Landscapes of Germany 📷Landscape Photography Documentary | Jaworskyj

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my name is Benjamin navorski photographer and adventurer and in this movie I'm on a photography road trip from the biggest island to the highest mountain in my home country Germany [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to take you on an adventure the adventure of the hunt for the one photo together that travel to the end of the world but you through the eyes of doubt Iike while the heat of Sahara I'm searching for spectacular landscapes wild animals and capture them on the tip of my camera for eternity its 6:59 early in the morning I'm at Eden and I want to go to the famous shark cliffs of balloon but for that I have to go through the dark forest and I hope that I find a path with a small torch I walk through the dark forest of the estimate National Park the smallest National Park in Germany here in the north of the country next to the Baltic Sea my journey begins for one week in autumn I travel all across Germany searching the most spectacular landscapes my home country has to offer dawn is breaking at the horizon make up the tip that there must be a stair somewhere leading down to the beach [Music] danger of landslides danger of falling branches beware falling rocks and never photographed that dangerous before in Germany so keep your eyes open down the small wooden stair I reach the sea and there they are the famous char cliffs of food [Music] it's sunrise in about 20 minutes but the skies pretty cloudy this morning and my chances to see the Sun below along the beach I look for a foreground amongst the landscape itself the most important thing in my images okay believe this on the rock and that is my foreground it was very hard this morning to find a good foreground there are several rocks around here there I always call it that baking stuff around here but it's not that cool to have it in the foreground the Sun was in that direction and was actually not that great this morning as well there were many clouds the sky was not changing color at all so I had to just use the cliffs itself and very strong foreground I then found that rock here which has a nice structure it's black and it's red but all by itself it's not strong enough so I remembered an old trick I used in the Black Forest where photographed in fall maybe three years ago and I just had that very yellow and very shining leaf and I just walked around that beach here and I found again a big yellow leaf it was the only one laying around I don't know from which tree it comes because I don't see that kind of tree it's a maple tree somewhere around here so it was kind of a sign for me to just use that yellow thing on that black and red rock and then everything is about timing because the waves hit pretty strong right now so I have to capture the shot before the waves hit the leaf and of course the cliff in the background everything together got me some very very wet feet but anyway the shot is nailed there's not much more than some small leaks of light this morning and I decide to go further along those mighty cliffs [Music] those char cliffs are around 60 to 70 meters high and they look very massive especially from the distance but when you get close and just try to scratch with your fingernail you see how soft everything is and that's why it's so dangerous to stand up there at the edge of the cliff because the cliff can fall down anytime and as well down here it's not the safest place to walk around now I'm meeting with the real Rudin expert and he will tell me why this Bay is called pirates Bay the thrill about photoset the sea is to capture the game of the waves but one thing is for sure you will get some wet feet there comes the wave fence all right when the sky is not that dramatic and not that interesting what I try to do is have a nice foreground in this case we have a perfect stone and the waves hitting that stone so for me the best moment to capture the photo is when the waves actually hit the rock when you want to capture the waves hitting a rock or just water hitting a rock what you need is the shutter speed I try to be between one thirds of a second and half a second in that case the water is not smooth so not super smooth but still a bit silky I would say so you don't have like small drops of water on the rock but yeah just movement and that is what is interesting in the foreground here so now the right timing I have to wait for the waves and when the waves are coming there comes one big wave now I hope I don't get any more wet I'm already pretty wet okay that comes and whoa that looks epic I'm meeting with Frank B - that he's the head of the town Ark - sasnett's and knows a lot about this region yeah forgiven off him shirt here that's the CDP Ratan Shukla my sizzle DP lavish looked at here nom naturally condom ligand didn't work sighs close further Becker on duty Yahoo not enough Damon cloud Rebecca own boots on folks held a clear data polyhedron and model and Hazuki MB I mean fought to film them with Klaus Rebecca incidents will bring Juan perón's of week via ham - Feliz are in the enclosure if I can train somebody Ahava here nightly humour - sir - sir Yasmin saying kilometer from here I thought tendency of Auschwitz on tasoula and Gabe Leakey born warden sign on here DP'd Rho of T ha T unarmed SB environment in Bushkin now sport on here and lank hair style Custer sinus etc