The American Rancher- Genex Cooperative, Inc | Aug 2014

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welcome to the American Rancher I'm Pam Minich this week we'll show you the advantages of using genex to maximize efficiency in your breeding program chute side services are managed by trained professionals it's effective and efficient timed AI and synchronized breeding can front-load you're calving season and the end result is profitability broadening the marketing base when selling on superior we'll introduce you to Gen X when the American Rancher begins stay with us you welcome back to the American rancher Gen X's innovative chute side service brings their supplies to your breeding location a team of professional technicians arrive on time and on target to get the maximum number of heifers bred long time superior customers Ellis and ranching company saw the increased profit on Gen X hired calves that sold on superior and took the first step to utilizing the partnership running thirteen hundred and fifty head through the Gen X breeding barn for the first time raised some concerns for Bill Hall the general manager of Ellison ranching company but his thoughts quickly changed I guess the the first thing it went through my mind is are we going to accomplish this deal you know a lot of dollars are involved in a program like this and if things don't click you know it could be a wreck but after I seen how they handled themselves the people that worked for Gen X knew what they is doing more my type of people hard work don't bother them and do it at the correct way is a must so after I seen the program start operating and got to meet some of the techs and and how they moved cattle processed cattle they know how to be around cattle which is very important to me as far as the stress of these cattle you get a little a lot of hot heifers and you'll have a lower conception rate having full confidence that Gen X will get the job done and in the right way the chute side service is what makes the project effective and efficient let's go more in depth to how the breeding barn works what makes Gen X chute side service so effective is the system we use inside the large double breeding horns and we use a three man rotation through it plus one man thawing semen and loading guns for us the way it works is the cattle come in to one side of the barn a breeder steps right in behind her as soon as she comes in we load the other side breeder steps in behind and we got a third person waiting to step right in as soon as the first guy lets that heifer out he can follow right in load another heifer and follow that heifer in and breed her and that system just keeps working rotating around and it really works effectively and efficiently keeping cattle calm and allowing us to breed approximately a hundred head an hour we utilize the largest double stall breeding barn which allows us to be very efficient cattle are handled in a low stress manner they're standing on the natural surface without their their heads caught with a drop-down bar behind them and that just allows for just a very pleasant experience for all and the professional service that we try to employ and the efficiencies are very important that that's the one benefit we've really enjoyed with gen-x oh there's the shoe side services because they are willing to bring their supplies and their equipment and everything to us I don't have to have you know semen tanks and everything like that on hand I can tell gen-x and Andy Anderson hey this is what I'm willing to do this is a date I'd like to breed and if it works out with his schedule he's there and willing to help out with anything I'm looking forward to doing the chute side service has been very impressive for us not knowing how the process works the first year we had to you know we had our questions but once we saw the process go through we were able to incorporate our two of our herd workings in conjunction with setting up our 10-day sink and so that that actually you know there wasn't that much labor required to get all these girls bred these cattle are desert cattle they're not what you call farm raised cattle they can make a living anywhere so you got to handle them not with kid gloves but in the correct way so I had no qualms after I seen the program get started you kind of had to get in their rhythm and then everything percolate the shoot site service not only takes the stress down on the cattle but on the ranch hands as well we can come out to different environments and the producer if he can bring the cattle to us we have the equipment available that we can bring bring it in set it up and we can take care of everything up front to get these heifers bred in the lowest stress environment possible it makes it easier on us that they bring it crudo to do this job instead of us nothing to do the entire thing since we don't have to do everything we get a chance to sort cattle back behind where their AI in them and we can go to kind of our own pace because we can keep enough cattle in front of the AI crew to keep them busy and working life horses I think keeps them quieter and it's a it's a benefit all the way around as we go through the process of breeding these heifers in 36 hours what it allows is it allows us to come in breed those heifers in 36 hours and be gone it's a very intense time while we're doing it but as soon as it's over those heifers are bred we're out of here the rancher can go about the rest of his business and be a rancher in previous years we've kind of done it ourselves or had people help us power this year you know far as labor that was needed I had four people of my own and I wouldn't have needed them if I would have mentioned it to the gen-x take care of it you know I have a lot of complete faith in Gen X that coming in and actually taken over and doing the the program very professionally I really did Wow breeding thirteen hundred and fifty head in 36 hours now that's maximum efficiency when the American rancher returns will learn about Gen X timed AI and synchronized breeding we'll be right back you welcome back