Fallout 4 - How to build a better house

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when I started this channel one of my first videos like my 10th video was this Fallout 4 upgraded player home video where I made this house for my character without any mods like this is on the Xbox before mods were even a thing this was 7 years ago and it's still one of my top viewed videos I don't know why so with the hype of the Fallout Show and The Fallout 4 nextg update I figured I would revisit this house and see if I could make it better after years and years of building and Fallout 4 using mods creating my own mods going to strip all of that away and go back to a vanilla based build we're going to Raw Dog Fallout forward just like the old days can we cut out the raw dog part I feel like I could have phrased that a little [Music] better now quick disclaimer in the last video I did use items from dlc's so it's not technically vanilla but it's pretty damn close I'm not using any mods so I am going to be using some of the items from the dlc's if you don't have the dlc's it's been about 7 years maybe maybe you should check them out they're pretty fun all right so let's rebuild this I'm using the plot that is like the first one by the bridge I think that's the same one that I used last time I think so and again we're going to rebuild the exact same house like I'm not going to try to change it too much we're going to keep the same structure just see if we can make it better so starting with the front porch we're going to use these prefabs here and all we have to do is line it up with the staircase and there we go you know how long it used to take me to do that three of the these front porches and then start building out the foundation so I'm going to be using mostly Warehouse floors these just look a cleanest so we're going to do one two and then one 2 3 and then we're just going to fill in the rest essentially it's a 2x3 or a 3X3 if you include the front porch now we are going to add in stairs on this side over here so we actually have to remove these two I know if you're following along this kind of annoying so sorry about that then we're going to snap in this half floor to the front and to the back and we want the staircase to go right here if I remember correctly it's going to give me some trouble so let's see oh it didn't give me trouble look at that huh I'm going to go ahead and say I hate this staircase I hate it so much it's in the middle of the floor you can't put like railings around it and it's just it's just bad fun I don't know I just do not like it but I used it in the last video so I'm going to try using it again all right so that's our foundation essentially a 3X3 including the deck and then to the right we have a half piece in the front half piece in the back and then we snapped in this stairs now just notice that the wood this wood is facing the wrong direction which is kind of infuriating kind kind of infuriating but then these won't be facing the right direction oh God I'm I'm fine with the patio having its own Direction but the inside of the house needs to face the same way so here's what we're going to do we're going to turn it [Music] around and now we can't turn the half pieces around because that's not going to work so we're going to switch those out for the single floor pieces there we go now everyone's facing the right way except for these guys but it's fine because that's a separate area in the last video I didn't even think about that at all and it I don't I don't know why all right now we're going to put in the walls so we're going to use the house walls these are my favorite ones to use if I'm doing a vanilla type build because they are one the most forgiving especially when we start building on the inside now in the last video this is kind of how the front porch was I kind of just split it in half and I don't really know what that was about like was I just afraid of having a big porch cuz not having the walls in line made this build a little more difficult than it needed to be so we're not going to do that we're older we're wiser we can handle a big porch okay and now this is going to play a part in just a little bit but you want to make sure that the front door is snapping on the inside of the floor piece you see how it's on the inside of the floor here that's because it's actually snapping to this prefab if the prefab wasn't here so let's just get this out of the way it would snap to the front of the floor see boom boom boom boom boom boom and we don't want that not at least not right here we want it to snap on the inside so let's put this back and then we're going to have this snap to the front and then we're going to put in a couple of windows so one 2 to the left actually that's the right my bad and then we're just going to keep following it so we're going to have this snap to snap there we go then the plain concrete wall right here in the back we're going to do another window shabam window on this side and then back door there we go this side's going to be weird because we're going to have a fireplace right here so we want the front door to snap on the inside not like that on the on the inside okay that's too far on the inside snap to the inside there we go and then we're going to get out these quarter pieces these quarter wall pieces and go one two and then we're going to come over here snap it to this wall and say one two and now let's put in the fireplace this one's going to be kind of a pain in the ass essentially what what we want to happen is to have this half wall up a little bit we want it to look kind of like this and last time I did some like weird things with floor pieces and half floor pieces but since this is kind of off center it's not really going to work for us so we're going to have to figure out a different way of getting this wall up here and I'll show you the quickest easiest way that I know how to do it so we're going to walk out here to the road we're going to put this half wall down and then we're going to get out the pillar and we're going to do the pillar glitch you guys remember that doesn't that bring you back and for those of you who don't know if you're new you or you just never seen the pillar glitch essentially what happens is that you can get this little what they call the pillar I call it a quarter wall piece but the pillar actually makes a little bit more sense