Jesse Plemons AKA Landry Clarke! | Bad Ideas

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hello everybody and welcome in to another episode of It's Not only football Friday Night Lights and Beyond today we are recapping season two episode two bad eye Diaz Matt gets dumped buddy gets drunk Rigo is a great guy Landry feels so guilty about killing a guy he nuts up and professes his love to Tyra and most fun of all Clan Glenn [Music] Hello everybody welcome into another episode bright and early on a Thursday morning like we said this episode is called bad ideas but we did not have a bad idea today no we had probably the most fantastic idea we've ever had in our lives and it came to us by our guest host today yes the one and only the legendary Lance himself Jesse plemons will be recapping today's episode with us what's up brother what's happening guys oh man just re-watching our Glory Days yeah talking about it peaked in high school peaked in high school here we are today we were gonna do an interview and then Jesse called us and Jesse was like hey guys I actually I kind of want to do a recap can I do a recap with you guys we were like hell yeah why did you want to do a recap what's the deal man well I don't know a few things I did the other night other Friday Night Lights podcast yeah Derek and Stacy we love them go listen to them yes and it's amazing and so I feel like well I don't want to just talk about the same thing and I watched I watched on YouTube uh the podcast and really enjoyed that aspect of it the recap looking at it kind of uh in in hindsight your commentary your banter okay it was all great and yeah just interesting to look at it you know in an honest way and talk about what works what's amazing about it what maybe didn't age as well I think all that stuff is interesting I think it's also the perfect time to have you because you know as we talked about on last podcast that was the beginning of season two you know the most infamous storyline of our show we picked it apart a bit and um you know as we said like it it would have been a huge bomb if it hadn't been you and Tyra pulling this stuff Annie pulling the stuff off um but what makes it work and makes the show not just die bad pun is like you guys committed to it you know and the scenes are still the same scenes and acting they always wear they're just you know about murder which is you know not football well I mean I I remember I I feel like someone maybe P someone had the conversation with me and gave me some sort of warning as to what was to come and after I got over the shock you know I I had very mixed feelings about it because you know I was excited to see what in the world happens to Landry when when he goes through something like this and at that point I feel like by the end of season one we had all sort of found our footing right and the characters and had really started enjoying ourselves and really playing with each other you know really really pushing each other and was like everyone was by that point so locked in so I just felt like you know what made the show so amazing was this level of realism that that you know it was able to achieve and so taking this crazy storyline trying desperately to hold on to that same level that's you know that exists in the show yeah you know it's like they went home in the off season and they were like everybody's too comfortable no how did we mess everybody up he talked about this and do you remember Lila and Tyler killed a guy at the end of season one it was in the script so I don't know and they cut it did they ever film it or no I've kept every script uh I kept it Zach calls me a hoarder uh I disagree I say all right being um yeah they they were gonna they they were so attached to this murder that and I told the story but I told our executive producer I was like you guys that is a terrible storyline you got to cut that and Sarah Aubry came to me and was like you're gonna be really happy we ended up cutting out the murder at the end of season one like really for time because we just couldn't fit it in time wise but they were apparently loved it so much that they were like we're still gonna murder someone but now now well and also one thing I was told was part of it was they wanted so badly to bring you and Tyra together uh those two characters because everything you had in season one was so like amazing and like electric that they kind of like how do we get these two characters together only one way only one way they commit a murder and a cover-up together but it works I'm sorry like I'm jumping to the end but like like like that scene at the end when she comes in is like you're the best guy I ever know like I was I watched it again in my car and I was like embarrassed to come up because I was like bawling crying so who who was Lila and Tyler supposed to kill so the same guy pretty sure they filmed it and he got murdered in the finale and then they were like hey sorry we're cutting that scene but can you come back and we're gonna murder you again okay and then one more time and one more time yeah before we jump any further into the end of the episode Zach um no one's listening to this if they haven't watched the show they all know what happened I know but let's let's at least start by saying uh was written by Elizabeth heldens it was erected by Jeffrey Reiner uh I think his like his 13th episode directed which is insanity um we always ask the question at the beginning of the episode if you've watched us do Recaps we always say if this episode was not only football what was it for you Zach what was it for you today oh I would let our guests go first okay I never think about this beforehand that was the one thing I forgot to do I took notes but I didn't well the title of the episode is bad ideas and for me I'm just gonna say this episode is about bad ideas I think it's good people doing bad things yeah I mean Julie I think she's a good person deep down but she's you know she's cheating on Matt that's not good Matt's good guy but he's pouting now let me ask you is she cheating on Matt if she breaks up with Matt immediately after kissing the guy like she kisses the Swede three minutes later is like we need to we need to stop seeing each other better than driving yeah look I mean maybe though I mean the High character thing would be to just kind of like wait five minutes to kiss the Swede break up with that I mean she could have sent me a text yeah I mean we'll we'll get into it later there's a ton of stuff in the script that would have made the whole Julie Matt storyline land a little softer she tries to break up with you multiple times this episode but every time just because the world poops on saracen all the time like she shows up when Carlota has just arrived at your house to break up with you and she's like well I can't I can't break up with them now but those scenes that they pulled out in the last episode too would have helped make soften the blow but they didn't do Julie any favors at the beginning of season two no they did not uh Jesse do you have and it's not only football or you know I think it's it's life and death we've got the new live I've got the oh the baby got the baby baby he's got this dead body in the river you know that's the best it's not only football we've ever had that River doesn't look that deep [Laughter] before we jump into the episode recap we do want to cover some ground just on your time on the show