it's adding more information as you can see here right and then you can see what you're going to be able to do with this okay so this is very cool to be able to do something like this right so that model i just pulled off the website okay is something is easy to load now over here on the top left you got an open and save project okay so if i want to go open that one i just click on the open it's going to say hey do you want to save your masterpiece at least that's what i think of my head this is a masterpiece i'm going to say no right and then i'm going to grab there's the file right there okay okay and then now i want to start loading it so this is going to be able to do several things that you can go with so you can start from a sphere which is just clicking on this button here you can start from a cube or i.e a rectangle okay which the nice thing about this it's going to have already in essence like a noise to it um and then to your question the slash brush yeah it's a lot like the the demian standard that you find in zbrushcore um and zbrush it's not exactly like that but it's very similar in the sense you can slash into the surface right so this project's nice because you can just start with a stone in essence a stone slab it's like you know the renaissance days of working i'm a big fan of using clay build up to start blocking things in it's just a really quick way to start working right so if i want to start sculpting some kind of face coming out of this right you just start blocking this off and start working on it and let your imagination take over right that's obviously that's the fun part about all of us being artists we're just going to let wherever the sales take us that's where we're gonna go with it right so just start making some kind of maybe head start mapping that out start figuring out what this is going to be so let's take since we're doing gremlins let's start with a sphere and make like a really quick like how i would start to do a gremlin in uh in this version of using the zbrushcore mini and then we'll head back over to zbrush uh the full version and then we'll get working on like the details of our gremlin okay yeah this is exactly like the michelangelo challenge for those that were here for the summit when we did the michelangelo challenge this is pretty much what this came from was from that michelangelo challenge this this is what everybody used to start off from i'm so sad you always got to make the sad orbital bone i find that's really really helpful because this is becoming like a sad alien now hmm shad right and then right it's it's it's really just fun to just sit and throw out some sculpts you know just whatever i can come up with just start going at it so i really really enjoy the process here right so oh you you recommend many to a few friends right now it's not possible to do the the gift the image 3d gifs or the image 3d pngs with the full version we introduced it with this version so of course that's uh possibly going to be added into the core into the full version here in the near future okay ruby so you're just joining us this is a new version of zbrush that we launched just a couple days ago so this is zbrushcore mini this is a free version of zbrush that you can get it's available to anybody that wants to get sculpting it's a great way to get moving and get into the digital world of sculpting and also get in the world of the zbrush family right uh i know for me when i discovered zbrush and i'm like wow this is giving me everything i i've wanted any modeling as a modeling guy like you know in college i had to do like animations and stuff too but i always just really enjoyed like this is a lot of fun for me taking like just a sphere and making it and it's becoming now just some this human alien figure that i don't know what i'm doing with that i'm working on right and then you can start all over again that's the nice thing about sculptures pro ability is being able to start like this okay so again because it's zbrush late night we're going to continue working on this because i really want to get this gremlin done and i want to talk about cnc machining it because hopefully i can get this guy cnc machined if not that i'm going to 3d print it probably in ftms and i've already prepped my wife said i'm gonna in my office here outside i'm gonna put a catch a bunch of gremlins like hey they're hanging out kind of protecting my uh guy i would probably not do this on our three axis cnc it'd probably more like a seven axis what i would really like to do is actually print in wood um and i'll show you when we go back and i'll show you kind of where my mind is going because i want to do like two different shades of wood like i want to do a skin in one shade and some of the other parts like the eyes and and the shoulder plates and his all his teeth and all the spikes and like a different wood i think it'd be cool to see that it's just something different because i'm so used to doing other 3d prints so i want to do something different and do that in wood yeah you can absolutely make this hollow if you want remind me mr samson and i'll show you how we would go about making this hollow okay um we're not gonna have the ability to make hollow in the zbrushcore mini but we can definitely uh make this guy hollow okay so once again for those that are just joining me okay i'm going to first start my stream with playing a little bit with zbrushcore mini which we just announced we just launched this week so again you can come here to mini okay that's the home page here i'll put that actually for those that maybe have never tried it yet you can go in there yeah i'm planning to show joe how to do 3d printing i know joseph drust did did some uh did a 3d printing on his stream a little bit ago with his um fourth installment of the proco streams he did so there's the link to the web page that i'm at right now so you guys just have it right there okay so since we're going gremlin world let's go back into this and i'm going to start with the sphere okay and let's go ahead and just start making like a gremlin in here right and then we'll bounce back over into the full version of zbrush so he's got to be a little bit like that and then yeah all right just get a general shape just start moving around some stuff it's a little bit wider i'm looking at my reference again i've i'm i've got my own little gremlin here that i'm kind of looking at again for those don't know so i'm kind of using that as my my reference guide here just to quickly base out the head shape that i'm going for for this guy all right so we got something right again i'm a big fan of the clay buildup brush so i'm going to start putting in some brows and again the larger the brush size you go okay the bigger the triangle is going to be the smaller brush size you go the smaller the triangles are going to be i'm going to use snakehook a lot probably for this especially for the ears it just makes sense it's going to be an easy way to do the ears and then obviously i'm going to use a lot of move brush i'm a big fan of the move brush for sure uh it's probably every one of us are using that brush especially those that maybe have never been here before so i'm just going to start blocking i got to get used to i'm so used to using my hot keys for my brushes uh that's the only thing i got to get used to when i'm in this version is i don't have my my hot keys for my brushes so let's block this out a little bit more i'm going to switch to the old handy dandy move again see it's just a simple brush to start blocking some things out i'm looking at this profile view it's got to have a nose gotta give them a big enough mouth okay yeah there we go something like this and just start moving around pieces that's all i'm looking to do right now just to get some bone quick structure i'm always thinking about the bone structure when i'm doing this i just think you should be doing that regardless uh you should always thinking about bone structure when you're sculpting in my opinion it's just gonna make things a lot easier for you um when you start working on items right so i would recommend thinking in that sense as well always think about some bone structure in your model so i'm just going to quickly put a mandible or i.e you know jaw line okay you can't poly paint in this version of the mini you can change the color and we can look at them in a different color so if i want to put them in the green we can look at them in a green but there's no poly painting available in the zbrushcore mini so there's no embedding of color at all so it's just it'll save a project and then if you're going to save out the 3d imaging this will all save like this but there's no poly painting so there's no embedding of the color actually on the model uh mr samson so you know so let's start doing some snake hook okay let's go ahead and start giving him some ears and then you know i'm gonna go away from the green and it's just because i know when i started the last one i i don't want it to look like yoda because i'm trying to do a gremlin dude here so his ears would come out like this let's say and then let's give him a lot more ear that way and then i want to push this and give it a little suction and then let's and smooth that back start giving me a little bit more polygons is what i'm doing um what is nice too and remember this sculptures pro mode is available in zbrush it's available in zbrushcore as well oh my project with my ground from the streams what about it you're asking me can i embed the color just yeah yeah i can all the paint that i started playing with last stream all that would embed and be in the model for sure 100 because you have the ability to poly paint in there right so it'd be cool if some of you guys want to start going downloading this mini and that that scene i just shared with you on zbrush central again put some models up there and if you guys got something you put up there and you want me to pull it up even in this stream we can do that that'd be a lot of fun uh that's what joseph was doing in his stream when we announced it that's what him and i were planning to do in our our stream together uh but things did not work out joseph kicked me out he said you're you're no good now but uh so we can do that with this stream too so i'm just so you can see i'm just quickly i'm going to throw that slash in now just kind of refine some of these shapes i want to go smaller give myself a little more details i found like for the gremlin doing a little bit of this wiggliness to my stroke so not just being so straight like that worked really well for uh this guy so i really liked what i would get from it so again let's give him a little he needs this let's see we're looking at the front okay he's got also a built up brow back here so give them a little more volume right here yeah there i think i probably i've been having a lot of fun honestly sculpting a gremlin i would probably do more if i had the time so let's uh just give them some simple eyes right now and mini's not going to have the ability for subtools so i'm doing everything all in one mesh and right now i'm just trying to block out parts of where some of his major anatomy would go and then taking a look at that making sure we're not too far out far out enough i think i need to pull that brow a little bit more so let's let's adjust this a little bit more and go with a little bit bigger draw size so we can smooth that back this is what's nice about sculptures pro is it's so easy to push things back and kind of like start over like you can kind of use it as an eraser in an essence okay so that's pretty cool to be able to do that yeah mr sands and if i'm in the in the full version or zbrush core version if you're using some poly paint okay yeah if i save out a ztl or a project they're gonna get that paint for sure what's your question about masking specifically can you expand upon that a little bit more about what you mean does masking work the same are you referring to in the zebra's core mini zbrushcore mini does not have masking again we were our our target here in our dia here is can people get into sculpting this way right is this going to be a great way for them to start going which we're pretty happy about and i think it is um i know joseph was talking about his kids getting involved my daughter likes to sit on my lap she was even playing she would even play in the full version of zbrush so this just makes it easier for her to start going at things right so our goal here is to get people to join the digital revolution of sculpting on a computer right because all this is is just a different medium that's all we're doing here right we're still all artists um you know we all have different backgrounds probably whether we started you know really honestly i didn't start as a sculptor per se is as a child or anything it wasn't like i was not big into carrying around like clay and having all that like don't get me wrong i play with some play-doh like everybody every kid probably but i was way more adamant of a drawer and i think what changed for me was uh jurassic park and terminator 2. when i saw those two movies i said what is this this is so cool um and i was like i got to get into this i want to get into digital um that's my where i'm really intrigued so that's really honestly i didn't start until then then you're talking that was my high school years to date myself um because what was that uh terminator 2 was it was right before my high school so that was middle school it's terminator 2 i want to say is 91 and jurassic park was like 93. um and i started high school in 93. yeah 93 so those movies changed my life man i will never ever forget those movies they will always be near and dear to me uh it put me where i'm at today so c'est la vie say la vie say la vie all right so the brow needs to come down more like that and the top one let's give them a little bit just like us we got a little bit of bone structure right here it is a gateway dru it is a gateway 100 right you get lost you know look at you know look at me just right now doing this stream at 11 o'clock at night for me right right but morning and some of you i know mr sins and you said right you're in brazil and it's 2 3 in the morning and it's dedication man that's awesome i i don't know what to say for the fact that you're up with me right now that's just incredible i know there's a lot of other ones of you right now in this stream just chilling so again i'm using the zebras core mini right now to just kind of map some things out uh i can throw this up on that page if you guys wanted to pull it up once i get it to a point where i think it's somewhat reasonable uh halfway decent at least i'm far from that being halfway decent right now but we can share it that's the beauty that's the beauty of this is being able to share these and you guys can take my gremlin and go from there make it better make your own gremlin that you want so let's build up the nose a little bit here it's got to have a little bit more nose all right yeah freedom yeah yeah look at that little slash again go with the smaller just start putting in a little bit more detailing through where i want all right that's a little much in there and let's go back to my clay buildup then we need his surface structure here to build up for his mouth through here all right this definitely needs to come out a lot more through here get a little bit more bone in that he's got a they got very different more bone structure right got to make sure you're moving around a lot that you know what's really nice about this too i'm finding like you know for sculpting whether you're hard surface or organic i for me i think the most important stage is the beginning stage that first 20 of sculpting is so crucial you'll land so much it doesn't matter how cool i make his his skin at the end of the game or or all the scales i might be putting in them if i don't have proper proportions if i don't have good bone structure that makes sense um that's gonna stand out to you the user immediately you're gonna see that and go something's off uh so what's nice about this sculptures sculpture this uh zbrushcore mini is i think that's really what it's also stemming down to i'm really just focusing on making it look like just a gremlin in essence right i'm not getting leveraged up on too much of the big details i'm just you know figuring out what i want this to look like yeah there and i think that's just it's so important um it's going to make and it's just for me i had my own epiphanies where i would be like i like to call it dirtying the sculpt or mucking the scalp i'm sure you guys all had like you're kind of sculpting and then it's like also it's two hours later you're like okay it looks nothing different than when i started that's that's a sign that you should probably walk away um and sculpt another day or maybe go watch a movie or a tv show or something and then come back to your piece right um because you're just not visually seeing what's wrong with what's going on in high school oh what was i drawing man i was drawing anything i could i took a lot of i took some ap art classes in high school actually and my high school in western new york actually had one of the best photography branches in all new york state at that time and so i got really into photography so i was doing a lot of photography we had dark rooms we were doing color we were doing black and white and i did two years in advance art which was pretty much supposed to be prepping you for college you had to submit a whole portfolio and everything but that was all drawing there's only like a couple sculpting things i did so it's kind of weird to me how i switched gears and i'm going to be honest with you it was zbrush that made me switch my gears too it wasn't just only those movies uh the minute i saw zbrush at sig graph uh i want to say sig graph i'm trying to think maybe 04 somewhere around there so because i've been using zbrush for about 16 years 15 years something like that so yeah happy little trees let's give them let's give them a little neck because i think that'll help get my anatomy a little bit better okay so again easy just throw this in clay buildup so do we have anybody joining us right now that has never seen zbrush or uzbrush do we have any other new people i know we had