LaGrand Angus Ranch

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she's uh she's a 2009 model so this is her second calf I'm gonna move her calf out of the way they get tattooed and their shots and they get put back with Mama prep to go back out the real world and then I've got some vaccinations and shots we have to give this sprinter toxemia Legrand Angus ranch at Freeman South Dakota that's next on the American Rancher [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to today's program Legrand Angus ranch located at Freeman South Dakota is a well known operation in cattle production circle that we're going to learn about on this show Lance Pancras stays busy year-round and the workload doesn't let up in winter when calving season and prepping seed stock for spring auction are in full swing will visit with Lance learn how he manages a great Angus herd and of course see some fantastic cattle out in the northern plains I'm Pam medic and you're watching the American Rancher stay with us join superior production Saturday April 14th live on rfd-tv from the Sioux Falls Regional livestock auction for the Legrand Angus ranch complete dispersal more than 900 head of Angus cattle will sell Legrand Ranch is known to produce cattle that have performance with eye appeal as well as genetics for replacements and carcass for more information or to get a buyer number contact superior productions today welcome back to the American rancher Legrand Angus ranch is located outside Freeman South Dakota which is about 50 miles southwest of Sioux Falls the Legrand Angus herd began in the mid-1990s and represents a high quality grade of cattle for both purebred and commercial Stockman alike the beginning of March doesn't mean winter is over or that calving season is done here in the eastern portion of South Dakota the land is rich for farming and there's a schedule for the entire year that is followed for optimal results at Legrand Angus ranch we are purebred Angus seed stock provider we raise bulls for commercial and purebred cattlemen we saw a lot of heifers and cows into the area as well we started out doing a lot of showing getting our name out you know into the country we were lucky enough to win a lot of shows we incorporated those really good phenotype genetics back into the program and the last five six years have been really concentrating on the commercial end of things Lance Pankratz runs Legrand Angus ranch at Freeman and gets along well with a great team of individuals who help make the business a success Lance is the son of noted veterinarian docked and Kretz widely known for his grande laboratories enterprise for quite some time Lance and his dad have operated separate ranches Legrand Angus ranch at Freeman is Lance's outfit no my father has a ranch in the northwest part of South Dakota and that's called Legrand Scotch cap Angus ranch I'm Legrand Angus ranch we don't share any cattle back and forth he's completely separate I'm completely separate so yeah some people get us confused that we're together or you know I'm with him or he's with me but no he's running a completely separate herd out there in bayson South Dakota the northern plains are some of the name best ranch country the winners are tough and cattle raised in this environment must adapt to bitter cold weather Lance raises his Bulls out on pasture then brings them to a spacious developing yard where they receive a primarily forage base ration he doesn't mind that he doesn't have the industry's biggest yearling weights but rather that his bulls developed from the ground up so that later they don't melt down on the job for their new owners you know we do a lot of calving in January in February because the buyers want a 14 to 16 month old bull when they come to turnout in June or July so that's one of the reasons why we're calving in you know the dead of winter but you know soon as we get them off of grass into here they go on to a ration that's a higher roughage ration they're not pushed for gain they just do it naturally on themselves that's why you'll get the longevity out of them yeah you might not see the 1516 hundred pound yearling weight Bulls here but I don't believe that they should be pushed very hard if you don't bet the Bulls they'll freeze their scrotal real quick-like you'll get a lot better game if you keep their bellies warm no smelly cleaner if they're better shape they'll breathe back quicker too so go out get some bean stocks or corn stocks some wheat and try to get try to get some bedding and then we grind that up for feet as well during calving season Lance doesn't get a lot of sleep it's an around-the-clock task that reveals the heart and patience needed to be a seed stock producer within hours each calf is properly weighed identified and given a good start on the growing process 82 pounds they get tattooed and their shots and then get put back with Mama prep to go back out the real world [Music] [Music] now she'll have that in her ear for the rest of her life and then we've got some vaccinations shots we have to give this is foreigner toxemia just swallow that and then I give an antibiotic shot in case the any subclinical infections might take hold next few days like a naval infection and this would just be a vitamin b12 shot and she's ready typically it usually melts off in March and that's when it gets really muddy things will start thawing up that I can have in January in February mostly you have to have the facilities to do