Ladies In Retirement (1941) Ida Lupino and Louis Hayward

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes mr. Fisk there any mail for me no justice one letter no sign of Bates yet not yet did I do hope you won't miss your train no I must Oh Lucy honeybees na tellin me women about their business I want you to season for me in London this is for mr. soft at the bank start those Brazilian bonds of mine the way the market is this week I think they oughta pick up now you get outside and keep your eyes open serve 80s miss and this address is just off Berkeley Square go to the servants entrance and ask for mr. blaze he's the butler say that you've gone from me with a message for York in Arlington and we give it to his lordship driving and then you're not paying attention oh I am mistress what would be the best time to cool Harry always used to dine around 8:00 you call about help our city yes very good and you seem upset sad news no I don't want a body with my shoulders different a question of bothering me with your troubles while you become almost like my daughter the message from my sisters Emily and Louisa they're very unhappy back in London without me after all I've only seen the month since I've come to work for you mr. Seamon today weren't you and then everything will be all right I'm sure I'm it's fast fight is coming well tell him to hurry himself my kindest regards your sisters Ellen thank you miss disk I have written them so much about you how kind you've been for stuff and nonsense and find out you lose your cool those usual hmm perhaps you you might allow them down for a little visit one day oh dear what the dams done I certainly yes by all means at any time you know Lucy polished this table all yesterday afternoon oh it occurred to me that well since they've been so wretched lately and you said you might allow them down for a visit one day no their kids indeed you tell them perhaps in the spring when it's warm and sunny well what I was going to ask was night I bring them back with me this time no oh well no and so they won't be a bother I promise this disc and it will mean so much to them okay well my dear you bring them with you by all means for a day or two Thank You mr. disc I can't tell you how grateful I am don't cry my dear you hear me cut time the good for nothing and then it's got every interesting the morning man speech you might have been more prompted honest nature solely oh you can't go galloping over the road with a lady and her delicate condition she's gotta throw a card she be and I'm taking it to the vets I am how did you try and arrange for her not to throw any cost you get miss Ellen safely to the station well don't come by timetable lady but trains - yes ma'am bye miss Fisk goodbye it goodbye mr. violence [Music] don't forget the allowance from you-know-who no I goodbye losers oh all right now this base work to be done this is nice this is very silly night what's that you got there miss the score the new comic art rights all the rage in London the Mick hadoo Mikado I used to tour the provinces with the gentleman who sent it to me look he signed it for me Rutland Barrington form I adore Leah Nora with fond memories of yes well never mind about that get up and do the dishes yes me no dream are oh we all want to do targeted sang with it Whittle and we know who and I served in Dicky but why do people take will hope it will all go on don't stop who are you what are you doing here listening very nice - what do you want asked me in an art area anyway yeah man you may come in but mind your manners on it isn't it women selling Creed lives yeah she lives here but you wish to see her about the personal matter she's my arm i Malvo fella your aura arm on a bride her mother was my stepfather uncle second wife and where do you come from great then I we're gonna Bank their City long walk in German sedan okay I'm afraid it's all being for nothing your arm Dylan's gone to London on some business for me oh we should be away Oh what you gave a few Tommy I'll be too late this is anything I can do and with Fitzgibbons been working here is the sort of housekeeper companion I didn't know I haven't seen for five years well can I help I wonder what's the trouble oh is it trouble its trouble right enough I I'd like to tell you why see what's the amount twelve pounds how much twelve pounds is a lot of money I know what was I've got to have about a night I'm sure at the bank it means Jenny if I can't put it back before the cashier checks out gambling now a girl whoa are you engaged to her no she's an actress she was in a traveling company Gravesend what at the old grand you know why I played there years ago of course oh you are an actress front row Sakura fall from the bike she was in the chorus - I expect you to go out to supper and then she persuaded you to go round the shops with us how did you know imagination my boy anyway she's over the hills now to some other town and it's another fool a little cheat oh don't you worry anymore about it I'll give you the twelve pounds you will perhaps I owe it to you in the sin what is another fool oh you're a lifesaver now you wait here I'll just run upstairs and get my keys today there are more like you let mother is a matter of opinion Oh No oh you did scare me I don't know was hearing things you were oh but I mean man's voice funny here doesn't the tide wash up many male fish mind you know Mendes gathers handsome calves in these pots and that is all but the old ones the young ones go after London or some foreign part soon as they can are you going off to farm toys it depends depends on what if anyone ever asks me I shouldn't think when I was like them there'd be any difficulty oh go on what's your name Lucy what's yours Albert I miss Cui's nevia funny I never heard about you oh that must be remedied how about making the most of a male fish no one has been washed away what about a snack no you mustn't I don't love you you don't have to know people