as a whole now for everybody out there listening even though this is Friday Night Lights and Beyond we will not be covering any of the Beyond of Jessie's stuff today I don't think we are gonna have time for it he was a five season character uh this storyline in season two is so interesting I'm gonna say as a nice way I could say maligned I could I'd say a number of things but like it's talked about an awful lot so we want to really dig into that with you so if you guys want to know what it was like for him to be on Breaking Bad or the Irishman or Jungle Cruise or his new show Love and Death if you wanted that stuff you can you can Google Jesse plemons in any of those projects and see a thousand interviews uh today we're just talking murder Friday Night Lights and Lance um speaking of like the beginning of the series I know uh season one was like very special for us but every time we talked to a cast member we want to know how you got there in the first place um any any recollection of of the casting process because I don't think we met you until we were in Austin I think you you were in a different guy I remember the first time I met you was definitely in Austin and I remember when we were shooting the pilot your Gray's Anatomy episode aired and um I watched it like live because I was like oh let's see what this guy's done because you know this was so long ago there wasn't as much there's no Netflix yet um I don't know if I told you this I might have told you way back then and I was like this guy who's gonna play my best friend is so good um you were intimidated from David I was intimidated by Jesse from day one but anyway I just I was well yeah that was I guess sort of the the first step was meeting Linda for that and then it wasn't that long after that went in to read for saracen first oh really what red for saracen and we both were just kind of like all right that was that was that and then she gave me the sides for Landry and I walked out into the the waiting room she's like take as long as you need and it was one of the very few times where I had an instant understanding of this guy there was like some kid from my high school that had this kind of nerdy confidence that that that I kind of forgot until I was watching the episodes which is like that was why he was so much fun to play it's not like he was oblivious about his his sort of status standing in the school but he was so self-aware and confident and his nonsense you know hilarious but yeah then read that and and then I think I had one I had one reading with Pete where you know he was doing his typical just throwing you a bunch of stuff and seeing if you could hang with it and then um and then an actual test I think guys was was testing the same day it's so funny hearing the um the the what's the word that whatever where Landry came from um because so many of the people on our show you being one definitely guys we talked to him about this Minka I feel the same are just so not their character you know like you're a very esoteric thoughtful um heady person and like calm like you know like I always describe he's like an old soul um you're just nothing like Landry nobody else could have ever played the role of agent Clark like there is zero I feel that way about every character in this show so do I do you mentioned Linda earlier it's so that's so awesome that you did Gray's Anatomy Linda Lowe the casting director on our show was the casting director for Gray's she immediately brought you in I'm remembering now though talking to you about that saracen thing because you did play quarterback in high school in Mark Texas right I mean in middle school and then by the time I got to to you know my freshman year football is very serious and I was still acting going back and forth between Martin and la and so it was a matter of you have to play football or you do this so I was like practice squad the coaches kind of still let me pretend like I was a part of the team but yeah I I played a little bit until until my sophomore year Well people ask a lot they're like who was the best athlete in the cast and it's Kitsch but I I put myself like right on his heels like when we would go play flag football as a cast I never covered anybody except Taylor and he never covered anybody but me except for one occasion but we'll get into later uh it was a big one for you but the next the next person on the list I always say is Jesse plemons and everybody is always like wait what it's it wasn't Gaius it wasn't Zach I'm like no Jesse is a hell of an athlete man you and I used to go play basketball all the time at 24 Hour Fitness and you called him an old soul and it's 100 true he has old man moves all day long he does all the UN like all the scooping store stuff uh scoop and score stuff all the different like English on the backboard I mean Jesse could score a number of different ways and him and I and this is where the name old man Porter came from that was my nickname on set it came from Jessie because we'd go play 21 against each other and he'd just start talking [ __ ] and calling the old man Porter all day long and we'd go back and forth man we had some epic battles so that's all coming back to me uh the the other amazing athlete which I don't know if you've ever played um I'm not saying I am I I think that got blown out of proportion because Landry is supposed to be so bad and I'm decent you know um but Michael B Jordan oh yes very good yeah basketball he is he is a hell of an athlete I just never got the chance to work with him so I always just go back to 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confidence in season one that you had that carries all the way through and Landry only gains more confidence as it goes with the exception of this kind of storyline but even now in the midst of the murder you're standing up for yourself even now in this episode when Tyra tells you to be a man you stand up for yourself of and have incredible moment where you're like if if that's what you think a man is non-feeling ice in their veins no empathy for other people then I don't want to be that man all right that's that's a terrible version of a man and Landry was never hesitant to share what he thought was right the Caster storyline in season one with Bobby Reyes with with that fight calling saracen out constantly for going to the other side um you know he always knew where he stood in town which is why it's so funny that he joins the football team oh my God there's so much in this episode and I I let's take the Ridiculousness of the murder side yeah I was like it's kind of crazy too and I don't know I've never murdered anyone but you're you're racked with this guilt seems normal and fine but there's also scenes where you're totally normal like when the Tiara shows up I know and which is hilarious but like there's also scenes where you're just normal Andrea and maybe you would be I don't know but I was kind of like like you're kind of flip-flopping between yeah big time what was it like having to play both those sites because they make you join the football team as well as murder a guy two things that I never thought I'd see Landry Clark do well one it was just an interesting experience my my great idea of talking about this murder storyline um of just jumping in cold to season two episode one getting just a little bit of time of with with the old Landry before this which was like I hadn't seen in Forever and