Lady Ice
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: lpdisney
Views: 2,827,672
Rating: 4.9147773 out of 5
Keywords: frozen, winter, snow, queen, beast, ice, love, seasons, death, romance, action, fight, tragic, friendship, myth, freeze, mountain, Asian, asia, oriental, guy, parents, boy, girl, woman, music, cold, bear, spirit, water, waterfall, story, disney, animation, animated, anime, film, animatic, production, reel, bezalel, storyboard, art, drawing, amazing, awesome, character, concept, cartoon, comics, original, cute, traditional, 2d, classic, hand drawn, frame by frame, fantasy, fairytale, magic, couple, portfolio, painting, movie, color, cool, cleanup
Id: hrF6V8fjCdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2010
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