La Noire Is Still A Masterpiece

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i made up my mind a long time ago go ahead kgpl unfortunately the detective an ambulance shooting at sixth and industrial street in a 16 there's a lot of emotions going through cole's face i love i love the faces in this [ __ ] game they're timeless gun fights brawls and chases can be bypassed after several failed attempts they have a game journalist mode this game was actually ahead of its time like not just faces like they knew well before we all did that game journalists can't even like [ __ ] play the games witness says a tall white guy put two in the vick's head and then through his piece i need you guys to try and recover the gat you want us to look anywhere in particular give it your best shot guys the dead guy's a low life i'm not expecting any miracles here and if we recover the weapon bag it and return it to technical services hurry it up floyd happy hunting bye floyd two heads are always better than one all right i think i see something it's an open window look at this junk i'm a genius you and cole have the same run animation bro i don't run like coal at all i'm super agile i'm like real limber coal's all stiff and [ __ ] we should follow up on this now before the perp tries to leave town it's a pretty fancy gun you know a local gun store sure there's a place a couple of blocks ralph where's your chin dude's neck ate his chin god damn ralph [Music] huh wake up we almost missed it ralph a cigarette we can still smoke this if we're quick enough ah great news perhaps it was a painter who shot and killed that man i don't think this is any use to us where are the gloves gloves weren't invented back then this is like 1960. no such thing as gloves baby we raw dog everything [ __ ] fingerprints we're gonna turn this gun in and cole's gonna be the one that ends up in handcuffs dude just [ __ ] man handles all the evidence oh is it the 40s i thought it was the 60s i already forgot i don't know they just showed me i have to mark it i see all right can you hit people in this game oh no no no no you did not just do that okay kinda you kinda can [Music] i think they always dodge you let me try again this guy's not even looking use the goddamn siren everyone has crazy reflexes here look arrow schroeder 203 south glast street ordered the gun in february 46. easy thanks you've been a big help anytime always happy to help out the lapd oh what a turn could cars drift back in 1940 because we're about to [ __ ] find out i'm pushing this [ __ ] to its limits you're the owner of a smith and wesson model 27 nickel plated with pearl grips i might be he's gonna throw himself out of the window and you'll be surprised to know that scooter peyton was murdered tonight with your gun you're out of your mind scooter he works for me i have that gun here in my drawer what the [ __ ] is going on here you're under arrest schroeder cuff him right no way you're not taking me down for this oh oh god ouch my hat all right then tough guy huh put him up there how about a knuckle sandwich yeah you ever heard of krav maga i watched dale's detroit threat survival urban fitness courses yeah [ __ ] little [ __ ] [Music] stayed out you don't want to get up again i [ __ ] pro oh [Music] i forgot how goofy the fighting was it's like rock'em sock'em robots he caught me off guard ralph i'm gonna take a look around i'm gonna try and find my hat ralph you seen it anywhere there it is much better phelps we can come out of this all bright and shiny with the commendation or stick our schlongs in a hornet's nest i like that round partner and leave the book where you found it too late we're in too deep ralph i could be implicated in this crime phelps you dumb [ __ ] sons of [ __ ] getting this lined up before i lose my temper excuse me sergeant but excuse me [ __ ] you you say another one that'll break your [ __ ] head and have you in the brig some of us are here i know why you're here ass swiping all right this guy's awesome i'm having a bad day ocs is an elliot you take the camp elliot bus over there this bus is for mcrd this bus is for men who want to fight all right cool i'll pass then yeah i'm gonna go where i don't fight [ __ ] that i'm out thanks for letting me know sarge code three copy we're coming it's only a couple blocks from 14 adam calling kgpl we'll handle the 211. 