later as we had a lyric I can get nominal in arm the game until designer shots of exam or DP Rakesh love designers I chose booked on an act I requested woman's Einar sets of commutators not look like common van morena go to get on a little Protestant there were real pirates in Germany who will know maybe we are really standing close to the treasures of pirates yatta-mecha the real chill can be find already on top of the chart cliffs the old beech forests belong to the nesco world nature heritage since 2008 on top of the chart cliffs you find that amazing beech forest which is especially in fall amazing to watch into photograph but here at the coast still everything is green [Music] the lighthouses said that Cape okona are still active today and lead the ships of the Baltic Sea their safe way [Music] food is the biggest island in Germany the landscapes clearly marked by the charmers [Music] [Applause] [Music] but also away from it you can find moles be Raghu's [Music] back on the mainland I Drive south east along the alleys and fields of mecklenburg-vorpommern land book and sexily here at next to the Czech border is the area of Sexson Switzerland and its most famous place the bust high bridge off lumen 1.5 million visitors come here every year as many as in no other part of a national park all over Germany when you want to take photos here all by yourself you need to get up very early or go to bed very late and I do both oh it's super dark right now the moon is behind the clouds somewhere over there and I will now go on the viewing platform over there there you can see the bridge and all the nice landscape and when the moon comes out again and I will get some very unusual shots the moon is fighting its way through the clouds and shines softly on the sandstone rocks [Music] I go to the viewed platform where a day hundreds of people pass but at this time of the day I'm all by myself [Music] even at night you can take amazing images of this landscape that look like they were made during day only with the light of the moon one of our toughest spots at the whole journey is the bus tie bridge because it's a very popular spot and a lot of people come here every day in huge buses big groups of tourists so final spots here and the time when you are all alone is pretty hard here at the vast average but what I thought about is today is full moon so why don't we use the full moon as our light source in photograph at night as if it would be day but only with the moon and not with the Sun and that's what I just tried out and it works perfectly so that's a great example of doing things different to take images that nobody has you need to do things that nobody does time to go to bath [Music] because the next morning I'm awake early again and look for an image along the bridge away from the other photograph us they're up this morning as well early in the morning I maybe slept for four hours or something and it was totally worth it because tonight I already photographed at the viewing platform up there and right now there are plenty of photographers because it's a nice spot in the morning the Sun is rising right there but because I was there already while it was dark while the full moon was up and I could already take some great pictures there I decided to just change position and don't go there where all the people going in the morning so I just go in the wrong direction right now because Sun is rising there and there's the Bastile bridge so it's pretty clever because all the people are there and I am right here and I have a perfect view nobody around and actually the colors in this direction are very cool [Music] the Sun is rising slowly and I walk along the metal bridges of the remainings of Castle Nova it was first mentioned 800 years ago but there's not much left today because it was mainly built of wood this landscape seems to be from another world it's totally crazy just look at the tree here in the background it's growing out of a heavy rock and it's banding just like this it's a perfect picture to take and right now the Sun comes from this direction so it lights the tree from the side just like a painting or something the only thing I have to do is just hit the shutter and bam burn the image on this Enzo the only thing it's very very high here and you stand on the bridge and when you are afraid of height and don't look it down I'm shaking in my knees and I'm not afraid of height usually but it's just that small old bridge here so better don't look down there Saxon Switzerland got its name from two artists from Switzerland that visited this area centuries ago and felt like home with all those hills and rocks [Music] the bus tie bridge is named after the big rock on that it was built and you might think that it's from medieval times but it was only constructed in 1851 when they remove the old wooden tourist bridge the light is still goats and I decides to visit the king of le a short moment is left to enjoy the sounds of nature [Music] [Applause] [Music] before the parking lots are filling and it's time for me to move on to the west of the country [Music] one of the most beautiful castles in Germany in contrast to the castle of Manhattan the castle else is still in good shape a piece of medieval history he was Island fights early in the morning the night was short because the drive to the book elf was very very far and longer than we expected because we were in the east of Germany in the very