Late Night SINGLE FACTION TOURNAMENT | Total War Warhammer 3 Multiplayer

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all right folks hope you're all doing well welcome to the stream it's going to be a single faction tournament and uh tonight we are going to be suffering with slanech which I don't really know how to play but hey you know what we're gonna figure it out we're gonna have some fun and uh see what we can get going yes yes how you guys doing welcome so I got a scheme it man I don't have any bills for slanesh just kind of winging it here but I felt like playing them tonight and uh yeah we're gonna be facing off against uh one of their Rivals actually I think the High Elves and slanesh have a little bit of a rivalry so that should be fun but we're also playing one of the best style players in the community so it should be great X-Men gym we keep my head down before getting married this September congratulations congratulations about all my best wishes to you hey thank you man appreciate it and uh hope all is well my friend I saw you playing in one of these events recently it was pretty cool to see and uh what do we want to do against the dreaded hives huh probably gonna be Emerick on a star dragon just going balls deep on everything I would guess how do you even deal with that islamesh I mean I guess you have some of your greater demons but basic archers can just kind of tear them to shreds uh you pick your faction yeah so I picked to play Slane I mean I could play empire but I played them all the time like just non-stop basically right so it's kind of fun to mix it up and try something a little bit different for sure all right so let's get our Lord all set up all our characters and uh let me make sure everything is starting smoothly everybody found their opponents tonight's tournament relatively small it was short notice but we still managed to get I think close to 15 people with just an hour's notice so it should be a nice competitive tournament and uh yeah we're going from there yes it's you just play one faction all the way through basically yeah correct it's a lot of fun it is a lot of fun indeed I know demonets are a little bit better now um very vulnerable to high off heavy Cavalry though is my only concern Seekers though should counter Heil cavwell I'm thinking I feel like they might be able to get the job done we'll have to see I was gonna play corn but I wanted to use magic and we don't worry you guys will see corn tonight because hadris is playing corn and I'm playing slaanesh we had uh we had an honorable pact to play the two lowest ranked factions in Total War tonight so Adrians and I are both suffering but he's he's probably better at corn that I'm with slinash I would imagine I would imagine so yeah we do have some very good players here it's gonna be a great tournament so thank you for joining all right so let's go ahead and uh get this get this and what else do we want to bring looking at abilities and whatnot that's kind of a cool item but I don't think we need that this is a heel while casting on the characters can probably just go very Bare Bones Cody turn says I just completed my first campaign hey congrats and their armor-piercing range units felt really powerful they are uh why do you consider Cathay to be one of the weaker factions in PvP uh it's it's because they face struggles to deal with certain things um I wouldn't say they're like weaker they're just kind of like on the lower end of mid tier um yeah they just have a limited roster so they're very predictable they're very predictable yes launch is fun to watch um I'm gonna try and make them work for you guys I don't know how it's gonna go but we're gonna give it a good college try here and have some fun of the process all right I should probably start picking more units so Health Striders I think healthstriders Isla Nash don't actually trade that well granted having them I think is still good I feel like the health scourges are just like objectively better yeah I feel like that's the case all right so let's get you and get this yeah and again we got we're gonna have to like deal with imrick right like Emrick is gonna be rampaging so I think we need to build around him I mean Emirate could be dealt with by some of the greater demons like the exalty keeper of Secrets or inkari um these type of characters but then they're so vulnerable against archers which is a little bit problematic for sure [Music] yes it's gonna be fun so let's see what we want to do so for this looking at some of the Infantry choices that we do have I think they buffed the stat line on these hmm oh yeah so we'll mix in some of those good good I'm still learning the ways of slanesh so bear with me but we will learn in due time always wonder yeah the hell scared just what's really nice is that the entire roster does have immune to psychology so they're going to be a little bit more um solid there okay I kind of like this build so far seems like it's fun and will throw in you as well alright that seems like it's kind of a build which I like the opening throw in some Spears I wonder about forsaken here I feel like I like Ace forsaken isn't a bad idea but they kind of like do something similar to demonets I mean you're getting a little bit of armor I suppose but yeah we'll figure it out no Keeper Of Secrets yeah probably not I probably wouldn't bother with that fiends of slanesh could have some weird Niche applications here at dealing with like silver homes and and some of the other units but I don't know I don't know we're getting a little bit crazy so obviously Furies are super good also I think you're always gonna want those yeah but dealing with uh the big man yeah I guess we have to have some some Rod or Horsemen because if you don't you know he's just there's not going to be much to keep him honest I don't think um so we got you let's do this and throw in another one of these guys just because they're super freaking cool hell yeah dude sign me up I don't know if this build's good we're literally playing one of the best best style players out there but we're we're going with how I like to play which is a little bit mouth-gravy with uh these factions all right so two of those two of those we got all the pieces I know the piece is fit um do we want more basic Marauders is the question um trying to fine-tune it a little bit ladies and gentlemen hell yeah dude this build's metal as hell I love it yeah it's a it's a pretty sweet build actually ah did we just Spam that that could actually be more cost effective perhaps um and then we can just get that for like dueling situations or just go straight with this yeah that probably feels a little bit smarter and then we can get that for the heel all right let's see what happens man let's go baby let's get it yes lanesh time and we're getting in there with some slaanesh heavy duty armor baby so there's gonna be some chosen and honestly the uh the high levels don't really have the best anti-large I mean they have the spears but the spears lack AP so I figured chaos Knights could be pretty good with a little bit of support does mouth breathing mean easy to Pilot yeah because you just kind of sit there you know mouth a gape and just and going for it I don't know about the magic I just went with melkoff Spam because I feel like it's pretty cost effective to spam on just like Dragon princess or whatever but um yeah we'll see how it goes slash is really fun to play I have an absolute blast playing them I think they're such a cool faction um to play in the game so all right let's get you out here thank you for joining we're in the first round of tonight's tournament it is going to be the Imperial Road for our map which is a pretty open map certainly uh certainly I would say good for both factions tiles are very mobile too so they have a lot of Speedy tricks and traps and things they can do to kind of sneak around you so we'll have to watch out for that all right let me do a little bit of admin work here make sure we're all good for the Whips and Chains Excite Me yes yeah some Hellraiser all right so we got the uh melcoth spammer and we got Sig ball yeah you know he's yeah of course he'll lose to amrick but the idea is that he'll um he'll do it like a champ you know he'll take it like a champ and I always like I just love hellscar's Marauders I feel like they're just one of the coolest units and are so resilient and we do also have a cultist here cultist I just think are nice and useful for grinding and we got that caster and some chaos Knights who are going to kind of work together a little bit so I'm gonna probably press the back objective for reinforcements I have Seekers chaos Knights Furies a couple Horsemen to just put pressure on imrick and uh that's pretty much it yeah I wonder okay against chaos Knights I mean it's a bit of a you know they're expensive though and I can certainly just Spam elkots and use Seekers to ideally kill them so um my opponent's Army is ready to go so first single Summit in it's just gonna be some spearmen so some devoted Spears just to sit in the back objective and we'll go up and make a play for this point here all right so it's gonna be Larry swordmasters um swordmasters could be a little bit tricky but demonets will be good against them and so will Seekers and Furies so we need to do that I'm gonna go start spamming melcoths on top of the swordmasters and uh yeah it's gonna be tough I swordmasters might be able to cut through my stuff certainly making me a little bit nervous ah so what is it triple swordmaster with uh what's the back line archers and archers all right cool so yeah we got our chaos Knights let's get up in the trees here do a little bit of this and uh you guys come up and get ready to party and Larry spells it's gonna be just healing spells all right so we're gonna go and just start spamming mail costs when we can we'll get these chaos Knights up in the tree line here get ready to cause some havoc and uh yeah if we can like sandwich on the back of those um sword Masters that's gonna be pretty nice so Sig Vault can move up on the point Sig vault's certainly gonna be tough to knock down and we can just start dropping this down on you get a little bit of free damage there chaos Knight's moving up saving up for Seekers at the moment and uh cool so we got that and we dodged the arrow fire and that should do some respectable damage for sure all right so let's get you guys back siegfold and the cultists can be in group four and they can move up and let's get the chaos Knights kind of coming down here and uh yeah that's actually oh my opponent responded with an earthblood so we actually baited out a single Target earthblood which I'm pretty happy about so um on top of that let's get you guys coming up and uh have these demonets run up they do of course have very good armor piercing so should be okay and now we can park on the objectives and park on the objective here to try and just wrestle wrestle it from him there and wait oh no I just unsummoned my Caster on accident oh no I misclicked oh man okay I just I just probably threw the game yeah I mean at least you get a partial refund but that's really bad all right let's charge into the sword Masters temporarily if I win this and I I should get an achievement here all right so we're gonna just get a freebie here charging the sword Masters a little bit and then pull back man that sucks dude that's so stupid Oh man okay well anyways let's get some Seekers up move you guys up and get these scale sites back and our two characters can start just grinding into the silver and guard right here yeah I just I just I misclicked I had a I had something a little bit off there all right that's that's real dude God damn dude that's such a such an unfortunate way to start all right so Seekers thistle Nash are getting ready so we're gonna Loop them around the back and we'll resubbing our Caster in a second it won't be too much thankfully the Caster only had one spell so it was relatively cheap to do let's get these chaos Knights and demonets running up through the trees and they can kind of work together on the back objectives here and uh we'll summon out our Caster here in just a second so yeah that's a that's very unfortunate it's very unfortunate so let's get you guys moving up here and the Caster can come back out so we're playing with a little bit of a handicap here yeah it's it's not the end of the world though all right so we're gonna bump and grind this Seekers come out this way and demonets can kind of keep moving through the trees chaos Knights there also Sig bald and Company doing great work and uh yeah honestly pretty happy with this engagement so far um aside from that like blunder in the beginning it's going pretty well so let's get you guys the screen under here pull you guys back and we can drop a mail costs on these sword Masters and we can flank them with the devastating flanker and attack here and hope for the best all right so Sig Walden company doing great let's pull these chaos Knights over to that side point Sig vault's doing his thing and now we do get the same coaching recharge here which is outstanding and we are going to get sandwiched ourselves but let's just go ahead and do a little bit of a pile on here and we do have enough for a demonet summon so now we can get our cultists and drop the demonets on the back to shut down the archers which should be pretty darn good and let's get these Seekers through outstanding you guys moving in and the back objective is going to be pressed let's get you guys bring these chaos knights around the back of my opponent's Army and let's get some more demonets coming in to rip apart these sword Masters so so far this fighting isn't going badly we do get these guys going here so let's get down let's get these chaos knights around the back side my opponent's gonna call out what uh pyramid company okay so we should be able to get these archers I think I think we're going to be able to butter their bread and let's get the Caster going here use them El cost mystifying the asthma good keep going after the sword Masters more demonets are on the way up and Chaos Knight's getting a charge but unfortunately they are going to get attacked by fireborn so let's see if we can just get away from them for now get some of the demonets going after the fireborn here and then we can Loop Down and Under demonet should be able to drag down a fair amount of those models which should be good so let me turn my volume up here uh did I hit that okay there we go all right so now I have sound demonets are getting some damage let's kind of keep looping around see what we can do and uh now we can call in some Furies let's get the furies up value trading is pretty even which is very good considering the circumstances demonets keep dragging down the dragon princess Sig Walden company doing great uh grinding through silver and archers and the backfield fight is going all right but it could be could be better for sure so let's get you guys around the back of these units these demonets need to go butcher them and we can go ahead and do a melcots on them also all right looking good chaos Knights did get run down though so a little bit unfortunate we are down on the Caster situation uh those demonets which did try and push around the flank also got their bread buttered a little bit so that was really bad but we do have the furies waiting in the sky let's get some of you guys moving here do a little bit of juking and we do get a big flanking charge right there let's get these Seekers out down and around too if we can move you guys up and uh yeah we do just about break those sword Masters let's get the furies in there on those and the health Scourge boys are doing really good I'm very very happy with their performance so far all right Glory let's go man gonna be recharging into those Dragon princess there we do break the swordmaster it's great now we have a full sandwich on these fireborn which are a very expensive unit so I'm pretty happy about that let's get sigwald and Company to keep doing their thing and uh yeah the fight's not going terribly honestly uh you guys need to be moving up and uh we we have our Caster we didn't unsummon it this time so let's go ahead and uh just hit you guys with that all right so the middle objective is going to be flipping to us most likely and up on The High Ground is there anything sneaky sneaky we want to do let's get some healthcare just go see if we can find any freebies here get you guys around the back of this Army and get this cultist coming in here and uh these demonets need to uh just plank into the back of these if possible get that sweet devastating flanker going so value trading is pretty even which is weird um I I expect it to be more behind after all was said and done here but seems like it's going okay let's move you guys in Sig bald how you doing and uh melcott's man should be ready soon yes let's just keep grinding here where's this Caster good so getting that work in and these uh these reavers being shut down let's get on the fireborn here get around the back of the army and uh looks like some sword Masters are fleeing right there all right so now she's perverse glory is getting there it is you know let's move up on the point move up on the point couple spheres getting into the secondary here should be able to temporarily shut down the archers and maybe just maybe we can do some work against those guys yeah we'll we'll do a sandwich and recharge and see if it gets the job done okay a couple chaos nights have come back which is actually useful um we probably want to wait and get more demon ads coming out they'll trade very well in the Infantry fight and now we're starting to flip the point we get a nice rear charge there let's go ahead and pop a narcissism to just do some damage to them honestly and we can do another melkos there as well to just kind of butter their bread all right so moving up demonets uh let's get him over here Spears just kind of start grinding here let's move you guys around the back and the hell Scourge boys are taking some some big casualties unfortunately so that was a little bit bronzodia but even still we can probably recharge those archers with the chaos Knights how sick Vault looking sigwald's doing great and we do flip the objective granted my opponent's got a little sneaky sneaky going on over here so we probably need to find a way to get something there because he's going to flip that objective which would be really really bad and let's get Seekers going and uh the demonets can get into the sword Masters which should be very cost effective and now we need to get something on this back point or else we're gonna have a really really bad time I was honestly just probably some chaos theories we'll we'll clear them off it's not capture way but it gets the job done alright so our character here we're gonna have some more witchcraft here in a second let's get the hell scourges up there now we're starting to actually threaten the back objective which is kind of a curious idea let's get these chaos Knights across the map again and we do see a lot of pure main company coming out another metal costs do we have any good targets any sword Masters we want to hit um we do have some white lines of Grace which are certainly a good Target and boom we get the attack there but yeah oh man if they flip that we're gonna be in a little bit of danger granted we are kind of like threatening The High Ground objective here so there is that the sphere are eventually going to get these guys off I think but I don't know if it's going to be quick enough yeah value trading is even but it's not going as quickly as I would like yeah not having that Caster in the beginning definitely was uh was very very troll all right so let's pull you guys in chaos nights do break here and uh how's Sig Vault going Sig vault's doing okay demonets have made it in so let's get them up on the point which unfortunately has just flipped and we'll get some health scourges on the backside to start clearing that off if we can alright so you guys come and let's get the health scourges could have brought them out of Vanguard I suppose but yeah Furies get here take those guys down we have a little bit of narcissism action but what we really need to do is win this ground here which I don't know if we're going to be able to it's going to be Trixie Hobbits is for sure sigwald maybe goes after Larry that could be something we try and do um and the Furies appear to have cleaned off the point which is good and uh yeah now we'll get there and get that back so as far as troops go chaos Knights wouldn't be super good these demonets are certainly doing great um sigwald is doing quite a bit of damage against Larry so if we can goon Larry here that would actually be really big Let's uh get Larry into narcissism and see if we can get a nice little attack there and maybe do a couple more hits on the old damage come on take bald yeah we need this this is what we need the back objective it looks like it's gonna go back to us and do we manage to hold that we did oh that's pretty big actually wow okay that that that could have been uh way worse all right so let's keep going after Larry and what we're gonna do is use Fascination on Larry too to get her rampaging then hopefully sickball is going to be able to go in for the kill all right so sick Vault goes in for the kill get some more demon ads coming up outstanding get those running and uh yeah this is a pretty nice pick here for us granted we don't have too much time to work with but Signal's about to get the kill on Larry yep Larry's down to the count all right so the lord of the enemy Army has fallen but the question is do we have enough stopping power to uh get in there and you know deal with this all right let's Get You On The Archers here at the health Scourge Cavalry have secured the back points let's move you up and I think we need to like ninja the back objective sometimes now so let's get some Modern Horsemen going over there yeah that's gonna be the play all right and we have our melkots Caster too so we need to be uh more on top of that see this chosen of slanesh you're fighting hard but let's uh maneuver you around this way a couple archers getting into the back so we did get that pick and my opponent's Caster the mage of Shadows is gonna fall now too I think which is nice so let's go see if we can steal the back objective um that would be pretty good and uh yeah these demonets can come and is there anything I need to clear off looks like they're running for the hills very good sigwald's doing his thing so let's get sick ball to uh yeah let's get him to the back objective that's gonna be a better play all right so let's just keep running up this way Sig bald heading to the back demonets can keep pushing in the middle for now and just kind of trying to get the value where we can and it looks like my opponent is going to be calling in some silver and guard which I don't know if they'll get there in time they probably will to be honest um but we do get to the point which is good get you guys sandwiching gear and sigwald and Company good and do this and do this and then you guys get around the back of the army and how's our Caster doing so he did just get grinded down to the pits which is unfortunate but the elves have a ton of infantry left like a whole lot um yeah so we need man I'm gonna have narcissism in 20 seconds I don't know if it's gonna be fast enough to give you this point but we do have a lot of cap weight on here now and if I can get a narcissism on those silverin I mean my back point is very vulnerable demonets are in a pretty cost-effective fight there 11 seconds uh I don't think it's gonna be enough unfortunately those guys do get broken but let's see if we can just get there real quick and block them from the point and keep sign bald on it there all right come on three two and one oh no that's not narcissism oh that's Rampage oh that's the wrong ability I'm like etiquette I'm too weak all right so let's uh get a frontal charge here we need to flip this back objective like ASAP like 10 minutes ago and uh looks like we do flip the objective there so that is ours now and we do have more units coming which is good but my opponent's got a lot of Spears which is very very dicey I mean that buys us some time but we need to get the middle now because the back objective is going to basically be impossible to hold we got more demonets coming and let's get them around and yeah we need to just run away at this point this is not like a sustainable objective at all so you guys are just gonna park on the edge of the point we do have the two cap here which is very nice a couple Cavalry pieces are nearby let's go ahead and flank into the side of these demonet's coming in and let's get our Caster to uh melkos here again all right Spears move in and demonets and cultists and all that sort of good stuff you do your thing yeah you guys need to just run God man on something that Caster was such a setback I'm so bummed we did that this probably would have been a good game otherwise we do get those guys shaking and more demonets are on the way up yes good Anakin good and uh we could re-summon some chosen but that's going to be turbo expensive we'll leave Sig ball back there to do a little bit of grinding but overall we just basically need to find a way to flip this Middle Point um demonets yeah man 1400 value on them I'm like I should have brought more of those they're just doing so the work of the Gods here let's get into the beer main company and uh pull these Cavalry around do a little bit of skirmishing it looks like Larry is back so the hive saved up for their lord actually which is pretty crazy and we are getting a close game here which I'm actually pretty happy about honestly yeah I think if we didn't make that big blunder in the beginning maybe maybe we just pull something off but let's get Seekers we need armor piercing so Seekers are coming in and we can just keep jabble and firing you guys let's pull you guys around see if we can get a sandwiching charge here and my opponent has some archers all right flanking flanking and uh cool this position slowly being broken we'll have melkoffs here relatively soon and how are the demonets doing yeah they're doing okay A little bit of Archer fire certainly is uh nobody's best friend but we're gonna be in Triple cap territory here uh rather soon we have to find a way to flip the middle all right let's go chase these archers down Pull you guys back here we do a Fascination which uh honestly I don't hate popping it on these guys and pulling back and trying to lure them to their demise uh demonets are running out of steam so we need to get a big big flanking charge here like a big big devastating plank yeah which we might be able to do we'll have to see we have a little bit of time to work with nothing too crazy all right and a use circle around here let's do the rear charge and the rear charge hopefully just the devastating flanker alone will be enough to kind of break the position and we'll pop that all right so how are we looking into the backfield looking okay I need some capture weight though right now and honestly I think I've lost this game I think that blender in the beginning was a little bit too much but uh you know we're still going to give it a good college try so big big flank right there that was