Admin LTE for Admin Panel in LARAVEL with admin login features

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in this lecture i am going to tell you how we can set up administrative theme for admin panel in arrival application with admin login functionalities i have created a first arrival project inside my xampp instead of tutorial folder now let's open this folder in the code editor i'm using sublime text you can use any other preferred code editor so my project is under c drive and then xampp htdocs tutorial folder let's open this folder in the code later and then let's go to php management to create a new database for the project i am going to create a new database called administ and then let's provide the return scan search in our dot nb file my database name is admin iphone lt username is root and password is blank save this file and then let's open the migration file for our users table which is provided by laravel by default under this database migrations folder i am going to add a new column to our user table to check and user is an admin user or not the column name will be is underscore admin and the type of this column will be boolean and the default value of this column will be false and then let's open a terminal from our project folder and let's run php additional migrate command to run the migrations file this will run the microsoft's file and this will generate tables in server database if i refresh our database now we will see users table along with other tables let's open this users table and now i am going to add two new users manually to our users table from this insert section because we are going to implement admin login functionalities so let's provide username here admin user and then let's provide email address here admin under the these are dummy records you can provide any other email address if you wish and then we cannot provide plain text password here because you need to provide hash password here for the password field and we can get hash password from this users factory which is provided level by default and i'm telling you that the play text password for this has password text is password now let's paste the hash password here and for this user this is admin column value will be one because i'm generating this user as an admin user so i am providing this user mean column value to 1 and then let's provide the values for this created and updated fields and then let's add another user and this time this will be normal user let's provide user email address here again i'm telling you that this is a dummy record you can provide any email address here and then list over the values for password fill and for this user this is admin column will be 0 because i'm creating this user as an on non-admin user that's i'm creating this user with this user mean value to zero okay and then let's provide the values for this created and updated fields and then let's click on this go button this will insert two new records inside our users table one is admin user and other is non-admin user now for more project code let's run php addition surf command to run our project in local development server so our project is running on localhost 8000 port so let's copy the url and paste it in the browser we'll see our project is running on this port now from our project root i'm going to open another terminal and then i'll create a new controller to handle admin login functionalities so for more projectile lesson php addition make controller and i'm going to create the controller under admin folder that's why i'm providing admin and then slash slash and then the controller name the controller name will be auth controller controller kit is successfully now if i open our app http controls folder we'll see a new folder inside this controllers folder called admin and under this admin folder we have a new controller called auth controller now i'm going to create a new route for our admin login page so let's open our web.php file which is in the routes folder and then let's add a new route for our admin login page route method will be good and url will be our base eval slash admin slash login and this will execute auth controllers gate login method we don't have this gate login method inside our auth controller we need to generate this before that let's give a name to this route gate login and then let's include this auth controller here let's copy the namespace from the auth controller class and then let's include the hot controller inside our wave.php file because we are using this auth controller here [Music] now let's create gate login method inside our controller from this gate login method you need to return the view file for our admin login page we don't have the view file yet right so we need to generate a new file for our admin login page so let's generate a new viewfile under resources views folder i'll create a new folder here called admin and under this admin folder i will create another folder called auth and under this art folder i will create the view file for our admin login page and the file name will be login.blade.php for now i will put a text admin login here and then i'll return the view file from this gate login method and the viewfile is under admin folder and then under auth folder and the file name is login.php we do not need to provide.blade.php because this is a view file now if i navigate to our admin login page from the browser we will see admin login text which i returned from this login.php file we need to return admin lte admin login page from this file right so we need to download administrator thing from where we can get terminality theme if you search administrator download in the google you'll find this link and then you need to open the link and then you need to click on this download button and you can download administ file by clicking on this source code link i have already downloaded admin entity theme is in my downloads folder and i extracted the file to this administrative folder where i have all the html files and assets into this folder which i can use for our admin panel just find the login.html file which is under pages folder and then under examples folder let's open this log in the testament file and let's copy all the code from here and paste it inside our login.php file which is our admin login view file now if i refresh our admin login page we will see login form but the region is not good here because we don't have the assets insert inside our project now so what i'll do i'll copy all the assets from administry and i'll provide the assets inside our project so let's copy this dist and plugins folder from here and then let's provide this assets inside our projects and then under public folder i'll create a new folder called