Labyrinth Warriors Full story (English) - Genshin Impact

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hello traveler the adventurous guild has received a new commission but it's a little complicated we've struggled to find the right candidate for the job i'll get straight to the point the client is a distinctive musician from liue she's in possession of a temporary travel permit that's about to expire and is looking for someone familiar with the process to help her renew it and avoid deportation hey look that disappointed look off your face imagine if you were in that situation huh a distinctive female musician from leela sounds familiar [Music] oh is she a friend of yours she headed for the tenrio commission after submitting her request you should be able to find her there i hear that the commission has been very busy recently so they probably won't be able to help her if it's who payment thinks it is she's probably introducing the tario commission to some sweet riffs right now [Music] but doesn't everyone love rock and roll uh we should probably get over there before she gets arrested for public disorder [Music] look is that really shiny [Music] so it is [Music] what are you two doing here i never thought i'd run into familiar faces so far from home well if you're here for a performance i'm afraid i gotta disappoint you it's a long story have you heard of the iridescence tour well it's okay if you haven't i didn't hear about it until just recently all the more i think about it this whole thing was weird from the get-go the organizers told me it was a music festival from fontaine that was famous throughout tibet but it seemed like nobody in leo had ever heard of it before there was a guy standing on the side of the road calling out like he was selling sunsetius or something i only inquired because i felt bad for him ah that was nice of you well anyway he showed me a ton of material the iridescent store is a big deal over in fontaine i heard that getting stage time means your music might start to be heard far and wide wow you'd be famous overnight if you were up there you think so oh me too i want as many folks as possible to hear my music that's why i'm so set on attending the festival this year's iridescence tour is being held here in inazuma i've been holding a bunch of new songs since i signed up i even asked beto to ferry me out here ahead of time to scout the place out and make sure everything goes perfect xiang ling made me up a special packed lunch to wish me well but the organizers they ran into trouble out on the ocean they can't make it they even got fishing boats to send a message to inazuma so the authorities could start spreading the word the iridescence tour is cancelled oh how can they just cancel it like that i'll come here to perform and they tell me this after i arrive now there's no way of getting the travel permit that the organizers arranged for me and my temporary travel permit here is about to expire no things couldn't have gone much worse it seems like no one was more excited than you about performing at the festival why should you get the short end of the stick oh it's not fair it ain't always easy being a musician well shucks enough complaining this ain't the first time i wasn't able to perform time to move on wow you should chew it up quick if you want to play rock and roll for a living you got to be tenacious that's why i sprang into action i submitted a request at the adventurers guild and headed straight to the tamriel commission to see what else i could find out however i've been standing here for ages already i'm not sure what's keeping those ten rio commission samurai so busy that they don't even have time to say hi how dare they i'm on bets they're just goofing off it's fine stuff like this is bound to happen when you step onto unfamiliar shores hey traveler beto told me you've been at nina zuma for a while now you must know how to get things done around here right think you can help me out now we're talking if you can get my permit straightened out i'll write you a killer tune as a token of my heartfelt gratitude [Music] uh you again i thought i told you we're busy already you'll have to wait sorry fellas perhaps my agent here can explain madame cujo sarah oh you must be the traveler is this outsider girl a friend of yours sure is she got stood up and now she's stuck here so she needs to extend her travel permit come on please don't be mistaken we're not purposefully delaying anything something big happened recently and the tenure commission is spread thin we don't have the resources right now the reason this young lady is still in the queue isn't because she came later than anyone else it's because there's no one free to take care of smaller issues like travel permits oh what is this something big ah i can't tell you anymore madame cujo sarah is in the courtyard ask her yourself if you want to understand the situation so they really are busy seems that way but that's okay they're just doing their job [Music] why do these samurai look so serious like they're about to go to battle formations follow the vanguard and assemble outside the city traveler and who else do we have here no harm done what brings you to the ten rio commission headquarters all of a sudden is there trouble afoot because if there's anything i can help with don't hesitate to ask finally someone who can call the shots i see it's regrettable that your friend has run into such an unfortunate incident especially after such journey the tenrio commission is experiencing a large turnover of personnel in very difficult circumstances we really are short on people i apologize for not having tended to your friend's request on time it's rare to see you guys struggling like this what is it this time oh yeah we're just casually asking no one's to blame here seems i just arrived at a bad time yeah why don't you tell us what kind of trouble you're facing and we'll do our best to help in return maybe you could help shenyan extend your travel permit we really could use the extra help especially from capable individuals like yourselves all right here's the situation recently a nameless domain has appeared in the araumi region monsters with incredible strength have been pouring into the area but surely the 10 rail commission are used to dealing with monsters the domain appeared quite unexpectedly and we've come under serious pressure i've already sent out scouts to investigate originally i was planning to lead a force there myself but an extended period on the front lines would leave the tenryu commission without oversight it just didn't feel right well if you need folks who can fight i'll wage your week can certainly be of assistance ain't that right traveler yeah we do you a favor and you do us a favor got it jeez are you really giving orders to a general pub on it's fine i'm indebted to you this really is the best solution at the moment if it were anyone else i'd have to refuse but even the almighty shogun has recognized your abilities traveler i'm happy to assign this task to you who say now sounds like you've made quite a name for yourself in inazuma oh i'm getting to sean lang and the other folks are always saying you're destined for big man of cujo sora where should we go next i'll take you over to the location now i should warn you that i haven't been there myself yet so i'm not sure how dangerous things could get as a precaution please bring sufficient combat equipment and supplies with you uh can we write off the expenses fair enough i'll put in a request now hold up i remember