I kiss them I do all right my girl it's your last think alot of yourself don't you Lucy the dentist's training you Albert all right oh she came in we had a word or two nice look at her isn't she I didn't notice oh come now but don't lose your sense of humor hope you're not one of those people who won't benefit from experience otherwise my trails cars or they're rather wasted with it don't you worry mr. Scott I had my lesson this is where we keep our Lord you know bake-off and really proper tomb isn't it yeah what's fair this is what they used to follow exactly of course we don't use it as a Bake Oven hasn't been used in years that twelve pounds I think you said I I suppose you couldn't make it 15 no I couldn't eat good I do I do I'll give you an IOU no thank you this isn't alone shouldn't like you to incur the remorse of not paying it back you're a daisy oh very prettily Darnell but does it forget all about it you've got next week you 2003 of your arms here a little pre ancestors back from London what the potty ones potty is queer is life in a cage or work they're quite harmless especially when our bellies around that's a comfort they're coming to stay here for a few days it seemed to me in quite a great deal to your arm dearly oh they would she's looked out for them since she was a kid she's watched over them like there was a couple of the perishing babes in arms I think that's very commendable Arthur perhaps but think of all the Sun she's missing what for example you know well I've got to be paddling along I'll pay you back as soon as I can oh I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention our little transaction to our darling very well if you like how about you know what's her name Lucy huh well she won't say anything I'll take care of this Thanks so long lady and again from the heart I'll never forget your kindness as long as I live you did a great deal longer than that isn't it funny Ellen you can't see the winner you can't touch it but it's there yeah I think you better have this round you dear getting quite chilly look what's that those the pie rebelled give him over the marshal Oh shunt like that he hates bells bracelet church bell ding dong ding dong ding dong an Tamar she's pretty the grass is too long and untidy I had a nice and a bit of string I'd cut it and tied up in bundles are there any sheep here in the marshes yes miss I think sheep are so clever did you there cut the way they do it's very difficult I've tried you ought to be a sailor miss they're always chewing tobacco the man I wish to marry was a sailor he gave me this so all I have to remember why he was wrecked at sea they were all drowned must have been a bit of sadness for You Missy oh no I've quite forgotten what he looked like I saw a drowned man once they took him out of the Thames he was green frogs there must be lots of frogs we used to have such fun with them at home we used to put them on the dining room table and make them jump in the marmalade I have it isn't that beautiful DX or cobwebby and it has a horrid smell mustn't be wasted I shall save it till next year and I'll put it back again who knows where we'll be next year not in London anyway you promised that yes I promised that look Louisa how did that happen she did it who that woman in London she didn't give us enough food either discipline she said Louisa used to cry all night I didn't she couldn't discipline me we'll be all right here's our won't we with miss Fisk she won't beat us no Charlie she won't beat you no one will again ever now remember what I told you but you're not to talk too much wait until Lister's gets to know you better but how can she get to know us better if we don't talk huh come along to you Bates get the luggage will you yes ma'am harmless what oh never mind don't put the kettle on well here we are I'm glee and this is my sister Emily my sister Louise how do you do a minute we're very glad to be here she was that I don't like people to touch me Oh straightness fiscal think you're very rude there are the tired poor dears I never get tired I sometimes walk about the house all night have you eaten to eat no of course you don't miss bisque Oh what beautiful furniture just like we used to have before we lost all our money some of these are our things this is this bottom at my curio shop I want my teeth Emily see here is the grand chairman self remember when father bought him for us and wonder if his head still not ding dong ding dong be H be careful you'll scratch the furniture your man I must say you've brought enough luggage with you oh we brought everything everything we had to fry well and they sent for the police village I give I'm sure all this can't possible interest in Sisk I think we better go up and rest a bit for tea whenever you see him come along Emily that smell a train was very dirty he's always fighting about the dead I hope you keep things tidy here cleanliness is next to godliness don't you agree well I'm quite clean I believe but I don't know that I'm particularly godless oh I thought your enrollment thank you was miss Kazue Roman dear and a very devoted one come on Louisa family father didn't approve of Rome neither do I like stick it's one of those boobies miss Emily was drawn to faces of brown people yesterday afternoon when you are out I can't stand it I can't stand my lovely Paisley shawl it's ruined I'm gonna come get some vinegar and see if you can do something about this spot yes yes I'm not exhausted clearing up after them I don't want them if so am i and you should see the bedroom it's like a god pin I know it if it isn't one thing it's another I've ever last six weeks I might just as well have been living in the middle of Piccadilly Circus my heart won't stand it go and get me my smelling salt where are they miss in the usual place of course nothing's in the usual place these days oh well then get me a cold compress good you lie down and take a nap while I can yes miss miss frisk yes what is