Meaning of the EAGLE FEATHER (Roles of the Eagle Feather in the Native Culture)

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Are you curious why the eagle feather is so meaningful to first nations people? There are many reasons why the eagle feather is so important. Watch this video to find out how the eagle feather is used in the first nations culture. I'm Mallory Graham from where we have over 130 different styles of moccasins and mukluks. Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell so that you could get notified every time that we post a brand new video just like this one on moccasins and indigenous lifestyle products. If you're curious what role the eagle feather plays in the indigenous culture, by the end of this video, you will know the top four ways that the feather of an eagle can be used in the indigenous culture and what the reason is behind these different situations. Feathers in general represent a strong symbol for all native people, but the eagle feathers specifically is the most significant. The eagle feather plays significant roles for all first nations communities. After speaking with several elders in our community, we've compiled these top four roles or purposes. The first role that the eagle feather has to indigenous people is that it's used in prayer. The eagle is known to be the messenger to the creator. It flies the highest in the sky and is therefore the closest to the creator. During prayer the eagle feather is used to capture the attention of the creator and focus and respect towards the message that is being delivered. The second purpose that the eagle feather has to indigenous people is that it is often used as an extremely special gift. It is also a very honorable gift. To receive an eagle feather is a gift. You have to do a brave or respectful act. In other words, eagle feathers have to be earned. The eagle feather represents all seven grandfather teachings. Using an eagle feather as a gift also draws the attention of the creator. Have you ever received an eagle feather as a gift? Please share with us in the comments below. The third use of the eagle feather to indigenous people is its use in ceremony or smudging. The eagle feather is used in ceremony for healing or purification purposes. The goal of using the eagle feather in ceremony is to achieve a certain mindset through understanding your own visions. Similar to using the eagle feather in prayer, using the eagle feather during ceremony allows you to have the strongest communication with the creator. The fourth role that the eagle feather has to indigenous people is that it is incorporated with regalia and the power. The eagle feather is used in many traditional regalias such as the grass, the men's and women's traditional and the jingle dress. The dancers must earn each of the feathers that they use on their regalia showing pride and honor to the creator. Many dancers like to put the feather in their hair, but if they don't, they hold it in their hands and they raise it up to the sky towards the creator to show that they are thankful to the creator for the great honor of choosing them to have that eagle feather. Hopefully this video has given you some valuable insight into how the eagle feather can connect us with the creator and how incredibly meaningful it is. Be sure to check us out at and use this special coupon code for 15% off your next order. Please reach out to us on Facebook or Instagram if you have any questions. If you like this video, please let us know by liking it. Tell us what you liked about it in the comments below, and share it with your friends. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you have a fantastic day and we'll see you next time.
Channel: Tribal Trade Co
Views: 13,233
Rating: 4.9181819 out of 5
Keywords: eagle feather, native eagle feather, eagle feather teachings, eagle feather teaching, meaning of the eagle feather, indigenous eagle feather, native american eagle feather, native american feather, eagle feathers native american, eagle feather meaning, eagle feather ceremony, eagle feathers, eagle feathers native american culture, native american feathers meaning, native american eagle feathers, eagle feather meaning ojibwe, eagle feather meaning native american
Id: EDqcPWlez6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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