one person when we first started uh i'm just intrigued what we got who we have in this stream i know we've got some some regulars which is just awesome that you guys are all everyone's joining me on this circus ride of a zbrush at night so that's honestly truly that's amazing i'm honored that you guys would want to spend some more time with my crazy wackiness uh i don't know why you would but welcome to the craziness that that's me okay 2013 jason martin's presentation at siggraph james it's not possible to mask um inside the rush core mini no there's no masking all right yeah yeah all right let's let's go ahead this is it's got a ways to go it's not it's it's starting to get there it's starting to become a little bit of a gremlin it's not amazing but we're starting to make something that is resembling a little bit of a gremlin we're going somewhere that's that's that much i do know where we're going i don't know man don't try i never know where i'm going i just just go yeah there and then yeah this brown needs to come way more down that brow line right there i think he's and then having this yeah there you go let's see how that's looking it's looking better and then i've been putting spikes on mine like in the full version right so i'll throw some spikes on this guy too and then i'll put them up on this page again and then you guys can download this and make this look better than what i am doing right now uh for sure but i think it's all a discovery right of what we're doing oh boy let's actually dig in i find making cavities for eyes is actually pretty crucial this is the part where i miss having a sub tool but that will make things a little more complicated um just looking at the proportions right now seeing if i really have things lined up right okay so let's let's save this out so you guys can see this saved out and then some of you could even if you want to go pull on this and start working on this a little bit more i just look like angry giovanni you really enjoying zbrushcore mini that's awesome mr kyle you're up using yeah i'm using the zbrushcore mini for the beginning but i'm i really want to finish my gremlin so i'm definitely going to go back into the into zbrush the full version ie it's not called pro but just i'm gonna just call it more of a pro level uh more advanced level now now especially now that we've got zbrushcore zebra's core mini and fold zbrush so there's many ways that we can get into anybody else all right okay so it's a really bad gremlin right now okay so saving this out i can just use the shortcut i can actually prep this for 3d printing as well so i have a button right here this is what will allow you to export an obj this is the only thing we're allowing to export there's absolutely no importing in zbrushcore mini so none of that's possible it's only exporting and saving so i can export obj with this camera with this uh icon right here which looks like a 3d printer i can save an image right here and then over here is your folders for loading and saving so let's save out my gremlin here [Music] and let me post it in that zbrush central then some of you guys can go grab it so again i'm in zbrushcentral right for those that have never been there why not okay no you can't import you you can't import anything uh but you can load a it which is new work it's called we came up with this idea of uh image 3d gif or an i minute i uh image 3d gif or image 3d png which that image is storing the actual model right so again coming back here i do this save as you have your options right here right so either an image 3d gif image png or just a zbrush project okay so i'm just going to click on the gif okay and i'm going to call it a gremlin save it yeah i'm going to replace it and then now that's a gif image that is hosting the actual model information so i'm going to come here on i'm going to put it in this thread right here right so i'm going to reply to this thread and then let's put that up let me i gotta log in that's that's usually helpful i'm not logged in right now so there's my username so you guys can see my username and my password okay so let's go ahead and reply some one make this gremlin look better okay and then i'm just going on my other monitor i'm just gonna launch my my windows finder in essence and go to our my file is saved uh which i put it on my desktop that i'm not let's see this is where i put on my did i not was i not paying attention uh i see the png did i put it somewhere else cuz i swear i saved on my desktop am i not seeing it hold on where did i save it save us oh my documents uh paul it's what let's i'm going with the late night man i'm going late night so again i'm going to just click and drag my gremlin gif over here right so drag that in okay let it upload it's done and then there you can see it right and this is telling you that it's an actual 3d file i just reply there's a thread and now you can all go grab this file and load it in your own zbrush core mini okay i like it mr samson it's a good guess it's the password but no right so this is we wanted to give this ability to really easily pass along files more quickly than just having an actual obj or stl so you can either do it by a png or a gif obviously the gif is going to have moving snow as i like to call it the png's will look more like i think there's one up here on the top now that's just a jpeg i could have swore i saw one earlier right here you go this is a png one right so this is what a png one will look like and then all your gifts will have the snow or background right and this is only for mini uh yeah it's possible for it coming to the full version uh i can't say for sure but you know you never know now he's just looking more like oh hey oh god he needs a lot of love someone please download that file and do a better grammar in mini than what i've been doing tonight this is just just pitiful especially after been i've been working on a gremlin just well i don't i need more jaw too here it doesn't have enough build up here see bone structure bone structure people so important so important this is definitely a lisa needs braces moment lisa needs braces lisa needs braces right get some bone structure in there right that'll help me land everything that i'm trying to land through here and i'm going to get rid of this smile just to give a little bit more volume through the face here use more volume here more volume here and then this structure needs to come over here so again i'm just using zbrushcore mini to do a quick little block out right of a gremlin and then we'll head over to the zbrush 2020 uh 1.4 in the very first edition the grandpa of g brush the original zbrush um there you go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's getting somewhere it's starting to happen the snake hook will definitely help us you know throw in a little bit of what's haps on there on that jaw a little bit kind of break up that jawline a little bit and then putting spikes on snake hooks awesome for this right that you could just pull on some spikes if you want to through here and then some spikes through here right and then i put on some spikes through here as well so maybe just throwing a couple different variations in here switch that old slash now i want to accent that a little bit more so i'm going to dig in so it looks like it is digging into some skin on him and then throw a little bit of clay build up and start making that skin have some build up right through here definitely want him to feel like that that's is breaking through his skin it's crucial right so this is what i mean by the bone structure and setting things up like something like this you know i wouldn't start doing until i'm really got everything proportions and everything done right it's i can't stress it enough how important it is so now i'm just getting lost in sculpting this one's too big i don't like how big this one no no no back up back it up back it up at this point i'm just like just be art be something cool please god be good go go run run run out there thanks marty not really but uh i wanted to do something in the zbrushcore mini at the beginning of my stream here we're going to head over now to the [Music] full version of zbrush and start to work on that because i really really really want to get that one done and then start also doing the uh to the point of 3d printing so i'll just add a little bit more elements to this and then we'll we'll save this one out too as a gif then you guys can go and grab that one again if you guys are during this stream you're sculpting something in mini and you want me to pull it up and take a look at my mini that would be awesome that'd be a great way to just have some fun together you know you guys are all here with me so we might as well be doing this stuff together now this is definitely when i want to start breaking some some symmetry just get some quickness wrinkling in here and his neck it's got a very small jaw that needs a lot more jaw definitely a lot more drawn yeah there we go there we go now we're starting to get a little bit more grim unlike starting starting to ming him a lot yes listen i didn't say i can you know this isn't broadway for me i don't know why i'm singing just go with it just have fun with it you're here with me let's just keep going uh well i have the sims because i have a bunch of little graphics here because i like to use this this graphic to tell you like hey pay attention i'm going to tell you something important for those that know me this is kind of my stuff and then this is not one of my favorites look up here look at me look up here i'm gonna do something for it and then you know we made this version for you the users so you're gonna go the 80s version or you can go the new version right so just fun just some fun stuff i like to do when i'm streaming it's not like it's anything important i just like to i am wild and a little bit crazy so i just like to have some fun when i'm doing this all right all right all right all right let's put a little indentions in here and his ears breaks that up a little bit uh i really liked using the clay build up to give some texturing in the back of the ear and just let the brush stroke actually give that texturing right and then i pushed it back a little like very lightly like i found this to be a really beautiful soft skin technique right it really starts to look pretty cool um this way just break up oh that's too much i don't want that much break it up break it up yeah now we're starting out all right let's save this one out and then let's get into zbrush and start working on the other gremlin that's in the zbrush version yes i'll let you guys now play with this the three amigos was an amazing movie a while and crazy guy a crazy guy uh taking this into zbrush 2020 yeah you can you can take this as a project i have to save a project and throw it in zbrush i can't do the opposite i can't take something from zbrush and put it in mini i can take something from core and just open it in mini but then i'll only be able to still sculpt only in one sub tool because obviously in zbrushcore you have the ability to sculpt on multiple subtools as well so i can't stop looking at stuff that's wrong in this and then just wanting to fix it i just can't get away from it yeah there you go all right all right let's see i want the ears to have a little more volume to them and they should come closer to his head and let's make these a lot bigger let's make them have big ears like me man car doors are open yeah let's make the here's be a lot more going on yeah those are ginormous ears now ginormous just huge ears why not all right let's save this out so i'm going to save this as a gremlin 2 let's let's put this on my desktop this time grandma and two save that again let's go back to zebra central so you guys are able to get it so again i'm just going to the homepage of zebra central for you all and right here there's the eye image 3d community expo so click on that and let's reply and another pass on the ground which by the way too we did an update already to zebra's core mini today so for those that have it you guys probably were told by the application that there's an update i would definitely go ahead and update to that because i'm in that version i'm in the zbrushcore mini 2020.1.6 the release one that we released on um wednesday was 20.1 20.1.5 so you want to get in definitely the new one there it is gremlin 2. let me populate that let it upload and you can you can you can put this anywhere but just keep in mind you don't want to recompress this or anything because we're doing stuff with this is in essence a special gif format in a special png format and so there we go so there's the first one you can see we can even see the difference right there so there you go you guys can definitely start like i said people have been sharing in here some models they've been doing it's a very fun way to uh share files it's just cool to be able to see it and see what it's going to be uh then go from there oh you didn't update your robocop your robocar was awesome i was watching during the stream it was it was pretty cool i loved it okay so i'm going to go now into foalsie brush uh and start working on this guy again and really start thinking about what i want to do with him so i think i'm going to turn off we'll keep the layers on here and let's see what we got all right perfect though oh yeah let's see oh even worse just seeing what i have in here i'm gonna smooth these back a little bit i don't like how much they're standing out i'm gonna make them less noticeable right now they're distracting me okay so the head is obviously where we left off last time i've turned off my layers so you can see all the scaling we talked about that uh i want to start working a little bit more on his back his shoulders okay um and start going from there let's again i always like to put a little bit where we're sitting here so we'll put him like that he's a little too much he's a little it's a little it's a little much it's a little much let's see let's put them right there and let's put the back right there so it's just a great little referencer of like where i was and then where i'm going with this guy okay so i want to put i think i want to put some spikes through here like kind of going down his his own scapula i think i want to play with that a little bit so again i can sit and start playing on this and this has got some layers so i'm just going to bake them all for now so start working on what i want this to do and what i want to have happen in here with this right so i'm going to also let's bake all these for now change my lighting up again i'm going to throw in a secondary light along the top here again i like to work with a my second light to have some color in it whether you're going to go warm it's really up to you and it might help if i select a material that can take on the light which you got to select a standard material and i want this light to be a rim light so i'm going to click on this little circle here this little dot for the light and make it be a rim light i think there's too much blue let's kick it back some more okay let me see yeah it helps me catch things like that's nice in there that i normally wouldn't maybe see so this is why sometimes i like to add a rim light especially when i'm sculpting um it's only going to be beneficial for me and like i said there's a lot of times i stay in more of the warm color i kind of like the warm color more especially with this gray i think it looks better and it'll help me catch things so how i'm making uh the reference images on the right side and just plopping all i'm doing is just plopping them down to the document so you just position your model wherever you want and then you hit shift s and that's dropping the model to the document which our document has the ability to have two and a half d so that's all i'm doing so i just kind of wanted to put it there so i can see where i was and then where i'm going is a fast way okay john you want them more visible the red blue line so these axis points here so yeah we're already doing it people we're going on some tangents we're going on some tangents okay so to play with that floor grid it's in your draw palette so the draw palette is hosting the the floor in your camera so right here you have your floor all right so in this section right here is all my floor settings if i open up my modifiers there's an opacity control here so you can see i can make the floor stand out more i can kick it way back so the floor almost disappears if i want okay and then your lines what you're going to be able to do okay is play with your access points right here so you can actually make them longer right here so maybe this is also going to help will help you is having the lines here where you can change the size of them but you got an opacity control which is going to also bump your floor up as well as you can see but you can change your floor color right so like right here see this grid color if i click and drag the document you can see it pretty much disappears right i can make it orange i can make this any color i want right so it's your world man it's your world there happy little trees happy little trees so in the draw palette that's all you're doing go down to this modifier section within the floor palette and then you got an opacity control and then you got an access line right there and then john you had to clear those images yeah it's just control n you're right on that you're right on the head yep okay so now let's go ahead and start playing with his back a little bit here i'm gonna i want to put some spikes through here so i've got a body here right that i've obviously been sculpting on so i'm gonna duplicate this body and i'm going to look at only this body and i have subdivision levels on it i don't need the 3 million to do what i'm about to do so i'm going to knock this way down i just don't want to lose majority of the models silhouette and form so and then i'm going to delete the subdivision levels so something more like this right and i'm going to put some spikes on him okay so i'm going to use you can use if you want to mult multiple things and try i'm just going to insert like some shapes so i'm just going to use the insert mesh here and i'm going to grab a sphere right and i'm going to say okay