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in this video we go from birth to death with sonic we start as babies and learn to run super fast as we grow up we meet tales and shadow and a lot of other fun characters however our parents get attacked by dr eggman an evil shadow and it's up to us to rescue them watch to the end of this video because as time goes by sonic and us turn into grandpas and we might actually oof let's go whoa what's happening wow we're babies i think we're baby chaos emeralds we're falling from the sky i'm the purple one you're the golden one like foxy boxy and there's a blue one following us who is that oh no way i mean chaos emeralds that's from sonic right oh man are we about to meet our parents we're little chaos emerald babies no way are we gonna be baby sonic blanky boxes bro wow this is awesome let's be our parents and we're little baby sonic lanky boxers and they're sonic oh this is awesome wow all three of us a little babies okay wow oh wow we get to run really fast our parents are giving us these amulets i guess these are like necklaces we're supposed to wear them oh yeah i guess when we put them on that we were able to run like super fast like sonic oh man this is so exciting let's try him out man oh wow look at us we're zipping and zooming all over the place we're three little baby sonics oh man we're bumping everything over this is awesome our parents are so cool oh wow i'm super quick now we're zooming i'm zooming whoa oh wait guys we're late for school oh man we grew up a few years now it's our first day of school zoom zoom um okay who do you think is the fastest between the three of us i bet i'm the fastest well actually sonic is probably the fastest but i think it's me what if we had a race to school okay i'll race you three two one go run wow sonic's really fast whoa sonic is zooming wow we're going from birth to death with sonny wow this is so cool sonic is so fast what the heck i can't catch him oh i'm in last place i know how to get ahead okay i see justin i'm going to i'm going to school and follow me i'm going to school oh okay for sure i'm going to school i'm going so fast i can't even control myself how i'm going to school i had to meet me at school all right i'll be there soon i just keep bumping into stuff i got to learn how to control my speed yeah control your powers adam oh yeah go to school i'm definitely going to school just kidding justin where are you taking a quick little stop at the dope we're not shopping no don't get distracted justin don't worry adam i can run fast i can still get to school on time oh yeah oh yeah justin donuts are not the rings from sonic hey adam donut tell me what to do nice we made this school it's our first day of school we made it on time after all because we're so fast all right awesome wow i wonder who our teacher is at this school whoa we're making new friends hey whoa it's tails and shadow what's up guys wow they're really nice to us we're making new friends at school on our first day this is exciting oh awesome we're big fans of you guys i wonder who our teacher is going to be adam um i don't know maybe it's like uh big sonic no way that would be cool oh man who's our teacher going to be does anyone know nobody knows that's weird oh it's dr eggman oh wow wait he's evil right well he seems nice right now he's our teacher for today i guess oh got it okay so dr eggman says it's the first day of class and he's telling us about the ultimate ring what is that bro oh he's saying that the person that has the ultimate ring is able to move faster than lightning what yeah dr eggman you're making up random stories everybody hey we're not listening to this guy he's a joker yeah but wait if someone did get the ultimate ring wouldn't they just be able to oof everyone yeah that's what i'm saying he's making stuff up yeah he's evil we should prank him throw away some children he's telling a bunch of fairy tales about mythical ultimate rings he's probably not real guys yeah that's fake yeah oh he's dr eggman so we throw the eggs at him man hey oh wow now we're a few years older when we're eating some pie wow we're chilling i'm eating a donut we're chilling at like a cafe together oh cool yeah i was just about to show you guys lanky box shop on my laptop here man we're getting older it's real nice adam oh what you got on the laptop oh um i was gonna show you guys some merch but it looks like i'm getting a call from our parents what we're getting to facetime wait wait they're saying that dr eggman took our parents what dog drag man's attacking our parents hey this is our house hey no no no no no we should have never pranked them oh that was years ago i had him that was on our first day of school that was like five years ago we gotta go home guys yeah he says he was trying to get the ultimate ring no dr eggman i should have known you were evil he's talking about that ultimate ring again oh no he's got evil robots all over the city dr eggman wait we should be able to beat these guys if we just oop them really quickly slower teamwork yeah there's three of us there's only two of them we can do it as long as they don't call it back up yeah and we're super fast because we got those amulets from our parents yeah we should be way too strong bro let's go back home come on sonic our parents are in trouble uh wait i i