Kubota L3901 100 Hour Review

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hey how you doing thanks for tuning in it's robert with pheasant lane farm today is kind of a milestone the 2020 kubota l3901 we broke 100 hours on it and only five months of ownership and i know there's guys out there that do it a lot quicker and there's also guys out there that do it a lot slower but what we're gonna do we're gonna do a walk around this tractor i'm gonna show you things i've added to it things i want to change on it and then at the end we'll give you 100 honest overview of this tractor for what we do so a little back story what we do with this tractor mostly um six months ago we bought this property um and we needed a lot of clearing done as you can see we got a long driveway so there's a lot of stone work that needs done here um and you just saw the giant stacks firewood not giant but for me they're pretty big stacks of firewood that uh i gotta get processed here a couple stacks back in there behind that one you can't see got some stuff there i got this load of spruce for outdoor firewood people been wanting that so what we got this tractor for initially was just work around the house clearing some land doing some food plots snow removal taking care of the driveway uh brush hogging just all types of things like that well after uh living here for six months as you can see we weren't planning on getting in the firewood business that kind of happened we weren't planning on selling ibc totes because of the firewood it kind of fell into those and then now i got people asking me to do brush hogging form doing food plots move stone move some mulch stuff like that which has since turned into us buying a new dump trailer which should be here this week or next it's on order so a lot of new things going on and uh staying pretty busy but i figured you know i already have this equipment for my own use so we started an llc it might as well make a little bit of money on the side when we have time so let's uh start at the front of the tractor we'll walk around sorry about the lighting if it gets a little messed up uh kind of cloudy so it kind of gets uh sometimes it's getting a little dark today so if the lighting's messed up i'm sorry about that but um was out here i keep my firewood processing area and i store all the totes back in the woods over there just had a customer come up pick up a tote for its farm so before i head back to the house and start some other projects let's uh let's go over this and make a quick video so as you can see the pallet forks around here now these happen to be a land pride model um i think if you're going to buy a tractor most definitely get the quick attach this is the skid steer style they call it if i had to rate my implements on the front pallet forks are on the tractor the most the grapple would be a second and last would actually be the bucket when i do use the bucket it seems i'm using it three or four days in a row pretty heavy and then it kind of just sits for a while the pallet forks because the totes um i pick up a trailer load at a time come home have to take them off the trailer then i stack them and then customers come i'm going back in the woods to grab them so that is uh that's what's on the tractor most of the time i did uh order this tractor with the land pride third function just because it was easy uh just had the dealer install it um and then uh kind of work that into the deal also work the pallet forks into the deal and there's some stuff in the back of the tractor i kind of worked in the deal also um from some rebates that were going on but those parts haven't shown up yet next thing that i do this tractor i like it i've never had a bucket level indicator on any of my other tractors if you guys follow any of the kubota facebook pages owner's groups uh the mx stuff 3901 there's a there's a l series owners group a 2501 owners group you've probably seen this bucket level indicator this was made by zuke's welding here in ohio i actually went to high school with robert we've been best friends for a long time so before he started making those bucket level indicators um when i first got this tractor i said man you got to make me a brush guard because i actually bought the grapple lightly used before i bought the tractor and i've seen some pictures of guys shoving stuff through the grills busting out headlights if you're unlucky enough you can even shove something through your battery so robert did an excellent job on this i told him kind of what i wanted if you look at the bottom that mesh wraps underneath there and i usually keep a 10 or 15 foot log chain in there just because you never know it's nice to have an extra chain there's not a lot of storage on this tractor he did a good job he cut out some of the brackets welded some more and moved him around and uh the pheasant here he added because the name of our farm is pheasant lane farm so he surprised me with this when i bought it and i wasn't expecting to have that on there well it's got some battle scars it's a little beat up but i'd rather the brush guard be beat up than the front of the tractor um the only reason i got the bucket level indicator was because of the pallet forks when you're sitting on the tractor it's hard to see depending how the forks are set um at first i wasn't gonna buy one and he's like man i'm selling a lot of them to people for their grapples and their pallet forks and uh i threw it on there when the eyeball is between the yellow it means my forks are level when it's between the