then yeah one and in the first episode it happened so fast which I didn't remember yeah kill him and and then it's just like we know what what we have to do it was like very little conversation it was just it's almost an unspoken I mean well I wonder what that scene was I do okay yeah I feel like I gotta call my dad he's uh he um he's a cop and the entire's like no and you're like okay I was watching it uh last night with with Kirsten a couple of my friends and my mother-in-law and my my friend said as as we were all just kind of like wow that happened very fast she said well they're they're teenagers okay I don't know if I if that fully covers all of it but I'll I'll go with that um but talking about bouncing back and forth I mean that that was something I remember having a lot of conversations with Jeff and um writers was like this would be something consuming has every waking thought and like like I said earlier there's a little bit of like Landry's sort of position in the show was to provide a very specific sort of comedic relief but as you said they wanted Tyron Landry together and so it was just like that they didn't fully commit to like losing this other this other part that people responded to you know um and then I remember later on which it doesn't even take that many episodes for for us to be fully past the murder storyline I remember begging desperately for just like some some scene showing that like yeah I still killed the guy no but I remember Seasons after when we just mess around we'd be in the locker room oh hey Lane you remember remember when you killed that guy and you just gotta wait no nobody ever talks about that anyway wait what's the play yeah I don't know how you get to be at peace about something like that but it's so funny to me that the writers were like oh yeah no no you you want some of that remorse and everything but we just wanna we wanna kind of forget about it so like here we go we got old Landry back but I love that they kept Landry intact was it a relief for you when you got to have those little scenes like Zach said when The Tiara shows up at the saracen household and grandma saracen is like Matt you can't put a price tag on happiness and you look at her and go oh that's that's really nice you know what that'd be good for that like just you just want to step out to Rite Aid you just want to pop in the drugstore and like that's the Landry we had on season one was it a relief to play those scenes out you know no I felt like I felt like what's going on yeah like it felt I felt like I was just flailing a little bit with that because I didn't fully understand it I guess on the one hand you know there's some Detachment that might be going on but yeah it's also watching the show realizing how much happens in an episode with yeah with the various characters so it's like yeah it's difficult to in an episode I mean there are there are a few it's like they're the scenes that confronts it and then there are the scenes that completely right ignore it um but no I I just remember feeling like what what what is going on okay well you mentioned other characters let's let's jump into the episode recap sure yeah we'll fly through some of this stuff but um you know it opens with coach and Tammy still separated another storyline that is completely different and very uncomfortable I think for the viewer and the people that are playing the roles you know everybody's all of a sudden working with people they've never worked with before so you know coaches away and I we've all felt like this right coaches away there's a problem happening at home he can do nothing to help it's the middle of the night the baby's crying and and he's just trying to offer advice oh you know maybe the baby's colicky maybe the maybe that's what's happening she doesn't want me and he's gotta know better I mean I'm sure you know this if you're out of town for work and there's stuff going on at home you just gotta be supportive and not act like you have like you know anything oh come on he also does the classic move that I'm sure we've all done before he tries to make his situation seem like way less fun than it is to like try and like no these are rules number one and two yeah nothing's going on I can't be there to help you so my bed sucks and I I can't get any sleep and then shut up dude yeah I'm so sorry this is so is there anything I can do right Can I doordash some food to the house for you do you want me to just sit here and listen to the baby cry cool I've been out of town and my wife has um had me FaceTime one kid while she changes the other and then my daughter hides me in a box and I just sit on that FaceTime in a dark black box until someone finds me yes because if I hang up and go have fun I am not a supportive husband yeah these are all the things you should do 100 these are not the things that coach does and I think I have been guilty of doing something like this very often I try to downplay where I am and what I'm doing because I know how hard my wife is working but nothing works nothing works because if you say God this sucks it's so hard to be away yeah but you know it's like oh is it so hard to have your own apartment quiet to be sleeping through the night yep yep so so coach makes some mistakes uh somebody else made a mistake Landry lost his watch with the body nope yep Tiger gets a call in the middle of the night who's sleeping soundly yeah she's just like hey people deal with me before Landry oh I don't know we just killed a guy you go you know it's not like everyone anybody's gonna ever find out yeah except for the fact that my watch is uh you know labeled two Landry from Grandpa does that come back I was just gonna ask you uh no what ends up almost sinking Landry later in the season is the fibers from the cloth in the trunk of the uh the G4 station wagon that you have and that's why you guys uh roast that damn thing in the desert your dad drives you out the middle of the desert but uh we we digress um oh this is when you first this was Glenn's first episode yeah of this whole murder storyline I think the the the the relationship between you and your father is actually something really interesting and and compelling that comes out of it well Glenn's a great actor yeah and I remember all of this differently I remember thinking oh no you can tell that there's still something else going on and you can't you can't no you can't and so while you were acting the scenes yeah I remembered them being more successful I I feel like I could have in the saracen house uh you're you're very anxious you're like can we just get going Matt is trying to hem and haw I I need to see if Julie needs to be picked up and you're like I can tell you the truth she doesn't need to be picked up Matt like can we does does she have her testicles in her sock drawer as well because uh you're not seeing things very clearly and that agitation and that I mean it's very apparent that at least to me watching the songs as a viewer uh that there's something kind of you know uh roiling under the surface 100 the football practice I found it so interesting officer Chad Clark played by Glenn Moore shower your dad that's the first time we have ever met him and uh he's waiting there on the sideline you you're out there getting leveled by Tim I don't even know what position you're playing maybe safety maybe the linebacker uh just getting done over and over again after season one where you