Laravel Admin Panel with Admin LTE - Free Package with installation steps

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hello guys welcome to vfix technology today I'm going to show you how you can integrate uh an admin panel which is a pretty famous one called La admin LTE into our larage system that's going to be pretty simple and straightforward lot of time I see uh often we have to make it manual and you know address the CSS and JS which is pretty hectic job and it takes a lot of time luckily we do have a package which does it instantly uh if you make uh Google search let me say admin LTE larell the very first package going to show up easy admin LTE integration LEL well this thing going to help us out it has a good reputation in the market if you see over 3,700 stars on the GitHub seems pretty famous one I did use it for some of my projects so I thought why not let's make a video it might help some of the fox so what it does it will go ahead and create a complete admin panel something like this and it also integrates the laravel UI so we would have an authentication system inbuilt within this package for rest crud we have to do it manually let's jump into it so here's the package let's scroll it down and let's go to the installation part I'm going to go ahead let me install a fresh LEL to some of the folders uh let's do it here so I'm going to say larabel new let's name the new admin or I'm going to say Lara edmin now we don't need a starter kits it'll take some time bear with me I'm installing the LEL from scratch just to get you a glimpse how you can go ahead and get started with this package I'm going to use S my SQL as in database that's pretty much it let's get into the directory Lara admin I'm going to open this into the vs code that is it now we do have uh let me run the server phpr just server how it looks like as of now I'm going to say local poost 8,000 and this is what we have got this is as of now today's dat larel 10 and we have a fresh installation now there we go the first step in the installation you can see the documentation we require the package so let's inject into it I'm going to stop the server inject the package now the Second Step going to be install the pack package copy install then we going to have to install bootstrap UI laral UI and we want authentication system with bootstrap we can use blades and finally let's overwrite these static you know the larel blade components of larel UI into our admin LTE UI that is all I'm going to say npm install we'll take some time again bear with me and NP M run let's make it build we going to use the weats and should be done any movement perfect so go ahead start the server refresh it perfect we do have the setup ready now often you might have seen in larel when we install larel UI it has a different sort of structure but today now we see admin ltn it's not the static just template if you see that it going to work perfectly fine I'm going to go ahead and uh let's make one more thing let's let me migrate that PHP Ron migrates I'm going to have to start the zamp do it over yes let's create it and perfect migration is done and our admin panel is good to go y let's register it first I'm going to say name admin email going to be admin password could be anything repeat the password that's all register and boom now it's talking our language now some of you were wondering you were saying admin LTE but it is laravel UI sort of admin panel yes you are right now we can have to inject some of the components uh pretty simple let's come to the documentation part here in this package and uh update guide installation let's see how we can find it here we have it uses go to the users part and now it going to show you how it works now all you're supposed to do is extend this static admin LTE page and it will talk our language let me show you what I mean I'm going to copy this entire template and uh resources view home that's the admin panel stuff what we are seeing right now if I replace with this stuff I'm extending uh admin LT component that's simple title that's the body that's the content CSS and JS nothing special I'm going to come back and uh there we go we have the admin panel ready now if we want to create new pages all we supposed to do let me show you what I meant I'm going to go ahead instead of home let me say something else uh post. blade. PHP I'm going to say extend and it is admin LTE uh y admin LTE and page that is it now if I go ahead and replace the page inad of home I'm going to say post now you're going to see the difference my bad it is supposed to be let me make a new route matter of fact let's say route and uh I'm going to say get post it's going to be let's make it anonomous function return view supposed to be post and let's see if it works I'm going to say post and there we go now this little thing over here extending the whole infrastructure which we are supposed to have now if you see this page reference you can have your own title your header your body your CSS page specific same goes with JavaScript one little more thing I would like to tell you this thing is completely in working state if you wanted to change this sidebar stuff everything is in here if you come to configuration config and admin LTE click on it let's go to the menu and here we have the menu part there we go now this thing is an array and the loop is running over here so let me change profile to something else profile profile profile yeah we have it profile to something anything whatever you say and it is working you can take off the extra things which you do not want or maybe you want you can see the flow how this multi-dimensional menu is going through you can take the reference from here check out the documentation let me take off some extra stuff from here this one that one this one there you go so from here you can see it is only those things what we want so you can play around and try to use this package this has been a great help for me in some of my projects say whole lot of time if you some situation see some situation feel free to comment and I will try to rescue you have a good one cheers
Views: 2,368
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Keywords: laravel Admin panel, laravel adminlte, free laravel admin panel, laravel admin panel package, laravel admin panel source code, php, laravel tutorial, laravel training, laravel course, jeroennoten Laravel-AdminLTE, laravel integrate adminlte, laravel install admin panel, laravel integrate admin LT
Id: k5c6r2t2gds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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