you get this pretty close to the wall or Whatever item that you want to pick up and then you can select it by holding a I'm on PC but I'm still using my Xbox controller I can't break that habit you know but if you hold a or e or whatever it is on the on the PC it will select both of them and then you can come over here line this up about yay high oh that looks good you can't really see hang on let me see if I can change the time set game hour 210 does that help us yeah okay there we go and I think that's high enough for the fireplace maybe a little bit higher inch it up and then place it down and now what we can do is remove the pillar and this item stays and that ladies and gentlemen is the pillar glitch from 2016 I know it looks kind of weird right now because we haven't put the Upper Floor yet but but right there that looks pretty nice pretty solid I wish I rais it up a little bit higher but it's fine yeah I wanted to raise it up just a little bit higher oh yeah that's going to bother me it should be a little bit higher but okay fine we'll do it again there we go now we go to the concrete floors and get out this half floor actually this a quarter floor and then we line this up I like this one because it's concrete and it makes more sense if you're going to put like a fire there you don't want it on wood you know why why the hell is there a Gap there all right well here's what we're going to do so if I want to get even closer I think it's aligned we can get out another one one of these floor pieces so snaps there to save the position I can scrap this one and then inch this one just a little bit and then snap it in you see how it's it's it's a little more forgiving if it's snapping in rather than you just placing it in I don't know why but there we go you see now it's it's close to the floor is aligned ooh it's a it's a little more heavy on this side than it is this side and we do care about that it doesn't really matter for like in terms of the build but I know it's going to drive me crazy no now it's a little bit heavier on that side okay hang on there we it's the exact no the there we there we go there we go let's actually let's go ahead and put the fire down now trust me put the fire down now we're just going to get it as close to the wall as possible there we go now let's take a look look at that look that goes a little fire look at that and now we're going to put in the rest of the wall that snaps to the edge there snaps to the edge here I don't want be on the outside cuz it's going to make it even bulkier you know so we're going to snap it on the inside there there we go and then just keep doing that all the way up and that should be good for right now I'm going to be honest with you I don't really love the fireplace like the chimney there a bit of an eyesore but I did it in the last build so again I want to St true to my roots and we have a fireplace all right now what we're going to do is put in the Upper Floor so we're just going to come up here up the stairs and we're going to use the same floors the warehouse floors and we're going to pop these bad boys in so essentially we're going to do the same thing upstairs that we did downstairs so we have the staircase here we're going to get out the single floor pieces make sure the wood is facing the right direction and this is where it might be kind of a pain it's wanting to snap to the middle but I don't want to do these single floor pieces all the way around so here's what we do we're going to take this we're going to snap it on the outside take another one snap it there and then there we go there we go and now we have the floor upstairs really simple and up here we don't have to do anything crazy we're just going to go to the barn walls which I like the barn walls for the house because it gives us some color there's some red to it but I hate the inside like look how disgusting this looks but the outside I'd rather it look like this than than this I mean I guess that's fine too but the inside that's not any better I don't know Beggars can't be choosers so we're going to use the barn walls you can pick whatever walls you want and sometimes I have trouble getting these to snap in to the floor pieces because of the the prefabs we can get around that so we'll do these walls the single wall or the single Windows snap those in oh my God snap now will you snap son of a I got this too close oh God all right well we're going to have to remove that there we go we'll we'll we'll bring it back in a minute this damn game all right so we put these two walls in first then get out these angled walls and kind of build out the roof I'm not going to going to use the barn roofs because they're ugly and gray and gross we're going to do the warehouse because they are darker and better we're going to snap in three across so 2 by three boom since these are a little bit more forgiving we can snap in the rest of the wall so see these go here and then these snap in so if this wasn't here and you try to get these to snap in on the side it's not going to work it's they're going to want to snap to this piece and not this piece okay so if you're trying to build this just know that you have to do these angled walls first to the roof and then get the windows to snap to those walls and that's what I'm doing here on this side too getting this to snap here and then snap here and then I'm going to do the same thing on this side I'm just mirroring each side so in case you need to see it we're we're doing the small windows on the sides of the house then bigger windows and a solid piece on the front and in the back okay and now what we want to do is build a wall right here so it's going to be kind of weird what we have to do is remove this roof piece so it's the one if you're facing the front of the house it's the back right one and then we put in this angled wall piece so it snaps to this roof and then we get out a solid half wall snap that there and now we're not going to be able put in this roof piece because of this angled wall it's just not going to snap in so we have to remove this snap the roof back in and then get the angled wall piece back out and then then it will snap in kind of a pain in the ass but that's what you have to do but that gives us this wall some sort of separation from here into the bedroom like I wish we had a door here so what I'm going to do is go into miscellaneous and these posts