Anything You Can Carry, I'll Pay For #2

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Mr. Beast? No. No.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SomeRandomDeafDude 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
- (Jimmy) Anything you can carry, I'll pay for. But this time, we're gonna mix in some duos to spice it up. Up first is Marcus and Cooper, their shoes are tied together. But if one of them drops anything, they both get nothing. You starting off with electronics? - It's a must! - (Jimmy) Go for it! It's a strong foundation. - Oh yeah (mumbles). - (Jimmy) All right you can't put it down. - You can't put it down brother. - Me? I don't even want a TV. - Your hands is on it. All right here we go. - (Jimmy) Remember if anything touches the ground you get nothing. - Do you want a mouse? - I'd love a mouse. - How about a headset? - I would love a headset. - Marcus your partner's rackin' up the stuff. - It's okay, patience is virtue. Oh gonna get a drone! OH BOY! - That shoe is untied, that scares me. - Where are we going? - I think we should get an Xbox. Bro, you gotta hold this up bro. Hey you tiltin' it forward, don't tilt it forward! We can't lose any of it. - I know! - He's not holdin' his end of the bargain up at all. - You see these muscles? - Not one bit. - This is the laptop you wanted. - Yeah. - It's getting heavy. Whoo! We got the Oculus' over there. - The new VR headset. - Which way are we going? - (Jimmy) It looks like Marcus is holding more weight. - Psh no way! - You see it! You see it! - All right I'm gonna put it here is that okay? - Looks fine. I'm sweating. - So they have two Playstations, an Oculus, a giant TV, a laptop. Should they risk being greedy and keep going? Or should they just take what they have? - What do you think? - Man we greedy. Cash register right there shorty. - Get the TV. - Get the TV? - Get the TV. - They too heavy to be carrying! - No they not! - Okay no wait, we're just walking. Why are we just walking? We need to be looking. - The cameras are back there. - Where? (speaks gibberish) Let's go to the cameras! - Rotate bro. - That's a five hundred dollar camera. - Ha I need it. - I might need ya to you know, do a little push-push. - A little trip? - A little yeah. - A little step on a shoelace, a little butter in the aisles, little banana peel? - Hey, this is a five hundred dollar camera they're racking it up! - Oh this is getting heavy buddy. - Oh you guys like music. - My back is hurting. Look at me I am sweating, OH! You better not drop these boy. - Hi can we get a pair of Beats too? - Jimmy you taking your time. - Get you two a pair of headphones. - All right we gotta roll, we gotta go to the yeah. - Let's go! Get out the way. - Hold up, hold up, you got it, you got it. - Get out the way. Yeah we out, we out. - Slow and steady. - Do you guys want phone cases? - Jimmy don't trip me, come on Jimmy. - Guys your in the home stretch. - My shoelaces. - Right here, right here, right here, right here. - They are safe! - There we go. (screaming in excitement) - We did it, we did it! Now come untie my shoes, come untie my shoes right now. - Good job buddies. - (Jimmy) Pick a store. Don't look! - I'm not! - (Jimmy) Wait let me see it, let me see it. Oh my gosh, that's gonna get you a lot of money. - What is it? - (Jimmy) You're gonna be ecstatic. - Oh god. - (Jimmy) This is what you drew. - It's Victoria's Secret. - Yes! Here we go! - (Jimmy) In order to make things more challenging, we created the die of fate. - Safe item? - Safe item. - What's that mean? - That means you get one item and I'll carry it for you. - Nice! - Love that. - So Jake? - Yes? - Grab it. - Uh yeah, I'll grab it. That's me! - This is you. - This is me. - My mom and my wife's mom watch these videos. - My mom watches these videos. - They're gonna be proud. _ This is my safe item, Jimmy this is for you. - Okay, cause you ruled it, I have to carry this. This is sixty dollars. - It's just a bunch of strings. - I'm gonna get one of these, and I'm gonna get one of these. - Why? - Bro these are some dope slingshots bro. - These sunglasses suck. (slingshot shoots) - Chandler what are you doing? - Wooooooo - Take the panties off your head. - She needs an