it what is it what baby staying much longer they'll have my invitation to go this evening dear I wonder where Emily's gone too sure to be back by now I can't see her anywhere I wish I were brave like Emily I should like to take long walks to and pick up things perhaps I shall be able to after we've stayed here longer I'm sure you will dear I shall be staying here Shanta you're not planning to send us away are you Ellen no dear of course I'm not this is what you've always promised us a little place in the country we can always be safe just the one thing I've been working for ever since we had to give up the old house naturally Estuary house could never be like that but it's nice enough yes mistress has been very kind to us miss miss may I tell you something Ellen just one of my secrets of course you may I don't like miss Fisk couldn't we send her away and it would really be just the three of us but I keep telling you Louisa it's her house her know you'll never make me believe that all our lovely things are there we'll never have to go away will we no darling I promised you never I think miss Fisk wants us to go both of us well I'm sure we could persuade to the Lich's day oh dear I wish Emily would come maybe we better get along home in case she's waiting there for come along you don't want her upsetting miss Fisk again she could be very tech yeah I'll take this pain to live what are we gonna do with it put it in the woodshed where it belongs there wood sheds fall and I won't have you cutting up my kitchen with it very well then oh no wait your mistress trees in what's the matter oh my goodness small world yet resemble adopted over mind you get out of here I have a nice laugh today what are you thinking of making a mess with it all over my clean floor I wouldn't let me put it in the kitchen entry site right I told you to stop bringing in world with Logan and I must tidy up the riverbanks I can't wait and I hate litter I'm till Duany there wouldn't be able to do things oh this is too much my best polish table how these shells have stretched it rips weed in the harvest bird alone I shall but my treasure we don't understand expensive things that so long since we have any I know it's nice to probably but I am moving what's wrong I hate him she threw white bird into the fireplace look what she's done with the ridiculous shells take a month hard polishing to put this right upon I'm sorry mrs. Kyle put it right oh no Ellen you shagged I'll do it let me do it I'll polish it every day all through the winter will it's very sweet of you mr. Issa but I don't think you be here all through the winter would we share and incense oh you're mistaken the reason I said nothing because of what you did you probably already required I've given this is the last straw you drive me as crazy as yourself I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that but I have had about as much as I can into Emily takeaways write this I stuffed a crier we decided to cry about it weld you here I've seen both of you close the door behind you that was a cruel thing to say but it's true one with her telescope and the other with a mania for collecting things they are insane both of them please don't use that word against Emily was right but then people who have all they want never seem to understand how much the smallest things mean to those who haven't really I don't think this calls for a sermon I'd be more than generous to you and your sister people have always been very generous to you miss disk my sisters and I have never had any friends to send us money but hardly my fault is it no but don't you ever feel that you might have a responsibility to those less fortunate than you I don't know what you're talking about life hasn't been very kind to us miss Fiske every penny we've ever had I've had to work for every penny but at least with our self-respect how dare you how dare you criticize my life do you think that don't envy women who have respectability who have family so I'm just forgotten and pension dolphin is lost his sake drinks well then you can't blame me for fighting some I prefer the city admirable but it's your family and not mine and let me tell you this your sister's insane or not able to state their welcome I invited them here for two days and they've stayed six weeks or perhaps you were training to keep them here forever good I had thought this that I might play something out of my way just for bit and you're a hypocrite you're worse you're a cheat you meant a first your wretched brood army and bleed me white and when I saw through your little scheme you had the in solicitor not me n of you with me but you've chosen the wrong woman you'll get those sisters of yours out of this house at once and you take a month's wages and go with them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why aren't you in bed why are you prowling about at this hour me I'm good I must talk with you please well mind your tongue we don't want any more of this afternoon Sun kisses I'm sorry about that I was wrong I shouldn't have spoken to you if I did no you shouldn't miss Fisk do you remember the letter that arrived the day I went away to London yes what about it it was from their landlady Emily and Louisa well being a little difficult she'd sent to the police they were going to be put away in an institution the landlady was quite right that's where they belong but mr. Fisk you don't understand they're my sisters you don't know what I've gone through for them but they have no one else in the world to turn to with me I pleaded with the police to release them they agreed on one condition that they were to remain in my personal care but I was to be responsible for you and if there were any more complaints they were to be put away forever that's why I can't send them away with all this devotion is very admirable Ellen I fail to see how I can help in any way at all oh but you can you can miss risk I thought perhaps they might use the Attic