Land Rover DEALERS $20,000 MISTAKE Repaired in a Barn! Range Rover Supercharged Major Engine Rebuild

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hey guys I'm Sam crack and it's timely time or supercharged Range Rover which was delivered to me out of time I'm pretty sure that caused a very bad time for the previous owner when they instructed them that it would cost four twenty thousand dollars to fix this car the job that we're doing today books over 30 labor hours at the dealership so it's a very timely one and if I had a few bucks for every time I just said time well I'd have enough money to buy one of those boutique brand said the headphones but I would never ever do that when I could get a set of these Cove noise canceling wireless Bluetooth ones that feel incredible and sound just as good coes bluetooth wireless earphones features super soft memory foam ear cushions combined with 12 hour battery life to keep you listening all day noise free and in comfort it also has a built in microphone so taking a call is just one tap away for a good time go right here or click the link in the description box below make sure you type in code SC 65 and you're gonna get 65% off a set of these I'm sure you're gonna enjoy your time with them I'd like to give a huge thanks to Co for sponsoring this video Nick I caught you in violation of our shoe policy here we only repair cars with original MSRP s of a hundred plus thousand dollars in flip flops that's how I did the Ferrari that's how we're gonna do this Range Rover so I got you a pair right here not sponsored she's got bad shoes on like what was he thinking so this car in stages has been sitting outside for about a month and you can see even with just the cylinder heads off which the car sat in the barn predominantly with the cylinder heads off for a little bit of time only a week or two all that rust buildup all that grime that's there that could potentially score the block if we don't clean it up before putting everything back together so Nick has taken the liberty on this side he's already cleaned things three of these cylinders we're gonna rotate the crank around get this piston down and clean around there but it's very important that we make sure everything is super clean before it's all back together that will assure that everything mates up top here and again that we don't damage the block so let's go ahead clean this side up and then Nick we got to get these cylinder heads on man you're only here for another 30 minutes you think we can finish it and I don't know 25 fifteen we'll be all right [Music] we want to clean out the bores of the head bolts because of things like this once an oil will get down in there [Music] the head got heat so the way it's got it's a double layer huh triple there is Wow three layers multi-layer steel a little bit of gasket right in here it's the impression between the head and the block that seals it now the trick is getting the head on to where it doesn't kink or bind anything here yeah they're just kind of seats nicely [Music] all right start slamming head bolts in this thing there yeah so the cylinder head is in place and after nick kind of positions these head bolts which will serve a little bit as pins to keep everything in the right place what I want to do is actually move my cameras down a little bit and just make sure there's no bound up gasket or anything like that you could see from the top end here real nice where it sits in place really exciting the first cylinder head is in place and now we're getting ready to do what it says on your short torque it to spec we're not gonna use a tool on your shirt we've got a legit digital yeah torque wrench but what's the sequence we looked it up in the manual so at first it's 20 Newton meters then you set it to 35 Newton meters turn each bolt 90 degrees and a hundred and twenty degrees after that all right the nice thing is he was just showing me this has all those settings built in here so I'm on Newton meters right now and if I press this I can switch it over to do angles cool all right show us how it's done and if you watch this it'll actually light up and tell you as I'm going now this is just the first torquing and you do this kind of what just to see things in place yeah and this is just to make sure the head is sitting nice and level that's super cool gotta get one of these what does this cost like eighteen hundred dollars five fifty as I say that's almost how much I paid for this car a little bit more so yeah this is just to get things snug in place you can see Nick is doing everything in a certain sequence and again you can find it all in the manual but since you've done a dozen or two of these jobs you probably know this by heart at this point yeah pretty much once you do it about five times you understand and you remember it just becomes muscle memory at some point I noticed there's like a little battery indicator in the corner like a cell phone do you charge it with a USB or something no it runs on three double A batteries [Music] [Applause] [Music] set to 90 degrees I'm gonna give them 90 degrees yep so wait wait bring it all the way up against the cow first okay there we go yeah yeah okay both it'll tell you when you'll see it go yeah yellow when it goes green just when you stop I see why you needed me to put it all the way against the towel yep there you go hit it vibrates - yeah jeez what a cool gotta get one of the top of the line man I honestly could not do my job without that yeah you you having to make sure that the job is done right the first time I got mad oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right one last one and then we turn it up a notch one to 120s up nope just 120 that's it yeah that's it that easy this job mm-hmm [Music] passenger-side head is torqued in place we're gonna move now to the driver's side the head gasket is sitting on the dowel pins we're getting ready to go and put it in just like we did this side really straightforward just to make our lives easier we do it with the exhaust manifold in place but on this side we actually had to put the exhaust manifold back on