didn't have to do the football stuff now having to do all the practice stuff which was the most tedious part of the show like initially it was like I think for me I'll say like the pilot or whatever was like oh my gosh it's so fun to play fake football and then it was like oh we're doing a football scene I think there was a little bit of me that felt like I made the team you know I really think also I was 18. you guys were like my older brothers and so I don't know I there was a little bit I mean it's like I don't want to be in this fans you know of course not and so I think by that time you guys are probably like got another football practice in the heat you know doing the same [ __ ] over and over again I was I was probably excited about that part yeah I was right there with you I was so fun to have both of you back for season two like on the field because I mean we all got along great we had fun and it was like definitely the more the merrier and um so yeah I was happy I was really happy you were on the team yes man yeah after one of those practices though you come out and you've got your own rally girl which I expected to be one of the greatest things ever or in under different circumstances would have been like the most amazing thing ever because in season one your view on rally girls is Matt you get you gotta take it you gotta take this opportunity and run with it like this is not going to be a never-ending thing like your qb1 temporarily so you know Flex this muscle get everything you can out of the rally girl situation instead let's just bad timing I mean you're not in the mood instead you uh you ask her a question you remember the question which which is trying to marry those two things we were just talking about you know humor but I killed the guy right um um yeah uh I don't I don't know what what I have to say about that scene it was it's weird and then it I mean it launches you into you know your thing with Tyra where you laughed at my ass off I'm sorry when you say do you think every human is capable of evil I was like I I don't know like I love watching this like no it definitely read the needle it definitely was funny and I think they did thread the needle here and I know I know you very well and I know you're very critical of yourself and so I hear what you're saying you're like oh I feel like almost like you feel like like the jester you know like you had to make a joke because you're Landry however I thought it was very honest because it was like it's it just is funny as a viewer yeah it's not a joke but it's not a joke no it's not Landry's asking it so I don't know earnestly in that moment but then the big scene between you and Tyra where she challenges you to be a man and you really get to tell her everything that you're going through and I felt every single ounce of it I mean well I mean she's so good and and that was that was the other part of it where like I said I I had to convince myself that yeah these things happen you know accidents happen and it's like I I I think both of us you know we might have we might have done what we all did and sort of reworked things but I think we couldn't allow in any um thought of this being outlandish for the show so like when we were when we were doing it I was like just so grateful that um you know it was I was in it with with Annie because yeah she's you know that's the thing about this show it's like I really feel like we all made each other better yeah you know um and so as from like a strictly like acting standpoint I feel like I I appreciate that whole Arc so much because I feel like I learned so much and like I said trying sometimes successfully to keep that that same level of realism was was something that I really yeah I really appreciate that very specific challenge that I got to yeah experience I remember there was uh one point when I was in college one of my acting professors said you know basically I think he was like referring to Patrick Stewart he's like to be able to sit down in a Star Trek chair and say warp speed ahead and like have people buy it yeah have it seem cheesy that's good acting for sure it takes because a lot of people could do that and it would be like okay Warp Speed Ahead like nice um but that's exactly what you guys had to do in this and and it really was as I said in our last episode but I was like it still was our show it just was like yeah dealing with a murder and covering it up is not a storyline but everything about the way you guys did it was so in the ilk of our show you bought in 100 and I I want to Lodge you for a second here and I know you hate getting all these compliments uh but we play a game quite often where since I have all of these scripts since I'm a hoarder and Manchester and Zach's destination like a short script um well they started doing double-sided they started printing double sided yeah environment environmentally friendly or saving money either way um very often Zach will say did Jesse improv that line and very often the answer is no it's in the script they wrote the most outlandish things for Landry to say and yet you you're on a different level than me because I I very often have to rework [ __ ] to like put my own words into it to make it feel comfortable or you and your capability to say exactly what's on the page in such a way that it makes us all go oh Jesse had to have improved that like it was like this perfect marriage of the writer's room and and very often people say you know oh we get off the page we improv so much on Friday Night Lights but our writers were still brilliant but for Landry that character being so magnificent it was like this perfect marriage of the writers sending you the craziest [ __ ] to say and you just Landing the plane every single time it's awesome to watch man well thank you man that's very nice and yeah like I said it was it was a very crazy experience revisiting this but I I you know on the one hand it feels like watching home movies or something you know it's it's really it's so personal Pete instilled such a almost like punk rock spirit in all of us and you you just really feel it but going off of what you were saying the the line that that the writers tow in this where so many so many scenes could so easily Veer into cliches where it's like the show is heartwarming which is so hard which is so hard to pull off and they they as well as the actors and everyone involved yeah I was I was blown away at how how good it is even though you know we're talking about this this particular storyline which you know I guess it's true man it's like weird I mean it's we're going back and watching and being like wow this Show's really good yeah like yeah really good well because every character makes good decisions and bad decisions repeatedly you know so go back to the people doing bad things oh not only football gets a point on the board um I was all in on land run Landry and Tyra at the end of season one even without the murder you holding hands on the bridge after you have told her your watch is down there somewhere and she's like we gotta go home there's this little moment where you hold hands as you're walking off the bridge I would have bought that regardless of murder you know at the end of the episode the last scene that we get with Landry and Tyra is her coming into the house and and telling you that you are like the greatest man she's ever known and like she regardless of all of the events that