Lashun Pace / Bishop Marvin Winans Singing and Preaching At COGIC AIM Ohio HD 2016!

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my soul loves Jesus I don't want to bore your patience with my soul of [Music] [Music] understanding he whispered in my ear said I want to be your best friend my soul loves Jesus my soul ah [Music] his name thank you he keeps doing great things [Music] doing great things for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you yeah well somebody wanted to know how can a brown cow eating green grass go give us some white milk I said I don't know about that was the gods chemical number tourists up Redemption [Music] he took my stain was saying and he didn't read [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I would let all time feel free to be in my mouth giving thanks always for all Davis right [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yes [Music] the gospel of Jesus Christ would shine bright as always may the people be blessed by thee and never impressed by me cost of the revelation of thy word these night people to see you more clearly to love you more dearly and to follow you more nearly and now Lord let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer and every glad heart City man you may be seated in the presence of the Lord tonight we do honor the Lord and we thank God for his kindness and we thank God for the invitation from chairman Dillon and I didn't you know you talk later cuz he told the bishop on me and I had to be here tonight I want to thank you and thank him for inviting me and I really am made to feel at home because I am at home and the proof of it is on your book as I looked at this book they gave it to me and I looked and I said oh my god and right to the right of Bishop winbush is my aunt ADA ADA Patrick my uncle Lawrence Patrick was over the Sunday School Department yes he see y'all could talk about me if you wanted but I'm I'm in the book [Music] and ADA was my grandmother's sister and I just praise God for her and uncle Lawrence and we just praise God that you have remembered them and certainly give deference in honor to Bishop Charles II Blake and to lady Blake amen I think he's a great man and he's a kind man and you we have a great leader - bishop Brooks - Bishop McClendon white bishop Wales Bishop sheared mr. porter Bishop Thomas mr. Putin - bishop shear - bishop Galbraith - all of the bishops Bishop rook Bishop and just I could go on and on because I preached in most of the churches that are just named and I just praise God for the fellowship and for all of you that are here I certainly give honor to pastor Cordell Jenkins from abundant life in Toledo Ohio and to the world internationally known pastor Donnie McClurkin hid night stand pastor McClurkin bless you understand he preached there's a couple of people playing hooky from Tuesday night Bible class Stan hooky players here from Detroit we're so happy to see them they drove up let's give God praise elect lady Rufus and minister Pettigrew man and Washington and my own assistant Gerald and his wife Nina and sister come say newbie that's right Janee janessa Jeannette Newby we praise God for all of them coming we want to go to Psalm 40 ok shields i'ma try I didn't have to look up [Music] to my own musician brother Brown [Music] I feel justice car [Music] haha [Music] Wow man so long so long and long and long [Music] mmm [Music] gee my pores in my pores and a time constant [Music] for the sparrows and I know [Music] tell me spam spam spam and I know I know [Music] quite impossible [Music] yes yes yes that's it yes Psalm 40 if you have salt morning indicate by shouting it man [Music] [Applause] [Applause] one verse of scripture Psalm 40 and one I've waited patiently for the Lord and he--and find under me and heard my cry I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined unto me and heard my cry the subject which we will extrapolate from the text I need you to see just like I see it say neighbor wait for it there it is god bless you you may be seated in the presence [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today's culture today's culture understands one thing and that is immediately if it happens fast the next question is how can we make it happen faster when computers became the standard in business the quest was how can we make it work quickly I remember in fax machines where all the rings now they're all but obsolete thanks to the internet and email the desire to become a millionaire by 60 has been replaced by attaining it by the time you're 30 our children are forced by the culture to make decisions for their lives when being promoted from kindergarten to the first grade elementary students are now being asked to declare their majors in college before entering middle school as it relates to friendships we determine our friends by a one-question interview can I be your friend as it relates to matters of the heart we no longer want to date and allow the friendship to grow into a meaningful relationship we have selected to answer a few questions push a few buttons and voila a match made in heaven forget proverbs - 1820 - whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord we trust in he harmony com why because it's quicker when it comes to homemaking we have cakes that you can cook in a microwave for 20 minutes I remember when my grandmama and great grandmama would all but put you out the house in order to cook a cake because they didn't want you to stomp across that kitchen flow and make that cake drop that could be a weapon for weeks they would start at noon if not before preparing supper now we feed our children hot pockets there's a whole billion dollar industry called fast food well we're influenced by our environment and in ministry we get saved today start preaching next week two weeks after that we start a ministry and by the end of the year we've launched a church within two years we are consecrated bishop over the internet because every other Reformation is either jealous of us or frightened of our ministry but our text tonight really emphasizes the fact that no matter how quick things happen in our environment the procedure and policy of God has not changed included in your growth plan is a course called patience James one in four states but let patience have her perfect work why that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing I'll come back to that in a moment you must finish