Last 100 layer Wall Standing Wins $10,000

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you guys have 30 minutes to spend 250 dollars to build the best unbreakable wall possible each person is going to get 30 seconds to attack each of the opponent's walls and they're going to spin the wheel to see which weapon they get last wall standing wins ten thousand dollars go okay okay getting shingled i like it that's not how a cart works okay okay exactly what even is this metal metal okay uh that's always a good start but you know these are yo these are yo you only get 250. i'll see you at the register we'll see and we found eric how are you jeez what even is that turf there's got to be more than 250 bucks it's way it's it's no we're good really oh hey jeremy i think i'm gonna get turf too no no it's a pretty good idea i'm taking off where are we going i don't know we ran across the store this is like 20 aisles down remember the last time i got pvc oh yeah that's pretty good you guys know how strong it was i'm gonna make it even stronger with the wall watch your budget there mister see you at the warehouse i'm definitely leaving let's see what they're up against eric what do you got here i got a turf wall a turf wall to match my hat the best part instagram this is like every hipster girls bedroom trent what do we got here up top zach i'm not gonna lie i'm really impressed by this this isn't oh that's not your wall this is your wall okay zach made pipes or you speak trent but you don't speak me jeremy the pvc is you that's me now you know who made what wall let's start breaking them they have to be able to reach through the wall and grab the money eric's up first [Music] machete the mache start wherever you want but you start now start right here that's right they're standing up good though that's what i'm talking about oh oh okay i did not expect oh they go right back that's exactly what i thought i think you might have the last wall see the throwability of this machete oh oh he's making deaths maybe the metal wall is not the strongest maybe it's not about the sword it's about that i'm seeing a dent yeah this is really thick when did he buy that i saw him buy it i think he went a little over budget you're through are you through almost almost we got there shingles [Music] okay oh oh did you see a spark yeah and time you did the most damage to trends but trends also fought back it's a nail filer to be honest everybody else may not think the same way here we go what do we got what is that tennis racket okay the rasheed bro that's a badminton rocket whatever bracket not too happy about this that's our wall this is our wall looks like jeremy's is doing real well your eardrums are pulsing right i'm trying to do a mental damage okay time's up just move on to the next time i think that's just damaging your back this is trent's wall right no the disrespect sucks you forgot the s baby arms you talk about these hold up before you break it feel it i wanted to destroy the lights oh my gosh i'll make you a deal i won't touch the light if you don't touch my wall dude i'm going to touch your wall you can play tennis on grass after included you literally did no damage to any wall oh you did the most damage rhymes with flamethrower they're both just as scary if i'm being honest let's see how he does you remember last time jeremy used the bow and arrow oh and we're talking about the arrow here i'm on a time crunch you only got 30 seconds jeremy you can't another one wow this guy's holding nothing bad where's he going jeremy where are you going what why are you going to stairs in the back come on you know what zach find looks of it this is a lot of damage i mean it's like half the layers oh looks like my wall ate the arrow what happened uh the next wall something's not this that's fine yep everybody watch out yeah i i'd be careful i'm going for the tread sucks wall oh let me see that how is it okay trend looks very unimpressed right now you know what i'm just gonna use the bow doing much there it is uh hey jeremy turns to sleep that's what i'm talking about trance ball is definitely losing so far i don't know trent woke up everybody watch out jimmy better not all right the ball is not doing much what would you say i can translate i can translate jeremy sucks really bad at breaking walls yes that's exactly what i said yeah time's been up get it did you take a photo huh no i didn't do it no i didn't i see this on your instagram actually i won't be that upset just do it first of all i just realized this looks like a whole house we got going on here yo that's a good technique is it through the wall it is not through all right i'm just leaving it i'm just leaving it you should bring your dog in to pee on it if it was on the wheel here comes trench spin for a spin what is that boxing gloves oh you would think that would be bad but it's probably pretty good ding ding ding that the other way all right zach's kind of scared now okay what's happening look at what's happening hey okay i did not expect that i'm talking about see that look at that den look at mine kind of bent but it's okay look what's happening the wall is fine the frame is not exactly i mean the frame is part of the wall i didn't multiple for the frame i didn't buy the frame i built the frame what does that have to do with anything i don't know it makes sense in my head ben's moved on we should see what he's doing okay oh no hey hey feel how soft hey hey hey no hey breakfast youtube boxing match first trent anyone dude who's taking them i don't know dm's are open get it go ahead it's my own one why would i kiss it from there no i'll get it next person don't think i was going to skip out on my own video i thought you were of course you did swords chill dustin the sword i got a good sword this is excalibur remember when we pulled it from stone jeremy i do yeah well now it's one of my weapons here we go oh relax okay let me just why don't you just relax hey zach this is how i relax oh yeah moving on oh that's what i'm