Crystal is sick!

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change the plans everyone we're not gonna be going to Disney today crystal is actually sick it kind of explains why she was so tired yesterday when she was like Dennis leaping about it when we were going she was like really really tired so she's like got a headache today she's not really like sick with like sinus problems or runny nose or anything like that but she just doesn't feel well in general so we're not gonna be going to Disney today I'm actually at Publix Publix is right over there I have to come pick up some stuff so I can take it for Krystal to eat we don't have any cheese at the house and Krystal likes grilled cheese when she has soup so I think it's grilled cheese I had to Pat the house but while I'm here I'm gonna get her some like hot soup so she didn't know how to eat that plus I need to eat something and I'll have anything at the house to eat so let's go get some food so here are the soup selections we have a turkey sausage kill and sweet potato soup which sounds disgusting broccoli and white cheddar chicken noodle and chili with beans I think crystal would like the broccoli one the most so I'm probably gonna get that one for her and I'm gonna get that really big tub right there that's a lot of soup for her to eat mixing it up mixing me the first thing you gotta do is mix it all up then you gotta feel this is what happens when you go too fast and you're an animal you get all over you I think I might have overfilled this just a bit or it's just right we're gonna find out here soon please don't spill anywhere please don't spill oh no someone oh no it's coming at the top that's not good that's not good so I found everything for Krystal now it's my turn Pizza Pizza Pizza I want pizza again and I think today I'm gonna have pepperoni because I really missed that pepperoni last night where is the rising crust oh it's right here DiGiorno let's see cheese stuffed crust no thank you just cheese no 3me no where is pepperoni where's pepperoni oh maybe it's this one that's falling over yes it is I'm gonna get the pepperoni one thing I always do when I come to Publix is weigh myself let's see No who's this 186 I could have swore I got in this earlier and I said 179 oh it's because I have the groceries in my hand so I kind of made this spillover when on the way home I turned too fast and it leaked out a little bit but it's okay it's still gonna taste the same right Chris I hope so crystal still isn't know what kind of soup I got it's a mystery soup all right keep those eyes closed I told her to close her eyes so she dumb doesn't know what it is I'm gonna put it right here on your lap okay so make sure it doesn't fall hold onto it with your hands all right so smell it can you tell what it is just by smelling it tilt a little bit more this way because I want you to spill it can you tell what it is lobster I don't think this is public a five-star restaurant [Music] hey did have that one day it was like um chicken into a soup with rice but no it wasn't that one was it smell like nope just look at it okay so you can't tell what it is well move it around a little bit yeah it's broccoli and I think white cheddar so they only had like four options one was this one there is more oh yeah that's only like I think that's like half of it though so hopefully you don't eat double that but they had a sausage something something with sausage I was like oh no I don't think that's what it was but it might have been what did you want that one oh I said whatever I was getting I was like oh my god I wouldn't eat it and then they had this one then they had the rice when you're talking about the chicken noodle soup with rice and the last one I had was just chili and I think you want to chili because I got to make chili myself I'm gonna I'm gonna make chili guys I'm gonna make it better this year if you watch the last year's it's gonna be better I'm not gonna do that until after we do the house torn is it well she doesn't have any grilled cheese with this like I said because she likes the grilled cheese with the home soup do you see that black thing under there Chris do you mean what that's from no it's under the plate like under the ball so the ball doesn't slide around I had a good idea do you see it doesn't move right yeah so we got this like black sticky thing right there I think it's made for have you like your phone so you can stick your phone anywhere and it came with the pop sockets when we bought in and now I put it on that kind you're gonna eat sitting down and like if you move the plate like the plate this isn't moving I can pick up the whole plate with just holding this yeah I know while we're talking about that shameless plug here guys we actually have the pop sock it's on sale pop sockets I don't know what happened there pop sockets on sale on eBay so if you want to go check it out there'll be a link in the description right now yeah I got a self-rising pizza I'm excited about that so I got throw in the oven so I can eat too now that is a beautiful looking pizza look a little bit burnt around the edges but that just means it's perfect welcome back it is now night time the whole day has gone by and crystal was asleep for the whole day I don't think it was wasted because she was sick and she does yeah she yeah she looks a lot better earlier she wasn't talking at all like I could tell she was sick and she's like I'm not sick I'm like crystal I know when you're sick she was just like like a couch potato cuz you were on the couch and she was a potato but she didn't eat potatoes you should eat potatoes too like a potato soup but yeah so crystal is feeling a lot better so hopefully tomorrow will be Disney day you know we actually have to go like I think tomorrow and Friday is the last day didn't go before our block out dates broadcast yeah look at her she looks she looks 100% fine though right she had her Disney shirt on in everything so are you gonna wear that tomorrow too oh is it yesterday it was like she it was actually so cold in the house today like I was like we need to open the doors but it feels very outside doesn't it yeah Kristen had like two covers on right no you only had the one covered as last night you had the two covers on so yeah hopefully tomorrow is Disney day cuz I wanted to go today if we do go tomorrow I want to see the lights so so what time do we need to go cuz I was I wonder I wish it with out lights on and with lights on because I had like I told you yesterday I did see some of the pictures with the lights on it looks amazing and I want to see just some decorations with the lights off I think it's like dark in like 5:30 or something right so we need to get there we need to get there like three I would I would think it's probably be really busy at Disney because of the whole Christmas thing and everything but yeah that's the wrap up today crystals like hey how do we wrap this up of like I don't know no we're at presents like no we can't wrap presents every single day if you bring get tired of that crystal has been wrapping presents today I think right oh yeah she's a little um you know out of it still but hopefully tomorrow she'll feel better I hope she feels better mom alright guys gonna wrap it up there thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Vlogs
Views: 633,660
Rating: 4.8711548 out of 5
Keywords: crystal is sick, crystal, sick, daily december, december, vlogmas, vlogmas 2017, 2017, daily december 2017, plush time vlogs, vlog, vloggers, daily vloggers
Id: 2Cif38fCknk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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