upstairs they could stay there out of the way where you'll never see them they could use the back stairs when they're come in and out in and what are you talking about or I promise they'll never come in here in here you'll never even know they're in the house I'll look after them myself I'll cook their meals frogging oh I promise there won't be any more trouble mister spend must be with me they must I pay for that keep I work for nothing please oh please miss Fisk didn't have you quite gone out of your mind must be blind if you can't realize they'd always be getting in my way no you pick them off tomorrow but misfits born Oh Ellen my mind is made up you want to you can stay here for a few days until you found another situation run long to bed make certain they leave tomorrow wouldn't want me to be sending for the police would you good night Ellen I'm tired night [Music] you told her you were going to send us away [Music] I'm not going to send you away we heard you we were listening she Carolyn she's wicked I'm going to send you away never you're not going to send us away what are you going to do [Music] I've always wanted to explore an old castle will it have a dungeon do you think they all have dungeons with bat oh no their bathroom in belfry well it's sure to be secret passageways in places where they used to hide things like that I'm sure miss Fisk has lots of exciting things hidden in their jaws I'm sure I've looked in all her boxes and haven't been able to find them are you both ready oh yes right I managed to pack all the lunch into one bag mine come here and sit down I want to talk to you both now I haven't told you the real reason why you're being sent away for the whole day truth is I want to be in Thailand with mr. screw few hours if that's why you got rid of Lucy - I didn't get rid of Lucy Emily she had a toothache Oh Ellen do you know that's not true she didn't want to go at all I said she had a toothache Theresa now listen last night while you were both asleep I had a long talk with this disc she's tired of the marshes and wants to travel for a bit I persuaded her to sell this house - not really Adam never discussed price yet that's why I must be alone with her so that we can talk reasonably with nothing to distract us she may want more than you're prepared to pay I'm prepared to pay quite a big price Emily Oh lovely lovely lovely oh Emily aren't you excited it was really quiet now there's one more thing the most important [Music] you see this body both of you all I want you to swear on my father's memory but you'll never repeat a word of my buying this house as long as you live with my saying just say I swear oh I swear you twin li-ion swear on the Bible it's wicked if you don't Emily I shan't buy the house National central goes back to London oh Emily be sensible I don't like being made to do things I promise now remember it's a sacred oath his bait hurry now there's no time to waste [Music] [Applause] [Music] drive slowly babe please don't let it calm you can take your time I shan't be expecting you back before dusk very good ma'am why Ellen I wish you could come or she were coming too good violence / dude have a good time thank you - dear Louisa and dear Emily may we never meet again [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] let me come in I'd like to speak to miss Ellen unless miss miss is back no she's still away I'll fetch Ellen we're making Jam good move very good one a bit nervous as a matter of fact it's not cats and dogs good evening sisters and so if I just kept you waiting for adjustments are putting up our prints gents please don't apologize I'm afraid we've come on a beggin Erin our supply of oil hasn't arrived from Rochester and the Reverend Mother wondered if you might borrow a can for all the sundaes why of course Lucy yes miss would you run out into the air to bring in a can of kerosene here's my salmon which is a dance thanks bad pennies always cut up you know what you're doing here hanging about with the storm and all have a little business inside I wanted to make sure the coast was clear what business Kentucky good mr. bat no she's away come on darling she's here right enough mental crater sisters of hers as you know I've been here before no mr. said not to say good get on with your work I'll come in the front door like a proper gentleman remember we don't know each other not that we shall later I'm done in particular why no for a moment when I saw the canvas burning I thought miss disrespect Ellen's taken delighting them lately she thinks mr. Fiske would lie to him she says it keeps her memory burning Oh when you expecting her back well I really couldn't say sister she hasn't written for over for what I was so surprised to learn she'd gone she hadn't mentioned she was planning a journey anywhere no it was quite unexpected she hadn't had a print some old friends inviting her on a trip and they were sailing the very next morning the Reverend Mother has been wondering what you'll do about the rent from the little 3 acre field we hire from Miss Fisk well I'm managing all her affairs while she's away sister you append it to me I'll forward it when I get an extra dress yeah miss Ella good evening sister thank you oh that seems rather heavy run along with sister 13 give him a hand that's very kind of you miss Ellen we didn't bother enough I'll be glad to go I'll get my cloak I think your celebrate going out into the dark I I hate the dark exciting to me it shouldn't my dear don't you believe we'll watched over oh yes but I never quite sure who's watching us I'm quite ready well we better be going good night thank you very much good night good night this is you caviar and I'm holding umbrella over Seoul good night again good night good night well time to get back to the gym she was really nice to sister Teresa wasn't she people quite chatty together Louisa I think Ellen's changing she's not going to get in league with a nun against us or Eman would