talking about hey i told you the pvc pipes are pretty strong that's what happens guys look look you hit it up right here and you have these i should have sharpened the sword more i thought it was literally gonna go through it just like dude are you crazy no why is this going to go again why is he going again why are you going no no no that's mine i made that he got the reaper no jeremy i made out of there eric i made that don't zach already didn't damage your wall so you're going to use my weapon to beat everybody else's wall wait you're still on mine yeah what i don't know is anyone timing that's right i'm impressed did it go in your mouth nothing happened we're good who told me to wear a sweater i guess i did eric oh geez [Applause] yeah what do you call that jeremy we call that mowing the lawn eric's up see what i get calm down there are other ways yeah move to the top [Music] trouble my friend eric's coming you missed you missed again okay i did not no oh oh i mean it's a very slow process it is definitely on the verge of being eliminated how many i can get one swing none zero looks like the first person has been eliminated and that person is jeremy but is it still is it still intact kind of can i still use it as a boat it's more of a raft but anyway okay oh that's good against trench nice oh yeah you have a pack for trent what's going on here oh my god i want to fix my legs how long does he have he's got like 20 seconds left i don't like it when people break my stuff that's what you decide to use the rest of your time for yeah sure whatever you like what is it and the the bat it was the bat it was the best yeah my oh no eric yeah i think he did more damage to you than you think the bat chetty has fallen i'm disappointed you tried to sabotage me oh yeah the bat might not make it through hey hey hey it's like a 300 bag you just roof the bat [Laughter] i actually did remove the bat eric gets it oh dude the door all right that yeah you know who's whose turn is it anyways i think it's yours okay it's mine let's get it all right it's not it's not mine but it will be we're getting close to the finale this might bring us a little bit closer guys something's going on here bro he's charming trent's got the machete see how he does and michael jordan nothing like michael jordan i have no idea sir i mean it's my wallet [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh not the light it's christmas plugging lights is what eric's most mad about what's your power level chance it's over 9000 this is madness eric i uh test the light are the lights okay eric yeah at least you have your lights buddy i have my lights take a little water break and uh i think i'm up actually i'm up you're up okay let's get it that's it i was hoping we'd share that two balls left let's try to make it only one sorry what is that football paintball paintball good luck to me i guess things are about to get messy oh do it bro oh he called my blush i'm sorry it's a paintball on that on a metal wall jeez i'm not gonna lie i'm impressed i'm not ah come on is that a pain uh-huh that's a paintball that's always the good go-to anyways time's up [Music] and we don't drink my batch my okay here you can have it it's yours now it's yours it's yours time's up time's up anyways you can't hurt me it's your turn it's your turn it's your turn a lot it's not your turn it's actually wait wait wait let's make things a little bit interesting i always feel bad for the first person that gets eliminated thank you so we're gonna bring jeremy back in the game to help you guys out except he's gonna be on your back i just came back from a buffet i'll spin for jeremy that yeah i'll take it myself this should be interesting this is weird we'll call it a minute oh gosh watch my face and you know that bro maybe next round there's going to be something different that favors you who knows how's it going jeremy's not doing too good that's all we got that's all you managed to get team jeremy carabassoon bat the bat oh wow really again and for trent the war club this is pretty good time starts now oh my god whoa wait i gotta get the fat [Applause] this is not the best technique switch you know what hold on jeremy why am i tired for this next round we decided to blindfold each contestant oh exactly no zach zach jack chill jeremy zach what hey man how's it going pretty good go see what you got ass it's axe no don't break that please all right zach so how's your day going go zac zac hey yo yo oh i didn't know it was the wall nice you can just rip the shingles they tear pretty easily you got about 30 seconds left okay you're out it's spinning i think this is only like one or two layers thick now if he gets another chance at this you might lose here we go what is trent wearing wait what okay trent that's not how you he got the sledge and uh he let's uh there you go okay i thought you were going this way but now you're going this way okay you're hard to spin just go [Music] okay he's gonna try by hand all the balls the ball let go oh my gosh trent yeah just there you go okay 20 seconds left two one oh my poor floor this trent you can open your eyes or take the mask you know what i mean there is so much metal here rock paper scissors best out of one who goes first paper scissors shoot that gets to go first sledge i got money on you it was so many more layers than i thought i know right nice fifteen seconds seven six can you walk through it five four three two one and that's game okay zach is the champion he's defeated trent it's okay it helps this channel a crazy amount when you like the video and click one of these two videos right here and you guys that would like to leave a high note you're buying a sushi no i'm not what
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 6,556,795
Rating: 4.8802223 out of 5
Keywords: 100 layers, 100 layers wall, justdustin wall, justdustin trent, unbreakable wall, 100 layers of
Id: zYom4xxqk5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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