14 adam inbound god help everyone on this sidewalk you don't care who gets in your way do you all right let's go ralph this is a shortcut oh good lord get down ralph god god it's the old man mafia [ __ ] geriatric 70 year olds have robbed the dinnies [Applause] i see hold on a second i've been drinking ralph poke your head out coward gotcha be careful ralph i'm offering you a chance gotcha can i just fight him like hand-to-hand combat yeah okay nope i'm just getting two pieces there's someone else here oh he's on the second floor ralph cover fire good work ralph okay window bowers i put him away before he jumped parole get after him phelps i'll head him off in the car all right i'm going get back here you son of a [ __ ] this guy's more athletic than he looks get back here you scoundrel hit him ralph hold it right there stop now or i will shoot you're not getting out of this one wendell oh i actually remember fighting this guy i remember fighting this guy in la noir vr i nearly puked you can't escape the lapd forever our jurisdiction is endless i'll chase you to [ __ ] space if i have to looks like we've got the place to ourselves you're going over the edge wendell [ __ ] you like that you like that you like that you like that like that man this guy's [ __ ] eating it luckily we got this place to ourselves at my right window [Music] oh that's not where i wanted to throw him [Music] nice that probably killed him the case that you solved that shows that you have the gumption the gun hole the get up and go to make you stand out from your average rank and file patrolmen oh no oh all of you are under arrest could you stand clear of the body please has anyone called an ambulance we've called an ambulance and the police but i'm afraid he's dead well you don't know that what are you a doctor all right let's take a peek everyone's a suspect put them all in cuffs please broad daylight oh boy i've seen everything investment banker no doubt oh yeah he even saw it coming too oh boy uh yeah take a peek at his arms here has he been working out maybe i can read his future with his palm well there's not much future left to be fair i guess that was an easy one to read oh suspicious note oh my god he actually was an investment banker i'm a [ __ ] genius just by looking at him i knew let me check his other coat pocket and there's a note about buy gme stocks or something is there any like shell casings or anything what do you got over here oh here they are good work shell cases these look like 32s interesting the only way to know if they're authentic or not is if we eat them oh maybe in the trash oh yeah ralph's already on it ralph usually each other eats out a trash can probably coincidence speak to the witness before homicide arrives phelps if you think she's lying don't be afraid to get forceful verbally of course don't you ever order me around accuser of anything without proof lawyers love that [ __ ] did you know the victim so why'd you do it you harlot i heard sure actually the facial expressions really have aged well this is impressive well that no it's not quite as like impressive during the statement though that was pretty impressive all right um i don't appreciate being lied to i'll tell you right now i don't like it and i know you're lying so i'm gonna doubt it i remember la noir when you doubt it's hardcore like if you press doubt you basically [ __ ] slam their head into your own ass and fart in their face like it gets intense so i might just do a whole doubt play through i'm having a hard time believing that young lady you want to be taken to a police cell you're hardly any older than me don't you dare talk to me that way okay and it's a criminal offense to lie to a police officer i'll take you downtown get out right now what do you own this place you're the beneficiary since the boss is dead [Music] she's not talking about her girl saw it all but she clammed up all right ralph let's go [Music] out of my way please goddamn it you know it's a crime to impede an officer's investigation excuse me is it brian topher excuse me i wish people in this city knew how to drive big drift [Music] saved by the cut scene welcome over the owner oh callu edgar cala was his name can i interest you in a new watch actually yes that's why i'm here officer cole phelps are you edgar kalu uh no uh mr kalu is out back he said he'd lie down i'll buzz him for you thank you very much and about that watch son of a [ __ ] stop waving at me i'm busy i'll sign autographs later [ __ ] hunger games fans they're rabid get back here gotcha wait kinda oh well why even let me pull out my gun then am i not supposed to shoot him in the back of the head isn't that like standard lapd procedure come on it's like a 1940s here i am kind of wait here i come there we go got him with a tackle didn't even need the gun take that edgar khalu you're under arrest for the murder of everett gage this man really just killed the guy and then went straight back to work the case that makes you all right he's dead just in time to be done with lunch i guess the one that keeps you awake at night how would you like a chance at smiting this man with the sword of justice yes you're asking me to conduct the interview sir i am young phelps you need many things for a conviction young phelps a motive opportunity hard evidence and best of all a confession if you fail in the former you can always use a modicum of violence to obtain the lanner hey thanks chief how are you feeling that i'm feeling great fine sir i'm