Kyrie Irving The Meaning Of The Eagle Feather

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hey Ricky tell us a little bit about here oh yeah this was given to me my truck [Music] that's it my name is ADA owner chance like to give you an eagle feather teaching for those people who are wondering why is needed people we utilize these two in our culture some of us we use them for smudging some of us who use them for dancing some of us use them for ceremonies some of us using for honoring our rites of passage there was a certain point in my life where I had come almost out of crossroads with my dad my sister my friends my grandparents and I had no idea kind of what direction to going to because I had lost a sense of a foundation that I know I had lost a long time ago this is what we call our lifeline the center stem and we're told when were first born that's how we are we're so frail we're so we're so pure you can't lie we can't deceive anybody or anything sometimes in life we we stray away and we break off from those teachings that our elders have taught us sometimes we were disrespectful to our moms of parents sometimes we turn away from our our identity sometimes we lose our language sometimes we practice drugs sometimes we practice alcohol sometimes we abuse our spouses sometimes we you know neglect our children sometimes we forget who we are as people sometimes we forget to pray sometimes we forget about our teachings from your elders and that is how our life will look once we forget those things but you have to always come back to your life to their center point and knowing that my mom passed and left me such a powerful empowering family such a standing rock as well as all the United States I mean to be a part of it now and not just outside supporter but knowing that this is family for life and blood couldn't make us any closer and our journeys have been directed in so many different ways but yet we're still standing here August 23rd 2018 embracing each other as if we haven't lost any time and it's really special for me to be here because I lost my mom at a very very young age and I had no idea no idea that I would end up belonging to almost four different families my dad's side my grandparents side my mom's side and ultimately my own family that I'm starting now with my young daughter Zoey Elizabeth Irving who I named after my mom but this is a very special day simply because I get to really really be intimate with a lot of individuals that I haven't necessarily met face to face of all oh yeah but the fact that this the support has been there even without necessarily knowing each other shows how special and what it means to be a native of this country and a be a Native American and for me I had no idea I had no idea about the history I had no idea how inclusive this group is and what it means to be part of Standing Rock and be part of the United Nations so I want to thank all you guys for hosting myself my sister my best friend Brett Carol my grandparents and the fact that I get to meet my family finally I mean you guys have no idea this is finally meeting my mom's family and now I'm with you guys forever and I hope that you don't mind that because I don't mind it either so [Applause] [Music] so I want to dedicate this to the ones that have come before me the ones that are still presently here with us and as well as the future generation of kids that will be leading our country as well as the Sioux tribe so I thank you guys from bottom my heart I cannot wait to come back seriously I mean like this is family for me now I don't know anything else so thank you guys and remember that those teachings will help you in life they will guide you if you believe in a good way from your heart if you believe that the Creator had created us as equal you can always come back to that Center stem and walk in a good way the red robe we call the good red road honoring these traditions honoring our elders honoring our name honoring our children honoring our parents honoring Mother Earth sometimes as people we were in such a rush to do things and we forget to acknowledge these gifts from the Creator and that is why we have only just eagle feather as a sign of hope that good things can happen to you if you believe not to forget that you are important that you are meaningful and that the Creator created you for a specific reason to find out to share those teachings with the rest of your family in a community in your nation this will give you hope I hope [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 3,635
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vSVbb6N9-Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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