Largest Volvo with sleeper garage combo, 222” unit

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hey what's happening everybody this is quinn elegance 18 wheels magazine we're on our way down to shipshawn indiana we're getting ready to record a beautiful rig that i've been waiting a long time to get a chance to shoot it's owned by mr dan kelly and uh i'm really excited about it and i hope you'll like it i've been looking forward to shooting this truck for a long time since they got as a matter of fact and um i hope that first off i hope that you guys had a beautiful wonderful thanksgiving and you had all your family and everything came together and we're all looking forward to having a very merry christmas but right now since being december i'm in the christmas spirit and i'm loving it and uh it's a beautiful day here in uh indiana and we're um looking forward to this shoot today so hope you like the truck as much as i do because i'm really looking forward to this one and we'll see you in a little bit enjoy the video guys [Music] do foreign [Music] so so do [Music] we have had an opportunity to eat in front of some beautiful beautiful trucks but this one like i just told you guys we were going to have a good time shooting this one and i've been following this truck since they actually had it in the steel frame at ari but now i've got this beauty right here and i've got the beautiful couple that actually owns it i'd like to introduce you all to dan and joy kelly hi guys how are you doing hey great friend good to meet y'all i want to first off say thank you all for working with me in this christmas season of coming down in this beautiful rig you just took delivery of and i am in awe and so thankful for this opportunity then you know i've been a fan so i missed the opportunity to shoot your last truck yeah we're trying we did indeed and but now we got an opportunity to shoot the biggest unit that i understand volvo has ever had done with a garage unit on it is that correct man that is what we're told we're told this is the first volvo built with a garage correct so now let's get our all this pumped up a little bit here guys as you saw when we walked around this is no small truck so before everybody hit me with all the crazy questions about what can they haul where do they go it takes a state and a zip code to turn the truck around and all this other stuff we get ready to learn something about the life in a big rig dan what's the wheelbase on this truck wheelbase is 374. 374. and how big is the sleeper at and the uh garage unit with the garage it's 222 inch and without it's it's a 168 so you got 168 inch of living space guys and then you got a 54 inch garage space in there correct so and also then we got all this beautiful rig in here i know everybody's like okay you got all this truck up here but you never show us where they sleep where's the bed in the thing would you please point out where your bed is this is the bed right here one lever over there you pull it down and it falls down it's a bed dinette set and it's ready to sleep and it's real simple and it's called a bed and breakfast setup guys correct so it folds up out of the way you see they got the dinette set right here and they can entertain and have opportunities to have more living space so when it's time to shut things down it just flips down and you're there so dan let's get this really going here all right what did you and everybody's gonna want to know what in the world can he haul with this big truck can you please educate the audience on what it is you actually do with this big rig okay for the most part we do a lot of military and then we do some specialized stuff of the aerospace and aircraft industry also wow see you guys and uh everybody wanna know oh man with a truck that big he can't haul any weight explain the weight uh situation to the world well at polls we really could from after scaling out we could probably haul up to 35 000 pounds but majority of our stuff is in that 10 to 15 000 pound range and so in essence guys weight doesn't always pay the big money so this is this is about making money and this truck is not a show truck that sits around in a garage somewhere damn correct you work this boy all the time this is a working truck so that tell let them know you just recently took delivery of this truck right yeah we basically just took delivery of this truck here two weeks ago where we finally signed the papers on i think it was like the 17th or 18th of november we just actually took delivery of it and how long did it actually take you to get this unit built well it was quite the process with the strike involved like that but we actually started the process of this up in january of last year here so about a 10 well this year i'm sorry so basically about that 10 month process it took to get this one done and joy i know you have because i see the the mistletoes here and i know you have your axes and you've already got some more stuff that you want to do but did you are you the mastermind behind the interior for this oh no he is really yes all right man i'm kind of the interior decorator i've just have pretty good taste i guess i don't know i've always been good with putting things together and we just started looking at things and this is what i came up with like this yeah this is what we came up with the only thing i picked out was the refrigerator yeah ever fridge yeah so now now with with everything tell me tell me some of the amenities that you guys actually incorporated into it okay well basically this is that l2 floor plan for the most part but her being a little shorter we didn't care having the microwave up above the refrigerator that they do on the standard plan so we took encounter we had the microwave put down below and that way we had room to