I discovered this AMAZING technique...by accident!

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[Music] danger do not proceed when these posts are in water that's scary isn't it imagine driving down here and you can't just get submerged in water that would not be ideal so sunderland point for anyone that's local you will know this area notorious for quick changing tides with the loon estuary and it's got this causeway road i've never been down here before definitely never driven down here and the tight is low tide at the minute i could have come down in the car just not having it i just don't fancy it you know um on top of that i want to get my steps in and this is going to give me probably an extra mile of walking so we've got the nikon d7200 of course and we're gonna get stuck into a bit of handheld photography now the conditions are amazing i don't know if you can see it's really foggy and which wasn't forecast it was meant to be just a an overcast dull boring day we're about three hours till sunset so we've got tons of time down at sunderland point at the loon estuary that comes out into morgan bay we should have loads of little fishing boats and stuff like that so if these conditions stick around we could get some awesome photographs so before we move on i want to grab a quick shot here look at this beautiful channel here um this as you're looking at it there just sums up this area sunderland point these gorgeous salt marshes and these kind of little rivers these channels that cut through meander around the landscape it's absolutely glorious and i hope you can tell this is something i've been loving recently is uh subtle light this is a perfect example of it so you don't always need you know real direct sunlight on the land to call it light you know it's really cloudy today it's foggy we definitely haven't any got any direct sunlight but here is a perfect example so if you look there look at the shadows on this riverbank here but then just above it there we've got highlights very subtle but very very pleasing at the same time and by the time i've took a shot um press the shutter button and got one in the can we're going to capture all of these amazing subtleties here look you can see over there look at all the contours on the sand it's just giving us shadows and highlights absolutely beautiful so the composition is pretty much as you're going to see it there really nice and simple except from the fact we're using the 16 to 35 millimeter lens on the nikon d7200 so it's not going to be quite as wide as you're looking at it there but definitely very very simple so first things first i'm going to lock in the focus one third of the way in back button focus bang focus is locked in lovely and now apart from the obvious things like exposure and focus there's two things i want to make sure right here firstly is i want to make sure the horizon is level so i'm going to use the electronic level there on the screen you can see there this doesn't matter too much i mean it's easily sorted in post but if you can get it right out on location you might as well and secondly i'm using the rule of thirds so again you don't need to be too over the top about it but it's something that i like to follow and so it doesn't need to be perfect especially in this case but because it's a straight horizon it works really well in this instance in my opinion so the river's cutting in from the bottom left-hand side of the composition and we're shooting an iso 100 f8 and 160th of a second so let's get that one in the can now absolutely class so wonderful first image to start off the day um and yeah it definitely tells the story of this landscape so far these beautiful salt marshes these gorgeous meandering rivers hopefully more of that to come let's crack on [Music] right so i'm just going to stop quickly here and grab another shot here i cannot deny this the sun is now beating down through the fog and it's casting some beautiful direct light on the land here so this is good you know this is a real contrast to the last photograph we've got light on the land here and i wouldn't go as far as calling it subtle we've got a very high dynamic range here look down here it's really dark and then the sky of course well we're pretty much shooting directly into the sun very bright but yeah i love just the sweep of the road that leads down to sunderland point and again coming in from the bottom right hand side we've got one of these channels here now i have just unintentionally discovered something really cool okay i don't know if this is well known i've never heard anybody talk about this before and i've com i've just found this out completely by accident so let me explain let's get the focus locked in to start with so one third of the way in and there we go we're focused okay composition i've explained it you know we've got this channel coming in from the bottom right hand side we've got the bridge somewhere in the middle and then i'm using the rule of thirds once again now problem here is exposure i need to expose your bracket here the sky's too bright the foreground's too dark so i've got my camera you can see there um set up to take five separate brackets okay so one base expose exposure two underexposed two overexposed okay now what i've discovered is i've accidentally had my camera in continuous high