Kubota BH92 Backhoe and Hydraulic Thumb - Part 1: Detailed Step By Step Assembly and Installation

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hello everybody and welcome to the channel as some of you already know we've just recently added a new tractor to our fleet it's a Kubota elf 4701 has the front end loader the pallet forks are on it right now but the bucket is right there but we also purchased the BH 92 backhoe attachment for it and we elected to assemble that ourselves figure we're rebuilding fabricating or storing old stuff all the time so how difficult can it be to put something together that's brand new right has to be easy besides we've got all the necessary manuals to tell us what to do so that's not such a big deal this is pretty much how it shows up in a giant crate it is mostly assembled already the main platform and control panel has the boom already attached the stick is loose over there as are the stabilizer pads down there so that shouldn't take too much to get that stuff put together I also mention that the Kubota dealer did want to install the backhoe subframe get for us that's what this orange bracket is and this one on the other side the back hole will hook in down here and then pin in here and here and they also plumbed in the hydraulic circuit that we need from the tractor to power the backhoe function that's one thing the dealer likes to do so we did let them go ahead and do that those subframe brackets are pretty stout they extend all the way up here and tie in with the loader frame so that adds some rigidity to the chassis and the other components we have include the Q a quick attach coupler that's going to go on the end of the stick we have the quick attach bucket and also the hydraulic thumb attachment that is made to work with the Q a bucket and coupler in this pail here and we have the related hardware valving hoses and instruction kit for plumbing in that entire hydraulic thumb we're gonna have to take a little bit of the control panel apart add an extra spool in there run some extra lines and what-have-you but we'll get all that done here in this video so but first things first I need to get this out of the crate one thing that they do is use like this automotive seat belt webbing is what it looks like to secure a lot of these parts to the crate and I found it's just as easy to cut right through that stuff because the staples they have attaching it to the wood are are in there pretty good okay so the first thing I'm going to do is get the stabilizer pads put on to the arms and of course I have pre greased looped ends that's going to go without saying from this point on get some grease on them start with so you're not just relying on the grease gun to push it into all the places it needs to be okay so to catch up on what I'm doing right now you can see I've repositioned the tractor to right up next to the backhoe and I've also connected the hydraulic lines originally my thoughts were to plumb in all of the circuits for the hydraulic thumb before I went and introduced any fluid into the system thinking I was going to save some mess that way well when I swung that boom out by hand I quickly realized this already has a partial charge of fluid in it when I actually swung that out manually I was expecting to feel maybe some cush like compressing some air and those cylinders but rather it's like I came up against a hard stop until I took a bungee cord and actually threw that lever back so I could bypass the fluid through the cylinder and then I was able to pivot it around so considering it already has fluid in the system I wouldn't be saving anything by trying to plumb the thumb in right now before the rest of its assembled so I've come to the conclusion that in order to get the stick put on the boom it's going to be easiest if I get it off the pallet and off the ground and just positioned on to the tractor and I'm pretty sure I can pull this off granted we have the lines the hydraulic lines they go out to the stick are capped off but it shouldn't hurt any if I just leave those circuits alone and only throw the levers that have to do with the stabilizers and the boom this thing's made to lift itself up and position itself onto the tractor bracket so anyway don't see why it wouldn't work here [Music] so now I've got the mainframe on the tractor I can now put the stick onto the end of the boom they're held together by this main pin this pin has two steel spacers on it those bases are going to go between the pin boss on the stick and the pin boss on the boom on each side pin is held in by this lock bolt will go in over here and you can expect this pin to be a rather tight fit it is a tight fit just in the boom and it is rather snug inside the bushing but that's actually a good thing we don't want that pin wallowing around in the boom here we want all of the pivoting action to be happening on the bushing and of course you're going to want to grease all of this stuff really well before you try putting it together so with everything lined up we'll start the pin in greased of course and don't forget the spacer also with a little coating of grease now that the pin is far enough through I'll be sure to get the spacer put in on the other side greased as well of course now the pin is fully in and the holes are lined up I'll just install the lock bolt and nut these are nylock nuts so they will hold their position pretty well and the manual is very specific about saying not to tighten the jam nut all the way up so that there is absolutely no tension on the bolt you want to have a little bit of a vertical up-and-down free play there and not have that bone too tight that's actually Bart right now we need upend on the upper cylinder and I'm gonna have the engine running for this in case I need to make some minor adjustments to make everything line up same routines down here pin with a lock bolt except we do not have the spacers that we need to worry about that was down there we could just pin this one us need to get all the holes aligned this pinch bar see if the lock bolt will drop in a little bit more perfect and now to connect the hydraulic hoses for the bucket cylinder you want to make sure to route