Part 1-Admin Panel: How to Setup (Arrange Files) and make a Admin Panel in php

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hi friends welcome back so guys in this video we are going to do a admin panel ok so we will be doing a login registration and many things for the one website purpose okay so as we have started with the blog creating a blog so I will show you that blog okay so this is just a demo that my college would set we have just created right so in the it is in the playlist of how to create a blog in PHP okay so for this now we need this is a home page about this page faculty page and academics department of computer science so we want to add all the data from the database okay so I mean admin side so for that we will create an admin panel okay so now let's get back such one dashboard okay so I use Todd bootstrap admin template okay so you will get many free templates whichever you like it you can download CL bootstrap to admin to whichever you like it so you can just go for it and download it okay so this is one dashboard which is over here so guys I have already downloaded it and kept this to view on it and you will see the demo also okay so now over here it can get downloaded it is free actually so yes free download if you click it will get downloaded okay so let's view this output see it's something like this okay so this as we had mean to have already download I just click on this and it will get downloaded okay so I will show you I have already downloaded that so this is my file which I have downloaded so now let's extract this file extract and extract over here only extract it so it's extracting it now and until that will close this okay so I will just copy the link and share it to you guys so now it's extracting it so we have to wait for this so 9800 ok it's extracted so guys it is open now so now what we have to do is that we will rename this ok so I am going to rename I'm going to copy this actually ok copy and go to C Drive xampp inside exam page tdawgs inside htdocs' we have started with the block PHP okay so inside that I'm going to paste the my dashboard okay so I'm going to paste it over here right so it's copying it now and just a moment yes it has been copied now so let's rename this rename and I will mention as admin okay just rename admin and let's open this with your IDE obvious code so guys I have already opened it okay so this is the BHP blog which is into my example head she docked folder PHP blog okay so I have opened it here and this is the these are the files which is available inside the admin ok so now let's view the output for this so guys this is the home page index dot PHP so after index dot PHP we have to give admin and give enter so our normal dashboard will come okay so this is the dashboard which we have downloaded it and first thing we have to set all this I am going to remove everything this and set according to our blog okay so that will be like go to block dot PHP and see here so this is homepage about this page faculty page okay so we will create our about a section about us faculty like that departments so we'll create first we have to make a login okay login system registration system for that mean okay so let's login it's going to login dot PHP right so guys we will do all these things so let's get started with it so let's get back to the code and all the pages are shuffled in this right so what we will do is that we will create one new file inside this okay inside admin index dot PHP right so this is the index dot PHP file which we have created now this file and we will delete some extra files okay which we don't need in this admin one right so let's go to our admin side inside blog so we don't need this gate and this and all suggested remove these things license package package JSON readme file we don't need so just select those things and delete it okay so done and now let's get here and this is our normal PHP file okay so now let's create one we first we'll set up our these things okay admin dashboard so for that admin dashboard let us create one folder inside this okay inside this admin I'm going to create one include yes includes okay so includes folder I have created so inside this includes folder I am going to create one file called header hid our header dot PHP and one more I'm going to create new file that is footer dot PHP and one more will create for the navbar that is never dot PHP or menu bar whatever we say okay and one more will create call for the script tags okay SVR IP t yes script dot PHP okay so for file has been created now so guys let's go to first thing index dot HTML okay so this is our output index dot HTML okay so we will grab this for okay so let's take from here ctrl C okay copy and go to see one bi we have taken okay so let's go to header and paste it over here right and let's get back to index dot HTML and just remove it off this okay so we have removed it and this is our navbar okay so let's copy this navbar so I'm going to copy this till till the UL ends okay so this is our knob all right so I'm going to cut cut and paste inside the navbar okay just pasted it and save it okay just save it and now let's go to index dot HTML file and now let's check for the footer side okay so add the footer side and the footer okay so this is the body and and these are the script tag so I'm going to take the script tags first so cut the scripts okay let's go to scripts dot PHP and paste it save it and let's get back to index dot HTML and cut this body okay cut and go to footer dot PHP and paste it okay save it and let's get back to HTML there will be one footer okay so where is that footer it's here okay so and the footer and this is the div one okay if you have remember if we cut it at the starting only so I'm going to cut that cut footer dot PHP okay so I'm going to paste it over here so this div is at the header okay so inside header this div start and footer ends at the body okay done and let's get back to index dot HTML and let's see this is one logout model okay so we have to copy this because of the thing I'll show you the output of it and see yeah so this is the log out okay when you click this log out the model pops is right so this is the model that is over here so I'm going to cut this control X I mean control and paste inside the header nav bar okay so operating will be here so at now what I'm going to paste it control V save it and let's get back to index dot HTML and this is one scroll bar okay so just cut this and paste that nav bar itself okay so let's go to nav bar and just paste it above okay save this done right and now guys what we have to do is that the index dot HTML file everything is here okay so now what we have to do give ctrl a ctrl C and go to index dot PHP and paste it okay just pasted inside index dot PHP and let's have reload the page called index dot PHP index dot PHP so the output is something like this because we have not included are things headers and footers okay so let's get back to the code and let's start it here so as normal PHP open PHP close and give includes include function where you are putting your header ok so it is telling that inside includes folder includes folder slash your header dot PHP ok save it and now let's just run the output ok ok so the output have come but not the sidebar okay so navbar has not come so let's bring the neighbor also so let's get back to the code and what is there okay so let's type so I'm going to give enter over here and type include function okay type include function where you are going to call in navbar okay so that is inside includes folder in incl udes includes folder where novel dot PHP includes folder now what dot PHP okay so nav bar dot PHP done right so let's save this and get back reload okay so the - what is coming now correctly right so it is working fine and at the index dot PHP there are many things this and also I'm just going to remove all this right so I will just leave these two things so I'm just going to copy the spending request and get back to the code control F so and find that value okay so pending request is here and below this row okay earning reviews so I'm going to remove all this content okay so I'm going to remove this all just remove it off and let's just leave it okay say index dot PHP game right so these four contents are there so our dashboard is set now and whatever the changes we have to do we have to do in this okay so it's not opening because we didn't copy these things why because we did not copy the script so those script tags are add them below we have to paste it okay so those are nothing but your script tags are nothing but your footer and their script tags script file okay so that is I'm going to include give include function where inside includes folder okay so includes folder my file is called first descriptive okay so scripts dot PHP so same way called footer footer dot PHP okay done so now let's save it and run the output so right click now your every script will work okay so this is done so like copyright is showing over here because we have done some mistake okay so what we can do is that copyright should be add them below all right so let's get back to the code okay so okay we have added this into our footer but we did not remove this okay so I will show you inside footer we have added over here okay but inside index dot PHP should not be there okay so we have to remove this and reload the page okay reload it and it is coming over here okay so finally our - our dashboard is set now so now in next video we will be doing how to create a login system using session ok so this is how we set all dashwood and it is ready for the admin panel okay so guys now let's see you in the next video where we will be learning how to create a registration first and then login system with the security okay so as thank you for watching this video and please subscribe like and share
Channel: Funda Of Web IT
Views: 1,051,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundaofwebit, how to create a admin panel in php, how to make admin panel in php, how to create admin panel in php, admin panel in php, admin dashboard in php, how to create admin dashboard in php, how to create a admin panel for blog in php, login and registration using session in php, how to make a login form in php using session
Id: IqrBr-KT5qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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