pretty money melcox gets the job done demonets Pile in after the silver in and uh what can we call in from the back it's gonna have to be some health Scourge chosen but I don't know I actually have more demon ads all right let's get the demonets coming in rear charge into the back of these guys looking good and uh yeah those those guys are gonna do some work if the demonets can get the job done okay pull back here it's a little bit congested let's keep moving this way sigwald's still uh bumping and grinding on that objective there which is good and these Cavalry have gotten back and The Seekers have also gotten back so let's go clean up these guys and do a little bit of housekeeping in the backfield make sure the archers can't get on the demonets and uh yeah I just don't think it's enough time I don't think it's enough yeah we get you guys up there try and fight Sig Vault you know is trying his best on that back objective maybe we got to just go for something there and just hope the grind in the front just goes good over time um as far as like our options the call-in goes we do have some of these guys let's get them up and just get a little bit of mobile utility and let's do another melcots on you probably should have gone double melco's Caster I think that would have been better all right so we have some time not a whole lot to work with more and more demonets are going to be making their way in we have some health Scourge chosen providing buffering which is nice and uh yeah sigbald's doing it man he's he's grinding hard let's see if he can get Larry again we might be able to pick off Larry here if my opponent's not paying attention so let's go after Larry and we can use a narcissism to make sure she doesn't get away pull the mobility over here and uh yeah see if we can cheese the higher floored again well we'll try for round two on this character demonet's still doing great um value is unfortunately very very close my opponent does have healing which is not good and back here we did get some nice work in and uh are we gonna get Larry down unfortunately Larry gets my Caster I was hoping to be able to do more damage there but wasn't quite enough um back objective is under threat there are a couple units there so I'll probably just summoned into marauder or something to help deal with that and let's get on these archers uh Javelin you down only yeah there's not enough time not enough time I really like the demonet performance so I feel like I've learned a lot about that they felt like they were pretty damn good let's get on the experiment here sandwich into the back Javelin you down and uh unfortunately like I think the game was another five minutes we could win it I think we're trading pretty well but that's not how this game works so it's not going to be the way let's go chase down those archers keep them from coming back Javelin them down um sigwald's gonna get a little bit of support here see if you can break them and if you're easing company yeah that Fury combo with demonet seems pretty good against Heil Spears seems pretty good all right so we broke that character down which is nice uh the Caster is officially gone but yeah it's GG man if we so we man that unsummoned in the beginning hurt so in the beginning of the game we lost a lot of momentum because we unsummoned our Caster on accident I just misclicked I think that cost us honestly because it was a really close game I ended up going up almost a thousand value both Larry's healing it doesn't mean a whole lot um but yeah GT well played in my opponent they played a great match despite that um GG well played let me I'm gonna tell him I don't know if they even noticed hopefully he didn't see me um in the first second that would be game yeah so awful God man that's such a bummer well we still did good The Chosen did well considering 1500 800 and uh I mean they were fighting sword Masters too right so they were fighting pretty good units and I think they performed well sigwald with 3 000 value baby look at that damn 3 300 value melco's Caster was really good um honestly I probably should have just cut this other character and brought a second melcots Caster I think that would have been really good to wear down those Elite Troopers but yeah he played very well it was a close game could have gone either way I just think we couldn't we couldn't afford to lose our momentum in the beginning yeah I saw close all right GG well played to my opponent it was a good game we tried our best on summoning our Caster not the best play we've ever had but you know what it happens so uh let's go into the next round hmm I got to tell my opponent to report the score uh please report score please report score my friend learning to play slanesh tonight and so far I'm seeing a couple little schemes can we not see Council I know we're trying we're trying when are they going to fix matchmaking Maps so I can jump in and play this game I know dude I know I think I've made some um most of that value did come from gooning Larry but it also came from doing work against like the the sword Masters and other units how cool is this meta that like Elite infantry can actually shine a little bit now it's so much better than the meadows of the old yeah chaos lights were a bit of a bust honestly that was probably a weak Link in my build just got the chaos nights um but man slaanesh is a really fun faction to play dude yeah I think the chaos Knights are a little bit of a liability against that many pointy sticks um but dude they're they're really cool yeah chaos Knights definitely get two style points all right so let's see how many games we have left we should be getting ready for our next round tonight and I wonder if Adrians will win on his corn or if he's gonna join nope hadris lost with corn haydrees and I are gonna have the battle of the pit Lords and the with the worst factions here heart Seekers are interesting I think maybe against factions what would hard takers be good against maybe a Grand Cafe like if you can avoid the missiles and like shut down the missiles effectively with your Flyers hey Jays oh sorry you got the Buy around huh well um let me make sure that counts as a win I need to talk to the developer for some reason buy rounds don't always count as wins which um certainly should be fixed so I'm going to set that up right now Jay and you should be all good don't on some yeah if you want to be good at slash don't unsummon your Caster literally in the first engagement and then you'll be good then you'll you'll have good trades fireborn did good yeah I think they did I'll check their value in a second I'm just doing a little bit of admin work and uh we'll be going so streams for the next like I don't know like two weeks are gonna be late night mostly um as a heads up simply because um it's just too damn hot during the day like even with air conditioning on I'm sitting here just dripping in sweat in this room it's been like 100 plus yeah corn is definitely a pit Lord faction hatreds but you know what you have a good tiebreaker now so if your opponent does well you could still qualify and if you don't get like like skaven for example you might be all right chaos Knights are actually pretty good here if you bring like three of them yeah it makes sense I can see that cane like a critical mass yeah that seems like that could be the way um fireborn probably did really quite nice actually 1100 not bad you know not bad at all they were getting slammed by melkots and honestly seems to have good counters again this is like my first time playing slash in ages in the tournament but um yeah they seem to have good counters against high high off heavy Cavalry for sure yeah corn should get a Slaughter priest a hundred percent if they could get some sort of a mage type character that would be nice so we have one match still finishing here Jay I've updated your score so you should be all set hey Drees you and I will be meeting in the pits of hell I'm sure hmm and uh so I'm going to play either hadris cow um or ghoul or Icarus and conson is gonna be our match up here why did that one tourney guy band ogres what makes him so um ogres are already really good as a faction but then creative assembly decided to make knobbler Trappers like one of the straight up best infantry units in the entire game so that's why that ended up happening hey well played to my opponent he played he's I love playing against uh Colin there yeah he's a great high of player um but knoblar Trappers are just egregiously op if you take a look at these things they are just uh they're just stupid for 400 gold they just like wreck like other infantry equivalents I'm trying to think of like a good test I could show you for example all right so let's grab some um let's grab some like Empire Swordsmen for example right so we'll get you and we'll get a couple state troopers um and lobular Trappers are not supposed like they're like a range stock unit they're not supposed to be like a Frontline battle piece that can defeat equivalence on other factions I don't know if the AI is going to give me a good test we'll find out Dusty thank you for the 20. appreciate it hell yeah dude thanks for the years of great content we'll keep it going I haven't kept up with bounce changes for this game it's getting close yeah Elite infantry have gotten better because they removed some of the natural predators to Elite infantry so things like Vortex magic oh my God huge donation for most mostly amiable thank you a hundred dollars holy I didn't see that coming in God damn that is a super generous one okay I'll show you this uh in the next round we we are going to the next round right now so dude thank you for that amiable thank you so much all right so we got conson as our opponent so if we can win our next couple games we could qualify for top four um I have faith that our health opponent will do very well and give us a good tiebreaker which is what we need so we need our Ohio player to win the next few matches because I think we could do well um yeah I liked that build sick bald was really disruptive I think like the other slanesh characters are a little bit too big of a Target in those like missile factions all right so let me uh we'll show you guys this test later but my next round opponent is waiting for me right now so let me find them and uh we'll get a Lobby up thank you for joining amiable thank you holy that is a generous one we'll uh we'll try and we'll try and win a game in your honor tonight we'll try our best I can't promise too much I don't slash I want to make I want to play them more I think they're really underrated I know they have the lowest win rate in the game right now but I do think that they're underrated all right all right where's where's my pony here they have they have a funky name spelling it's like some Trixie hobbitses all right where are you at I see you precious I see you up here somewhere all right come on give it to me give it to me where are you all right so what else all right this could be interesting so wood elves on and the map is gonna be round two it's good to me it's a it's a classic it's a brawl versus the hardwood should be great should be great thoughts in bertonia right now yeah they're they're a little bit Opie a very Opie I should say britonia is pretty egregious yeah they're they're very very nasty yeah big problem big problem all right so we have our opponent um let's go ahead and think what we want to bring probably not super Elite since they can just kind of snipe them down um you could go super wide like like a rush type builds I'm trying to think what would be like some weird forbidden Tech here that hasn't been explored too much you're just here for the cast great so you're here to see me uh flail around with lynesh and try and trying to figure it out all right I like to hear that let me need that I always wonder about sliver slash seems like it could be kind of a cool thing all right so the hardwood is here um let's do this and for the casters I do oh man I really like that melkoff Caster granted slanesh's Laura magic is very good too getting that um that huge lower passive is just sweet um so I think we probably do that maybe cut you cut that and then for spells probably this probably that and then we can also do how much does that cost and then we have that and yeah we'll just drag that one in there too dryad screeching I actually have no idea what to do in this matchup like just I'm just like trying to figure this out here I'm like all right how do we deal with the uh these units I mean I know the old Meadow was like chaos nights with um in Warhammer too it would have been like the equivalent of like a chaos night build versus these guys which you know could be very very strong but um yeah I don't know slanesh does have missile units in age of Sigmar yeah I don't think in fantasy they did in fantasy they just have a Marauder Horseman if I'm not mistaken I could be wrong somebody might correct me here all right so let's see so we got the hardwood my opponent rock in a Yasuo from League of Legends oh it's Zed on the other side very cool some lore from the Forgotten Realms about chariots here like Health layers kind of seem like they could be fun they they do in theory hit pretty hard against like like the the armor I don't know yeah it seems a little bit janky here all right so let's grab you I do like that and um a single chaos night would be neat Health Scourge Marauders probably don't be dryads I don't I wouldn't I wouldn't guess um I could be wrong I could be wrong for sure but I don't think they do yeah something to something to think about all right subscribe you and for the rest of the units here for our next disappearing act I think forsaken aren't bad here I think their shock damage can be pretty impactful against um like wood off light Infantry fiends of slanesh to chase down archers ooh I don't know about that yeah uh so let's get you guys and get this and hmm I do like that that seems like it's a pretty solid little build right there let's throw you up on The High Ground uh we got some Cavalry coming out so I think we just go with these Seekers don't seem terribly relevant here I think always having one Fury in the back pocket is useful and um maybe a couple Marauder Horsemen just to Javelin things down like dryads and War dancers and blade singers are all pretty weak against Javelin fire so I think I like that the Infantry choices here are interesting like I want to use demon as demonetzal retry heads so wreck Eternal guard blade probably won't trade super well with some of the other blade type units but they are really quick what's nice about them is they get up to the points like really really fast uh chaos dwarves have some really buggy units they're not like the most OP but um they're definitely a little bit imba if you allow them to use every unit on their roster yeah chaos Knights are definitely Chad's here 100 um they are gonna be uh very good like I think you just go with two chaos Knights Maybe um and uh I want to bring some cool infantry unit I guess it's just gonna end up being the mirror guard again all right all right mirror guard it is you know sign me up that same old shift all right chaos nights yeah chaos Knights can definitely catch their prey get you and you and you how's our infantry support looking um probably a couple basic Marauders would be welcome um spearm rotors hellscarge Marauders yeah Health Scourge Marauders I think are the way they're very good good stats go fiends for the entertainment um so for chaos dwarves they have a handful of buggy units but the real buggy unit is the um is the what's it called the trains so the iron demons the skull crackers if you go and load into a custom battle right now my friend and you have a skullcracker battle a chaos giant it'll be a close fight which is like the dumbest ever um did I forget something here let me check okay uh yeah looking fine looking fine and yeah all right I think we're all good to go yeah segment's great man although yeah well you know if we if we lose this game we're just gonna be in full experiment mode like I'm still trying to get to the finals here but if you lose two matches you have no chance so um we're gonna try here with what I think is meta one Cool Tech though I brought the uh I brought like a different RoR that you probably don't see often yeah it should be great you bring in the roar halberds no oh the princess of perfection they're not halberds they're Spears but yeah I I think I have them in reserve they seem okay yeah they seem okay anti-infantry one can be Spears not sure I think dryads win a dryads just hit very hard um but I I think healthcare's Warriors are the way to go here silver Shields um High armor the only thing on the Widow froster that will probably beat them is gonna be blade singers which you can potentially punish with um spells as well as um your Cavalry and you can also cast acquiescence to kind of change that dueling I think I almost feel like double mail costs is just like maybe better but the slanesh magic is really nice all right so let's get home boys going here we have our blob of Health Scourge Warriors my one forbidden Tech that I brought is the sibilant slaughter keita like chaos chariots in general aren't bad against elves a little bit vulnerable against Calvary but these things hit very hard they've been devastating flankers Soul Hunters couple things like that um we can send one spear unit like up to The High Ground to kind of test that one Sig ball it's gonna move up and just be you know do what signal does got you chaos knights in the trees for now and um and then we have the sibilant slaughtercade which I'm thinking of maybe playing The High Ground objective too that could be kind of a fun idea actually hmm don't the princess beat chaos knights in a closed environment the dragon Princess uh I actually don't know I'd have to test that it depends on which God you're talking about like nurgle has poison these guys have physical resist as well as flanking so they're more about flanking rather than like head up fighting um yeah good luck have fun in my opponent let's see how this goes all right I need to wake up man I know it's like super late at night I just got this like brain fog lately I should probably get checked for like sleep apnea or something I'm just like I'm falling apart here all right where are we at looking good you desire yes oh dirthu all right let's go to the low ground here so dirty was kind of a weird pick I like I don't have a ton that's like good against that type of a character so we're just gonna like ignore this High Ground objective uh what do I even have against Syracuse okay so I have some Spears and I have a couple Marauder Horseman javelins uh my opponent one two three four five six with three stealth archers so probably gonna be a triple uh triple dakadaka Dhaka so we're going to set up like this control the low ground we're going to keep our chaos Knights hidden in the trees hoping my opponent will kind of like move into them a little bit and then we can get that sweet value that's a cool build though I like the dirty Tech I think it's kind of uh some forbidden stuff we'll get the Marauders moving over there and health Scourge boys will uh sure up the center and uh yeah my opponent does have The High Ground Anakin it does have The High Ground so we'll pull you back pull you back and you guys move up and there's got to be some hidden archers in the trees I love this Ambush here though I feel like if they Advance down the hill we're gonna get some really good um we're gonna get some good stuff all right so in the back we get a spell Weaver of Life Darth who does have a couple spells but nothing too crazy and on the back side here uh what do we want to call in we have a sphere unit moving across so I think I'm just going to do a little bit of Javelin and like try and force out their missiles and see what they have so we're just gonna go like Javelin some dried units right sigwald we'll grab this point we'll park you here and you here and now we get to see what archers they have if they don't bring out the archers we're just gonna get a lot of free value so I just want to see what they have that's the game plan and if we can even lure them to chase these Horsemen into the tree line here that's gonna be pretty money all right so the objectives yeah perfect we see the Cavalry oh sisters Glade Riders yeah the sisters oh somebody already got this bounty on Tavern I hope they're not going for the Bounty thinking they can get it but this is perfect so if we can lure them to chase us into the trees then we're going to be cackling all the way to the bank so that's going to be a flock of Doom which will do a little bit of damage nothing too crazy let's fan out those units and just keep jabblining them and it looks like the two low ground objectives are going to be secured let's pull you over here and just kind of keep poking so we're forcing Winds of magic out which is great um we'll have a second chaos Knight to call out of the Wings and overall I think we'll be okay here all right so we got that objective let's get our Caster over here so we can potentially Rampage if need be have you kind of fill the Gap and see what we can get done so Sig vault's got the objective we have the two cap on them so feeling pretty good about that and uh does not look like we lured them into the trees not yet all right so Sig ball do you want him like here and you want to make sure he's facing the right direction so he gets his like Silver Shield yeah otherwise you know you're kind of you're going to be suffering a little bit let's keep hitting these units pull down here pretend like we're not paying attention then get the counter charge the dreaded slaneshi Ambush will be underway soon uh sickball can go start battling those dryads and uh let's pretend like we're not watching here and get the chaos Knights to counter charge pull you guys out and now it is time to Spring the traps all right so ah my opponent was watching they were watching oh we just moved out of the trees just barely all right time to just do a little bit of a cross push here so let's get you up let's get you going here and get you guys going over here and uh we can trigger The Last Ship slash to get the melee attack buff um as a matter of fact yeah that should be enough all right so you guys move up chaos Knights moving to the side of these dryads and you move into the side of the drives as well let's get you guys behind and uh the back objective is being pressed so we need to uh make sure to try and secure that if we can all right brutal charge there in the side absolutely nasty that's the Chariots and Chaos nights uh continue to cause Havoc so let's Loop them around pull back and through the sibilant slaughter kid getting smashed by someone I'm not sure what but even still chaos Knights should be able to fight them there and you guys can go here so let's do this and do this and now let's call out another chaos night unit move them up and see what we can get done all right so the javelin fire is going well safe vault's on the Run we need our Caster to do a little bit of acquiescence so let's just do that right here on these Glade Riders uh lower their stats down a little bit and our sweet sweet chaos Knights are just in in the basically the perfect grind um they're doing excellent work sigwell's gonna engage chaos Knights here let's bring them down and under and that back objective should be secure for us so now let's do a little sneaky sneaky uh not so sneaky but let's get some forsaken move them up to that point so you can get a little bit of pressing going here and wild Riders are coming around the flank right now right so they're going to go for the wild hunters of Curtis which we should be able to win against um with all things considered All right so let's get this Chariot away be broken through sigwald and Company doing great health Scourge Marauders doing awesome so let's Javelin down the wild hunters of Curtis get these chaos Knights looping around and we probably need to make sure we stay on the objective all right chaos Knights Retreat back civil and Slaughter Kate has done it um now we just want to get the chaos Knights to not tar pit themselves in Spears and let's charge and pull you guys back and now we need to get the big debuff here so we're gonna go ahead and pavane and slash them for damage Park these guys behind and The Chariot can go there forsaken can go there let's get another forsaken unit heading up there and overall this fight's very good chaos Knights will trade well especially with slanesh debuffs and stuff on them it's gonna be uh absolutely brutal all right so we're gonna charge in here we need to get a little bit more damage um Sig ball able to chase those units down this objective looking very secure over here let's get some Spears heading to the middle but that's pretty nasty stuff that was very good unfortunately this objective is gonna flip I don't know where the cap weight is coming from honestly I should have had these guys parked on the objective here but uh you know a bit of a potato it happens so Sisters of the thorn get broken up let's charge with our chaos night see what we can do do another lash of SLA Nash to get the melee attack buff across our entire Army and it looks like we managed to maintain that objective forsaken have arrived and uh they're gonna be capturing that top objective while we continue taking relative control of this game I would say all right so let's get into the wild Riders we need to get our Caster over there for the debuffs and we can Rampage them and uh cool so we maintain capture weight here Sig vault's still grinding and um these chaos nights I don't know what the hell is happening with them but man old school tactics using the uh using the uh the rampaging guys yeah all right so let's cast uh that acquiescence there forsaken can collapse down on these Cavalry and the sibilant slaughter kit can rear charge into the Spears and let's go ahead and get some uh some mirror guard coming out too all right so the mirror guard on the way dryads gonna get cleaned up over here chaos Knight's causing huge havoc in the backfield and uh where's our other chaos night unit I know there there's one here and the other one is back there all right both chaos Knights are just super heavily entrenched in battle Dorothy was actually taking a surprising amount of damage from these javelins they're just kind of sitting on them we might actually be able to kill dirty which I think could be good all right so um all over the battlefield we have hell scourges defending that objective let's take a big macro look at everything kind of evaluate our situation I think we got this one to the bag we're up value and the chaos Knights are basically just going balls deep in the backfield and causing massive Havoc um forsaken will trade well there and uh overall now I think it's time to just start playing uh for the end game so let's just kind of start securing and doubling down to the what else can't really do much in the mobile sense uh signal getting the job done could have moved some Spears up to support these chaos Knights a little bit earlier that was probably a little bit bronzodia of me sibling Slaughter kid doing nice um let's recharge into these fears break them and uh yeah The Horseman probably gonna get cut off here ice flank from the sisters