think i saw someone chasing after us that was kind of weird who could run as fast as us there must have been no one i don't know that was strange you're seeing things adam you're saying things oh man we gotta run back home oh we're so close wait there is definitely somebody following us adam ah who is it oh ah it's shadow but what wait he looks evil i think dr eggman brainwashed him it's evil shadow at 3 am no he's open sonic stop it shadow don't do this we're friends break out of the spell come on oh no this is not good we gotta get home we gotta get home to our parents ah shadow leave us alone this is very bad adam i don't like this at all all right where did our parents be they're at home man we gotta go home oh oh we lost shadow nice we lost him oh thank goodness okay okay let's go inside let's go home let's go home our parents okay no there goes mr eggman in his egg mobile oh man he's probably trapped our parents in there this is terrible i don't know it's okay at least we can chase him down wait shadow's running in a circle really fast why is he doing that what is he doing bro oh no ah he's starting a tornado he ran so fast in a circle he created a tornado hurricane no it's gonna lift us up we won't be able to follow dr eggman ah i can't outrun the tornado this is not run oh guys we're in the air this is not good it's gonna fly us somewhere crazy mom ted we will save you oh that was insane oh where are we bro sonic are you all right the tornado dropped us off in the middle of nowhere oh man if only we were faster we would have been able to outrun the tornado we have to get faster right we got to save our page we don't know how much time they have dr eggman my ufo uh yeah that's true wait i think the main reason we weren't able to beat shadow is we didn't work as a team true maybe if we work as a team this time we can beat shadow and snap him out of this brainwash teamwork makes the dream work guys we should make a trap to trap shadow oh good idea um yeah where are we gonna make the trap let's run over here and then we can build something to traffic this is gonna be real smart real big brain guys all right and then if we're able to snap shadow out of the brainwash he can help us defeat dr eggman too true or at least he can tell us why dr eggman took our parents yeah that's true okay let's build something right here i got an idea we can make a piece of glass it'll be so clear that shadow won't even see it and then we can make a trap right under it oh good idea yeah he'll be running so fast he'll just not even see it yeah this is genius all right now we just got a lure oh that's over hey shadow i bet you can't get us over here hey oh i'll close the lid close the lid he's stuck wow it worked great thinking we did it he's stuck shadow tell us why dr eggman took our parents okay he snapped out of it he's saying that our parents knew how to get the ultimate ring that thing that dr eggman was talking about was real yeah what where is the ultimate ring shadow tell us right now wait he's saying that our parents had the ultimate ring all along wait a minute adam remember when we were babies and we first met our parents and they gave us these necklaces yeah i feel like if you put all three of them together they make the shape of a ring oh yeah it's a third of the ring on each one of them what maybe we had the ultimate ring around our necks the whole time we're zooming we made it over to dr eggman's lair we created the ultimate ring we're running so fast that time is frozen guys wow so that's what happens when you have the ultimate ring you're literally faster than time itself look at this look at all of his henchmen they're all frozen in place because we're moving so fast awesome it looks like we're moving slow but we're actually moving so fast that they can't even move bro warp speed oh put it into hyper drive overdrive warp speed this is so cool this is nuts we gotta find our parents we're faster than the blink of an eye we have all the time in the world to find our parents because time is literally frozen wow that's so awesome that our parents literally gave us the ultimate ring when we were babies our parents are the greatest there they are hey mom hey dad breathe up oh cool uh they say that we gotta work together to get out of here okay guys don't worry there's literally no chance anyone catches us because we're running faster than speed of light itself that's true we should just head home because we got the ultimate ring oh oh there's dr eggman i'ma prank him real quick i'm gonna prank you oh what does he got i'm gonna take off his donut oh good thank you justin hey i got the ultimate ring and they're donuts yeah we had the greatest parents ever yeah wow oh man we're growing even older now bro yeah we're aging guys i guess you know we never did figure out who was the fastest out of all of us oh now we're older and we got kids wow hey grandpa justin you're my best friend oh i like doughnuts still yeah oh we're 99 years old and i heard that hedgehogs only live to a hundred we're gonna ooh i think this is [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 6,034,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, lankybox, sonic, sonic the hedgehog, birth to death
Id: HXAGZdrybl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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