Sunrise Landscape Photography Shoot in the Welsh Mountains

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today's video is sponsored by squarespace if you need a website called forward slash heaton well good morning everybody and welcome to another video it's currently 4 30 a.m always steamy so the walk that we're doing this morning um it's a big one it's about just shy of a thousand meters it's gonna be cold it's gonna be dark it's gonna be crisp but hopefully the rewards will be there we'll see [Music] so give you a quick update we are just over halfway in terms of distance and elevation and i am one hour in so that's very good news worst thing in the world with sunrise shoots is rushing you know chasing the light it's pretty cold but surprisingly it isn't getting any colder as i'm getting higher i think actually it's set to get warmer as i go higher and the cold air remains in the valleys [Music] so [Music] [Music] sorry sorry guys i had to get that b-roll i had to there's no there's no reason for me to be up here no reason other than that little clip [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so i'm now shooting north towards a an iconic peak a beautiful peak that i would love to climb so i'm going to do that one day but this is trafan so i've got this as my main subject supported by another kind of rocky outcrop just to the right it's a nice composition beautiful colors nice lights from the from the eastern sky which is getting brighter by the second there's just one thing i don't like about it we've got patchy snow just here in the foreground and that's in the bottom of my frame and man it's just it's just not quite i don't know i think it might not be too bad but at the minute i'm looking at this thinking yeah that's quite bad it's just a distraction but anyway still beautiful composition so we'll grab this f11 i'm focusing on trifan which is the mountain gonna work quickly gotta work quickly [Music] all right i'm gonna move on um i probably will calm down once i get a couple more images but i'm just running around trying to well it's just so changeable i can't keep still all right so my camera and me actually are in a very precarious situation either of us make a wrong move with toast did i mention i've got an affiliate link for photo guard 10 off camera insurance anyway there we go there's my little plug over love this composition i'm on i'm going to scramble a grade one scramble i decided not to come up this in the dark when it was icy forgive me in fact when i get back to the van i'll show you the route that i came up and give you all the details but for now i forget the name of the scramble but don't off make for a good composition we've got jagged pointy rocks on the right we've got trafan on the left leading sweeping round the light is beautiful and in fact i'm thinking rather than run around like a madman i'll get the shot now but i'm thinking i might also when the sun comes up and get light on these rocks get it then as well i'll i'll probably run around like a madman and get one another in between oh wow sun's coming up now okay i'm staying here then [Music] [Music] that's so sketchy up here man literally standing on nothing ah so sun is beginning to come up and it's casting its light on these rocks they're on the right hand side of my composition it's a shame we don't have more going on in the sky but i can't ask for everything can i so i'll probably in fact i'll tell you what i'm going to do yeah because the sun's coming up we're going to get whoa whoa whoa gotta be so careful gotta get uh we're gonna get a lens flare possibly so pop on my lens hood and that'll do don't think it's on properly but it'll do okay you can see god jesus you can see the light the light is now on the rocks beautifully yeah man this is great i'm gonna continue to shoot this now and we'll pop the image on screen ah it's just absolutely lovely f 16 by the way f 16. [Music] [Music] oh man i can't resist i can't resist these layers sun's well and truly up now but yeah really can't resist uh getting a shot of this all right 100 to 200 lens going on i find that when it's really bright like this it helps a lot to actually look through the viewfinder and not the screen 16 by nine composition here beautiful absolutely i mean so simple there is nothing to this f-16 shooting the layers straight towards the sun fantastic [Music] there's no denying that this is a beautiful spot mind you it's an effort to get here but i tell you what it is not video friendly it's so difficult to film wow the photography because we're basically a lot of the time we're just precariously balanced on boulders so placing the camera moving around around this camera and picking you up and moving you yeah not always the easiest all right this one is is almost certainly going to benefit from a polarizer because there's quite a lot of haze in the background and i'm hoping in opening hoping that it's going to give me uh it's going to give me a much darker sky and a bit more detail in the in the distant background so we'll get this on oh that really makes a difference wow okay so i've taken a shot without the polarizer and now i'm just taking one with the polarizer and i will show you the difference but it really there's cloud or temperature inversion off in the distance you see the top of the cloud's beautiful the polarizer really brings out that cloud detail so here we go f11 focusing on my subject which are these jagged pinnacle rocks two second timer square composition and there we go what an absolute morning what a morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh man well what a hike are you steaming up it's really cold those there was frost on the windscreen before so um really icy coming down actually yeah that walk was great i'll give you some statistics um so i've been out exactly six hours uh from leaving the van this morning to uh coming back to the van this morning now the total distance now bear in mind there's a lot of faffing on with the summit with walking around looking for compositions and uh filming as well so go back and forth with the camera but total distance uh covered was 7.34 miles and that was obviously in six hours and total ascent 894 meters a cent so i followed the advice in all of the guidebooks for this hike um and they all advised this route which takes about three hours and i'll show you the route on my phone uh it took me two hours 17 minutes and that's with filming and a bit of messing around on the summit so yeah three hours is being very very generous and um yeah you're definitely not going to miss the light if you allow three hours and you can take it nice and easy this is the route that i did obviously starting off at the national trust center and then around and then up to the summit uh it's a nice easy route the most challenging part actually is at the very beginning where you come up to this lake uh just here that's the most challenging bit now the path is good most of the way but it does kind of the path does disappear in places and it kind of disappears into boulder fields and then starts again in maybe 30 or 40 meters so navigating at night time if you've never done it before um it's easy to lose the path i lost the path about three or four times and the worst area by far for that happening is coming over this saddle the saddle between trifan and i believe it's glider fact or glitterfact please let me know in the comments i don't know my pronunciation of this peak but this saddle here you know you can i lost the path a few times but you realize you've lost the path and then a few minutes later you pick it up again so not a problem in daylight but all in all you know two and a half hours if you relatively fit shouldn't be a problem at all and it's it's very very easy to navigate not much chance of getting lost so that's good um so there we go that was the route beautiful days photography loved it absolutely loved it now i'll just finish with a quick message from today's sponsor which is squarespace if you don't know who squarespace are well they're an all-in-one website building platform so if you're a photographer and you're getting steamed up just like that yeah if you're a photographer and you want your own website and you want a nice professional design an online gallery and online store your own domain uh you can do it all through squarespace you don't need any web coding experience at all no computer skills just web browser drag drop maybe a few youtube videos to give you a helping hand along the way or just use squarespace's 24 7 customer service and they'll help you out uh yeah if you fancy that go forward slash heaton give it a free try and if you like that free trial use the off code heat and for 10 off your first purchase all right guys thanks for joining me on this one and i will see you all next time [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Thomas Heaton
Views: 65,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, outdoor photography, landscape photography tutorial, landscape photography in the field, photography tips, best photo locations, how to landscape photography, hiking, outdoors, camper van, vanlife, mitsubishi delica, delica van conversion, fujifilm, gfx 50r, medium format photography
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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