to the American Rancher cattleman know that artificial insemination increases the reproductive efficiency but other benefits of Gen X's timed AI program is that you know exactly when where and how long the breeding will take and synchronization gives the opportunity to capitalize on added value at market time synchronization allows the producer to stockpile or front-load to calving or breeding season many benefits from this the average age of those calves born from a synchronization program on average are ten days older so that translates in to pounds at least per day so at over two dollars a pound at the current market there's tremendous value for the producer to front-load or stockpile that calving season early and that added value more than pays for the synchronization program we utilize the 14-day seeder protocol along with some new innovation called delayed breeding or split time breeding this is this also allows us to increase the conception rate on this group of animals by delaying the insemination on the non estrus animals at timed AI time so we're finding this very beneficial and we're using it on a lot of operations this year well that's the one thing we've always been really happy with it at the time day I is that we've been able to go in and say okay this week we're gonna work on this breeding project and we're gonna go through that and then it's it'll be done we're not we don't spend a lot of time trying to pull hots out or anything like that we're just saying okay we're gonna we're gonna work on this and we're gonna have it you know do the best we can and we're and we've had good success doing that so far the timed AI it benefits us we do sell some of these heifers that that we a I but but we do keep some of them it benefits our crew our cabin crew because it tightens up the length of our cabin season well I think my true experience was I was a little doubtful the gen-x or Morgan and Stan's crew could get this done in a timely manner in a professional manner I was very doubtful but after we got started and I worked with the guys I could see how it was more on a timed AI program that a heat detection program I guess the end results will tell us in the fall that I am pleased with way they handled himself the efficiency of it the time it took to do it you know in 38 hours we a I'd 1350 heifers so that's shakin and bakin and doing it and and also doing it right to use artificial insemination on commercial beef heifers helps to build marketing equity in those females as well as gives the buyer the satisfaction of knowing they are purchasing high accuracy sires that have been proven with traits such as cavities were AI and all these heifers two to one bull and he's proven himself to be a cavernous bull but still with a lot of growth potential and we're pleased with the calves were getting out of him this year solutions of cavities bull that's got a lot of power behind him after you get the calf on the ground the calves our calves last year came out easy but really performed in the first 30 days I think the cattle are gonna really work I know he's a young bull I've done business with kg ranch in Montana for about 14 years I got a lot of faith in their program and I think this bull is gonna go on and make something of himself in the future but as far as I can see the calves right now they're gonna we're gonna get them on the ground and plus they're gonna perform in a feedlot our breeding decisions are based solely on trying to make a productive female in the end in most cases we're looking for sires that are gonna produce good strong calves for us that we're gonna have easy for us and we're also looking for sires that gonna produce you know good calves but the females are what we're looking for that are going to function in a harsh environment that we have one of the big benefits for producers is building marketing equity in those animals whether they're going to market to females as replacements for another producer to purchase or if they're going to keep the replacements for themselves building that marketing equity of using a highly proven accurate calving you sire that it's been already been there and done that is tremendous value for those producers when I look at them I know which one's the arm III calves and which ones are my bull bred calves and and they there's a difference on them and the one thing I noticed last year when we had our heifers come through our calves as we sell to loads of steers and usually ones the lighter load and ones a heavier load and that heavier load had more almost predominantly rai calves you know whether there are out of our heifers or they're out of our cows that we hide when they go with a breeding program like Gen X your genetics that's been proven they know the sire lines and the numbers on the Bulls number one they can read a lot of heifers in a short period of time and know exactly what their potential is supposed to be when we return Landry McLennan takes us further into the partnership of Gen X and superior livestock auction and shows the advantages of using Gen X and superior leaves you with more money in your pocket you're watching the American Rancher welcome back to the American Rancher Landry McLennan works at superior livestock auction and sees the gen-x customer advantage that's right and you can truly see the difference an added profit in the gen-x sired calves and the partnership between genex and superior really does speak for itself the extremely knowledgeable Gen X team can assist you in choosing the rifle to fit your program as well as be there to set up the shoot side service and breed your cows and heifers the added profit comes with the ability to market your cattle across the entire country while selling on superior livestock auctions I use a lot a program gameday and how you want carcass I know we've had really good luck working with Gen X and Andy Andy's been a good partner to work with he's sees the cow herd in the same function as a lot of you know I do and and we he sees the environment that I run in and he kind of steers me away from some sires and maybe