admin assets and i'll paste the folder inside this [Music] folder now i have adminality assets inside our projects so that we can use the asset so let's open our login.php file and then let's provide the access part properly here so right now the assets are under public and then under administ folder so let's provide the administrator path here admin iphone assets and this administ folder under public folder so we need to go to the public folder in laravel we can go to the public folder with the help of asset method and inside this asset method we need to provide the path for the asset files so let's provide this path for all the asset files let's provide this for this css file and then just for the exact path for this file also [Music] this asset mail this will go to this this will be asset not double a here this asset means this will go to the public folder of our project okay so let's provide the path for all the javascript file which is at the bottom [Music] now if i refresh our admin login page we will see beautiful admin login form you see we have beautiful admin login form now because we already provided the correct asset files inside our login.php file right now i am going to remove this social login button from here because we are not going to implement social login also we are not going to implement registration and forget password functionality so we can remove this from here and then we can remove this lte test and incredibility will provide and main panel here and then let's go over this link here and let's remove the action eval for this form for now let's put hash here and then let's add name field i mean let's provide name to the input fields so the name for this input field will be email and the name for this input field will be password and then let's provide the name for this remember me checkbox also and then i'm going to create the action url for our login form so let's open our web.php file and then let's add another route routementor will be post and url will be our baseball slash admin slash login and this will execute with auth controllers post login method we don't have this post login method we need to generate this let's give a name to this out post login and then let's open our auth controller and then let's generate a new method called post login inside our auth controller let's get a request object here and then let's provide this action uil to our login form route name is post login right and the method of this form is post so we need to add csrf fill inside our form this will add csr field insert our form and the field will be hidden and now what i will do i will add validation rules for the email and password fill inside this post login method with the help of request validate method so our email field should be required and sorry this should be required and our password field should be required let's add another rules to this email field because the email field should be a valid email address as i'm providing this email rule here and now if i refresh our admin page admin login page and try to submit the form without providing any values we're redirecting back to this login page because we have this validation rules inside our post login method right now what i will do i need to display the validation error messages inside our login.blade.php file so i'll open an error block here and then let's close the error block and i'll check if there is any error for the email field then i will display the message let's put this message inside a div of class text ginger this text ranger is a booster class this will make the color of the text in red color okay similarly we'll do this for the password field so if there is any valuation error messages for the password field then we'll display the message here and let's remove this margin bottom three two merging bottom one let me call this will because this will take a lot more space at the bottom okay now if i try to submit the form without providing email and password you see we are directing back and we are getting the lesson error messages inside our login form right now let's do the uh cancels checking inside our post login method so we need to check user's credential right and we can check just credential with the help of auth item method this will help us to check user's screenshot during login functionalities and this will uh logged in login to the login the user to our system if cancers are matched okay and inside this author method going to provide users email address which you'll get from this request object and then you need to power the user's password which you'll also get from this request object because we are submitting the values to this form right we are submitting user's email and users password to the form so we can get users email address and password from the request object and another parameter i will pass here i'm going to check the user is an admin user or not as i am providing is admin column one here if you remember we have this is admin column inside our user table okay so that we can check this instantly column one also because i need to allow the user to authenticate it for the admin pages if the user has this instrument column to one okay that's why i'm passing these at heart values here is that mean one that means if the cancel error matches but the users reason column is not one then he cannot be logged into the system he can be login to the system if this instrument column is one for the user okay that means user and admin user and this will return us true or false too so what we can do we can store the value to a valid variable called validated and then i will check if validated that means users successfully logged into the system then i'll return there's a back to dashboard page but we don't have the dashboard page now i'll create that data and if the user's printers are not matched our user is not an administrator then i'll return the user back to login page with an error message and i written the user with an error message called invalid currencies you can modify the message as per your choice and then i'm going to display the error message inside of our login form so what i'll do i'll check if there is any error message in the session just close the if block and then i will display the error message inside this div of class text danger and text enter and we'll get the error message from this session object okay this will display the error message if any error message present inside this session object okay now let's try to submit this form with incurred can shares you see we are directing back to login page and so we are getting this error messages okay now i'll return the user back to dashboard page after successful login right so let's create a dashboard route and