there's a travel permit processing fee why don't you write that off and i'll cover all our other expenses it's nothing actually beto gave me a bag of more to spend before i even got off the ship seeing as i'm inconvenienced in just about everyone it's about time i had something to show for it why don't we just split it between us it should cover equipment and supplies no trouble huh you are a woman of method and integrity i see no don't mention it but don't go forgetting about my permit now i will see to it personally you have nothing to worry about fantastic thank you ma'am so it's agreed all right let's take care of this domain sounds like a plan let's hit the road [Music] hey look over there those ma'am you're finally here we were ambushed by monsters at the entrance as soon as we started to investigate we were able to push most of them back into the domain but some of them escaped to the southeast many of our troops were injured so i decided to tend to them before issuing the order to pursue forgive me southeast oh no there'll be civilians along the way this is urgent we need to split up for now i'll lead a team to pursue the monsters that got away the situation here i leave in your hands i'm sure you don't need reminding but be careful don't worry about a thing we got this uh one more thing monsters often try to sneak out from the domain keep a close watch on the entrance and don't let any of them pass or else watanabe trust in my judgment yes ma'am and off she goes wow she ain't playing huh well she is leading an army after all okay let's get over to the entrance oh [Music] i will have order [Music] i can fix this [Applause] [Music] there's something on the ground it's just a piece of paper it looks like a little paper figure is it a talisman maybe one of the samurai dropped it a paper figure huh reminds me of the shikigami they talk about in the legends yeah i spent a lot of time looking into legends from all over tibet while they give me inspiration for my lyrics they say in inazuma there are paper cutouts imbued with magical power that follow their masters wherever they go some of them can banish evil repel monsters or even protect your home sounds a bit like all that sigil and adept eye art stuff they have over leela what pieman is a professional to that travel guide and your best friend let's see your fighting origami do that wait look it's the shikigami it's it's moving uh hey there little paper guy can you hear us can you talk where am i ugh did i faint oh no i'm wait did you see the monsters that escaped from here where did they go well there were monsters around here all right but we took care of all of them thank you and thank goodness they didn't manage to escape i'd never forgive myself if someone got hurt are you a cheeky gummy uh those monsters you didn't let them out right to my knowledge shikigami are all about defeating monsters so what's your story my name is shiki taisho and i'm sorry you have to see me like this on our first meeting this domain is called the mystic onmio chamber i'm the overseer in charge here the mystic onmio chamber has been in an extended slumber just as i have however a few days ago under the influence of an unknown power all the monsters in the domain were suddenly awakened and the door was opened actually it seems like i may have suffered some memory loss in the process all i remember is waking up to a living nightmare i tried my best to stop them i was surprised to see the monsters turn into paper charms when they were defeated that's when i remembered that they must also be on myoto creations and form part of this onmyo chamber like me own meoto creations i don't follow i'm sorry i can't give you a clear explanation right now me my sincere apologies i am a shikigami but all i know is that i'm the overseer responsible for this domain i can't remember who my master is or why i was created in the first place i'm a failure you mean you don't even know if you're one of the good guys oh hey don't worry apparently heard that those with memory loss sometimes start to remember things when they return to a familiar place why don't you try going back into the domain i was just about to try that i still have many unanswered questions but one thing i'm certain of is that my powers originate from this domain we might even be one in the same for some reason i have a feeling that i should be able to completely control it if she are supposed to help with banishing evil and repelling monsters you are probably stationed here to guard the entrance as for your memory loss did you ever hear those stories you know the one where someone loses their memory and forgets about the incredible powers they had once they remember they become invincible again actually i was just thinking along those lines do you think you all can help me out the most urging task is helping you to remember right once your memory's back you might be able to control the domain again and stop any more monsters from escaping traveler can i borrow you for a second this cheeky tie show has only just woken up and it's lost part of its memory do you trust it well if it really is a guardian of the domain then we're in good company but if it's not exactly we shouldn't make any foregone conclusions but we still got to be careful besides we still don't know who built this domain or why there are so many monsters inside we need to get more of an understanding i'm on on the other hand seems to trust it quite a bit i guess she's still a child at heart hold on there pymon let's get a grasp of the situation before we get too hasty i understand between my mysterious memory loss and my link to this own meo chamber it's normal for you to have your doubts why don't you let me test your sincerity sounds like something interesting is about to happen you may not believe it but music lovers like myself are able to use a special kind of language that isn't used by ordinary folks this language can be transmitted to others in the form of music itself oh special language it's an honest language that touches the true depth of the heart i'll be using this language to perform a test to see if our friend cheeky tai show here is truly trustworthy music that's not something i have much experience with but i'm willing to accept any trials you deem necessary all i want to do is take care of the crisis at hand alright well then listen up and look lively [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so hope your spines ain't shivering too much but you only played one song is that enough for the test the language i spoke was hidden in the music you won't notice it but it'll find its way into your heart and expand your mind every soul reacts differently to this kind of language just tell me how it made you feel and i'll tell you the color of your soul what that sounds amazing a kind heart a heart forced into evil deeds a heart closed off from having grown used to misfortune all of them come in different colors so cheeky taisho tell me what did my music make you feel i'm sorry i i'm not sure i understand i've never heard music like this before so it's impossible for me to grasp the hidden intricacies what i can say is that my body and soul if i have a soul has been uplifted by your melody i can see the world that you described i'm not sure how to put it but it felt like i was wandering aimlessly on a path with a mist all around me it felt like i was wounded and my head was aching there were sounds coming from beyond the mist that frightened me and i worried i was about to be swallowed by some hidden danger but all i could