this and then i can have that kind of look to it now this is sitting right on the surface that's not what i want to do okay thanks man for the thanks for letting tell me i did hey anything i didn't keep you up right now okay or unless it's the afternoon for you wherever you are in the world okay i can't i can't see the whole name uh one of these days i'll get a new monitor okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to the brush palette okay this is definitely one of these this is definitely one of those lisa needs braces lisa needs braces moments and i'm going to go to the depth and by default this sphere is set to 100 for the embed value so if i put this to zero and i draw you can see now half the sphere is sitting inside the surface and half the sphere is sitting outside the surface this is actually what i want i want the spheres to be sitting a little bit out okay and a little bit in so what i'm going to do also is when i'm doing this i'm going to pull down and then pull back what that's going to do is stretch these out so i want them to be more on an angle like this maybe and then now i have the masking i just want the spikes to be a little bit more like this okay so we can keep doing it this way right where i'm adding one at a time right but this might not be the workflow that you're looking for that's why you might want to add them based upon a brush okay david i'm glad you can't well if you can't sleep david i'm glad you're here with me right so this is an easy way of doing it just just keep adding right a little bit of some structure through there you know what i want to i'm going to bring them more along this line right here this line right here i'm i'm preferring so i want to put up there there there and there let's go a little bit bigger yeah that looks good and now i just want to reposition them a little bit okay and if with the gizmo selected okay you can see if i hold down the control key and click on the spheres they are selected okay and the reason why i did the duplicate of the body is i can't draw on subdivision levels so in essence i'm just using the body as my placement area they're not actually that's it and i'm now going to delete this body okay thanks thanks ash thanks for coming in i'm glad you uh think my gremlin's cool my goals are trying to get this done so now i have these and now i can just delete this so in essence instead of worrying about right this gremlin guy and drawing him and he's got subdivision levels i just duplicated it so i can just pretty much do these spikes that i want so now these are my back spikes that i want to start putting on here so for me this was important uh because i want to first just kind of lay down where these are going to be and i'm going to come out of symmetry mode because i don't want these to be the same everywhere right uh i wanted to be a little different i think the snake hook would be great for this but i actually like using also snake hook 2 because snake hook 2 is going to pull along the normals where snake hook is doing screen dependency so i'm just going to maybe let's go a little bit bigger and i'm going to throw on the sculptures pro because it's a quick way to that's a that's a little aggressive yeah yeah something like something like that i like that better let me pull on this yeah just give him give him a little bit more something back here too uh especially since like i said i'm planning the cnc print this hopefully is my goal again it's a dream i have of i always say i'm gonna do things and then life takes over so i don't like this one let's reposition this a little bit more yeah like like that better and not dial it back yeah they're much better much better just giving some variations to them in here get some with going through here and again everybody ask fire away any questions you might have you know how we like to go on tangents when i stream right now i'm just going for it you have triple a's in the house one of our regulars ashley adams in here with us she's an amazing artist she's streaming on our channel here all the time ash thanks for joining me it's like two in the morning your time right now what were you what are you doing up you can you can say you were playing a video game weren't you were you playing a video game it's okay or were you sculpting which one was it it's a 50 50. yikes i don't like that one at all let me reposition that a little bit more yeah that's better yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and now that i have these all kind of like separated the way they are um what's great for me is once i'm done kind of this i can still do some more messing around with them um and i like to use a particular brush for that and i like to be able to rotate these and play with these so what i'm going to do is in my poly grouping here okay so right now they're all the same so i'm going to hit this auto group so they all get different polygroups every time you click it each shell gets its own nice check those invoices working right the midnight oil i'm a midnight oil kind of guy i like to work the midnight oil myself when i'm working especially like in a rhythm i don't even realize what time i can tell how many times i'm like oh my god it's three in the morning what am i doing uh so i'm good with this i'm gonna go ahead and now we're going to z remesh this up which is just one click of the button and i know that's simple enough okay and these are all again different polygroups so now what's beauty is i can use things like this gizmo right so i can say control click and then now i can move this one around a little bit maybe reposition it down here and then control click this reposition this may change the rotation i'm going to center it just putting it somewhere a little bit different and maybe follow where i want it to go yeah this one i'm going to move here this one i'm going to rotate and move that one there i want to follow a little bit more this structure that i have going through there okay uh this one over here let's move that one yeah yeah this is gonna be so much fun to uh have him be done and see what he's gonna look like yeah it's going to be good times put them with my original gremlin that i have from gremlins 2. that'll be cool let me here's the gremlins 2 and here is my rendition of my gremlin okay okay so all right i'm liking those i like where they're positioned so i want to make it again like the skin okay uh i want that to kind of look like it's breaking through the skin on him can you remind me wearing the option that is lowering poly count while moving for smoother navigation totally forgot that's going to happen automatically so when you when you start rotating we automatically drop so you can see the body sees becoming dropping that's done automatically you just have to make sure you have subdivision levels okay on the body right now i'm on the spike sub tool so i have to go up to the body which now i'm on the body right and you can see this has five subdivision levels so when i start moving it'll actually do that now you could also be referring to over here in the solo mode which now i'm just only looking at the body right what you can also do is turn on this dynamic so i'm going to turn on the magnifier let's see can you guys see it so down here so where that actually is in the transform so that you guys can see it excuse me see it better than down there where i have it okay because my uh my stuff is blocking it okay so you want to be able to while you're moving you can actually solo things out while you're moving okay so right here's the solo button and then this word dynamic that's in the solo button so you can see you can click on it and it becomes brighter white and when it's this this is pretty much on so what that tells zbrush is also when i rotate hide all the other sub tools while i'm navigating and then bring them all back so this is why you see like my head and everything else flashing because the only thing i have selected right now is the body right so then the body always stays on so that's what that dynamic also will do for you so maybe that'll help you as well okay does that help your question for you oh are you upbeat music now what's the music change to ashley yeah no it doesn't need to be turned on it's just you have to have subdivision levels that's all okay so again i want to be on the body here i'm only sending about 3 million uh he's got more on them so now i'm going to turn off sculptures pro i don't want sculptures pro on this and i'm just going to start now what's nice about this and why i put the spikes first is zbrush will not let me sculpt in the middle of these spikes now so because this sub tool is here right so it looks like i see i can start building up the surface and it already starts to look like these are like it's coming out of his skin and that's that's really what i want i'm going to start bulking up right and again the the important part for me is here is i'm really in close right so it is pretty faceted it doesn't look amazing right now oh and i have symmetry on so you can see the difference right over here you can see what's happening right there in fact i might still have let's see if i still have it i don't have a mark target on there still okay and so i like to push this back just a little bit right and then pull away and you can see how much different that looks now from a distance so obviously i need to go and clean this out and then this is why i like to work in subdivision levels i can walk down and kind of clean that up a little bit more and then there that that's gone and then it'll be gone on the other side right because right now i'm working in symmetry mode so really i should be out of symmetry mode and then just start i'm going to keep that there okay perfect right so i just like to use uh clay build up just kind of make it look like there's some skin that's being built up around these maybe you know there's skin going this way and it's meeting this patch of skin that's kind of built up because of these spikes that are coming out of his back can't be comfortable right and if you want to be able to just continue to look at the spikes you can turn on transparency right and if you have ghost transparency on you can actually sculpt through the spikes so the way because maybe i just want to make sure i build up a little more surface here so you can do that as well and then turn off transparency and you can see what i'm getting now right so i like to do a combination of this um and then again i like to dial it back a little bit and right now i'm just only hitting it with clay build up so i definitely want to start putting some wrinkling through here all right make that skin come to life a little bit more right all right all right and then you guys you got to learn to pull away a little bit and look and see where you're at from a different distance and you got to remember what are you going to let the user see like how much how close am i going to like am i going to do a render this close to the spikes um probably not so should i be spending a ton of time on this no i should just sell the point of what i'm trying to get here yeah there yeah there we go now we're starting to make something happen here and i'm going to switch that damien standard yeah i turn symmetry off because i don't want this to be symmetrical uh i am i'm no longer symmetrical in this model at all i don't want symmetry anymore at all i want a symmetry start to happen here i'm just going to try and make it look like his skin is being pulled this is the damage and holding that alt key is a great way and then then push it back a little bit with some smoothing brush and you'll get subtle just pushing a pulling of the skin and that's definitely what i want let's add some more accenting parts to this all right and then now i'm just going through this process making sure that i get a little bit more here i would definitely want more skin movement happening through here because if his arms are moving a lot there should be a lot of skin movement happening through here and i'm going to start making some more decisions here on what i want to have happening on the skin i think a great technique for skin is x y so making x's or like a y so you make an essence make this is not my technique my man brian wade showed me this technique so there's a y and then doing an x right when you pull away you can dial that back a little bit even that'll start bringing some skin look to your model and i'm a little over doing it i don't want that much i just want a little bit of just some bubbling up of the skin here definitely in the armpits so i'm just using the damian standard brush right now to give me this ability to really make it look like there is something going on over here on this side of his body you can't be afraid to get a little extreme to it first because it's not like you can't dial it back it can always be dialed back if you need to be you know if you're not too sure about your strokes you know maybe use some use some um layering i just want to start making it look like there is clearly skin being pulled on this guy that's all i want to start doing now so and then of course i will give this treatment on both sides of his body so this is i'm just trying to bring some vertebrae more alive here right and we know that the vertebrae just keeps continuing down the spine so i'm not trying to get too crazy and in fact i think a little bit of this what i put in needs to be dial back so i'm going to walk down a subdivision level and just push that back right there right and then really add some more structural in there a little bit yeah there you go let's hit it with the demon standard yeah there and i know that i got other subdivision levels here okay so i know that's going to get smoothed out when i go and get up more levels so as i walk up a level right i'm adding more topology so this will get smoothed out a little bit more right so i got a little bit more like that so i like what's happening here through the skin here because again i'm going to be also putting some other skin details on this guy so this is all a lot of this is going to end up being lost and pushed back so i'm getting a little extreme on purpose uh because i'm going to do another treatment just like i have the scales up here i'm going to be doing another treatment on his body where there's going to be some kind of scaling happening here and this is what i mean by that right it just gives that feel like there's some there's some skin or some pull okay yeah 100 it's a gremlin from the 80s movies you betcha i like i'm you're going to make me cry right now the fact that you didn't that you knew as a gremlin that's that's important to me you didn't call it yoda so that means i'm doing something right if you were able to recognize welcome to the stream by the way uh thanks for tuning in uh i know there's some people here mr simpson did we lose here do you fall asleep anyway some people here in here that it was one in the morning i know for me it's 12 it's past midnight for me here in the west coast california area where's everyone else from i'm intrigued just uh i've never done one of these streams this late before for me my time zone so i'm just uh intrigued how many people we have from different parts of the world watching this yeah that's good okay i like what's going on there i'm digging it and those ribs pop a little bit more just make this pop a little bit more really like that skin yeah oh yeah like this you can make such just subtle just very soft with this brush uh is a great way and a small draw size especially for like the guy i'm doing just to give a little bit of accent to the skin nothing major here just some quick movements some quick slashing through his skin to really sell home what i'm trying to accomplish yeah i like what's going on right there let me accent that a little bit more definitely on this side i'm going to let's go a little bit deeper with that yeah okay let's get the other side now of this john ford how's it going man been a long time you're liking this late night gig what time is it for you hungry we got someone from hungary we got spain so it's nine in the morning costa rica chaos john you're in texas huh 2 19 in the morning there yeah you're two hours in front of me man i that's so awesome that you guys were willing to jump in here with me i really really appreciate it that's i didn't know what kind of audience i'd get and who would really want to be up at this time of day i know europe it's morning and russia and india and asia it's the middle afternoon so i was hoping to get a collection of people from around the world because usually uh i'm streaming at 11 in the afternoon and obviously this is the first time me trying to do a stream late at night so again i'm just trying to make it look like these are being busted through the skin okay and don't forget i'm going to have another level of subdivisions for my model right so i'll be putting even more details in this i'm just trying to make sure i sell that fact that it feels like it's being pulled like these are being pulled out of the skin right so i need to add this distressedness if you want to say to my skin pores and then push it back a little bit and then now this is where i start just okay really what's going to happen is something like that and then slightly push that back yes things will start to come alive and you notice i'm doing this kind of in stages so right now i'm just worried about my clay build a brush i'm just using that brush right now to just establish some major major folds some major huge elements that are happening on this guy right now and again by having these here these spikes already on my model i'm able to create like this distressed skin look and again this is the thing that's hard see all that fastening i don't get hung up on that because then when i pull away see that fastening disappears and unless i'm going to do this in a render i'm fine with that and i know i'm going to go up still another subdivision level and that's going to get even more smooth okay so um oleg actually since you're bringing it up we started this stream within a new version actually that we just launched this week that's free so uh if you're new to 3d and you're new to sculpting you can definitely try whatever you want but we now have zbrushcore mini