that but when it comes to March April time and the calves are two three months old they can handle this mud a lot easier so it's pretty beneficial to calves in January February if you have the facilities because you could be dealing with a blizzard to three times a week it works good with the farming and then that way the AI is more concentrated at places where we have the cows a little more confined so that we can you know don't have to run around to different pastures and try to get the cows bred oh we've always kind of been real watch for mothering ability over the years if there's cow that's a problem the help we usually try to make them disappear if we have you know just because we deal with them on a day to day basis and you know what we don't like problems we don't expect our customers to like problems the concepts of whole herd health and an effective vaccination protocol have been in place at LeGrande from its beginning Lance believes the regard they have carried out in this way has been instrumental in raising Angus cattle with a track record of longevity when we started the herd 1215 years ago we really concentrated on the maternal instincts and that'sthat's come through every year the Primrose named Black Caps the forever ladies we've got a very closed herd I quit showing a few years ago so we'll you know everything's like I said it's a pretty closed herd we're not bringing anything in it's a really high health herd too as well we do a lot of testing for various diseases my father was a veterinarian and he had a pharmaceutical company called grant laboratories and he was very conscious of making sure every cow was tested for Lou kosis and Yanni's BVD I don't think you'll find a herd out here that has had as much blood work done and vaccinations anywhere in the nation I've been really concentrating on raising the best type of bulls I can for the commercial operator and I hear stories every year from guys that are extremely happy with their calves the calves the top and their market every time you bring them in you know that's that's what I'm here to do [Music] Legrand Angus is raised and developed a superb source of very healthy long-lived high-performing cattle that have worked for Stockman in all types of country plants and his dad doc Pancras divided up their operations years ago Lance is shaping a new future for his outfit this coming April will be a Legrand offering like none other and will look further into it when we return you're watching the American Rancher stay with us [Music] welcome back to the American Rancher we've learned that South Dakota is a cold place in winter and the lands pancreas and the Legrand team takes special care when their calving during this time of year here's more on our story you know we've concentrated on the top bloodlines in the angus industry I think once you go through the pedigrees you'll see they'll come out the primroses the the Black Caps the forever ladies there's there's a lot of different ones out there but we actually have very close to the top matriarch cows it'll be a historic day for Lance Pankratz and the little Grand Angus ranch this coming April 14th LeGrande will offer unrestricted access to the herd that they've taken years to build Matt Sims is the sale manager overseeing Lola grande Angus ranch dispersal Matt is auction and help market the Legrand seed stock for the last several years all right Legrand Angus ranch started with maybe a goal in mind of wanting to campaign cattle to major shows they had several ROV champions a few years ago when Lance took over the management they transitioned to where they wanted to shift their focus to producing more commercial oriented bulls calving ease with high growth but still maintain the phenotype that they had cultivated all the years that they had been having those show champions bred it is rare that you have someone that emphasizes phenotype and that kind of performance and then tries to get the numerical quality to go with those cattle and I think that's something they've done very well we've lauded the Bulls and the yearning heifers by sire group in terms of some that they kind of stood out to me obviously the one that you make a lot one better and two years in a row one of the outstanding sire groups that they've had at Legrand has been the upwards and the law one bull is a son of that up where goes back to a black bird cow family in the bottom side that was raised in the patent herd in Indiana here's a bullet ratio to 115 at weaning 190 year 118 and on as marbling 108 on his rib eye and does that with 36 centimeter scrotal in a 75 pound moderate birth weight so big revival 15.7 square inches he just kind of put the total package together just kind of moving through some of the others from other side groups Lance used a bull called connealy impression and this is the first set of those bulls that we've had an opportunity to merchandising there's some really nice yearling heifers by that bull as well bull that's done a really nice job for the lot the same reasons as the upwards the moderate birth the the high growth and then we've seen like a lot 13 bull the lead bull in that sire group you know a 16 inch ribeye on that bull again a boulder had a moderate Bertha 78 pounds but you get ratio to 106 for weenie and 105 at a year in the yearling heifer division the heifer that we chose to start off with there is again an upward daughter I've had the opportunity through the Denver sales and I'm involved