KUJI!!! - We Play Eevee Pokemon Lottery in Japan!!!

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just don't be a blush [Music] then dig it for you Bena let's see what we get in this enclosure here they can only play can have one mission is to insert thing [Music] all right open open them into what you got [Music] yeah I did okay for the tower what's the next one [Applause] or this is the perfume this is the perfume vial gee that's another charm I okay what's the next one day we see the next one ash ha whoa alright that's a foul see Oh Oh he beat our nice very nice okay yeah that's at our last one another G oh that's a lot of one more okay okay the last one she got [Applause] Oh Seba F at our nine okay Tina pentakus for you oh my gosh all right it's open there see what you got EG charm and and she does G that's another charm Jean Jean and young children GE and the last one one more fulfill nice okay oh my gosh [Music] [Music] all right so princess let's take your 10 tickets for this TV cause you okay please open a chart right what the towel [Music] how old [Music] and I won okay princess so these are your Romanian fight he gets one oh ok 1 sorry 1 2 3 4 & 5 okay let's see princess your last fight tickets it hit fitzy you got it god yes perfume there and here town [Music] okay so five tickets for you blue chica one for the TV Fuji truly five okay so that's what you got what about this car that the perfume you are looking for treat a child you got G another charm help protect our new bodies GL had a child nice [Music] [Music] okay okay fluffy let's take these ten tickets for you this is a new nobody has touching one two by 6:00 [Music] subtle bunch of tickets [Music] oh my god you gotta charge Oh oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right Jojo so four tickets for you you don't want the plushies so I need to regulate the lock one two three oh my gosh three one two three hi and that's one number four okay just don't be a blush yes let's each again yes I wanted the perfume nice I just can't control myself right um I'll swear I try [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 9,411
Rating: 4.9690723 out of 5
Keywords: japanese lottery kuji, kuji, lucky draw, pokemon, pokemon center japan, how to play japanese kuji, ichiban kuji, ichibankuji, japan exclusive lottery, japan lottery, japanese kuji, japanese lottery, lottery pulls, lucky pulls, play for friends, anime kuji, くじ, 一番くじ, ぬいぐるみ, ポケモンぬいぐるみ, ピカチュウぬいぐるみ, pokemon plushies, pokemon plush, eevee plush, eevee plushies, pokemon prizes, pikachu, japan award, イーヴィ, eevee kuji, eevee crystal drops, 一番くじ ポケモン eievui crystal drops, eevee lottery
Id: 0y1UVWTAhyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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