dashboard page now so just add another route into this web.php file and this time the route measure will be gate and ui will be our baseball slash admin dashboard and instead of this auth controller it will call profile controllers dashboard method so we don't have profile controller so let's create profile controller php addition make controller admin slash profile controller okay controller kt successfully now let's include profile controller here let's open our app http controls folder and then let's copy the namespace for our profile controller from here and then let's include our profile controller inside this web.php file the class name is profile controller because both of this controller are in the same name space we can import both of this controller in a single line take this away just remove this lines of code we don't need that now we can call this profile controller inside our web.php file and this dashboard route will call profile controllers dashboard method we don't have this dashboard method insert our profile controller let's give a name to this dashboard and then just create this dashboard method insert our profile controller from this dashboard method i'll return the dashboard view file we don't have the dashboard view file now so let's generate another viewfinder inside this resources views under admin folder just create a viewfile called dashboard.blade.php and then let's return the viewfile from this dashboard method the viewfinder is under admin folder and the file name is dashboard.blade.php we do not need to provide dot php for the view files and for now i'll put a text admin dashboard here and after successfully logged in i will return the user back to dashboard page with a success message the route name is dashboard so let's provide the route name here and i'll return with a success message and the message will be logging successful or you can modify the message as per your choice okay now try to submit the form with correct credentials so let's copy the admin user email address from here and the password is password try to submit the form you see we are directing back to dashboard page okay now what i'm going to do i'm going to create the dashboard page okay so we are going to implement admin ld thing right so let's go to our administrative folder and we have this index.html file so let's open this index.html file and then let's copy all the code from here and let's put the code inside this dashboard.php file and then we need to include the asset files path here for all the files you need to provide the correct files uh correct path right so right now all the assets are inside public administrator so what we did for the login page we'll do the same for our dashboard page so let's copy the name from here and then let's provide the path for all the assets so let's do it for all the asset files right so this will take some time so let's do it one by one be patient because you need to provide correct path for all the asset files otherwise the design will not work properly and the javascript functionalities will also be broken so let's go over the exact path for all the css file and all the js file let's provide the path for all the js files which is at the bottom if you do not need to include all the libraries you can remove this as per your project requirement i am putting all the libraries here you see there are libraries called datepicker.js and there are libraries called i think summon node and moment.js if your project doesn't need these packages it can remove the asset path from here this is the main js file adminilty.js also we have this dashboard.js file inside our dashboard.php file now if i refresh our dashboard page you will see beautiful dashboard page button logo path is not there that's why the images are broken so let's provide the path for the images also so that it does not break the page so let's put the image path here also let's provide the image path for the user images which is here here we have the path for the image let's modify it now if i refresh our dashboard page now we will see beautiful dashboard page now i am going to modify the dashboard page but the desire i mean image path is not decorated so this is under i think i'm modifying the wrong image so we need to avoid the image path thing the images we are displaying here is coming from this content wrapper section i think no it is coming from this okay let's find the images so from all the images are coming so we have lots of uh components inside this dashboard.pitch file so it is difficult to find the exact image okay so what i will do i will remove all these drop downs from the top bar also i remove this menus from the top bar i'll modify the image path later later okay so let's modify the title first of all so let's provide this title admin panel and then i'm going to remove the links from the top bar which is home and contact and then i'm going to remove the on the search bar from the top and i'll put this message bar for now and i remove this notification bar from the top also i'll remove this we just link from here and for now what i'll do i'll remove all the messages from the message drop down and instead of this messages deep i'll provide lockout button here and we'll remove remove this batch from here and instead of our comments i'll provide fire for user for the user icon so now we will have one drop down here if i refresh our dashboard page [Music] we will see user icon at the top bar and if i click on this user icon we have this logon button right so i will add logout function address later before that let's find the user image here is our user image so let's provide the exact path for the image okay now if i refresh our dashboard page okay unexpected identify admin so we need to close that right that's why it is showing the error message now we have the image link properly inside this left sidebar right so instead of this admin lt3 we can provide admin panel you can modify the image link as per your project's logo okay and for the username which is hardcoded header i'll provide dynamic name which will get from this what user object and we are going to display username here dynamically okay and we have lots of menus inside our left sidebar right so we can remove this as per your projects requirement you see we have this admin username dynamically here and for now what i will do i'll remove all the menus instead of this dashboard menus from the left sidebar so what i'll do i'll go at the top and then i'm going to remove all the menus instead of our dashboard menus from the left sidebar so is our menus yeah here is our menu so i'll remove all the menus i will put only our dashboard menus in the left sidebar so let's remove all the menus from the left sidebar you