this course in order to graduate to the next level and you might ask well pastor I've been saved while and what is the first course of patience unlike the young man that thought he could attain patience through prayer you can't get patience through prayer he prayed earnestly and sincerely lord give me patience right now and when he got up off of his knees he had no more patients than he did when he got on it the first stage in acquiring patients is tribulation 101 Romans the fifth chapter the third and the be part of that third verse says tribulation worketh patience what we must understand about patience is the fact that it not only takes something out of you but it downloads something in you I'm glad I have your attention and I'm not going to keep it long but to understand what God does in the life of an individual is quite profound it's profound from this perspective that God says the end is with me from the beginning so in other words when God makes a statement the end is already with him God in the words of the hip-hop vernacular is not freestyling it he's not making it up as he goes biscuit Abba ASCO Amanda Bob OC under hot ababa bullsh eye glory glory when God speaks over your life the time for the manifestation has already been determined I'm gonna say that again I said when God speaks over your life the time of its manifestation has already been determined and the scriptures are replete with profound examples he tells a young man about 17 years old that I'm gonna have the Sun the moon and the Eleven stars bow down before you but if God had sent Joseph from his house to the palace he would have been a mess and isn't it just like God to show you the end of a thing and you rejoice in the end the truth of the matter is that revelation comes in dispensation God doesn't tell you everything you're going to go through before you get there he reveals it as you walk my Grandmamma mother Patrick's sister used to say boy you can't live holiness a week in advance you got to live it by the day so as you walk with God feel like preaching now as you walk with God God will begin to reveal what it is he's called you to do I know a lot of times we want to jump ahead of him but tell your neighbor just walk with Him walk with Him a lot of times we want to circumvent navigate our own plan because we want to hurry up get there but we remind your neighbor of the subjects a neighbor wait for it there it is this boy had to visit the pit after being in the pit he was sold to the Ishmaelites he was sold to the enemy of his family then after going into Egypt he was picked up for a profit by a man by the name of Potiphar after sort of getting herself together he finds himself at the top of the ladder in Potiphar's house then part of his wife started liking him I will deal with that tonight but because of his stance for holiness he finds himself in prison and I know he was good up until the Butler Baker's incident when the butler was restored he said sir when you get out would you remember and isn't it just like God to have people forget you y'all didn't hear what I said they know I said isn't it just like God to have people forget you start some things that you can only learn through the isolation of your anointing [Applause] people want to be anointed they just don't want to be isolated lord have mercy they want everybody patting them on their back and then when somebody tells a lie on them they crack up and cry all night man what army you've been in I said what army have you been in when I first got saved I was 11 years old they told me I won the last six months four to six years later I'm still preaching I don't hear nobody talking to me want you to understand that if you got in this army when God anointed you he put a big bullseye on your back so you have to learn how to deal with the isolation of your anointing let's look at our text this is a psalm of David talk about patience David could mine in his own business gaining an experience with God allowing God to put a testimony enemy not worrying about the jealousy of his brothers not concerned with their advancement into Saul's army but condemn content to do what God had called him to do wasn't but a few sheep but if I can take their care these few sheep correctly then God can trust me with something else thank you Jesus and what you don't understand is when you're in the the city of isolation when you're in the County of insignificance when nobody knows your name or is that the old folks you to say nobody's stepping about you that's when God can have your undivided attention I'm gonna preach now we can have your undivided attention and if you'll allow him to make you content where you are then he can give you a testimony I'm about to shout here you have to understand that God has a way of anointing you off-site I preached a message are dealing with the building of the temple of Solomon's Temple of David's temple that was built by Solomon and it says that there was not a hammer heard on sight that they would work off-site and after they had chiseled and measured and got it correct then they would bring it on site and it just fit look at your neighbor and say I'm anointed for this you see when God has chiseled you off site people think all you desert they're trying to be seen know where he come from I was off site how did he get his expense off-site see while you were somewhere trying to be seen I was somewhere letting God work on me David was also him when God told so I know you know the story I know you know it we'd like to Baptist woman hollowed out when the man said you know the story say yeah but we pay you to tell it when God told Samuel go down to Jesse's house and anoint my next king if you read the 13th chapter you'll understand that God had already spoken the prophetic through Samuel and told him that God has snatched the kingdom out of your hand saw and he's given it to someone who's after his heart I submit to you tonight that when those words came out of prophet Samuel mouth he had no idea of who he was talking about just because you prophesized something doesn't mean you understand it fully let me move on God said that it's all how long are you going to weep over somebody I'm rejected get up from here and go anoint my king took us a path down and was ready to slaughter it walked into Jesse's house and said Jesse God told me the king is coming out of your house in walks iliad sham you Samuel jumps up and says I feel no need