hopefully these chaos Knights will be able to kind of endure a little bit longer and earthy was actually looking to be a little bit worse for wear let's debuff him triggering the melee attack buff for our entire Army and move these guys up and yeah I think we got this one so slanesh gonna be uh taking one home here tonight so we're still in running as long as our tiebreaker does well and we go three in one I think our odds are pretty respectable hey thank you for becoming a channel member I don't know how to say your name but thank you so much man I really really appreciate that hope you're enjoying this uh this this sweaty sweaty uh hot slow nice action right now all right so coming down the hill so I'm actually going to be moving in chaos lights like got broken eventually but like 10 years later right so let's get the princess of devotion move them up those are going to be some good quality sphere units Spears just get in there and go cause some Havoc Horsemen are out of ammo I'm probably just got on some of them at this point just to get a little bit of a little bit of that going and we can Fascinate these guys that'll Rampage those sisters of thorn and then they're basically just gonna come to their Doom so let's do that we got one to the Rampage which is outstanding the subjective looking very secure High Ground objective being guarded by forsaken not the tankiest unit in the world but still pretty resilient and we did get the Rampage on that one unit which is great so slash does have some tricks of their own pavane cost 10 wins so I don't have enough for that right now but the sisters are being taken down and it looks like some Cavalry you're going to be charging in here but um the healthcareers and rotors are going to be an Unholy nightmare to deal with um anything else we can Rampage here I don't think so I think we're fine all right so that objective's looking good let's uh get the spear boys out to the center I think the side point is okay um next up we'll Rampage the sisters but they haven't taken enough damage yet in order to successfully a rampage unit they have to meet a uh basically a specific damage threshold so you can see a little bit of housekeeping gear Forsaken and you guys Sig ball can make his way over here and uh the Infantry should be there in a moment and what is this Caster doing this gaster is getting real bananas here dude because we can we can Rampages Caster if we get a little bit of damage on it let's get sick bald and Caster moving together princess of perfection can move here keep you guys lined up there High Ground objectives looking okay do a little bit of housekeeping and um once again let's just get health Scourge boys coming back out let's move them up and I brought demonets I'm not sure what for I was like maybe they'll be good at like clearing getting to an objective quickly with five capture weight that was kind of the school of thought I was I was using but um even still it looks like they're not able to get this objective so I think we got this one in the old bag here I think we do all right let's go here let's do this Cavalry nice cycle charging for my opponent it's good stuff um in the middle looks like a little bit of pressure nothing that those defensive units aren't going to be able to handle and that is it GG well played still got it baby we can win a game that was a cool build for my opponent man triple sisters with dirt through they didn't do terribly like he was charging and you know using his ammo well um signaled with 1100 Health scooters are just a pain chaos Knights sibilant Slaughter kid didn't do as well as I thought it would have but uh you know what it was a fun game Gigi well played yeah so now she feels like they're underrated they they definitely deserve a better win rate um Gigi well played GG well played all right so let's report that one that's gonna be one oh here and uh we won with slanesh versus wood elves I actually don't know what I would do in that matchup they went like Weight Watcher and like that really kind of like yeah I don't know blade singers and stuff that feels like they could actually be really good against lanesh in some regards I don't know blade singer blobs I wonder how they do against Healthcare just that's the question all right so reporting the score we got that you think the inexpensive Roar yeah it's pretty good the civil and Slaughter kid I've seen it do well before all right so um yeah let's go look at the how these chaos Knights do 1100 value yeah cool I love that man that was a fun build from him so you guys wanted to see the um oh no why did it why did it pull me I literally went to battle verse Ai and it put me back in there all right hey thank you for the donation what is your name felusso thank you man appreciate it it's a good time so we're going to show you um what these damn Gremlins do they're very nasty so these are the uh recent I think one of the core reasons why ogre kingdoms are a little op make sure ogres do have some bad matchups but um ogres are op and Dom in Land Battle I don't know I I still feel like in Land Battle they'd be pretty gross because of how good nobler Trappers are yeah I'm always a little bit disappointed by slanash chariots for some reason I'm always a little bit a little bit sad about it I don't know what it is so let's refresh this let's look here how are we looking all right platypus defeating my opponent there curse you platypus for ruining my tiebreakers um and then we will go to the next round let's see yeah so we still have a handful of games left to finish [Music] all right so let's just get these knobblers move them up and uh we can get the it's not gonna be a perfect test because it's AI but you know it's better than nothing so the thing is these little guys they have um like a weird mortise engine effect so they do a deceiving amount of damage it's pretty it's pretty crazy so you know in a normal situation they would engage using their ninja stars initially right and uh you would just get the ogre Tyrant to uh get in so we want to make sure the Infantry of the Empire get like a good trade and then we just get like a lord duel right all right so a little bit closer you go and then we get you guys charging you guys charging not the best test the AI didn't didn't really do a good job of it but basically the knobler Trappers will just annihilate enemy infantry of like similar price you see how there's like a mortise engine effect going down like draining these Empire State Troopers the knoblars are winning by a massive margin and they have a huge model count it's a bonus for its infantry so not only are you getting like a stock unit you're getting a unit with stock with ranged um and uh also now they have a bonus versus infantry and will out trade most equivalent Frontline choices so any other factions like equally priced shaft units will trade pretty poorly into nobler Trappers right which is rough so um some of the state troopers here they have the help of the Lord but you can see how it's like you know over here it's a novel or Choppers you're winning I mean it's a close-ish fight but this shouldn't be close um with the amount of utility you're getting from them it's kind of stupid so um they just they just will win you most Frontline fights sounds uh all right let's see here so refresh this let's do it and check here um all right so so drop at start of next round probably or let's see here if they drop now or or wait drop now okay so my opponent has to drive not my opponent but the player I displayed had to drop um wants me to do it for you a little bit of secret agent admin work which is good Trappers cost 400 they cost basically the same as most Baseline troops but they shouldn't trade well with Frontline sword and board infantry that's like that look at the stat difference 18 and 26 Empire State Troopers have a stat line in the 30s uh I believe with some of their stats yeah 32 and 32. they should get crushed to buy frontliners but they have their range utility they have stock like that's what you get from them it's like they they're not supposed to bash Frontline troops that well yeah yeah Trappers are 400 they should with their current kit as it is they should cost like 450 to 500. um because you're just getting so much out of that you're getting so much uh I got you all right so one sec guys just got to do a little bit of admitting and we get ready for the next round yes yes okay looks good and uh yeah so we got our our two Swiss points here which shouldn't be the case I should just have just one so let me fix that right now and uh we'll get ready to advance yeah I think um I think they either need to remove the bonus for infantry or increase their costs you know it's one of the two the bonus for infantry I mean I don't know why I mean do they think that ogres needed something to kill Spears ogres don't really have problems with Spears you could just throw an Opera's under bulls and you just crush them um unless I mean maybe silver in are a little bit more problematic I guess for them I don't know I don't know I don't know what sort of weird weird schemes these are okay so it looks like that should be all fixed up yeah they're very play a quick battle We're not gonna need to uh the next round's gonna start like any second it's a pretty small event tonight so um overall yeah it's gonna be a little bit small so one around we got ghoul baby versus hadris uh I will be playing it looks like our undefeated players are platypus J Phoenix and supreme and uh Kane my tiebreaker no he's got he's got he needs to get some wins under his belt to give me a good tiebreaker here or else we're going to be in some Danger yeah so we'll be starting our next round like before I could finish a quick battle yeah ogres didn't need any Buffs I don't know I don't know what they were thinking with that it was a very strange change and here's the thing you have to remember guys CA when they're doing their bouncing they take their bouncing data from Quick battles I don't really think they take I mean they take some tournament feedback into play but a lot of their bouncing data comes from Quick battles which are just you played on terrible Maps um I don't even know if they fully fix the cheating mod like there's there's a lot of stuff right a lot of stuff so hopefully they're not putting too much Credence into the quick battle data and looking here let's see tournament chat I've been pinged cheers good luck have fun and heading to the to the page here all right looks like we're ready for the next round let's Advance it um no longer will there be any buys which is nice um cow Z should have gotten one more point yes so he got a win here so he should be on one yeah iron gut's got buffed too but yeah I think if they just reign in knoblars like that will uh that will help a lot that will help a lot ogres are bad in single player yeah you think so but like in what situation though hear me out if like you're making the argument for a campaign in what situation do people um like spam tier one units in campaign for a long time I mean like yeah if you're doing like some sort of a funky thing maybe but really I mean you're going to move on from not blood Trappers and campaign pretty damn quick so I don't think like I don't think you need much like that doesn't seem to make sense to me um CA bounces on a two-month delay well so does Games Workshop with their tabletop game all right so checking here um yeah cow got the W and everybody's ready so let's advance to the next round good luck have fun everybody here we go here we go all right we got Stingers let's get it so let me find my opponent here load in I don't know what singers is playing I think they're playing like Kiss Live or something yeah I think they picked a kiss love at the last second I actually don't know what this matchup looks like this is going to be interesting all right stingers and let's get you in there good luck have fun and there we go all right so playing a dreaded rtk opponent strong player for sure Celestial lake is going to be the map so classic uh map winner this is the one that won our map making contest and let's start throwing this build together I'm pretty sure they're playing kiss love so uh you guys are gonna get kiss of one way or the other tonight all right perfect yeah yeah that's true in campaign you do use cheap tier one range units up until turn 40. although with ogres I don't know if you would that constitutes units like archers like with the Empire like yeah you're always gonna do that I don't know if that would be as much the case for um for like knobbler Trappers though yeah all right let me see hadris you got platypus again um all right so how does that make sense you got platypus again oh it's because there's only three undefeated players hadris and um you have the highest tiebreaker score so hmm thanks for that I I didn't uh I didn't I didn't do that let's see here I think the other players are already in the lobbies together yeah look at look at Arrow and chat he knows he's got the right attitude crush him dude you you know his builds from last time all right so we got Stingers here oh of course Arrow Arrow shows up and we're playing slinash of all things yeah all right so kiss love kiss love kiss live this is gonna be an interesting one so let's get you guys and then we can throw in a little bit of this I think that's nice Seekers are always very good in this matchup I think they're fast they're Furious yeah it's pretty small turning it's all good just get some reps suffer a little bit you know embrace it uh chaosites against gisler I mean warbur Riders are gonna probably do pretty well against them um the lore of sloanesh seems pretty good here but so does the double male cost the problem with going double melcots with these guys is that um yeah is that the chaos characters are not cheap to begin with yeah they're not cheap I haven't seen inticity yet it's because he doesn't play anymore he I think he he covers other things on YouTube now yeah if I'm not mistaken he has moved on yeah all right so let's see here that looks good to me I like that set of spells feels good kiss love coming in probably with bears too bad it's the same factions I know I know you guys could flip you could play skaven he could play corn we don't actually do that but that would be funny all right so what else do we want to bring what is like some weird forbidden Tech that kiss love would struggle to deal with um so obviously it's gonna be bear sleds most likely um we need some uh probably oh this actually feels like kind of a fun idea I don't hate that I don't hate that idea so we get you throw a couple of these in oh dude you guys are gonna love this this is this is some truly forbidden forbidden Tech here against the old kisselvites all right so what else do we want to bring in reserves um Healthcare juice will probably out trade the dervishes but will they yeah they should win but I don't know still feels like a little bit of an ugly fight intensity has left us until the next DLC probably yeah he'll be back he'll be back I'm sure um I don't know how much I like chaos Knights here I mean I guess a single chaos Knight could crush through a lot but there's kiss of usually these days just spams kosars so I don't think that that's gonna be the play Hey welcome to the stream your first time huh yes that's a good time slow hey turn I just want to say you're the only thing keeping me into warmer three I'm glad to hear it man it's fun these tournaments are great like I honestly sometimes just straight up forget that single player exists I'm just like having so much fun with this that I I just am like oh yeah that's a thing too um what weird things could I bring that would catch my opponent off guard forsaken don't feel very good um Baseline Marauders probably not a bad idea especially just fear Marauders as like a core piece I think that's good and let's get the princes of whatever the hell these things are Prince is up there okay this build is really cool actually um yeah it's a rad build dude I I like this a lot already I dig it can you dig it you guys remember the days when spamming chaos one was the thing man times are changing Ah that's good stuff some good water right there extra thirsty all right so Stinger's still making a build let me make sure my opponent doesn't have any questions no admin stuff for the round I don't think so so if we can win here that'd be pretty good if we can win this one and then the one after um our odds of making top four are relatively decent um granted platypus is playing skaven which I think are a pretty good counter against slanesh yeah it would be hard to break through a skaven battle line for sure with the Unholy hordes yeah I don't know how the hell he beat skaven with like these chaos factions it feels hard feels hard for sure poor hadris is at it round two return uh thanks for getting me through the Haggard Panda wisdom teeth oh that doesn't sound fun I had that done when I was like what 21 20 or something yeah long time ago dude this build is as cool as Kissel yeah it is I guys I have Seekers and I have a Soul Grinder you know why because I think my opponent is going to show up with a bear I I I don't know why I just have this like weird feeling that a dread bear is gonna appear right now just this fat thick bear uh yeah armored costars are a huge threat absolutely um demonauts trade well into them a demonets get wrecked by cassar fire so there's like some it's a bit of a double-edged blade yeah it's a little bit scary but we'll see what we can do thank you guys for joining tonight I'm sorry about the late nights I know it's hard for some of you guys to make but with the current heat where I am in California 100 degrees every day it's just like streaming during the day when the the sun is full bore it's just like it's just hell on Earth plus um I I didn't really know this was a thing but apparently it's been so hot that it's been putting pressure on like the infrastructure to an extent and The Internet's been like really bad during the day like all over um Southern California so like streaming during the day for that reason also is not good because just straight up the internet is like bad so we got double hell Scourge because they're just the coolest unit on the roster um we have fiends of solanesh and a single spear who's gonna hold the back objective so um it's a pretty Elite Army but overall I think it's going to be badass I mean who doesn't love fiends of slanesh come on look at these things and in theory they could be like a good dual utility against kiss of infantry too yeah the bear would have some issues against the Soul Grinder um the Soul Grinder plus uh plus Sig ball Plus debuffs I think that could be fun um but yeah let's see what my opponent's got let's move it on up hopefully not little groms and although little groms will suck on this map because of the way the trains laid out so let's uh actually move you guys over here keep you in the bushes we got to be as sneaky as possible yeah fiends I'm thinking there might be okay all right so do we is that a little Grom no it's not okay so yeah standard very standard kiss love like about as standard and vanilla as you can get from the looks of things and we'll keep these fiends oh oh dude I love this I have a sneaky little alley I can move my units through hell yeah so chariots nope did my game crash oh wow hold on did the game crash uh what's going on here so much crap hold on um let me message my opponent tell them the game crashed and we'll just restart with the same armies yeah damn okay well that was weird that doesn't happen often uh so let me go ahead and get an intermission up wow Discord even crashed too right as I talk about like internet being weird you guys are still here right the stream didn't crash or anything yeah we'll restart all right we both did restart same armies good luck have fun all right so yeah he crashed also that wasn't just me yeah that wasn't just me the fiends in the Soul Grinder were too much unfortunately I didn't get a screenshot of the armies but we'll we'll do our best to make them as similar as possible my opponent's a great person they wouldn't switch it up based on what they saw all right it's cool so let's have them host and I'll jump on in there probs because iForce quit okay so let's get in there rejoin the lobbies drone to code and we're back in baby hopefully it saved my Army that would be that would be very nice come on oh curses I gotta remake it oh is it gonna save it man I don't think it did all right so I more or less remember the army so um we'll just redo this so okay so yeah this looks pretty similar to the Army like what I started with interestingly enough okay so let's get this I had a slinash caster with all those fun abilities Blissful Rapture of course and then the main core was big chungus here big chungus there and double big man and then a single one of you perfect so that's like the exact same spend with our main Army uh we got that what else did we have in reserve here yeah we had one of these um and then we had Seekers obviously didn't save mine making it as close as I can recall unless you have a screen all right so the starting Army looks good um the rest of the forces I think we had the uh 750 rors there a couple more Marauders and I think we had some health Scourge action there was no chaos nights to my knowledge yeah he's saying no worries I'm like yeah it's all good it's all good okay I think it was something like this I think we're pretty close to the money here and that would be a bit of money yes perfect Chief cavalry I think we had one of those let's get this and then we can go ahead and uh can we find a way that and that all right I think we are about good I think we're solid here outstanding good luck have fun in my opponent let's get it here's the Army if you guys want to see it in the fourth quarter yeah I had a sphere as one of my last ones this Rooter it that wasn't our internet that was we actually both crashed God imagine imagine how good multiplayer in this game could be if they just gave us dedicated servers dude but you get dedicated servers with like a good map Pool I would straight up get on like every day and just stream quick battles if we actually had like a good quick battle system it really bums me out that we don't and the leaderboards also don't work on quick battle too so it kind of de-incentivizes you from wanting to do that I wish there was more worm or three competitive content to watch yeah there's not too much um there's there's a handful of channels that do it but it's it's a pretty small little niche community that we have here but we have a good time our war Keeper Of Secrets oh no that would be terrible kiss love is really good at killing big light armor or big light units um hey look the weather's changed all right hopefully it doesn't crash this time so we got two chosen of slanesh I figured that they'll grind really well with casars and they will win that grind um sigwald is just like so good he just basically sits on objectives and cackles right and let's hide the fiends in the bushes and get the sphere over here and we're ready to go which would a server cost them to set up it'd probably like it'd be like a like a drop in the ocean for Sega so like probably set it up honestly I mean but the thing is like multiplayer I think CA gave me the data on it recently I remember I asked them in a meeting that we had um how many games are played today I think it's like 3 500 quick battle games are played per day when you combine domination and land battles yeah which is still actually a fair amount I was I was surprised to hear it oh I just like spoiled my ambush okay well that's fun so sleds are going to be a bit of a problem obviously um we probably want to bring the fiends over to keep the bear sleds from just going ape in my backfield and we can pull you back actually we need you to kind of protect this sigwald and Company gonna head up into the trees uh I might be able to Rampage one of the sleds too which could be cool yeah multiplayers and what sells DLCs exactly yeah exactly now they got their priorities straight which is fair you know it's a single player game I don't get upset about it so you know it is what it is the fiends have what 95 speed uh Caster is gonna be a gust of True Flight Caster okay and the big boys are moving up towards the objective here fiends are nearby let's move you guys up a little bit keep our Caster near bear sleds are kind of trolling about but we got to make sure they can shoot us but we don't want them to get like charges in uh for free basically so we're gonna go like just Hog Wild and bring another fiend of Slash I don't know like I feel like there's something there you know like I feel like there's a little like Razzle Dazzle something something in the secret sauce that you know people aren't aren't you know exploring here but I could be wrong and they could just straight up lose me the match but that's okay okay so let's get you here pull the fiends back a little bit deeper Set uh objective is going to be opening soon and now you guys can move in just counter charge here spear should be braced so they should have charge bonus against these units and now we actually get a charge into the sleds which could be potentially good if we can do a little bit of damage against them we can Rampage all right let's move over there and we can call in some uh some Calvary here so let's get some Seekers and move those guys across uh we do get a little bit of damage against these sleds not bad at all not enough to Rampage them though which is unfortunate so oh we might actually be able to rampage this one now it's taking a little bit of damage so we're gonna move up try and rampage this bad boy and get that Caster back and we didn't do enough damage to rampaging unfortunately so we're gonna pay the troll toll there a little bit all right so you guys move up and you Seekers can come across and overall I would say that trade was pretty good let's get you guys back in the trees uh the Rampage didn't go off which is unfortunate but you know overall he took more damage than I did there I think I think all right so let's move you guys out across Seekers are at the ready General we're gonna pull you guys into the bushes back there and see if we can get some ambushes and we do get the double cap on them which is good all right so Spears are set up casters chilling in the shadows we have you lurking in the uh the middle area and we can send uh Sig ball back there too all right so let's pull you across we need to make sure the sleds get no free charges against us that's basically how this has to go down um as far as reinforcements go I don't know if I want to call in demonets yet I I don't think I do all right so let's get sigwoled in there have you guys wait in the trees and you guys are lurking nearby as well let's get you fiends just waiting to see and uh yeah let's get sick ball then let's go have some fun with uh with you with your boy here all right so you're coming you're coming here and let's get the fiends coming across sickball does run a little bit of interference and now these fiends will be able to intercept so if he wants to take the charge here I don't think he will yeah I don't think he will all right zargart are chilling nearby but like sigwell's doing what sigwell does he's just being a really annoying uh