Here's why my $3,000 Range Rover Supercharged is DEAD and how I will fix it CHEAP!

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solid secondhand Range Rover you can only pick two this was a beautifully crafted comment by Miss ends from our previous video in the series every time I've heard any story from the friend of a Range Rover owner they talk about how they're very successful friends cars always in the shop if these trucks were so terrible when every friend of a friend's story have spread around the globe and killed their sales at this point if anything I see more Range Rovers on the road now more than ever and when they're on the road it's usually on the shoulder where they're waiting for a tow truck I'm kidding but it's clear why Range Rovers are so popular they're incredibly capable beautifully styled loaded with the latest technology and the ride quality is unmatched in the segment if you're like me a little bigger and enjoy the extra space you can go with the Big Daddy Range and make sure it's a long wheelbase if you're a utilitarian make it a diesel if you're a bit unconventional choose a velar and for the radical sublime Speed Freaks you must check out the Sport SVR the SVR is loaded with all the stellar materials and technology that you'd expect from a Range Rover then turned up to 100 with a carbon-fiber hood and carbon trim everywhere its aggressive body kit matches its supercharged 575 horsepower v8 and omae's is offering you the chance to win one with the taxes and fees included plus $20,000 cash in the trunk the SVR is so extreme they don't just test its performance figures on a track it's capable of blasting to 60 in under six seconds on sand grass and gravel but if you insist on keeping it on tarmac it will blow the doors off of most sports cars with a sprint to 60 in a little over four seconds at the heart of a sports car in the off-road capability of a Land Rover the Range Rover Sport SVR is not just the fastest Land Rover ever produced it's by far the coolest and you can enter to win your very own plus $20,000 cash in the trunk when you visit amaze dot-com / Sam craquelure just simply click my link in the description box below while you're there you'll have the opportunity to donate to feeding America it's an incredible organization that's responsible for nourishing the tens of millions of Americans who go hungry each year again that's amazing calm / Sam crack and I want to give the huge thanks to omae's for partnering with incredible charities and for also sponsoring this video and I wish each and every one of you good luck at just under four grand our Range Rover supercharged which shares a very similar engine set up to the $120,000 SVR could be a super bargain even though it's basically the same shape of the rover's from the early 2000s it shares way more in common with the cars being built today with time on our side in the form of depreciation and data we can use these two factors to help us rebuild the mechanical side of the car to be more reliable than when it rolled off the Land Rover assembly line it's time to figure out exactly why Range Rover won't run and why the engine bay was partially disassembled before it was sent to auction usually this is a bad sign of some type of catastrophic damage and while the labor to swap in a replacement engine when cost a ton a replacement engine costs in excess of $20,000 since again it's almost the same engine used in the current generation Range Rover even a used short block is still five figures and anything around that price would defeat the purpose of bringing this one back to life we started our check by cranking the engine over by hand which was smooth and somewhat reassuring next I took all the spark plugs out and used this cheap scope camera which wirelessly connects to my phone screen to record the internals these scope cameras are really handy for checking in tight spaces and even have attachments to help you recover stuff lost in a dark engine bay I'll drop a link to the one I have in the description box now I started with the passenger side of the engine specifically because it's timing cover was already removed I'd imagine if there was damaged on it beyond this Bank rotating the engine by hand and using the scope revealed nothing but the surface of a carbon covered cylinder and all four were consistent this was an incredible first sign carbon buildup means that everything is still sealed and there's no damage to her head gas yet at this point I figured we had a home run until I moved to the driver's side now on this Bank at first glance I noticed small Halfmoon shape markings on the edges of the Pistons since this Range Rover has two timing chains one for each bank we know that one of the chains lost tension and slipped enough to cause the Pistons to smack into the valves those valve marks on our Pistons is pretty clear that our Range Rover has run out of time and even though this is considered catastrophic engine damage and the words catastrophic engine damage make you want to run as far away from a car as possible especially a Range Rover it's not too bad things could be much worse any time you have damage in the top end or the cylinder heads of an engine it's generally much easier to deal with when it's in the bottom end or the block in