which let me open that up so we launched a new version since you're just joining us so we started our stream in zbrushcore mini so right here is a free version of zbrush okay great way to get into zbrush and start going okay so it's going to be using our technology of sculptures pro to get into it but it's not free doesn't cost you anything okay so here's the page i'll put in there since you were asking um if you're just starting out and learning this is going to be perfect now the zbrushcore mini if you just get in and you're going to start with like a sphere you can start with a block of like charcoal and you can see some molds that are done in there and then we've actually been using in here on zebra central okay we've been putting models here in the image 3d let me did anybody put anything let's see let's take a look so no there's my gremlins i started the stream in in zbrushcore mini okay so i would recommend that and there's also zbrush core so in essence there's three levels of zbrush okay so there's zbrushcore mini now which is free there's zbrushcore and then there's zbrush okay so zbrushcore and zbrush there's even subscription services to them as well right so right now you could also go the subscription way if you wanted to right so just another way of getting something so you can see zbrushcore is 99.95 per month or 179.95 and we've given free upgrades for 20 years and then you can also go to zbrush you can go to our website and get the zbrush right now that i'm currently in which is the full version of zbrush there's also subscriptions for that as well okay so if we come here and we go by zbrush there's also a free trial of the regular zbrush so you can see for 39.95 per month you can get into zbrush or 179.95 every six months or perpetually 8.95 so there's many ways to get in to it there's a big difference between obviously the zbrush core family iez versus core and zebras core mini and the full z version of zbrush of course it's stripped down if you wanted to so let me come back here so zebra's core mini is just pretty much a brushes sculptures pro that's it there's no painting there's no importing ability there's only able to export an obj for 3d printing purposes that's it so the difference between zbrushcore a great place to go for that since you're asking okay so if you come here to 3d software and go to the zbrushcore page itself when we launch this we actually put a comparison page together okay so you can go right here what's in zbrushcore and then right here zbrushcore to zbrushcomparison and let me put that in the chat for you so you have it so let me reply to you there you go that way you got it so this is where you can go and see what's in zbrushcore and zbrush okay this will give you a good comparison sheet of what you can do with between the two of them okay hopefully that helps you out if not that's what we're here for that's why we're doing late zbrush late night right now right it's for us to have just some fun some casual conversation figuring out stuff and you know it's past midnight so i'm feeding my gremlin he's gotta have just some food yeah there you go just kicking that let me pull that back okay that's looking good now i'm going to hit it with some demon standard and just start making it look like their skin more wrinkling on itself again i'm not really trying to get perfection right now um because i know i'm going to go up in subdivision levels so i i think you should be when you're sculpting on this you should sculpt as much as you can on the level that you're at everywhere in the model before worrying about going up another subdivision level so i'm not going to go up another subdivision level here until i've got majority of what i'm looking to do with this figured out okay because there's just there's no point in me doing that all right let's do a little skin pull right there push that back and push that back in and he definitely needs some skin being pulled from there yes zbrush friday night yeah mr stanson i'm in the la area that you you know that's exactly where i'm in i'm in that i'm in the yellow area yep that's where i'm at yeah it's just and now i'm just trying to be a little bit light with my brush strokes and then just make him look like obviously things are getting pulled on his skin because don't forget again i'm going to be going over top of this so all this kind of that you're seeing right now a lot of it's going to get pushed away um in all honesty okay because of i'm going to need to start doing a treatment of scales on his back and through his arm right so i'm doing this with the mindset of that's going to happen i think sculpting is like plain chest or like an onion you're going to just build on top of another on top of another on top of another right so you got to remember that because if you don't it's going to be difficult to be able to see where you're trying to go with something so i'm just making sure i put some elements in here that's going uh good resources for learning zbrush it's a great question um so where you're at right now is a great resource uh as an employee of pixel logic i'm streaming on here every single week sometimes more than once a week uh we also have other employees like joseph drust solomon blair and also dice k streaming on this and then we have a lot of artists we did have ashley adams in here for a minute i don't know if she's still here watching me do whatever i'm trying to do with this guy right now but there are other resources for you to use as well that you have okay so i like that i don't know if i like what i just did it's a little too much i do use alphas um but i'm taking the approach of this guy as more of a learning so i'm taking kind of the more the old school he was made in the 80s originally so i'm taking like the workflow they would have used in the 80s where they have to hand sculpt things they didn't have the digital world like we have now so i'm just going to take this approach for this model uh but yeah i will start using and technically i am using alpha right now you know it's giving those nice skin strides or just so that there's some life in the skin there is from an alpha right so all this is from an alpha so i'm just pushing things just flicking my wrist and pulling back seeing what i have accent these a little bit more [Music] there happy little trees a little more clay build up on this part right here i just want a little bit of accent happening and it's a little too much there i like that one okay because i just want to carry the theme that i'm doing here along this and then through here do i get anxiety uh so back to the question oh we got something from mexico here too okay so um another great place for you to learn okay is we have a z classroom where we have a bunch of videos that you can go and watch for free so right here this learn zbrush tab so i'm just on our website so there's uh free z classroom training here there's third party training right you can find out what schools there's documentation online okay so you can go to this and we have projects in here that you can actually follow along for example the get started one there's this little shark guy like this is a whole project kind of from beginning to end so this is a great way to learn zbrushes using something like right something that's super difficult uh but then it's got a great learning curve that's how you learn a lot is trying to do something okay so you could go to here these are this is a great resource to go to to learn some more about how to work in zbrush and there's several project based stuff in here this that's not the only one that's in here okay um and then the z classroom you can make an actual login over here and you can come watch videos when you come back where you left off in the videos will all be in your login you can look by beginner intermediate and advanced you look by sculpting texturing rendering so i can come in here as an example [Music] they're like this is a project right here building those knives inside of zbrush doing this building landscaping right there see there's six lessons in there there's 41 videos in this one just to creating that helmet there's 11 videos dealing with panel loops here is one deal with environments from a blizzard artist showing how he kind of made that one piece right inside a zbrush okay uh so this is a great resource for you um i can't say for sure if zbrushcore mini will ever be ported to an ipad pro obviously right now you could use sidecar right i could use zbrush zbrushcore and xeroscore mini on my ipad pro with sidecar if i wanted to so that's a possibility for sure for you but i couldn't say if a yes or no answer for you unfortunately unfortunately i can't really discuss uh what we're doing development wise we're always working on something now that's all i can tell you there's always something up our sleeves i might put some spikes down his spine still haven't decided that i like where these are located just giving a little bit extra i'm liking that hey pablo welcome hello thanks for joining us thanks for being hell i'm just continuing to work on my gremlin continuing to add some sculptural element to this oh i kind of uh happy mistake right here i like what happened right there build up the surface right there yeah i like that kind of like yeah i like that right there and i'm gonna hit that with the damien standard a little bit actually i want to sell that a little bit more you know and a good thing to do if you guys really want to sell something more mask something off like this right and then switch to like i like to switch to the clay build up um and you can see see how i'm getting that lighting there that's why i like the other lighting and then now just push it back and then that's going to create that nice a little bit overlap and then what's nice to do is switch to the inflate as well right but if you remember in the brush palette and the depth we have gravity ability so it could be good to also turn on some gravity here right and even with this brush now it's going to start automatically just pulling inflating downward so it's it's having a downward motion right now on me so if we switch to another brush okay so right now i'm using this brush this demon standard so if i want to put gravity on this brush i can do that and then now you can see like this is great for like think about things like fish skin like a eel scales like see like that see now they're they're kind of going down right instead of just going straight out so don't forget about that ability to be able to play with this gravity grab brevity gravity okay so this is definitely another one of those lisa needs braces moments lisa needs braces lisa needs braces lisa needs braces lisa needs braces right to just write this down and remember this it's relative to so this is looking at it's looking at just the world space in essence okay so this little pencil looking thing controls your gravity okay so now if i want things to go up like that and if i start sculpting now with this you'll see that it's going up um here let me switch to a brush that is more noticeable so we'll throw some gravity on and i'll put it up and you can notice that when i sculpt see it's trying to push up which might give you a better result that you're looking for so that's what it's doing right it's looking at of course screen space and then now you can go to any angle you want and if you don't want it you just turn it off yeah i changed my speed we're trying to uh zbrush it late night so instead of being 11 in the morning i'm the 11 pm is when i started tonight now you can post as much as you want no no worries at all um this is a great question oleg about your the requirement to draw um and use there's really no way there's a lot of sculptors in zbrush honestly that aren't really strong people to draw you know um i wouldn't say i'm like i'm an amazing drawer anymore i don't draw as much as i used to i'm now just really trying to hone my craft in the sculpting world so i'm really been studying just sculpting techniques over the last 12 years more than drawing techniques i would love to get back into some drawing techniques and learning for some other people but it's just so hard for me to free up some time because then i got stuff like this that i'm excited about making a gremlin so i really want to get this done i just i find if i don't just keep going and plugging away it'll never get done it's going to be another one of those last sculpts that never ever gets completed and you know what i'm tired of myself not doing that i don't i think okay looking back at this i don't i don't like how strong that is actually i'm gonna push it back by walking down some levels there more like that so i don't think you really need to know anatomy a ton honestly obviously the more you know anatomy the easier it's going to get there's of course um elliot goldfinger's book is a great book for anatomy for sculptors um it is literally anatomy for artists uh i would hands down that book is every one of you that wants to learn sculpting and you want to get better anatomy this book should be on your shelf um it's probably one of the best anatomy books i've ever purchased in my life this book right here uh i use it a ton um what i love about it let me get to a good page i'll pull it up online so he breaks down i don't know how well you guys can see it right he breaks down the muscles really well well then what's really nice is he shows them um in like body movement as well so you can see the muscles firing and how they're pulling on the body um so again that's called human anatomy for artists uh let me see if i can find a link real fast for you so let me do a quick search for you here i think 100 you should have that book for artists elliot goldfinger and here it is okay i've got it here in amazon what's it going for right now on amazon i'll put it in the chat it's 47 bucks right now let me put it in the chat here for you guys looks like i need to reply here i'm just going to reply to this with that book there you go okay so there's that book for you guys i i think 100 clay sculpting is not a bad idea right even if you just get play-doh man if you want to stay just cheap just you'll because it's so much harder in clay and then you'll respect and you'll find things that hey man this is actually a lot easier digitally um and you're gonna be able to go a lot further i think if you do play with some clay a hundred percent i i think that does help i agree with your friend whoever you are speaking to for sure i think going clay is a great way to actually start learning some more um about this it's i i hate to say it it's like everything it'll all come just don't get discouraged right that as an artist we're so i don't know what the word is we're so down on ourselves or with our inabilities in our heads you got to really step away from that as much as possible um if you can because i'm telling you right now the minute i i discover you know what the scope's not going to be amazing it's not going to be really good at the beginning of where i am because i'm still just blocking things out even like this i'm not i'm not done and then you know what a sculpt is never done it's never done i want to reset all my brushes here because i've been playing with this so don't forget that you know and then just know that and then just just live that then just know okay and get it to the point where you're like okay i'm pretty happy with this and then move on or the hardest part is just making sure you get stuff done right and that's why i'm kind of working on this guy in this stream i really really really am just feeling this gremlin right now and i want to make sure i get get him done oh yeah that looks good that looks good coming together coming again come together you know i should probably save at some point here would be a good thing to do so let me save that let's see what number i like to save in iterations so right now i'm like number 24 save on this gram one right now oh the infinite depth is amazing you know i didn't think i was going to really dig it as much but i find myself using it a lot um femax i'm just seeing your questions so i'll come back to that question with an infinite depth theme x if you're still in here sorry i just saw your question right now about these these examples of the gremlin here uh i'm just positioning my model somewhere in the document okay and then i'm just hitting shift s someone i think told you already what it is so shift s as in sam as in super and then that'll snapshot okay it down will i spike the hands yeah i might throw some spike in the hands should be more really scaly um i'm going i'm putting spikes where like major bone is more bone like right here if you guys all touch this part of your face right that's your your your zygomatic right or an arch you're zygomatic and do your zygomatic arch you're pretty much it's mostly just skin to bone right there so that's where i'm thinking i'm thinking this guy's got obviously a jawline so it'll be some spiky bone parts along the top of his brow with boney and that's why he's putting by the scapula that's why i decided to put it there alone like that accent that that there's a bone there as well um and that's why i decided to do that and that's why i can put some i put some down here i don't think i'm gonna put any hands i might put one on the elbow or a little one i might do that i haven't made a decision yet for that what i'm gonna do for that for sure uh yeah so the difference between other you know zbrush think about zebras more it's a sculpting application right so that's our goal here is we're making a piece of software like doing what i'm doing right now like you can go re-watch all my streams of this gremlin this is like stream number seven of him and my very first stream it was from nothing um so you can go re-watch all the streams you can see me build this gremlin slowly uh through the streams and so this is more of a sculpting application where it's like having a ball of clay and you can move things around other 3d applications you know there's cad based applications those are using more like curves and then blocked surfaces then you have modeling applications it was more like having a box and then adding geometry which you can do inside of zbrush as well but really the guts of zbrush is all about