take and put up a little bit bigger fridge and then we left with an upper cabinet above it which was big enough because in our last truck with our ninja airfryer cooker it was too tall to fit in any of the cabinets so we always had to carry it on the floor so that's kind of why we went with this size refrigerator allowing us to have some cupboard above that refrigerator to get more of our cookware and bigger utensils stuff cooking wear up on top there like that and then we will also then we want the side doors instead of the flip ups on all your cars or cabinets i should say that way and then we took it had them moved the front door forward a little bit to kind of give us more of a counter space down here so we can encounter the pantry along with it but for the most part like i say that's about all we really did with the bathroom we took the holding pan out so there's not such a big step for me you can open up if you want to look at it then we just see how with the get rid of the holy tank we had room so then we just took and put some tiling up above the shower there too to finish the decoration off on that too and it's one thing it's one thing that that really really floors me and guys we're gonna take a walk around their their truck after we get through this interview but there's one thing that i really really love about this i love the two-tone layout that you have going on in here what what made you want to do that man well one thing to be different instead of just a standard gray or light paneling by seeing this there's a girl come through like that it's kind of like a bucks darker bug skin that's just be different that would kind of go good then with some nice tiling on the backsplash so offset it and then just kind of put a little lighter buckskin material on the underneath the horizontal ceilings and under the cabinets just to kind of break it up a little bit and then kind of a little lighter countertops with the kind of a brown decor in it like just to kind of break it up a little bit that just different and it just looked it just looked like it all fit together then with the light and it gives you a warm feeling it really does i love i love it accents the wood grain yes everything just flows so so well with this this is absolutely beautiful now we're going to go with uh the garage why did you need and a lot of guys are wondering okay uh do he get any fumes from the gas do you get anything from hauling having the the bike in the back of the sleeper why did you need a garage on this particular application well i like to always have my motorcycle with me of course you know and we used to just kind of carry the front part of our trailer on the other one so it kind of limited our trailer space which kind of hurts a few times a little bit but it just got to be like she's got kind of a bad hip that needs to get done for setting up these ramps to roll the bike off and then for driving it back on okay and then sometimes if you had a load on and you want to take the bike off i couldn't get the bike off because i had a load on okay so it just says we're going to build another truck we got to have a garage that way i could i could take care of it pretty much myself a little assistance from her for the first initial hooking of it to stabilize it but it was just a win-win situation in our book so hey guys we're going to take a look at dan's uh unit once we get get done with the interview and we're doing our walk around then explain what kind of trailer you pull with this i pull a flatbed cup with the conestoga kit on it and guys just hey but you're that's a flatbed so yeah yes he he this is a flatbed that he he's pulling with this big rig because a lot of guys think that if you're not in the furniture industry or uh uh with with uh southern pride of somebody you you shouldn't be in a truck of this caliber why one of the things that really irks me the most i guess is people say that a truck like this is impractical what's your take on that well this is perfect if you're on the road 24 7 because you you can have good healthy meals that you cook yourself you can relax get out of the cab of the truck you got your bathroom shower all here too with you if you need to get up in the middle of night to go to the bathroom that's a big plus there of course it's like we it got to the point okay when i was off by myself prior to her coming with because it's like the kids have all grown up and were gone and so it's like she was at the home taking care of the house plus working a job at the same time and then we were based out of minnesota where we lived there we had a house that i didn't like going home in the winter time being that cold snowy weather so it hurt to try and keep the driveway someone cleaned out for me to try and put a truck in the driveway at the time too and it just got to a point was getting to be too much work for her along with everything else and me not being there i just couldn't see the the use of anymore so i kind of started talking with her one thing i ran an ideal buyer i says well you know you got a decent job but there's really no end to it you know but it's like how about if you quit your job we sell the house and we go run the business together on the road that don't work for everybody but we got a pretty good relationship it's a normal shirt we have our bickers and whatever of course you know i don't want to listen to them i come back here but until we decide to take and sell the house and then that's when we kind of started getting into our first big bunk years back and you've been with me now six years yeah september 2015 is when she came with me full-time in here now and it's it's just been working out for us since so i know people gonna wonder well who who are you hooked up with that you can you can operate equipment