Last To Flinch Wins $10,000

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i made four different games designed to make my friends flinch the game is simple the person who flinches the least wins and this is our first event the first event is called knockout it's a eric kill we got a pool with a boxing glove on the end attached to basically what would amount to a crossbow and trent at the end pulling it here's what happened bro what did you have for breakfast today your face that hit me that fully hit me it grazed you you're the one who decided to kiss the mat the thing okay let me just i tried to get close what do you mean i'm doing it again did i flinch off you did play i did not force you to hit me oh that touched me again and there's dust in my eyes ah wow this is a pass no it's not i was just not a pass that was a flinch how was that a flinch i saw the flinch what is the name of the game whatever i flinched let's see if that can do any better than me you suck yeah yeah that's good that's good that's good [Music] how many times did dustin go i got hit twice is the answer to that question here we go [Music] it's in your face so it was a punch oh flinch that was in his pants nope nope we're going anyways oh dustin oh i oh that was a flinch was that a flinch it was a strong blink did his cheeks move i think it did you know you can you can blink but if you do this i feel like we're all flinching oh speak for yourself oh yeah then you just speak for yourself get up there i want you to go first this is my friend trent this is my friend we know that exactly we also know trent so he has tough eyes is what i was going to say hopefully he has a tough chin because i'm pulling back far let me do the okay we all need to get much better at this challenge hopefully we are by the next one jeremy wait oh jeremy wait he's not punching the face what just blinked really yeah but it didn't hit me and slapped me it's going under review after further review we all flinched because we all got hit but jeremy except for me jeremy flinch's the least two weeks of boxing training wow on to the next event this next one we call the melon drop so it's pretty simple we got some unbreakable glass we got eric up there with the melon he's gonna drop it i'm gonna try not to blink or do anything blinks count for this one this is like four inches ish from my face yeah we should have made it shorter you know you have to go under here um i didn't think of that oh i did not fair i didn't expect in the beginning that i saw trent that doesn't i'm gonna hold your hips i do not want you to hold my hand no i'm good more comfortable i'm okay fine i'm fine thanks fine hold my hand if you're gonna hold him though hold on he's like he's touching me like so lightly trying to grab me put me back what are you doing yeah there we go dustin he was joking three two one oh my god eric bro i actually don't want to do this second of all i feel gross because there's watermelon all over me somebody else do this everybody has the liberty that i go first and get all wet and they have traffic that's [Music] okay can't get down without his arms trent the table's here yo trent your shoulders are too wide bro trent let's test he thinks so hey you can't touch your face [Music] i did not quit you didn't use snatching yo jeremy might win this actually people in the comments saying i always lose i win sometimes sometimes coming you're flinching on this next one or am i okay [Music] it's like trend birth jeremy let's move on to the next one challenge number three we call this one the buzz box and it is my without a doubt least favorite one we get it we're gonna put our hands through here where we can't see them you are gonna grab the brackets and squeeze them at random zach or one of us is gonna press the buttons to turn these on you're obviously gonna move your hands off of it but you're gonna try not to make a face you gotta keep a straight face you gotta keep a straight face did i explain that well i haven't been listening to anything you've been saying [Music] we got ourselves a bunch of flinchers [Applause] these videos get very expensive and today war thunder is helping by sponsoring this video who even are you quiet right now war thunder is all that matters the military vehicle combat online game free to play on pc xbox one xs playstation 5 even the previous console generation no purchase why are you so close to me you're ready for a fully crossed platform experience pc playstation xbox doesn't matter we all play on the scene servers and you are you ready for intense pvp experiences with more than 34 million players from all over the world yes register using the link in the description to play for free on pc playstation or xbox there's a free bonus of a premium tank aircraft or ship and a three-day account boost why did i decide to go first good person we'll do it leader i can do it any time now [Music] oh i did it he heard he heard no i think you heard what do you mean did you get shocked yes it went through my forearms i'm not doing that i'm actually a little dizzy i'm not kidding who's up next i didn't flinch though yeah you didn't should be worth two points are you crazy yeah two records two points oh he's he's out he's out i'm not even kidding i don't even want to be doing this we're all doing it zach jeremy what i don't care i'm in the lead you want a king no i don't i don't even care at some point in the next 10 seconds i'm gonna do it no no no i like how you're on the floor thank you team players because i had my knee there and i fell through the chair jeremy i am so dude who brought that chair i am so proud of myself right now eric how do you feel dead inside that that's actually a good thing uh for this but i'm kind of concerned are you okay for now try not to flinch [Music] uh tough eyes won't get you through this one my friend you need tough fingers good luck uh any time now what wait yeah i won i read the game you can actually feel it like seriously i feel like coming into my soul and charging me up like a battery guys i don't know about this let me see does this still work yes bro he just held it so hold on it actually wow and it was charging up that's a point this point jeremy you're up here undefeated so far i'm undefeated okay so that means well that means he's undefeated and he's in first place jeremy is it a problem that my hands are sweaty does that make it worse 100 makes it worse no yeah wait like a sweaty mosquito flying around the world right now no please please you got to keep a straight face any time in 10 seconds after 3 two one straight basically well hold on one time what you gotta stay still bro it's german okay that's fair i feel like you're extra moist that's why i'm so moist guys you're gonna give it to him okay well i am definitely not we need to catch up thank you chad the final challenge we like to call chop chop it uh it's a guillotine it's what it is and this is a head and that's the guillotine and this is what could happen eric no i'm good we all know how guillotine works we're gonna be lying and you're gonna put your head in here in this super uncomfortable thing and watch this blade come uh down and and that guy's gonna pull the cord okay let's honestly i'm not gonna flinch but my neck may give out i didn't build this one so i'm a little scared to be honest forgot to put the thing oh my gosh [Music] go yet um i definitely blinked i'm definitely playing you're still in the lead so i've already lost contact that can catch up to you i don't know about that you definitely can okay zach you gotta look at the blade don't tell me where to look with my matt i could tell you where to look with your eyes it has to be at the blade because that's on the slo-mo cam my hands uh by the way there you go i want to see those eyes well you are s wow you are really blind okay uh trenton eric doesn't flinch he can tie it up but uh i mean this is a scary situation eric you gotta look right here at the blade we know if you're not trench i want this one to be real high real high oh that's high eric uh you're being i don't know what you're being uh uh it's cause i was late last time to work that's exactly why finish him wow wow eric stone cold eric tied it up jeremy yeah it's trend up not you but oh yeah your time's coming don't forget to register for your thunder using the link in the description to play for free on pc playstation and xbox the free bonus of a premium aircraft tank or ship and a three-day account boost i know cause i'm already registered just go make sure you register who's next here we go trent's up the predator becomes prey you feel good trent something went in his eye yeah okay sure trent so much for tough eyes yeah yeah thanks so much for tough eyes you want the gold i'll show you tough eyes all right here we go anytime now between now and 10 seconds i feel like you enjoy this trend without question no flinch jeremy he's tied with you jeremy yeah you don't flinch you literally win the entire thing okay then i'll not flinch that's i mean yeah but that's a lot easier said than done because if you didn't notice you're in a guillotine i'm not even thinking about it yeah well you don't need to think about it because it's right in front of you you see it here we go anytime between now and 10 seconds from now did i flinch who would have thought jeremy be the don't flinch champion where's my belt okay we don't have a belt but we should get one boom there's another little flinch right there and another challenge right there click one of these if you love us
Channel: JustDustin
Views: 4,044,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x7hf5p07JwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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