you know hard to snipe character basically all right so let's get the fiends going into the winged Lancers should be pretty good let's pop the acquiescence to lower their stats let's get this big boy coming over and uh as far as this goes let's get some Seekers coming so Seekers will be very good and you can see this fight's going very well for us um sigwell's absorbing ammunition from all those um different pieces there which is really nasty and now we can start getting demonets going up the main field so yeah they're 800 and we should get there in a second let's get the demonets let's do this and yeah my lead infantry are getting popped a little bit but overall it's not too bad let's get in there the big units and have our block fight let's get it so pavane of sunesh would do some rampaging let's get in there all right outstanding we need to get the big man in there I don't know what he's doing that Soul Grinder just decided to Netflix and chill and uh Seekers should be able to charge into these guys there they go all right so that's gonna be good and uh we can just Rampage a little something something yeah these ones should get rampaged and just die um demonets running up the fields getting a little bit dacaed down so that's unfortunate my opponent up on value which feels bad but we do trap one of the heavy War sleds and also these winged Lancers are getting uh punished pretty bad and sigwald's just you know being very disruptive basically all right so let's move in let's move in and um what Cavalry unit can we get here quickly to shut down those archers in the back yes we almost forgot about that so let's get those guys around the side now back to the promised land here it seems like we closed the value Gap like really really heavily there um punish quite a few units sigwell's still doing great let's get the fiends back and uh the front line fighting is now underway and we should be able to get these archers down and uh call in another uh demonet maybe to help support this objective here or maybe another Seeker that would probably be better all right let's get the Seekers up uh this fight's going good let's get Healthcare just moving into the dervishes our Caster being a bit of a potato there so let's get the anti-large character you guys get into the armored casards we shut down the range missiles and uh yeah this fight should go well for us here I think all right so Seekers let's go get it let's Get Behind these units get some devastating flanks going our demon units getting a little bit worse for wear we need to get this Caster alive let's go ahead and do um the acquiescence get you back and these fiends stand at the ready so let's move these fiends over this way sigwald's still just bumping and grinding and now we can get into the back of these kisselvites here let's move this way and uh we can just basically just get a fat sandwich and recharge into the back of these guys in a second all right there we go all right so that should just absolutely devastate those Wing glancers let's go charge them with our remaining fiends and sigwald and Company still doing well you need to make sure we don't lose this objective though so let's go back here and uh get some Spears to come up help hold this point and there's the fiends and there's the Soul Grinder and then the debuff we're gonna put paint and slash those bad boys hopefully wear them down and uh we need this fight over here to go well I think it will the fiends will be good against a lot of these different kind of units let's go ahead and charge those cosplay dervishes get these Spears up around the side and um our big monster is kind of getting sniped a little bit which I don't like let's get you in there any Rampages I want to do not really um fiend's chasing back the war sleds value trading is pretty even we're kind of holding on to the points but we don't want to lose more units of this this demonic crumbling here which is rough so let's get these fiends back and under here and see what we can do I feel like my armor is doing very well but like a lot of the other stuff isn't doing so hot so yeah maybe that's something we need to kind of take note of here as we uh go play more matches all right so how are we looking here yeah we're squashing stickball's gonna get in there cause some Havoc this back objective though is looking very very uh not good I barely have anything protecting it as a matter of fact we should send some Spears over there a couple of fiends are nearby the big monster was kind of a Tech against the bear which unfortunately just does not straight up exist so fiends of slow Nash Let's get in there do a little bit of blob fighting and the back objectives looking pressed my opponent just pulled a big value lead against us I don't know if they're gonna run out of steam anytime soon um sickball's doing good this blob fight's okay we got demonets coming up so you guys move you guys get to this back objective probably call in some Seekers to try and punish some of those overextending units but the sleds do feel uh tough to deal with for sure right all right so we got that and here are the chosen boys can move there we got some hellscourage men moving and demonets on the way a couple Spears heading over to this side um I don't know how I can reinforce that do I have any magic that would be good here yeah lash of Slash should be pretty sweet into that blob actually so we get the Lash that's some sweet damage heavy War sleds are on the way um I can't help but think this is the play here to come and like try and punish these uh these units here all right how are we looking yeah big fight on this Vlog but it's definitely going uh in kissel's favor they have a lot of healing granted you know the tear outs aren't super useful here either right so all right let's get on those Wing Lancers let's move up with you guys and uh we can do this and we can go ahead and Rampage the heavy Wars sleds here and hopefully hopefully get a little bit of value here so this objective starts to flip back but our home objective is in uh Dire Straits we'll have to call in a Seeker um but yeah that fight actually goes okay we do get this guy Rampage which is nice so another heavy War slide's gonna be dragged down here most likely the fiends were an interesting gamble um I don't know how well they've done to be completely honest with you let's get you guys in uh I don't think my opponent has any like vortexes or anything so I think we're all right there and uh the chosen are still still fighting super well let's get them just on the edge of the objective as we continue grinding here team minutes yes heavy worst lead does go down here so that's great um our big monster is fighting well back objective though is very precarious exalted demonets would actually be very good if we can get rid of all my opponent's sleds then maybe just maybe we'll we'll be would be okay there um all right so sick bald get up there let's get these Cavalry back get Seekers and you to go intercept and uh hopefully we can get them with an narcissism snare them in place and get a good cost effective trade here on top of that let's do some debuffs good so debuff time and that's going to give us uh some good trading and now we get some exalted demonets to come secure our back objective here which they should be able to do it pretty easily especially if you're calling some Cavalry why do I feel like this game's close even though it's like I feel like he's up on value but yeah we're hanging in there man these demons are grinding very very well he's chosen also doing good kiss love doesn't have a ton they just called in some War bear Riders which is interesting all right let's get you and you and just get these exalted demonets moving up on the point warbear Riders are on their way in but not before we grind down a lot of the Kissel of army here we do have anti-large yeah those demonets are doing good damage now which I'm very happy about we have another lashes this objective is going to flip and uh we should be able to flip this one so let's get you around get you charging into these and uh Spearman go here you guys go this way we get the victory point so the blob fight's going well for us like this entire kiss of army is very very close to breaking um unfortunately these exalted demonets are a little bit tied down with Shucks I do have some health scourges let's get them over there to give some Mass to prevent them from just getting absolutely crushed here and we get the good engagement there all right this is quite good here but the warbear Riders are a bit of a problem all right let's move out of this Vortex if we can so let's move and move and move do we get out of it yeah we mostly got out of it I think yeah mostly all right so this Point's looking good outstanding let's go here let's take our big man over there too exalted demonets very squishy unit but super cool for sure let's get some mass in there to help protect them so maybe we need them to not crumble is what we need because then they'll be able to trade reasonably well here all right so you come across this way and health Scourge boys keep doing your thing demonets and sigwald you know you're just gonna hang right here basically and we might have we probably should have brought some Seekers unfortunately the demonets do lose that one and this fight's gonna be a disaster so we need to get back and rethink our strategy here all right so you're moving you guys are all chilling on the subjective no sense in sending them anywhere uh let's get you guys on summoned here and now we just need to retreat so we need to find a way to win like a mobile fight here these Diva Nets let's see them hunt down these classified dervishes and pull you guys back and Seekers need to come out so we need some Seekers probably they'll be very good against uh all that armor there I'm really curious about the fiend's performance like I didn't really get to like Zone in on them and see how they did for me but at the end of the day could have been good all right so this objective is is basically safe ball territory and uh this Caster can go here these are Wing Lancers so a little bit frightening Thunderbolts and lightning very very frightening get these Seekers over here keep pulling back this way try and break the charge of the winged glancers you know the points are close enough that I think we're all right all right so now the kiss love has got this like scary bear blob here um let's send sigwald over this way we have some time it's not like super urgent that we get there we yeah it's it's you know the points are close enough so I could Rampage something the kiss of armies looking very tattered um but so too is my Army my Army's basically Palpatine here on Deathbed and these Seekers can just hide in the trees here let's get some demonets moving across and uh we probably want some good quality infantry that like actually has some tankiness to it although I I don't think we have time for that we got to just get we just got to get units I don't have that much time I got a little bit of time but not that much time all right so we're gonna narcissism you snare you down yeah get that kill there perfect get the big demon in there uh standing cool so those heavy War sleds should be done for these are dervishes but Sig vault's now there so Sig Vault should make a pretty big difference all right let's get you guys moving up on the flank and uh prepare to take the blob fight so we are going to go ahead and debuff the war Bay Riders outstanding get you guys moving in and I do honestly think this blob fight's gonna be pretty good for us so let's get the charge into the armored casars here and get you guys moving into them all right so this is the blob fight of blob fights this is like the one for all the marbles we need to win this like bad bad we need to win this blob fight like a year ago all right so the block fight I think is going well um let's do another lash of slanesh to get the the combat buff there demonets doing quite well and uh warbear is actually engaging into demonets which I think is great for us we're pulling value back um and it looks like the big monster here is doing good the question is are we gonna have enough time these are winged lancers and uh yeah I think we will I mean if anybody's good at getting objectives quickly it's gonna be your boy sonesh right so let's get some more demonets coming up and uh cool so now we are winning the blog fight there the patriarch is basically on death's bad let's get the demonets into the Tsar guard here and uh you guys can just intercept some of these wing glancers all right outstanding so get this around demonet's doing good let's give acquiescence on them to lower their stats sake bald get on the objective and you just keep punishing here and let's just get some more Spears coming up too we need all the cap weight all the stopping power I'm running out of time though it's getting very very dodgy here all right so let's get you on the objective too we got to make sure we have the cap weight there Soul Grinder uh looks like it's finished off that that patriarch which is great and uh what are these gonna be these are going to be caused by dervishes not a lot I can do to stop them and Wing glancers too so we need to get our Cavalry to peel in and intercept and break their charge which I think we partially did outstanding we broke the wing Lancer charge all right that's really good um Terror routes aren't going to be super useful so we could just move up here and threaten a little bit of cap weight um Fascination rampaging let's do that on these guys more demons and Spears on the way in Running Out of Time running out of time hellscar just go go we need to like go ninja the back objective maybe I don't know if it's gonna be possible although I suppose securing this one first is going to be more important all right demonet still fighting here we have some chosen nearby on the objective uh Soul Grinder Man is hanging out there he's hanging hanging like an absolute champion and uh the Spheres have arrived but I don't know if it's gonna be enough let's get on these warbears and I could narcissism them but it feels kind of pointless and I guess this was kind of a Haggard play trying to steal my opponent's back objective the Soul Grinder would have been better used here but I think I think uh I think I've just lost this game it was a good game it was a very Scrappy back and forth but you know I need to learn more about sonesh Cory take on a good player like this all right so Health Scourge Cavalry have made it in a lot of zargard in there a couple Spears armor piercing is certainly lacking at this point um is there anything I can do maybe like gooning the Lord would be an option all right let's go see if we can get in the Lord see I'm really curious about the fiends though because I had a double fiend opening here and I can't I can't help but wonder if it was good all right so we popped the narcissism going for the Lord cheese um we'll call it another Seeker here in a minute and basically we're just gonna Pile in and try and take down that Lord here if we can although it's gonna be hard with the warbearers nearby so let's get all of you guys on the warberry Riders and uh we call in a seeker of slaanesh so let's get those seekers in there have them run down some of these costs by dervishes so one and one and yeah the Bears are getting the jobs done I mean they're going down to my big boy but it's not quite enough and the side point probably is being threatened too not yet but very very soon it will be destroy them okay uh not the worst thing in the world not the worst GG well played it was a good game very Scrappy so we're learning about slanesh I wonder what I would do differently here maybe like a big greater demon could actually be kind of viable I can't help but think um The Blob trading was okay but you know maybe one of the mortise engine shrines could be good they kind of go back to the old school meta of slanesh where they use those shrines it could be kind of cool when's the next faction War it's gonna be in August yeah it's gonna be in August Gigi well played great game for my opponent we learned a lot um I think that's a cool matchup it's like Fast Cavalry focused hmm the fiends could have been our weak link though there might have been more efficiency we could have squeezed out of other units I think the armor was really good um yeah like more of the big armor boys they traded well I mean they held a long time 2600 on a solo grinder was rad vald paid for himself fiends 1100 that's respectable what else did we get here um Seekers did good I mean honestly everything seemed to trade okay I think one of the reasons like moments we might have lost the game is when we called in the elite units and they just got wrecked by him I think we needed to have more armor in reserve uh GG well played yeah outstanding outstanding that was fun that was fun indeed so my opponent can report the score uh report score and good luck have fun I would love to see a kiss little victory tonight that'd be fun yeah they are he sang the shows that are super thick indeed indeed Azazel is way too squishy if he gets trapped in like an unbreakable Kissel a blob dude he's just gonna get the dirty alright so we got one more game left so we pretty much don't have good chances of making it to the finals now but we can get one more good practice matching so that should be fun let me make sure uh there's no let's do this one a two and all right outstanding so advance to the next round here we go Advance the Swiss and there we are yeah yeah the snares were good the um the snares and we missed our first Rampage which was unfortunate but um we still got some good ones yeah we still got some good ones all right so we have our last opponent here let's see what they're gonna be if we can go 2-0 tonight I'd be pretty happy or two and uh two and two excuse me considering we're just learning okay so we got our opponent there and the rest of the matches are live is there anyone yet here okay Patriots just suffering with corn yes Gavin will probably win guaranteed for sure I I think a platypus is not only a good player but they're also they have like some pretty strong meta builds Patriots did you get did you get the playing crappy factions out of your system tonight I sure haven't I'm having a blast but oh we got the beastmen oh yeah this is gonna be dude I have I have a forbidden build for you guys here it is so janky but it could be good all right so here it comes hmm this is gonna be fun dude I love this matchup uh what is the map we're actually on here the map is going to be Gates of Akron OH oh yeah baby I think hellscarriages are just so good they're so good all right so what are we doing here um you look good let's go ahead and do a little bit of that yeah I like it okay abilities some of these units have so many abilities that's okay okay that looks good outstanding all right just updated my Maps CA take them please I I so I think I've made some Headway with CA about um about adding Maps what it sounds like I think the like what they'll probably add maybe one or two of our community Maps per patch is what I'm pushing I mean I pushed for them to add them all but like that's kind of in the compromise so I'm hoping we can like close the deal on that you guys will be the first to know when um when I'm you know getting it done all right so that looks fun all right you guys ready for some dancing cows hell yeah dude it's got to be time oh what does that unit even do okay it has devastating flanker chaos nights are okay here I actually like chaos Knights granted minotaurs are a little bit scary hmm yeah the slantesh light Cavalry probably not amazing here I guess healthcareers are Health scourges are probably pretty good I think that the anti-large telescope you still have some relevance in this matchup just cool to see Adrians is like chaos nights more more yeah they're really cool all right so let's get um oh man chaos Knights are just straight up the coolest unit aren't they they just kinda are the coolest unit that you have here what about spawn spawn will get punished by Raiders pretty hard so yeah I don't like that I think we just go with you boys um demonic infantry not so good here are the broken factions banned in this uh sft uh no but they're heavily restricted so I don't think we had a single bertonian pick we didn't have a single ogre pick um yeah I think people tonight just wanted to chill out and have fun try stuff they're not you know normally playing which is cool to see uh yeah this this character could be really useful hadris is luring me down a dangerous path of chaos nights yeah Grails trains and pump wagons are straight up banned yes that's correct so we got some we got some restrictions for sure what does this character even do okay is that buff nearby units engaged in melee so I think that's just on itself man slanesh cultists are so pricey dude you're so expensive okay how many chaos nights are we talking a hundred it's the only way all right so minotaurs are going to be a bit of a problem but I think we have answers for those I think we got tools for Ye Old minotaurs all right the chaos night special is on its way perhaps really ogres could take this really easy if they know their stuff is there another ogre player playing tonight I I don't know if I saw an overplayer I wasn't sure if there was what about spawn of slinash I always wonder if they're worth it smonder a cool unit I mean in theory they're pretty good at grinding through chaff but if your opponent's spamming on Gore Spears and Raiders it's like an awful pick so that doesn't feel super good um all right yeah I think we need a little bit more sweet loving yes I'm going full to the dark side here all right and that's going to be 200 let's let's the hate flow through you yes the cultist price or from before yeah it's come back to bike yes chaos is fine though honestly not all of them but I think Warriors of chaos are a pretty competitive faction like I would feel pretty good with my odds of potentially winning if I played walk tonight or at least placing um corn is in a bad spot for sure corn just needs some DLC milk they need they need to be given a Slaughter priest which is like Rune magic basically for corn because in tabletop corn has a unit called Slaughter priests I think which is like a I don't know if that was in fantasy though I know in age of Sigmar they do somebody would have to correct me but yeah I think they need to do something like that Grail relief no no uh yeah Bertoni is just Opie they're they're really really strong so this will be the first non-sigbo game you guys are going to get tonight which is going to be super fun exalted Keeper Of Secrets really really fun characters anti-large actually and armor piercing so against like minotaurs and other threats they can do well but very much glass cannons it's an AOS thing ah it's a shame yeah I think they could just find a way to move that in there like a priest of corn like who cares you know I think that would be great to add something in like that although I don't know and plus then you know Games Workshop could you know sell models right it's a so it's a win-win for all yeah corn corn not having magic is a huge issue like that's um and their units aren't like comparably strong to compensate for it I don't think it's a tricky balance to strike it really is yeah I'm fine with stealing some assets from AOS for sure like nurgle I would love if nurgle got like aspiring Champions but they were the putrid Vikings holy that'd be so cool like a very low model count Elite nurgle kind of aspiring champ unit I'd be fully erect yeah all right so it's time uh we're in our last game of the night we won one lost two but versus very good opponents and we're learning tonight we're playing solution the games were contested-ish sort of this one's gonna be uh great you guys are gonna love this though all right so the build is we got the we got our boy hadris covered here we got the chaos nights for him because they're just the coolest ever in this game plus I'm painting some in tabletop right now so have to keep it in flavor triple uh oh no I didn't bring the health scourges oh I brought the basic chosen oh well it's okay it's it's not the end of the world the hells characters are way better though they have poison and just do work all right I screwed up a little bit but these guys are still good they they got good stats see what my opponent's got and we got a big demon Isla Nash they have a targeted Rampage or no I think it's AOE Rampage yeah so we'll we'll pop that as needed chaos Knight's gonna hang out in the bushes and uh what do you think the new nurgle Lord will be I would personally really like like a Tammer con that'd be so cool whoa whoa what's going on with this you guys seeing this that was weird okay well anyways let's move you guys up move you guys through the trees we got the big scary demon glockkin yeah for the Thanksgiving glocken yeah it's okay these chosen are still quite good they're cheaper too so they allowed us to do a little bit more but yeah the health scooters are pretty much what you should always take this is kind of one of my builds against feastman that I do with Warriors of chaos is triple hell skirts chosen but um worries of chaos has some other things that address your weaknesses yeah the late night haggardness I know it's all good it happens so I don't see the beastman yet um we're gonna just put you in group seven just have you sit on the back objective and we're gonna push up here I gotta be careful there could be a lot of beasts waiting to Ambush me here so gotta be very very cautious about this um calling up units I think yeah I got I got some Marauder Horsemen which will be very welcome they're very good at supporting the uh chosen you just kind of sit behind them and you can you can get some good DACA that way but we're gonna play a lane strategy so we're gonna play one and two and then we're gonna go for three once they over commit to defending two that's that's kind of what I like to do on this map not always but in this case um that is the case holy oh God oh God it's an ambush retreat chosen form ranks oh God how did he know I was in there he must have seen me all right so we got our dudes behind we got some spheres coming let's get you going and you going uh yeah we just need to defend this basically holy that escalated very very quickly there ladies and gentlemen so let's move you up and move you up and keep you guys going keep throwing javelins into the beasts and the bushes holy that was a fat Ambush wasn't it all right so um probably we save up for the anti-lord trail Striders now I think would be the play just kind of keep throwing javelins at those mobile beasts there and we can now get you guys up and under here send you across my friend and uh yeah minotaurs and beastmen are just all over the place it's great which is absolute chaos chaos nights are nearby and uh let's get our spawn on this correct button here let's get to match all our tail Striders out and get ready to party so Chosen and chosen looking good we're getting a little bit of Javelin fire looks like there's some witchcraft going down but the health Scourge boys are there and uh now what we need to do is get our chaos nights to charge into these minotaurs here we can turn around and engage as well and we can debuff them