sculpting like start from a sphere start from a cube and then it can become a gremlin it can become a car it could become whatever it is so that's your big difference is it's just the ability to pull on things all right so the infinite depth thing okay is pretty important uh i'm glad this came up i i know i showed it in one of these streams i don't remember if it was the last stream i think it was might have been in a different stream so i'm just going to switch to a move infinite depth okay so the difference here now is when i pull on this right i know it's pulling all the way through so you see the back part was even being moved as well so it wasn't just the front of him okay it's also the front and the back being pulled and so where this cursor is is looking for geometry right this geometry is sitting out further than where my brush is clicking right so i got geometry sitting out and then my brush is like clicking right here so this isn't going to move so when i do this right you can see this isn't moving but that's moving okay if i was now get out more you can see all that's moving so if i was say to do this and i start moving this i know the other side is also moving even if without symmetry on if i even didn't have symmetry on it still would move okay so this is a great way to in essence say infinite depth infinite ability you gotta say depth that way and then depth i thought i thought three so there's a move brush infinite death but this can be placed on any single brush so if i say clay buildup right and see how we're doing this and i'm sculpting like this so it's pretty much staying in this area right here okay now if i go put on the infinite depth for this brush okay by default it's using the camera plane so however the model is sitting on the camera all right it's how it's going to move okay so this is now looking straight ahead at his head so if i start sculpting like this you can see it starts sculpting on both sides right because it's seeing what i'm doing infinite depth wise so if i start doing this i know it's going all the way through right so if i just start working like this and i just start building up this surface i know this is going to happen all the way through the model so you can see that that's being pulled out all the way from where i'm looking at and out so with that said you can tell it to have certain axises so right here in the infinite depth button there's an xyz so you can control that infinite depth ability by the x-axis the y-axis or the z-axis right so if i went y why you ask i don't know why not okay and then now i have y on if i start sculpting you can see it's going up and down the whole y right so it's just going right down his whole face right there okay so that's pretty much what the internet depth is doing so in the in-depth move is pretty powerful pretty i find myself using it a lot like quite a bit in all honesty a lot i'm not gonna lie okay does that answer that question for you okay perfect beautiful um well you're asking i've seen working as a 2d artist for years but stepping into zbrush and sculpting anatomy has been the best tool for study that i have ever used oh that's awesome so you're using zbrush and your transition from the 2d and the 3d and studying that's great i think it is too i think it's a great because you're just grabbing a brush and sculpting right so it's a great way to start learning some anatomy stuff for sure um you keep having the gremlins theme oh yeah i do i can't tell anything so listen to that soundtrack number one before building this gremlin to before right so hold on uh there was a question about uv paul do you mind to explain what's the difference for my uv with uv zbrush newbie here big thanks okay joe the uv tools in my is a complete uv editor right there's all these tools that are distinctly used for editing in the uvs we don't have that really that's that's a very technical thing too obviously depending on what you do for a career you are going to use uvs or maybe not i'm not going to use uv's probably once on this model because i don't need to because i'm just straight up sculpting a gremlin and then i'm going to three i'm going to print it and 3d print it i don't need uvs right i would only need uvs maybe on this model if i want to quickly put some kind of alpha around him and get going on him so the uv tool set that's inside a zbrush is more about just i want to be able like for example this head i just want to put some quick uvs on this right so you don't need uvs to sculpt number one so i'm gonna grab okay this is the this is the head we don't need this one on we don't need this one on okay so i'm on the head right now which is 12 million polygons okay so let's just have some fun with this right now uh let's switch to the paintbrush okay there's no uvs on it right now let's fill it with like a darker gray so color fill object so now his face is a darker gray which sometimes i like working with this dark gray it really helps see things better personally i like working a little bit this is a little too bright for me i prefer working a little bit more in that darker tone maybe something like that okay so let's just now just have some fun with this let's just paint his lips red i'm doing this on purpose just so you're gonna be able to see where things are going lipstick okay and let's paint around his eye green okay and let's paint his nose purple he's becoming a clown all right and then let's throw uh some blue on the ears just being really quick about it just so you can get a visual understanding okay so if you're going to use another 3d application like something like you bring it up like maya with their uvs again they have a full suite of uv editor that's not our goal our goal is hey we're an artist i'm a sculptor i just want to be able to paint i just want to be able to do things turn a gremlin into a clown that's what i'm doing make a right make something you clown okay so now that i have this this is paint being applied if i want to apply it to say something like a texture i need to have uv's on it okay so they're sitting at 12 million so i'm gonna walk down to the lowest level in essence okay this is where you want to make uvs if you're going to make uvs you don't want to be doing it on 12 million polygons it doesn't make sense so in zbrush we have a uv map section here okay and you can hit create and there's different ways to create so i'm just going to use the puv right now which is packed uvs okay and this goal of this is trying to make uvs that take up as much space as possible with no stretching okay so now if i walk up a little bit more subdivision levels here and i come down to this texture map you can see now things are available if i say hit new from paint you can see what it does and this is why i was doing the crazy colors all this uv layout is in a computer will understand this but we cannot visually look at this very well and see like a smiley face right or see the ears okay so this is just a very fast way like if i'm an artist that i'm not worried about in a production pipeline when you see my uvs this is perfect one click button bam they're there the quality is perfect i know i'm using almost 99 of the uv space which is really important okay uh right now i couldn't say if the other uv tool is going to come out pluv i i couldn't say there's a reason why obviously we haven't put it out yet something we're looking into working at yeah there's a female gremlin in gremlins too with lipstick it creeped me out too i'm not using a mat cap right now pablo that's just me using basic material too and i've made my own lighting that's all i'm using okay so this is the way to go now another way i can go where quickly i just want to maybe have a uv layout that i can tell where the model is okay number one the one thing that i'm going to want to use is polygroups okay so i'm gonna turn the paint off so i'm gonna go to subtools and just pull the shift key and click this off right and then just looking at the head okay i wanna have the ability to have poly grouping here right so i want to tell zbrush okay let's work on this and let's go and say let's make a polygroup as far as let's say the ears and i'm going to be really quick about this let's say something like that i'm going to hit control w let me turn off the texture because right now my texture map is on okay so i'm gonna say control w and you see that's one color and then this heads another color okay i'm doing this because it's going to be better to unwrap this with the ears coming off the head like it doesn't make sense to me to wrap this together so in the plug-ins okay there is something called uv master all right and what i can do now is say this is this is where actually where lisa needs braces came from for me right because when teaching this i'm like students pay attention to me this is super important step don't lose it this is lisa needs braces if i got to wake you up right now look up here look at me i'm putting i'm putting up here up here up here right so you 100 if you're gonna use this on wrapper click on work on clone and what we're going to do is make a copy clone of the model and only have the lowest subdivision level and we're also switching a material okay that's a material that's good for painting okay so now i'm working on a cloned model of there's the clone model of the head all right and then i've got this so now what i want to do is say here here is what you can do if you just click unwrap let's see what we get i'm unwrapping and so the point of this plug-in is to just give me a better representation that i can actually see my model right so there it's it's done i hit flatten and then that's what it looks like right so at least this one i can kind of tell it's something like it's some kind of shape it's not just a bunch of little squares everywhere like puuv gives us but i the wrap's not very good all right to give you an idea i'm going to unflatten it and then i'm going to say check seams and you can see there's a seam going straight the middle the front of the face right through the eyes to the that is not a good unwrap that's a horrible unwrap okay so this is why we start to say give you things to control right number one i did polygroups so right here i'm going to say turn on the polygroups and now let's unwrap so what's going to happen here is a minimum going to have three islands of uvs so it's done i flatten and then there you go so you can see each ear now has its own uv shell on the island right there's one here's another and then the face has got another this is definitely a way i want it because this is going to allow me to use as much as the uv space as possible so you can see the floor grid is pretty much representing your uv space zero to one all right really boring stuff right now but you guys you asked so you know what it's zbrush late night so let's get crazy i'm going into the uv world so i'm gonna unflatten that and go you know what i still don't like that so i'm going to enable control painting and i'm going to protect the face okay and so what that does is going to paint red so it we're switched automatically to the paintbrush and because i put on protect it automatically switches to a certain red and what i'm trying to tell this plug-in is hey this part of the model is the most important part okay and this is our core it's kind of a gestural hey man there right then i'm going to go to the back and i'm going to say attract and i'm going to say i want i prefer the stream the scene to be back down the back of the head right and if i wanted the ears i would do the same thing i want them to be the back of the head then i say now what does that look like i unwrap that when that's done i'll flatten it and then there you go so see i can start making out like there's the eyes there's the nose right and then here's my ears so let's say i like this now i can now copy my uvs [Music] come back down here i've been working on a clone right below is my actual model piece i select that this is currently sitting on on the lowest subdivision level okay and then now i just come here and i say paste uvs and now what i have are the uvs on this model so if i walk back up subdivision levels right so you just hit the d key to walk up subdivision levels all right and then i'm going to say let's turn on the pain again on this model here all right and then new from poly paint right and you can see what you get i can do a uv check as well here it'll give you your uvs check so this is a great way to uv now what's nice about this now is in the uv map okay i actually have this button called morph uv so i'm gonna tell zbrush let's go ahead and morph these this head so i'm gonna go in solo mode and morph it and this is gonna look at the uv's flattened but you can see my sculpt right here right so there's the eyes right there there's the nose there's the mouth there's all the scales that i've been doing right here's all the other stuff on the head so you can actually sculpt on this now in this mode okay so i'm in the morph uv mode right so i'm going to go right here which is the back of the head right so if i just start sculpting on this let's say let's turn off let me just reset because i've been changing so many brushes i have the infinite on right now so as i start sculpting you can see i'm literally sculpting on flat uv space right so here we'll put something maybe this is going to be easier to play with the mouth right so maybe i want to push back the mouth a little bit more in this point so this is an easier way for me to get to the inside of the mouth right and the higher polygon count is the more dense it's going to be when you're doing this right so if i want to really accent the silly smile i have on him and then here we'll put just let's go smaller that right and then now if i hit morph uv all that detail see right there in the mouth it's all there there's the high i just put on right and then here's all the sculpt i've been doing there right and then of course again if we want to switch to the painting ability i can say let's go ahead and fill it with this color let's morph uv right and then now i can paint even in this now what's nice about this is i can use the ability to like do a perfect straight line like this and it can go across multiple uv shells so that's pretty powerful it is 10 am somewhere in europe and russia it's 10 a.m right now yeah because it's one in the morning my time right now so i'm just painting however i want but i could also say you know what let's go ahead let's grab some texture okay so i'm just going to light box grab some textures in here we'll load this up let's see what can we put on it this looks cool let's put this on him so i'm going to double click this twice it's going to load it into the texture palette it's just tree bark right and up here in the texture map you can see it right here in the texture i'm going to click on this icon right here which is add to spotlight okay and what that's going to do is put the texture floating in space so what's nice about this is i'm now going to say let's interact the spotlight radius so this icon right here again i'm at this icon that looks like kind of like a spotlight i'm going to drag on that and you can see the little dial moves like this i'm going to go right about there right i'm going to hit the z key as in zbrush the image disappears but it's still there right and then now let's go bigger i can actually paint right this right on to my model so maybe this is actually not a bad skin tone for this guy something very different let's see what it looks like right so i'm in the flat mode it's so easy to paint that really fast like this right and then now i just unmorph it and then see all that paint gets transferred to my model so that's a way that you guys can also use the uving ability which is very nice to do oh i don't want red that's crazy so on solo that okay does that help and answer your question for you're talking about with uvs hopefully that that helps you out this is not listen what we're talking about right now oleg is uh a very technical thing this is why we don't have a uv editor we're really about keeping it less technical i think every software um has a has things you have to learn right so really focus on just what you want to do like if you're just trying to look i just want a middle scope like a gremlin then all you really need to worry about is i grab a sphere and i use like maybe five brushes you can make a gremlin that's it don't worry about even what i've been talking about right now it's not even relevant to you especially for learning okay so just try to take a little bit off a little bit at a time okay there's many things that i try to learn that can be confusing to me but you just gotta keep nibble nibble nibble nibble nibble right okay that's that'll be my best advice for you and then you'll slowly start learning technical things do you have any tip for practicing one sculpt a day challenge i'm trying to put nah able close to finishing any skull especially when i try for non-stylistic sculpting any tip for practicing one sculpts day no honestly uh i think that's a great way to get it become a better sculptor the only tip i would give you is instead of trying to do maybe one sculpt like one complete sculpt a day pick on maybe certain anatomy pieces a day um i.e today tomorrow is going to be ears so sculpt like 10 different years like you're going to do a sculptor like i do i'm doing a gremlin here then do a human ear then do a troll ear then do a dog ear right stuff like that and then next the next day do noses the next day do eyes you'll probably learn a lot more doing specific things like that and then now go sculpt one sculpt a day and i guarantee you'll be you'll get faster um i think trying to get a finished sculpture one day is very difficult but i guess the biggest thing that i kind of been saying here is don't try to marry yourself to the great details remember is you control what the user is going to see so where you put it in space and do a render right so if i want to do a render of this guy i now hit the shift r and i get a render of this guy and now now i've got a renderer this is as close as i'm going to allow you to get to my guy i'm not going to let you get closer to him dead no closer right and then i got to decide do i like these shadows which i don't