have happened is so lucky to to know you and all of these things and it's it's where the the two of you actually I mean that's what happens right this has happened in other shows for you though you've had other shows you know there's been a murder and a little bit of Smoochy smooching Fargo you know it's my thing it's my thing that's what I do brings people together but I mean that moment you guys had worked for so many episodes in season one building the relationship you and Annie of Landry and Tyra um what did that feel like at the end for these two to kind of kind of finally come together even under the circumstances it was did it feel well I guess you know yeah all of that in the in season one loved I mean it was just you know this the scenes with with Zach no offense it had gotten like so incredibly easy for us yeah do you know what I mean to the point where I remember saying to you at a certain point like is this entertaining right because it just but at a certain point it just felt like two friends hanging out shooting the [ __ ] um but it was yeah even like you know the the dynamic with Riggins there for a little bit just seeing yeah what what happens to Landry you know interacting with these other characters especially Tyra but one thing that I I do think was really interesting to play in that second season is is you know and I've I've now done it as you said a few times since then but this very specific intense Bond on top of everything you know that that happened in season one but let's take a slight detour did you have a you just mentioned the Riggins like teaching them how to read and uh all of the E's and and the entertaining ease of scenes uh with you and saracen was was there a favorite kind of storyline that you had in the show uh you know I think a through line for me is Cruz Victorious for you yeah and the fact that Caleb Landry Jones was your drummer uh and Stephanie hunt and Stephanie hunt yeah just recently married the Swede what you guys don't know this so Devin married him hi Ali okay you'll never watch this but um yeah they they met Maybe six years ago or so at this music festival that I was at and I would bump into Ollie occasionally because he he you know shaky Graves kind of blew up how many years after the show right his band his yeah that's crazy um but for me like Chris Victorious through line like I I love everything every time Chris Victorious comes up but did you have a favorite storyline um I mean I I guess my my my sort of happy place in that show was just the the ridiculous advice that I would I would give Zach it was it just always felt like coming home when it was a scene like that 100 man I remember because there you know there were times where like we didn't have a lot together and then we would I also loved uh your thought that maybe grandma sarson was a witch some part of the occult oh yeah that was the three line that stuck I I had the thought as as we've been talking about Landry like would he have survived during this age I I feel like 2023 yeah if he was in high school have gone down some crazy rabbit holes yeah I feel like that might have it might have been a good thing that he wasn't around during that time because he already kind of had I mean that was my audition scene was some kind of conspiracy theory yeah oh my gosh yeah I actually read the that scene like as scripted it's it's crazy man like that audition scene uh oh my gosh yeah we'll have to we'll have to revisit that uh scene soon because that was your audition scene yeah oh my gosh yeah Landry was talking about everything's all connected there's a bunch of political stuff in it and there's also Witchcraft and I'm not gonna say that your Grandma's not a part of the cult or some Supernatural element but you know it's all some massive world order I mean you were I think he needed Matt well they pulled a lot of that stuff out they pulled a lot of that conspiracy stuff out that being said no matter what crazy [ __ ] they gave you uh you always just a plus made it feel real made it feel just you know so honest for the character and the end of the episode like I said I I would have bought this relationship regardless of murder yeah and it was uh it was kind of cool even under all the duress they just accelerated it was yeah you know yeah yeah it was gonna happen you know last episode you're watching fried green tomatoes on the couch trying to figure out how to put your arm around her and and now you've killed a guy and you're making out so there we go um other characters other storylines that happen in this episode I mean I think the other one the one that's really worth like kind of getting into a little um we gotta talk about your dream sequence um I think kind of the Tammy Glenn thing but the introduction of Glenn I think is an amazing character and the relationship between those two and I totally I never worked with him so I forgot how amazing he was and then it's so fun watching some of these scenes and you know it's like I know Connie's amazing but this is like one of those episodes where you're just like you shine on so many levels yeah unbelievable in it every every scene and she she hadn't had a baby you've never had a baby maybe she's now has a doctor I know but gone through any of of that yeah and it felt so so real I mean my God yeah her ability to harness the the energy you know postpartum uh having Gracie being alone the struggle of all of that the introduction of Glenn he's a science teacher who's filling in for her as a guidance counselor played by Steve Walters who actually is one of Derek Phil uh Phillips all-time best friends they went to school together they've known each other for a long time he was just such a natural fit when we interviewed Amy Tea Garden she said it was really interesting to watch guest stars come in because some of them would be like what what is happening how is this how you guys work I can't hack this and then there were some people who stepped right in and immediately fit as part of the family and I think because Steve had talked to Derek and kind of knew exactly how we worked he didn't miss a beat that very first scene where he comes to Tammy and coach's house and he walks in and it's a mess and he's like oh my god did you clean all this up just for me she's like I just had a baby Glenn he's like that was a that was a bad joke I'm so sorry I was like oh what was the line that got me it's like uh uh don't talk to me about my perspiration yeah yeah so later in the episode yeah so I I love all of it and Tammy's like kind of trying to equip him with how to how to address all these students and everything and the irony of the scene is she's like you just have to talk to the kids you have to get to know them you have to understand where they are as people and then she tells truly to bring Matt over and watch a movie and Julie's like what is it with you and Matt Mom it like storms out so clearly she has no idea how to talk to her own kid but the advice is get to know all these other kids my mom was a social worker and she was an amazing social worker I literally had kids tell me I would never have graduated high school if not for your mom I I wouldn't be alive if not for your mom um and I would get so mad at her I'd be like Mom how are you a social worker you you don't know what you're talking about leave me alone that's the worst advice I've ever heard get out of my business it's like I don't know if there's