of God and God said shut up or dead ain't dead eh who I won't lord have mercy man looks at the outer appearance but God searches the heart the last King you had looked like a king people telling folk you got a head like a preacher yeah yeah right okay you ought to stop telling folk that you ought to say something like do you have a heart like a preacher went to all of the bars said Jesse do you have anybody else said no yeah Oh Lord yeah but he can't be the one and Samuel said go get him where is it he's off safe said I tell you what we're not gonna sit down till he's sure I don't know I'm talking to somebody here that looks as if they've been looked over passed by your time is over look at your neighbor and say neighbor the party can't get started to last you up when when that good-looking ready boy walked in the room Samuel stood up and said this is the anointed of God how do you know it's the anointed of God because the oil begin to flow I'm looking for the oil is section I'm looking for see that the thing that other folks struggle with when you're annoying it it's easy I'm gonna say that again no I said the thing other folks struggle with and try to cop it it's easy for you because there's oil flowing on I think we're emphasizing the wrong thing we shouldn't emphasize the car we shouldn't emphasize the zip code we shouldn't emphasize the suit all of those things are nice but what we ought to get for size in the church is the anointing because the anointing is what destroys the anointing came the anointing came you know sit down y'all make me nervous senses the anointing came and something significant was said in that sixteenth chapter it said that the Spirit of the Lord God was on him from that day I preached a message from that text look at your neighbor and say neighbor is still on me God when God has his hand on you may go through some situations but it's still only I might find myself in a pit and in a prison but y'all gonna help me preach or what I got to do I might even be hit with an incurable disease but it's it looked like my church is going down and things are going haywire but it's the Spirit of God was on him from that bathe for Samuel anointed him and said you would be the next king hmm the next King David had enough sense to know i'ma go back off sight they don't need to be showing a bit and meet and tell might Allah told me that I'm gonna be must I move on now y'all do know I am Church of God in Christ y'all do know that and I so so so I hear you're branding soul so David goes back to the field and at the behest of his father take some cheese and some wine to his brothers and when he gets there the eldest one who thought he should have been but he wasn't anointed for that so that's the reason jealousy is one of the dumbest things you can have envy should not be found in the church the Bible says don't let jealousy be named among you don't let it be found among because why you can't do what I'm anointed to do but by the same token I can't do what you're anointed to do so why don't we appreciate one another [Applause] I thought I got a bigger a man than that [Applause] David goes on slays Goliath and then after he kills the Giant he's invited into the palace to live with the king now can't you just see and in 12 minutes I'm gonna put a bow on it can't you see now David in agreement with the prophecy that Samuel gave them oh I see it now I'm going to live in the king's palace fight the Kings battle Jonathan and I have already talked we have an agreement in an understanding and he doesn't have a problem being my vice chairman I try to teach the folk in my church a Bishop Ellis I try to teach them that your first anointing is in the second position [Applause] so much to preach so little time and so and so David begins to visualize Bishop Wells in his own mind what God is getting ready to do I'm gonna live in the king's palace serve Him faithfully and then when he passes I will be exalted as the king of Israel the captain of the Lord's host but he had no idea that he would come home sit in his seat at the dinner table and there would come a javelin from the man he admired served loved and worked for and it wasn't thrown to wound him it wasn't thrown to get him in line the javelin was thrown to kill him and had he not maneuvered out of its way he would be dead but please tell you'd me by subject say wait for it I'm gonna move on he had to go out into the wilderness had to go out into the woods here comes Jonathan to say I'm coming to tell you if it's gonna be good if it's gonna be bad sorry to say it's gonna be bad I'm sorry to say that my dad is not ever going to get over this fit he's out to kill you I just came out here to encourage you well aren't you going to stay with me because you're gonna be my vice chair now I'm gonna go back with my unalloyed daddy because you'll have to learn David patience whatever you gotta learn you gotta learn the isolation of your anointing and so David finds himself in a cave tell somebody is still only I'm in a cave and I don't know why I got here it would it would be different if I was a covert operator if I was a double agent but I served this man and behaved myself wisely and I don't understand why I'm in a cave I want you to know something and if you can't handle your cave you won't be able to handle the kingdom closing now look at your neighbor and say work your cave work your cave you gotta learn how to be right in the case when you can't explain your circumstance or figure out how you got here or what God is doing with you while you're here you gotta learn how to work your cave something about the cave you know in the elite place you gather all of the elite people everybody loves to be around somebody that's doing good but the ones that are going down with you the ones that are found with it those that will follow the anointing into a cave lord have mercy I know when we pray we want the good members to rich members define members the WIMP members that won't make us look bad but all everybody that came to David was either in debt discontent upset disrespected disinherited disenchanted just this just just the bottom of the barrel but they followed the anointing into the cave look at him now you got to learn how to work your King one thing that you never must lose sight of in your cave can't lose sight of the promise because God cannot lie and God cannot change have he not said it shall he not do it has he not spoken