like okay i'm not a fan of these shadows and then maybe i want to start also playing with some filter stuff so for giggles let's just start playing with some filters what does he look like line oh that's cool that's pretty cool with the red i probably changed up the red though that's pretty cool right so i can double click on these and then there's just like a line or piece of him there's so many and here's a if i want to make a look like a blueprint here's let's see what he looks like with the drawings okay that's pretty cool so these are just load in different chromatic aberration chromatic aberration in there what else is in here that we can play with oh see watercolor that's cool if i put color on him that's gonna start looking like a painting that's pretty cool this is fun too just doing this and trying out here's a color dodge like you can just do so much and these are all just presets and of course you can make your own of these oh let's see with some pencil see if i like any of the pencil ones that's cool starting to look like just a pencil drawing on a sheet of paper i like that right so there's a whole bunch here that you can do here's like looks like an ink it's pretty awesome it's a lot of fun okay so keep the questions coming we're again doing zbrush late night here at least for me and anybody in north america and brazil and central america it's late night but for those of you in europe and asia in russia or india you know it's not late but darn it we're going by my time zone right now okay so i want to start um those shoulder pieces are starting to bother me because they're just too perfect so the the files in order to save what i was doing rendering wise that's where you want to save a project over a tool a tool will not save the fact that i assign those that filtering to my render and in fact a project will save all my render settings as well because like i wouldn't use those shadows those shadows are way too too solid and too dark for me i would adjust those shadows and i'm throwing an ambient inclusion and all that stuff as well okay so that's the difference between here is saving a tool okay and then in the file menu also can save a tool this way and then the save as here is saving a project so if you're gonna start getting into rendering you 100 want to save projects over tools when you start doing your rendering stuff okay so these shoulder pieces they need some love all right so right now i've got dynamic sub div on on them uh i'm going to apply that okay so we have this and just like i did some other stuff i want to just start putting in some iteration to this so now you see like this can start happening right where this is all one sub tool right so all these meshes are sitting in one spot in essence it's one sub tool here now if i want to keep them this way but just want to sculpt on the one like this one this is the only one i want to sculpt on right now and move around this is excuse me a prime example of using some other features inside of zbrush okay so i might want to say all right this i want to be limited to the topology shell so in the brush palette i'm going to come down here to auto masking okay and down at the bottom there's topological sorry i thought i had water in here okay and what that's going to do now is limit this particular brush so if i start like sculpting right it's really limited to only this brush right and so now only this is getting but you guys could also start doing you know what you're going to need to maybe be able to only see one and that's it so this is another example where i would use in the poly grouping i would do an auto group that way each one of these get their own and then now i just click on this one and then now i can just work on just this one it's coming down to what workflow do you want right so you can use something like that or i can just say you know what i'm not going to do that i'm just going to work on it all right and then so the other thing that i'm going to want to work on here with especially along here when i get along the edges here is i'm going to turn on this back frame back face masking so that's going to why i'm sculpting on the front here i'm going to go in solo mode all right so i'm just gonna put very quick just some striation ability through here just something like that okay and you can see that's now starting to have a little bit more life to it i'm going to divide it up some more so now i'm at 1 million let me grab that now and just start putting in i want this to be broken up so it's a little bit more natural i don't want it so smooth the surface should not be super smooth on this guy so i'm actually using this brush as a way for me and then smoothing it back kind of just like on the body just to put a little bit of striations in there and then now we start accenting some of these striations and i definitely want different age i start wanting to have different this is where that second light i put can come in handy big time it's just a quick way and be as light as i can now i'm just using the damian standard and then push it back a little bit more in areas and in some areas yeah there start doing stuff like that stuff like this okay and some other stuff that i want to start to do is i don't want this to be all perfect right it's it's too perfect too smooth okay what's happening solid how are you doing okay uh joe i don't think it's that important crucial to learn the entire 3d model pipeline like all the way from sculpting and rigging no i don't think he needed to learn all that it doesn't hurt to have a little bit of knowledge because if you're in the industry and you're going to be working at a studio you're going to be working with people and it'd be good make friends with those animators man because they're the ones that also control uh what model like how much worker you have to put into the model as well so i would definitely be friends for sure so i need to put a little bit more different different abilities in this as far as can't be all on the same level it's just it doesn't work for me so i need to switch to something like the move brush and start pulling on certain parts more just start adding variations in this shouldn't be all the same it's organic first of all right so it should have a little bit more going on stuff going on here looking at my references that i have here i'm really going to change this up i really want to make sure this is being seen on the other side as well right and then turn that back on show everything right and you can see that's starting to become a lot more natural looking like it belongs there okay i couldn't say if zbrush will ever support python couldn't say um there's a great question i think rolex is asking what kind of work does a 3d artist find besides video games there's so much there's toys there's collectibles there's the medical world right there's so many things people just using zbrush to even make little animations for patients there's think about hardware like belts or purses all that or jewelry all that stuff is getting made inside of zebras right so you got like this this is a little car that i'm making that's 3d printed right it's a little toy car for my daughter too right so stuff like that it's look just look around where you're sitting right now how many things you could probably print a bottle of cell phone case all that stuff is where people are using 3d applications so there are many industries you can get into there's themes saying they use zbrush for signage and modeling theme parks there you go right hugely used in modeling theme parks a lot of artists i know using that uh conrad asked hi paul this may be a rookie question when i'm sculpting with the clay buildup it drags that shape square especially when i'm dragging it faster i tried lowering or turning up the lazy mouse and closed no that's really not going to do much for you if you start sculpting too fast with that brush you're moving too fast with your hands right so if you're going like real fast with this clay build up right let me actually if i collect it right see i'm pretty good for this as far that goes but there's an alpha on there right and that alpha is being used along the stroke so if you're going to go real fast with it yeah you might have that alpha be dropped a couple times there's not really much else you could do about for that except making sure you don't work so fast right but you see it's hard for me to do that there is sometimes like right in there it did a little bit because then i was like i was going real fast but this is very dope it's like that it's just too fast of a stroke so you could slow it up a little bit you could be in the brush palette too you could use a good one to use as directional so this will help maybe you so i try putting on that directional maybe that'll help you okay as far as being able so that you don't get the stamping i'm assuming that's what you're asking about if you're getting stamping miniatures is another career 100 in fact after i'm done the gremlin i'm going to be doing a miniature okay so i would do stuff like that lazy mouse isn't really lazy mouse is more as the actually a little bit more the opposite of what you're asking because lazy mouse is just about making a steady stroke right so it's it's an essence of delay so it doesn't drop it until a little bit later right that's really what lazy so you have a nice consistent stroke okay so uh playing with that won't do as much for you right so just being able right something like that one brushing one part you might want to try also playing with it's old but it's fun to play with um uh let's see i thought it was in samples no it's in modifiers then yeah trails is a fun one okay so this is saying in essence how many times should the brush be dropped when you're sculpting so if i start sculpting see like right that bend is still moving this is a great brush for like putting like hair wrinkles and now if we guys we throw in a combination of gravity in this right so i throw a little bit of gravity right you can get some pretty cool looking like strokes through this right that's and then you can smooth it back if you want so you see how it's still moving so this is a great way right to maybe put some hair as an example right so this this is where it is you got this gravity ability and their depth and then in the modifiers there's trails so in essence 27 says there's the first part of the stroke and then as you're moving along apply it 27 more times behind it so that's why it's kind of moving so if we crank this all the way up to 100 i'm in essence see how the stroke's still moving near the beginning see like right there that was made after i was already past it see it's still moving right there because there's a hundred strokes so maybe you can play with this a little bit too this might give you a little bit see the brush is very different now it's more like clay strips now like i'm just taking a strip and laying it down real fast and this is only happening because i'm using trails like that's actually a cool i like that brush actually that's pretty cool so again uh trails i just changed it to a hundred you know if i crank the intensity up it's just gonna make the brush even more pushing out excuse me what let's see what that looks like well this is nice i love the feeling of this too this is actually i might need to save this out this is a cool brush it's really like a softer stroke that's nice and then with the intensity ability changing by my pressure sensitivity i can tail off so i can do this that's a nice brush so again trails and then you can play with your intensity however you want and i'm on clay build up yeah happy accident is right i i drew i'm gonna that's gonna become one of my brushes now i'm gonna have to start using something like that that's nice it might even be nice on this right this because this will give it a nice little like see the difference that's pretty cool oh that's nice it's almost like paint strokes that's cool i like that i'm a fan of that i'm a fan of that okay so hopefully conrad that helps you out i see that you just said okay thank you so and then we just made a new brush together there you go just like that we made a new brush fun so i'm going to go and start putting the treatments like this on the shoulders um because it's just going to be more realistic and then of course i gotta start making it look like they're digging in to the skin a little bit more i might flatten them a little bit i think they're a little too puffy i think they got too much roundness to them i think they need to have a little move brush love okay not that much something more like that it's just more a little more realistic so i'm just using the move brush with the alt key to kind of push him down so i'll go in solo mode so i can just see what i'm doing here this would be a smart move switching to a lower subdivision level this is why i'm such a big component of subdivision levels they're just going to do a lot more for me so i'm just getting rid of some of the the puffiness or that was happening just a little bit better yeah and watch this i'm going to switch to move topological and that way i can just play with one of these at a time get this where i want it to be i don't like that at all and just get away from that perfection that we get from a computer and working this way something a little bit more like that is working for me alt key and move topological and because these are all separate shells i i don't have to do anything else yeah that's that's better i think them raised off his body too much it's just too much um i think that's a lot better doing something like that i think i'm preferring that silhouette more yeah i like what's happening in there a lot more yeah that's good okay nice this thing is so handy for me uh the the stream that has the posing was the last stream i just did with this gremlin uh before this one uh let me see if i can find it for you so again another great resource obviously is going to our youtube page youtube slash all right let's see if i can find it real quick for you let's see let's just search by me uh boil boil boil boy okay here we are part three part four part one part five part six here it is so this is the one that has me working in the posing here you go saheed send it to everybody there you go make sure you all get it yep so uh there you go saheed there's where i'm using the rig to pose my character okay continuing on uh you know i don't know how much later i'm going to be able to go it's 1 38 in the morning my time right now so i'll try to hold off here for a couple of you know some a little bit more time but not a crazy amount of time i'm starting to feel it starting to feel the need to go to bed um i'm gonna go keep going on these though making these be pretty extreme and just give it some love change up my stroke from time to time and again this would be good to make sure in the auto masking we have back face masking on this brush is pretty powerful so i definitely need variations happening here and i don't want to get rid of all that that's this for what i want this to be this is perfect this brush actually making these lines on the surface is just gold for what i'm trying to make right now yeah there you go okay and then i'm going to move some of this so it's just it starts breaking up it shouldn't be so perfect start playing with the silhouette in essence oh yeah that's nice the silhouette of this um and let's not forget i i've said this before this this is in stages so this isn't like i'm not in the subdivision level where i'm like okay it's done i know there's only going to be other levels here happening for me so i gotta think of that right and know i'm gonna be doing more details on this later okay i like that damian standard now let's accent that one a little bit more i really liked accenting this one more uh now let's put a little more emphasis on that one that one and that one and then now just quickly just make some difference this is damien standard making some difference here yeah there and then maybe push it back right and then where i'm at with these brush move topological let's make this one but better up into it just make this one be very different a little more something like that more like that yeah there you go coming together okay um in movies and games when the man uh changing to hulk or dragon or other is it done with sculpting or layers both you're going to sculpt that's just straight up scrolling but you're going to sculpt on layers as well and then store that sleep is for the week ben says i like it who need i will sleep when i'm dead yeah we're trying to experiment right now just the stream being at nighttime so this is just zbrush late night is what i'm calling these streams for when i want to try streaming late at night just to see uh what kind of audience i'm getting who's enjoying this right i'm seeing a lot of the the the usual suspects as well in here which is just awesome uh i'm shocked that you guys want to keep watching me mess with gremlin but i'm only doing this because i really want to get this done like and uh i figured you guys will want to just see me go through the whole process of this anyways since we're already seven episodes in in on this gremlin i might still change this because look at his references he's got small plates multiple times a lot like what i'm doing right now looking at my reference that i'm using it's just they're not so perfect right that's my problem i'm just they're too computer generated perfect right now right they're all just falling perfectly and i don't think i should have that because looking at my reference here they're not all following perfectly in line some are smaller some are bigger i think that's part of my problem and there's a lot there there's like like on this shoulder if i had to count there's one two three four five about five of them and one two three four five six right so i think i need to add a couple other ones after i get these main four ones done and then maybe even change the size so maybe it'd be worth doing something like this centering that and maybe changing just the size of this one and also maybe it's more forward it's got a different lean on it yeah we're gonna do that we're gonna do that because then i'll do a duplicate i'll do another one there i'm going to add some