just going to go in and beat his ass very good hey calu you son of a [ __ ] has my lawyer arrived yet i want to see my lawyer i killed him on the way in help you mr kalu do you deny shooting everett gage i'm a businessman i i run a jewelry store i don't know what you're talking about i'm sure my lawyer can clear all this up well then he looks like an honest man i say i don't remember lying being as cool as doubting but i also don't want to just keep failing everything but i kind of want to see every doubt too i wonder how far i can get with just doubting you blew a man out of a socks over an empty grudge you son of a [ __ ] do you think i have sympathy for you that's the way keep needling me try the rough stuff and my lawyer will be making an official complaint i dare him to complain i dare him to complain i gotta keep my mouth shut and watch you run around in circles we're done unless you want to keep making a schmuck of yourself i think i'll do just that in fact you disappoint me cold folks oh you heard you heard everything get back in there and raise some lunch boy i need a confession okay yep this time it should work i think has my lawyer arrived yet i want to see my lawyer oh a lawyer can't tell so i have like the the time stone man dead and cold [ __ ] dr strange here all right you just lied to me you deny owning a browning pistol serial number zero one one three eight i owned a gun yes but but but it was stolen in a burglary a couple of years ago you can't prove i used my gun on gauge i could ask you yeah we'll do this one this is a pretty strong one you had the gun cleaned and bought a new box of ammunition the store owner remembers you and where you worked is that so it's amazing what the nebeshes will recall when it suits them this is probably a doubt right he's not lying i think this could easily be a doubt it could just be another i also don't want to just have to keep doing this over and over i'm still going to do doubt anyway though because that's fun oh it actually worked in this one wing leaning parasite you expect me to listen to your drivel you call me that you sit there and you call me those names you god damn good butt snatcher you and that stup gage why did you do it mr kalu he's been trying to ruin my business for years edgar kalu i'm charging you with the first degree murder of everett gage i respect your beliefs and your right to hold them i hope for your sake the jury can commute to murder in the second degree that should be a lot better actually cole phelps has done it again you just got played kalu masterfully done officer fox a shining honest face republican i applaud a man with your talent for unwavering justice i like that yes sir your duties for now the face of a man who kisses his sister on the lips get yourself two suits get them pressed yes sir you'll be needing of course it's wonderful to see you again bye bye now and now some housekeeping warm central division welcome for detective cole phelps we call phelps come on phelps let's go buckowski it's door knocking all morning but i gotta make in the car in the end it was lovely to meet all you guys i'm sure we'll all be great friends hello my name is cole phelps they pushed you through quick didn't they can you shut the [ __ ] up i'm trying to meet people you know this place sure you're the old gas works and signal people in the warehouse all right now the real game begins i solve real mysteries like the zodiac killer are we friends now work together don't be so touched oh my god a 459 [Applause] that's a streaker naked man running around on the loose which way did he go ma'am up on the roof officer he has a mask on his face um i caught sight when he up but be careful i saw him waving a gun i'm not afraid i eat guns move gotcha i never miss my guy probably wasn't even a criminal he was just larping not in my town i say did you like that bukowski get used to that i hope you're not like sentimental about human life or anything why aren't you talking to me anymore buckowski you were so talkative a moment ago you're a real chatty kathy where'd that guy go [Music] [ __ ] man's traumatized we're not gonna be good partners if you don't talk to me buckowski don't do the crime if you can't do the time in hell you better get [ __ ] used to the caskey detective call phelps looking to put a few more bodies in some coffins what do we got here boys i don't care if they just stole bubble gum from a gas station i'm putting them down sit rep what do we got i'm officer hart nice to meet you heart suck my dick what's going on what have you got how long are you going to be here oh my god jesus christ someone [ __ ] exploded in there yeah i'm sure this did all of that the victim looks to have lost a lot of blood i would say that's an understatement cole looks to me like they lost all of their blood and then some i wouldn't rule out the possibility they were eating spaghetti as well and when they died some of the marinara