do was continue forward i didn't know where my destination was but it felt like someone was waiting there for me wow that's a lot of feels for a piece of paper maybe pieman failed the test all piemon could think of was a bunch of people eating grilled fish grilled fish i think i saw something similar to that i was grilling fish with people whose faces i couldn't make out there was a fire at the end of the mist people were sitting around with freshly caught fish on bamboo skewers i transformed into an actual person i was having dinner with them and yet i had the feeling an endless journey and there wasn't any fighting mighty interesting so my melody didn't conjure up any thoughts of fighting for you oh should it have no no you gave a great answer i had a few friends listen to that tune before as well your answer really reminded me of theirs as far as songs go it's pretty complex with a lot of twists and turns but the image you had prevailed the whole way through you must be very similar to those friends of mine are you talking about chiang ling and beto that's right no wager you're a like-minded being based on your answer i'm willing to trust you really i was just trying to describe how i felt i didn't think you'd be able to trust me so quickly that's because this is all still mysterious to you i have no doubt about the language of music it tells me who i can trust music ain't bound to anything it's free in the truest sense of the word cheeky thai show to me out of all the things you could have thought of the images you landed on make me feel like we were supposed to run into you thank you very much young lady no need to thank me trusting you is an extension of my belief in my musical intuition not to strum my own cord or anything well this is all just my own opinion and everyone's entitled to theirs but for the moment it seems like we're all in the same boat either way traveler i hope you can see to allowing cheeky taisho to tag along for now i i will never forget the kindness you've all shown me i'm certain i can be of help to you if only i can regain my memories oh enough of that we're not helping you because we need something from you the most important thing now is to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead traveler we better get combat ready let's see what this here domain has to offer maybe we can take care of everything before madame cujo sarah gets back for adventurers at our level there isn't a domain out there that we can't handle strange the mystic homeo chamber doesn't look special in any way true but i can sense my power regenerating i feel much better now wait look over there is there someone here already someone inside the domain i i can't believe it who would choose to enter a domain like this one oh i was wondering who it could be but it seems you i heard your footsteps and thought who in to that would set foot in such a dangerous domain then i heard your voice and well it all made sense it's been a long time traveler you're getting bolder child what are you doing here the domain wait are you responsible for all this child he's on the tall side didn't he hello miss tartaglia will do just fine i'm i'm i will tell you who he is he's someone who shows up before bad things happen hey now all this time apart and this is the greeting i get you know what pie mine's talking about oh wait shinyan doesn't know what paiman's talking about and knowing shinyana she found out about child's actions and leela oh boy hmm interesting attire but i think she's a leo girl now then perhaps i should just be up front how about this actually i want to start by ah this is an adventurer we befriended in monstat a child is just a nickname we gave him huh tartaglia here is always messing stuff up even when the dangers are obvious he just recklessly charges in something an adventurer should never do so we get a little annoyed with him sometimes uh yes yes yes i couldn't have put it better myself i too am an adventurer and i've caused my fair share of trouble for paimon and the traveler here for which i'm unfathomably sorry oh so you're a monster pleasure to meet you i'm from leo myself the name shinyan and the name of the game is rock and roll the pleasure's all mine so are you here to explore the domain too that's right we're trying to find out why the monsters here are so active according to cheeky task show here this domain is known as the mystic on meow chamber there are lots of dangerous monsters inside that were created using omiyoto a domain that lets its monsters escape into the outside world what forces are at play here as for me i stumbled in almost by accident but now i'm curious about this mystery we adventurers don't rest until the truth comes to light it's in our nature so do you mind if i join you guys i can offer my aid in return if you haven't heard i'm pretty handy in a fight traveler what do you think you're not going to reject me are you oh don't be so cruel traveler you know how strong i am now we're talking another addition to the shikitai show memory hunting crew their strength in numbers i'm assuming shikitai show is the little paper fellow here right hmm a simple yet captivating design look at the little face i bet my brother would love one ah is he complimenting me yeah take it as a compliment all right why don't i bring our new companion up to speed you said that you're the overseer here but i didn't see you when i entered that must mean you were already unconscious by the time i arrived correct i believe so well brother maybe if you'd have slowed down a little bit you would have noticed brother that's a very intimate way of addressing someone i like it you remind me of my little sister so according to the information we have it's very possible that shikitai show is the guardian of this domain i'm sure we'll find out the truth of that soon enough shikitai show also says that its power has been regenerating ever since it set foot here it might even be able to absorb more power the further in we go shikita show can you remember anything yet or do you feel different in any way they say that everything about shikigami is derived from magic perhaps the more powerful our friend here becomes the more likely it is that they'll recover their memories now that i've been here a little while i have a vague sense that i should be able to control certain parts of this domain overseers are supposed to have that ability i've taken care of the monsters in this room they all turned into tattered paper charms when i defeated them ah that was some exhilarating combat but i'm afraid i can't seem to find a way to progress further cheeky thai show as our resident overseer do you have any tricks up your sleeve allow me to give it a try [Music] what tarnation the door opened uh anyone else getting the creeps here it looks real eerie [Music] it's the scent of monsters the aroma of battle ah the monsters here are strong fierce fighting awaits us but i wouldn't have it any other way you guys should learn to see the fun side of combat i don't care how strong they are they'll be ashes when i'm finished with them make sure you guys protect us especially i hear something an echo this place yes this used to be my dominion i should be able to do more than just open doors and activate mechanisms here fight i i should know how to fight everyone i've just remembered some combat techniques please allow me to assist you in battle with shikifuda and onmyodo not bad that was some perilous action i've experienced close calls like that before no surprise to see child enjoying himself do you