Lab Leak BOMBSHELL: First Covid Patients Were WUHAN LAB DOCTORS Studying GAIN OF FUNCTION: Report

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[Music] huge news to report the first people infected by covid the patient's zero were in fact Chinese scientists at the Wuhan Institute of virology moreover these three scientists were engaged in gain of function research on SARS like coronaviruses when they fell ill this is according to new reporting from Michael schellenberger Matt taibi and Alex guten tag Michael schellenberger joins us now to explain more thank you so much for joining us Michael good to be with you guys so lay it out for us what is the evidence here that the initial infection was in fact among the very people you would expect to be most likely to be first infected if it the covid was a result of a lab leak incident so we have it from multiple people in the U.S government very careful not to identify these people very nervous and Afraid this information is classified which I don't understand why and we don't know for how long but we think for a very for a while now uh maybe since the beginning but yes these three researchers include Ben who uh and two others who were directly involved working with the uh coronaviruses that are very similar to SARS covid 2 which is the virus that causes covid and uh they were working in that part of the lab for XI jingling who's the scientist that headed up the gain a function research so when we told experts that had that had been people arguing that there was a serious chance that it came from a lab when we told them it was Ben who who was one of three patients zero as we call the first one we get the disease they were nobody was surprised and they were just kind they were actually more angry that it had taken so long for this information to get out which I think is a big part of the story too which is why you know why was this classified why had why did it take so long to know this why did we have to be the ones that found this out um why is the government keeping so many secrets from us so I think there's a bunch of big questions here but I do feel like we are now at a place of at least for me 100 came from the lab and we know who got infected first and tell uh the audience more about who is Ben who and his connection to uh to research done on bats and coronaviruses Etc well so Ben who um is sort of the number two under XI Jin Ling who's the person uh that heads up the Gana functional research for the Wuhan Institute virology Ben whose name is he's the lead author on some of the most important uh academic Publications and studies uh ping use another author of these studies so it's it's just sort of exactly what you would predict the people that were messing around with this virus that we're looking to insert if you're in cleavage site into a spike protein to in that would have the result of increasing infectiousness they got sick first I mean it's just um there's actually something that's totally not talking about it the most shocking thing about it is why did it have to come out this way why did it take three years three and a half years um who knew when did they know why was everything supposed to be scared to tell us um it's a bad this is a this was a big cover-up that was going on and it we know it involved the Chinese government um why was the United States government not revealing this who knew about this and why were they spreading disinformation suggesting that anybody who even raised this issue was engaged in a conspiracy theory in fact there was a conspiracy which was to keep this information secret and it should make us angry because had we had this information earlier obviously we've saved a lot of time talking about raccoon dogs and Penguins but there also might have been something we could have done at the beginning of the pandemic had we known where it came from Michael this is very explosive indeed you're saying that but for a whistleblower effectively telling you that the government knew that the first people who got covid were working at the Wuhan virology lab we would still be making these guesses about origin but let me ask you this this question for any Skeptics you know how does one determine who was the first to contract covid-19 because isn't part of the theory of the zoonotic origin that the zoonotic origin also could have taken place at the at the wet markets that were very close to the Wuhan Institute of virology or the Batcave collection that was happening for the purposes of the Wuhan lab of virology and that the there's a bit of a chicken under the egg situation did someone from the lab visit the what Market where they did they contract it when um getting samples from the bats in the caves nearby how does one return really determine from a scientific perspective who patient zero really is well that nobody would say every uh the people we spoke with were very nervous about this it took a lot of work a lot of trust building it took frankly a lot of other stories that we had done with whistleblowers recently uh um also the work with the Twitter files for people to trust us with this information uh but when we pressed One Source um about how certain they were they said a hundred percent and so I think reading between the lines and again nobody's only I think that they had very good information uh and I don't know if it was human intelligence or signal intelligence or what it was but apparently it's very good information and that's I mean part of what the folks were very nervous about is not revealing how they had that information and could this be the information that has led because obviously with the energy department and the FBI have said they lean in favor of the lab leak theory is this because of this you know this information they have seen information that has caused them to make these determinations this information is not public yet like you I think I I absolutely believe it should be public so the American people can you know decide whether the government is making the right um determination based on the information it has but it is this uh do you know whether this is what has caused those government agencies to make that determination I I don't I don't know exactly uh the answer to your question but we do know that the Director of National Intelligence is supposed to come out with a new summary of the Intelligence on June 18th and so there was a major piece in the times of London that cited many unnamed State Department sources we have not revealed even which branch of the federal government we have our information from but it but we do know that other reporters are working on the story so I get the sense that there are people in the government that have been pushing very hard to get this information out and are frustrated that it's taken so long and that are maybe a little worried that the dni report won't be as complete as it should be um I would also say that the FBI earlier this year the director of the FBI Christopher Ray said something like we have known it came from the lab for some time I believe or for a long time which I we know at least I mean January 15th the state department nearly came out and said that that this is a bit our story has the names of the patients and is very definitive the state department statement on January 15 2021 said that people got sick uh in the lab and and we know that that document I can assure I know for a fact that that was being pushed uh well before January 15 2021 so we're talking about 2020 here so yeah I mean I just think it's I'm flabbergasted that they sat on this for so long I don't know why ostensibly that pouching others said they didn't want to they wanted to go away from this with some of the the offending the Chinese um but yeah I I just don't know but I do think things are coming to a head and we're going to see a fair amount more in the next few days Michael has there been or will there be any effort to reach out and talk to the patients to try to corroborate at very least the timing of their having contracted covid yeah we did I we emailed and made phone calls to all of the the three uh patience zero as they're called we also put in phone calls and emails to the Wuhan Institute of virology to National Institutes of Health um to Peter dozak with the Eco Health Alliance we don't know what they knew but nobody got back to us nobody responded and they didn't respond to the times well this is a very very uh terrific reporting uh thank you so much Michael it sounds I hope that you know the dam is breaking and that we'll soon all be able to access whatever the government knows on this subject thank you so much for joining us thanks for having me guys foreign [Music]
Channel: The Hill
Views: 95,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rising, Progressive, Progressive Politics, Democrats, Democratic Party, Republicans, GOP, Republican Party, Covid, Covid-19, Coronavirus, Pandemic, CDC, Rochelle Walensky, Condress, Lockdown, Joe Biden, Dr. Fauci, Robert Redfield, WHO, Wuhan, China, Michael Shellenberger
Id: OQbmSWvYSko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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