east of Germany and then drove almost to the very west of Germany and that was quite a distance but anyway now we are here it's after sunrise already and we have beautiful fall colors around here I now looked for maybe different perspective than just the total point of view right in front of the big castle I wanted to capture the castle more from the side then it appears a bit bigger because from the front you have the big door there and that blocks a lot from the castle so here from the side you have a very good view and you of course see a lot of the landscape what I want to capture as well I want to have the castle with the landscape all together what I look for when I take photos is always a foreground especially in landscape photography and tea and fall a very good foreground usually our fall color so bushes or trees with a nice color and in this case I picked that rat you're almost orange to red bushier in the foreground and my extra tip for that is if you want to capture nice colors especially in fall use a polarizer filter because I show you a photo not without a polarizer of the same situation and now the same photo with the polarizer and as you can see the colors are amazing with the polarizer so much rat so much more rich color and yeah that's just great to capture fall photos what I now do I just walk around a bit and try to capture some different perspectives try to do some framing with a nice fall colors and let's see what we can find around here [Music] posing ly the castle rises up [Music] what it might look like from inside Germany is famous for fairy tales and especially the fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and this Carson the background totally looks like from a fairy tale and now go inside and meet with the people actually living there and of course I want to know how to become resident of such an amazing place over 800 years the elds cars for his family aunt of the pearls not living here anymore today's residents of a so-called Castille arts their job is to manage the castle on its businesses with one of them I meet today no become of pockets the graph won't has ever niche of the book else unless majaniek was easy that's Castille and recommended su casa la nouvelle i can discuss talents okay van here Castellana on if you have a human studium finance yet and round would then run from craft net i'm respond Oh our patient has I had to here right at supplied and yeah Chatham Sheila Polk Philippe he's known in castellón zone 100 walk on fine and good dream this could be like a drum if bingo started nine cinnamon that fiend arctic al children here pockets and happen at your studious bad anomeric carbon vida when as castle on our bodies etc inside the castle you get an idea how it must have been to live here in the past eight hundred years night are want hunting trophies of pastimes [Music] amazing to explore German history [Music] I now changed my perspective and I'm at a viewing platform looking down on the castle and when you are photographing in a place where a lot of tourists are which are there actually because it's in the middle of the day right now then I have a good trick for you just use a strong ND filter in my case it's a ten stop and default and you have to imagine that like a very dark sun glasses or very dark pair of sunglasses in front of your lens and because of that you can make it very long exposure so one photo takes around and I just start the exposure right now takes around maybe one or two minutes and in the one or two minutes all the people that are moving down there are not visible anymore and that's a great trick especially in a very crowded place like it is right now so while I'm talking the image is actually taking and when people are standing at one place it does not work so people actually have to move but usually it's very crowded very busy and when you expose long enough it will work definitely and if it does not work just take several images and then stack them afterwards in your image editing software and that's also a very good trick that I can recommend you when you want to photograph in a place like this [Music] [Music] I Drive for the south to the famous Black Forest Germany's biggest and highest coherent mountain ranges time seems to pass different here the Black Forest is famous in the whole world not only for its nature but of course for the cuckoo clocks the right behind me is the biggest cuckoo clock in the world but that's not the reason I'm here today I want to visit the waterfalls and next village through a tunnel I drive along the German cockroach [Music] I'm in the black forest at the teabagger waterfalls the highest situated waterfalls in Germany right behind me you can already see a 10 to 15 meter high waterfall but that's not the only one there are several stages along the footpath and that's what I will do now I will just go up to the footpath and see what I can find that because usually the smaller waterfalls are the good one to photograph 163 meters the waterfalls over the different steps [Music] whether you start with that many waterfalls [Music] I now chose a higher perspective right next to the footpath but without any fences and without any metal things and that's usually the issue you have when you are at tourist locations where a lot of people come through every day there are a lot of safety things around they are artificial and especially in landscape shots they don't look too good so