really enjoy fighting that much of course i relish this kind of endless fighting putting your life on the line giving your all and leaving nothing on the battlefield [Music] hmm i guess bringing tight along does have its advantages we're making quick work of these monsters hey watch your step what is that this paper cutout looks just like chikitasho i know what this is it's a replica of me a mass-produced shikigami based on my design it has my power and possibly a portion of my memories i should fuse with it how was it what'd you see my master kamuna harunosuke he was the first onmiyoji of inazuma and a master of charm magic he created me and this domain and lived here in seclusion for a very long time huh so it was your master that created this place but what was his reason behind creating you in the domain i'm sorry i'm not sure of that myself just yet perhaps he was passionate about omiyodo maybe when he discovered how strong he was he decided to create a place like this to hone his abilities to become even stronger it's possible those obsessed with certain disciplines are often capable of incredible feats perhaps that was the case with kamuna harunosuke own myoto may have been everything to him so he created a domain to train in but he couldn't foresee that something would go wrong with the domain that he would lose control of the own myoto and that his shikigami would turn into monsters that's not possible right that could be bad news for us i'm just shooting in the dark here if the monsters weren't originating from the shikigami or paper charms where were they coming from the inazuman authorities must have caught wind of this place and sent people here to seal it off sending shiki taisho into a deep sleep in the process no even though i still can't recall what he looked like or how it felt to be in his company there is one thing i'm certain of with his ability there's no way kamuna would have made an error like this with his own miyoto more importantly i'm sure he wouldn't have been so irresponsible oh really well then that leaves us with the worst assumption of all what if kamuna harunosuke is evil and created this domain to enhance his own myoto what if he succeeded in creating monsters that could become weapons that would make him a problem and you you would be his accomplice evil accomplice using monsters as weapons easy red isn't it a little early to be jumping to conclusions shikitasho passed my test and earned my trust i don't like the way you're talking hey i'm merely making inferences based on sheiki taisho's memories i'm not trying to cast doubt on him and it's true that we don't have any decisive evidence but we do need to understand the situation here besides is being used as a weapon really that bad [Music] all right the next room should be through that door let's see if we can find more of shiki taisho's replicas and help him restore his memories who knows we may even find kamuna harunosuke himself somewhere further in i wonder how strong of a fighter he is i'd like to go a few rounds with him let's keep moving forward [Music] huh how do we get back out here wasn't that dormant to take us to the next room uh-oh we're shikitasho and red are they still in the domain no no we can't get back in it's stopping outsiders from entering [Music] what's that rumbling can you feel it maybe some kind of mechanism is activated inside no this ain't good we can't make any hasty decisions traveler come on let's just wait it out for a minute hey huh could you you're back so soon not soon enough we spent a long time chasing those monsters down they were cunning and surprisingly good at evading us how are things looking here uh actually no other monsters have emerged since we defeated the ones at the entrance however strange noises keep coming from inside the domain something big must be happening but we reckon it might be too dangerous to enter we're waiting for the noises to stop before going in to investigate i can sense the power is resisting us we've already expended a lot of strength intercepting those monsters investigating the truth of this domain would be difficult we need to be fully prepared ma'am it's not looking good for the wounded soldiers but we came across a few scattered monsters on the way back if i may be so bold we need you to bring up the rear and escort the wounded back to the city i suppose it can't be helped i'll send the wounded back to inazuma city and dispatch an elite force here you've already been a great help please return to the city with us well that's mighty kind madam cujo but we're not out of strength yet in fact we've plenty to go around we can keep taking care of things here you do what you gotta do we'll keep a close eye on the entrance for you i i'm very grateful oh we're gonna help someone we're gonna help them all the way through to the end yeah we can get a fire going and eat some grilled fish while you're away [Music] i just got a wave of new inspiration i'm gonna write a song about this daredevil trip to inazuma we at the tenrio commission will forever remember your contributions to our cause i'll be sure to reward each and every one of you properly once this is all over for now i leave this domain in your hands please keep a careful watch matanabe will be stationed in the area be sure to alert him if anything unexpected happens [Music] did you leave out the part about us entering the domain on purpose don't think i'm gonna notice [Music] he got me well i bet you were fixing to do the same huh there's still a lot we don't know about the domain if we get the authorities involved we might end up with more problems than we started with now let me be clear i ain't biased in favor of shiki taisho it's just those memories are really important to him before we find out the truth about his origin we shouldn't go making assumptions yeah and it's a terrible feeling to be misunderstood i would know sometimes people are too ready to judge a book by its cover and don't have the patience to read the pages sometimes a glance is all it takes and once someone's misunderstood they got a hell of a job trying to change people's minds rock and roll is great music but it's also easily misunderstood i made a friend of sheiki taisho as soon as he heard the language i was speaking i need to find my own way of helping him that's right we're going to have to prove shiki tasho's innocence before she returns i need to ask a favor can you guys keep the tan rio commission's campaign against the domain a secret from shikitai show you really consider it you really care about cheeky taisho's memory loss could i call myself a friend if i didn't huh there's that noise again let me take a look wait hyuna wants to take a look too so you really think we should tell him then again if he turns on us when we lay it all out there hyman will have your back there's no way we're losing to a tiny paper cutout not on pymon's watch traveler come quick oh i failed again cheeky tacho are you okay [Music] i'm fine i had to use up some of my power just now to counter the resistance from within the domain the door just now must have actually been a disguised mechanism as soon as anyone touches it all the rooms inside the own mio chamber are rearranged it seems that no one can enter during the transition it's all my fault if only i could exert real control over the domain we wouldn't be in this situation there's no need to call blaming yourself uh by the way where's child he's not still inside is he i couldn't say but that man possesses an incredible aura he's unlike any ordinary person he enjoys