avocado smudge. - She does need an avocado, don't! - She needs a what? - Every girl likes lipsticks. - Oh, I dropped that, I dropped the sponge! I dropped a sponge, can't get it. - That means you can only get this safe item. - Oh for real? - Yeah. - Oh no! Okay good thing I got the safe item though. - Wait, did you not know that if you.. - I didn't know, I knew if I dropped it I wouldn't get that item. I didn't know I wouldn't get any of the items. - Chandler, why didn't you explain the rules. - Because I'm bad at explaining. - Before we start you must roll the die of fate. - Yay backpack! - Backpack. All right Chris here's your backpack. - Thank you. - You know my dog chewed up one of my controllers. - Is it Xbox or Playstation? Do you want a blue one or a gray one? - Blue. - We're not stealing I promise. - Ima get a GoPro cause I'm going on vacation, and I wanna take videos of me underwater. Should I also get the grip stabilizer? Oh well I guess I'll just treat myself. - As long as he doesn't drop it. - What are you getting next? - A Macbook Pro, I don't even like Mac. - I think so far he's spent almost two thousand dollars. So getting a little nervous. - And we got a Macbook, what else do you think I should get? - He's doing light stuff. You said it's Dustin's birthday right? - Yeah. - It is. - Let's get Dustin a PC. - Oh that, oh my god, that's so heavy! - You need to go to the register. - No, not yet. - What else do you want? - We'll figure it out. - Here you go, do you want a monitor? - Slide that up there. - You look like a ninja turtle. (Kowabunga) - Chris are you sure you can get more stuff? (heavy breathing) - You could - My arms are falling off! - You could spend another thousand dollars. All right, he made it. - Oh my gosh! - And the competition is over, anything he could carry he got. - That was complicated, my arms started to hurt. - Five thousand three hundred and twelve dollars. - I can't pay you this month. - Sorry buddy I got you a controller though. - Yeah I can't eat a controller Chris. - I appreciate you buying me all this stuff man. - Not me, the merch, without it I wouldn't be able to afford this. - Chandler, it's your turn, draw a store. Don't look, don't look. Draw. - Hey! - Chandler drew Walmart. - It's time you roll the die of fate. (cartoon fumbling sounds) - Oh. - Are you freaking kidding me? - Oven mitts. - He rolled oven mitts. - Put on the mitts. Look at that. - This is Gorilla Tape too. - Show us what you got here. Look at him. (laughs) - Chandler is not mitted up and touching me weirdly. Anything you can carry, I'll pay for. - Chandler, loaded bacon and cheese. - No, no, no don't touch me. Hickory BBQ. - All right you can put that.. - That is my baby. - There's lots of candy here. - Would that be smart? - Yes. - Bubblegum. - That would be extremely smart. - All right you can't put it down now. That was a dumb idea. - You told me! - You don't have hands anymore. Don't drop it Chandler. Chandler this is a waste. - Boys here we go, the holy grail. - Chandler you're getting pretty high up. - Chris spent five grand, you've spent like forty dollars. - I wanna put that underneath everything. - There's literally no way. - Oh I thought that was Chandler, that was Chris. - Chandler the trade off. (sucks air) - You can't suck that hard, you do suck, but not that hard. - All right Chandler I feel bad, go to electronics and get one expensive thing come on. - It's getting kind of heavy. - Yeah, let's do that. (suspenseful music plays) - Ah! (items dropping) - I just touched you, why did you react that way? - Chandler you're making a scene. - Chandler, you lost! (slicing noises) - I was just trying to help you get the Harry Potter thing. - You scared me. - How did that scare you? - Cause you tickled my neck. Probably won't be able to eat for a week. He said he didn't have money to pay me, to eat. - I got an iMac. (laughing) - Okay somebody. (laughing) - No we're just going to watch. - Sadly you fumbled the bag, next store. - Pick your store. I think one of them is a tractor store. - GameStop. Whooo! - All right there we go. - After you. - You want a cute purse? - What, absolutely! - Okay well don't drop that. - I'm not dropping it. (Mario sound) - Oh my