with and several others to have helped merchandize several Lady Jaye cow family and I can tell you it's it's been one of the most popular and most consistent in terms of quality and value that I've ever been associated with and and I think this lot 201 heifer is going to be no exception to that and I think phenotypically one of the really good heifers in the offering she's got that real maternal look the big body the rib shape the depth the fleshing ability one of the best heifers in terms of phenotype or one that stood out to me I think is a lot 235 Lancet usable out of the TC program in Nebraska that's actually a Beckster son called Aberdeen this particular female ought to 35 is a daughter of Aberdeen out of a Miss wicks cow family when we get into the cow division of the Legrand dispersion you're going to see daughters of some of the top cows in the breed I did a actually little story in the front of the catalog on some of the foundation families that they have built their herd on in that you're going to find the primrose family the 2424 cow there's numerous daughters and a ton of granddaughters that would trace back to her you're going to see daughters and granddaughters of Bondy pride 664 she was a longtime donor female that was most famously known for producing a bullet called Mon Vieux new design 1407 Rito revenue 5m2 is a cornerstone bull of the Legrand program he ranks among Angus sires in the top one percent for marbling and ribeye EPDs and was documented by the American Angus Association as possessing the highest combination for these two traits among all sires more than 2,300 listed in the association's fall 2010 saira valuation report Legrand when they made the selection of REO revenue he was selected out of the women program in Virginia which is one of the top performance programs in terms of hir data in the country that bull they partnered with ABS on that bull and what we found in that bull that makes him somewhat unique is that you take two antagonistic traits and marbling and ribeye and he excels in both and his progeny when they scan their high and marbling they have huge revised and that is consistent throughout the Legrand Angus ranch dispersal is set for Saturday April 14th at Sioux Falls Regional livestock auction starting at 10 a.m. Central some 900 head of Angus from one of America's finest herds will sell what that's going to consist of there's a hundred and thirty five yearling bulls there's a hundred and twenty yearling heifers now the uring heifers are being retained and then there's going to be about roughly two hundred and eighty some-odd cow-calf pairs we will have a liquidation of their semen and embryo inventory as well and there's a bunch of them one thing we're doing it's a little different or you Econ that actually through superior we're going to be offering a proxy bid option to the buyers we're on the monday the week prior to the sale they can start submitting bids on the semen and embryos when we get to that portion of the sale in an effort to expedite that part will refer to those proxy bids if no one raises those bids then whoever submitted that bid on the internet will own that particular lot when asked about the dispersal and how he feels about things Lance says he's enjoyed the cattle business and wants to start anew I definitely don't want to get out of this this industry at all right now basically I'm just have to reboot I'll probably keep just a handful of embryos back and start my base herd over I'm hoping to pick up some partners and do some things on some shares and hopefully I can pick pick some of that up and get a few heifers back and be back in it within a few years been here since 97 when the first registered Angus cow was bought and kind of been through the whole cycle here and I mean it's it's going to be a good opportunity for a lot of people to get some good genetics hi I'm Lance Pankratz with Legrand Angus please join us on Saturday April 14th for the Legrand dispersion and bull sale and female sale will be airing it live on rfd-tv or you can give us a call at six oh five nine two five seven six one one we can get your sale catalog or would get you a DVD out as well please join us on Saturday April 14th the Legrand Angus ranch dispersal sale offers some 900 head of the best cattle you can find anywhere the auction comes to you Saturday April 14th beginning at 10 a.m. Central from the Sioux Falls Regional livestock auction this outstanding cattle auction will be televised live on rfd-tv by superior productions don't miss it from the land of the big Sioux we hope you've enjoyed our visit with Legrand Angus ranch and we invite you to visit our website the American Rancher calm or check us out on Facebook we'd love to hear from you I'm Pam Minich thank you for joining us we'll see you next time [Music] the American Rancher is made possible in part by barring her Ingelheim vet medica incorporated makers of Express and Express FP vaccines to defend your calves against respiratory disease the American Rancher is also brought to you by Land O'Lakes Purina feed building better candle with a Q ration wind and rain rangeland and stake maker feeds and by starlight cattle ranch recognized as a premier Hereford breeder Star Lake Herefords calm
Channel: Superior Productions
Views: 46,064
Rating: 4.5593219 out of 5
Keywords: LaGrand, Angus, Ranch
Id: -5aLLSg90Ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2012
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