which is going to be pretty nasty Spears intercepting these ones unfortunately those are anti-large minotaurs which is a little bit scary but even still we should be okay so those minotaurs getting wrecked pretty bad but not before they did some really respectable damage actually so that's unfortunate but let's get you guys out it's gonna be very good against all these Minotaur units chaos Knight's got a nice engagement and you know chosen or good at just taking it like Champs that's like one of their big Fortes right so those minotaurs are dragged down let's throw at the milk cows right here those guys are crushed as well so let's get the chaos nights for a big erect um flanking charge here chosen just going like absolute Chads so if we can break The Butchers of calkin guard here that would be money so what we're going to do is Rampage them actually I think that's the play try and trap them in place with a lot of our anti-large chosen and anti-large house Riders they're doing pretty good we do get the Rampage and the slaneshi Cavalry are going in like absolute Champions all right so backfield we don't really have anything to call in right now but um the big Demon's doing good and uh yeah butchers of Falcon guard are basically getting karate chops our anti-large dudes not doing as well as I would have thought so let's position you guys up on the hill how's our big demon doing still not able to break them which is nuts they have some good stats for sure oh is that a doom bull coming over there jeez all right things are getting real crazy um so let's get some uh anti-large Spears coming the roar Spears will be good let's get our character out of there don't want to lose it to some nonsense anti-large Minotaur is a bit of a problem here so let's get you guys moving up get these guys screening them out and chosen can kind of keep chasing and let's get our big demon of slanesh moving away um look how well the chosen are doing by the way and those like very very dicey situations which is great pulling back and just trying to kite the beastman Lord don't want to be taking any ugly fights and overall could I win it is a doom Bowl um I think when the Spears get here we can go for a little bit of love against those the chaos Knights are doing pretty good against those minotaurs because they are the anti-infantry variants so I think that's good and night now that we have spheres in here we can go we can go for the bread buttering so we're gonna go in um our Cavalry can come and I think we will be able to kill the beastman Lord here especially when we get an acquiescence that's gonna be money um chaos Knights probably pull back at this point and we can get more Health Scourge boys moving up um the beastmen have actually not even taken the side point yet so that's pretty good and um now it comes the acquiescence all right so that is going to be a lord kill against beastmen which are a faction who hate losing their lord so that's uh pretty massive for us it should go down the exalted keepers are quite scary okay no escaping here so let's get our uh keeper man to just keep butchering this character here if we can we can Rampage it and that should uh put some hurt on it and looking good all right so far side a couple centegores are over there do we have anything yeah I could send some forsaken uh to go try and grab that side point chosen still moving in and these chosen still pressuring The High Ground thankfully my opponent didn't capture that point quickly and we got more Health Scourge boys coming up which are gonna be a problem all right so the slaneshi Trap of Doom is underway we've gotten that um these anti-large house Riders can come up and hide in the trees javelin's doing work throw in yeah using most of the ammo so the spears can kind of keep moving up this way and let's get the health scourges moving and now we can do a little bit of a push on this side I think I'll just save up for hellscar's chosen or a warrior because they're just super super hard to drag down all right so the beastman Lord the Doom Bowl has been uh tempted by slanesh for the last time yeah let's pull you guys back so fan out a couple different directions a little bit newbie of me but it's okay I was being slightly lazy on my micro uh these are centegores we'll take that fight it's not going to be the prettiest thing in the world but uh it'll do pig and uh cool so the beastman Lord is officially gone so leadership's gonna be a bit of a problem for them I would wager and we most likely will get that side point in due time um all right so you guys form ranks Chosen and mostly broken uh these be spend here are busted great and looking good all right so Spears move up go fight there and let's get our Lord back the big scary Terror causing demon and in case he sends any Mass over here I would like to have some anti-large get the spears moving up and uh seeing if they can screen those guys out looks like some Santa Gore is coming to defend them all right let's move in rolling rolling rolling do a little bit of slinash Witchcraft keep these Horsemen going get the big demon in there to go battle the razor Gore herds and on this side do I have anything Fast and Furious I do have some anti-large health Striders so we're going to move them up uh they'll deal with any like light large threats that we encounter here all right so yeah this is some pressure man it's a lot of minotaurs a lot of armor piercing um looks like that's gonna be a Trader Kim going down which is scary but yeah the prince is a Perfection actually getting a little bit broken down probably need some forsaken here I don't really have much like meat in this Army right now um so let's rampage this blob of units just kind of send them back Health Scourge boys in a little bit of danger and let's get our Lord away all right so we're gonna get the side point that's gonna go down and uh we don't we can just pull the Cavalry over here at this point because I think that's gonna be good uh health scourges I need to get some armor on the point so I need some forsaken or something um the slanesh Cavalry some of them are out of ammo actually so we can send them in to fight we can keep our character there to help out as well all right so some of them are out of ammo the point's starting to flip a little bit couple Spears coming from The Far Side and what is this here it is gonna be some Gores or angor so we should be able to win that and now let's make sure to call in some forsaken from the correct point because they'll be really good at just kind of clearing through all these like crappy leftovers razor gorse uh Arsenal boy should have a good fight versus then all right debuffing pulling you back so you don't die and the hell scared is doing good let's get a rear charge with these um although I don't know yeah it's a little bit dangerous my opponent's got layers let's take a deeper one because if we recharge here he's going to counter charge me with the minotaurs which is going to be bad all right let's get the big demon back up on the point we need to get you guys going racer goes unfortunately are nearby and are in good shape so let's get you guys coming across to fight those razor boards you coming here and uh yeah this is a this is a Trixie one man this is a scrappy fight all right flashes slinesh let's get it uh this Point's gonna go for us do we have any anti-large we can call in we do so let's get you up there to uh intercept those pigs those razor Gores and we really need to hold on to the double cap here this is pretty pretty essential I mean we we could afford to lose it for a second but not for too long I think we're pulling ahead on value but it's still very very close Terror routes coming into play and the fact that the bee spin uh Lord is gone is also really really big all right so Forsaken and made it doing their job hell Scourge is also doing their job and now we're gonna get some anti-large health Riders to counter those and uh let's just keep chasing here and uh we can do some unsummons on these chosen if we want to those are minotaurs and uh let's move you guys up into the blob let's go take the blob fight um it's a little bit scary though actually he might have Trader can all right let's get behind the Army I didn't see what Caster he had that is a Bray Shaman of traiterkin okay almost on summoned my unit again wouldn't have been the first time all right so we just got to watch out for the Trader Ken let's have you guys go clear that back point and this fight looks like it's gonna go well for us I think we're gonna win that one so let's uh just to make sure we win it let's deep up some of these units and that's gonna buff uh pretty much all the other stuff so we're just sending in the health Riders like one kind of thing at a time here oh okay so some razor gorgeous lurking in my backfield let's get Spears coming up to deal with all the mass in this basement Army it's a very big beastman army anti-large Hill Strider is pretty good and uh let's get you guys going here you guys going here and we almost have the slanesh ultimate I think we still win this fight over here even though it's like he brought more stuff yeah there's a Trader Kim Let's pop sweet sorrow and uh Havana slanesh I don't know how much longer my Lord's gonna live so I'm just gonna start blasting out Winds of magic yeah I'm just gonna start doing doing the things uh anything else Horseman yep Horsemen are good let's get him up here have him come fighting the point and The Forsaken are fighting well this side should go well for us we have the sweet sorrow which is going to be getting a good Vigor for our units which is outstanding I'm up on value but not by a whole lot it's this is a really close game ladies and gentlemen really really close game all right so down here Health Scourge boys doing good let's pull these guys back and uh just counter-intercept these guys if we can looking good and the spears can go up to the razor goers here and uh then we get the big demon up on the point a lot of the beastmen actually breaking and running here so that's nice let's get you guys up here and we've almost oh we almost stole the back Point look at that yeah so I was planning that the entire time and you know just the I am just that good at this game yes all right let's go here unfortunately the Rampage is going the wrong way and uh yeah this cap here holy are we gonna get this no way oh are we just gonna get that off some like Mindless Mindless play no we're not okay that would have been pretty MLG though that probably would have won me the game if that had happened so uh let's unsummon some of these guys um this objective is looking a little bit dicey but now we need to kind of go up and play this point and push them off the points are really really close let's get some of these guys maybe calling some chaos Knights again which I think could be good and move up all right so let's get it we're moving up to that um the health skirt is here fighting well but they're pretty heavily outmatched now my opponent called in Minos on the other side which means this this Point's gonna be uh very vulnerable it's going to be very very vulnerable indeed so forsaken coming Spears coming uh anti-large Cavalry are on the way and uh what else do we have coming in oh no I summon forsaken on the wrong side the dreaded bronzodia plays all right let's just get them in the trees it's not the end of the world all right so moving yes good oh we can Rampage something here if we want to let's move you guys out back point get some Horsemen coming have them just run over these razor gourds real quick shouldn't be too much of a problem and now we're up on the point which is great um so we can counter charge them get some Javelin fire into you boys and all of you can go into the minotaurs with great opens here we can try and wear them down as a matter of fact we'll pave a slaanesh to try and Rampage them into our Spears so should be good too those hell scourges on the other side still doing just the work of the Gods all right so the Rampage got the job done so those dudes are going to be rampaged and now we counter charge with our big demon and basically prey to the dark gods that they don't have access to a Trader kin um more pigs coming in nice we can recharge them oh Trader can you still had enough Mana for that it's crazy all right see this Rampage the entire blob get these Spears coming up to support my characters in a little bit of danger if I lose my big demon I could lose this game I could still lose this game um so I need to be careful uh traderkins off which is good and let's go ahead and put some more debuffs my opponent's fam clicking here trying to get the Lord kill which is very good smart play but it looks like we got away and our Spears have saturated in I think I think we finally broken the back of the bray herd I think we have it looks like they're um finally just finally now running out of steam okay a lot of chaff units coming in nothing that we can't handle here let's get you around the side and get these chosen the dreaded eight shows in here still being quite useful um do we have anything here we could rampage this character see if we can I might have already rampaged them which is problematic uh but let's get these forsaken coming over here yeah I think I already did Rampage that character with the AOE Rampage so it just got some problems yeah all right Minotaur is coming back at across we're gonna get some thick chaos nights to come out and just kind of close this game out or try to we really need to keep the Lord alive if possible I'm gonna try and snipe this guy forsaken are these minotaurs uh they are butchers of Falcon guard so those those guys are pretty meaty so we need to uh we need to watch out for that my Lord is basically just palpatining on death's bed uh Spears holding well forsaken need to come here okay we broke the Caster that is huge that is huge all right so the casters are down a couple big Biggins coming back in all right so let's charge those if we can The Forsaken coming here pull back and across with our Speedy boy chaos Knights the Chads of Warhammer will be uh we'll be hopefully here soon it's a discharge into these guys all right so we send to The Horseman to their potential Doom obviously I don't want to lose my big demon so we're gonna try and avoid that if we can pull the big demon through and we're holding on to the objective we do have the points lead I think my opponent's back pressure here is what has he got Santa cores mostly all right so it's attacking that was a pretty brutal engagement for my opponent I think that's big for us yeah we got the Caster down it's almost broken um let's just keep focusing on this Lane here I need to get some like capture weight bodies though um maybe we re-summoned some healthcare just here in a second yeah let's do that let's get health Scourge boys coming up chaos Knight's cleaning up just being absolute beasts and uh let's get the chaos Knights to go in on The Butchers and also attack their lord because there's plenty of support here and perfect perfect anything stealing my back objective evil yes evil hadrians yes the most evil of schemes we could possibly think of all right seductive glory is pretty good lowers are melee defense I think that ability is super good and slash is such a fun faction to play I I I'm looking forward to kind of scheming some good builds with them I feel like it's very high risk High reward like I mean they are tanky but you really feel rewarded by your good plays like with the micro um for sure you know this thing has healing too the exulting keeper people often forget that it's it does have some healing potential um all right let's get some more Spears coming up they can sit on the back objective to make sure I don't get back capped here and we just need to hold on to these two and my opponent's pulling some Center cores over probably gonna try and steal my back objective um I would wager so these are minus with great weapons a pretty good counter against chaos Knights so we need to get on them let's get our big Lord in there and uh we can have the missile Cavalry do this on summon you forsaken or popping having a good time big demons moving in and uh I accidentally sent my horseman in a melee contact with the minotaurs of gray opens because oh they're out of ammo okay that's what it was that's what it was um so we can Rampage them once they take a little bit more damage um do you want to do it yeah we can do it we can do it is it actually gonna Rampage them into the Forsaken they haven't taken enough damage yet okay so not quite yet we got hell scourges coming let's get some hillstriders moving up here with the big speed and now we can get in and battle those guys now that they're rampaged and not able to be controlled by my opponent we get there back objective um I do have hell Striders there a good timely Health shredders reinforcing dude this big Demon's been so good this game okay I need to get rid of that unsummon hotkey whatever the hell that is I I it it literally cost me my first game tonight so I accidentally on summoned my Caster in the first game for anybody who's wondering um all right so healthcareers are coming the Chad chaos knights with their huge dongs gonna run over here and uh go after these guys perfect and you guys move here and we got to make sure to switch to the Vanguard point so let's do that more Health scourges it's like old Warhammer spamming only those but now they're actually balanced exalted keeper 3000 value man that's money that's real money there's no way they can get this back it's basically just um Reaganomics at this point it's just gonna be my opponent trickle down Theory here just like trickling in units and they're just gonna be dying um Spears doing good yes let's go ahead and unsummon these Cavalry which have been doing great and we move you guys up all right so forsaken good work hellscarg's up on the point the Lord's still going strong he had two missed clicks away from just leaving the game hey we ended on a good note that was a good he played well too his micro was very Scrappy um I think the big thing for that game was the Doom Bull overextending and getting caught and killed was uh was probably what one a second granted we didn't bring the most optimal build had these been hellscarges they would have lasted longer and also done more damage that could have changed the Dynamics of the game but 2700 value on chaos nights oh yeah buddy let's get it let's get it uh here how we looking 3500 on the exalted keeper I'm loving it um forsaken did pretty good Horsemen awesome uh he had Mass lightly armored large targets right William nice GG thank you heart Seekers have some matchups but not this one there's you only bring Seekers if you're dealing with armor um if you're not dealing with armor chaos Knights are a better choice because you know they're tankier and we'll do similar damage against light armor so yeah I like that build it was fun I would probably change these to health scourges um I don't know yeah no Raiders though there's no Uncle Raiders in that build very different it was cool a lot of minotaurs Bulls on Parade let me say GG to my opponent all right GG well played okay so uh let's see what's up here he texted he texted me during the game he's like why is every single unit so tanky yes well it's lanesh can be tanky that's the deceiving part and they have some of the best like ability type abilities in the game like Rampages and like snares are so good um I feel like sonesh has got some um got some tools seem to have potential granted yeah to play them I think with practice could be a nice pick all right cool so uh let me report my score we got 50 50 which ain't bad I'll take it man first game was winnable too I think we just screwed the pooch on that one that was bad um gonna be Hiles no that wasn't High Elves that game that was um that was beastman we got it we gotta bring that b spend win rate down gotta bring it down to its proper place yeah what the Raider what it helps but again you know with by spending money on Raiders there'd be less front lines so it's interesting I was expecting Mass Raiders honestly yeah the chaos Knight's got 69 kills I saw that that was pretty impressive so now we're gonna cast these semifinals in Grand finals so for those of you joining thank you all for joining firstly and uh let's get it so top four is gonna be Supreme um indeed so we got supreme uh platypus Kane and stingers look to be the top four so very very easy top four tonight which is great so I don't need to do too much tie breaking oh platypus actually lost the game oh somebody beat platy on skaven I wonder who it was was it the ogre player probably the ogre player all right so now it's time for Chop four um let me make sure there's no issues in the brackets and uh we'll just cast some of these games which should be quite a bit of fun all right so where are we at I'm not seeing any issues about the score being reported and outstanding all right I'm just going to verify they all won three games so Stingers won three games nice Kane won three games one two three and then platy won three games also and supreme one two three four okay cool so advancing to the top four in tonight's tournament ogres killed rats well we'll see if they end up facing each other again it's what happened to me last time I had to play dwarfs twice in a row last time all right so this tournament is now going to be finalized here I think skaven had a small chance of eating ogres but I think if you're of equal skill discrepancy the ogres will probably just win more consistently um but yeah there's factions that can beat ogres for sure all right so top four is on cool so let me tag the players swap four is live so we'll put it to vote as to what you guys want to watch because we have a couple choices here um I think I would want to watch heils versus ogres that actually sounds fun so we have a platy versus uh stingers and then we have Supreme versus uh Kane all right so we're on Castle ostucci uh I'm gonna cast Kane's game the player who took me down earlier will cast their game I'm gonna cast your semi avenge me avenge me okay so we'll get the lobby code from our opponent is it I believe in you show the magic all right so we're gonna do heils versus ogres the Ohio Players saying this matchup is rough but I'm curious to see I feel like silvering could be good I feel like like a silver in line with um because silver and won't really care about nablar Trappers that much either so you go like mass silver in with like maybe an Emerick then like silver Helms reavers um some maybe fireborn I feel like that's like pretty good uh you know what I can host it so we will do uh tea semis and I will host game a spectator come a long way my friends all right so there they are and his opponent is going to be can we get him supremely evil Lobby code live join up all right perfect we need lizards to beat ogres yeah I feel like lizard men do okay right like Cyrus are just linebackers and uh the map is gonna be Castle ostuci I love that map such a cool throwback to Shogun with the cherry blossoms and the big mountain in the distance and and it's got like the Shogun style Castle it's a it's a great map I love it I love it all right perfect and there we go yeah a lot of lather and spam seems good too no he's got Balthazar Yelp is his picture I feel like what's cool is like our community lately has been there's been so many new good players like there's so many faces that like at the end of Warhammer 2 you could kind of count on you know both hands like how many top players like we're just constantly winning things over and over but like if you look at the total Tavern leaderboard like yes of course there's some like you know Common faces but there's a lot of people um let me show you guys here real quick so we switch over it's loading real quick look at the amount of tournaments we have so many events going on um but like there's a lot of new faces coming in which is really really cool uh Tim with the chaos night I kind of zinc I love it but like look how many different people are winning these tournaments and on top of that there's also more people a little bit further down the leaderboard who are um who are starting to win events which is super exciting yeah a lot of new faces a lot of up and comers and it's only going to get better once we get the um once we get the the passion everything right yeah gonna be great all right so let's do this and uh yeah great ogres versus Hiles ano stuchi Castle a little bit of train for the ogres to hide on I do think Emerick is probably the way he's pretty brutal um silver and Emerick and lutherans with like reavers and silver homes to counter the noblers and Bulls that seems like a pretty respectable combo yeah it seems fun it seems fun I honestly think if creative assembly like manages the nail the landing on this the this next DLC slash patch and they managed to you know correct some of the op stuff then I think we'll be like in legit the most balanced Place we've like ever been I mean of course there's gonna be some like Haggard factions like corn but I don't even know corn yeah what could corn use maybe I'd have to do like some research on that Patriots what do you think corn needs to be better like what and obviously we can it's easy to say like an additional DLC units but as they currently stand what like what would really help them is it mainly cost reductions on their infantry I feel like some of their Warriors are overpriced and same with the Marauders I'd be curious to hear what some of you guys think yeah could be fun by the way what games you guys been playing lately you guys hype for Baldur's Gate that comes out in a couple weeks right well like two weeks from now that could be pretty fun I'm gonna be doing a playthrough of that should be great so we know what the next DLC is yeah isn't it the uh isn't it the uh they gave the roadmap I'm pretty sure it's the Kissel of Cafe and zinch one which is awesome kiss love is gonna be a Powerhouse they're already sitting at like 54 54 like kiss love has a solid win rate right now so if they get some good units they're easily going to become top tier bugged op chariots yeah give them give them make the uh make the demon Cherry it's OPI you think bull should have a stricter cap of eight to ten yeah good work you ordered the collector's edition of Alders gay three oh yeah since that's hyped Supreme here yeah Supreme patriarch he's got belt Balthazar gel with the sunglasses on this man's ready for business on your on your yearly Minecraft Benji yeah Minecraft is uh is a fun fun game last time I played that would have been 2015 my friend and I uh my friend and I were playing we played this weird way where when we played Minecraft we would play on a very big like world map like huge actually hard to find the other players and uh we would just like our goal was to like build up and then like take the other person's base out it was kind of like a weird Capture the Flag type thing it was pretty fun um back when I played Minecraft I I was doing thumb craft so I played with like magic and used very minimal technology it was really fun yeah great stuff all right so here we are so high elves we called it it's pointy sticks so four silverens uh triple spear I like the voltor pick it's not like crazy burst damage like a cannon but over the course of a long game