blinders for social workers with their own kids or if us kids are just [ __ ] and aren't listening to the advice our parents are trying to give us I think that's probably what it is I think probably it's the blinders Theory but then in an act of desperation she walks in 105 degree heat all the way to the school and then barges into her office which is now Glenn's office for the time being and he's like I don't I don't think you're making good decisions right now and it's it's I I don't know you're sweating and it's and you're it's it's about your it's your perspiration and your glands your glands are and she's like don't talk about my glands and my perspiration he just steps in it constantly yeah um but that relationship growing was very jarring to me at the end of the episode baby Gracie has to go to the hospital and she calls Glenn to come pick her up are you all true daughter she can't drive Landry Lance as she would she would call it yeah I mean if you've got some other stuff going on mayor Rodell I think the buddy haven't you been in this buddy's got some other stuff going on too I I feel like there's times in your life where you're in it and and even though there may be other people to reach out to there's someone who's kind of been in it with you a little bit so it's just like this is the person who's gonna understand I'm not gonna have to explain anything it's like it's almost easier if you don't know them as as well they want to see you in the exactly maybe yeah 100 yeah no you're completely right on that in this case she wants to call somebody she doesn't have to explain anything to yeah get home get some rest um she's on the phone with coach in that scene coach has a whole side story line at the at tmu which I guess we ran out of CGI budget I don't know if we ever had a CGI budget but at tmu for everybody out there listening it says Texas state so clearly in the end zone Texas stayed on every building and it's the Bobcats which is Texas State Bobcats in San Marcos and yet they're still calling it tmu we just didn't even try to [ __ ] hide that no I think on that storyline the only thing I really want to say is like you know it's kind of one of those things where you see coach be the way we all think of Coach I think because we've been re-watching it we've seen like he has so many bad decisions that's not good coaching like it's been kind of jarring like with the blue storyline um yeah and all that but this was one of those moments when he like is is quintessential coach Taylor when he talks to this kid and talks to him straight and then stands up for him and um yeah and there's a happy ending to that one the actor that played Antoine in this episode is fantastic he's so good this guy was right there every step of the way I mean he's what smash could become in college right this guy Antoine so I feel like we've seen a coach deal with this kind of relationship before this Antoine kid but um the the best Kyle Chandler line this episode is not scripted they're at the diner the kid is asking him you know you got your baby on the schedule Oh you'd never know because you're not even home hey I'm gonna take a picture of you real quick because I'm you know I'm gonna send it to your baby mama or whatever and he grabs the phone and he starts going in on him the guy's like who the hell do you think I who the hell do you think you're talking to and then Kyle unscripted goes who do I think I'm talking to who am I know who the hell are you like stands up and walks away from not scripted best line of the episode I knew we wouldn't get through an episode without Scott quoting a Kyle Chandler line he's so cool my favorite was uh Child trailer line was in the in the SUV when Tammy calls and he has to be like I'm stuck at you he's talking out of the side of his mouth oh my God I actually I was speaking of being out of town I was out of I was in Winnipeg and my wife called me facetimed me while I'm in the van with the transpo driver and I'm in the front seat next to them and she goes um Zeppelin really wants you to um sing her sing her your songs and I was like okay so in the van with this like transport driver I'm singing my daughter twinkle twinkle in a Dave Matthews song and it was really embarrassing but my daughter went to sleep I know that's the thing is weird We're All fathers at this point and in that scene it's so funny because you can tell he does it all the time he talks to Baby Gracie all the time and it settles her down but he's in the car and he's so talking out of the shot of his mouth can we not talk about weeks about Brad we have to talk about Brad in this episode one and two he's I I I remember him everyone being amazing I remember him being amazing but he's so good all the stuff at the door too his ad-lib his kids are walking out he's like what you got there soccer ball um okay let's go yeah instead of a football he's like soccer but well because I mean this as he has said this granola eater this this guy leading his kids into a cult now they're playing soccer instead of football yeah I know that's such a little moment um my favorite moment of the episode and for everybody out there listen you watch the episode but he's going through some stuff but he's also being removed as kind of like head of the boosters and this guy Lester is now taking his spot that obviously coach McGregor likes there's a scene where he's in Lester's trophy room that's not in the script really yep and I talked to Brad about it and he said he's like if if Brad's gonna be I mean if Buddy's gonna be so drunk that he gets in like a fist fight and falls in the mud like can we just do a little thing where I'm doing like a little Preamble of like you can tell there's something and Reiner was like yeah [ __ ] let's let's shoot it right now let's go in this little room and they have all these you know the heads on the wall and when he looks out the window all of that is just Brad just improving yeah he's like hillbilly mouth breather Bridge he's like here we are in Lester's Trophy Room and Lester's a wholesome trophy room he prominary kill one of these guys and then all that um I do love how they're bringing Riggins and Lila back together um buddy in this moment kind of being a reflection of what Riggins has dealt with his whole life and kind of giving Lila some insight into you know when when riggin says I've been a lot around a lot of drunks your dad isn't one of them like he just had a rough night tonight like gives her a little insight and the viewers into like how Riggins grew up and maybe why Riggins is how he is and the two of them going at it the the weird prayer scene that Lila has in the in the lunchroom and he obviously sees it starts making out with a chick there's this tug of war happening with them it's how you do a love triangle incredibly well this is the third leg of the triangle God it's me speaking of love triangles briefly yeah after all these years seeing Julie cheat on you oh with the Swede oh I still felt a sense of like well thanks Landry no you know do that to Matt it was my thought this whole time I'm like in order to make a love triangle interesting you gotta like the characters who likes the Swede right now he's not that unlikable uh Ruffles hair but he's like okay kids see you later yeah and he's like oh you gotta go to school oh yeah pep rally we used to do those like I mean he's just like so condescending the entire time she eats it up oh