because if you remember we took it off because this is the head that went to the machine shop now just to give you guys an idea of what a cylinder head rebuild cost remember there's two in this car but we only needed one of them done because we only jumped I'm on one side I had to get all of the new valves those all came from FC Piero I want to say each valve ran between seven and ten dollars a piece there's 16 of them per head again we only needed 16 they then cut new valve seats so where the valve sits in here it's very important that they're sealed in the head here when the valve comes down and hit the cylinder it bent the valve then it comes back up and it kind of chews up around here and then your valve will not seal properly you'll have bad compression so they cut new valve seats and then they resurface the head that's a pretty standard job at a machine shop all of that ran $300 again plus the price of the valves they also calibrated this now I'm not sure what that means so Nick do you know what that means when they say they calibrated the head that is when you adjust the clearance between the camshaft and the valve follower or the tappet or bucket depends on what you're working on from there if you hang if you get the tolerance too low what's gonna end up happening is you might end up risking hanging a valve down and it's gonna just stay open when it's not supposed to lose you compression your motors just not gonna function you might you will get a misfire if you get it on the if it's too big of a tolerance it's gonna start making a noise they'll get kind of a tacky little slapping noise in there in other words they check it and make sure the things gonna work right whenever it's all done so let's go ahead let's reassemble this let's throw in our new o2 sensor why is that one snip death you know I won't ask you about that Nick and then let's go put it in the car [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's time for our time so just to give you an idea of where we are here is the catalytic converter we move a little bit more there's our drive shaft and if you kind of look around here you see this little guy right up in here that kind of oblong oval shaped piece that's a special tool that is part of Nick's timing kit for this engine right here's a crankshaft position sensor all Nick did was unbolt that I was above turning the crank and you got to line it up so they make it to where this tool fits in and now it's locked the crank Nick are we at top dead center that I'm guessing okay so we're at top dead center so now we're gonna go from above up there we're gonna time from above once everything is in time we put all the timing components back and I think it's downhill from there get the new chain here change new bolts new gears and then you could see this one says e and that was that's an intake and right up in here is actually the timing marks once you have them set there's sometimes there's two yep there you go depending on what bank you've got them on and those marks are gonna end up lining up with the marks quit messing with that with the marks on the chain there's a yellow mark for the camshafts there's two and then there's one for the kit for the crankshaft yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I got him here well this work perfect you're just in time about this at the time perfect make sure that Lots nick is putting all our timing components in place he's run our cam gears on the driver's side the chain he's just setting everything up getting ready to put it all in time and then we'll move over to the passenger side now these cam gears thought this was insane when I heard that we had to replace these these are where items according to Land Rover when it comes to doing this job and Nick explained that they have oil passages inside that get gummed up so to do a complete job so there's no failures after the job is done even though there was a failure on this one at a dealership they recommend you change them along with a slew of other stuff I thought we just get like a chain tensioner a guide like Nick's putting in a guide right now but no you need a ton of parts for this job and that's what makes it I'd say substantially more expensive than your typical timing job would you say substantially more expensive than your typical thing yes okay and so there are literally new parts everywhere this car is gonna have a completely refreshed engine and I want to thank the guys at FC Piero for that because when I told them I was doing a five Oh Land Rover timing job they sent everything down to spark plugs they knew that we needed the gears the belts obviously there's a chain right there every single gasket gaskets I would have had no clue to order that's one of the things that can hold you up the most during a job is you get a bunch of parts and then you need more parts they sent everything and down to these tiny little ol rings which I hope Nick knows where they go because I have no clue or any of these go really everything and on top of it you want to hear something crazy something that I guarantee you've never heard you ever heard of a lifetime warranty on any Rover parts like never right if anything fails ever in the future this engine is literally going to be like lifetime guaranteed with all the new FCP aero parts so we basically have a lifetime guaranteed Land Rover engine given that it's one of the timing components to fail but we do have to do the labor ourselves so have you back man no problem no sweat no sweat it's always fun always a blast these come with a pin in them yep it's like we were sticking an allen key and ours just show it off before this is how they come don't pull it don't pull it no I'm pulling it's like okay you gotta make it flush with all right I was gonna I thought you're gonna pull cheese this guy so this is the critical part here this is one of the parts that was messed up before and Nick is going to bolt the tensioner in place here and once it's in place and then once it's timed is it time to ready yeah it's time to ready wow you're quick you pull the pen and we should see this kind of just tighten