Sabrina Carpenter's Guide to DIY Facials and Perfect Eyeliner | Beauty Secrets | Vogue

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[Music] what's up vogue it's serena carpenter and i'm going to take you guys through my skincare routine and my nighttime stage look makeup oh goodness gracious where do we begin the way that i like to set the tone the mood i like to make sure we've got good vibes good healthy vibes and drinking ice cold water with lemon every morning has been a very very big staple in my life to make me feel like i'm awake i'm alert to wake up my skin and kind of get the the blood pumping and flowing i like to do a little ice cube facial so i basically will just take a few ice cubes wrap them in a little paper towel and then i kind of just lightly glaze it over my skin and it's going to get really red this is just something that i've always kind of taken with me because ice cubes are pretty easy to find so it's something that i can always just count on to be there if i don't have anything else and then i can start with my actual routine i'm a very very big fan of sheet masks these are really great this is a super hydrating mask but first i'm going to my hair up those are the eyes those are my eyes okay this is going to look really cute i've been on a lot of planes so i definitely started to do sheet masks on long flights whether like international flights i would always do a sheet mask and i think the funniest thing is stepping out of that airplane bathroom and just kind of strutting down the runway of people that are like really terrified of why you look the way that you do but it's fine um because at the end of the day like my skin's gonna look good and that's all that matters um but i usually keep them on for like five to ten minutes whoo she's a newborn baby okay then i just massage it into my skin it's very dewy i'm gonna want to wash it off because there's a lot on right now so i basically go to my cleanser which is this aha bha blemish control cleanser because she's a young woman with hormones that are raging and so i'm going to go wet my face i'm going to apply and now i'm gonna wash it off okay dab dab dab dab dab dab okay great step two in sc skincare routine is her toner i like this just a little bit i basically started to get really into skincare when i was 15 because i was working on instead of a movie they used a foundation on me that actually had like metals in it and i'm allergic to metal i then kind of experienced eczema for the first time which is hot um and then i went to an esthetician and was able to kind of really understand what was great for my skin what wasn't great for my skin and ever since then like it's honestly been so therapeutic to uh be able to i guess just have a routine every morning and every night before i go to bed and feel super clean and feel like um i'm putting good things on my skin that are gonna protect it for a long time then i like to apply my vitamin c treatment which is basically a little morning moisturizer and most of the time i will mix this with my sunscreen so i make sure to put that on every day because i'm iridescent the sun and i have an interesting relationship and we have to make sure we protect our skin i use this eye cream which is super nice the alginate eye cream i guess it's an eye renewal bomb someone told me that i have to use this finger they said it's the most gentle finger so you just gotta like not rub too harsh and then you just want to like pat it in softly under your eye but my my under eye bags have always been pretty under control so i think i just started to do this i renew a bomb as a more preventative thing for the future the last thing i like to do before i start my makeup routine is i like to take my glossier birthday this stuff smells so good i love so much it literally smells like a cake and i want to eat it every time but i don't recommend that basically i use this toothbrush every morning to just like scrub all the dead skin off my lips okay it also just makes my lips look like i just applied 10 pounds of lipstick so that's that's kind of nice another thing that i also love to use just in general i'm a big fan of essential oils i've always kind of been taking them with me on the road this one is peppermint so it's just it's super strong but i put it on the back of my neck sometimes i will put it right here sometimes i put it on my temples but i'm like yesterday and then i'll put it on my wrist [Music] i don't inhale very deeply and it's very strong but it makes me feel great this is maybe my favorite thing that i've found ever possibly see the thing is like i found it and then tick tock found it and then the rest of the world found it so maybe it's not a secret anymore but one day i was i was i was just strolling through sephora and i saw this brazilian bum-bum cream and i was like that's funny but it smells like heaven so now i kind of just use it as my i don't know it's like a perfume it's a moisturizer it's a multitude of things you're supposed to put it on your butt but um i like to apply it on my neck because it feels like a natural perfume and it always just smells really divine okay so last little thing before i start my makeup is this rose quartz facial sculptor uh i really love how it looks it's literally just a little heart in its rose quartz and i love rose quartz and i have rose quartz next to my bed but because my face is already moisturized and has different products on it this kind of glides on pretty easily uh also something to get the blood flowing so that is pretty much my skincare routine especially in the morning um and then i go into starting my makeup this is my favorite rose water but i love rose water makes me feel like i just like not that i didn't just prep my skin enough but this is just an extra on top because we can be first i like to apply my pat mcgrath concealer blend it in i started wearing makeup from a very young age because i was in dance recitals my whole life basically with my sisters and my mom was a dancer growing up so she basically taught us how to do stage makeup so i started wearing a lot of makeup and then over the years i've kind of progressed into learning from different makeup artists that i work with in love and i think that that's how i've kind of been able to find like my staple routine and what works for me really well so yeah it's definitely changed a lot over the years i used to wear way too much eyeliner in the waterline i think there's a time and place for it it might be in this video but when i was 12 it was not the time and place for it now it's a little quirky i like to mix two different products i like to mix this like tom ford foundation stick with this clay depot radiant cream foundation there's also sunscreen in this which is great so just in case i forget these are just crayons these are just big girl crayons that's that's how i see it so i like to blend in with this then i blend it up into my forehead my five head going to blend it also up into my eyes a little bit just to create a natural uh eye primer if you will because i don't have eye primer so we're cheating all right i think the skin is pretty pretty solid looking today i'm telling you it's the ice water with lemon does it all what do they tell you about clear skin just drink some water i don't know if that's true so don't