both throwers can give you usually 700 to 1100 value I find that they pay for themselves pretty well yeah we'll do Baldur's Gate here we'll do streams I'm not gonna do like guide videos I'm terrible at that like scripting videos and like doing that I'm just awful at that so we'll do some playthroughs on it but um yeah it's gonna be fun Todd Howard got you to play Skyrim for the five 500th time that's crazy I remember Skyrim came out in like what 2010 or 11. the yeah must have been all right ladies and gentlemen we load into a stoogie castle this is our semifinal game it's gonna be Colin versus Supreme so Colin of course is our Heil Champion it'd be pretty cool to see heils winifact uh one one of these single faction uh tournaments for sure but yeah as you would expect you're playing ogres a lot of big targets so bringing silver and Spears is going to be a very very uh nice anchor piece right so silver and guard are great because they have 75 armor too so knoblars really won't do much damage and Bulls don't do a ton of damage against them uh granted they can be dragged down by sheer attrition uh double bolt thrower and Emerick up in the sky Emrick is what I like to call a hard carry character um he can put games on his back buff your entire army take out big threats uh he is a monster I think America is hands down one of the best uh best kind of jams here to do so on the other side for the ogres it's going to be pretty classic uh ogre just you know mouth breathing just gonna be a bunch of knoblars in the front to absorb the arrow fire and some of the other schemes and tricks and on top of that it is going to be some knobbler Trappers in the secondary row so novel our Trappers are very op they have bonus for infantry they have good range attacks so they can poke things like dragons down weird lag Spike we're getting here we had a I had a crash earlier I don't know what's going on this is like internet lag from one of these players I don't know where they're from actually let me go ahead and check so I don't know if I can even check um Supreme is from I'm not sure where looks like the flag I'd have to check that hopefully we can get through it I do see the lag struggling here we may have to restart classic Total War stuff hmm we'll find out ladies and gentlemen we will find out I believe in you come on I think it's internet might be cut out hopefully hopefully we just get a restart and we'll be fine you're gonna need a screen blocker a handy for Baldur's Gate oh yeah isn't there there's some there's some stuff that would get flagged on YouTube in there yeah yeah I better I better be on top of that there are some great Baldur's gay for YouTubers out there I bet I bet I mean it's a it's a those type of games are pretty popular unlike us old Haggard RTS Boomers here um checking and Discord we're both lagging he may have crashed let's give it a minute see if it stabilizes all right so hopefully Supreme will reconnect here um nothing yet the ogres look pretty Frozen sure you can reset so we're just gonna reload um oh no hold on I saw a dragon moving on the other side um it's wings were flapping this is this is progress I didn't have any lag with um with uh with Colin earlier I don't know about Supreme Supreme's got a nice Army of ogres over here it seems like it's like trying hard I don't know how he must have gone through all of his matches earlier um yeah we'll give it we'll give it a moment we can chat with you guys so there's the streamer mode built into Baldur's Gate that's nice that's nice they should have a streamer's belt built into this game for nurgle I'm a great unclean ones just dropping a drop in a deuce there um Slaughter Master beasts hanging out in the back very standard kit oh my God he brought a flock of Doom that's a very interesting choice it's a very interesting choice okay so what's it gonna be worst case scenario I could I could let them play without lag and then I could go and but again it's just an issue we could potentially run into until the grand finals so that's tricky um let me see what Kane says we're resetting this is some serious lag and it's actually not on my end I I'm checking my uh my my bit rate right now you may need to reset internet okay check into them yo-yo all right so let's uh let's reload I'll take a screenshot to the armies all right so I got the screenshots t-semis Oh wrong one semifinals here looking good and there we are and there we are so Lobby backup thank you guys for your patience appreciate it it's uh it's part of Total War yeah I've spoken about the oh no I haven't no I don't know anything about that I think I saw a great book of grudges made a video about um a potential Lord or whatnot sounds good rejoined then and get in there okay and uh we'll get him back in there and hopefully not have any lag yeah so for the best uh map was Castle astucci same builds copy and paste to you and copy and paste you outstanding I love how many companies refuse to invest in proper servers yeah I don't know why I mean I understand for Total War at its core it's a single player game so yeah it's uh it's pretty rough because man this game this game has such immense potential for like having a solid solid multiplayer with like a little bit of effort put into it man the multiplayer in this game like currently right now we get 3 500 games a day I think on um quick battles for Dom Inland battle combined I legit think if they had good servers a good map Pool and like actively supported multiplayer I think you could easily have like maybe like five to ten thousand games a day but I mean I guess I don't know is that really profitable for them that's the question multiplayer is good advertising for ca for sure um but yeah I don't know if it's like gonna really help the bottom line too much enough to like justify it okay so load again let's hope that we don't have any issues I could also just jump out and play a couple battles myself um while they play through it could just be like the three players here but then they wasted time improving multiplayer campaigns yeah it's funny because like I don't I don't know how popular multiplayer campaigns are probably not too many people play them and again a lot of that is because of lag right it's just like a bit of a potato situation you're gonna throw some hash browns in the airfryer all that sounds good yeah that sounds good my friend they'd also need to invest in infrastructure in 24 7 maintenance yeah I mean look if the servers went down every now and then whatever it's like if they were up 90 of the time take them down once a week yeah it's certainly there's more to it Jay it's not like easy but it's a power fantasy of mine you know it really is just like getting servers for this game it's a power fantasy all right opening the door getting a little bit of fresh air in here let's see if we can get it selling game of service is rough the more people play the more it costs you yeah but this is a pretty small like they would need big servers right I have no idea how any of this works so just correct me if I'm wrong but yeah Total War is peer-to-peer yeah I think uh the other RTS game I played recently too was okay it seems like they're units are moving now yeah okay sounds like a weird thing if it continues to lag like that um I can leave the game during and and then we'll just you know see how it goes hmm how's it turned used to watching Boss attorneys but how did you do tonight pretty good we went two and two uh with sun Ash I'm just learning them I literally haven't played them in tournaments and I like ever really maybe like once or twice so we played some really good players and it was tough but I enjoyed the hell out of it I had a lot of fun with slanesh I still think Warriors of chaos are stronger than them but um yeah it was fun dude I had a great time some really honorable solid opponents Now ladies and gentlemen we're back here in the semifinals of tonight's tournament it's gonna be Emrick uh here for Colin double bolt thrower most likely going to be in the anti-large profile poking down bulls and iron guts and skystriders couple spearmen in the back and silver and guard into the sunset for sure yes I am jealous Adrians of your cool nice weather now on the other side it is going to be the forces of supreme Supreme coming in with the slaughter master of beasts with the old flock of Doom kind of interesting Tech I mean flock of Doom against heils doesn't seem crazy strong but maybe there's something I'm missing so yeah it's classic mouth breathing ogres it's going to be knoblar choppers with basic knoblars and ogre Bulls in the third row novel our Trappers actually trade surprisingly well into enemy infantry so you just have them engage they get their more dissension effects or throw their ninja stars up at amrick and then from there you have the um you have the old Bulls just kind of crimp everything and uh do their jam so it's go time baby the armies of the old world moving if you guys haven't seen this map this is Castle astucci there's a giant uh Giant mountain in the distance which is pretty cool we have the cherry blossoms we also have the very Shogun 2-esque keep here which is great we got some uh some Fields down here for farming rice which is awesome I I love this map it's an absolute Beauty so two armies moving I would imagine the elves just gonna have a defensive concave on objective one so most likely what's going to happen and no it's not what you think yet it will come later but the elves are going to be forming like a defensive semi-circle like this and they'll be yielding the objectives two and three initially to the ogres in favor of the defensive position with which they can shoot their bolt throwers and just progressively grind the ogres until the ogres are worn down enough for them to move on objective two the elves don't really have the most defensive formation but um or aggressive formation excuse me they have the opposite they do have a defensive formation but it's not the most aggressive so pushing ogres is going to be tricky I would wager fireborn could come in soon most likely a Caster we're seeing Colin right now does not have a Caster of any sort so I I would guess five thousand percent that there is a life Caster that's going to be in reserves both are shooting downtown and uh shooting into the ogre bulls and actually a very good counter against lead vultures like lead vultures can't really do much against vultures they're just gonna lose models over time and the bull throws got to be careful not to scoot up too much if they do then they could get comprom nice and jumped on by really aggressive ogre pushing objective is going to be opening up in about 27 seconds so the time is now and we will see how this all unfolds ladies and gentlemen it is time so here blood vultures cruising back up but basically they just have to accept the fact that they're going to be in both their range unless they want to sit in the back of the map here and the ogre should definitely send something to the side objectives unless they want to pull a dreaded carc play where they're so aggressively uh you know just getting in there that they forget to capture the objectives nope looks like Supreme is going to be doing a good job I like this ogre bull Iron Fist and what's crazy about ogres is their movement speed everything's like 50 speed on their you know roster for their core capture weight outside of noblers of course uh so they can really just get where they want to go quickly Frontline engagement is underway silver and Spears preparing to uh do battle and the fireborn have been called out so fireborn are an excellent choice here because of how good of a sweeper they are any ogre unit that penetrates into the backfield in theory should be just getting pounded by the fireborn absolutely pounded so should be fun should be fun indeed so objective two here owned by the ogres High Elves have to be careful not to overextend too many spear units up on their own unsupported we do see Lutheran sea guard starting to come out the spear units have engaged in the front so silverens versus knob Lars The Duel of Fates while the ninja stars in the back from the Choppers do a little bit of DACA and it looks like some ogre is going to be trying to creep around so nice microbi supreme Supreme actually trying to sneak past the side of the sphere formation here and uh it's gonna be moving and a grooving in there uh oh the cursed lag hopefully it'll subside it looks like it will not too bad you know it seems intermittent with this uh this group of players here Bolter is still hammering into the lead vultures lead vouchers are at about 2300 HP so they're taking some big casualties and should be fallen here in a moment and amrex doing a good job kind of sweeping the front line heils maintaining the subjective and now we see the ogres using their mass and speed to get on both doors in the back which is going to be big but it looks like Colin is going to be responding well as we do see the fireborn coming across fireborn gonna be hammering hammering hammering down these ogre balls of dual weapons so here they come big charge of the High Elves and what kind of damage will they do in theory it should be a lot they're basically a hard counter against these overtype units both are a crew looks like they're on the Run imrick holding down the front line we do see several waves of ogre units running and classic ogre Tech pretty much every ogre player in their dog since the great legendary Flying Taco innovated it uh now bring the skystriders so skystriders are in both doors are good counter against some basic Spears do well but skystriders are like a hard hard counter against fireborn they'll wreck them pretty bad but the bolters should just be sitting on the sky Striders the entire game over on the other side you can see the heels perform very well you know where they're supported and have like their kind of formations but where they're isolated they just kind of get picked apart like this one Spearman unit basically just got killed by noplars had a couple of really house Trappers which is pretty funny silver and guard on the Run uh Lutheran sea yard excuse me um they might be in guard mode which is pretty unfortunate here for Colin they should have just braced and prepared for the charge but at the end of the day they are going to be caught and take big casualties normally though a Lutheran sea guard unit would defeat an ogre bull unit in a straight fight but considering they didn't take advantage of their charged events it could be a little bit ugly so Colin is up on value well Emerick certainly can't be everywhere at once looks like your boy emrick's going to be coming across uh to try and get a big Terror out right here could get a breath attack any number of options are available but what I really want to keep tabs on is going to be the fireborn looks like the bolters are shooting at knob Lars right now a little bit of a misplay by Colin Colin really needs to start shooting the skystriders down wearing those bad boys looks like the ogres are going to be just rolling onto the subjective and this is actually a very precarious position for Colin looks like the spear line is about to falter and break and then the ogres have a straight line into the artillery in the back which is still shooting at the lead vultures and honestly doing a pretty good job I'm not sure where the fireborn are going yeah they need to get back on that objective and definitely do a bit of a collapse there so Colin is up on value side objectives open he could send some reavers over there but the problem with doing that against ogres is they could respond with very fast High capture weight units looks like we're going to be getting a blob fight of sorts we do get the fireborn uh concaving in to support the silver in but unfortunately for them the silver and guard did break in that last moment Bolter is still putting good fire Emrick really needs to get over here and get some big tear routes but this breath attack's gonna be pretty devastating potentially it does go in and melts quite a few of those Sky Striders right there fireborn getting caught in a flock of Doom which is a pretty good Target right there and now it looks like a major of life has been called out so the mage of life does have regrowth regrowth is going to be very very needed here on these fireborn as they are taking massive casualties and the lead belters are also doing good damage yes they're getting worn down by the bolt throwers but overall they're doing some nasty work for sure on the side point we do see the silver and guard holding and grinding down these ogre Bulls in the back we get a frost Phoenix interesting so the Forbidden Frost Phoenix tech I mean in theory it's good against ogres it's very tanky with 80 armor and 48 melee defense and also AOE debuffs but it's not going to capture the objectives the High Elves really need to make sure they hold on to the subjective they can't afford to lose this a Spearman fighting skystriders and it looks like a couple Bulls could be penetrating into the backfield elves are not calling in anything to stop these advancing ogre Bulls which is a bit of a problem uh the fireborn looks like they were able to take care of some over bull Iron Fists on the side but they need to go back there and keep those both doors online those both those are the Saving Grace with elves here they're really doing most of the work granted it looks like skystriders are going to get recharged so nice rear charge here by Colin granted those lead vultures man really really paying huge dues uh tear route going down on the sky Striders but they'll certainly be back and it looks like the mage of life might be able to actually break these ogre bowls off pretty clutch look at that Mage just getting in there her mere presence was enough to cause some serious havoc so elves hold on to the objective which is very important if you let the ogre Triple cap you it's going to be hard to get that objective back number one and number two it's uh it's really going to start just cascading in terms of the points right so sphere is moving up it looks like the birds causing some Havoc lothern sea guard heading to the middle objective bolters online once again causing some serious disruption and the ogre Army seems to be in a bit of a retreat if Emrick can actually take out the slaughter Master that's going to be brutal but the skyscriders get in and get a bit of a nice engagement versus Emrick there are regrowths on the battlefield and this is going to be pretty devastating here we're gonna see both both tours most likely go offline I mean maybe they can survive if we get an illyrian Reaper summon right here from Colin to come in for a quick intercept maybe so sphere is moving up in all directions spearmen and Spearman heading to all the points and Rick just routing back most of the ogre Army but this momentum from The High Hopes is costing them a bit a fair amount of the high off units are a bit overextended Emrick still doing nice damage but this objective might be flipping here it looks like a bunch of knobblers are going to be jacking that one middle objective most likely will go to the elves depending on where they want to send their Spears and yes losing those bull terrier sucks pretty bad it looks like both of the lead Builders are going to be offline so shooting is going to be not so much of a variable for the ogres here for the foreseeable future and this is a pretty tight game currently ogres do have a pretty nice points lead I would like to see maybe a wild Spearman sent to objective 3 just to really kind of press the ogres objective two is most likely gonna flip this one's gonna go and uh yeah the back objective the bird is trying its best frostart Phoenix does a little bit of damage and it does of course cause Terror could get a tear out on these ogres but imrick needs support like right now he's being hunted by the skystriders a really nice dismember going down from Supreme there that was a beautiful play slowing down Emrick letting the anti-large attacks really saturate in Spears have made it up to the point but the ogre is going to be sending a very healthy ogreville Iron Fist Here and Now Colin going to be sending Rangers to objective three so really pressing all the objectives which I think at this point probably not a bad idea since yogurts are very heavily heavily centralized right there and how are the artillery pieces doing both Walters are getting clubs pretty bad I'm surprised we haven't seen a phoenix or Reaver come in there to try and clear that out so Spears made it in this objective does flip to the over kingdoms they're going to start cascading points very quickly and these are just base experiment but uh the ogres are pushing it aggressively but embrick needs to stay otherwise holy that is a lot of mass look at the Spirit just over by just so many ogres and that backfield pressure is going to be something nasty I can't help but think this frostart Phoenix has been one of the weak links here now in the middle objective couples fear men moving in but the ogre Bulls are able to get there uh Rangers making their way to objective three ogre pulls the Dual weapons coming basically going to be hard countering these Rangers Unfortunately they were not born Spears and as far as the battle goes I do think the ogres are starting to take this one over some nice back and forth momentum in this duel but um it does seem a little bit tricky for sure Emirate could be heading to the middle objective the frostart Phoenix not doing a whole lot I wouldn't hate the frostart Phoenix doing something really aggressive like going after the slaughter master of beasts and just trying to force a blob fight because he's super tanky and has nice AOE debuffs that could be pretty good and Rick does get a good engagement charges those ogre bulls and is going to be able to put some hurt on them um and yeah this is gonna be tough here unless some reavers get their like ASAP and try and mitigate this reavers plus Rangers would be able to defeat smoker will do weapons I don't know if they're gonna get there quick enough so yeah this is looking like it's kind of over the ogres are not that far behind in value and they both have access to Healing uh there are going to be more Spears coming in so over and guard mind you but flipping these objectives is going to be so tough skystriders still running around causing Havoc so we do see Supreme using those with eight models and those bad boys look like they're ready to party so Rangers do start to flip the objective is there going to be a counter call in like a Reaver I don't know where the reavers are then silver Helms too silver Helms are pretty good at just breaking down these over Bull type units but looks like the Rangers could be heading to the middle objective highlights are going to need to get some big tear outs or some big lagooning maybe if the High Hopes can kill the slaughter master of beasts uh that could be pretty clutch if you could take that down get the leadership debilitating effect on the ogre Army losing those boltowers was dropped too those things were doing some really nice saturated damage over the course of the long grindy battles silver and guard on their way in gonna be getting to the point as are the Rangers and are we going to see any spear call-ins we do see silver and going which is a good call Silver and will defeat any ogre Bowl unit also take down most of the ogre roster just like in a one-on-one so sending that is the objective flipping unit is going to be good so silver and Obama's made it to the point and it looks like the elves are they gonna get the cap weight not quite enough they're still a fair amount of ogre Bulls here Rangers are making their way over and emrick's doing a good job I mean he's pulling the value lead over and over and getting these sweet Terror outs Lord of Dragons is active on the skystriders but the thing is that the clock is just not in the hell's favor and over the course of a long battle maybe if they could get a double cap here in the next like minute or two maybe just maybe they could get it um but that's that's a lot a lot to ask for for sure so Emirate getting nice attacks we do see the overlord here looking a little bit vulnerable ogre Bull's pushing in as well as the saber tusks with a nice envelope here on the Rangers but at least the Rangers do have some support from Silver now so it's not going to be quite as bad emmeric trying his best to clear things out but this roster Phoenix I just uh yeah I just feel like it's such a weak link only 500 value if that same amount of money had been sent on like some Phoenix card or something it could have been like you know life-changing stuff but the elves are fighting desperately here silver and guard making their way up to the point saber test packs uh will not be able to kill them easily another silver and guard unit heading over there and it's there anything going for The High Ground it's it's basically a Triple cap territory now right so the elves would need to get a Triple cap and I don't know if that is going to be possible so frostart Phoenix mashing away here and we do also see imrick Emrick nibbling away it was a good scrap um a couple little small things I think if the elves could have had more Cavalry silver Helms uh and or reavers to like support their positions and Hammer knoblars off objectives like little things like that I think the elves maybe could have found a way to win this um but yeah at the end of the day I think just those little things did cost them but this is hands down Triple cap territory and we do see the value being pretty much dead even so silver and up on the point they're going to be trying to chase those saber tusks off we do see these guys being parked right here so they are going to be parked on the side of the objective here and ogre Bowls the Dual weapons are going to be to the objective pretty soon and that's going to be too much capture weight for those silver end to deal with and Emerick you know so we have two high-powered flying units which don't have cap weight and though they're trading effectively in combat uh they're not going to be able to turn the tie to the objectives uh soon enough for this to work out here so GG well played Supreme is gonna be taking the W here and uh I think that is going to be game blouses ladies and gentlemen a very good performance by the High Elves against ogres which are hands down one of the best factions in the game right ogres are just insanely powerful um probably honestly top faction right like what's better than ogres outside of britonia I mean we're assuming with the current restrictions we have in place uh bertonia without restrictions is probably straight up better than the ogres but um with restrictions in place ogres will probably take over the crown as the best Falcons um but seriously has any yeah a lot of single faction tournaments have been won by non-top tier factions we've had tons we've had them one by nurgal by Kiss Live by Empire by dwarves by uh hyls um Dark Elves historically yeah a lot of it can come down to the skill of the player and of course there's a little bit of Fortune as it pertains to getting good matchups but a valiant effort by Colin looks like he didn't really have reavers it was mostly uh silver Helms and uh yeah GG well played it was a nice try okay GG well played