never do she's taken to lighting those candles I think I'll blow them out yes wouldn't Jake [Music] she has everything wrong way Emily what is your death something I wanted to do Louisa answer the door dear since the terrain has probably forgotten something all right don't yell like that how are you who are you and what do you want do your old Ellen after all these years what a family reunion oh now we're not your enemy Jessie how but being here where on earth could you come from great then on a duck's back right enough always saying funny thing we fell through this oh I see well don't stand there dripping all of mother's drug get along to the kitchen fire with your words things that's more like my loving Artie I very distant and it now we'll have fun without but here I'm going to make you my docking the holder and I'll get in the car so you can join yourself blimey they cannot make your mouth water some nice tasty grub and something warm to take you down the hatch way that's what I need Albert tell me why do you come early I could wait till I'm dry outside enough to dry in here you are Albert thanks me old cup of tea ml a slice up some beef and put out the bread machine apart of half-and-half would be the proper ticket with that this isn't a tavern Albert well then how about a spot of brandy to work take the damn battery throat hey I'm not sure there's any left in the decanter it's fun in the cellar Oh celery your ladyship allow me to lead you to it no I'll go myself make way for the Duchess [Music] barri view from here is the best on the lashes i crv it is all yours no of course not long to the woman I work for it where is she mother ask away hi here's our yoga what of it do you change you've not same big blue eyes though still lady touch me not let go no more fear foolishness from the way you seem to be all keyed up a little of my foolishness might do you know huh you have your food out but it's not a big boat I feel I must talk about but we don't want to go to bed no we want to spend talk to Albert go on do it on Evan says toddle off - bye bye like good little girls your way one step to wet your whistles it'll make you sleep tight they better rounded off the hall you don't have a long-lost nephew every night in the week let some dolphin Emily very well but not too much now get the teeny symbol for from the outfit how about you want Evan nothing for me thank you not in my Siamese twins what about a toast egg I don't know any in that case here's to absent friends absent friends Evan I suppose we should think of Miss Fiske [Music] who could out those candles light candles oh those it must be Nguyen good night out [Music] it wasn't the wind [Music] I thought you've nocturne Roman and I do this refrain [Music] now Albert horizonte' nonsense let's get down to cases why have you come here and what do you want well are they I mean Ellen to cut it fine I'm sort of taking a compulsory holiday from the bank over in grazing where I've been working in other words you've lost your job I've given it up you haven't done anything wrong have you well I sort of helped myself to a little salary I wasn't entitled to you mean you've stolen money cirith ungol brady answer me Albert you've got it how much small matter of a hundred pounds I see I suppose you wanted to give you the hundred pounds so that you can put it back what fight is too late for that they found out to please sir the police then possibly the tip they were coming so are you I took French leave but they'll follow you don't come here oh don't worry no one knows I've got relations out here on the marshes I'll be safe here for a lifetime well you're certainly not going to stay here for a lifetime but surely you don't mind me staying here for a little while do you can it all blows over and then what you proposed to do clear out of the country America Australia any all where I'm I'm counting on you to help me I'll need money for my passage I'm Stoney won't cost much steerage I don't see why I should concern myself with your affairs I learned in prison if you don't oh you're not the sort of 10 anybody dad was in trouble I needed your help you wouldn't pay your own flesh and blood I'm no sessions out of yours Albert watch give me a chance to start again I promise cross my heart I'll never do anything wrong again for the rest of my natural let me go very well I'll do it bless you Alan you're a baby you are talk about it in the morning and sleep on the surface tonight I don't mind where I sleep but mind you banana stay until I've had time to arrange your passage on the boat anything you say Oh an old girl okay that's just the maid she's been on an errand Lucy there'll be a gentleman staying the night Chad fun one stick a relation he'll sleep in here now you better go to your room and change my clothes before you start sneezing here's miss good night good night good night Lucy isn't it yes basically oh I felt it as open and I thought Owen I'll just have a weed before I turn in the last of the wreck you seem to be taking is all very likely altered you have told me the worst haven't you I mean there isn't anything else what else bit of wish things and stealing as for instance I know there's no blood on the hand putting people out cause for real now you know [Music] how's it [Music] you [Music] did you enjoy the sermon mr. Bates mighty powerfulness yes it was wasn't it but there was a lot of that I didn't understand uh-huh that part that went how was it the wicked flee when no man pursueth but but the righteous are bold as a lion [Music] well what you think you're doing well I'm just fooling around with this paddock last night and it came off oh that's woman's first keep their valuables how does she get up him with a pickaxe yeah well I never break up I wonder when that was done well in that way the last time I was here so you've had your nose in there before have you tell me what nasty thoughts people have sometimes isn't it funny how they're right sometimes