fighting and knows no fear of it maybe someone like that really can succeed in conquering this domain he's a troublemaker but he could be in serious danger right now we can't let him perish in there he's the strongest on the team he was hardly breaking a sweat in there i think we should have faith in his abilities as much as i hate sitting around if even cheeky taisho can't get back in there's not much we can do right now well while we're waiting i'm gonna think about my song shiki tasho you want to listen to some new music i'd love to but my mind is restless well you're just a piece of paper are you really more restless than we are trust me when i say that i'm well aware of the risks you're taking to help me the experiences battles and injuries you've gone through in the domain are all my responsibility that's leeway folk are all about maintaining a tranquil mind things only get worse if you let frustration take a hold of you but there are some things in life that resist the more you try to repress them that make for freedom the more you try to tie them down that's the kind of tenacity that gets me fired up you're talking about things like rock and roll right right on it's powerful yet flexible with a stubbornness that never surrenders to the challenges ahead that's the existence i strive for i see then let us wait for the opportune moment together miss shinyan now that's more like it well traveler if you got other matters to attend to let's split up for the meantime we can rendezvous somewhere close by when the domain is open again traveler i found out some good news from the garrison cujo sarah has been tied down with work in the city nothing seems to be going on with her troops for now besides that we haven't had any new monsters escape the domain for quite some time and the troops have complete control of the past i don't think they're in a hurry to attack the domain right now seems we got more time than we bargained for then let's get going those two must be getting impatient oh you're back okay now that we're all here what do you say we get to the bottom of this you two look like you've been through a war just one war i've lost count of how many battles we've had down here i did okay right cheeky taisho mr tartaglia is no stranger to domains he was able to deal with even the most powerful monsters with ease i am confident that we can make it to the innermost depths of the domain you two seem to have gotten much closer over the last few days well we've fought shoulder to shoulder for quite a while now all right listen up during the rearrangement shikitai show said he could sense the most important replica over there compared with the other replicas it should contain a far greater power within if i confuse with it successfully i should be able to remember the truth of this domain it's right there then how can you guys have haven't gone over yet cheeky tasho were you waiting for us this whole time without your companionship i never would have made it this far my memories were only retrieved thanks to everyone's efforts i feel it's only right that you're here with me to witness this final and most important juncture my memories fragmented for so long are finally complete i remember it all now the origin of the mystic onmyu chamber its essence this realm is not for practicing on myodo nor is it for harnessing evil the reason haranowski created me and the domain ours protect our nation was once attacked by a great evil and a person of importance to haranosuke was taken from him he was filled with hatred and regret and began yearning for the strength to take on the evil himself he made his way across the ocean to seek the adept eye of liue and went on to study the adepti arts he combined those subtle techniques with the art of transcension that he himself had practiced over the years and founded the earliest version of omiyodo later he rallied all samurai with the will to serve in protecting the nation and created me and this onmyo chamber with me as a template he would create many replicas assigning each to a samurai the samurai and shikigami were partners combining their martial prowess and charm magic to take on monsters with great efficiency they worked in pairs and set out to rid the land of monsters information on the defeated monsters would be recorded within the shikigami upon returning to the domain that information would be channeled into the creation of mirror monsters training targets for the samurai as the first shikigami i was constantly absorbing the knowledge and experiences of the replicas i was able to improve the structure of the domain and provide better training for the samurai over time these dedicated samurai were able to achieve an enviable martial prowess a new batch of recruits would arrive as the last group left the domain the cycle of new knowledge and new opponents seem to be never ending no wonder the fighting never stops here this was a training ground to begin with in other words kamina harinosuke built this onio chamber to train samurai to fight monsters doesn't that make him a pretty great guy well if that's the case why is he hiding away in the depths of the domain no haranosuke is no longer here for reasons unknown haranosuke disbanded the samurai and abandoned the domain this part of my memory is still fragmented i can't remember what haranosky said to me before he left meaning he's still alive it's possible and i hope he is i am a weapon created by haranosuke the purpose of the omeo chamber my purpose is to facilitate combat to train myself and others but this domain was abandoned the only people to have come here since are yourselves what use does a weapon discarded by its owner have to offer this is really tough for shikhi tai sho a discarded weapon discarded or not what's so bad about being a weapon all those who stalk the battlefield yearn for meaning and value do you think so you were interested in my secret right why is it that i'm able to withstand the resistance of the domain why is it that i'm able to face down complex battles with ease i have fought in the fissures that lie between great tree roots boundless danger fatal encounters these are the ingredients i use to become stronger still it is not victory that i seek but improvement i want to become sharp as a blade to the point where others fear me you're not the only weapon here sheiki taisho if that's true then these battles you strive for where do they end only those that wish for an end will find one for me it's nothing more than a mirage i was born to fight and as long as i draw breath there will be no end to my purpose my limits vanish behind the horizon with every step that i take let go of your confusion sorrow and hesitation are the enemy of an implacable weapon what must i do to let go don't worry you don't have to abandon something to succeed in letting go you don't have to abandon anything shaky taisho you've only just regained your memories this is the perfect opportunity to pick up where you left off all you gotta do is find the thing that was most important and righteous to you most important and righteous yep for me it's rock and roll it's not everyone's cup of tea in fact i'd say it's kind of unpopular really but if it makes me happy that's all that matters what do i care if someone doesn't share my passion all i need to worry about is doing what i enjoy so if people want to roll their eyes or give me the cold shoulder they can have at it my music was never meant for those that couldn't understand it i still remember your test the song you played for me you said that