it shall he not make it good look at your name is a name god he's gonna do just what he said so David is talking to us out of his testimony and he says I waited further long and what this piece should mean patient means to happily endure say like let me say happily endure in other words I'm not kicking over cans I'm not cussing anybody out I'm not bad because I'm in a cave I'm generating on the promise of God to come to pay see ass I want you to understand that seems might not go the way you want him to go but David said in other words I got a song while I was waiting I got happy while I was waiting not saying while I was waiting I prayed while I was waiting I worked wild I was reading it's one thing to think that God has forgotten you but it's another thing to know that God cannot lie [Music] [Music] because even though the same with him understand everything and shout in the spite of it I learn how to let friends that between me not know they got the best [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] promise [Music] [Music] [Music] they were teasing I went through [Music] to give a praise there's somebody here God has given you a word and all I want to tell you it's weight on it you told save your husband in the opposite direction reach out across the aisle everybody touching somebody I'm so serious it's hard for me to believe now the Blake that but I've been pastored 27 years I don't know where that went we just celebrated pastor McClure comes 15th year pastor I don't know at a time when Pastor Joe Bishop true I don't know where we we was just starting well we started a first church Bishop sheared and I I was looking at one building he was looking at another building he ended up buying the building I was looking at and I ended up buying a building he was looking at we've been friends for years and there's a one bitter jealousy between us not one not one he'll come by pick you up for lunch and I go by listen to what I'm saying whatever Church he's had I've been there to rejoice with them with everyone dive had he's been there with me when we first bought our first church at 13 to 2 0 greenfield we paid it off in four years went to another one the one we're in now seats over 2,000 people hundred sixty-three thousand square feet paid off in four years we've been building a new edifice we've been in the process of building it since 2000 it's over halfway complete and we haven't had a bank loan or financial institution to give anything we've paid over 13 million cash dollars in the city of Detroit Bishop Bishop shear can tell you so you know I'm not lying he's Winans built too big - maybe the Lord didn't tell him to be healed but I said Lord when I was at my lowest madam Blake we the project had ended for two years they still just laid on the ground mission fish I'm here to tell you and I said I was riding a 6:00 a.m. prayer superintendent and I said Lord I'm not sure if there's a what you told me to do I'll go to my church it's not like we don't have a nice church night and it's paid for we can sell this land make a profit and when you tell the world that the Lord wanted to do it that way but while I was praying it shut up on my way to 6:00 a.m. prayer in the snow I said the Lord I know you told me I said I know you told me so lord I tell you what I need you to do something for me today [Music] before eleven o'clock the Builder called me and said Marvin we got to get that still off the ground we got to get it off - what if I lend you a half a million dollars how long would it take you to pay me back I said it won't take long we never had to borrow that money because then when I went to the Saints they paid it and it's been going on ever since listen to me I want to pray for you today that I discouraged in any area of your life if a Manabe you have received a promise from the Lord I don't care how much time has elapsed young people you live in a day of immediacy but God wants you to wait on him Father in the name of Jesus we thank you for this gathering today we thank you for your word that is been spoke Oh bababa you promised some things and law dudes it's been a while it's been a while but where can we go you have the words renew revive rekindle the flame for the word that you promised oh god I see is stirring it up stir it up stir up the mind the spirit the height you did the oshika bah bah bah give us a desire for souls to be saved to let go of all of this nonsense and get back to what's father renew it now now lift up the hand that you're holding lifted up lifted up lifted up high lifted up high lifted up high father I think let the wind of the Holy Ghost blow move throughout this building stir up every ready hot and every willing soul in the name of Jesus now when I count to three I want you to release that hand and I want you to go to seven people I want you to count it seven people and what you're going to tell them you're going to prophesize it to them and say there it is you've waited for it there it is I want you to believe because God is uninfluenced by time the end is with him from the beginning and I want you to go to seven people and prophesy to them and tell them there it is when I count to three and when you're finished with that seventh person I want you to praise God like you have just entered into that dimension that you've waited for him to do one two three ganas having people in Talon there it is daddy Baroness badass ah did you have it on set there it is wait for it there it is now can Tom pray [Music] [Music] Dominika little dance by yourself [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you know that you got it look at it and say I got it I'm leaving aim with the confidence then I got it let me remember one more time and say neighbor [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody say yeah [Applause] yeah [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] very quickly I want to do two things and I'm done I'm gonna give them my cash at another somebody needs Jesus we can do this together I want at least a hundred people to sow a seed of 100 dollars
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 24,099
Rating: 4.792325 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Bishop Marvin Winans, Bishop Blake, Lashun Pace, AIM Ohio
Id: dBTcvYCklzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 53sec (4073 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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