can put the menus as per your project requirement let's put this widgets and menus in the left sidebar for now let's refresh our dashboard page now we see we have this dashboard menu and we have this widgets menu right so let's close this video code i click on that so we have this dashboard menus in the left sidebar we don't need this dashboard one dashboard to download three and what i'll do instead of this dashboard drop down i'll make it user management [Music] because i'm going to tell you that how we can use this left side menus okay and instead of this dashboard one let's put users and i will provide the user space link here later okay listing of this active class from here also let's remove this active class from here also and let's remove this mean open class from this li okay and then i'll provide this li at the bottom top so this will be our dashboard menu okay and let's put this class to this i class and this will be black and let's put let's put the url for our dashboard page here so the route name is dashboard right i'm doing it because i'm going to tell you that how you can use this left sidebar dynamically okay because i'm gonna add that out sorry i'm gonna add the active class dynamically to this li tag okay because the active class will not be here for every pages when we navigate from one page to another page right so we need to add the active class dynamically to this li tag in the left sidebar so instead of this class i'm going to modify this this will be user and also i'm going to modify the class here this will be fast for user i think for that user right now if i refresh our dashboard page you see we have this dashboard and user management in the left sidebar right so let's put it user for the single user and try to refresh the page again yeah now we have user management and users but we don't have any active plus now right so we'll add the active class later dynamically before that what i'll do i'll remove all the code from the right sidebar right because we have lots of cards here you can provide the cards as per your projects requirement but i'm going to remove all the cards from the right panel right so what i will do i'll remove this row from here where we have these small boxes and then i'm going to open this row and i have lots of things inside here you see there are maps and all the other stuffs here so i'm going to remove all that code from here because i don't need right now you can put this as per your project account you can use all the components present inside administrating you can use all the components as per your project supplement okay you will find all the components inside the administrative folder you see i have this administrative folder where i have all the pages under this pages folder and i have all the examples file under this examples folder you can use all the components which is there inside this administrative folder for your admin panel okay so i remove that from the right side panel and now what i'll do i'm going to create a new layout for our admin pages okay before that let's refresh our dashboard page yeah so everything is clean now and now instead of this dashboard.php file because we have all the headers and all the footers inside our dashboard updated page file right but we we are not going to copy all the codes for every pages we are going to create a template on layout right okay so let's modify the footer also admin panel and then i'm going to create a new layout for our admin panel so i'm going to create a new view file inside our views admin folder and this time the file name will be main hyphen layout dot dot php okay and then i'm gonna copy all the code from this dashboard.php file and i'll put it here and i'll make the content inside this container dynamically also i'll make this content header dynamically so i'll create a block here with the help of a direct yield and this will be body you can provide any other name for the content and then inside this dashboard.php file i'm going to extend this layout so let's call or let's extend the layout which i just created and the layout is under admin folder and the layout name is dashboard hyphen layout right sorry main layout main hyphen layout so we are extending the layout right and then we need to open the section so what is the section name selection name is body here so let's open the section name and then this will be inside the code and then list in the section and whatever i'll put inside this section this will be inside this div of container fluid okay so i'm going to put a div of row class and then i'll provide a text dashboard now if i refresh our dashboard page you see nothing is broken also we have this inside our dashboard page right these are the dynamic content and what we can do instead of this row we can put the text inside a div of class container or container fluid or let's provide the text okay let's go over the text inside the controller field let's refresh the page you see we have this dashboard text also i'm going to modify uh this content here this content will be dynamic for all the pages so i'll create another block here y-i-e-l-d yield and then the content section name which will be [Music] let's put it as content header okay and then uh we need to remove this code from here because this content header will be dynamic so i'm going to open another section inside this dashboard.pitch file and this time this will be content section right before that let's in the section and then let's provide the code for the content header and the block name is content header so just copy the section name and paste it here so this thing will be dynamic for all the pages now we can make this dynamic okay stop this dashboard viewer let's put dashboard now okay now let's refresh our dashboard page you see nothing is broken now i'm going to create another page right so i'm going to create another controller from the terminal and the controller name will be user controller so let's run php addition make controller and the controller will be under admin folder and the controller name will be user controller or user management controller so controller created successfully now i am going to create another route and the route name will be users users dot list or user dot index whatever you can give the name and the route meter will be get url b admin slash users slash index or simply write admin slash users and this will execute user controller index method we don't have this index method inside our user controller also we don't have this user's controller here just copy the class name just user controller not users controller so this will be user controller let's include the user controller here also and the user controller is in the same name space that's why we