towards other ones that are more gonna be better suited for what I'm looking for and it's always been a good experience working with Gen X and Andy Anderson we've had good luck selling superior I think this will be our 15th year coming up selling with superior it started with my grandfather and then and it kind of came around and he's always liked it and now myself and my dad have taken over the ranch a little bit and we've had you know good luck dealing with our superior rep but one thing superior is done really well with is the auctioneers always seemed to they I don't they seem to stop at our group and they list them out and they say look at this these guys they seem to be trying to do it right and their list used they list the sires overuse and then and it seems to help in our group I mean I think we've had good luck with that superior representative ali-bear has been Ellison ranching companies go-to for many years when it comes to selling calves on superior after mentioning it to the ranch and after seeing the added profit Bill Hall was convinced I plan on utilizing the opportunities the gen-x offers possibly this fall and marketing some efforts this will be the first time that I've Barca did or done anything with Gen X however I'm pretty pleased to what I've seen so far far as superior I've done business with superior probably 15 to 18 years big numbers the last twelve or fourteen years I think in the future it will have some impact on how I market to cattle through superior just because of the increase of the genetic power the Gen X offers through their selected sire group this project is also a good example of our Gen X superior relationship in the fact that some of these heifers will be kept as ranch replacements while another group of these heifers will be sold on the superior Gen X influence video sale this will allow Ellis and ranching company to broaden their marketing base with those marketable bred heifers and this is one of the reasons that Ellison ranching company had us come in to do this breeding project so that they could utilize and broaden their market base to the Gen X influence superior sale I think since they have such a wide semen buyer base I think we can get bred heifers bred Cal's market it to a larger group of people that normally that we miss out on when you see Gen X you know it's a reputable company and the two with superior livestock that's been around for a long time and have developed a reputation the two joining forces together should be a really good financial partnership for both people and also the producers we see a very good working relationship with Gen X and superior and everybody that's in that buying market knows the two names and when you link a sire like final answer in your product you know there's already knowledge about your your your product built into that customer base so like she said the name speaks for itself I would have to say in our in its simplest form Gen X adds value to our bottom line superior life stock will be hosting numerous superior select replacement female sales throughout the year highlighting Gen X influenced bred heifers these are the type that will bring a premium every day of the week and now is the perfect time to call your Gen X or superior rep to get more information and get your cattle consigned the first opportunity will be September 25th with a consignment deadline of September 11th following that the next options will be October 23rd November 20th and December 18th don't miss out on the opportunity to add extra dollars to your pocket by utilizing the Gen X superior relationship we'd like to thank Ellis and ranching company for inviting us to this intense and fast-paced event reading thirteen hundred and fifty heifers in just two short 36 hours and you can see the passion Gen X has to help cattlemen all across the country achieve their goals to the highest potential in the efficiency and added profit is an even bigger bonus don't waste any more time and contact a gen Xer up today and for more information about all genetic services visit CRI Netcom that's cry Netcom thank you for joining us for more information about us visit the american rancher calm or check us out on Facebook I'm Pam Minich and I'm Leigh dreama Clinton and we'll see you next week on the American rancher bye now well I'm Morgan John's rude and I'm here with Bill hall manager the Ellison ranching company we just finished our 36-hour marathon and and bill will be bugging out of here first thing in the morning so we just wanted to visit a little about how he thought the project went and with that bill I think Morgan it went really fish it you know we worked a lot of cattle in a short period of time yeah we did I think the process has been professional we see a lot of red tagged cattle on with last ones we had to breed so that's a plus I'm pleased with Gen X so far you know well good I think it's great well thanks and the final chapter of this story we'll be projecting yep and I think we what I've seen you know that you're professionals it looks like it should be a good percentage that's what we're betting on both of us and yeah well and with that you know it's been a pleasure getting to know and working with your crew Eddie and Jeanne and I run and all those guys I mean it's been a pleasure you know if you have good people around you things go well absolutely I agree so well thanks Bill you bet thank you talk to you later you bet tune in to the rural way of life on the American Rancher go with us as we visit the people and places and follow the stories that make ranching an American lifestyle it's both the heritage and Enterprise of livestock production across our nation each week from the people do it check rfd-tv the magazine four times and listings in your area and visit our website the American Rancher dot-com you
Channel: Superior Productions
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Id: 2k5-LxLrz48
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Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 05 2014
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