she finds it sexy she does she kisses him in the car takes some ownership of her own life there and I was actually proud of Matt when she dumped him and was like no it's not you it's me and I think I said something like yeah no it's not me yeah I don't know what else you could want from me yeah so cool um wanted to give a quick shout out Mitchell Lance Adams played Antoine beltrain uh he I want to give him his flowers because I thought he was awesome in this episode um all right I think that's pretty much all the story lines is there anything else you wanted to cover Jesse if so we could do it in overtime I think we're gonna move into that yeah overtime Jason Street storyline yeah sure um overtime one when Jason Street goes to the doctor and he's regaining grip in his hand that is a that's a huge deal it happens quite often um but what ends up happening quite often is it is false hope of you know and I thought it was really interesting to have that doctor in that scene as Jason's kind of going hey I can move my I can move my look at this grip I can grip a pencil now you know what does that mean that means I can probably and he's like you're never gonna walk again yeah it's like what who are you just saying he's like I'm your doctor that's who I am to say when I go out to the lobby and I meet the guy who sends Jason Street down a path of a very crazy storyline shark injections in Mexico that person playing the role of Steve is Mark zupan that is the lead of murder yeah talked about it a lot of the show they had been looking for an opportunity to get Mark zupan in and this was the perfect opportunity so it was so cool that we got mark zupan on the show um the second thing the dream scene when I talked to Tammy the the dream is actually a huge storyline in this script where everything was taken out so under review okay the episode actually opens and I I can't believe that they even attempted to do this uh on a beach white sand water the color of vacation close on Jason Street gets a beer from a kid and then you hear a voice let me have a sip of that would you sugar and you turn around and it's Tammy Taylor full bikini the two of them on a beach in Mexico together and and I give her the beers she takes a drink she goes why don't you go ahead and go for a swim babe and I'm like you you know I can't do that she's like you know what I think I think you're not trying hard enough that's what I think and Jason laughs at her but then tries to stand and does then they make out no I'm not kidding yeah uh yeah because this is like one thing that I remember because it's so crazy this memory has stuck with me Jason hands her his bottle as she takes a swig she smiles leans over and kisses him before he leaves a real sexy awesome kiss this is the opening of the episode no we never even got to shoot it but the fact that it's even in the script is like such a sign that in season two we are doing things very differently got to get people to watch the show man we're trying to boost those numbers we still were going to shoot it when I did the scene when I roll when I when I go to Tammy and I say you know you're in my dream and in the dream you tell me I can walk that's why there's like the indecision and Jason and stuff like that anyway yeah so but uh she's so good in that scene too because there's so many emotions when she turns around that I saw like she was like oh that was so sweet and then she was like oh my God that's so heartbreaking like that he think like to say I'm gonna walk again this many this like it's a year later post injury usually you would hope that like he would be kind of release I don't know understanding of his his own reality but then Jason starts on this journey down this crazy crazy you know a sliver of Hope for certain things in life and especially if it's walking it's I buy it yeah I do too I just thought that was kind of one of the soul sweet scenes yeah in in the episode like truly and you two are really yeah there's there's an interesting Dynamic there and just seeing her for a second kind of get out of the the sort of you know place that she's been my one flag on the episode I Gotta Throw yeah and I don't know if you guys noticed this but it was glaring to me um the scene where uh Rigo takes buddy home with Lila he's wearing a season one Jersey we're in all the other scenes he's wearing a season two Jersey so like wardrobe messed up big yeah unless he got in the car and decided to put his old Jersey on from the pep rally to that scene yeah at that big pep rally is the unveiling of the new Panther jerseys with like that stripe down yeah the Under Armor ones yeah sponsor sponsored by Under Armor uh you know Gaius crushes the wrap in the Brand New Jersey uh not scripted he wrote that himself as he always did um yeah that's a big flag of the play that's my big flag on the play yeah just put on his old Jersey he just has all of his jerseys just hang out in his truck great changes um do you have any overtimes Jesse anything that we didn't get to talk about that you wanted to talk about in this episode okay well I said I might mention the first episode of season two one thing that I found so crazy and impossibly difficult to do was the music choice at the last episode starting with that Wilco song with everything that's happening with all of the characters starting with the you know the the birth of Gracie yeah ending with with Landry bludgeoning this guy to death um and somehow that song fits uh the music was so good in this show along with everything we talked about but it seems like an impossible thing to do is tie all of this together you know we had some really good music supervisors on our show I think Reiner had amazing like yeah any taste but like you know understanding of what song is going to do what mood and Bridge what story lines um but I actually became friends somewhere towards the end of the series with one of our music supervisors like I ran into him at a Broken Bells concert oh that was remember when we yeah went to that rehearsal yeah so anyway um and I started talking to him he's like I'm a music supervisor on the show and then for years he would send me like you know music that wasn't out yet and that's like how I got my music and I thought it was really cool the music supervisor filled your yeah song list uh new music I loved through the show and when I was shooting yeah yeah did you did you watch the show when it's initially on yeah you did yeah so you've watched it once and you've put it away you've never gone back to watch it again maybe it's like it's been at least a decade probably I haven't watched any of it since it aired yeah wow um how often do you watch it I I no no I'm just I'm I have not watched it either I I think you hit the nail on the head earlier it's like there's it's such a it was so long ago and there was so much emotion because for a lot of us this was our first like big thing and we were making choices that I don't know I was I don't think I never thought about the fact that the choices I made then would stick with me forever on this show that has now become this this big thing with so many people that love it so much I go back and watch it I can't help but be critical of the decisions I made I had never really done this before and also everything that came along with it like living in Austin not knowing anybody and being cut off from all you guys for most of the first season there's a lot of emotion