can import the user controller like this way okay and we need to create this index method inside out user controller let's give the name user dot index instead of users.list and then yes create index method inside our users controller public function index and then from this index method i'm going to return the view file for our user list right so let's create a view file for our users list instead this resources views admin folder i'm going to create another folder called users so i'm going to create a new folder users under this users folder i'm going to create a new file called index dot blade dot php okay and then i'm going to return the view file from this users controller index method and the view file is under admin folder and then under users folder and the file name is index.php you do not need to provide.php now inside this index.php file what i'm going to do i'm going to copy all the code from this dashboard.php file where i already extended our main layout right and we are providing this content header dynamically so instead of this home i will put dashboard and i'll provide users here also i'll provide the dashboard link here the route name for our dashboard page is dashboard and this will be users and this will be users list you can display list of users in a table inside this div okay i'm just telling you how how you can work with this template or layout dynamically right so right now we have these users pages so we can provide the user link in the left sidebar so here is our main layout here is our main layout and we can provide the user link here okay and if you wish you can create this sidebar menu in a component instead of this main layout okay i'm telling you how you can achieve this you can create one folder here called partials and inside this partials folder let's create a new file called left sidebar dot php now what i'll do i'll copy the left sidebar from our main layout i'll copy this signs of code from here and i'll paste the code inside this left sidebar and then i'll include this left sidebar inside our main layout so the left side bar is under admin folder and then under partitions folder and the file name is libs iphone sidebar okay now if i refresh our dashboard page we'll see nothing is broken and nothing isn't broken i already provided users link here so if i click on this users link you see we are redirecting back to user stage when we are clicking on this dashboard link you are uh redirecting back to dashboard but the dashboard link is not active here right so we need to add the active class dynamically inside this left sidebar so how we can achieve this so inside this left sidebar i will open a php block with the help of android php also i'll close the php block with the help of nphp and then i'll create a variable here and this will be current route current cloud okay and we can get current route name with the help of request and then route and then we need to call gate name this will return as the current route name and i will add active class to the sidebar menu dynamically with the help of current route name so we have this uh dashboard link here right so we need to add active dynamically to this anchor tag right so i will check if current route name is equal to is equal to dashboard then only will add an active plus to this anchor tag otherwise there will be blank now if i try to execute the dashboard page you see unexpected identifier line number 43 right so current route okay this will be on code here now if i refresh the page again you see we have this active class dynamically to this dashboard menu if i navigate to our users menu you see right now we don't have the active plus with this button because the route is changed right now let's add active class to this left side menu so there will be an active class for this user menu when the user on the route name will be users.indesign now if i refresh our users page you will see active class to this user menu right but the menu is not open right so i think we need to [Music] add the class to this div sorry we need to add a class to this eli okay first of all let's add a class menu open hardcoded here and try to refresh the form replace the page you see now the menu is open right so we need to add this class dynamically here also so i'm gonna add this menu open class dynamically here menu open so when the route name will be users in this then them this menu will be open you can provide all condition here or you can use any other method suppose you have to open this menu for all the or outside then you can use in-array method or you can simply add all conditions here one by one okay so i added this class dynamically here also to active this sorry uh i mean to active the uh drop down menu you need to add active class to this anchor tag also so i will add active class to this and get tag also now if i refresh the page you see we have this active class dynamically here also if i navigate to the dashboard page right now the dashboard pages i mean dashboard menu is activated right so we successfully added the active class to the left sidebar menu okay so let's close this file so we created the [Music] layout for our admin panel pages okay let's remove this file if you want to modify the title you can modify the title here so suppose we are displaying one title dynamically here so i'll check if title is present then i'll display the title okay or this will throw blank i mean this will show blank here so let's try to refresh our page now okay you see undefined variable title right so i think you cannot do this okay let's try this what we can do okay you have to pass the title variable dynamically for every pages i think i can check with the set if it's set title then we can display the title here and if title is not listed then we can display the blank text let's try out this is it working yes is it working right now if you want to make the title dynamically you see in the title we have this admin panel and then we have a bar and then we have nothing in the right panel right so what you can do you can put this here okay okay refresh the page yeah right now we don't have the right word here now what we can do for our dashboard pages we can provide the title value so let's open our profile controller and we can pass data array and let's provide data values title or page title this y title and this will be dashboard okay and then let's pause this data array to this view file so that this variable will be accessible in the view file now okay we are showing the title here so this will work dynamically you see now we have this dashboard dynamically so we successfully created the page title dynamically and what else we can do also we can provide the title dynamically for our users pages also so let's