you were walking alone that you spent time in the company of others eating grilled fish by fire your answer was filled with an understanding of human emotion we've all journeyed down a path of solitude at some point in our lives your presence there puts you in good company you found us and joined us by the fire and we became frank the road ahead is difficult but we're never alone shikitai show this is the language in my music and my reward for sticking to the path right for me what about you i know there'll be something calling out to you miss shinyan i may not be able to harness the optimism you carry with you just yet but i do know that my journey doesn't end here everyone we continue on i want to no i must retrieve the last replica and regain control of this domain yes there has to be something left that only i am capable of doing that's more like it get ready everyone there's more fighting ahead finally the last room this room is very close to the deepest part of the onmyo chamber and i i remember we spent a long time here we would watch martial artists from all over inazuma they would drink here and celebrate shouting now we too have the power to defeat the strongest monsters so you and kamina harnosuke brought samurai here to eradicate monsters that is one possibility among many perhaps it was all just a ploy by harinosuke maybe recruiting those samurai and ordering them to eradicate the monsters was all in aid of regaining control of the omeo chamber huh sounds a lot like something tartaglia would say hey i can have positive assumptions too you know i'm just trying to make a logical guess i don't mean to offend anyone my memory is still incomplete but there's less and less gaps to fill soon it should be fully restored what's more i sense that if we continue forward we might just come face to face with haranosuke himself but this oatmeal chamber was built ages ago wasn't it could he have been here all that time whoa wait traveler you're not about to looking at your expressions this must be something serious uh we don't need to get too serious though right it's eerie enough down here without adding more tension into the mix ugh let's say it all right here goes in the very beginning all we heard was that monsters had escaped from a domain we came straight here along with samurai from the tamriel commission when we met you you didn't know anything about the domain or where you came from and we believed you we had our reservations but we trusted shinyan she took you at your word and we decided to work together as we ventured deeper and deeper into the domain it seemed like truth was just around the corner but even now we still can't be sure whether this domain was created for evil ends you never know what you'll find in a chest until you open it and now we've arrived at that moment we need to be ready for whatever it contains i don't like seeing folks forced into a corner like this but it's like the traveler says we gotta be ready to take responsibility for each other i see so the time has come for me to make a choice until now i had my doubts about why you had decided to help me throughout all this even if we've only spent a few days fighting in each other's company we should have no reason to hide anything i'm afraid that barring new information it's impossible for me to make any guarantees i want to believe in haranosuke but after all these years perhaps he's changed maybe my memories were never real to begin with i am just a shikigami created by an omioji with nothing more than a few fragmented memories to my name our bond is one of trust my bond with haranosuke is one of responsibility as my creator i have a duty to follow him and if he does turn out to be evil then my destiny will be his to control if i am able i wish to retain the kindness in my heart until the very end but a weapon cannot betray its master's will if he was able to create me then he is able to control me so if haranosuke and i go on to cause harm to others [Music] i trust that you will provide a fitting end for the two of us great leave all the heartbreaking decisions for us why don't you still that was an honest and inspiring speech good enough for piemon what do you think wait were you two planning this line of questioning all along not bad at all you were testing to see whether they were still missing fragments from sheiki taisho's memory ah you've grown traveler what do you mean testing this was all an orchestrated collaboration successful teamwork it's like shinyan said she has her way of confirming trustworthiness and we have ours besides this was a chance to let shiki taisho know that even if he's still unsure of the big picture we're still willing to place our trust in him cheeky thai show refrained from claiming an allegiance which sounds like the actions of a real comrade to me warning us of the potential threat was an act of true responsibility well i'm also a terrible liar but thank you for opening up to my honesty well even good guys lie in manipulated times and bad guys have their own doubts and misgivings the fact that you were able to give an answer so cruel to yourself could only mean that you've truly made up your mind [Music] could you give me a hint oh got it it's an honest language that touches the truest steps of the heart word for word huh your memory ain't so bad after all pymon well then has our pre-combat session concluded if so let's get going cheeky tasho try not to worry we're here for you i know and i will do my best not to cause you guys any trouble trouble's fine as long as we can win in the end before we get ahead of ourselves we need to be ready for an even worse scenario imagine if this door isn't the way to the innermost depths of the domain but just another mechanism shut up don't jinx it i'm just exploring the what ifs there's no guarantee that it won't happen right unfortunately if that is the case i don't think i'll be able to prevent it in my current state i'm sorry but i still don't have full control over this place yet personally i wouldn't really mind ah this place is a combat haven it can rearrange itself another 10 times for all i care hi men isn't listening you can have fun here by yourself when all this is over well if the domain does rearrange itself again you should watch your backs and try and stick together and you'll be off on another solo combat mission i assume oh don't worry about me i'll be making the most of it darn it we've been kicked out again no we need to make sure red keeps his mouth shut next time these jinxes are right on lamora i'm not sick of this domain kamina harinosuke is a scaredy cat he's too afraid to face us still it's lucky that red and cheeky tasha remained inside this place is crawling with ten rio commission samurai well same as before i guess let's wait for the domain to rearrange and then go find him until then we should stay hidden we wouldn't want the ten rio commission to see us wandering around next time we have to chase kamina out of his hiding spot it's been a while now do you think the mystic oatmeal chamber has finished rearranging it hmm let's go meet up with shiny [Music] uh traveler come on kujo sara has arrived she's right over there what's with all the rushing back and forth because she doesn't trust us after all she sure does seem on high alert the situation's getting complicated let's have a word with her first uh [Music] thank you again for your help this entire time i've brought reinforcements it would seem that the most critical moments are behind us so from here on out if we can hold this path we should be able