Landscape Photography | Saltwick Bay Shipwreck + BIRD!

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[Music] and and [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] on an earlier blog we said we're going to come back to Salt Lick Bay to photograph the shipwreck well that day is now come I'm here for that very reason I had a slight issue this morning in that if the sunrise is the best time to grab that program the problem I had is that the sunrise was a five past five this morning by past five the problem I had is that the tide was at its highest at around about the same time I think worth 10 pass or 11 minutes past 5:00 was the exact I want to checked on Google but problem I got is it to photograph the boat wreck the shipwreck how I want to photograph it with just a little bit of water across it I needed to be two hours after high tide so the problem I had this morning is I set my alarm first thing I arrived here an hour after sunrise and of course typical sods law dictates on the route up here I could see in the distance the most amazing orange sunrise it is just absolutely delightful so much so I was actually looking for a rape field twine stop to photograph do something like imagine a nice yellow grape field with a lone tree in the background that bright orange sky for a laugh I didn't actually find one I was there too busy trying to cause it get here as quick as I possibly could so sunrise was a big no-no this morning because I set my alarm obviously knowing I'm going to arrive here about an hour 30 minutes one hour after sunrise that's a big mistake isn't that just typical isn't that just what's called sods law absolutely dirty when I was driving here this morning however I'm here I'm here pretty much for the morning I might do something a bit different this afternoon and might mix it up with this vlog we'll just have to wait and see I've got a bit of a plan while I'm not kind of on the East Coast more I just have to wait now for the sea to recede just a little bit more to reveal the shipwreck and then I grab some pictures I've got the brightest guy I've got no clouds I've got this justice disgustingly poor light so pretty much that's a landscape photographer everything is against me everything however I'm here no point mourning about it let's grab it let's see what we can there what we keep what would you capture and let's let's document that day here enjoy the blog guys enjoy the blonde [Music] and do you mean and and you and I've taken a few shots or on this is my grumpy looking face this is my unhappy face I'm really really not excited about about this morning's activities what's really really frustrating for me and there's obviously a secret way to get down to the shipwreck what's actually happened is I got down onto salt McVeigh and you've got to go around a cold to get to where the shipwreck is it's not far it's 150 yards that's all but with the tide in you seem to be cut off so I waited for the tide to go out but then when I came around obviously the tide must go out where the shipwreck is before where I was stood wrong where the beach was and I care for loving and money trying to figure out a way how I could have arrived at the boat wreck at the shipwreck while the sea was still at high tide don't know if somebody doesn't know a way to get down here or maybe you just got to bite the bullet and kind of walk close to the cliff edge and kind of you know it's a bit of a track I know 3 150 yards maybe 200 yards it was quite lethal quite rocky probably got me well he's on as well so in support of my rallies today so they really quite slippery and I didn't really fancy doing that one obviously I didn't know I had to do that at that time so I'm a bit more armed with information and knowledge now for the next time I arrive here but it's only does no another way of arriving here so I could get to the shipwreck while the tide is in then please leave a comment below I'd love to know faylene that I've taken a few shots I'll show the shots I'll take it already but you know what it's really bad sky it's really bad like it's a bad time of day it's not the shot I was after I'm really really trying my best to make the best of my time here because obviously my busy life only allocate one day a week to actually do one doing out my weekly vlogging so unfortunately if it's a bright sunny day if there's no clouds in the sky if I'm restricted to my times then hey hope I'm just going to make the most of it I think the biggest book there I thought this purse moment in time is I'm trying desperately to photograph the shipwreck so much so I didn't put my 70 to 200 mil lens on there just to try to perspective I've moved further away tusu main try compress the image using various artifacts of rocks some pebbles and so on so forth as as poor growing interest and I just don't know if it works well then I have done I think the might look quite interesting is I've taken a really shallow depth-of-field image I've gone quite a way back zoomed in I'll put the information down on my picture anyway you can judge for yourself whether you like it or not I think you look quite nice in camera obviously is going to be spoiled by the fact that there isn't a cloud in the sky and I'm not one for swapping skies over for the sake of off the skies in a picture I've no time to do that for both glass I think it's quite interesting I think it's quite nice and it's very different I opted for f/4 not 2.8 my lens we've got at some point a which would offer me a shallower depth the field therefore seems to be a sweeter spot seems to be much sharper when it's there for shallow depth-of-field I've got their foreground interests before it's well I think I picked the rock out so that's going to be blurred and really it's about highlighting the shipwreck to people speed it's really about highlighting the shipwreck against the background think it'll work you know my biggest bugbear right now this is big bugbear is feel the hug just documented a shipwreck and not create any nice images with a shipwreck in it does that make sense I'm not here to document the shipwreck I'm not here to do that products a fine line staff fine line right so two things I can do see you tomorrow buddy all day or just off your fat lazy ass look for some awkward positions [Music] Oh [Music] welcome to episode two of the vlog where ben10 clicks or a Benton clear skies looking forward to it bending cliffs thought about landscape photography this bit now is about photographing Birds if photographing Birds or looking at pictures of birds isn't your thing and switch off now [Music] Oh [Music] I've been abandoned close a few times and it really is quite spectacular obviously if the photographing and watching birds is your thing but I have never seen it this busy before it's so busy [Music] yes Oh [Music] and [Music] Hey you [Music] [Applause] [Music] they go that's always a good sign I thought I'd pull over take a few shots of some birds while I'm in the area something a little bit different - - I thought I found one less I was going to be here at about thirty minutes and I've been here for about two hours that's a very good sign the birds at this present moment in time a nest in the building nest so that's why there's a hype of activity and that's obviously why the place is very very busy but I don't stop the normal thing I put in the vlog was quite interesting it's call me at the studio for the day so pretty much upbeat and I'm a happy bunny I suppose the most important thing to take trial today is it's healthy to go and photograph something you don't ordinarily photograph you'll learn more it's a great experience and it's a cracking day why not why not do something a little bit different instead of the same old same you say me stuff but for something special lined up for next week equality fold to that it's going to be a fairly long trip pretty much up early in the morning as well and it's going to be another long day but either way I am so looking forward to that but hopefully you guys have enjoyed the vlog if you have please don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already subscribed and I smash that like button I really appreciate that if you smash the like button and more people get a chance to see this video actually take the good with the bad we don't [Music]
Channel: Gary Gough (Pro Photographer)
Views: 9,278
Rating: 4.9662733 out of 5
Keywords: Landscape Photography, Photography, landscape photography for beginners, landscape photography tips, landscape photography tutorial, Saltwick Bay, Shipwreck, BEMPTON CLIFFS, Landscape, Seascape, Photography Blogs, Landscape Photography Blogs
Id: xLslrZQ1NWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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