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Preston Preston hi how you doing I owe you the car window chick-fil-a okay well Preston this is yeah this is he's gonna get wrecked Li's Jimmy he's gonna get wrecked Preston thinks this is warble would you look at that Preston is planted his bass right next to me and we are going to go to battle look at that you can see all of my unspeakable troops walking over to Preston's base about to tear it down wait a second for some reason my base is on fire right now what is my base on fire whoa hold on what's going on on my kingdom oh my gosh guys my castle is on fire are those enemy troops right there my statues on fire my watchtowers on fire everything is on fire have I been defeated well I just got defeated food would either get defeated no no what I attacked Preston Stern I am a level-4 Preston his level 13 well I think that explains why Preston one is level 13 great great great that's just wonderful Preston defeated me and my base is on fire I know a lot of you guys play video games you probably plug-in such as role play games casual games or strategy games with Lord's mobile you're able to experience a mixture of a ton of different games all at once there's also a brand new huge update where you can do a guild vs. guild battle that means a hundred players versus a hundred other players and through that fight you can win a new legendary hero as well and don't forget they're giving away $10,000 cash tons of iPhone 11 pros and air pods I need you guys to click the link in the description download the game and help me beat Preston please download the game guys he could not control my Instagram he's gonna post something so embarrassing also a huge special gift to you guys if you use the link in the description you will automatically get a $300 Lords mobile pack applied to your account check out the link in the description guys and download the game and thank you Lords moment for sponsoring today's video what's going on guys welcome back to the video today we have a massive pool of more bean and we're going to be seeing who can survive in this pool the longest last to leave the 4d pool wins there's literally five million unspeakable toy Orbeez in here five billion we kind of overdid it but yeah we did rules are simple if you step outside of the pool your looters last one in the pool wins the challenge so Gabe has initiated the challenge oh my gosh dude oh I can't swim this pool I just you guys know this pool is straight Orbeez there's barely any water in here this may be that much water but it's literally all four of these you're just kind of cool I don't know if I'm getting cold or nice I'm not gonna like the same here for all of them to get cold yeah don't move around a lot else you're gonna get cold the water at the very bottom it's very cool I have an idea voice what is your idea but back from the nether or Ibiza my ear so boys use a question we're in this giant pool boy this is pretty cool but like what are we gonna do I brought a mini-fridge I like the way you think Gabe came prepared he brought a mini-fridge you guys gotta come prepared and click that subscribe button otherwise you're gonna miss out on all the future videos that we post and you're not gonna see what we're gonna do next with these Orbeez after this video no you might have already wrestled sure I'm rep nope it's slippery down there right now but I took you down with remax all right man that was a tide match let's go again rematch a I need some more Orbeez in my pocket to weigh me down you're gonna have a pocket other pocket the rest is on my side I already go break the leg depose would you like one of those oh no no I don't think it works let's see what - in my anonymous decision 1 to 0 our winner is you didn't I was scared okay barium barium oh it's cold I am one with a job waive my time with this video there's not gonna be any Orbeez left through this huge oh my gosh many of em outside oh dude it would be such a shame if someone just kept moving them out of it sorry I could sleep in here what if you like pop up behind you well because scary you see that okay so I guess our mini fridge is empty why honey it was full but now it's they wanna cook what wanna go where'd you get lots it just disappears very pretty she's thinking wait hold on wait I found something yeah are you telling me there's random things in the war like wow cheese and water in the pool six pounds of cheese that thinks you're our salads probably cuz there's in the fridge but someone moved the fridge and I don't know if you look you want you upside down just littering then you'll understand no it I fall asleep for five minutes and are you not biting it's actually kinda cool but I don't appreciate you guys waking me up in the tank oh my gosh he loaded the whole thing with Orbeez there's no way this is gonna work let's see if this works let's see if it's gonna work they just shredded them oh my gosh oh my gosh hearted there's literally shredded though I don't know if you guys can see in there there's just a bunch of pieces of Orbeez right there magnify things that's pretty cool can you do nothing behind the pool where are you getting this are you digging out from the pool don't worry about it there's really nothing in you I can almost make it up back it up dude you almost can't even flip this thing hate it Wow the fun color lasts for so long let's be honest the battery was probably almost that probably nothing wrong what good thing you got a game about ship right there's nothing no that's right my stash was and I didn't even know that was there if you're gonna hide things you to Siddiqui we're about to play some battleship voice all right game just me versus you watch in battle yeah this isn't your ordinary battleship this one's a little bit different you actually have to throw these over yeah they hand them on the ships so you can see I have live three ships here and then my single and then he has his three ships and then his single let's get a bunch of Orbeez in here to take your shot that was my shot [Applause] you're not a baller like me oh my gosh dude I am going to see one of your ships whoa what she's about to see three of my ships I don't even know that one I put over here right your turn oh my gosh oh my gosh this is why I never happened I know we have sandwich food sandwiches in this bridge out and now they're pretty cheap use fall freedom before dirty up kind of cool I mean obviously I keep my legs left near the surface Phil if you keep them lower it's colder when I make even do the surface on the surface or yeah no wait you just got out just lost the challenge you guys brother I was under there but this is me so we're twin brother he's in the house Wow I'm go yell at my twin brother I think should actually be lasagna I've heard something above me ladies and gentlemen here we have some frosted mini doughnuts fresh used by 1228 witches right after Christmas here they are sir Christmas doughnuts but there's nothing in them anymore because we I know how to speed up this process what's up yeah I got the water now big boy I'm just gonna put it over here I don't want another war bees or maybe I do maybe it no maybe ideas like spraying all the Orbeez [Applause] like water so we can write it for ride bro okay this thing's getting out before it injures someone sad now it's called you know like war what the bullet I'm not even mad this so or maybe can't guess what like one I like one I like it about diary $10,000 times swimming in the warm water yeah but can you do this your wind bro yeah when take supportive did you just fill or visit for the pool yeah should I do it again you know it makes it pulls blah blah well that's good can favor make good content thank you so much for watching today's video let us know the comment section below what else we should do with this massive pool of Orbeez and we'll see you soon in a brand new vlog click that subscribe button get yourself some merchandise oh and also if you want your very own Orbeez we sell on and speakable toys check the description
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 15,531,251
Rating: 4.9054904 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: pMfrrM4OuC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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