and there we go so now we'll have the grand finals so let's see who it's gonna be so we will do Grand finals it's probably gonna be ogres versus uh on the other side what did we have I'm not sure Stingers oh it could be kiss love too kiss love actually has a good matchup against ogres it's irrespectable armored costars do uh very very well so all right so let's get ready for the grand finals of tonight and we'll message you and who on the other side let me check on the website see how we're looking on total Tavern all right let's get it man so taking a look at the top four for tonight how's it looking and uh platypus one so it's going to be scaven versus ogres again they played this matchup earlier Supreme says ogre's uh ROP I feel bad for picking them don't worry about it dude don't worry about it just just you just you keep playing doing your thing I mean other people picked strong factions too so ogres can be defeated they're not like Unstoppable there are some some things that feel Unstoppable but ogres can't be beaten um all right so we got plotty I'm curious to see what the rats will uh adjust here because they lost to the ogres earlier so we have skaven versus um skaven versus ogres here yes perfect all right platypus should be on the way in and the map for this game is going to be borderlow landing a very big map um so the rats could definitely get some more playing play and let's see what they got all right good luck have fun thank you guys for joining tonight it's been a fun stream so far late night action nice and sweaty and uh yeah the good times are rolling has an sft been fashioned by yeah no it's it's been a lot of a lot of wins isn't the hail floss usually boiling down to trying to play many objectives it depends it depends on what your your army looks like um I think like protecting the bolt throwers and stabilizing the backfield and just progressively pushing and just getting the two objective win is probably the way for Isles but there does come a time when you need to push all three um which he was in he was in Triple cap territory so yeah let's get it cool and let's see how we're looking looks like everything is good in the realm and we have a more tournaments uh tomorrow as well we have um we have a super ties hosting one at four o'clock might be a little bit early for your stream so yeah platy on skaven versus Supreme on the ogres um this should be interesting nobler Trappers ogre Bulls all that sort of good stuff I was curious if you had any plans you know their faction were yeah in um August in August probably probably like early August I'm thinking like before Baldur's Gate comes out we'll have one so that would be I'll probably start organizing it actually so August let's see Father's Day comes out on Thursday so yeah maybe on um tricky that's tricky gotta figure it out I gotta go to got a couple IRL commitments those few days yeah definitely gonna be in August should be fine yeah spheres are tough to push although you can go with um what do you think about Phoenix guard you know Kane you played very well there I I thought that was a great performance um Rick was solid some of the early engagements are really really favorable for you you went up to like a two three thousand value lead and you held on to your home objective I think the bolt thrower is getting shut down was a big momentum shift because they still had a fair amount of ammo what do you think about running like cheap cheap light Cavalry to um to pressure to not only pressure lead vultures but also to screen I feel like that could be nice and they're they're not bad at clearing off an oblers too you know Heil is way better than me so I'm just kind of picking your brain trying to scheme with you a little bit a very late late night stream here it's like eight in the morning here in Sweden yeah yeah you guys are just waking up huh for sure gonna do a faction War we're actually gonna do a domination faction War which is going to be like a multi-day event so um and maybe it'll be like two weekends apart we'll have like one part you know the first half one weekend in the other half on on another so that's gonna be a hell of a lot of matchups yeah Trappers are paying for them for sure yeah I mean creative assembly is obviously gonna probably Nerf knobbler Trappers I mean they must because creative assembly like I said Nerfs based on their quick battle data and pretty from what I've heard ogre ogres have been dominating quick battles too with knobbler Trappers and CA can actually see the pick rates of certain units and correlate them to win rates they have like even more advanced data which is pretty cool so they can see like you know the pick frequency and all that um so I would suspect knoblars are going to get nerfed which I mean ogres are sitting at what a 60-something percent win rate so very strong um let's take a look right now yeah bertonia at 64 ogres at 62. um chaos serves at 57. um if chaos dwarfs get their capture weight Nerf and their trains fixed you're going to see chaos sort of sitting around 50 like between 40 and 50. they'll be they'll be better if ogres lose novel or Trappers or get them get them uh adjusted properly and they lose their bonus for his infantry I think you could see um ogres still be top tier hands down but like not quite as oppressive they would probably go down to like I don't know like 58 bertonia if you yeah they're gonna be they're gonna be strong for sure I I suspect some Nerfs for them but honestly like this is all looking like pretty healthy here you know the factions we played tonight are certainly in the pits of hell but I don't know they also have DLC coming so I I don't think you need to buff too much maybe like cost reductions for some of their stuff but um Yeah It's Tricky got into the office first thing I see it's a stream hell yeah dude we got you covered man bro turn happy belated birthday we have the same birthday long time fan hey happy birthday to you too so you got a sweet mustache in that picture dude I remember when every stream was your birthday it still is I think I should have just played for two caps so start yeah maybe or sea Garden Reserve well yeah I think some of you are like you pushed on the side with a couple units and they got isolated and killed you'll see in the commentary um I did like the Triple cap pushing once you were like in Desperate Waters but prior to that it was a little bit dangerous for sure all right guys The Duel of Fates menacing platypus versus the dreaded oberhorts so platypus of course is going to be our skaven champion Supreme appears to be a newcomer to the tournament so uh currently I believe only has uh 23 or 24 tournament games played but has been able to pick things up pretty quickly here so it's going to be Supreme on the slaughter Master man this man loves his flock of Doom he brought flock of Doom last game and uh does not have the traditional healing which is very interesting so knoblar Trappers with uh you know knoblars and then Bulls it's pretty much every ogre player in their dog is going to be doing a similar strategy it's very very strong and over for the rats this is going to be in the Madison platypus he's got a mass amounts of Clan rat Spears with some rat ogres a hell pit Abomination being called in all right I'm down to party and a Chieftain on a Bone Breaker as well so a bit of a character goon squad plague priest of course is going to be the primary caster and he he uses bless with filth and wither and he spams them to lower the Vigor of the enemy Army it's really interesting most Gavin players do not do this it's very uncommon unless it's like some new tech but like I said um you're spamming these cheap skaven spells in the entire enemy Army is going to be losing speed and bigger so over the course of a long game you can spam this and your entire opponent's Army is going to be exhausted and your army is going to be in good uh bigger which is cool I love I love those like unique texts but that's basically the entire skaven Army here and uh they are ready to party and move up on the objective so yeah it's going to be great it's early morning for you huh glad to hear it my friend glad to hear it all right so the battle is soon to be on love this Matt border the landing is truly a beauty in the back we do have the uh the boats I can't tell what kind of boats they are they kind of like look like Empire frigates looks like one of them is actually like sinking back there not the best times for those uh Invaders who've been Landing off the shores of noble borderlow perhaps the Duke of bertonia intercepted them you never know and it's time so ogre Army's going to be surging forward as is expected so too we'll Escape an army the dreaded escaven unsummon Lord uh always a staying on Old multiplayer but you know it is what it is and basically gives the entire skaven Army the plus eight leadership which is the reason why one of the main reasons why skaven can really uh you know get get there it's it's very strong it's insanely good especially when you have these big 20 Stacks like he has 22. I do think honestly skating could play without it they'd probably be like a 40 win rate faction instead like 40 45 but yeah it's still in the game but there's more of a penalty now so if you unsummon your lord is a skaven uh yes you get the power grab but before in the previous patches you could unsummon like uh skaven slave and you could bring in like Lord scroll but if skaven players want to abuse the unsummoning mechanic now with the chieftain it doesn't work quite like it used to because the um you don't get a lord like you don't get to have a claw you don't get to have anybody super powerful in that regard so you're basically just playing leaderless um for the skaven which is tricky indeed yeah vampire Coast is in a weird place they're very meta and then there was a big slew of Nerfs to all the undead because Undead were just dominating The Meta for a long time was vampire counts tomb Kings and uh and and Coast they were just crushing they were like one two and three and just like their unbreakable nature so they nerfed them pretty heavily but like Coast still has close to a 50 win rate right now they're just not popular it's not even that like there's factions that are bad like in week like corn for example that people play all the time but like it's because they're popular Coast is just you would think that vampire pirates with like shotguns and would be played more and we would have these like weird specialist players who just like grinded on those characters but like it's not it's very very weird you know hey Pasha thank you for becoming a channel member really appreciate it welcome to the Dukes of haggard my friend and I hope you are doing super well now I like this play by platy platy getting the sneaky rat Legion so he's got his play crease back here the chieftain as well as the Bone Breaker those bad boys gonna be hiding behind this pillar right here so they're hanging out there and uh gonna be looking to cause some problems here for Ye Old ogre kingdoms so moving on up are the rats I would imagine going to be sending waves and waves and it looks like my game may have crashed here suspicious funky crash I'm gonna see if it can survive worst case scenario nothing happens so we just restart with the same armies but this is the second time it's happened tonight um and I'm not the only one to have this happen so this is some weird this is some weird stuff indeed hmm so let's give it a second see if the game can catch up and stabilize before I force quit um I don't know if the players are still in the game I'm gonna give it a second no my game just straight up crashed um so they can play the if they're still in the game uh I'm just gonna let them play it out and then I can just cast the replay afterwards which would be fine so in the meantime I could play a game or something um all right so if you didn't crash keep playing and send replay thank you okay I could play vampire ghost game for you guys it could be fun yeah because I noticed a little bit of lag with Supremes games so hopefully it's not too bad all right outstanding that's that's a weird one all right so they're gonna play cool and we'll just have them play and send me the replay and then uh we'll cast that classic Total War you gotta love it outstanding so we'll get the results if anybody wants to play a 1v1 right now I'm gonna fire up a game and first come first serve you'll need uh the total Tavern map pack though in order to play so you'll you'll need the goodies all right so host battle uh it's gonna be called T game and anybody is welcome to join uh I'm gonna play some different stuff I played slanesh a lot tonight who would be fun to see who who Coast is cool I kind of always struggle with them Demons of chaos are fun we can do a little bit of nurgle action yeah you know I'm painting an ergo Army and tabletop right now let's uh or do we want to do Warriors of chaos see Miracle yeah let's get nurgle's passionate Glory up in this game all right I enjoyed your recent uh land battle videos yeah we'll keep mixing those in they're fun it's fun to play Land Battle every now and then I don't think it's as good of a competitive format but I do think it's very fun vampire counts I never cared for vampire counts that much it I don't know why they never like clicked with me um so we can do uh what's a map we haven't done tonight we can do the um werewolf werewolf boyfriend enjoy her that's funny so is that Jay play whatever you want play any faction any faction you want and we can do the um road to balls Anvil is pretty fat we could do astucci Castle uh we can do yeah we can do a little astute Castle let's get that going I don't think if inticity came back he would be playing Vampire Coast so um yeah play whatever you want Kissel okay kiss liver snorkel is a fun matchup actually let's get it and uh we can do what map I guess we'll do castle of stuchi and now we got Ye Old Kiss Live versus nurgle all right so let's get the Army blocker up so we can surprise all of you guys with this build perfect yeah I wasn't sure you always have the great name so I figured it was something something fun going on there oh nurgle chaos nights are so cool oh they're so cool oh they're so radical dude okay so let's get you and get you ready for some old sleds of Doom I wish War shrines were better you know or shrines are just so Haggard like the slash one is okay yeah intensity wouldn't would not play he's a meta player he plays meta you know he's he's really gonna be chasing the gold so yeah you would you'd probably see him on that all right so probably you is the way to do it and a little bit of that all right cool now for the core infantry choice I feel like the great weapon boys are pretty good obviously Marauders aren't bad it is late night for me it's a little bit late night yeah we're getting there oh we gotta try some forbidden units here guys that could be pretty fun I wonder how that is like as a pressure piece on the side all right I kind of kind of got some cool ideas here guys you're gonna you're gonna like the way you look I guarantee it all right forsaken chaos Warriors the palinquin guy is so janky too it's just just had Artemis Prime toads are obviously solid Furies are a good counter against uh cost hours with bows and now for the core Army for our next disappearing act what do we want to bring cougarth is probably honestly the way to go here I feel I feel kugath is just like uh absolute G he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna be tough to bring down for sure all right so let's get some of you guys to hopefully trade effectively um rot flies are also another interesting one that might have a little bit more of a home now I hate when you just have like a little bit of money and you can't quite afford something it feels bad feels bad okay so let's get the shielded Marauder boy and then we can slap another nerdling in there and for you what spells do we want to bring give us an ergo Air Force what's meta right now ogres uh kale store well ogres and bertonia are meta I would say those are like chaos I don't mind playing chaos that we as a matter of fact I think I've won most of my games against him recently it's um yeah I don't know I don't mind them too much to be fair okay so other units here Uncle for Uncle is just the power fantasy that's that's pretty fun to bring probably want to bring some great weapons and uh we can bring some more great weapons perhaps although yeah just the cheap great weapons with toad support is probably good what about a plague Bearer here plague Bears feel kind of haggard they do have a lot of HP I suppose yeah if you have the money why not let's throw it in there all right good luck have fun in my opponent I think the nurgle build's good I think next time we're gonna play nurgle in the single faction tournament honestly they're so fun meanwhile the other uh gents are going to be playing they're going to send me the replay and we'll cast the uh the grand finals of tonight's tournament which is between skaven and ogres as a replay after this game so it should be good Uncle for Uncle carried by rotflies yeah if the rot flies could actually like be swarm and pick up a great unclean one and drop it that could be good yeah I think plague drones are okay against like like factions like this like they can kill casars effectively and also can kill Kissel of Cavalry um I don't know if it's worth going the the riders or the rot flies like which variant but yeah we'll see I didn't actually go with kugath I I decided to go with Festus he's uh he's a bit of a smaller Target so I don't think he's gonna die as quickly yeah you're more late night early morning stream for all of you guys it's good times indeed yeah Fidel it sounds sounds like it I think that could be a nice combo So Sushi Castle is the map we are battling for uh Nippon here Cafe and uh the build's gonna be pretty standard stuff so what we do is we probably hide one grave weapon here we definitely fight in the trees and we can send a little like Goblin over here to go like try and grab the side point just go for like a very greedy opening and see what happens here so shielded Marauder is gonna move up we can use them to uh so let's put the gray opens back have you up in the front uh did I get rid of the screen blocker I did okay I'm not I'm not that much of a potato we got Festus and uh the cultist block so that should be pretty good it's a nasty little blob and you can chill out down here you guys go there and that'll be in five and then we got the Soul Grinder Soul Grinder I think could be good because we can like hide amongst the trees you know do we have a little Grom oh I forgot throwing axes and there's a bear oh oh god oh just freaking End me bro just put me put me out of my misery man just just just add me it's it's just it's just over oh God it's a bear all right let's get on on some of the Czar guard maybe I can win with like a grind and like using oh I do have the death's head guys okay so that could be a Saving Grace um more sleds are gonna be a bit of a problem but let's see if we can get in there send you guys to go capture that objective nurglings can go chill over here and let's get those sweet sweet bombardments going all right yeah I brought Dutch in uh let's get the healing elixirs going Yes precious we hit come on give me some damage give me the scraps oh nothing I'm sad all right well uh one more volley should maybe connect let's let's take it we can heal the sang we got the heels come on shoot for the love of the dark gods this guy's got like a 10-year reload time all right let's get back to Festus get some healing and uh yeah thankfully we brought the playgrounds with the deaths head so that could be potentially good a little nurgling's gonna be trying to ninja this objective and we do grab the side so it's just gonna be a nurgle blob fight in the middle basically all right so you guys move up and let's get the cultist move again these guys can do a little bit of punching and uh what we can do let's call in the uh the play Cavalry basically all right so let's do you and you guys can move up doesn't look like he wants a charge gonna be pulling back and we'll get a little bit of healing on Old Festus and uh yeah the blob will be here and we are ready to party all right cultists moving nurglings threatening the cap here just being a bit of a meme we do get another bombardment and do we hit the Zar guard I'm not sure if we do let's see uh that time we actually connected which is nice all right so move across you guys are chilling out on this point and the toad Riders are on their way cultists can move in the sleds won't do that much against single entity like units like that you can see as a matter of fact the cultists give like return the favor a little bit and we'll keep those little like nerdlings there to just troll oh God the elemental bear is coming though I think the baron to the bog will be able to handle it like I think that's going to be disruptive enough and yeah you can see we're slowing down the capture and it looks like a bear breath attacks coming maybe all right so bear into the bog and we have like yeah the breath attack misses thankfully 1500 for the big boys and uh let's get you toads up looks like they don't want to take the fight no back pressure and the first thing we call in is going to be the death head guys because they can just like Nuke the bear from outer space nurgle can indeed go into outer space so the nerve links are preventing the cap weight here which is hilarious and let's get the bombards going into this and just run your little Bandits over to the side of the map they're doing their job just being annoying and we got a nice down the line bombard here and I want to kind of wait till the bear is more committed to call these things in go my nerdlings flea flee yes yes embrace your escape and tactics let's shoot the healthier one um and we got the side objective okay yeah Barons can do well against the bear for sure throwing axes would be the preferable answer but ooh nice nice elbow there yes and we could call in some toads to save the nerg links but honestly I don't think I care that much about it I think I think grandfather will welcome them with his worm embrace let's get you closer to heal and uh Baron to the bog can move in the bear is like teasing like it wants to come in it's it's uh it's having some fun all right let's just get him in there in position and hang out but yeah we're getting some really good bombardment yeah we're gonna lose an ergling unit but whatever it's not the end of the world uh the bare breath attack oh not bad there not bad that was a pretty good one um thankfully Festus is gonna be able to heal these bad boys up so neurgling's paid the troll toll but the Tsar guard are getting pounded pretty hard and uh on the back objective we do see some armored casars moving up so there's gonna be a fight here soon these guys are getting the sweet healing elixirs and uh yeah kiss love using its foul Magic let's get you guys up to uh party a little bit nurgling Scott uh absolutely torch back there and we could move some plague Bears up wouldn't be a bad idea wouldn't be a bad idea I got the rock flies ready with their Unholy hand grenades and the bearish is chilling out while we uh while we Feast on the the Kissel of Army's uh durability here taking the middle is important here too so they can't bounce between objectives as easily and we need to take fire wheel off here all right so the Bears are gonna come in it wants it I can see the bear wants some of this hot action it wants it bad um I could do the hard healing here it looks like I did lose a handful of the bearings of the bog slushy abundance resurrect I don't think it does man so those models are just basically toasted all right so let's get the Toads up let's get you guys up cultists can go do some screening and bear into the Bogger just chilling let's go get these attacks here with those and get the Barons in there to counter charge and cool the time is now looks like they're gonna pull back let's charge the other ones and we can get some more play drones I wanted to kind of try these things out and see how they do but the Unholy hand grenades are going they're going like Champs the bear is attacking let's pull you guys back cultists moving up let's go after that patriarch right there and uh pull you guys back okay so now we just get great weapons coming up party and yeah the Unholy hand grenades are actually doing some respectable damage guys I'm not unhappy about their damage at all so cultists go after these guys and now we just we just take the blob bite basically yeah we just get in there we blob we live our best life and uh hope hope that it goes well um so the other plague drones are here so let's have them attack curse of the slug slow them down see if we can do a little bit of Razzle Dazzle there so they're gonna be slowed Festus getting attacked pretty hard and uh the Unholy hand grenades holy that's a lot of Firepower isn't it let's get a little cheeky shall we let's get a little bit funny over here Festus uh I could do some fat heels here probably wouldn't be a terrible idea to do like a big AOE heel like a right in the center so we're gonna plop that down get some value and honestly the drones aren't doing terribly but my opponent's capture weight is really really good and I don't know why these guys didn't move up certainly a mistake on my part but um yeah the captroid is flipping so chaos Warriors need to get there the Unholy hand grenades are doing good the bears actually at half Health um both cultists oh one of them got Pops in the face let's even get it back and nurgling's gonna go for The High Ground objective meanwhile the healing's good um big man did get actually Terror at it though which is unfortunate if I if I lose fastest and he gets like Terror routed off into the kiss of army I'm probably toast so we need to make sure that doesn't happen and holy these drones just got wrecked why are they dying I guess they're getting focus fired huh all right so let's pop rancid visitations on the big bear um I could go mortise let's do this and do a little bit of cheeky uh objective capping there just get that speedy speedy objective cap and the Big Bear is getting worn down and Festus can switch to mortise engine now again some of these like Elite Troopers cool and we can also use a fecundity here to heal up these units all right outstanding so next up let's get some plague toads Blake toads are always good we got some chaos Warriors making it on over and we got the mortise engine and the death's head grenades are doing good but we need to repark though um Festus is draining doing good mortise engine damage and the side objective is going to be jacked my opponent responds well played so now we just run away it's better that than like the reinforcements coming and uh actually reaching me here so we need big daddy Festus to switch to Healing elixirs again keep himself going uh more chaos Warriors have made it nerd links are on the run so those dark links Are Gonna Get Wrecked but they were certainly a decent distraction um I don't think Kissel is doing anything here so let's pull these great opens up to help out um currently I'm capped pretty heavily but this bear might actually just straight up go down um against the uh against the what's it called