isn't it I wonder why anyone would want to break up a place like that maybe miss fit for the jewels and there before she went away you know that one's taking his chances leaving them Abbas even with your odd Allen there any sparklers in there I wouldn't mind having a peep at them I'm sure you would another would you I dare say fact I'm I'm sure you'd like the fearless I'm round yours one like Meg pretty pinky I like that calls for diamonds wandering hand like yours calls for a slap in the face it's wicked to stab a man's face on Sunday the better the day the better the team and that leaves my conscience clear I'll scream okay what do you think I'm made of sugar and spice and everything nice mommy you're strong too wig oh the best one it was born as a coot Marty didn't take it with her hello she left a lot of fancy dresses too now she's gonna bust him you end up in London these on you most of them you'd better put that back up all right okay get on this chair you know it is our journey to one week on a trip anything might happen fire or just a window kissa everything I'm after past she better be off are we all cup of tea what are you doing with on bullrushes looking for Moses you're making fun of me naughty boy hi Jackie I'm glad you're back before the elders this isn't often I have a chance but at eight our tape with a family's Pharisee you never serious about anything else I was never more serious in my life John did an enormous amount of damage roads into Rochester and Gravesend or completely padded rotten called me I hope they say that way allow me Empress there's only one letter today it's a Miss Fiske how is it Calvinist you got here what's gonna happen D with missus gets back we should let you stay on do you think she isn't coming back oh why not Ellen bought the house haha go on oh yes quite true it's a secret though and then man swear on the Bible we wouldn't tell anyone but you're one of the family so at all why should she want to keep it a secret I didn't know if all done in a great hurry Louisa and I were sent off to Rochester Saturday and when we came back that night miss physical gone and it was all over you won't tell Ellen I told you will you Albert no we'll make that our little secret Joey alright it'll be rather fun having a secret from Ellen she thinks she is a clever one she isn't not always no not always Albert what good morning may we come in there couple of nuns from the Priory you talked to the malbert I've got to tidy up the orchard oh I didn't know there was a young man staying here isn't miss Ellen about I'm sorry she's gone over to church at cooling imine a bo can I help you we came to return this she lent it a little oil last night we been shot Thanks oh yes and this it's the rent for the little field your aunt will understand I'll give it to us we're so looking forward to miss Fisk return she's a dear friend of ours Oh have you a web rehearse on lately no not a word I think the Reverend mother's a trifle hurt you haven't written in fact she didn't even tell her she was going away dr. a chummy was it no it was well good morning morning [Music] now what you up to I see a nice turkey benefi miss Fisk to open it oh no wouldn't think of it say you madam regarding your instructions to forward the amount of the enclosed check in five-pound notes your signature appears to differ from that with which we are acquainted we shall be obliged if you would kindly confirm same by signing it afresh in your usual manner 50 pounds ya notice the date October 14th that's three days ago she's been gone longer than that since the beginning of September she probably made it up and wherever she is yes you could have hey wait a minute in that case why do they send a reply do I hear you see you is made payable to Ellen Creed what of it I expect it's a housekeeping money maybe we're the good part oh they're good for me dip your finger in it I should say not I've had no hand in this haven't you oh you are a filthy G go on seal it up go on I don't forget join this as deep as I am now we should never come here till the wood comes over me when you are around you won't get me wait a Miss Ellen will you I won't if you keep your mouth shut here come the performing seals not a word larger now how long have a my spray you should have been a jerk Elvis the minister told us all about him you would have enjoyed the part about the lost souls sizzling in the bottomless pit would I know good sounds frightening Helen where is hell fellas like the kingdom of heaven it's within that reminds me one of your religious friends was here she she left you this it's the rent for son feel her honor she did he see you did she I couldn't avoid it that was sister Theresa she's miss Fiske friend she doesn't like us anymore than miss visited Oh didn't miss Fisk like you she was hurried to us Louisa run upstairs and change your dress you won't were just about the husband your best all day no I should share lie no of course not Albert hmm I don't want you to mention this disc again in front of my sisters they quarrel with her and it upsets them very much to talk about it sorry nobody told me what did you quarrel about I didn't say I called with when she buying a chance to be the friend you were lighting those candles for last night yes when did she die die who said anything about her being dead I just assumed she was you don't like candles for the living do you I don't know I just feel mister for prayer hi Dennis my way the postman gave my letter for mr. Fiske from a bank I believe give it to me [Music] managing all her affairs wash it away anything important yes Robin if an option opposed immediate sorry Sookie Terry you got here don't distract me Albert I was concentrate I'm sorry don't mind me Adi [Music] I say you are up-to-date I didn't expect to find a copy of The Mikado way out here on the marshes don't do it I'm sorry I I don't mean to distract you just that I happen to dislike that particular kill metal think of it