I always look for different perspectives and especially perspectives without anything in the frame that should not belong there from a landscape perspective and right here I have the waterfall in the right-hand side of the image and some nice other plans and the left-hand side of the image so you have something to look around actually when you take a look at the final image and yeah take some time to just watch the image and that's always my goal that you actually can't just spend some time and enjoy the image you've taken [Music] not only waterfalls you can photograph but as well wildlife almost wildlife they're wild birds and wild squirrels but they're super used to humans and especially to peanuts they are crazy for peanuts so when I have a peanut in my hand the chances are high that a bird comes and just grabs the peanut from your hand or that a tiny little squirrel comes down the tree and goes to you climbs up your leg and wants to steal just like a monkey or something your peanuts so that is very cool for photography because they come very close so I chose to pick a wide-angle lens so 60 millimeters is a very wide angle and then I tried the burst mode and a very fast shutter speed and then yeah just wide-angle wildlife shots of the squirrel that worked pretty cool but as well from the bird and few shots I could take with the peanut on my hand but then too many people were around and the birds were gone [Music] blazingly fast The Nutcracker birds catch the nuts and if you're lucky even out of your hands real flight artists the squirrels are shy at first but the more relaxed you are to sit down the closer they get and catch the nuts to hide them for the upcoming winter [Music] I'm now standing at another who altar fall here at the three Vega waterfalls and this one Falls pretty nice because I usually like it when it's just one big flow and not too much of disturbance in the waterfall itself the only issue here is and the only difficulty is that the water sprays from the waterfall in my direction so I need a very good timing and of course a tissue and with that microfiber tissue thing here I just clean my lens hit the shutter and take the shot and just in a small amount of time it's enough that I have a clean and very crispy and saturated image my settings right now are f16 1/2 to 1 of a second and ISO 100 and right now I don't use an ND filter because I don't need an ND filter with that soft light coming from the top it's a cloudy day we are right next to a mountain so the Sun is behind that mountain and we get a very good and very great light from waterfall photography the teabag waterfalls are one of the most famous waterfalls in Germany and they have my farm of the only ones here in the Black Forest area even though I'm on the road for several days in late autumn I was quite lucky with the weather so far hopefully it stays like this [Music] I'm leaving the Black Forest heading south block by yachts and Lake Constance [Music] to the border of Austria and Bavaria [Music] I'm in the south of Germany now in Bavaria and here we have huge mountains crystal-clear lakes and a lot of clouds today I hope they don't bring any rain I shouldn't have said anything nonetheless I tried to take one or two images before the rain starts that will stop soon anyway [Music] I'm here at my most favorite spot at the hint of Z in a jam though they are those rocks in the water and they're actually trees growing on that rock and that looks just amazing for a photo but today we are not that lucky with the weather the forecast says rain all day and it just started to rain right now so yeah I just figure out what it will be like and then I must take a decision if I take more photos or if I just go inside somewhere but right now it looks like the rain is coming in I go back to my car get some coffee it will stop soon or it won't it's raining heavy outside so I just went in good old very untraditional restaurant and when you are in Germany you definitely need to eat cast batson or cast knocking or Cache spaetzle depending on in which region you are in Germany and it's actually macaroni and cheese but better I would say it's just noodles and onion and a lot a lot of cheese as you can see oh yeah that's what it should look like and of course what you need to drink is beer that's the traditional German drink [Music] if you want to know if your kid spit slug good just take your fork and put it inside and if it stays there and it's good well at least stays there for time as a photographer you can't change the weather but you can change what you would photograph and how you photograph and I just had an idea while I was eating I have my underwater case with me and an underwater case saves my camera from wetness so when I'm underwater it's all wet and actually it's the same with the rain it's wet so this is my huge XXL rain protection with that I'm now photographing but I don't want to do a usual landscape shot it's an underwater housing so what I do now I want to capture an epic over an underwater landscape shot I have no idea if it actually works or if it does not work maybe it's too dark because the very cloudy day but then the rain is no problem for me wetness is no problem I can see in the crystal-clear lake because that's very cool here at those mountain lakes and I have half the image with under the water surface and half the image with over the water surface the mountains the clouds and maybe the rain in