that is all cooked into that that you know it brings up when I watch the show it's how I was and who I was in my life outside of filming so but I think that that all comes across in in what you're doing too you know and and Street I think that all that's in there you know yeah and I mean I know life experience informs all of that but I think it's a reason why a lot of us haven't gone back to watch it I don't know I just only watch everything once once I've literally never watched anything I've done twice there are many things that I've never watched I have seen those as well it's you know I also felt like you know on most shows and especially on this one of the show is really good that's why I did keep watching it once you've done a few episodes when you you know what it is you know exactly what it's going to look like when it gets on the TV and it's almost like aside from the music but you kind of at a certain point know like well these are the songs they're gonna use or the type of music and so sometimes it's like I don't even need to watch it I know what it is uh before we go you have done so much since the show and we're not gonna get into but is there anything you took with you from Friday Night Lights into everything or has every experience just kind of been new and fresh and have you been able to approach everything differently I'm curious what you guys would say to that question but me it was like before Friday Night Lights and after Friday Night Lights it felt very formative definitive I was 18 when I got it and I don't think up until that point I had ever looked far enough into the future and thought is this something I'll actually do for a living you know I knew I enjoyed it but that was the first time I think as we were saying it's because of this ownership that that Pete placed in responsibility that people placed on all of us I fell in love with it in a completely different way and just the environment on set is about the most conducive environment to good acting that that you could ever uh that you could ever have and so after Friday Night Lights I think I went through a bit of a like creative existential crisis it's like how do I bring that Spirit to a set that is is not um you know it doesn't work in the same way but yeah I I feel like that was the best uh class I've ever taken and it was the most fun I I've ever had I think that's part of it too is we were having so much fun dude I think that should be a part of it always this it can't always be fun but I think I mean we're playing I believe it should be fun yeah and we had fun on and offset I remember actually sorry last story and it's going to be quick it was after my um basically it was like my last night in Austin in season four and we went to whatever that that PCS TC's and then we went and we went [ __ ] skinny dipping in a creek yeah that's so funny and we were pretty early that next morning yeah things were great yeah there's one last story I want to tell we've asked you about story lines there's a storyline when Landry gets hurt oh yep and the the batist for the storyline is actually an injury that did happen to Jesse in real life played flag football an awful lot uh with some of our stunt players with some of the background actors uh we would have massive games every weekend we'd play at indel Valley on Panther field we'd like climb the fence and we'd play it's huge Insurance liability which we never really worried about until one specific day um Jesse was playing quarterback we were against Riggins it was you and I on the same team and then uh I took over at quarterback and you took my position of receiver I was having a bad day you were you threw a couple of interceptions yeah and Taylor was talking so so so much [ __ ] in a way that only he can oh the way that only Taylor when he really starts to come down on you he gets that laugh that laugh going with that high-pitched kind of like and and you know he's having the time of his life man and this kid I mean Taylor is a serious athlete and uh I take over a quarterback and you go out to sit at the receiver spot I think it was the first play your first round receiver you look at me I said run a five yard out you walk up to the line and I hear Taylor oh plemons oh I'm gonna eat you for lunch I never will forget hearing that line because he was talking so much [ __ ] to Jesse Jesse comes off the line plants his left leg and goes down in a Heap what happened well I did one extra unnecessary uh cut maneuver thinking like ah I'm gonna shut it I'm gonna shut Taylor up and yeah I planted and lost traction and within a minute I remember you could tell that something was terribly uh turned yellow it started to turn purple swelled up and yeah it turned really ugly very quickly for your ACL yeah meniscus and then and your meniscus yeah oh I remember this and then fortunately it was a show that was loosey-goosey enough and so the producers were not happy at all but I remember we never got to play football on that one again until the night of our series finale rap party the writers and actors went out and played flight football out there sorry go ahead I remember saying to them no no it's okay I'm I'm sitting in all of the scenes and this following in this episode that we're shooting and that was true and they were like what are we gonna do you're supposed to be um playing in the game I was like Landry gets hurt like how does he get hurt trips on the curb and they were like all right and then that's what it was and then they wrote Landry tripping on a curve and now what would be the most frustrating thing to say to coach it's like how did you get her oh I would do that tripping on a curb oh man we had to carry you over the chain link fence to get you out of there put you in a car uh but the story feels right for Landry in the in the series um you know one of those I mean unhappy accidents I would say but something that worked out because the show was flexible enough well man we gotta say thank you so much thank you for coming in today I I don't know how we were able to kind of do a Jesse interview but also do an episode breakdown while also talking about all of the murder in season two uh but I think we did it mixed it all up for everybody out there listening who stuck with this this long I know this is our longest episode and we say thank you to you I know we missed some things if there's any scenes you want us to talk about in the future please go to the Apple podcast written review section or the YouTube comment section let us know uh what you would like to see uh or hear from us as we go on down the path of season two while you're there uh write the show give us a little subscribe to the podcast it helps out if you're over on YouTube subscribe hit the Bell hit that like button you know all the things that you're supposed to do out there Jesse this was incredible man it was fun I know good to see you all uh for myself for Zach for Jesse we like to say goodbye the same way every single week uh we will see you all out there listening next Thursday morning but until we do Clear Eyes Full Hearts and lose baby [Music]
Channel: It's Not Only Football Friday Night Lights Podcast
Views: 47,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZdaHYQubY1c
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Length: 69min 29sec (4169 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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