Kylie Jenner's Guide to Lips, Brows, Confidence | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

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Kinda random comment but, I always forget that she has a daughter lol

👍︎︎ 355 👤︎︎ u/SuperNiceUsername 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Well I guess I need to find a brown mascara because that's brilliant for the bottom lashes. My eyes are deep set and I feel naked without mascara on the bottom but brown... brown is a new ballgame.

I also forget she's a mom now.

👍︎︎ 301 👤︎︎ u/PrincessPopKISS 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

If I had that kind of money at her age, I would've gotten a ton of work done, too. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm saying I understand because being an insecure teen/young adult AND in the spotlight is pretty much guaranteeing that.

That said. I feel like I'd at least try to make sure my lip fillers looked even lol.

👍︎︎ 407 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

A frequent complaint leveled against Kylie Cosmetics face products is that they lack pigmentation, but honestly... maybe she's onto something. She applies light and builds up, and imho it looks great (and much less cakey than you would imagine, given she's using as much product as many of the notorious cake faces).

👍︎︎ 188 👤︎︎ u/commelejardin 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is the first Vogue tutorial where a celeb knows what the fuck she doing lmao

Not like a 6'1 size 0 bombshell super model going:

"And then I just *GIGGLES* do this hand motion...*SMEARS CHAPSTICK EVERYWHERE*...And voala! Everybody can do this *puckers non-existant lips* and feel beautiful! *WINK*"

👍︎︎ 263 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I thought it was nice to hear her talk about finding her "own thing", and how Kris encouraged her to be real about it (from what she says, anyway).

The pressure must be ON with a family like that, and you gotta admire her for wanting to do something real and different with all of that potential rather than just float along. Say what you will about her, she seems to really care about her makeup line.

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/pastelrage 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

'When I was feeling insecure about my lips, I turned to makeup...'


👍︎︎ 327 👤︎︎ u/BeautyAddict101 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

I think it helps Kylie that she doesn’t have a bunch of yes people around her. She consults her best friends, and they are obviously honest with Kylie about her products. Kim on the other hand seems in the clouds with KKW Beauty.

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love how she just went all over with the blush--I didn't expect her to be so playful with that sort of thing.

She's turning into a mini-Kris with her cosmetics company and it seems like she really is dedicated and working hard. I'm around her age and I can't imagine having the drive to have a business or anything like that if I came from a mega-rich family!

