Landscape Photography when DISASTER STRIKES (twice!)

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Oh and every now and again we just get that rogue wave that comes all the way up I'm soaked I think this is the fun of it though isn't it [Music] morning guys welcome to this week's blog but it's a bit of a mishmash Alberto be honest I'm not stee creepier in Hartlepool which is in Northumberland on the northeast coast of England just in case you didn't know and I'm here well to shoot the Pierre bit of a mishmash though because I came here last night the sunset I didn't do much vlogging because I just arrived pretty much as the Sun was dipping down and I wanted a rush around grab some shots also I had a bit of a major incident last night which is a bit of a pain all those shots I took last night I combined them in this vlog today so you're going to get some sets and price vlog this week you can see me through this damn secret that I always seem to attract every time I go photographing on the north east coast of England and hear me over these damn waves I'm about to introduce you to Steve Lee Pier in Northumberland [Music] I need to stop the video right now I've had a disaster I've had a major major disaster now I'm trying to put more work in my productions which means I tend to arrive earlier I tend to leave later I include more b-roll I'm trying to up my game in post-production anyway you get the message so let me tell you the tale on Monday I arrived in the Northeast and I arrived in plenty of time because I wanted to do a sunset shot which this is what I never do I wanted to do a sunset shot and then stay overnight and into a sunrise shot in the morning and make two separate vlogs so I'm all pumped up I'm all excited and for once the weather was pretty much in my favor I arrived at Steve Lee pier and you've seen some of the b-roll that I've taken I'm sure you agree to a beautiful place I'm sure lots of you I've actually been there and photographed it anyway ladi Dadi down I started taking some b-roll started taking some you know the typical walking shots and so on and so forth and everything was going fine grab me drone flew me drone out right to the end of the pier and back spun it around the pier did all sorts of fancy stuff came back some nice aerial shot some nice overhead shots so far so good I then decided in my infinite wisdom to actually fly the drone along the water's edge not out to sea but along the water's edge so keeping it all fairly safe at this point but I wanted to fly under the pier now don't get me wrong the pier is not 2 foot square area to fly through it's quite vast in the stanchions there's a lot gap between them anyway so I flew it nice and safe as I started to fly I made sure I stood on the edge of the water as well so I'm looking straight down the line to make sure there's no issues at all with it flying slowly under the pier all of a sudden I'm flying had just arrived at the pier there was a and it dropped like wow like his sack is stones straight in the water and at this point as you can imagine it's a thousand-pound drone panic sets in and I hope by the way don't do this I know it's only in two feet of water but the waves were quite quite horrendous so like a Berk hi I just won straight into the ocean now don't get me wrong you know it's August so the weather too weather's not bad so that the waters not exactly freezing cold I'm not gonna die of hypothermia within 30 seconds but like a bird I run straight into exactly the point where I saw it drop into the water water and I'm I'm skirt wrapped and the waves were coming up when I'm absolutely drenched right through oh I didn't film it unfortunately but what an absolute disaster anyway long story short it's gone it's gone is gone is gone and to make it worse that's the second one in 12 months it suffice to say the wife's not happy ah nightmare has that ever happened to you so all those beautiful b-roll shots [Music] no more [Music] a very clearly chalky through my composition and the sea is coming right up at this moment in time for optimal metal railing solitudes of support good point I've got that elite in line complementing that with a leading line obviously of the pier going all the way out on the left-hand side of the pier which is it properly a little bit unusual for most people I'm guessing we'll probably take the shot from the right-hand side simply because the pier on an edge you don't know what so on the left-hand side which is probably a little bit unusual but M reason why I've done that is because the Sun is rising over on the right-hand side of the pier just over there somewhere but fortunately the Sun is now up is ten minutes after sunrise but apart from a nice blue sky a couple of orange II think he was still remaining in the sky but that's it really important Oh but every now and again we just get that rogue wave that comes all the way up [Music] well very savvy that's it that problem some dunk with sunrise shots it's like depending on the light you can quite literally be done in ten minutes which is nice but it can also be quite frustrating because the potential here it's absolutely huge I'm still only on the one side of the pier and as you can see across there now it's literally 13 or 15 