this case we just have half a top end that needs to be rebuilt that's given that the cylinders don't have any major damage when we pull that cylinder head off we want to make sure there's no fractures or cracks in the Pistons themselves but on the scope camera everything looked really good now on any car that's chain driven and that's pretty much every single modern car you have to ask yourself why did it go out of time in the first place chains were put into use specifically to replace timing belts that were known to stretch over time they get dry and brittle it end up cracking breaking and then again you go out of time that way you might have heard the term chain stretch like a timing chain stretching but it's very rare maybe on some early timing chain driven cars but again by today's standards these things have been pretty well figured out and timing chains are lifetime systems that are meant to last the life of the car now there are ton of components that go into any timing system whether it's belt or chain driven and it's usually the components themselves that fail and not the chain I'm going to tell you how each of these could fail I'm gonna show you the failure point on our 500 Range Rover or at least what I suspect to be our failure point so here is our timing guide that you can see the top end is made of plastic the bottom is of this aluminum now this sits in place and our chain runs alongside the top of the plastic in this channel here now a lot of you might think that's a recipe for disaster you've got a metal chain running against plastic now you have to keep in mind this is placed internally in the engine so it will stay well oiled and they've pretty well figured these things out there were cases in the past especially on Volkswagen Audi products of the plastic part of the guide eroding away withering away and then think about it look if you lose a chunk of plastic you've got that much more space for your chain to have a little bit more slack you're gonna jump time you're gonna ruin your engine but that is not the common failure point on these five Oh Land Rover Jaguar cars then we've got the tensioner this spring-loaded Ram rides up against the back end here of our tensioner so this puts tension on the chain which is again resting on this guide and if the internal spring here loses tension or begins to fail well you're gonna again get slack in the chain and jump time the failure point that is most prevalent on these early 500 Land Rover products is actually this tiny little button here in this tensioner on the old part this button was made out of aluminium with the RAM pushing up against a soft aluminium button for tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand-plus miles it ends up just wearing away to the point where this ram will get stuck in this hole when the button is completely gone again you're gonna lose tension you're gonna jump time now this is an updated upgraded model provided by FCP euro not just for these demonstration purposes we're also gonna end up installing this brand-new part in our Range Rover which should make it more reliable it is time to start tearing into our supercharged engine remember when we got it at the top of the superchargers loose a bunch of stuff was missing and then we went ahead and took apart our ignition system so all the spark plugs are out the ignition coils are all loose I put them back so no moisture water gets in there but at this point we've got a full top-end teardown in store so we can get that driver side head out [Music] there it is all right so this blower is being held in by dowel pins should be loose now I just lost my screwdriver which sucks [Music] whoo let's try it now let's try it now [Music] of all the vehicles here on the farm the Gator is the one that gets the most use it's also the most versatile it drags the dead Range Rover around it also doubles as a workbench where we've got the blower the supercharger from our Range Rover came out in about a couple hours a couple hoses on the back here slightly tricky to get to but this supercharger is a very similar one that you'll find a lot of other occasions not just Land Rover and Jaguar products and they all have one similar issue and that's deep down inside here in this snout now a supercharger works by this pulley it's belt driven when that pulley spins it spins these vanes inside and that shoves air into the engine that gives you that extra power but your supercharger pulley should not have play like this you see how I'm turning it and it's not spinning the vanes it should spin immediately and that's because there's a coupler in here it's made out of plastic and it is cracked now the manufacturers still haven't figured this out they want to sell you an entire snout to fix this problem at the Land Rover or Jaguar dealership what we have right here is a $20 coupler off the internet supposedly this is a slightly softer plastic so as it spins and if you really mash on the pedal and jerks around really hard it has the ability to flex just a little bit so lasts a long time it's not just going to crack apart like what I expect to find in here so let's go ahead tear these now to part and get that old coupler out [Music] [Music] with the blower separated I pulled out our original coupler here the spring came