👍︎︎ 142 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey guys it's kylie for anyone who doesn't know i am about to show you guys how i beat my face first i start with my brows i already moisturized and put chapstick on i never used to be good at brows jordan was always like used to do my brows but um then i kind of just learned what i like i conceal right underneath to shape the brow and then i um apply it all over my lid as like a base for my eye shadow i take my beauty blender and i just like blend it out face powder eye shadow and i'm using one of my new palettes i'm going in with some of the matte shades my crease and i'm just pretty much like shaping my eye it's gonna do kind of like a simple eye today because i have some meetings and i'm not trying to be too this crazy shade i'm gonna put this under my brow bone i test out most of my stuff on jordan because we live together so i'm like jordan i need you everyone that comes in my house has like red tinted arms from like swatches and like shadows now i'm going to go in with this darker brown it kind of gives me more of like a cut crease like right in the center my new favorite gold shade it's perfect for the summer and i'm gonna just take it on my finger because i feel like that just works best sometimes it's like such a bright gold and it has kind of like a copper hint to it it's definitely i think my favorite gold i've ever created i think i'm gonna do something a little crazy and take juicy this orange has some shimmer to it and put it in my tear duct so that's amazing and then i'm gonna take a makeup wipe and just wipe the excess that's why i do my foundation after eye shadow eyeshadow falls down and then your face isn't cute anymore so i just found these marc jacobs fantasy dewdrops and i'm kind of obsessed one squirt of this i do have a spray tan right now so i'm gonna do like four squirts of that take my foundation brush and just mix it all around i'm going to clip my hair up i kind of like my freckles to show through my makeup i know it looks like i'm putting like loads on but i blend it out really good so that it doesn't look too heavy and then i always take it down to my neck and just blend it all in i've always been like really into makeup i think i just used to watch my mom a lot maybe and i used to like steal all her makeup and she had these two little chanel loose eyeshadow powders i just can't get them out of my mind it was like this baby blue and this baby pink and i would just put them all over my face they were bomb my mom always let me wear makeup it was for my dad that didn't really want me to wear makeup but um my mom always let me be creatively wild and go to my sixth grade class with purple eyeshadow and a cute crease i haven't thought about letting what i'm letting stormy wear make up i mean i'm gonna let her wear makeup but when is the question okay once i'm done blending this out like crazy i'm gonna take the same foundation i used and line the top of my brows since i did my brows before um i didn't want to get too close with the bigger brush i like to mix my concealers because i like like to use the pinkier one and a beigier one paint cancels out um i used to conceal my forehead but i don't do that anymore because i feel like when you have like a cakey forehead it gives away after you're wearing makeup me and kim do not compete a lot of people think we might but we just we really like making like completely different products and we both enjoy each other's stuff so it's just the more makeup the better so i'm gonna use kim's setting powder chanel it's actually like a sunscreen and a foundation sunscreen is important to me i have like naturally really fair skin and i don't i can't ever like get a tan i just burn a little bit of this never hurt now for a little bronzer and i'm just gonna go right under my cheekbone [Music] for my face i place my contour mainly like right at the edge and then i kind of like blend it out and then i do side of my forehead i kind of do like a three right after i contour i'm going to bake this it's important you do this after your bronzer because i feel like that's what is i don't know i really don't know but it's important you do it after your bronzer i can't i can't do my makeup without baking i think it really does help and for anyone who doesn't know what it is baking actually like it's like the powder is like soaking in to your skin and leaving like a residue of like a color so i'm actually i'm like trying to make this lighter here so i have more of like a it just shapes my face i hope that was a great explanation i'm gonna leave this for like the rest of my makeup i do pretty much color my whole liquid lip liner i think i can do with my eyes closed it's pretty good it was actually a funny story my mom did her lip liner in the car real quick we were actually at disney world my whole family a long time ago and she accidentally took out her black eyeliner instead of her lip liner and she lined her lips with black eyeliner and courtney was done i've never i think courtney peter pants i'm using nova lipstick today i had kylie lip kit trademarked like two years before it even launched and i was like bugging my mom about it i see it like i need to do this she was like okay put up your own money like stop talking about the lip kit and then i didn't even order a lot my mom's like okay this doesn't work out you're gonna have like a lot of lip kits in your garage i didn't even make it to my launch party i like refreshed the page and in two seconds everything was gone and like i just remember me and all my glam people my friends we were like screaming and then the kylie instagram used to be kylie lip kit and the day after i changed it to kylie cosmetics and i was like this is like gonna be something like i can actually do yeah i saw kendall modeling all over the world and i was like and that was always her dream and just you know then finally finding something that was like mine and i loved was like the best feeling in the world when i was insecure about my lips i turned to makeup to help me feel more confident so now i'm gonna do um shade my under eyes i'm gonna go in again with alcoholic i feel like this just like completes the eye i think i'm gonna do something a little crazy and take juicy the orange color again and drag it underneath brightening i'm just going to do a little bit under my eyes and clean anything up contour my nose a little bit now i'm going to do blush which is my favorite part and i'm going to use barely legal from kylie cosmetics i love this pink color i smile so i know where to put it i put a little like on my forehead too and like my chin and i guess my nose i just love blush and i just put it like all over my face okay i'm done with this for now and just wipe this off do your show black mascara on top it's actually like against the rules and lash worlds to mascara your lashes but i don't care i use brown on the bottom because um i don't like too much mascara on the bottom so this just gives me more of like a subtle look like when i put black it's like too much now i'm gonna do some highlighter um i'm using salted caramel on my face i like to use a small brush when i highlight because i just like it to be like precise [Music] i use my finger because i think it helps like blend it in it doesn't look too powdery either sometimes i'll do like above my lip i'm gonna be on my chin i'm gonna try one of my new glasses and see if this works out might not it's kind of fun brow gel i take the tip which like holds the most product and i like wipe all the product on first and then i brush it up so it's like extra product extra brush always at the end blush doesn't work for everybody but it just makes me like just feel amazing drowning in blush right now but it just makes me feel like my whole look is complete and then i just rub my hair down and i'm actually gonna spray because i feel like spraying just makes your makeup look better in person and less powdery so you kind of drench it and you get a little scared at first because you're like did i ruin my makeup but then once it dries it looks way better all right well that is my beat face bye guys [Music]
Channel: Vogue
Views: 43,477,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenner, kylie jenner, kylie jenner lips, makeup tutorial, kylie lips, kylie, grwm, kylie jenner beauty secrets, kylie jenner beauty, kylie jenner interview, kylie vogue, kylie jenner fashion, kylie jenner makeup, kylie jenner getting ready, getting ready with kylie jenner, kylie jenner grwm, kylie jenner makeup tutorial, kylie jenner vogue, beauty secrets kylie jenner, kylie beauty, kylie lip, kylie lip kit, kylie make up, kylie makeup, kylie style, vogue
Id: vCJ6U7mQmYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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