your hoses down below where the cylinder attaches at the top of the stick bring them forward to here and in case there's any confusion as to what goes where they've made this pretty simple you can see there's some red tape on the crimped portion of the sleeve right there corresponding red tape on the crimped portion there and this one we have red tape back on the hose and this one it's hard to see right now but there's red tape down on the hose there so that kind of codes where those need to go so they've got everything capped off and pretty well protected it's just a matter of taking the caps off and tightening the lines okay so after I briefly sweeping it through its range of motion just enough to work a little bit of air out and check for leaks I've got the boom positioned up and be safe I've got the boom lock on so it can't fall down I put stabilizers down as well since I'm going to be working out here he always wanted to be conscious of anything that's overhead or could drop that could hurt you so that's why we've kind of got it locked down it's time to put on the cue a coupler and the thumb they both kind of have to go on at the same time because they both work with one another we'll start with the coupler put the center pin through the link here this pin isn't gonna be nearly as tight as the cylinder pins were I'll make sure to line up the hole it's good next thing I'm gonna do now is remove the old factory pin on bucket pin we're not gonna use this because the thumb and the qat knuckle both take a longer pin but we are gonna use this kind of as a tool that's basically gonna be a slave pin now I'm just gonna slide it in to hold this stationary so now if the couple are being held stationary by our temporary a slave pin here I can put this big roll pin through to secure this this first yoke pin that we put in this does not use a lock bolt in the nut because of clearance requirements here so basically you just drive that in go just tell it flushes out on each send like that okay now we're gonna take this temporary slave pen back out pivot that down just enough to preload these two hardened washers on each side of the boom right here these are very important to have in there for a wearing surface and of course we'll get some grease on these things get them up in here and then start everything with the slave pin again have it all already in position so when we put that heavy thumb on we're not trying to manipulate all these small pieces in at the same time okay so now we have our slave pin holding everything together the thrust washers are in there we'll just take the main pin of this thumb and just drift our slave pin right off the other side and let it fall on the ground that should keep everything aligned as we feed the main pen through for this heavy thump it's gonna be tough enough manipulating this in by hand as it is without having to keep track of all the other stuff so we'll try and make that old pin work for us actually we didn't let it fall on the ground now stomp in is retained by the same bolt and lock nut so we've used on the other pens and now to insert the pin through the bottom portion of the cylinder attaching it to the thumb okay so to finish up the installation on the thumb cylinder I want to get the hydraulic hoses attached to these brackets that hold them to the side of the stick this is a pipe thread fitting right here into there so it's going to need some teflon tape to seal that but since since this is not a swivel fitting I have to take the line off of each cylinder since they were just loosely installed for shipping we'll get these put together in the vise teflon tape applied to the threads we'll just run it in tighten it down so now I can just attach the bracket to the stick with the two bolts one there one here and then reinstall the lying on to the cylinder so after performing all those same steps to the hose that's on the other side of the stick we continue on with our plumbing we now need to install the line that goes from the stick and down to the boom and the first step to doing that is to install this bracket on each side of the boom there's a corresponding set of open holes on the other side so we'll get both of these mounted up next now I can put the next hydraulic hose on pass this down that ring terminal and attach this end right here and once again I'm going to do all these same steps on the other side so just keep that in mind make sure to route the hose up and around that boss and then connect this end to this bracket so for the final few steps here I've put the boom down to the ground it's going to be easier to route the final two hoses from the blocks through the boom all the way up to the control panel that's just gonna make it easier there's not going to be as many sharp bends to push these around so basically you start feeding the hose in with this angled fitting heading down first you're gonna want this angle fitting with the blue cap to end up at your control panel and then the straight fitting on the other end with the red cap is going to attach right here and again we're doing this to both sides so we'll just follow the rest of the hoses down where they enter the boom and just feed it slowly thank you sure not to hang it on anything and bring it out the bottom following the bundle of the other hoses route it forward and then shoot it through this little bracket which is going to keep it contained around the swing mechanism and we can end up with it dead headed right here that's as far as we're gonna go until we get the additional spool valve installed in that panel and with it routed up to the control panel we can finish the hose installation by securing them to these blocks on each side of the boom okay everybody we're coming down to the home stretch here I promise I've got all of the hydraulic lines for the thumb cylinder routed up to the control panel now we have to access the valve bank I'll start with taking this front panel off there's two bolts here and here I've already got off and another two on top which are ready to come out next thing you do is take these little boots that are on the control levers and just push them down in just like that now this panel will