may have also gotten all over the place because it's also somehow in the back seat too so unless they bled him like some kind of maniac i just i don't see the situation here happier times i guess nope that doesn't look like happier times that wife looks like a psychopath [Music] she's already one of my suspects is that everything no there's more hey my fans hey yeah no it's just me i'm solving a case all right hey hey no it's all right no autographs i'm busy guys sorry guys uh i guess we'll just go down the list what if i ask what you were doing out here well i'll work for the railway i was on my way out to the switch and reckon i'd take a shortcut oh man he is stone-faced right now that that is the truth okay interesting the wallet by the car was there anything in it when you arrived you're accusing me of something mister what was that little smirk i'm just gonna let him keep it i don't care it's not my money you can have it [ __ ] it no he's he's telling the truth god damn it it's a simple question i wouldn't know what was in that wallet i never touched it [Music] all right i don't care man it's not my money you can have it a steel pipe with blood on it near the car do you know anything about it mr wilkie nelson i went straight for the law when i saw the car was full of blood what a stark contrast to the last one where he was like basically giggling to himself it was like he just heard someone farting he was just kind of like jew like really like jubilant like if you have to i guess i can't really spend no more time over this somebody's got to inform the wife phelps you're done here we'll head over there now yeah i'm good i'll let her know thank you sami no stiff yet so let's see how it plays out grime waits for no man buckowski [ __ ] goddamn reinforced wood fence it's the wrong way around how so genius he's getting away where [ __ ] these shortcuts don't work buckowski what is wrong with this city yes i try to go onto the front hostages more like more targets for phelps let's go full of lead from my trouble all right understood say no more i'm going in all right i'll stay here and keep them busy let's go i'm going right in the front door actually here i come situation's under control buckowski i forgot the key okay oh did i get well you should just let me handle that's entirely on you don't worry i'll solve the mystery of how you died later coward come out with your ass in the air i dare ya here's cole phelps baby i am the law i was gonna shoot that guy anyway put the weapon down now well i see my standard display of justice wasn't allowed [Music] sorry i'm on controller it's kind of hard for me but we got it we got there in the end there was a lot of forgiveness there because there was no way that shot was anywhere near his head but i'll take it anyway bro those bodies are still cold back there are warm excuse me not cold they haven't even gotten cold yet do you think talk is cheap try hiring a lawyer okay i've had enough of you buddy hope you weren't too married to that hot dog stand get in buckowski let me show you a little something i learned at the lapd pardon me jesus cole [Music] last time you talk [ __ ] to me huh buddy should have just let me buy a hot dog hey husband's dead [Music] you probably don't care i saw that picture in his wallet your [ __ ] psychopath she probably did it why'd you kill your husband mrs black may we come in i knew something was wrong when he didn't come home we believe your husband may be injured [Applause] injured is an understatement we believe your husband is nothing but bones in some flesh there's no blood left mean anything to you ma'am when you're ready we're gonna have some more questions for you jordan of course officer anything to help secure my husband's safety that ship is sailed ma'am i didn't do a good job of presenting it to you that car was painted in blood like literally overflowing it's like he got thrown into a wood chipper and then blown up again he's not safe ma'am do you have a telephone in this piece of [ __ ] god she's a psychopath excuse me margaret do you know how to take a picture that doesn't make you look like a goddamn lunatic we found a receipt in the trunk of your husband's car for a live pig his receipt was made out to an f morgan a pig adrian runs a tool business that would be frank morgan god knows what he's up to that guy's a real scumbag hmm she's telling the truth i don't like that she broke eye contact oh [Music] i'm just gonna doubt just cuz [ __ ] you the situation doesn't look good margaret you need to tell me what you know there's no need to be so aggressive i'm also a victim of what he's been away in seattle a lot on business what kind of what kind of business does this mr adrian black do exactly tell you where he was going last night all he said was he was gonna meet frank for a drink i know frank frank would never do something cruel to adrian you're trying to frame him aren't you margaret you