more it's my world it's my gremlin so i'm just going to keep working away at this and like this one i think maybe i should do a little bit more like that yeah that's that's better nose is itchy this is what i'm like it's never done right we're never done but you got there's a point where you got to just keep going and moving on right hey thanks pro i'm glad you liked the model uh i've been having a lot of fun actually making him is there a way to export crease information from zbrush to houdini and vice versa uh well we are exporting crease information on our dot ma file which is your my ascii file we are also exporting crease information in fbx so houdini supports that on that other side they would have to support that there's nothing we can do about that we are exporting our creasing uh but obviously other application also has to import that greasing we import greasing through fbx um and go z and a dot my maa file so but you got to have the opposite end too since in the movie mostly blend shapes is used while they will be made in zbrush or my no i would make the blend shapes inside a zbrush like the actual full-on blend shaping and in fact we have a plug-in that's called maya blend shapes so with one click of a button you would make each blend shape on a layer inside of zbrush you'd come in here come down here to this layers here and each expression or each thing would be in a layer and then this one plug-in you just click the button what you want to go over and we'll take every single layer and make it a blend shape inside of maya so this is made specifically to blend shape out to maya but no me and people do like if you even think of speaking with people asking about careers you take things like what leica does with all their stop-motion animation they're actually doing all the face replacement things and facial changes inside a zbrush this a lot of them are using zbrush to do that and they're not the only ones that do stop motion stuff like that so another fun-filled fact for you so again i just got to keep now consistent so the thing is be careful when you're you come like this i've got a workflow that's kind of working for me now try to stay in this workflow like don't break it yet like again hit every single one of these so i'm using the clay build up to put some texturing elements in these so make sure that's what the other ones have so stick with this same technique right and then when you if you don't like it you want to do something else that's that's when i i start playing with the technique and find something combined with what i'm already doing here and see i'm going to push these all back i just want that i want that right there that ridging and this is where having a material with specularity and that other light that i've applied is a huge game changer for me it's helping me visually see things very quickly for myself that i normally wouldn't see if i didn't have a specular material on right now and i didn't have that second light creating that orange that you're seeing right now that's that's been crucial for me to find the differences between this oh yeah it's perfect let's make sure that is a little bit better right now i need to hit it with the damian standard and accent some of the major grooves changing and shifting of planes through here yeah let's get it on the other side flip it over maybe i repeated that too much i don't like that i don't like it switch back to my handy dandy move start repositioning some of these right and don't forget about masking you can mask something out and as i'm moving this now right that mask stood out more i just really gotta make this feel a little more organic uh that everything can't be identical the same which is great great way oops i think it's a little too strong for me some smaller indentions in here now okay let's see how that's looking with the rest of them it's coming together i like where this is actually i like where it's going it's really starting to come together nicely okay i'm really digging this thanks nirmal where can i post my models ah okay so posting your models uh great spot so i started the stream with this uh let's get into this again i started the stream with using our new free version which is the zbrushcore mini which was just released okay so right here you can find information about so i'm on you can click on this post we just released this on wednesday which now it's saturday morning for us so this is a free version of zbrush it's just going to pretty much be sculpting have zbrush uh sculptures pro in it you can click right here and this is the actual page again for it so let me save this out and what we've been doing with you guys as a community so even when i started this stream in zbrush central as well we have another post topic right here made with the i imag image 3d png from the mini and gif so if you go into this there's models that people are sharing and this image is actually hosting the model information for the mini version so you can download here and at the bottom here okay is just oh look at that we got one yeah jimmy all right that's looking awesome oh that's great dice k just put one up so here's the gremlins i was starting with and then now if i want to see uh jamie's here or behind me if you prefer i just do a save as and then now i just save this where i want okay and now it's saved and that gif is now saved and now i just need to launch my mini again zbrushcore mini and i can take that file all right and actually load it up so let me load that one up so yeah let me launch that mini and i'm going to open it into my mini real quick let me see what the dates are the 13th at 1 53 in the morning so jamie ramirez art made a gremlin off of my gremlin and now i have it hold on in my mini version awesome nice john jamie jean are you still here there you go so all i did was just went here and opened it right and i can say no and then i can open my gremlin 2 again and it's a gif that's opening gf right so this is where i started blocking them out and then jamie definitely made it go a lot further and a lot better okay so um another thing for i know this was getting brought up somebody also brought up the lighting that i i made here for this i'm really digging it i like the color right that's going on through here okay so i'm going to make the color be bright again and let's do a little something else with this uh because i think i'm gonna save out this kind of thing i want to make a material this actually i like what it's doing so i'm gonna fill this guy with just all the same color at least okay and what i'm going to do is my material is really bright instead of using the paint okay i'm going to go into the material attribute so right now i'm just looking at this material it's very dull i've got my double lighting which i like so let's save this out and maybe i'll upload this and you guys can have this i'll save out this material because someone asked and it wasn't a matchup material i'm just using standard materials and i just made my own lighting but it's looking really good so let's let's share this too because we're coming to an end because i'm starting to feel bedtime for myself so in the material palette here i'm going to say you know less diffuse and instead of using the poly paint i'm just playing with this i'll keep the specularity let's see if we get rid of the ambient completely i'm just finding a nice or i like a darker a little bit of ambient in that that's too much okay something like this i like this okay and you know this is a standard material but i can turn it into a matte cap right so down here you can say create mat cap texture so i can click on that and then there is an actual representation of my lighting and standard material so this is a great way uh if i find something that you like okay this is awesome it's amazing i want to come awesome likeness of drust oh man all right so all i did is i was using a standard material korean mag cap i've got a lighting here and i've got two lights now i've got an image so i can now now go grab an actual matte cap material so here's chalk as an example right and then see it's an image and i can click on this and grab that right and then now this is what's now being applied okay and so now this i just have to find the right intensity i'd probably need to drop this back down to one and then now i've got that and then you can even add a little bit of cavity with this one if i put another b right and now this is a mancat material of my model right so now i can load this every time and even if i turn the lighting off okay so the lighting won't even matter as much anymore as you can see on the body see it's still getting that orange because the body right now has this material right so if i turn off in my subtools all this painting ability right and then now you can see the lighting is still there even though i just turned off that light that's the rim light right so this is a great way to in essence convert okay your model okay from that lighting that i made and making your own material so there you go that's how i would do that do you guys need to see that again does that make sense to everybody so i'm using a standard material which takes on the lighting information and then i want to kind of keep it so i can just make a texture and now i just click any one of the mag cap materials and swap out so like if i like where's the pearl hold on the pearl is a nice one like so watch this this is a pearl it's got some cavity to it as well right so i can say i like the looks of that one but i can say no let's go ahead and convert it into my material and then there you go right and dropped into this intensity probably need to be at one and one so it's going to be what i made and then this is just a cavity control which this isn't really going to do much because you need two spheres down at the bottom okay so there's a great way for you guys to save out your materials even though standards here so let me let me save it out for you guys and you guys can have this so let me put it up on that uh in that thread uh let's see it was in the chuck we'll go with the chalk one right so this is pretty much it right and then you can make it darker just at any time adding more paint right so if you want it darker you could do that right or you just start dropping the intensity of a i [Music] kind of like it a little bit darker i'm going to go with 0.7 yeah i like point seven it's good good tone all right let me save this out uh i'm gonna go save let's call this all right quick people what do we call it let's call it um i kind of want to look like for sculpting sculpt like light sculpt sculpting light rim light sculpt i'm gonna call just sculpt light for now so let me save that there you go pg matt good one joe i like that uh and then now let me grab it for you guys and let's put it in that same thread why not so you guys can have it if you really wanted it where did i like i am not paying attention to where i save things right now uh let's start search it where oh where sculpt lights where did i save it i want to save it again and pay attention this time where i'm saving it oh i saved it okay i know where i saved it went to my hard drive and the gremlin which is actually nice that's where i was saving last time sculpt light um let me compress this let me add the archive i'll make it and then i'll make the zip called material and say okay all right we'll do that and in fact instead of putting it there let's just i'm going to make i'm going to post a new thread i'm gonna i'm gonna make a new topic and i'll just put my gremlin in there like a render of it and go for that and categories you brush artworks it's good we'll tag a character we'll tag it sculpture we'll tag it let's let's make a gremlin tag i'm making it i'm doing it i'm making my own tags baby uh all right and this is the ramblin been working on in my streams on zbrush live okay and let's do let's do this let's clear this out we'll do a little snapshot of roo do something like this and we'll document export that i'm going to save that as a jpeg save and let's crop it i don't need all this just crop that much say okay all right and let me go back to online so you guys can have this um i'll put that there date modified there it is okay and then let me also put let me here is a matte cap of the lighting i've been welcome to you guys listening to me type and talk it out loud to myself just brilliant just brilliant uh scope light material there's the zip post there you go right and then let's do a bigger render of him all right so let's do a uh let's do a squared render of him and then i'll think i'll be done for the night uh so let's let's go through and uh make just a fun render uh so let's do a squared document space so let's do this let's do um uh 2048 by 2048. now let's go 4096 by 4096. because i want to do something i'm going to resize yes resize the document okay i'm going to draw him out now t right and this is the only time i'm going to use this i'm going to zoom out and zoom some more okay and so what i'm going to do is also do an actual a half so he's anti-aliased now so you can see he needs to take up more my document space so i'm zooming out so i can really make sure he takes up all that space that i can push them back a little bit more there you go that's pretty good all righty then let's get into the rendering here i render it out um the shadows i don't like them they're way too dark so the jiji juice right is for the model so i'm gonna knock that down to 0.7 i want the floor to be 0.8 i'm gonna make the floor be darker than him okay so i just see a question now you once you remesh your layers are toasts because the universe you're changing your vertex order and layers are dependent upon vertex so uh that's why so let's go with let's make a softer like harsh but not so harsh so let's go with like 50 rays on an angle of eight and i'm going to keep that let's render that out let's see what we get right so i have an anti-aliasing on this and we'll add this to the post and i guess from here on out i'll just as i'm moving along with this gremlin you guys want to follow that and everything i'll just keep posting in there see what we get oh yeah let's we gotta turn that filter off i have a filter in here i think i we put a default there it is default so that way that's that's the render okay i'm don't like the sh the shadow's okay it's a little still a little too much on the ground i don't like i'm going to go down to 0.6 like round i'm gonna go down to 0.6 on him too for the strength re-render that out i think it's just a little too dark there that's lighter let's and you know what let's up the angles let's really break up that shadow a little bit more i think it's just too much still do do do do do do do do okay yeah that's that's getting a little bit better all right and let's maybe go 20. angle of 20 instead of breaking two little just a little too much broken up for me what teaching what link are you looking for saheed yeah there we go that's looking pretty good you know let's change my document color i think it's uh also let's go kind of more of a hot pink something more like that just make him come push forward a little bit more okay and let's do an ambient inclusion as well so go to render properties let's throw on an ao um the aos probably so here's how here's how i like to work okay i like to have a material that i make that really has no properties to it so the materials here i'm going to change the ambient all the way up drop the specular so we have this it's just pretty much 100 ambient right so now when i render let's turn off the shadows when i render um i'm only going to see the ambient you know what i i'm gonna change the color too i'm gonna put a little bit of a bluish tint in my in my uh my shadow and ambient color i don't want to be pure black so let this finish so i'm doing this so i can see what the ambient is actually going to look like by itself and it gives me there's my aiming occlusion right i i'm not i don't like where it's sitting right now so i am going to say let's give this more resolution so i'm going to go 5 000 okay and i'm going to triple the rays just because i have such a big document space which of course this is going to make render take a little bit longer but i'm all right with that if this is going to make his him pop a little bit more then this is what i want to do so again i just selected a base of material color i've turned the ambient all the way to 100 and turn everything else off so that way i'm seeing this okay so but as far as your layer question remeshing there is a way you could use the history brush actually or even project history ability to do some stuff you could apply the layers as part of your undo history then remesh and then go back i see there you go that's a way better ambient inclusion see look at the difference that's just only ambient inclusion um and then let's make i want to put like a blue like a darker bluish tint yeah something a little bit like that let's see what that looks like this is just a color change so this will now render faster yeah i like i'm liking that a little bit more let's go a little bit darker instead of just pure black it's got a little bit blue tint to it okay i i don't i just i'm just liking it um and now if i turn on shadows and re-render we are now going to render shadows and ambient inclusion so here we'll be looking at only shadows and ambient occlusion right and that way we've got a good render just a simple render with that dark gray with the lighting that i did because we're using the material right so we'll let this finish up oh man it's going on 2 30. oh yeah has anybody watching right now that has never been to to our channel here on the zbrush live or seen zbrush in action is there anybody here right now that has never seen this before just intrigued while i'm waiting for my render to get done here on this on the final blow that's an awesome name too the final blow what's up welcome there you go so now that's my shadows and my ao my amin inclusion which now see he's popping right let's go ahead and just save that out let's make the document white right now and then just let's do an ambient shadow only there that looks cool let's export that i love just the ale look ambient occlusion look of this stuff so jpeg gremlin ao ao underscore shadows