Lamb Kleftiko | Stolen Meat #Kleftiko
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Channel: Delicious Tasty Good
Views: 1,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lamb Kleftiko, kleftiko, kleftiko recipe, kleftiko music, kleftiko parcels, kleftiko oven, κλεφτικος, kleftiko milos greece, kleftiko lamb shanks, kleftiko leg of lamb, κλεφτικος χορος, lamb kleftiko recipe, lamb kleftiko cyprus recipe, lamb kleftiko rick stein, lamb kleftiko with feta, lamb kleftiko slow cooker, lamb kleftiko jamie oliver, ακης πετρετζικης lamb kleftiko, slow cooked lamb shoulder, slow cooked lamb shanks, kleftiko lamb shank recipe, Lamb leg kleftiko
Id: yT53KgDt2jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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