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in this video lanky box justin learns that his dad is a demon and his mom is an angel that means that i just am half angel half demon after visiting the demon nether city and the angel cloud city justin has to choose which parent he wants to live with forever let us know which side you think i should choose let's go wow what a great day here in minecraft yeah wow that was a fun day but i'm getting kind of tired yeah adam you were on the phone all day with your mom yeah she loves talking well you love talking about your life to your mom that's true yeah you'll be telling her all the recent things you've been doing yeah having lots of fun but i think it's bedtime now yeah speaking of which adam you call your mom all the time i've never talked to my parents oh yeah who are your parents i don't know adam i don't know okay well maybe one day you'll meet him i just assumed your mom was my mom okay i'm going to sleep every night all right good night justin oh i'm zooming i'm zooming i'm playing minecraft some roblox wow who are you huh and who are you huh what's going on am i still sleeping oh wait a minute adam wake up wait what what is it justin this must be my mom in my dad my mom's an angel and my dad's a demon oh oh no way hi justin's dad and mom what is this my parents are secretly angelsing demons so wait justin if your dad's a demon and your mom's an angel that must mean that you are half demon and have angel oh no way bro wow that's so cool this is the craziest thing that's happened to me all week wow that's awesome wait your parents are saying that they want you to come with them what oh they're gonna show me what it's like to be like them yeah so i guess you guys live in the same place oh man this is crazy okay i'll hang out with my dad first he's taking me to the nether realm oh no the demon nether realm is this place scary and if you can come with us it'll be fun okay what should i call your dad you call dave justin daddy justin yeah all right sounds good wow look at this place this is where your daddy justin lives oh it's so big the nether city is crazy wow wait you have wings now i became a demon boy yeah cool wait can you fly i'm flying next to my demon that this is awesome oh wow you must really like it in here oh this is cool wow it's really colorful i've never been in here before this is crazy yeah this is so cool i've never traveled to the nether city before well my dad is saying just because he's a demon doesn't mean that we do evil things and we have to protect another city from real monsters oh yeah there's some big siren head monsters here ah don't let them siren on us bro baby oh yeah i see we're doing good work even though we are demons yeah demons don't have to be bad they could be good yeah oofam oh yeah nice we cleaned up the city yeah this is so cool oh there's a donut shop back there i'm hungry i want some donuts guys you wait here i'll be right back i'm gonna go get some donuts for all of us all right cool you got money right yeah you do oh not really oh he's saying no one donut a hundred i don't have any money hey i'm hungry no hank don't block me off hey um justin how are you gonna get your donuts if you don't have money that guy was real mean can i borrow some money huh oh my dad's saying i don't need money i could just use my powers oh oh it feels real naughty oh wait your dad's saying you can use your demon naughty powers in order to get the donuts that's not good though i'm not saying i should he's just saying i can the decision's up to me so you're gonna choose to be evil to get the donuts not evil adam i'm just borrowing these and besides the guy blocked me out of his store hey listen you were mean you kicked me out of the store i'm gonna transform you into little rat wow oh that was fun but now i'm hanging out with my mom wow your angel mom do we get to go to the angel city we're going to the angel cloud city in disguise you can come with us all right cool wow oh man oh this is crazy there's a whale in the sky bro oh this is insane and there's a huge chicken and if you get a ride chill good because you can't fly like me and my mom yeah i don't have angel wings yeah you can ride the children wow give us a tour around mom angel justin oh man this is so much fun my mom's saying with the angel powers we can do all sorts of good things for people we can help people out and do all sorts of cool stuff oh yeah because angels like heal people right i guess so i adam loves teaching us okay wow this is a really big chicken what a nice chocolate chip okay it flew away my mom's saying we're going in here to help some people today adam oh there's a sick person in here oh man we're gonna help him man we're gonna use our magical powers yeah oh no way apparently they ate some poison berries no oh man can you heal them just use my magic powers catch the spell do it whoa harness your angel side you were born to do this i was half born to do this do it they're all better let's go awesome job man wow that wasn't me that was all my mom she taught me how to do that cool man i wish my mom could fly oh they're real excited nice have a good day wow my mom's awesome she's helped me out well it's tricky at him because my mom's helping us out she's helping people out but my dad also helped out because he was cleaning up the city the nether city right oh we just helped this guy from falling oh cool yeah okay what else can we do wow you're just saving people left and right yeah oh the chicken's gonna help you get out of here okay oh man adam now comes the final decision i gotta decide which parent i'm gonna go with i mean well i had a lot of fun on both but this is ultimately your decision i can't choose adam how am i supposed to choose between my dad and my mom yeah your dad's saying he really wants you to come with him but your mom's saying she really wants you to go with her oh adam i can't make this decision wait they say they're gonna have an epic angel versus demons flex off battle to see who i should go with oh man this is gonna be awesome they're gonna show you all the cool stuff demons and angels can do this is crazy whoa my mom has armor and she what is she doing she can make plants grow immediately wow that's amazing she got the gift of life bro in nature but wait your dad's firing back my dad called in a meteor is that rocky wow it's rocky yo that's crazy so they can both control nature but in different ways wow which one do you like better i don't know my mom's giving out a bunch of gems to these guys wow she's so nice oh that's so cool and my mom can make the cow fly wow she can get out of supply i'm leaning towards your mom wait my dad says he's not done yet he got some flexing powers oh oh he says he can rule the demon kingdom palace bro oh man he says everyone pays him bro oh oh this is crazy adam i got both half angel have demon inside me bro he's making fireballs rain from the sky wow my dad is really cool too he's real powerful i'll tell you what man i do not envy you this is a tough decision oh my mom's still flexing oh she got some little ghost buddies or something bro wait can they make enemies go away she can freeze the zombies wow i wish i had that power oh how do i choose between my dad and my mom made them if only there was some way you can have both of them oh i hate if it's too difficult and i must choose between my parents and staying here as a human with adam um you gotta make a decision dude what do you want to do oh what do i do my demon or angel or adam or my mom oh you gotta pick dude listen guys i decided i gotta stay here with adam i'm sorry dad i'm sorry mom i want to stay here as a human and hang out with adam and boxy and foxy and make all kinds of videos and entertain people on youtube oh wow do you mean it you're gonna pick me that's what i'm gonna do i'm picking you and foxy boxy rocky all of our friends and our subscribers that's what i'm picking bro wow cause all our subscribers are the best yeah they are oh thanks man what whoa huh i just woke up i adam i just had the craziest dream what wait all of that was a dream oh man adam i had a dream that i met my parents and they were angels and demons that was crazy i got to tell you and all my friends about it oh no way are you kidding me so your parents weren't actually real boxy foxy rocky i had the craziest dream ever oh yeah you guys are eating your cereal i made my doughnut i met my parents foxy that's crazy it must not be real justine wants to hit your head when you and anna were making a zero budget yeah i think that's what happened foxy yeah what did your parents look like oh they look like angels and demons wait a minute what i think i saw something in the window what was that bro wait it was just in your dream are you sure it was all just a dream guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe [Music] uh
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 3,380,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lankybox angel, minecraft, angel vs demon, minecraft angel vs demon
Id: 7IL1ueNcQWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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