like this what kind of do you actually work for well we're dkj transportation our llc rsr company of bubbler contracted with landstar landstein so and and and like you said you carried some of the aircraft um aristo aerospace so now now i like i said i i know i get a bunch of questions about you know how practical how about where you run with this tell tell the people actually where because i know people ah i bet you can't come to this place in that place tell me where you go with this particular unit well for the most part we do a lot out of california okay a lot of bases out there we go into some that are in new mexico there's one there and there's another one a couple in texas that we deal a lot with we go over to decatur alabama a lot we go into cape canaveral quite often and there's a lot of military bases that we do over the carolinas and stuff too and then we pick up some other stuff in between place breakups like in missouri and a lot of the mid states as well a little bit but for the most part we can do the continental 48 states outstanding so you don't have any true limitations on where you go we know i just particularly try to stay out of the northeast corner for the most part it gets a little tight up there and then with all the tolls and it gets a little hectic up on the north you start getting up above pennsylvania new york it gets a little hectic up that way but and in the winter we stay below the snow line and it works for us and it works for us too so but there's sometimes one of the good agents that we work with a little bit where we pick up out of florida and we have to go up into washington a lot with you know even in the wintertime months too a little bit and we got held up one time going through the the mounds up to idaho and uh up that way but it was worth the pay and everything too i mean it's all so i mean we do go in that area but i'm gonna have to but we try to stay away from the snow if we can as much as possible so if on that note i do believe we pretty much hit everything that uh i really wanted to uh touch base on and you say you guys actually live in minnesota you're from minnesota that's where we're based out of correct and and i i don't think i actually told them what year of course what what year and make truck is this this is a 2022 volvo vnl and it's what wheelbase is on this 374. 374. you hear that guys 374 so when we start walking around this truck you're going to see a lot of foot traffic so so guys on that note this is quinn elegance on 18 wheels i'm here with the kelly's dan and joy thank you so so very much for giving us the opportunity to come down and dan finally catching up with you and uh slowing you down for the i know it's the christmas holidays and everybody's you know trying to get that last little bit of work in before the holiday shut down i want to say thank you personally because you guys have been an awesome host and and and giving us the opportunity to come in and look at your equipment um like i said we saw when it was in the framework stages but now to see it in completion is absolutely beautiful yeah it turned out pretty good so guys on that note we're this is quinn elegance on 18 wheels with the kelly's we're going to take a look at their truck and i'm going to probably bump into things because i'm gonna fall all over myself [Laughter] everybody thank you so very much guys thank you so much oh we got the little guy back here yeah we got our little house back here william and he he forgets he's a dog most of the time he thinks he's a little baby all right well guys here we go we gotta go outside now we're gonna look at the truck we're gonna look at the inside outside and enjoy this beautiful rig owned by the kelly's thank you everybody happy holidays and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] so mr i've got an interesting question for you how much does this tractor actually weigh the tractor itself was 31 620 31 620 and so you're not really concerned about how much weight you're going to put on your trailer correct no that's not really an issue with us what could you how much weight could you actually haul oh no with the trailer being on i was 43 860 if i remember right then i had to look my hook but i believe it was something like that so like you probably could safely put 35 on okay but like i say for the most cases we probably had 10 to 15 000 sometimes 20 000 pounds but so weight really ain't a concern and guys i just wanted to clarify that because i know we just we were just on the shoot and a gentleman walked up to me and asked me you know the size and weight of the truck and i was like you know what that's a good question and i want to get straight from mr kelly himself and thank you sir i appreciate that is there any special thanks you'd like to hand out sir yes i'd just like to thank all the guys and people up here at ai they've been they treat us so good when we're up here but a very special thanks i want to put out the tall behavior he was our sales rep here at ari and he helped us through some times and questioning a few different things a little bit but he helped us out very lot and so with just a big thanks out to toby and all the rest of guys here in service and everything else but a real big help and they are awesome group of individuals we've worked with them a number of years and they have put out some awesome stuff including yours sir so once again mr thank you so very much you have some safe travel and happy holidays to you sir and we'll see you next time thank you you too [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Elegance On Eighteen Wheels Magazine
Views: 1,170,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6xR7SriM0x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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