are pretty forgiving so I'm just going to get this as close to the wall as possible there we go and then snap another one in on top of it which should work should being the key word here there we go so that snaps in and it just gives us some sort of Separation you know some sort of like frame and then while I'm at I might as well just go over here and get a one of these like railings I like to use this one and just we can place that in right here just closes off our bedroom and you'll see what I do with the decorations to make this look even better it might look kind of weird right now but trust me I make it look a little better kind of all right and now the last thing that we have to do is put in some walls downstairs this might look kind of weird for a second but just go with me so get a half wall piece snap that in and you want it to be on the inside of this floor piece so it's on the outside of this one inside here outside here then put in two pillars so one two we're going to do a half wall another pillar one two so you see it's half wall two pillars half wall two pillars and then we're going to remove that half wall and then we're going to get an out another pillar and place that where that half wall was boom now we have this like entry wall like an entry table to go here a a painting to go there right this kind of creates a doorway since we don't have like a half doorway into the little storage room so I just put a lot of storage over here and then this creates another doorway that leads to the staircase and that's basically it for the structure like for the foundation this floor piece is going to be essentially the kitchen and this is going to be the living room and so I'm going to go decorate all this and show you how I separate these without using the walls it's going to be pretty cool let me decorate it and I'll show you all right so here is how it looks on the outside it's again very similar to the original house that I built the only difference is that it's a little bit smaller so instead of being three floor pieces deep it's only two and I feel like it looks a lot better this way and I'll show you why all right first things first is our big boy porch look at this fullsize porch look at us growth I didn't do a ton of decorations out here because I didn't want to I just I didn't want to I think it's fine couple chairs maybe some lights it's fine now on the inside this is the same layout for the most part as the original house we have the kitchen off to the side we have the staircase here we have storage over here and then we have the living room with the fireplace it's all like the same layout but it's a smaller house so there's less to fill up and I think that's why it looks way better I used to build like really big structures and over the years I've come to just really like smaller spaces like this right here like the living room just feels way Cozier and it looks way better as opposed to this the original build now for the kitchen I added in this bar to section off the kitchen from the living room instead of having to use walls and I'll show you how I got these up here spoiler alert I just used the pillar glitch a lot of this was pillar glitch and it's not really a glitch we've been calling it a pillar glitch for like seven years it's more like a pillar technique but I guess glitch does sound better anyways pretty basic kitchen we got to have a nuca cola machine got to have that we have a little entry way here which I think looks great something about the symmetry of all this just really it just it really does something for me I like it and my favorite room is the living room it's just it's cozy I love the liquor sign up here I'm using that to hides the bar storefronts that I'm using I just put this sign up here to cover up where it says bar I love that like in this build the fireplace is a little recessed whereas in the old build it wasn't I don't know it just gives it a little bit of depth like the deer heads fit up here perfectly and I wish I could have put a shelf up here but it it just wouldn't fit so I used the weapon rack which also looks pretty cool very on brand for the Wasteland over here is the storage room I always do some sort of storage room because I'm thinking Wasteland you're going to be collecting a ton of stuff just for survival so a lot of storage and I like these larger items because I couldn't really put a wall right here it just was clipping into the stairs up there so instead of trying to put a wall and then fight with that I just put these larger items to kind of add some separation and I think it came out pretty cool I think it I think it works well and if you're wondering how I got this door kind of just floating right here I'll show you that as well so any like weird techniques that I had to do to get this stuff the way that I want it I will show you after the tour and back here I didn't do much either I just added in a back porch look at us we have a front porch and a back porch look at that and then I just added a generator back here to wire the house I didn't really care that much oh that's that's clipping through that's embarrassing I need to fix that I didn't really put a lot of focus into this I know it's hovering I just spent so much time decorating the house I just didn't I could not I could not be asked to decorate out here no one's going to see it it's fine all right now coming through the stairs over here I again I I hate I hate the stairs so much but you know what I feel like it's looking okay you know I have a really big painting here with the buoys the buoys I completely forgot about the buoys I I don't think we have those in Fallout 76 so I was like the buoys I forgot but the buoys really bring it in they really make it look cool add some color you know kind of break up the windows here so I use a lot of buoys I snapped in a couple of these um pillars just to kind of fill in that space a little bit so I didn't show this in the build portion of it but I did snap these in again to just fill in the space between the stairs and go going up really the key to this little section here before you get into the bedroom is clutter just fill it up as much as possible cuz what I didn't really like about the stairs is that it's just like this big hole in the middle of the floor and that's exactly how it looks in my last build I didn't really do much around it cuz honestly I didn't