on Maury time Magellan Patton will you want dinner I've thought of an island I see I'm just going to post this letter at the clotting let me darlin I could do with this never there No thank you sir to attend to this myself [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you up to now she's just written reply to that header we open I thought it would be interesting to see what you think yes sir check happy incorrect something owing something something wrist you want that word look like to you Nancy and he are strained I did I to a sprained wrist something yours in the end or asterisk she side Leonor Fiske what did me no good are you think that she's pretending to be mr. Fiske and getting money on the strength of its friend if that's true she's a thief like you shut up what happened when mr. Fiske comes back oh she isn't coming back suppose you died somewhere and Ellie the other one who knows you guys dying only one person no wait I can't you're not too sure one thing I do know she'd never take the risk and she was positive mr. Cooke was out of the way for good alright assume she's dead aren't Ella's having the funds he might be years before anybody would find out why should Huey ball the benefit there might be some pickings in it for us would you like to see a bit of the world have some fun with me don't don't make himself wouldn't you you've gotta help me get proof I don't want to do anything mean or underhanded would I ask you to use your eyes and keep your ears open that's all what do you say oh I don't know after to help you make up your mind well I'll help you out Yoshi counts look shot now back to the kitchen [Music] blimey almost maybe prank myself hurry up are you alright hey go the kitchen to make some tea take this with you go on hi good night baby good night ma'am I don't forget ten o'clock tomorrow morning this very good ma'am [Music] a successful trip yes I have your tickets you leave tomorrow do I know my sisters I set them off to bed we're getting a little out of hand when I disable their fault cause he's making some hot tea we because you might be cold how the Donegan investor good night [Music] [Music] everything all right oh it's not she's packing me up tomorrow would that move fast I'm Teja mind have you couldn't refuse you anything now that's my girl we thought you'd never come there and I was frightened frightened yes there were such funny noises oh it was only my rat what have you been doing all evening we played a game of cribbage of course Albert cheated but it was rather fun watching chick she hasn't said anything about this viscosity mu is fisk no why should he and you haven't either if you said anything to him about my buying the house have your fun Nolan don't remember you made a swear on the Bible we wouldn't well I think you better go to sleep now both of you I'm going downstairs and have a hot cup of tea before I go to be how much do you think father tailors a thank you thanks my got Bednar yes seven good night good night well Artie where you came look on your face I'll tell you we're about to take down my britches and give me a dozen it's about sailing for Canada on Friday you're sailing with it I'm not sure I want to go to Canada yet awhile you have much choice have you I don't know I'm getting quite fond of this place yeah suits me I'm very happy here for the time being well I'm not happy having you here why well it isn't safe since sister Teresa knows you're staying here with the wrong sort of talk of bring the peace around here in no time I don't propose to risk a scandal on your account there's more to it than that Lucy's have to talk I think we need worried about her know you've made sure of that whatever do you mean by that you know what I mean you cheap little backstabbin Ellen you're gonna make me lose my temper your temper you will be leaving here first thing tomorrow morning it'll be the end of you would just temper I shouldn't try to bluff me if I were you I'm not trying to bluff you well but I'm ordering you if I shouldn't choose to be ordered I can't throw you out physically I can't send to the police and have your scandal huh really you're being very inconsistent now out in here you won't send for the police why are you so sure because you have another reason a more important reason for not wanting the police here but wanting me out of this house as quickly as possible as a matter of fact you're right oh now we're getting down to brass tacks we concern miss Fisk on each arm it wouldn't it does matter in time today she's coming back she's coming back why shouldn't she I thought you'd gone for good how utterly absurd if you were hovered there's never been any question of her not coming back why didn't you say so in the first place well you played a thumb so much with Louisa and Emily I was afraid you'd blurt it out as it is I'll have to break it to them gently because it means I have to go to my little country holidays obviously come to an end I don't know what the phases I'll do in Canada but I suppose one could starve there is what if anywhere else you'll get on I'll give you a little something to start off with your mother's sick I suppose I should extend my most humble thanks know that from you would be too much that's all we have to say to each other I'm as will get up to bed [Music] a good night's sleep wouldn't do you any harm either you look a bit played out I must lock up this shall I be seeing you in the morning before I leave yes what forgot to tell you Arnie I had a funny dream last night Oh did you let miss tsk was dead good night Artie good night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] good morning but miss Creed ordered me it's about their train but you didn't say which one right cancel it miss crease not feeling well oh nothing serious I hope sir no nothing serious oh well unit case y'all better be hopping along she did look here when I'm cooking the early tea I wish we hadn't done it put yourself together you'll