to repel the monsters if any do escape we can corner them in the arauumi region the loud noises we heard earlier were probably the result of large numbers of mechanisms we're ready and waiting for an opportunity to storm the domain why don't you station troops closer to the domain in our last operation our samurai didn't think to maintain a certain distance when the monsters suddenly attacked they had no choice but to beat a hasty retreat once is an oversight twice would be a grave error i won't allow such things to happen again oh pymon gets it now [Music] i will return to the cujo encampment and plan our defenses for the other regions it took some time but the tenrio commission has assumed full control of this area with all my heart i thank the three of you for your assistance your promised rewards are not forgotten miss chinen please take this letter enclosed is a travel permit that i processed personally for you i applied for the longest duration available i hope you can use it this time to really get to know inazuma i've also arranged your accommodation simply follow the instructions in the letter when you're back in the city oh wow free boarding and unlimited travels across anna zuma i don't know what to say it's the least i can do thank you ma'am i know you're real busy but if you do get a day off and i'm still here in ianazuma please come and see one of my street performances i must tell you that i never did develop much of a taste for songs and music but given everything you've done for the tenrio commission i will certainly attend your performance if the opportunity arises well that's shinyan's biggest worry taken care of not quite my biggest worry is still cheeky taisho what comes next has nothing to do with me as a friend i must go back and help not to mention red traveler we got to go back and save him right [Music] then let's go we'll need to meet up with shiki tasho in secret first [Music] [Music] a general just passed through here she was leading a team to investigate the area her name is kuchisara she's from the ontario commission cujo sara why haven't i heard of her i think i remember hearing the name of the supreme commander of the tenrio commission once it was a man called cujo something what was it again i can't remember his name but i do remember that haranosuke played chess with him sounds like someone important let's say the chit chat for later we need to sneak back into the oatmeal chamber before anyone sees us oh right we still gotta find child let's go all right everyone follow me oh here you are so is this everyone you guys had me waiting for quite some time let me tell you you missed out on some incredible action quite the pity look at this guy not a scratch on him hmm were you guys worried about me just a little huh well if you were worried about me i'm flattered as a comrade and old rival you should know that unexpected combat situations are my bread and butter anyway when the domain was rearranging itself the rooms were moving up and down the monsters were scattered all over the place ah i had so much fun fighting them these last few days i even came across a few replicas they should contain more power and memories better late than never hurry up and fuse with them cheeky tasho [Music] the residual power in these replicas is limited i can only regain a fraction of my memories not enough hmm then i guess it's on with the plan we need to venture deeper into the domain wait the domain already rearranged itself the route we discovered is useless now don't worry too much there's a pattern to the rearrangement i should be able to find the way if i'm not mistaken we should head in that direction wait a second hyman has a question shiki kaisho didn't you just say that the power left in the replicas wasn't enough you still don't have all your memories so how would you know if you were heading in the right direction last time when we followed you through that door we were sent out as a domain which means not all the doors in this place are real what if you still can't tell the difference we might end up somewhere super dangerous i can completely understand your reservations unfortunately i'm still unable to give you a compelling answer would you believe it if i said that it's an intuition i have as the overseer here yeah really i can see why you're worried palm on but our only option is to trust cheeky taisho as our guide otherwise all we can do is stand here and wait besides will be even more lost as the domain rearranges itself again you seem to be more anxious this time around let me guess trouble on the outside as far as i understand it inazuma's situation is still far from stable a domain like this would likely fall under the tenryu commission's jurisdiction but they're spread too thinly at present there's a lot that still falls outside of their control which means that you guys are here as support and it's very likely that the tenrio commission made the request so you're receiving their orders in that case knowing their style they're probably planning a lethal assault on the domain to crush everything in their path if we don't find shiki taisho's memories before that happens then it's possible we never will hence the increased anxiety right [Music] is this all part of your scheme it's true there are indeed matters that i'm investigating but it's not what you might think we can talk about that later let's make sure we deal with our own problems first now then traveler you and i are hardly strangers and i see no reason for me to lie to you after arriving in inazuma i discovered monster tracks in the surrounding areas and so i followed them into the domain it would appear that this place is some sort of combat training ground there's nothing but fighting and slaughter to be had here needless to say it's been an enjoyable experience for me i feel quite at home this may come as an unpleasant surprise to ms shinyan and shikitai show but i'm not someone who cares for allegiance and affiliation good and evil right and wrong duty and destiny are these things really so important are they really more appealing than the euphoria of battle and close combat you got fighting in your veins that's for sure well brother what is it you're trying to say nothing in particular but i am telling you that we should venture forward bravely don't fear the monsters that lie ahead if you're not up to the task i will happily take your place in crushing all that come before us then the burden of the slaughter will be mine and mine alone because fighting is what i'm best at [Music] don't look at piemon we're going okay we're going [Music] master kamina over half our trained samurai are wounded and our shikigami losses are far greater than anticipated besides the outside situation is beginning to stabilize do we really need to keep pursuing this ultimate attainment [Music] why so apprehensive this is all within my expectation arinosuke forgive my directness but she's not coming back all i ever wanted was to assist her descendants and guard this territory now that our targets no longer exist and those needing our protection are finally safe then perhaps our sworn mission has indeed come to an end i always believed that i would stand guard in this place forever if time permitted i almost fooled myself with such a notion i hope you never make the same mistake don't worry harinosuke i know everything that you've done for inazuma your efforts need not be judged by others the same goes for my existence [Music] bestowing you with intelligence that you should know human emotion it would seem this