the pouring rain and walk to the lake in five minutes later I'm soaking wet but I don't mind it doesn't get any wetter anyway but it ain't get easier either I tried the underwater housing with the water but the problem is that it rained since this morning and because of the ongoing rain the crystal-clear water is not that crystal clear anymore it's kind of milky so I don't see much under the water surface and that's bad if you want to do an under and over water shot but it looks like the rain will move for maybe 10 or 15 minutes it's much less rain than just five minutes ago so there's still a chance that I can take the shot but it's not the easiest conditions but giving up it's not enough [Music] such a weather is nothing unusual in a mountain area the clouds gather and drain down that can take some time but I did not travel all the way to only drink coffee and beer it actually stopped to rain a bit and so I have the idea that it's maybe just milky here next to the land and not more in the water so when I try and typical landscape photographer style take off the shoes take off your socks and go into the cold water and I think it's that cold right now wish me luck because there the rain is coming already again what a day the hint as is 18 meters deep gets not warmer than 16 degrees Celsius and summer let's go right now it's more like 5 degrees air and water temperature it's not that cold it's like that cold dick the water appeared much shallower from the shore it's over my niece already okay the tough part I don't see what I photograph I sit on the rock and need to hold my camera halfway on the water take a photo take a look take a photo take a look with this weather [Music] what I do for over and underwater shots I have a big dome port with an underwater housing that's what I usually use for diving a big dome port is a great thing I'm very wide angle like in landscape photography 16 millimetres on full frame because of the big dome port here I have like this point here with the surface and this point here with the underground so with with everything under the water surface and with just the normal plane port like with the normal lens it's just like that big and I have a small area with the top and with under the water surface so big dome port is always great if you want to take under and over water shots but it's very difficult in that situation here and I hope that I get a bit of yeah the clouds moving away that I get more light because when the Sun comes from top and the light comes from top it's much brighter under the water surface and you have a better visibility and a better image quality in the end those may not be the best conditions but it was worth a try anyway all right there was some tough challenge I'm warm now I feit a super cold now it's time for me to go out and yeah heat up a bit and take a look at the photos because actually I didn't see what I photographed was just feel and shoot but I think there's some images there right now it starts to rain again so let's get back there are stones everywhere [Music] those feet a coke just when I was out of the water the rain started again it's like all the rain that has been spared the last days is coming down today for my sake then let's do it with rain isn't it that dramatic weather that makes this time of the year and scenery so exciting I'm heading west along the border of Bavaria to my last stop the souk pizza the highest moment in Germany [Music] front of the Suk's pizza is the IHC just like the hint is e it has a fantastic watercolor and panorama and the best part it's not raining [Music] I stand here at the opposite side of the lake because here I have a nice view on the Zugspitze there's already snow on the mountaintop so when we go up there I think it will be very cold but it's a nice sunny day or it will be a nice sunny day and therefore I'm here very early most of the people aim for sunrise but for me landscape photography usually my goal especially in the mountain area is to photograph before sunrise because when the Sun is rising it has to go over the mountaintop or over the treetops depending how close you are to the edges and then usually the Sun is too strong I want the soft light the very colorful light before sunrise therefore I have to be very early at the location take a look at all the different possibilities I have here and then be very fast and that's the curse about landscape photography you stand there you wait there for the right light you have to walk in the dark and all the stuff and it might be very relaxing a lot of times but then when the light is great you have to be super fast and super accurate so what I do then is make one shot one shot one shot portrait mode landscape mode a bit more to the ground a bit more off then go over to the next spot different for ground maybe some tree in the foreground then different perspective maybe with the light and not against the light in just that small five to ten minutes and time window I have there [Music] along the lake I find more spots and reflections to photograph [Music] getting up early was totally worth it we had around five to ten minutes some really colorful crazy light and still some time left before the Sun goes all over the trees there and in the distance I can see small island so let's go there the assassin insula is one of eight islands in the lake they were created during a massive landslide 3,500 years ago [Music] the lake is privately-owned 