up a bit that's what I would think and we'll hear a click and if we don't hear that click it's coming back out we're gonna redo it yeah so look there is our first tensioner on the driver side that's really exciting this is the side that you put the most effort into with the whole new brand-new looking rebuilt head and so go ahead tighten those down I like I'm telling you how to do the job like I've done it two or three times before man together direct me what you need done for your video alright go ahead pull that pin I heard a noise yeah I can see that the rims extended we're good to go these cams kind of wiggled a little bit a little bit of tension there hold on where's the mix I see it right there mm-hmm right there cool yeah it's touching yep you got one side timed one side is time Nick is getting ready to time this side well this is still all open and exposed before we start putting everything back I'm gonna install our coolant crossover pipe this was another part provided that is a common failure point and so we've got the new updated piece this should last a long time and it only installs in four bolts but it's nearly impossible to get to with everything intact so I'm gonna hop back there and throw it in place [Music] [Music] Sam your motors time is ready to go now did you check we checked this side tensioner could you imagine if we did the job right I should say Nick did the job right but this one locked up when he pulled the pasty hor well let's see oh yeah extended right there cool so from here so we've got timing covers we're gonna put the timing covers back on this thing all up front right that's all front front yeah and then I'm gonna remove all the timing tools out of the motor we've got to do those exhaust elbows back there then valve covers injectors spark plugs oil packs supercharger belts fluids fire it after you're done repairing or Land Rovers you should seek a career as the the price is right the hand you're very good with those hand eggs Vanna White [Music] we ran out to get some lunch came back and Nick sewed up most of this engine a look at the brand-new valve covers in place it's cool to have new valve covers because there's new PCV diaphragms and here those are prone to breaking so there are so many new components in here it's gonna be awesome Nick I'll let you eat man I'm gonna do what I know how to do and that's put spark plugs in [Music] [Music] those couple quarts of oil that we just put in that just can help us flush any remaining garbage that's inside the engine now Nick's already gotten down under here where he's gonna remove his timing tool reinstall a crankshaft position sensor and then a few other things we got elbows for the exhaust manifolds and just got to drain that oil out once we're done down here lower it for the final time and all the rest of the work it's gonna be up top a lot of water right there do what I tell you Nick wow that's cool huh we're so close so close we still even have daylight how much work we got done today Nick gotta give you a huge thanks but you noticed a few things here specifically the one that failed to come with the car the one that we failed to see we were missing what's going on here why we have a hole there was a missing camshaft actuator yeah and so remember the timing cover was off on this side when the car was delivered so when they pulled it they left this piece yeah somewhere that's not in the truck then we come over here this is not hooked up totally my fault why couldn't you well I could see why you can get this in place when you buy these factory molded hose especially one from the dealership they fit right yeah I'm guaranteed yeah like kind of like when you order them from FCP euro and this is the last part so I broke it was like a little plastic piece it fits right in here here's the plastic piece goes right in here I broke that off so I ordered this entire hose assembly I went and looked I ordered a third party so that's why you're better off a lot of times with the OEM parts didn't fit and then last messed around with the supercharger that was your fault yeah no it's not your fault it gets really hot in this motor especially be the superchargers the topmost part the heat rises and it was just some brittle plastic in the brat back broke unfortunately I was the last person to touch it and it disintegrated it's a little solenoid on the back I don't know it couldn't be more than I would assume ten dollars but this is Land Rover so we'll assume it's about $200 yeah thanks alright so 300 for that 200 for that that is a fortune it literally is 160 bucks but we're gonna get it done we're gonna get the parts and once we have them this is another hour hour and a half come on come on man with the filming and everything four hours really we're really in the homestretch when it comes to the mechanical repairs on our Range Rover whether it ends up taking us three four or five hours to complete the next time we work on the mechanics we'll be doing its first test start since this car died I'm really excited for that if you are as well be sure to hit that like button but remember we've got a button up that front end that got destroyed when this car was taken off the delivery truck I've gotten a good glance of what everything needs in the front end here I've already started a little bit of disassembly and I've ordered all those parts so we don't have any more downtime and if you want to see any updates to the Range Rover project or any other projects like the Ferrari or any new projects coming to the channel go ahead and check out my Instagram will you'll find some new stuff there before anything goes live here on YouTube and I got to give a huge thanks to each and every one of you for watching today I'll catch you very soon [Music]
Channel: Samcrac
Views: 473,437
Rating: 4.8895679 out of 5
Keywords: Land, Rover, Range, Supercharged, DIY, Kove, Headphones, Timing, Belt, Chain, Repair, Ferrari, Jaguar, Cheap, Mechanic, Mantainence, Rebuild, Salvage, Auction, Rebuilds, Fix
Id: tGgb5ieu5fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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