was the right decision [Music] in the end it is you that have enlightened me [Music] [Music] rosie cheeked in the morning bleached bones by dusk how so very true i have nothing left to keep me cheeky taisho my friend you have completed your assignment magnificently as for me i need weight no longer i will set out again in search of a new purpose [Music] then this is farewell harunosuke [Music] be safe in your travels [Music] i remember everything haranosuke didn't abandon me it was i that persuaded him and helped him escape the labyrinth of his heart haranosuke didn't abandon me i enlightened him i helped him to release a burden shouldered for too long haranosuke had great aspirations for me and the mystic ownmeo chamber but the truth is perhaps we were an ill-timed creation the samurai trained tirelessly and with promising results and yet the strength of mortals is bound by unforgiving limits our progress was too slow even as we trained the god with the power of the muso nohitotachi swept across the land with a force of diligent and mighty warriors they removed all hidden evils from our territory and just like that a life's work was rendered unnecessary no one in this world is prepared when such sorrow befalls them hyman can't begin to imagine how that feels but we've definitely heard about similar cases i was lost dejected and doubted everything in sight still the fruits of our labor and valiant efforts cannot be denied even if they were overshadowed regardless the aim that haranosuke and the samurai sought had been achieved the samurai no longer needed to devote their life to training it should have been something to celebrate but haranoski was a sentimental man his affections were rooted in mortal desire and he couldn't bear to let go of what he had lost to protect was our shared ambition and if the world was the object of haranosky's protection then he was the object of mine as his most prized creation and only friend in the mystic onmyo chamber i tried to persuade him he told me that he wanted to set out again in search of a new purpose that it may take him months years or even centuries it didn't matter to me all i wanted was for him to achieve that aspiration and to return to this place anew and in the endless days of waiting i fell into a deep slumber harunosuke you're not coming back are you don't be upset shiki tasho if kamina harinosuke learned the power of adept i arts and transcension isn't it possible that he became immortal what i've come to realize is that regardless of whether he remains in this world he shouldn't be the sole purpose of my existence meeting all of you helped me understand belief i believe that haranosuke is walking his own path now and i believe that i too can find a path of my own from birth we begin to walk in solitude toward an inevitable end but there are embers in the mist that welcome us and friendships to be made under the night sky our assignment does not end because the journey is long there was value in everything haranoski did and my purpose is my assignment that's something that will never change nor will it be taken away from me i am shiki taisho the first shikigami ally of martial artists and forevermore the overseer of the mystic onmyo chamber my duty is to assist fighters in reaching ultimate attainment there will be others in this world attempting to scale the highest peak i will gladly become a bridge between the mountains a weapon that carries them through the clouds now that's what i'm talking about wow full memory cheeky taisho is a force to be reckoned with i've regained full control of the mystic ownmeo chamber no mirror monsters will be able to escape this domain from now on the crisis has been averted in a few days time i'll be able to secure the charm magic network and restore the mystic ownmeo chamber to its original state this place is an ever-changing yet reliable training ground i will continue to stand guard here and provide training for anyone seeking ultimate attainment the 10 rio commission must already have made preparations to enter the domain by now please leave the negotiations to me when they arrive i will explain the matter in its entirety so we don't have to deal with the nitty-gritty great pymon hates negotiations my thanks to all of you without you i never would have been able to regain my true self i've prepared a gift for you it may not be enough to repay your kindness but i hope it will come in handy a replica you can call it shikikosho shikikosho is different to the other replicas no matter where you go it can maintain communication with me it won't be able to use shikifuda or charm magic outside of the mystic onio chamber but it can still provide you with protection bringing it with you on your travels is the same as having me by your side cheeky tasho still sounds upset is he worried we won't meet again all right now no more sadness you hear me we ain't left just yet besides thanks to the traveler cujo sarah and beto getting over to inazuma just got a whole lot easier i might just have to start paying you a regular visit miss shinyan wouldn't that take up too much of your time well let me ask you a question what do you think of rock and roll rock and roll to me it's wonderful music that's good enough for me i only ever perform for people that can appreciate it anyway speaking of which prepare your ears y'all it's about to get louder huh you're gonna perform right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow pima never realized how uplifting this number was wait titlia can dance right let's get him to huh where'd he go hey tatlia where do you think you're going trying to sneak off on us huh sneak off i'm just looking for a place to put my feet up in muse for a while is all traveler it's time i told you about my investigations still sharp as always i do sometimes wonder if you can read minds i had a lot of fun here in fact i really like inazuma as long as i don't dwell on minor problems and the trouble they cause i originally came to this domain because i thought that it might have something to do with the balladeer as it turns out he's not here scaramouche is in possession of a certain gnosis and we happen to have lost contact with him i don't suppose it's a coincidence of course it didn't surprise me in the slightest that scaramouche would do something like this my agenda as a harbinger is to seek out combat and nearly every fatoui harbinger has an agenda of their own too i'll let the gnosis run for a while longer i'm sure it's only a matter of time before you discover its whereabouts when that time comes traveler what will you choose to do and where is your final destination ah i wish i could stay here a while longer the more time you spend somewhere the more joy it brings you when you return you're like the stars in the night sky comrade you never cease to surprise me
Channel: kamina ch
Views: 27,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shiki taishou genshin, xinyan genshin, xinyan genshin impact, genshin xinyan, genshin impact xinyan, childe genshin impact, genshin impact childe, genshin impact, genshin, labyrinth warriors, labyrinth warriors event, kamina ch, genshin impact game, genshin story, childe, xinyan, genshin impact leaks, xinyan quest, Labyrinth Warriors quest, Labyrinth Warriors childe, childe meets xinyan, xinyan build, genshin build, genshin impact guide, genshin impact traveler
Id: z5UU15WZTlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 50sec (5090 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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