black obviously you can't see these or you can see i don't use that a whole lot that's for the bucket moving back i didn't do anything with the front tires nothing like that moving back here is probably the thing i'm most excited about and this is also built by zuke's welding these are the hst filter guards there's one on this side one on the other side i'll show you when i had about 40 hours on this tractor i was clearing some brush out front and you see where that hst filter hooks onto that silver bracket a three inch in diameter russian olive stump got wedged in there and popped that off broke the bracket left me stranded luckily my dealer got all the parts in overnight for me but that was about 150 bucks to replace by the time you buy the bracket the new filter the o-rings and then i from the time it happened the time i killed the key which was almost instantaneously i lost uh about a gallon of uh udt2 fluid which is not cheap so if you have one of these tractors i think he makes them for the 2501 all the way to 3901 and maybe some different tractors now go ahead and check out zuke's welding i pay for this stuff and i get honest reviews on it he's my buddies running a small business so i don't expect anything for free so i paid for those with my money and i'll give you an honest review on those those are a must if you don't do anything else to your tractor there's two things i think you should you should add the hst filter guards you should fill your rear tires these tires are filled each with 29 gallons of washer fluid negative 20 because we're up here in northern ohio and it does get kind of cold in the winters next thing kind of creature comforts i did add a knob this just happens to be a kubota one it doesn't matter um my local uh tractor supply was out of these and then uh saw one up there at the dealer so i just bought it they're about the same price i did add the right fender handle i actually got that from messick's they had it in stock and uh that thing's just great i'm left-handed so most time left hands on the wheel we got some bumpy patches here on the property it's nice to be able to grab on with my right hand that is the excuse me that is the land pride for the third function use that to operate the grapple i haven't really done anything else here this area of the tractor as you can see the tractor is kind of dirty now you are going to wear the paint off in these areas just from getting on and off the tractor so i'm going to do the step the floor pans and probably that middle hump in some black bed liner moving on back here i've been lucky enough i haven't busted out any lights which is surprising because of the type environment we are in i take the slow moving vehicle sign off it's hanging in the garage if i do have to go out on the road i will put it back on i just don't want it to bounce out when i'm not paying attention run over with the brush hog speaking of implements this is this is probably from the 60s 70s maybe this one is an independent brand scraper blade i was actually on came as a package deal with an old uh ford and 9n i believe my grandfather bought from a neighbor and uh it's been laying out behind my dad's barn for years so i'm going to take a flat disc to this prime it up paint it probably just uh probably just either do it in gray or uh farm all red it's kind of like it used to be and that's what i'm going to use for snow removal i usually don't use it for the driveway because i have a land plane but in the back of the tractor something i'm going to change when i get around to it is i definitely need to upgrade the size of the toolbox probably just going to go buy an ammo can i got a couple rattle cans here of the kubota gray and we'll just put that back on but you're on my run out of room pretty quick um i usually keep a little first aid kit in there actually but i actually took it out the other day to put in my chainsaw pack but zip ties couple crescent wrenches i keep a little ball peen hammer in here like i said crescent wrenches uh usually people think of duct tape but there's some yellow electrical tape in here tons of pins different sizes um and then even i found uh i got a bunch of these from every time you buy a chainsaw i'll give you one of these drill a hole through it put a piece of orange paracord just so i can find it if i drop it and uh when i'm cutting wood all the time it's nice to be able to have one of those if my pack's not right there uh before i forget and people are going to be like hey you do all that wood why don't you have a saw haul i'm actually getting a saw haul i think it's supposed to be here this week uh my birthday's in a week and the other day my wife says hey did you buy that chainsaw holder thingy you wanted for your tractor that you've been talking about for months and i go no every time i think about it i forget about it just as quick she goes good i ordered you one so i have an amazing wife so the saw hall should be here soon and it'd be nice to get that on there right now when i've been cutting firewood i leave the scabbard on the 271 or the 311 and it kind of fit in there but i'm not going very far before the rops police get me i pulled this tractor out of the garage hauled a 40-pound bladder down here to this guy this morning and the tractor's going right back in the garage did not take it off the driveway like i said i got some other projects to get done got to go to a wedding so um when i am brush hogging or out in the woods i do try and keep that up i know some people in my other videos have called me out on that