shooting mode um which is mint for this so i'm gonna have my bass exposure iso 100 f8 one 250th of a second and let me show you this now all i have to do is hold in wait for it to have taken five shots so there we go i think i probably took six there but look at the histograms they're all different and we've got that complete range um and that's all been taken in the space of probably a second and a half or something whereas usually it would probably take a second in between each photograph of course because we're shooting handheld we want to limit that time between each photograph because we want to limit the amount of movement between each shot so that when we merge them together in post it's a lot easier for the for the software to do so i mean perhaps everyone does that and i'm just an absolute wally that's found it out after all these years but that is something i will be doing going forward um so another one in the in the can let's carry on down i just need to see where the road sweeps around there and that leads us down to sunderland point you might be able to see a few buildings around there and trees that's where i need to get to that's where the fishing boats are let's get the steps in ah so we finally found the fishing boats the camera's a bit muddy um i thought i'd put you down on the floor guys i hope you don't mind so all i'm doing here really is portrait dimension i want this little stone down in the foreground it's really beautiful it's kind of covered in this uh sort of greedy yellow colored seaweed and then of course this beautiful blue colored bolt here called ficus whatever that means perhaps one of you is now right um iso 100 f11 and 120th of a second what i'm doing i'm gonna shoot it as like a sort of nine by sixteen crop so it's gonna be quite um sort of tall from bottom to top um and i don't mind that usually i prefer to shoot in a sort of four by five but this is the only way that i can get the the sort of stone in at the bottom and then the bolt at the top and giving them both a little bit of breathing room from the top and bottom of the frame so i'm focusing on the stone which i'm placing down in the bottom right hand third somewhere there we go up on the screen iso 100 i think i told you that already f11 and 120th of a second we haven't got too much of a high dynamic range for this scene um because the sun's gone back in behind some clouds which is probably a good thing but yeah i quite like that it's uh definitely 100 the sort of image that i kind of envisaged that i was going to get down here at sunderland point so yeah yeah let's get a little bit further down to the village i suppose see if there's any more boats and honestly the light is actually really nice ah so i have come you have to excuse me there's a couple of cars coming past here there's the blue boat i've literally come about 10 seconds and i've already got the camera out again i'm just being seduced guys just let these cars passed i've been seduced by the light look at that i am i really hope that this translates well on the camera let me darken it down a little bit that is stunning so the fog started to lift but it's kind of lingering above sunderland point above the village those buildings those trees down there then of course we've got this kind of causeway here that's leading and leading us out into that light absolutely beautiful so i'm gonna grab a shot i need to be careful um because we've got a very high dynamic range again but we've found our little accidental technique so i'm going to do that again i'm in continuous continuous high shooting mode and i'm going to bracket five separate photographs now i'm also going to try and do something a little bit creative because i feel like there's been a few snapshots which i don't mind and look at this beautiful rusty old pole here rusty old fence i'm going to get in in the foreground so i'm going to shoot in a portrait dimension again um so this is going to be fairly tricky because i need to be very still here so 1 50th of a second f11 and iso 100 that is the base exposure but like i said i'm taking five separate brackets here i'm getting in really close to this little fence post and i'm gonna i'm gonna zoom in and focus on the fence post shoot f11 and i am not bothered if i lose focus as we go off into the background i don't mind it's it's quite soft back there anyway because we've got the fog and the haze and all that light so there's the focus dialed in and then same as before with the bracket i'm just going to hold in until i hear that the shutter has taken five photographs so let's go for it absolutely class honestly i cannot believe i didn't know about this technique please let me know comment below do you do this when you shoot handheld brackets i promise you i've never heard anybody talk about this continuous high shooting bracketed handheld shots it makes so much sense and it's something that gives me so much more confidence to shoot handheld brackets like this that's amazing right so what we are three thousand steps we need to get down to this village because it's been a long time coming late it was crack on [Music] so we're into the village now as you can see it is beautiful i am constantly just like blown away by how beautiful my local area is not even my local area though just like every single time that i go out with my