goodness. - What is this? - Do you know what this is? - What is this? - This is a Saiyan Scouter. - Well you put it in my hand, so now I can't let go of it. - There you go. - I want my Nintendo Switch! SEGA, got the Atari. - Time out, we forgot to have you roll the die. - Guys she forgot to roll the die, what do we do? - The sun's ninety three million miles away. - How are we gonna resurrect her? - I forgot, you guys are not helpful. - Did you, can you roll this? - Absolutely. - Three minutes? - Three minutes - Starting now, three minutes. - Can I get a PS3, a Nintendo, and a Switch? - Gimme that egg. - You want an egg? - I wanna egg. - All right. (straining) - Oh god, well I think you just tapped out. - All right well we (store worker talking) - She has a minute and a half left. You leave, we're not allowed to record in here. Go. - That's a GameCube controller. - Let's get another one. - All right she has a full load, we couldn't record. - Look at that! - That's it, she maximized the square footage. - Ha-ha-ha. - So you might be wondering, where did this all come from? - GameStop! - No, actually, it came from shopmrbeast go buy right now! - Oh, right! - It's redemption time, Chandler gets Target. Roll the die. Safe item, now this one has a little twist because Target always kicks us out. So if we get kicked out, Chandler you get nothing. If you drop anything or get kicked out you get nothing. - This is my expertise. - Also you get a safe item, if we get kicked out you still get your safe item. (ticking) - That was like record timing, that was like ten seconds. - It's like her knew we were coming. - Chandler, we got kicked out so you don't get anything. But you still get one safe item. So we'll go to Shoe Carnival grab your safe item. You never grabbed your safe item. - I never even got in the store. - Come on let's go. - Chandler's trying not to get kicked out. - Oh no, no they're coming, they're coming. - They're coming, they're coming, they're coming. - I think we've been spotted. - (whispering) Oh god we have been spotted. - He's right behind you! (suspenseful music plays) - Dude, thyre closing in on - Mission failed, we'll get em' next time! (laughing) - Wait, you're not kicking us out? - No, heck no! - Oh thank god! - We were hiding from you guys. - Don't hide, go have fun, I'll see you later. - Unlike Target these guys aren't anti - Mr.Beast. - Anti-money. - Anti-fun, anti-sales, anti-revenue. - Hey do you shop at Target? Well you should stop. - You didn't say that. - These are my opinions. - These are his opinions. - Oh, hold on a second. - Drain this shot. - Yo, he drained it! - Kobe! - Let's go. I'm gonna give these away. - Ooh okay, throwin' some fire in that box. (horror scream) - We're here at Best Buy again, and this time it's the cameramen. - Oof. - They've been holding the cameras the entire video. So it is your turn, zip tie their hands together. - Just don't make it too tight, cause I'll get claustrophobic and drop everything, everything. - You heard the man, make it too tight. - Please don't make it tight. (groaning) - All right stop being a cameraman and go shop. - All right let's do it. - And if you drop any, oh oh. - We're not on the same page. - All right this way. - All right you ready one, two, three. - You wanna do a TV? - TV. - All right let's do a TV. - Here rock paper scissors for the TV. - All right rock, paper, scissors, shoot. - I'm getting the TV. - Okay, wait wait wait, there are like two thousand dollar TV's over there. You sure you wanna three hundred dollar TV? - So the nice TV's you gotta call for. - TV's! (laughing) - This is six hundred dollars, this is a hundred dollars off. I'd go for that one. - If this touches the floor this is over. - I got this side. - If this touches the floor your doomed to being cameramen forever. - Is my hand on your hand? - Your hand's on mine. - Wow, we're holding eachother's hands. - Aww. (laughing) - Oh, camera bag because my camera fell in poop. - All right hey Luis I think we're doing great. - We are. - Oof. - Can you set it down? - No, no, no. - Do it, and you won't get anything. How mad would you be if he set that down? - I will cry real tears, real tears! - I'm actually losing circulation to my hands. - Are