jpeg and i want no cropping so you can see this is a big image now say okay there you go right and i don't know should we do the back i don't know okay now let's go ahead and grab that lighting that i'm using right and go ahead and now render this out which will render fast because it's just material render right and then now let's go ahead and change the document back again something like that it'll be easier to spot the uh then i am going to throw in on top of this let's go to the filters okay and i'm going to turn on the first filter and i'm going to switch this to a blur you know what let's do a sharpen first let's do a sharpen let's crank that up maybe a little too much around there yeah and then let's do a blur now so i'm going to make this blur really high let's change the radius of this so he gets blurry there you go and i'm going to use the depth now so this is a quick way to put a depth of field on the render as well and then i'm gonna say from his cheek and then depth b we'll use the ear right and then now let's just kick this way back i got like two and now the ears are a little bit pushed back there's a depth of field on the render now and now let's save that out export that let's jpeg that up uh [Music] gremlins uh um whip gremlin whip front okay and you know what let's go ahead let's do the back like it's a work in progress right i'm not anywhere near done right now with him at least people will get the idea what we've been doing in our streams here okay so let's render that one out got a long ways to go yet yeah his name's zed gremlins six-pack yeah name we've named him funnel but we've named him zed right now which is perfect because i'm canadian so in canada we don't pronounce the z that way we say zed and many other countries also say that but thank you for joining and loving the sculpt so are you a sculptor as well you said you've never seen this stream before you've never seen zbrush before um are you actually you just stumbled upon it you saw the gremlin or you're getting into sculpting because obviously there is now a free version of zbrush oh i'm glad you like the name i like your name final blow is awesome i wanted to say zara thanks for coming thanks for being here with me okay there we go there's that render that's the back let's document let's export that and jpeg that and front and then back and there we go all right let's put this now in my post let's make a reply work in progress a lot more to do yeah creepy right and now let me grab my images and let's modify them by the date so let's do the front first and then we'll do and then just click and dragging so it makes it nice and easy for us and then we'll put the ao still loading the ao and let's use this as our thumbnail now there you go there we go so feel free to jump in there make any posts that you want to say anything you want to share and i think i think i still had a crop on jpeg back save places oh yes i was cropping everything still should have paid attention to that let me i'm gonna re-render these i don't want to be all cropped rookie mistake by me i'm gonna replace those images with images that aren't cropped all right so uh what time is it here right now it's going on 2 30 in the morning for me 2 23 am over yup thanks saheed so we'll let this render finish out and i'll replace it let's see the back now let me open this all right there we go that's all of it okay good my fault i didn't pay attention to my cropping bad me okay export jpeg jpeg front save yes okay nothing's being cropped okay and let me switch back to this material so we can render out and just get our ambient inclusion which will be fast because it's already been rendered boom there we go oh and i want to make my document white as well because that's a better way to see the ambient shadows yeah there we go that's awesome i love an ambient occlusion render i don't know what it is i really like it it's just so cool to look at there we go okay let's go ahead and replace those images now that i did oh man i noticed something with the hands let me go to the bottom of this let me edit this check these out and we'll go front there we go save edit and that's my new thumbnail all right there we go much better okay so there is a topic from me and it's got that material in it so if you guys want it there you go i'm getting pretty tired people so i think i'm gonna have to call it a night but before i do uh again i just want to remind everybody that if you especially for the person that's in here hasn't used zbrush before okay um we did just release a free version called zbrush core mini all right so i'm gonna go here to zbrush central so right here there's a zbrushcore mini post right here you can go to that and then it'll get you to everything it'll give you information nice little video here for you to watch it's really just about getting in here's a whole stream of myself and joseph dress mostly joseph dressed showing in an action giving great examples of it okay and then sharing your images here as well but right here get zbrushcore meeting now you just click it's free so all you got to do is go to the download make a pixelated id account and then that's it you'll get the you have a download link you can get it so if you really been enjoying and you've never used zbrush this is a great way for you to get in and again it's going to look so this is from a user that actually sculpted this during my stream where we shared uh sculpts right so you can see it's a lot more less okay going on there um right now it's a great way to just get in the zbrush so i can take his sculpt sorry if i'm going to butcher it and start even playing with some things through here maybe i'm going to snake hook this and i'm going to add some spikes up here maybe all these little parts he did i want to make them be a little bit spikier maybe something like that then maybe i also want to put some spikes through this side add another element to him this is awesome great job there's a little bit of variation in there cool love it maybe he's got curly ears have some fun with it and then here let me yeah uh you know what's great about also the snake hook with sculptures pro is like you guys can do stuff like this and then you can actually smooth something out to the point where you can break it apart and now this is a separate piece of geometry from this so that is fun to do butterfly ears yeah sorry just now i'm having fun with uh messing with your model this is the he's a this is now an artsy gremlin he's living in it because he's doing these spirals makes me think that he's whimsical he's very arts art like but you see how quickly uh we can work and make changes to it it's a lot of fun looks pretty cool that's some fun stuff right there it looks more fierce jamie yeah definitely since the spikes added sorry i'm ruining your ears and everything too so it's a really great way to get in it's not a lot to handle you can see that his model is sitting at 664 000 polygons i can knock that down i can even say knock it down lower so this will put it at 250 000 polygons now and then it won't lose any of the sculpted details so right now it's remeshing it in a sense but it's decimating it down and then once this is done there you go look now i'm at 150 000 and there's really no change in the model so this is a great way to just reduce your count and keep going right and then yeah breaking up the pieces is awesome you can make like like that and then now you have this piece to do what you want with inflate it up a little bit play with this a little bit now we're getting real artsy with jamie's piece is it jamie or is it jaime first way of saying it or the second way of saying it jaime or jamie this is pretty cool i might i might do something like this with mine this is fun to uh just change this up a lot and just mess with this it's cool like some kind of artsy i don't know why i keep saying the artsy thing it's like a puzzle piece here so like he's got like a map on his ears okay um so again please join the uh join the fun with us with the zbrushcore mini here and of course you can upgrade to zbrushcore which is now pretty our middle of the road right uh product and then i've been using the whole time of the other gram and i've been using the full version of zbrush so you can click right here and find more information about our other pieces uh for actually for hard surface i actually use zbrush a ton for hard surface uh in fact i only use zbrush to do hard surface so well let me save this project out and i'll load you something that give you an example of what i've done hard surface wise um gremlin render because i'm going to probably do i'm going to make a better render for my grandma than what i have flow thanks for coming man glad you like it i'll let this save and i'll load something for you hard surface wise just to give you an idea of just different projects i've done hard surface that are it's all 100 zbrush so to your question i prefer using zbrush for all my hard surface so let me just load a dummy project so we restart everything okay and let me load a tool let's see we got here gundam body 20. here we go so here's a gundam that i'm working on so i guess that's like the ever popular never-ending phrase so this is all 100 in zbrush so this is obviously the torso piece um here's the legs here's the skirt pieces i'm not done large wings small cannons large cannons top let me turn everything on for you top half under weapon small box the arm and the head so here's an example of something that i'm working on this is a 100 zbrush this is all zbrush that you're seeing this is mostly just using zmodeler okay so this is an example this is why i like to use zbrush for hard surface let me show you something else so you can get an idea here [Music] class so here's a gun i made o2 district nine so it's another hard surface piece again all 100 zbrush i never left zbrush to do any any of these thanks thanks final blow i appreciate it that's really kind of you thank you so much i'm glad you're liking what you're seeing um here's a piece i made that lockheed martin actually uses zbrush uses us so i wanted to replicate one of their missile sensors so this is all 100 zbrush as well this is another hard surface piece uh here i did a rocketeer like i did a full backpack and it's gone so here's here's just the backpack so you can see just the backpack which this again all this is 100 zbrush right so this is all done in zbrush as well i did um and then here's his gun so it's a mauser gun uh and then this one i started coloring you see i even got serial number on it i've even got the mauser logo because they put their logo right here on the gun so i got that the serial numbers and all the pieces where it would be on the hammer so this is all 100 zbrush as well so it's a mauser gun which is actually the rocketeer gun uh let's see here's like a little chip piece that i made i don't animate characters no i'm not a big animator i'm more i'm just a model i like to create from scratch final blow to answer your question so here's another little piece i made so i got a bunch of stuff uh for sure that i've done um i have some other stuff that i couldn't show that i don't have on this hard drive on this computer here i think i have the rocketeer bust i did yeah that's not the stand i ended up going with i did a combination like this see what else i have on i don't even know what i have on in here yeah i did this as the stand something like that i don't know i tried different variations i think i went but there you go that's what i went with this is all zbrush and i have a version where it's all all the leather is done and everything else like that but looks like i don't have that version on this hard drive that i'm looking at right now but that should help you right uh give you ideas of some stuff that you can make hard surface um for sure here's like uh you might recognize this piece let's see if you guys recognize this you guys recognize this this was fun and i have the book that has the blueprints of this does anybody know what this is from this is 100 zbrush as well anybody want to guess what film it's from it's a big film it ain't small and it's a series one of the most popular films of all time so this is a replicant and i have too much stuff to move right now so this is from star wars yep star wars this is the mouse droid so if you guys go black and watch the new hope or even go watch rogue one which i love these little guys are all over the death star just trolling around so i did one of these that was this is a fun project to do it's called the mouse droid from star wars i i did 3d print the rocketeer yes and i could 3d print the helmet one to one for sure and yes final final blow you can paint inside a zbrush absolutely so if i want to say pick a color here let's say this black i can fill it now and now i can just grab any color i want and then just paint right on this model right i can even grab an image from our textures here and say let's throw this on there i don't know why but let's do it so let's look straight on like this and let's add it spotlight let's say it's going to go right there perfect and i'm going to switch to black let's just quickly mask out some of this okay and then now right here i can paint that and use it as a model and see now i painted that right on there so yeah you can paint 100 you can't paint in the zbrushcore mini though i'm in the full version again on zbrush i wonder if it would be easy to explain what zebras can't do that's funny there is a lot you can do a hundred percent for sure you embrace it you go for it there's a lot you can do i did watch the uh unreal tournament five yes unreal tournament yes i did watch the demo we'll see how many people take advantage of that for sure using the new unreal engine because you can have millions of polygons all right guys unfortunately i gotta go it's it's going on three in the morning for me so i really appreciate you jumping into this with me this is the what was the first uh zbrush at night stream that i've ever done uh it was great to have you here hopefully you enjoyed all my crazy gremlin and all these models thanks for coming good afternoon for everybody else in the world jose it's six in the morning there oh man so you're in brazil well thanks for being up this early with me i'll be streaming again i stream every friday uh jose i was streaming i started streaming about almost three hours ago so this is a stream they were doing but you can go watch this stream now it's going to populate into our youtube so since you're on youtube it's going to be there you can watch the whole thing if you want and i stream every friday i usually stream at 11 a.m pacific standard time but we wanted to see what if i did a uh stream oh 6 am in miami oh yes miami's awesome great to meet you too gary great to meet all you that came the final blow you got this i love it uh please keep an eye out we have a calendar chopped full so if you guys have enjoyed this please just head to zbrush live is what you guys have actually been watching we have our own channel which the stream is actually being broadcasted there right now as well so we go to all of our major platforms um so go to so you'll see the stream's actually going to be there here i am on myself infinite and right here there's a calendar all right so you'd want to click on this up here this calendar part and you see the streams that are coming up right you guys don't want to miss this one also with nelson thai since i forgot who was asking about hard surface he's all hard surface inside of zbrush amazing stuff okay here's a list of there's joseph from our my teammate pixel logic so you can also look at calendar view here all right and then so on the 19th i'll be going again at 11 a.m and then i'll be going again on the 26th but every tuesday we also have special casts we have a special zbrush masters so every tuesday we get someone different nelson thai is hard surface on the 23rd i don't remember who we have and we're gonna have a jeweler person on the 21st 20 on the 30th oh it's 7 45 p.m in australia man this is awesome man this is like the internet's amazing right the fact that we're all talking to each other from everywhere in the world is just awesome i'm so glad you learned that something go try zebras yeah let us know if anything go to that post of my gremlin too you can ask me questions there i'm happy to help um so again go to that zebra central post that i made um and if you want to ask me questions there by all means far away comment right your rambling stinks oh look at that awesome so you put up your gremlin that's awesome okay so by all means and go here i'll get emails if you guys post here and you have a conversation here too all right so thanks everybody i wish i could keep going but i'm i'm feeling it now and i need to get to sleep and i got a four-year-old that's gonna be waking up in like four hours and which means she'll be waking me up so if i'm lucky maybe she'll sleep in and she'll wake up in like six hours at least i get six hours of sleep okay everybody have a fantastic evening for those that are evening australia people the afternoon for people i see for someone from iraq and europe and everywhere else your east coast people man miami i can't believe you're up with me this is awesome uh i is there even any west coast people are my only one crazy up at three in the morning right now um people in brazil this has been a lot of fun this has been uh paul gabry for zbrush at night uh i really appreciate you being here please come by anytime check it out have a delicious day and i am out bye
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 4,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush speed sculpt, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2019, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, pixelogic, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, blender, 3d coat, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush character modeling, zbrush character, zbrush sculpting, zbrush realistic face, 3d printing software, 3d modeling software, zbrushcoremini, zbrushcore mini, zbrush mini
Id: hSOaphzOWA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 40sec (13840 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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