provide this data array with title so this time this will be users and yes space here now the title will be dynamic for all the pages now let's try to implement logout functionalities okay so we have this log out button in the top bar right so if i check our main layout we have this logout button here right so let's create a new uh route for our logout functionalities so let's close this file let's close this login.pc file also let's close this first controller and we are going to create a new route for our logout functionalities route method will be get and ui will be admin slash log out and this will execute user's controller logout method sorry not users controller this will execute profile controller logout method let's give a name to this out log out and then let's open our profile controller and then let's create a new method called log out and from this logout method i am going to log out the user with the help of auth logout method this will log out the user and after successfully log out the user i will return the user back to login page return redirect route the route name is gate login for our login page and i'll return those are get back back to the login page with a success message the message will be you have been successfully logged out okay this will be successfully logged out and we need to provide the logout link to this logout button and another thing is that we are returning the user back to login page with this success message but we are not displaying any success message inside our login page i believe so let's open our login.php file which is our under use admin and auth folder so let's display the success message here also instead of login message i mean as per our login message let's display the success message here and this text changer class will be text success for the success message now if i try to log out from the system [Music] you see it is directing back the user to this login page with the success message but i forget to add midi layer for our admin dashboard pages or profile pages or any other pages which will be protected for the admin user if i try to visit our dashboard page you see we can navigate to this url we get the uh error messages which is throwing by laravel but still we are able to visit this url but this should not be allowed so we need to create one middler to protect our admin pages so from our root just create a new middle load by running ksp address and make middleware so and the modular name will be add me not so much successfully which will be under app https folder so here is our admin main dealer and inside this admin middle layer handle method i'm going to check if auth check that means user is authenticated to the system and if user is not authenticated to the system then i'll return the user back to login page with an error message so let's copy this code and paste it here and if the user is not authenticated to the system then i'll return another back to login page with an error message you have to be you have to be logged in or you have to be admin user or okay just put a message you have to be logged in to access this page okay this will return us to if the user is logged into the system and if user is logged into the system then i will check if user is an admin user or not and we can check this with the help of auth user this will return the user object and then i will check is admin value if the is admin value is not true that means user is not an admin user then i'll do the same i will return there's a back to login page with an error message you have to be you have to be admin user you have to be administered to access this page okay so we created the middleware and we added the medullary logics this is the standard method but we are not including this middleware inside this kernel.php filet so we need to include that so we need to include our admin of modular here [Music] so let's give a name to this admin [Music] namespace is app http media and the your class name is admin north right put it here now we can use this admin not modular for the routes just close this file now let's open our update page first so these are the protected outs which cannot be accessed if the user is not logged into the system or if the user is not administered so we can use the middle layer separately for each and every route like this way but i can create one single route group where i will use the middler so let's create one route group with middleware so i'm going to create it out group with modular admin auth okay and we need to provide the route inside this callback function okay so whatever the route will be protected we can put this inside this route group so that this admin node modular will be affected for all the routes which is under this outgrow now if i try to access this dashboard page without logged into the system you see it is redirecting back to the login page okay so we did many things in this lecture i think you understand how we can implement admin login functionalities and how we can protect the routes for the admin pages also how we can use how we can [Music] include it this admin lt theme for the admin panel and i think i forget to add one thing i forget to add this remember me functionality right so let's open our profile sorry let's open our auth controller and we need to provide second parameter to this atom method for the [Music] remember me functionality so we can provide request and we need to provide two or false here so you can provide request password here so if the value is present that means user is checking this remember me that means there will be a value then this will be true that means user will be check the authentication i mean user will remember the authentication so we added all the functionalities here so if you like the videos you can subscribe my channel for the upcoming videos i will try to create one uh role-based authentication system and later i will create role and permission based authentication system for the admin panel so stay connected
Channel: Hike Coding Knowledge
Views: 28,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: admin lte, admin lte 3, setup admin lte, admin panel, admin panel in laravel, admin login in laravel, laravel admin login, setup admin lte theme, setup admin lte theme in laravel, how to create admin login in laravel, how to create admin panel in laravel, use admin lte, use admin lte in laravel, Admin theme in Laravel, Admin panel design, Admin panel design in laravel, Dynamic page title in laravel, protect admin pages in laravel, left menu active class dynamically
Id: e9rm1id2Q_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 51sec (3711 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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