ruin everything now go on upstairs go on smarter job chop well she didn't and we proved what we wanted mr. Darin she knows it I wonder when she died one more go and I'll tell you when and how she died I'll go on upstairs thanks Ron Delbert you brought the latest news from the outside world it'll take a liter dead we from whiskers are coming back in again I don't think this is any time for joking Albert without him the way she is you're taking the whole thing too seriously Neil Russell's proud she was walking in her sleep and had a nightmare that's all it wasn't a nightmare Albert Oh what was it that she says she saw a good in that case a another place for breakfast do you really think it was a ghost Emily if it were only a nightmare we wouldn't have heard it to her at what the music this physics music do you know Emily I'm sometimes afraid miss miss will get the better villain I sometimes think she wants to come back and turn us out now well to risk important to better go for your walk down yes Ellen anything you say [Music] do you think you're strong enough to be up yesterday on gradual right one hadn't you better have a doctor no doctor couldn't do any good by you - standing there like a couple of hours Emily's been frightening you've been imagining things positive now run along for your walk if you say Ellen you know this [Music] [Music] good morning on Darin you didn't expect you down today why aren't you ready yet Bates will be here at any moment race has been here and gone I sent him away what do you mean by interfering with my arrangements I didn't like to go and leave you're not feeling well I'm quite recovered Niles thank you there's a quaternion at last mile what happened nothing you know you should really do something about your nerves this isn't the first time you walked in your sleep according to Emily what's Emily been telling you sir usual chatter they do say though the people who walk in their sleep has something on their conscience behind that remark Albert [Music] [Applause] you know and it was you last night yeah me and Lucy she knows too about what I know that's on the you and I are gonna keep to ourselves provided of course you treat me right what are you going to do [Music] what about sin I'm very happy here I think with your financial assistance I'll be able to adjust things at the bank and we can all settle down in peace contented little family mean you propose to go on living here with me wanna you'd never be quite sure would you you might not enjoy your meal you would be there second time she's a lot of courage to kill - the first time outlet once you've sold your soul to the devil it becomes easier much easier alright give me 500 pounds not here for good I keep my mouth shut I'm not afraid of you elders in your shabby little clicks middle of the night you may censor yourself getting quite a figure for daylight now those nuns get the father side yourself with it for this I must talk to you right away are you alone why is what's the method it's really none of my business and I I shouldn't have come but the police had been to the Priory what about their searching for a young man who stole money from a bank over Gravesend way and from the description I suspected with your nephew and I thought if he was told he might have a chance to do the right thing and give himself up it is you nephew yes but they mustn't search here for they've gone over to the koi farm first I heard one of them say so Miss Ellen have I done wrong in coming to warn y'all I don't lose it I had a brother rather like that he went wrong two people are so easily lost yes they are poor girl you have so many burdens if you're referring to Albert you mean absolutely nothing to me no one does for that matter except Emily and Louisa well if at any time we add the proud you can do anything to make things easy for you or your sisters don't hesitate to turn to us very kind of you sister Teresa but you know we're not of your face in my father's house are many mansions Bobby I thought they'd never go thanks for putting in a good word for me decoy farm is it I don't give me a chance to get around behind them to the river well hurry there's no time to lose I'll get my clothes [Music] are you staring at me like [Music] [Applause] [Music] come back well what is it this is run off she's listening turn me in would you we're gonna move fast we're the honey about to get you wish you heard all about that yes hey you're gonna make a dash for it too [Music] that's how to have on your back put your things on let's get out of here I'm not going you are your mind you know what they do to you honey outlet don't beat the cards so long Ellen no hard feelings [Music] [Music] Oh Emma this is so funny we just whatever but in playing tag with some men this is when they caught him pick up quite a night oh and look we found a large jack door service we're going to tie them into bundles and make a little bastard where are you going I'm going to take our farm you gentlemen there from Gravesend and I want to see them you won't bring them back here will you Ellen it's so nice and peaceful by ourselves dear try not to bring them back here who have been happier haven't you we are happy here aren't we and managed hair that's much better than London it's so good of you to have bought this house worse you have been capital [Music] [Laughter] I'm going to be I don't love you maybe quite a time I think I should go to the prior to the morrow I should like to see the things the Reverend Mother has collected on the March I'll go with you [Music] hi Alan don't worry about us we can across Toronto [Music] you you
Channel: Silver Screen Classics
Views: 399,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thriller, drama, mystery, classic film, classic hollywood, ida lupino, nostalgia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 15sec (5535 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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