the the the rancid visitations round two if I can get it all right so the Unholy hand grenades are doing good work the Bears did a fair amount of HP hounds can go nibble on these cost hours of Spears and the back cap trolling was good and now we get the big boys flying in all right so that's not terrible Baron to the bog need to probably come back and uh get a little bit of loving let's go jump on these concerts with Spears back there the Bears at 1400 HP so let's get our characters and go up to the bear I don't know how the rock flies are doing they seem to be doing okay um some respectable damage I think we saved for the Barons of the bog just because they're so good um let's get these doggos away just kind of run and be obnoxious with them switch to the mortise engine and outstanding so the grind continues in the middle we've gotten a lot of healing bear into the Bogger 1250 so we're gonna have them back soon all right so let's get Baron to the bog up here and cultists can get back we need to get those plague bear summons down to provide a little bit of support to this uh situation here the healing on the bear is pretty nasty um it's very very good so let's get the cultists back and the other cultists is running for the hills great weapons move in battle the zargard and uh Festus needs to go ahead and Ransom visitations I feel like going after the bear could be a mistake uh it could it could potentially be a throw but I don't know it seems like it might be okay so great weapons are still pushing through Barons of the bog we need to get you guys down here let's pop the fukunichi to heal up all these characters and The Rock flies are doing pretty good let's get a plague bear summon right here might as well get it off and uh cool so fast this goes here you guys go here and we're just gonna we're gonna make the attempt to drag down the bear it's not gonna be easy but yeah the toads and whatnot seem to be trading well let's get some more toads coming across and uh great weapon boys are here let's get this cultist to go help versus these uh zargaard outstanding bear is close to death um healing elixirs I don't know why neither of those were on but Barons of the bog will massively debuff the stats and will certainly help us in the blob fight to come ammunition for kiss love is running a little bit low I think a secret agent ergling is pretty funny so we'll just kind of keep doing that to occupy the attention of all those Cavalry units and if he could drag down that bear somehow that would just be super great all right let's do some on summoning on these chaos warriors uh we did get that plague bear summon back there oh we didn't he got knocked down oh okay so I was gonna say I was like I feel like we're missing something here so Festus I think just rancids here I guess the healing Elixir is pretty money and those drones are actually grinding surprisingly well okay so we got you guys is there anything we can do to help these toads win um we could get some some doggos and come around the side let's actually just go ninja that cap up on the top I think we can get it with those two units all right the Bears finally Fallen ladies and gentlemen that's big so now we just move back onto the objective and uh we just have the healing elixirs on and hopefully it's too much for them to deal with granted the Barons of the Bogger are getting absolutely cloud so that's that's very unfortunate let's get this cultist back Festus um probably goes with healing elixirs we need to get the bear into the bog away and now The High Ground objective is going to be flipped so that's something that's kind of cute let's get these Warriors over here actually Festus is in danger I think we go heartbringer or pestilence I don't know if he's gonna survive this I feel like he's gonna get gooned uh kiss love has a lot of assets around there so we need to get a cultist up to drop a summon uh firm right there get you guys get these hounds we steal The High Ground objective down here we got some Warriors moving in and uh let's get these uh toads over there to go help out against those winged Lancers all right so we have a summon here which might be able to save big daddy Festus thankfully he does mortise engine even when he's like damaged so we're gonna try and save him if we can he's hanging in there his leadership is going strong about that and cool so we got the summons let's see if we can get Festus through on High Ground we do get a couple rot flies moving in which might be able to run intercept here and what do we have that's fast and furious uh let's get you guys actually that could be a useful Tech yeah maybe all right so Festus is alive the plague Bearer blockade has worked out okay uh points are getting a little bit wild let's get the two cultists in there if Festus can survive this I might feel kinda confident we'll have to see the rat fly should be able to counter these sleds and deal with pretty much any of these threats here so let's get them around and have them go after the armored casars and what else do we have we have uh hounds I think hounds are what we get there so the big man has gone down Festus is just kind of waddling around let's get cultists there and call in some Hound units to go nibble on those range units if we can yes yes unfortunately we don't have the cap weight see that's the problem here is the cap weight becomes a little bit precarious see that and see what kind of value we can get so the hounds are on the way Festus needs to Rally a few rallies here that's going to be really really strong um great open still fighting on the side and Festus is going like a champ plague bear is still doing their thing Rock fly is doing work and uh yeah I think we can recap this let's get some Marauders over there you know shielded Marauders just get them up there with the cap come on Festus come on triple chin we need you back buddy we need you back here we need you back in this fight um we're holding on to those very very close game too fast yeah Festus is trying his best he's trying his heart out but yeah this combination of units here seems to be doing well um Hound units are nibbling on something cost effective come on Festus come back I need you I need that more dissension we need it bad all we have is this Haggard health is fighting in the middle so the kiss love Army is going to start rotating up to the top uh Hound units nibbling on the casars but certainly not quick enough and uh what do we have that can get there quick and help out probably just plague toads are good um plague Bearer is going to be pretty bad there we do have Rock glorious rot oh come on Festus triple Chin's gone he's a goner so we have to just accept Our Fate that Captain triple Chen is not going to be back anytime soon um what do we want to get do we want to get toads yeah toads are probably good all right so raw flies are here um we probably pull them back they're pretty expensive unit and just let the nurglings kind of absorb that shock damage and then we just get you guys making your way in cool The Rock flies can go pick off these winged Lancers let's get you toads coming up here we got the double cultist grinding in the middle Festus basically just kiting to the edge of the map and let's move you guys in and start pressing there if possible so we did lose the objective we still have the bottom one which is cute nerd Link's doing a pretty good job holding back the big boys um let's get that blob fight going points are very even it's very Scrappy game so Festus is now gone which sucks um is there any reason for us to hit the middle yeah supporting the cultists in the middle doesn't seem bad I do have the Army ability I'm kind of waiting for an opportunity to do it do it um let's get some hounds around the back and just go finish off those archers if you can and uh call in more plague toads here once they blob up like in a true fashion I think we can do it yeah let's pop it that's gonna be some sweet damage let's pull back the plague drones let's get the hounds up around the back side let's do this and uh now we got you guys making your way in although both cultists have run so yeah maybe we just get back to that objective and try and get that it's still it's still double cap territory um yeah but I think we've lost we're we losing fastest was too much it was a good game though a good Scrappy game kiss looks very strong now they feel very strong let's go get you guys go get this we got the Toads bumping and grinding here let's get those shielded Marauders back a couple great weapons gonna flee the scene try and get back to that point if they can and yeah the bear Riders are gonna be tough I definitely needed some rotter Horsemen I I felt like I needed those guys to uh to drag down some of the bigger threats but we did end up killing the bear the death's head guys were actually very clutch against the bear check I obviously didn't know that was coming but yeah it was it felt pretty decent oh wait the Bear's back oh God he returns the ancient evil of the old world has returned the elemental bearer of kisliff oh God all right guys keep it up we've got those guys down Furies are just nibbling away on these um our cultist needs to get over there and help out so let's go have him help a couple more great weapons anything you guys can do is there any way we can get back in this game we did get that cheeky little ninja cat but I don't think it's gonna be enough without Captain triple chin the leadership penalty is going to be too much um did the Kiss Live did they lose their lord they probably just unsummoned it I would I would guess yeah I think that would be an unsummon nurglings go provide cap weight uh yeah there's no way it's GG full health zargard all too much well played Jay great game you played awesome solid Crystal play we we needed uh we needed a little bit a little bit of milk there in that game so Soul Grinder was good uh Festus was good cultist did fine maybe switching to nurgle Champions would be better I can't but help but thank the uh the what's it called the Barons of the bog we're not very good against the mass shooting from all the casars dude the bear was Chad look at that thing 3 000 value Elemental bear holy yeah the flying drones were good with the death's head but the ones that were just basic Rank and file were pretty useless yeah I just totally forgot Horsemen I needed Horsemen to counter a lot of this stuff GG well played uh all right thank you so we got the Replay for the Grand Final so hold tight my friends while we uh so where is this this is going to be intermission well we set this up and we're gonna get our grand Finals game going right here right now so if you guys been having a fun night it's always a good time hanging out with all you guys want the good times roll okay so we got this let's go ahead and slam that into our replay folder did I screw that up did I get it in there that's what she said I don't know we're trying all right so there that is and let's drag this in here now we got the finals for tonight's tournament which is gonna be good all right cool Bare Necessities dude that bear the Bears have always been good against nerdwell actually they're very strong uh-huh and move this back to screen one okay and now we have the dreaded skaven versus the ogres hey honey thank you BC is my favorite uh for lore and one of the best factions they're they're very strong thank you man the vangorean dynasty oh dude yeah maybe I'll play uh I can play a vampire game after this we'll see we'll see how we feel all right guys welcome to the Grand finals of tonight's tournament ladies and gentlemen it's going to be menacing platypus on the skaven versus Supreme on the ogres let's get it baby let's have some fun let's break it down let's see how this game goes so this is being done via replay we had a little bit of lag with some of the players so we opted to do this lag in tandem with crashing so I actually crashed it was weird um second time tonight maybe I gotta do a little restart or something but it's just time ggj great game super fun stuff I I like the the hand grenade guys they actually did a lot of damage but you know if they don't bring the bear the hand grenade guys are gonna suck so for this game in an army of menacing platypus it's gonna be an unsummon Lord in the shadows backed up by a bunch of skaven slave Spears and Basics gave enslaves and Clan rats it's just an Unholy Legion of spear rats with uh Rat ogre supporting and the main epicenter the big centerpiece you know how in tabletop you know some armies will have a big centerpiece for example in 40K it could be death guard with mortarion Magnus the red you know all that sort of cool stuff well this helmet Abomination is the big fancy centerpiece and in theory a pretty strong piece against ogres extremely hard to kill with its healing and regenerative properties anti-large causes Terror against knoblars and other chaff pieces I think that that is a pretty cool Tech and of course the chief found the Bone Breaker now for the forces of yield over kingdoms and uh Supreme it is going to be a whole bunch of knoblars with knoblar Trappers in the shadow realm and some ogre Bulls in reserve and we do see the full first call in of blood Belcher so lead vouchers are pretty good they're basically shot the great bows uh not quite as tanky with only 50 armor and they are mortal so they can turn and run but um but yeah for anybody who's newer you're asking why he unsummons so the reason why he unsummit is because the chieftain has an ability called Power grab with which if your lord leaves the battlefield uh it gives your entire Army plus eight leadership it's base it's a mechanic that's not working as intended but CA hasn't fixed it yet so um at least in domination mode so obviously Nobody Does that Land Battle because there's no in summoning yes something funky so do a little bit of fast forwarding while the objectives open up in the backfield we do see a play claw catapult interesting so you would think of the go-to choice would be a warp lightning Cannon against ogre kingdoms but I think what the rats want to do is get the -10 leadership on the Blobs of ogres including the Bulls and then break the noplars away allowing the clan rat Spears to saturate in very very effectively so I think that's kind of a Cool Tech play claw catapults are really really good artillery I like that they're back they're like a true Timeless classic of this game right they were they were the go-to for skaven for ages and you'll notice how I love this platypus hiding behind it this is like the reputation of this one pillar it's where people hide right so he's hiding his Chieftain and his other characters behind this pillar which is going to be mitigating the shooting of the lead Builders hilarious stuff but look at this using flock of Doom now why is he using flock of Doom on everything he's been doing that all night um the flock of Doom Doom obviously obviously characters maybe he's trying to trigger the lore passive let's see this he doesn't even have the lore passive interesting so maybe just out of instinct he saw a blob and assumed there were some rats there and decided to use that so The Chieftains move again help it Abomination and Company play crease also up and now the play claw catapults are going to be hammering home into pretty high value targets um knobler Trappers are a very good unit you got to get rid of them or else you are going to be having a relatively bad time for sure now the skating blob is getting punished a little bit Chieftain here taking some damage helping Abomination also taking some damage a little bit of a risky action here by platy obviously the knobbler Trappers do pretty good DPS at range with 15 missile strength and 160 models it can certainly add up and that help it Abomination is going to want to pull back now Frontline engagements have happened route overs are battling against Bulls bulls do typically trade upwards into rat overs but if rad ogres do have support from uh you know various chaff units it can be a little bit more of an equitable trade now skaven popping a little bit of Witchcraft here it looks like wither going down so using wither to lower the armor of man-eaters so the ogres did call in some man-eaters with great weapons these guys back excuse me a huge anti-large punch so in theory a hard counter against the big skaven stuff but this is a nice maneuver here by platypus he basically left them in the dust lowered their armor down to basically nothing and is peppering them with a bunch of haggard rat ninja stars oh warp fires in here baby war fire throwers so he's going for like a leadership discouraging kind of build he's got the burnt effect so -8 leadership plus the play clock catapults all that is going to be tanking the leadership and look at that we also have blessed with filth going down so the skaven Army is lowering the uh the Vigor of the entire basically ogre Army by spamming those uh plague spells which is very very cool check it out we're fire throwers doing some big damage we do see that the ogres are currently up in value but remember most of the value from the ogres is on the help it Abomination which is something that can heal nice flock of Zoom going down from Supreme so uses Slaughter Master obese to get a beautiful flock of Doom on the blob of rats to all the skaven slaves and uh you know various different chaff units so quite a bit of damage there quite good back point is being pressured by ogres but is not going to be going well um skaven slave spheres and Clan rat Spears typically will trade upwards into ogres if they're allowed to fight assuming there's no knobblers there if there's noblers there it's a totally different scenario but you can see the Bulls are being dragged down the rats are going to be eating well tonight what's kind of funny about these two armies is they're both armies that would probably eat one another depending on who wins so uh you know it's a win-win right well not win-win one team's certainly going to be losing but looking at the value trading currently 3 000 against 2000 but the healing on the health Abomination certainly is going to be helping to counter that play claw catapult is just methodically targeting down the dobbler Trappers and the ogre Army looks like it's pushing up so you can see the inabilar is pushing off the middle objective opting to dive deeper into cave and territory which in my opinion is a little bit precarious it's certainly risky I mean they could get back there and shut down that you know big catapult but I think that's not going to be easy and more warp fire throwers coming out as well so looking to cook the ogres before they get to feasting the man eaters are great opens pushing it to the back let's see how platypus is going to be doing with his micro here is he going to be able to get those Trappers on not Trappers but Warfare doors online direct those man-eaters it looks like that is going to be the target so Maneater gray open is going to be getting the business and there they go by sweet prince so that is some sweet sweet warp fire exploring the leadership of the man eaters down to 50 but still doing some good damage as well now on the other side ogres look a little bit resurgent we see knoblar Smith again ogre Bulls as well as saber test packs and the Rats I think we'll be able to hold on to their back objective they have all these skaven slaves and all these fears and the ogres are basically just sending mobile Mass into the back objective so this is a place for the rats to basically farm value and looking at the current score it's pretty close I mean 242 to 440 it's not that big of a deficit and the helper Abomination is like this is like textbook definition uh uh what's it called uh distraction card effects it's like this big centerpiece which is absorbing a ton of value and still just living and tanking it on it's like in tabletop let's say you're playing against a very shooting heavy faction they put all their shooting into your one big model and they don't manage to kill it it still keeps going right and then the rest of your army is going to be undamaged I mean of course not everything is on damage here but it's gonna take a ton of pressure off the rest of your pieces big tear out going down ogre Bull's getting broken and Terror routed here the chieftain uh fighting shoulder to shoulder with a play crease as well and what's awesome about this build from uh platy is that the play crease also does have a discouraging effect with his sensor so he's able to hit things lower leadership warp fire is lowering leadership play clock catapults are lowering leadership it's very nice at doing that but the ogres do sweep the back objective so the ogre pressure is just Relentless and this could rapidly become a situation where platypus wouldn't need a Triple cap despite the fact that I do think he's a little bit ahead on value trading the ogres are just all over the place we have knobblers coming in ogre bolts with iron fists escape and don't have like a heavy cap unit that is like really good at just like hammering through over units like the Empire could be using Knights of the Blazing Sun uh reich's guard nights demograph nights they'll just methodically mow down these ogre bull units with the scaven have to grind them a little bit more which certainly isn't easy here we see platy moving on to the side so skaven slaves and all those dudes moving up and the middle objective actually starting to flip a little bit for the rats so the rats are pressuring all three and dude I can't tell you I've casted so many replays of platypus lately where he just like ninjas these objectives with just Haggard raggedy just rats and just that are just like routed somewhere and they just come back and they're like surprise your objectives hours so the middle objective owned by the ogres the back objective being held by Supreme as well Supreme doing a pretty good job here definitely some very good stuff I was looking at Supreme's profile uh doesn't have that many games played in the tournament circuit but is still competing here and even though ogres are very strong it still takes a lot of skill to compete against someone on a platypus's caliber even if you're in a favorite matchup so certainly a big shout out there help and Abomination gets brought down man knoblar Trapper is going ape I'm surprised you're able to kill that thing so that's pretty brutal we do see the slaughter Master being hit with a Wither so his armor is going to be down to 10 and it looks like the chieftain and the play crease getting a little bit of damage in warfire throw is trying to do their thing but it looks like the rats could be in a little bit of danger granted flipping that back object if under somebody's nose is quite powerful and it looks like they're going to Clan wrap Spears gave enslaves and Clan rat Spears will probably be able to fight off one ogre bull to do a weapon and as far as the back objective goes ogres looks like they have that one unlocked so they were able to kind of sweep the rats here so pretty bleak for sure it's looking tough for the skaven skaven trading relatively okay in value ogres are up but ogres have no healing and skaven did have a lot of healing so I would say they're pretty even on value at this point we do see waves of Clan rats fears fighting in the middle and more skaven slave Spears getting the job done play crease here in the middle is the last of the skaven Hero Squad to be standing uh the chieftain is broken which if the chieftain dies that's gonna be the end of this game for sure and the back objective does flip to the skaven so the rats are able to get a point back which is very very Scrappy but uh nonetheless it is going to be Trixie Trixie hobbitses indeed and now in the middle looks like it's going to be taken over here I think the ogres have taken over this game more fire throws are on their way back in good play by both players man it's been a nice Scrappy match ogre Bull's going to be pushed into the old Spears on the side we do see skaven slaves fear some more warp fire throwers coming up I love any excuses he wore fires they're such a cool unit ogre is getting in but ogres are gonna get wrecked by man-eaters with very opens I think that's a nice man-eater tech for sure and on the back side it looks like we have some wild skating unit on the back of the map which is uh trying its best platy trying to reinforce this objective some routing units but the ogres of dual weapons were able to sweep off the rats so it looks like they did get that charge on them when they were unbraced and that did the job so overall I don't see any too many chances I know platypus is a top tier player but you know this is this is looking Bleak but it looks like Supreme is going to be getting his first uh tournament win of the season so congrats to you I mean I really don't see any way platy can pull this one back he has no objectives we'll do a little bit of fast forwarding it's one of the courtesies that we have of uh being able to cast by replays good Focus fire on the uh warfire thrower so the war fire throw does go down here unsummons on the lead belchers and ladies and gentlemen this is looking like it is gonna be GG game blouses as the ogres take over the Great Wall has feasted tonight the rats not quite so much ogres are certainly a top-tier faction uh very strong probably one of the strongest factions in the game they can't be beaten but the rats are certainly don't have a great match up into them and we did see this today it can't be one but yeah I wonder how the hell the Abomination did dude 300 value on the hell pit Abomination is a brutal that is really not fun holy and looking at the rest of the army yeah some nasty stuff GG well played man GG it was a good try I I think warp lightning cannons are the way to go too um I can't help but thank the health Abomination was a massive weak link it did absorb a lot but man you can't pay that much for something and have it only get 300 value that's brutal location was fine obviously the rest of the rats got the ground flock of Doom spam only 800 value on flock of Doom there's not like some secret tech there um the flock of Doom just seems to be decent against Glenn rats and other things like that so yeah GG well played good run tonight I'm excited for the next one I'll think of another Underdog to play or maybe I'll go back to my sons of Sigmar and actually try and win next time I legit think the Empire can take on the ogres it's not great but I do think the Empire can uh do some work there but um yeah JG well played as Supreme congrats to you first tournament win of the season awesome stuff that's gonna be it for tonight I want to sincerely thank you guys all for joining if you had fun with this late night stream please do drop a like on the way out it helps quite a bit thank you to our new channel members and to all of you who donated especially one of the gentlemen earlier uh mostly amiable who donated a hundred bucks holy thank you all right guys take care of yourselves we'll see you next time that is gonna be it for tonight and the great Ma is Victorious once again GG see you guys around take care and uh yeah treat yourself foreign
Channel: Turin
Views: 58,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 190min 45sec (11445 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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