know what to do so this time around I decorated around it just to fill in the space so it's not like oh I could just fall down that's bad fun and we don't want that so I added in these railings here to kind of block that off put a bunch of storage back there added some buoy for some color but the main event what I love most about this build is the bedroom it's funny because the last build I didn't really like the upstairs because I didn't know what to do with it and in this one I love this so much it just reminds me of like the red rocket opening scene and that's kind of what I based all this off of I love the layout of having the power armor station in the middle and then having the bed all cluttered and and just kind of tucked into the corner it just feels safer you know what I mean the one thing I didn't point out is like the entrance here so you remember I placed down this railing and then these this post just to kind of create a doorway I really wanted to have the post on this side as well but it kept sticking through the roof so I found these buoys and they kind of fit perfectly just to like separate this section from the bedroom and then I just filled in the rest of the space with more buoys and then these bottles it's just like this makeshift wall almost but I really I really like the way that that came out we got the Kim station over here we got the terminal this isn't connected to anything I just thought it looked cool got the power arm armor station here the armor workbench and then my desk setup but that's pretty much it for the tour so now let me go in and show you how I did certain things and give you a couple tips in terms of decorating that I think could really help you out a lot especially with the vanilla build okay first things first I'm going to show you how I did the bar setup these are just the storefronts under stores just go to food and drink and I'm using the bar one because the text on there is easier to cover up and you do need rank two of local leader to be able to unlock these but really all I did let me let me get rid of this really all I did was I started with this first one and I just lined it up where I wanted it so about right here and then snapped in another one so that's how I got the bottom piece and you want these in first to help you line up the top now the build order kind of plays a part in this it's going to be kind of annoying so I recommend doing this before you decorate anything else because you do have to remove the floor and it's going to start messing things up so to get the top part up here you have to do the pillar glitch we're just going to use one for now so I'm going to face it this way and then we get out a pillar just a little bit lower than the counter you want to get the pillar as far away from this one as possible okay that's probably about as far as I can get it if I scoot it out even further oh oh that's even better okay but if I go too much further it's not going to let me select both of them so let me bring it back in just a little bit there we go okay and I have learned that if you pick it up from a little bit further away it it works a little bit better I don't know if that's true or not but it works for me so if I try to do this here the pillar doesn't sink into the floor so I have to remove this floor piece and see it sinks into the actual foundation of the house that was here originally and so all you got to do is line it up now if you hold a and move the joystick around it's going to let you move things around without you actually moving your character which is great if you hold a and then left bumper you can move it up and down look at that see I don't know how to do that on PC even though I'm playing on the PC I think that's pretty close I'm want to hold a hold left bumper and then if I were to move my character while doing this it would change my position I'm just going to inch it up a little bit right there is actually pretty good remove the pillar get this out of the way and let's see yeah is it straight here hell yeah okay and now all I have to do is go back to the bar and then snap it in and make sure okay it's it's sticking into the wall a little bit that's one thing you have to look out for so ideally I would have brought this out a little bit further so I can see this Edge on this side but you know what it's not a big deal now to get the pillar in here I couldn't have left this one here because I need to put the floor back so let's put the floor back and now I want the pillar to go right here and in order to do that you're going to get out a half wall and just have it snap in really wherever it can so like right there is fine snap in another half wall and I'm just going to slowly work my way to where I wanted it to be and there we go so let me scrap all this other stuff you're just using these walls as a way to get this one to snap in over here and it's not touching so I can scrap this snap out this to save my place get rid of this one and then I'm just going to inch this a little bit closer and then snap in the pillar and see look now they're touching get rid of that one bring that back and then there we go and you can do the same thing up here but this is you're just going to to do that pillar glitch all over again a lot of work but it looks super cool and now the way that I got the door here is very similar so all I have to do is is get out a doorway really doesn't matter which one so we just got a doorway here get the door that you want so the one that I wanted was this one and then if you scrap the doorway the door is just remains floating so you can get out the pillar and do the exact same thing and then it just let you place it wherever you want it boom get rid of the pillar and now you have a floating door boom boom boom boom boom but that's pretty much it I hope you guys enjoyed this upgraded upgraded house it was a lot of fun to revisit it and to just kind of play the game how I originally played it when I first started this channel so it was this was a lot of fun let me know what you guys think in the comments and if there's any other bills that you would like for me to revisit let me know maybe I'll do it who knows what could happen [Music]
Channel: Cordless VII
Views: 310,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rxerhAqab5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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