lift off as long as you manipulate the control levers accordingly it's now I'm going to disconnect the valve Bank from the console and there's four bolts on the front I've already got two of them oh we got these two on the bottom left to take out and that'll be loose and now we unclip both of the stabilizer levers and then there are six bolts that hold the tower to the base I'm also going to remove this towel ring and get it right out of the way that's kind of an optional thing the manual does not state to do that but I'm just going to do this to make my life easier and just open this whole thing up so we'll get this tower up next okay so we're ready to put the additional spool valve in here for the hydraulic thumb I have this inlet plate disconnected from the backing right here and you want to make sure you have all of your pressure out of the circuits and I've also disconnected the lines from the tractor so we have this completely isolated and the first thing you're going to want to do is pull out these old tie bolts one by one and replace them with the new longer ones that are capable of sustaining that extra belt okay we have one final tie bolt to go and then we'll be ready to take the end cap off and put that extra spool yeah lots of rags positioned around in case there's some mess [Music] we got some wheeler on them down there already push these tight bolts toward you a little bit there we go now the additional spool valve goes on orient the o-ring the correct way and cap goes back on next feed the tie bolts back through and secure with the old nuts now we have the tie bolts properly torqued the valve bank is back together you take the line that goes down the left-hand side of the boom and stick and attach it to the lower port and once your lower line is tight take the hose that goes down the right side of the boom and stick and attach that to the upper porch all right at this point we can start assembling the linkage that goes to the foot pedal that controls this auxilary valve or the thumb so we start out with this little angle bracket and shaft and it just bolts right to the bottom of that control that's on the bottom of the spool valve console and at this time I can bolt in the foot pedal control bracket for the thumb next the foot pedal shaft can be inserted and make sure you grease that and as you slide it in and gauge it with that angle bracket that is on the lower end of the linkage that we attach to the spool valve up here earlier once the shaft is aligned in that bracket this roll pin right here off the end of the screwdriver can be driven down through all of those securing the assembly and I drove that roll pin in off-camera sorry to say guys but it was just way too tight of working conditions in here to be able to video any of that but it is kind of tight but it is possible to be done okay now the last piece to go is the foot pedal the hole in this square goes right on the end of that shaft you can fold it up you can pin it right here when it's not in use and the entire pedal is held on by a single cotter pin okay now before we put the panel cover back on we want to test this system out check for any leaks definitely don't want to close that off until we know it's all good so we'll just raise it up now we'll manipulate this foot pedal and see what happens at the thumb Oh farts all working so now that I've completed the function check and I verified no leaks I've got the panel cover back on that was just these four bolts didn't think I needed to show you exactly how that went on it's pretty self-explanatory so I'm just pulling these uh these little control of her boots back up and getting those seated where they need to be and then once I finish this the re assembly of this portion should be complete all right at last we can finally hook up the quick attach bucket to the coupler [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go that's the full rundown of assembling and installing the BH 92 with the optional hydraulic thumb onto the L 4701 tractor a couple things to note right now from adding the thumb and then purging the air from all the hydraulic circuits on the backhoe I did have to top up the fluid level in the transmission / hydraulic system this is the HST hydrostatic drive so it was that super UDT to fluid and this one took just about a gallon to get it back up to the top of the cross hatch on the dipstick after I had filled the entire hydraulic system for the backhoe so that's one thing to keep in mind another thing I did was relocate the entire seat and pedestal back to the rear most sets of holes now they tell you that on these L 47 all ones that you cannot do that because of clearance issues well my main clearance issue was this cross brace that goes between the fenders all I did with this was I just took and flipped it backwards basically upside down from how it was installed this angle that goes across was on the leading edges of those brackets but I just flipped it around it still does not interfere with the main operator seat and it gave me plenty of room back here to relocate the backhoe seat to those rear most holes so that ended up being a pretty simple modification and with me being six-two six-three with boots on that extra two inches of rearward ruin with that seat really did make a big difference on the platform here especially operating that foot control for the hydraulic foam so I hope you found this video to be helpful especially if you're thinking about getting one of these back hose and possibly considering putting it together yourself installing it yourself what-have-you at least that should be a pretty good rundown of all the steps that are involved and maybe it helped you to make the decision that you just want to have the dealer do it anyway save you all the hassle that's certainly an option too but anyway thanks for viewing everybody if you have any comments questions leave them down below hope see you back again
Channel: Squatch253
Views: 130,176
Rating: 4.8826575 out of 5
Keywords: kubota, bh92, backhoe, thumb, hydraulic thumb, installation, assembly, excavator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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