out separately I'm not sure if the failure is really in the spring but I do know that these tend to crack there are two hairline cracks one here and one here it's gonna be very difficult to see on camera because they're so small but these do not last a lifetime whereas this should not experience a failure just due to its one-piece design there's not separate pieces like this to fit it all you do is take it and press it in place but before we go and put it in place and reassemble everything I really want to clean up all the old RTV gasket material on the supercharger housing right here we have a gasket scraper this is a really important tool to use you don't want to use a razor blade and scuff up any edges like this because you want to make sure it seals you don't any air leaks this is blunt but very flat so it's really safe and scraping all the old material off and it's also very effective so I'm gonna clean all this up using a little bit of solvent our gasket scraper will install our replacement coupler and put everything back together [Music] [Music] supercharged is repaired and all assembled and check this out there is no play now when you spin this pulley it just goes even if you move it just a tiny bit you can see our veins are moving at the same time if you hear any sort of knocking noise you've got a Jaguar Land Rover based supercharged car another om supercharged car that could be your issue it's only a $20 part and if you're ever removing your supercharger for service it's a worthy upgrade our supercharger repair is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to rebuilding the engine in our Range Rover but there are a few really key takeaways from it there will be common themes along with this rebuild number one think about it just the coupler inside the supercharger failed such a small little my new but important component and there are tons of those and a well-engineered car like a Range Rover and that means there's a ton of failure points in this car number two there's a revised part that somebody's created and engineered not to fail in the way that the original one did number three these revised parts in some cases are very cheap like the supercharger coupler being only twenty dollars I think a huge thing we have going for us since we're gonna be inside the engine we can revise all of the old parts with the help from Nick our Land Rover tech he can kind of guide us onto what has been revised now versus when this car was produced in 2011 and that means theoretically we might have the most reliable older Range Rover ever again that's just theoretically there's a lot that's gonna go into rebuilding this engine first that head has to be taken to a machine shop I imagine between the parts and labor rebuilding the one side head it's gonna be between three and five hundred dollars the big question is then retiming this engine a lot of the timing components are the ones that were prone to failure the ones that are probably in our engine right now and it's the revised ones that if a dealership carried out the repairs and did all them would cost you a fortune I've heard between seven and ten thousand dollars that's parts and labor now if we buy the parts from a company like FCP euro get a discount on them get a lifetime war tea on them might be anywhere from fifteen hundred to three or four thousand dollars in parts I don't know because I haven't went through and picked out every single part we are going to replace quite yet I think it might be better to figure that out once we tear into the engine and see what's in there in the condition of the parts now and that could end up dictating whether we got an incredible steal at three thousand eight hundred fifty dollars for this truck or whether it's gonna be a loser but even at three or four thousand dollars in parts another five hundred dollars to rebuild the head we're gonna be in this Range Rover well under ten grand and I think on a dealership lot it's a twenty thousand dollar truck and maybe in somebody's front yard on a private party sale at seventeen to eighteen thousand dollars remember this is a clean title one owner vehicle that is in impeccable condition in the interior the outside is an awesome condition mechanically no leaks well it's gonna be leaking once we take the engine apart but when it's all put back together new gaskets new seals revised parts it should be incredible and if you can't wait for that be sure to hit that like button also if you're not already following me on Instagram where I'm posting pictures and video updates on the Range Rover and some of my other projects before anything goes live here on YouTube just remember go right here or click that link in the description box below guys I want to thank each and every one of you for watching today and I'll catch you very soon [Music]
Channel: Samcrac
Views: 439,255
Rating: 4.8739352 out of 5
Keywords: Range Rover, Supercharged, Land Rover, Dealer, Auction, Salvage, Omaze, SVR, Sport, SUV, Fast, Exotic, Supercar, Engine, Timing Chain, Failure, Mechanical, Catastrophic, Jaguar, Supercharger, Audi, VW, Ford, R8, Ferrari, Lamborghini, DXP, Tesla, Scope, Endoscope, Boroscope, Copart
Id: 4aITgDM-P7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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