harpy can you account for your movements last night you're not accusing me are you oh what an awful thing to say well i didn't say it you did i was here all night of course waiting for adrian to come home god damn it this is her truth face kind of but she's opening her mouth a lot why would you be doing that no one needs that much extra oxygen oxygen you should breathe through your nose i'm going without because [ __ ] you anyway just stacking up mrs black it all places you at the rail yard last night your stack of evidence doesn't change a thing well it actually worked kind of the the notebook may say x but i know that was the right one i'm on to you margaret i'm on to you swear to god get in the car bukowski we've got a man to arrest last time you honk at me huh yup you like that we now know where that pipe came from at the scene came from the side of the house we now know that adrian had a side ho named nicole i'm all right no shut the [ __ ] up margaret i didn't even ask how you were can't do that hunted i'm full throttle right now hey i know you no you don't oh hey i'm inside his head right now man i've been like [ __ ] jacked into these characters recently this happened like 10 times during bully and now i'm in in phelps right now hey what's going on dude died like in a horrific way you know frank moore just wanted to tell you sure frank's your regular he's a loner in the back you in the electric chair or something what's going on here cole phelps lapd i understand you're a friend of adrian black yeah i know are you aware that he's missing no i hadn't heard that tough break i like adrian he he's a good boss please don't tell me you actually believe this jerk off phelps i do yeah he seemed nice that look like the face of a man who would lie he's like person his lips and everything hey way flirting with me now yeah i mean he's kind of like undressing me with his eyes i kind of kind of want to believe him he just keeps hitting like a pog face uh i'm just gonna do doubt i feel like lies i don't i won't be able to like catch him on a lie so that's probably gonna be my my key here i think you were in on it you drove down there you let black have it i'm a bad boy not the best you got that didn't work it was worth a try that wasn't even a cool doubt either that was the waste when did you last see it was a prime blanco in the recent purple i don't know oh i have plenty to drink last night things are a little sketchy why does this one look so much more believable than the last one does he just get like excited when he tells the truth maybe he looks like a like a dog waiting for a treat i'm just gonna doubt him again because [ __ ] him if he was on his way to meet you when he went missing you're gonna have to do a lot better than i don't recall he had a couple and then left i guess maybe you had to go meet someone that's the best i can do it didn't work either your excuses don't help let's see how you enjoy the lapd taking an interest in your life doubt almost never works i'm gonna have to replay it i say he's lying and whatever hole he's got adrian stashed in he's got to go back there sometime too close phelps way too close no he has no idea [Music] get back in your car trust me you don't want to be a part of this [Music] jesus christ come on frank just go home oh he just ran a red light i should have rested his ass right now you're taking us mr morgan shouldn't have failed the conversation sure doubt's usually super fun and to be honest i thought doubt on the second one would have actually worked frank you god damn rap scallion i'm coming in the front door who the hell is that is a house call to beat your ass oh jesus adrian i told you we're in the clear i'll get it oh [ __ ] mr black lapd give yourself up now what the [ __ ] i knew it phelps go after him i'm trying to hit him off in the car remember oh what are you doing phelps [Music] i didn't expect that twist oh i was gonna tackle them clean with her black why the drama makes the five gift subs boys i thought it would be easier no it just got a whole lot harder you're gonna lose your wife lose your job and probably end up in the big house nice she was worth it adrian who'd we sacrifice in there that turned out to be quite some case huh adrian oh the pig because he bought the live pig nevermind that makes sense now that's right first case and then find style two well done detective efficient investigation technique good public presence you keep that up and you learn from buckowski here you can go a long way in this department wow only 435 dollars worth of city damage hey that's not bad hey we take that i thought she was gonna be in the millions i crashed on every single street corner in this goddamn town
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,126,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G-z1oDxuSBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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