minutes that's it I can't do anymore Sun is above the horizon is breaking that cloud line Hey finish to our journey app mr. point literally 15 or 20 minute work I think I've got one or two nice shots go but from what [Music] I don't just want to finish yet to extend my shooting time what I've decided to do is actually come to the right-hand side of the pier the sodas up but it's actually it's so bright now I'm struggling to look into this camera it's only can't see myself on that screen but what I've done now is I've come to the right-hand side knowing that the right-hand side of the pier will be lit up by that Sun so all I'm going to do is aim away from the Sun without stating the obvious shield myself on this screen here what actually physically take a picture come with my settings at f11 at ISO 100 I've managed with my 10 stopper on there to create a 30-second exposure that's more interesting for composition we've got them what they are holes to get up in the water shall we take obviously supports at some point probably prefer a really old here we use the noses for ground Internet I really I want to get closer to them but I can't these wages coming up never done again there's a rogue wave that comes up all the way up and I have to rush on to the bank so it's been a bit of a challenge this shoot [Music] I'm so desperate to extend my shooting time that I'm hunted round looking for different compositions and I know this is nothing new you could tell by the actual wear and tear on the floor that this is probably an iconic shot to take I haven't done any research online I'm guessing maybe everybody takes this shot I'm not really sure but I'm right on the end of the pier zoom quite in quite a distance gap as you've probably seen some of the pictures earlier on with a gap of about a third of the whip yeah so I've thrown the zoom in there's about 100 mil and 5 mil and use that as part of my lead in line and I just think it looks quite nice it's really central got the horizon on the bottom 3rd 2/3 go because that sky at the moment it's delightful to the worst-case scenario at this present moment of time which would make for a really nice grungy black-and-white so my settings in camera iso 100 f11 pretty standard on my shutter speed is had a 30 second exposure with my 10 stopper in there I'm not discovering anything new here absolutely not but while you're here why not shoot did you like it I think this will be quite nice and I might even opt for a different perspective and fun get as low down on this clear as I possibly can you can actually get onto the pier well you might be able to have your young and fit and healthy but see clearly I'm not going to get on that [Music] I forgot to mention the reasons why my drone crashed on closer inspection and obviously when the tide went out the I realized that where the drone had actually flown under the pier there was a very small cord just hanging down a very small cord very thin piece of wire that was hanging down from top of the pier and obviously it's too small to be detected by the anti-collision stuff that's built into the Maverick Pro and and obviously I couldn't see it I was only I don't know 20 30 feet away that's all I couldn't see either so that's a reason why it simply must have just hit tangled and then just crashed like a sack of spuds straight into the ocean and that's it also I stayed for about four hours for the the sea to quote the tide to go out and I was looking and looking and looking and even worse still so if you imagine now I've gone home broken the news to the wife yeah she wasn't best pleased if I'm perfectly honest because it's the second one in 12 months and we even then went out for a meal and one o'clock in the morning at the tides lowest point we both went back to strictly fear god knows what we must have looked like for any strangers that were walking by the tools were torches on wood we just basically scoured the whole place so if anybody comes across a Matic pro while you're walking around that area then it's mine I wouldn't want my card back but there you go and and and let me just justify very quickly the reason why I lost my first drone about I haven't strictly lost it as such but I was flying it through a canyon in the Isle of Skye you guys a canyon between the mountains that it'd look really nice did a nice sweep but then it went out range like they normally do so I press my return to home button now I think I can safely assume that some eight or nine months later that it's probably never going to come home but that's lost as well you
Channel: Gary Gough (Pro Photographer)
Views: 21,861
Rating: 4.9179268 out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, landscape photography tutorial, photography tips, landscape photography vlog, photography, landscape photography tips, landscape, photography vlog, camera settings, long exposure photography, photography for beginners, gary gough, exposure triangle, aperture, long exposure, seascape photography, seacscape, Steetley Pier, Steetley Pier Landscapes, Steetley Pier Landscape Photography, Northumberland Landscapes, best settings landscape photography
Id: gySuCSrgahI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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