L & H - EP 10 - 3

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ladies and gentlemen of the jury have you reached a verdict yes your honor we the jury find the defendant guilty as charged before I pass sentence I wish to thank you two gentlemen in behalf of the state for the valuable evidence you have furnish this court in bringing this criminal to justice it's men like you this country should be proud of the defendant will now stand up as the defendant anything to say in his own behalf now I hereby sentence you to prison for the rest of your natural life aren't you going to hang in dirty double-crossin squealers your rat I'll get even with you if it's the last thing I ever do in a jail in this country strong enough to hold me but when I do get out I'll break off your legs and I wrap them around your neck welcome fellas if you take my advice you'll get out of town as soon as possible the foot shove like an elephant he never forgets why don't you keep your mouth shut what did I do yes but you did you put us right on the spot everything would have been alright if you hadn't said I'm chick on a hanging couldn't you see that he was annoyed why if he ever gets out of there our lives won't be worth five cents well maybe we're better get out of town now how are we gonna get out of town oh we've got a car so what are we gonna run it on on the road under what are we gonna use for gas well we got enough money to buy some gas not enough to go as far as I want to go say that gives me an idea well why don't we advertise for somebody to go with us what do we want somebody to go with us for help drive and share expenses just like when we came out here remember at last you are using my brain we'll go to the newspaper office and put in an ad immediately what are you doing in there never mind what I'm doing in here help me get out so get behind me and pull me off are you ready all right go did you put the advertisement in the paper yeah and and they printed it what does it say do you want me to read it too he suddenly wait'll I get me glasses it said you write no wonder I couldn't see through them why they're yours I'll read it to whom it may concern to whom it may concern well that's so nobody else'll read it to young gentleman that's us I'll read it all right read it come home Nellie all is forgiven huh two young gentlemen who are making a motor trip East would like for someone to drive and also pay expenses like when we came out here phone main four eight nine since silly yours mr. Laurel and mr. Hardy PS those not interested do not answer what do you think of it it's very nice breathe and right to the point can I help you with anything pack up those cooking utensils don't take that you know it doesn't belong to us what about the milk you better take that we might need it see who that is hello are you the party who advertised for a traveling companion yes ma'am who is it it's a lady about the trip just a minute my friend mr. Hardy will speak to you hello excuse me please my ear is full of milk brush that off pardon the delay please but what is in each of your business I understand you're driving east and I'd like to go along well that suits me fine how soon do you expect to leave why at your convenience of course well I'm ready to go right now baby uh what is the address please hmm well I'll be right over goodbye that's enough oh I know I know this is the first how do you do we are the debt when you're going east with Oh what you come in thank you I missed the heart and as I was saying I'm mr. Hart this is my friend mr. Lauer oh how do you do well are we all ready to go well I was well you haven't changed your mind have you oh no no but you see a friend of mine just walked in and he's awfully anxious to leave town and well I was wondering if if you could possibly make room for him Oh sadly the more the merrier oh that's awfully nice of you while you'll just be tickled to death well don't be long because we got to get going what's your hurry we got to get out of town as fast as we can you see a fella he told us that if he ever caught up with us it was gonna break up our legs and we're gonna time around our necks deadening hmm don't you worry with my friend along nobody would dare harm you oh but you don't know this other fella oh yeah well you don't know my friend if you just sit down I'll have him come out and meet you sit down stand it it's okay bud get him come out who was it some friends of mine I want you to meet him okay open the trunk all right hurry it up I'm choking in here butch it's locked well unlock it well I can't well yeah dump what ah take it easy do you happen to have any keys yes and my friend got locked in the trunk and he can't get out locked in the trunk yes what'd you say he was packing and he accidentally fell in it could happen maybe you could help me open it ha ha show us the trunk and we'll have it open in a jiffy right in here get me out of here okay my friends are gonna help along of course it's luck that's why he can't you know there's only one way to get it open and that's to break the lovin have you got him sure yeah minutes now Oh Mary sleep over and get Jerry this is something we can do to help you can we get you a sandwich or something oh that's no good what we have to do is for some holes in the drum that's a good idea what right there we're going to bore some holes in the truck why don't you be careful well I didn't know his head was on that end now put a hole in there Oh are you getting any air well it's kicking further oh wait a minute I'll do the next one big idea where's butch wouldn't you like to know come on hey what is it listen fellas I got an easier way to get me out of here what is your suggestion if the bloke hutch and idea well here's another nice mess you've gotten me into
Channel: JocularDuo
Views: 1,429,939
Rating: 4.6817479 out of 5
Keywords: L & H
Id: 86esr5DHEHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 05 2012
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