GEM PUSHER - Under the Sea with Koupen Chan!

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yes my little animals Bush [Music] okay Maria so we have all these beautiful coffins on themed temple shirt with a lot of sea animals around and we're gonna play to any points for you let's put the first five I'm not sure if we get an extra turn here No okay so we don't get into a turn so it doesn't matter when we put them so let's just put them as we play okay so let's try to get as many gems and sea animals as possible let's see well um maybe we can get some prevention - lets see okay so that's where we go oh my gosh we got our first crystal tree here so okay London in all they're moving they're really far back but their move lines okay let's see if we can get that there no that's a seal actually no another no nice little order what she did she didn't wanna go okay that was a very poor amount of gems and they have a load of beers here let's try to get that sealed over there now let's look for the ordered the pink ordered probably not let me try that one oh come on well that's a bunch of gems go okay they look for the penguin please please please please I know they're fighting me go okay oh yes yes these weights are moving nice okay let's try no James I guess I need to bring down that brink figure from there [Music] go okay oh it's moving we can we might be able to get that out there I need more points see if we can get that one almost there okay actually that seal is not helping me too much I need to bring her down somehow from there and I'm saying impaired [Music] let's drop some gems on top of it and see [Music] before yeah - its push push push all the tents are not enough let's look for that blue one there we're not doing great [Music] oh please pick it up oh yes yes yes okay so I need to bring her [Music] pushes pushed yes yes yes they're perfect just let them push for a while I put one more call interesting a yes my dear animals food let's go for God silver color one are we put in very okay go go go okay okay so we we have played our first and cons so let's if we can get that pink one there that will be awesome but it's kind of a hard position oh it said gem cities both yes push push push push one more let's put 5 points it was okay some few more coins available they're cheap moving okay okay yes yes all the knives they're really not nice okay keep keep moving yes nice okay one more try the order is final part you get now let me see if I can get someone to move them a little bit for us [Music] okay so there's an angel here helping me with the figures they're coming back to their place so it will be easier to get them let's go for that silver penguin there and see if we can't drop the mounted on top of the trays all right to the tiny go [Music] we were in it oh no it said sometimes they look like easy but go okay these gents are Wow these chains are really nice I know I went too early Oh bye we still got a month and row it's below we're bringing everything otherwise very much [Music] the order is not nice to us today go go go go go choice bush bush one more turn see this order is know these are hard to get we're doin great go okay mo James oh she needs to fall well I don't have my going before in our last set of course here okay hopefully we can make everything for I don't know the thing we know of a bunch of changes that stuff is no the thing that didn't oh okay boys push push oh gosh [Music] come on we're getting that we're definitely getting that okay let's go with the order please already nice please come with us come today or no they're really fortunate because there's a lot of gems here not even a Gin Fizz okay I mean I'm just trying to get to the ears okay well that's a bunch of gems but these gems are really powerful actually yes oh come on I have some go go go go go yes one of the fields powers yes we're pushing that one please pinguin now Oh go yes yes yes push push push push so for that one go [Music] okay shall I put one more coin that we have some back up here all the movie okay let me put far more point because she sent out some back up to cussing that's 25 coins now see if we can push with gems now oh wow go okay a little pudding on the right place see this order here tourists are not friendly okay Oh okay she's got one comes to play with us oh oh yes yes yes yes yes okay we'll need to make her four on top of the penguin it possible though okay the penguin is now pushing yes oh my gosh yes oh my gosh baby push let it push and oh one more push one more good push now I can't believe what I'm seeing let's see it's swimming back okay you need a little bit more time okay just be better now Oh to keep dancing you're the star please you need to get an Ambu position and although much of a computer they're delivering some more recent performance reinforcements oh no I didn't get it okay okay I need to put the rest of the coins now we're about to leave that little convention there we don't get those gems and the seal yes okay let's wait for this one do you need to wait for the time in go do something yes a lot of stuff there [Music] okay Oh until we leave now we have a bunch of things there and no okay come on push push push now we have a beat seal they're pushing that almond for us so we might be able to get the open tongue pouch as well I'm running out of figures let's go with James just drop it on the right side please yes putting in the right side ah ok one more tool see if you can get a dolphin oh no they managed to sleep out of this okay now push oh my gosh one one point and I only have two points now oh yes just give it to give it some more push now too that's about to fall that's about to fall go are within the penguin now of course you're not oh those speakers are really slippery go yes push push get all you need to four oh my gosh one more coin that's all I have oh my gosh that's called boy I need to bring that one down let me choose a good pile of jams it needs to go okay reach 50s yes brain okay that was great let's see what you got nice open tongue pouch open Chan little bigger seals here so beautiful oh yeah gasps and then also champion congratulations [Music]
Channel: Japan Award
Views: 13,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade life, japan award, japan vlog, sweet land, gems, jewels, japanese arcade, japan arcades, gem pushing game, jewel pushing game, how to play japanese arcades, spinning prizes, shiny gems, sweet land machine, play for friends, japan prizes, dessert keychains, yummy keychains, disney keychains, cute keychains, drink keychains, game centers, ゲームセンター, ゲーセン, スイートランド, gem catcher, jewel catcher, jewel catching game, unicorn keychains, gem pusher, koupen chan
Id: SmTM7Ep9G3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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