you really? Me too ha-ha. - Be careful, Los I love you, Los please I love you. Let's go to the register now! - Counters right there, counters right there. - Counter! - The counter! - No, that's not a counter we gotta go through the line. - Ah, yes! We did it! (heavy breathing) - Oh god, yo this is the hardest challenge ever dude. - Please, please. - Yes, please save us dude. This was the most painful part. - (mumbles) - Good job man. - Chris spent more money by himself than both of you combined. - I've had a lot of experience spending your money. - I'll get to Chris's level one day. - Thank you to all the fans that buy the merch, without you guys I wouldn't get a TV, or a PS4, or any of that nice stuff. So thank you guys appreciate it. Subscribe! - Shopmrbeast. - And now Bed Bath and Beyond, get behind each other. - Ooh I feel your cheeks on my cheeks. - Nice. - This one's different, for this one Chris and Chandler will be duct taped together. They work as a unit if Chandler drops anything, both of them get nothing. - Chandler I wanna get some bed, some bath, and some beyond. - Hold on, hold on, I got on flip flops I can't walk backwards. - Hermit crab! (strains) - Oh god, don't do that, don't drop him. (screaming) - Let Chris be the front walker. - I got flip flops on. - Ugh I hate walking backwards. - Chandler I have to pee. - I'm gonna punch you. Take a break. - Right in the middle of the road? - Just take a break in the middle of the road that's fine. - All right stop moving, my stomachs making me throw up. (laughing) - You guys haven't even gotten inside yet. - But really though, can I go pee? - Well let me drop something real quick and then you can go pee. - No. - Chandler he has to. - Let him pee, let him pee. - No, the Gucci flop! No! - None of this is appealing to me. - I've always wanted an iRobot, I want a Roomba. - No dude, it'll map your house out. - I always wanted a Roomba. - The government owns that. - Chandler don't let the government take him over. - No I've always wanted a Roomba. - No, the government will map your house out. - Why are you being so difficult? It's in my arms. - You know a defense agency makes those, right? - You know what else they make? - Roombas. - Our country safe. If the government wants to keep my house safe, lets do it. - You're moving out anyways, so , I guess it's okay. - All right there we go, I like these sponges. Really good for doing dishes. - What is that? - Wait we need these at the office. - Yeah. - We do, wow look at that. - This is the beyond. - I want the lamp. - That's a nice lamp. - Ooh, hey (demonic laugh). - I need you guys not to drop anything, cause I really want those outlets. - Yeah we gotta get these outlets guys. - Chandler's like true. - All right go, go, go, go. - Wow Chandler is.. - But we didn't get my Roomba! - I don't care, it wasn't meant to be. - Where's the Roomba at? - It's up top. - Go get it real quick, go get it real quick. - What's your name? - Will. - I love you Will. - I think you should just put it down. - No, the Roomba will happen. - Turn. - Where are you gonna put the Roomba? - I'm about to drop this blanket Chris. - Chris. - It's falling. - Chris it's sliding, Chris is it worth the risk? - If you're about to drop it, just yeet it up there. - Wait, has he put anything down? - No, it's hovering. - Oh, he just did. - Did he? - Oh no he did. - Dude, Chandler what are you doing? - Nevermind Will, Chandler sucks I'm sorry. (tape noises) - Aah oh god, oh I'm dizzy. - I got it. - Oh, we did it. I'm sweaty. - My diaphragm is now dented, dented I say. - You're probably wondering, where did this money come from? - I am wondering, and guess what? I was not wondering, I really know the answer. - What is the answer? - It's - It actually came out of my pocket. - Yeah but where did (mumbles)? - Oh the money got in my pocket from, yes, yes, yes. - So if you actually have a heart and want us to do good things, go buy merch and - And if you don't have a heart, you can still help us. (music and explosions)
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 32,222,194
Rating: 4.941721 out of 5
Id: npDey6_9YRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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