camera i feel like i'm able to find something and i'm constantly just reminded how beautiful this world is however cheesy that sounds um i think it just comes back to that mindset thing with photography doesn't it it just changes changes the way you look at the world you've got cameras as eyes and you're always just looking for the beauty in everything and that is honestly i stand by this that has completely changed my life because even when i'm out and i'm not using my camera i'm so much more appreciative of the world around me i must admit though my local area is very beautiful and i am very lucky that has to be said right i'm going to grab a shot here um of another fisher boat a fisher boat fishing boat um so this side of the boat is quite cast in shadow whereas the other side here it's quite a point is um quite bright and that's because the sun's coming from that direction and it's gorgeous absolutely beautiful again we're working with some quite subtle light um but this time yeah it is direct you can see behind me it's really bright and it's lovely and muddy um but i'm going to get the camera out and grab a quick snap i might even do a square crop here right so i've changed my mind a little bit what i was thinking before i think i did say i was going to try a square crop i was going to do a square crop of the boat um and just kind of isolate it but i found this little boy here down in the foreground and i don't know if you could see but all this kind of all these dead reeds and twigs and logs and stuff see how it kind of like sweeps round so my feet down here submerged in the mud by the way see look at this how it like sweeps all the way around from left to right and it takes us up to the fishing boat i really like that so i'm gonna work with it um now i don't need to bracket here because the sun has gone um it's not as kind of harsh as it was before but we've still got the subtlety of the light on the right hand side of the little fishing boat there um and yeah i just think the boy is making for a really nice little you know a nice little bit of interest down in the foreground right so we don't need to bracket here um so we don't need our newfound technique so just a nice single photograph you can see i'm shooting in a portrait dimension but i'm gonna probably crop this to a four by five so i'll probably crop down from the sky a little bit and crop up from the foreground a little bit um but as you've seen it there that is pretty much it in essence i'm going to focus on the boy which just so happens to be one third of the way into the image so that's a win-win and again like i've been doing throughout this whole video i've just realized following the rule of thirds now just before i take it i want to show you something here see um that little um sort of hinge or i don't know what that is on top of the boy with the little hook on the end if i step to the left think about where that leads the eye as far as gonna take the shot from here it takes us up that way so i just got a tiny little bit more to the right you see how the little pole points up to the fishing boat and that just helps with this sweep it helps to take us up to the bolt and hopefully you can see there you know that's a really really small movement i've literally just done one step to the left but it's gonna make quite a big difference with how this image turns out so 120th of a second f 11 and iso 100 we're focused down on the boy class absolute class um it's probably quite a long video guys to be honest but i'd like to get one more shot i think i'm gonna walk a bit further down this way just because i've never been there and we'll see if we can find something else so i don't know if anyone else does this but i went and had a little uh look round where i said i was going to by the way but um i want to kind of save it and i always kind of do this in my local areas i don't want to just traipse around for hours and just get stuck into every like you know minute detail i like to save it so i feel like i'll come back here again and again and there's still going to be loads of new compositions and um little gems to discover um maybe it's just me so i'll tell you what what a cracker we found that new technique that's an absolute treat completely unexpected and what a location sunderland point 100 will be back probably within the next month to be honest but anyway thank you so much as always for tuning in much appreciated and i see us on the next exercise on that point five thousand steps might oh mind you i shouldn't be berating myself i've gotta probably get four thousand steps to get back to where i started anyway thanks again i shall see you on the next exercise out [Music]
Channel: Henry Turner
Views: 580,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, Nikon d7200, exposure bracketing, continuous high shooting, sunderland point, uk photography locations, landscape photography tutorial, landscape photography tips tricks, Thomas heaton, nigel danson, travel photography, best camera 2021, how to landscape photography, landscape photography on location, coastal photography, lockdown photography, photography tutorial, manual settings, iso, apeture, shutter speed, Nikon z7, handheld photography, no tripod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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