1884 are was tanning up the lake at an auction for ten thousand gold mark and build the gas tiles at the Eastern Shore today's IP Hotel [Music] then it now one of the most beautiful lakes in Germany what an amazing moment and a perfect example for photography it's a lot of planning it's a lot of small time spaces but in the end it's luck as well because I wanted to photograph just the island and then I discovered a nice framing tree on the left the tree on the right the nice reflection of the souq spritzer in the lake and from the left as well the land from the right the land so perfect allover framing and then suddenly the Sun was coming up behind the mountain and was just giving a nice shine and over the mountain peak and now it's totally out and yeah it's the last moment when I can take the photos and actually the Sun is on the crossing point of my grid so what an amazing composition but yeah it's luck because I thought the Sun actually was rising they're not there but that's what landscape photography is all about I now turned off all my filters I don't want to use a polarizer filter I don't want to use a graduated filter the graduated filter wouldn't work here anyway because it's too bright you might get some reflections you get more lens flares when you use filters and of course you see dust and spots and all the stuff more when you use several filters and several different glass things so for me it's just 2 or 3 minutes longer and then it's done and time for us to go on the highest point in Germany and enjoy the view over the whole country but first of all I have to change my clothes because it will be freezing cold and snow is on the top [Music] for around 50 euro you can get a ticket for the cogwheel railway and reach the to quit splat in 45 minutes [Music] the sun is shining and the snow is reflecting heavily here at 2500 metres above sea level [Music] our journey through Germany is almost done there's snow up here already but we are not at our goal yet the highest point in Germany that sucks pizza is up there with the cableway we reach the peak at 2960 two meters above sea level the highest mountain in Germany spectacular the view from up here is unfortunately not that spectacular we are now at the souk Spitzer the highest point in Germany but you don't see much from that because there's a huge construction work going on here everywhere is just equipment and you don't see much up here we try to climb down a small letter which was very icy because of the snow and down there was like railing maybe with the ice like this hi so one wrong step and one kilometer down so not the safest place to take photos and I always say safety first so we go down now again to the souk spits plot where we were before and I try to capture there nice photo maybe some great mountains with the Sun as a star or something so let's go down again while I Drive down again I reflect the past days exciting how different Germany can be the Sein pirates knights and castles waterfalls and forests lakes and moms [Music] and just as diverse as the landscape is the colors of autumn where the beech forests in the north where lush green was the mountains in the South were covered in Slough already [Music] my journey through Germany comes to an end I was able to experience the beautiful sights of my home country I wish that more people go out and explore the neighborhood go out and explore nature go out and of course take the one or the other photo to capture this moment for eternity [Music] not the highest point in Germany but almost I made my way now through the snow to that platform here right next to the main tourist attraction now we'll take some more photos here what a crazy week we had we started at the Baltic Sea in the very north of Germany and we are now in the south with nice view over the mountain snow everywhere it's still fall that's quite a lot the Germany has to offer from a landscape perspective my name is Benjamin navorski this is hashtag have a ski route the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I hope you enjoyed this episode of around the world in Germany what was your favorite part in this documentary write it in the comments below and if you want to see more of this format in the future hit thumbs up and of course share the video with as many people as you can the more people watch the video the more we can make videos like this and maybe share the video with a photography magazine as well sent them the link or to Netflix or to Amazon to tell them we want to see something like this on your platform and yeah I really appreciate your help and it was a lot of work and a lot of effort in this project big shout out to my whole team you saw everybody in the final credits and yeah see on the next video thanks a lot
Channel: Benjamin Jaworskyj
Views: 121,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography documentary, docu, landscape photography europe, landscape photography germany, landscape photography tutorial, photography tutorial, benjamin jaworskyj, landscape photographer, best landscape photographer, netflix, amazon prime, nat geo, national geographic, epic, beautiful landscapes, nature documentary, germany, travel, vacation, german photographer, instagram, bavaria, photo locations, sony, sony camera, best camera, 2018, landscape photography tips, jaworskyj
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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