and i'm glad you do i don't take offense to it is a safety issue in some parts of our driveway it's hard to see here on this side some parts of our driveway these guys drop logs up here it's 24 inch drop because stones build up so high here and uh you got the grapple on the front one of these big logs you get a little tipsy so it's important keep your wraps up guys it's not worth a hospital bill um back to tractor that's about it i do leave two clevises in there at all times uh just never know we're gonna use those for um when we're in the front i talked about getting the dealer to throw in some other stuff i do have the adjustable pin sway controls coming on they've been on order for forever it seems like these aren't that bad but i'm not a fan of the turnbuckle ones this tractor's in the garage every night so it's not that big of a deal but if they do get gunked up muddy rusty they are a pain um back here another view of the handle um i wish tractor had a bigger cup holder um i don't want to be one of those guys that say i need a place on the tractor to put my phone because that was not the purpose but literally i get phone calls all the time now um suppliers tell me my stuff's in or people wanting place orders um a lot of times i just uh ignore them and call them back when i'm off the tractor but it would be nice just to have somewhere secure to leave your phone so there's some options there we actually fish a lot have two fishing boats and there's some that i've looked at phone holders for on the boat when we use the gps that will clamp right to here but my luck uh tree branch would knock that off so i did have a big gouge here sanded that down primed it put cape uh kapeta kubota orange factory paint touch that up uh as you can see this tractor's got a lot of scratches in it already but uh that's what we bought it for and we need some good wax and uh someone's coming on driving right now a big cummins diesel i don't know who that is so i'll be right back with you all right we're back actually one of the neighbors i went over asked him if he had this bar i saw it there a couple days ago i am busting out a chimney flu so i can put down a stainless steel chimney liner and my uh breaker bar's got a weird curve at the end so i was glad they dropped that off those are great guys over there um back up here there's a third function set up the land pride down here is the other side of that hst filter guard um super easy to install i did a video on that go check that out back up here and back to the creature comforts my wife bought me these she buys me a lot of stuff now i think about it um these are the 3m work tunes bluetooth noise canceling these are great for mowing and then on the tractor work i wear them as ear protection when i'm using the chainsaw so i can listen to music or don't miss phone calls there's another nice option about that coming around here uh really nothing that i've done up here um i do keep this tractor pretty well greased as you can see um going between the brush and stuff it'll pick up grease and slap it on other pieces of the tractor other parts i should say so uh about every 10 hours i'll when i grease it up i will take a rag with wd-40 walk around any grease spots i see get that done um excuse me tractor i try and keep it clean try and keep it nice especially when i know i'm going out to do jobs with it people like to see that you got nice looking equipment um it's dirty now but uh have not waxed this tractor since i owned it so i do need to get a nice wax on it here before winter um and then back up here we're back to the front now um this boo-boo here i was moving a trailer trying to be in a rush i got a little uh 12 or 14 foot i think it's 14. landscape trailer i threw the chains over the front of the pallet fork trying to move that and trailer spun around in a hole i didn't catch it quick enough excuse me and uh put a big uh zorro z in there so that's primed i'll get that painted i haven't got around to that but so final opinions on this tractor i will say the first thing first is you always wish you had more loader capabilities i believe this is rated for 11 1200 pounds somewhere in there i have not done any modifications to get more hydraulic pressure i'm not adding any shims anything like that that's just bone stock i haven't done anything to the motor except change the oils and filters but i did get this tractor uh this loader arm on this side this bracket here this flange that runs straight up was bent out a pretty good amount here so i called the dealer that was under warranty they said it was out of spec they apologized for missing it when they did their inspection when they received the tractor and uh got me a new one of those only other issue i've had with this tractor which i've heard is kind of a common issue the first time i hooked it to a land plane uh actually put a load on the tractor uh started shooting out um coolant antifreeze there was a hose clamp that was loose from uh factory so fix that up not a big deal and they gave me some more ant freeze but didn't hurt the tractor and i caught it soon enough so always be vigilant on these tractors guys sometimes i'm running it um i don't use hearing protection i just like to hear every once in a while am i missing a knock that you know i'm not going to miss so say vigilant on these i keep this parked inside the garage on concrete floor so i can see if i'm dripping anything which hasn't happened yet but uh very happy with this tractor like i said no matter what tractor you buy you're always going to wish