quote me on that next i like to get into the bottoms of it all i use this little fluffy brush and i just go in right at my cheekbones it'll be funny like especially during la pandemic uh there's been days where i don't have much to do and i'll just come down to the kitchen with a full face of makeup my mom's like where you going i'm like nowhere just just had to feel alive today um so it is it's definitely a therapeutic thing for me okay so now that looks decent right i try to tell myself that okay yeah i love love love my favorite thing of the summer i think has become blush this is a dark cream blush that i like to put here a little bit on the tip of the nose so i look like i just went to the beach even though i never do there's something really really nice about the way that your fingers like create like a natural look like the makeup just kind of like melts into your skin so i do like to use my fingers after i've washed them wash your hands by the way the next thing i love to do is create a little bit of a of a glow i love to use this kojondo uh aqua foundation illuminator and i just put it on the high points as you can see it looks like i really just dunked my face in glaze now we're gonna go into brows which i use the soap brows so i basically take this little prep mist spritz it into the soap box tin and then i just get it all over the brush the little spoolie as you can see it just kind of like acts as soap does from breaking this is what we call it yeah i haven't done this too many times yet because i'm afraid of messing up but the thing is is like you can't really mess up because my brows at the end of the day are always going to look super thick they're not looking too shabby today so i'm just going to sort of keep them there now we're going to go in with eyeshadow i'm going to start with just this natural color [Music] okay so for this look i'm going to take a little bit of a darker color and kind of blend it on the outside so i'm going to take this dark color and blend it i learned uh after a while of other people doing my liner that i really only like starting from the middle and moving outwards because for my eye shape it creates just more of a cat eye definition which i really personally like so i do the same thing with my eyeshadow so i like to bring this down into the bottom okay so that's that's pretty subtle we're getting there still okay kids it's time for the eyeliner is the moment we've all been waiting for so i'm gonna start very subtle in the corner [Music] and then i also like to bring it into the corner of my eye when we're doing a little bit of a darker graphic look there's that side i like to follow with the shape of my eye which goes a little bit downwards so this is kind of the shape that we get from the liner okay so now we go in with our mascara i like to add a little bit more to the eyes later but i'm going to start by doing this again with mascara i also like to sort of really define the ends of my lashes as opposed to doing too heavy of mascara all around i really sound like i know what i'm saying but honestly i just kind of like apply things until i think that they don't look bad so for this look i'm also going to do it on the bottom lashes but usually most of the time i don't so just we're really spicing it up today so the lashes are there you can see i can see it we can all see it take a pencil put it in the water line up top because we learned our lesson from when we were young i'm gonna do a little bit on the bottom oh she's got blue eyes you see that crazy okay i'm just gonna add a little bit more of like a light luminescent color here wow i really look like i'm going to the club and the club hasn't been open in quite a few months okay now we're going to focus on lashes and i love these little individuals these have also made my life a lot harder because i used to just apply them with my fingers and then and then these came into the picture and these are a full personality change but they don't allow me to do a lot of things like apply single lashes so as you can see like i took some longer lashes and i put them on the edges of my eyes and then i take this little short baby one and i put it right in the middle of my eye where like the line for my eyeliner begins to just kind of blend it and it kind of looks like it just flows really naturally into one continuous shape and i don't put it any further than the middle of my eyelashes i'll just if anything blended out with a little bit more mascara to create body in there they just add a little a little something you know with kids at home i think after lashes all we really have is lips which is pretty crazy one little trick that one of my makeup artists taught me is to sort of just like prep the shape of the lips and make them look a little bit fuller a little bit powder is you kind of take a little bit of bronzer and a little tiny thin brush and you just sort of like over line the edge of your lip kind of brush it out makes it look a little bit fuller without even like applying anything yet do the same thing on the bottom i love i love the neutral kind of peachy lip tones i also like this color of lip liner so most of the time it's like finding a lip that will just complement the liner and i can just kind of dab it all in together the last thing i'll say is when i'm on stage i try not to wear lip gloss because um i'm the type of singer that really likes to eat my microphone and i don't mean that literally but like sitting very close to my microphone so i've had some horror stories where my lipstick has ended up all over my face which is why i've learned my lesson and now i sort of just stick with uh matte products that i know are gonna stay still okay one of the last steps for my makeup routine is my very obvious favorite um dior globe backstage face palette i use this all the time i kind of use all the colors i don't know if you're supposed to do that but i do it i just put it all over and now that the eyelashes are dry i just have to make sure there's no excess glue it's a smoky eye and then i use by the fireplace by marjella oh my gosh it smells so good smelling good is important i'm just gonna put that out there um and then i guess the last thing i do is let my hair down run a brush through it i really do like my hair pretty natural and messy usually unless i'm doing like a very specific look we usually like to keep it pretty voluminous over here um and then we put on clothes and then we're out the door in the usual setting so this is my final look i hope you guys like it it's a great look for a night on the town which i'm not going to be doing anytime soon but i hope you guys like this video
Channel: Vogue
Views: 6,222,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, sabrina carpenter, sabrina carpenter routine, sabrina carpenter beauty routine, sabrina carpenter vogue, sabrina carpenter getting ready, sabrina carpenter beauty secrets, sabrina carpenter makeup, sabrina carpenter skincare, sabrina carpenter skincare routine, sabrina carpenter makeup routine, sabrina carpenter vogue beauty, sabrina carpenter eyelashes, makeup routine, makeup tutorial, sabrina carpenter beauty, sabrina carpenter interview, perfect eyeliner, vogue
Id: bcA0dGJM5-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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