that you had a little bit bigger loader capabilities and capacity for what i want to do this works great it will pick up full totes of firewood and depending on where you look those are between just just a little bit under a third of a cord or a face cord or a rick depending where you are in the country or the world um if it's dry firewood i have no problem picking up any of those i have had one tote i was trying to pick up was green wood i didn't have any weight on the back the loader had enough strength to pick it up but it was a little light in the rear end so i always try and keep something on the back now especially when i'm moving these uh bigger logs with the grapple and you can kind of get a better angle here the driveway it's not super steep there but that's about uh 12 or 14 inch drop right there but that being said uh i'm happy with this tractor there are times i wish i would have went with the 4701 but you're really not gaining much loader capability this thing pulls scraper blade i pull out animal stalls with bedding no problem which that doesn't weigh a lot um i have a land plane for it that works great six inch land plane i pull a six and a half foot heavy duty box frame disc with 18 inch cutters no issue there two bottom plow 60 inch everything attachments uh extreme rotary cutter no issues with that and that thing is a monster in itself and then what else do i do i actually hooked up my 10 foot brilliant cauldy packer and then behind it hooked up my eight foot double row brilliant quality packer doing food plots this year and it has no no problem doing any of that so this tractor has enough power this is a hydrostatic 4x4 with the r4 tires um you probably get a little bit more pulling power with the ag tires i think messick's did a video on that but i'm happy with this tractor um the big thing why i didn't go with the 4701 or an mx series is where we are i did not want the bigger frame size so fill those tires up get some hst filters you're good to go i really don't have any complaints about this tractor it doesn't have some of the creature comforts that the grand l series or m series offer but for what this is designed for a little landscape tractor light farm use it works great um like i said we got a dump trailer on order so i'm sure the tracks will be getting used a little bit more i did buy a 14 foot so i can get the tractor in it um i have a 20 foot flat bed and we're looking at a 33 foot or 32 foot flatbed 2 gooseneck to pull behind just just make life a little easier if i go do jobs i can take more than one implement at a time right now when i go do gardens for people i've been having a lot of people that want me to plow the gardens and then disk over them as opposed to telling them because i don't want to tiller um i pretty much got to take two trips or get really creative how i put that stuff on the trailer so thanks for watching that's my honest review honest review of this tractor and like i said i've never run into an issue where i wish i had more power i can't zoom in here i feel like it's uh real close to my face but uh it's been a great tractor and i look forward to putting many many more hours on it um like i said does everything we want to do it's only downside would be the loader capacity and the physical weight of the tractor but at the same time for the stuff i do i have people call me like hey can you come fill in this koi pond or can you do this do that you're not running up the yards so there's a give or take on anything and it doesn't take long to knock out an acre brush hogging with it and it's got the pto power is the only reason i stepped up from the 25 to 33 to the 3901 as i wanted that pto power so as always thanks for watching if you don't mind hit that like and subscribe button it's been a busy week around here like i said i'm working on a chimney flute i got firewood to cut up uh this is all for sale i'm not going to burn spruce in our house um we traded in the truck this week if you're watching my other videos i had kind of an electrical issue with my other truck and then we got that figured out and then uh dealers are hurting for f-150s right now and i need to move into something a little bit bigger now that we did buy a dump trailer and uh i know i didn't do any dump trailer videos yet been looking at dealers went to indiana two days ago with my dad do a dealer looking at them and uh actually put a down payment on one not from the guys we want to but from another dealer i would like to do business with those guys in indiana they were good dudes but uh two thousand dollars is two thousand dollars a dealer here in ohio beat their price by two thousand dollars and they have one coming in that was already ordered um so i'll get that soon it's hilarious i don't know if you're in the background we've got two roosters that are going through puberty right now it sounds like someone's getting murdered but uh it's so funny to watch some roosters try and crawl well i got a bunch of work to get done my wife's been calling me i've been doing this video probably making sure i'm getting ready to go that wedding but uh all right guys thanks for watching if you're looking at one of these kubota tractors you can't go wrong just do your research and make sure that it's gonna fit your expectations so all right i gotta go stay out of trouble be safe
Channel: Pheasant Lane Farm
Views: 12,443
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: DnLcnfhJHkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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