Kubernetes Services explained | ClusterIP vs NodePort vs LoadBalancer vs Headless Service

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in this video i will give you a complete overview of kubernetes services first i'll explain shortly what service component is in kubernetes and when we need it and then we'll go through the different service types cluster ip service headless service node port and load balancer services i will explain the differences between them and when to use which one so by the end of the video you will have a great understanding of kubernetes services and will be able to use them in practice so let's get started so what is the service in kubernetes and why do we need it in a kubernetes cluster each pod gets its own internal ip address but the pods in kubernetes are ephemeral meaning that they come and go very frequently and when the pod restarts or when old one dies and the new one gets started in its place it gets a new ip address so it doesn't make sense to use pod ip addresses directly because then you would have to adjust that every time the pod gets recreated with the service however you have a solution of a stable or static ip address that stays even when the pod dies so basically in front of each pod we set a service which represents a persistent stable ip address access that pod a service also provides load balancing because when you have pod replicas for example three replicas of your micro service application or three replicas of mysql application the service will basically get each request targeted to that mysql or your microservice application and then forward it to one of those pods so clients can call a single stable ip address instead of calling each pod individually so services are a good abstraction for loose coupling for communication within the cluster so within the cluster components or pods inside the cluster but also from external services like if you have browser requests coming to the cluster or if you're talking to an external database for example there are several types of services in kubernetes the first and the most common one that you probably will use most of the time is the cluster ip type this is the default type of a service meaning when you create a service and not specify a type it will automatically take cluster ip as a type so let's see how cluster ip works and where it's used in kubernetes setup imagine we have a micro service application deployed in the cluster so we have a pod with microservice container running inside that pod and beside that microservice container we have a sidecar container that collects the logs of the microservice and then sends that to some destination database so these two containers are running in the pod and let's say your microservice container is running at pod 3000 and your logging container let's say is running on port 9000 this means that those two ports will be now open and accessible inside the pod and pod will also get an ip address from a range that is assigned to a node so the way it works is that if you have for example three worker nodes in your kubernetes cluster each worker node will get a range of ip addresses which are internal in the cluster so for example the pod 1 will get ip addresses from a range of 10.2.1 onwards the second worker node will get this ip range and the third worker node will get this one so let's say this port starts on node 2 so it get an ip address that looks like this if you want to see the ip addresses of your pods in the cluster you can actually check them using kubectl get pod output wide command where you will get some extra information about the pods including its ip address and here you will see the ip address that it got assigned and as i mentioned these are from the ip address range that each worker node in the cluster will get so this is from the first worker node and these are from the second worker node so now we can access those containers inside the pod at this ip address at these ports if we set the replica count to two we're gonna have another pod which is identical to the first one which will open the same ports and it will get a different ip address let's say if it starts on worker node 1 you will get an ip address that looks something like this now let's say this micro service is accessible through a browser so we have ingress configured and the requests coming in from the browser to the micro service will be handled by ingress how does this incoming request get forwarded from ingress all the way to the pod and that happens through a service a cluster ip or so-called internal service a service in kubernetes is a component just like a pod but it's not a process it's just an abstraction layer that basically represents an ip address so service will get an ip address that it is accessible at and service will also be accessible at a certain port let's say we define that port to be 3200 so ingress will talk to the service or hand over the request to the service at this ip address at this port so this is how service is accessible within the cluster so the way it works is that we define ingress rules that forward the request based on the request address to certain services and we define the service by its name and the dns resolution then maps that service name to an ip address that the service actually got assigned so this is how ingress knows how to talk to the service if you don't know how ingress works i have a separate video where i explain ingress all its concepts and how to use that so you can check out that video to learn more on ingress itself so once the request gets handed over to the service at this address then service will know to forward that request to one of those pods that are registered as the service endpoints now here are two questions how does service know which pods it is managing or which parts to forward the request to and the second one is how does service know which port to forward that request to on that specific pod the first one is defined by selectors a service identifies its member pods or its endpoint parts using selector attribute so in the service specification in the yaml file from which we create the service we specify the selector attribute that has a key value pairs defined as a list now these key value pairs are basically labels that pots should have to match that selector so in the pod configuration file we assign the parts certain labels in the metadata section and these labels can be arbitrary name so we can say my app for example and give it some other labels this is basically something that we define ourselves we can give it any name that we want these are just key value pairs that identify a set of pots and in the survey cml file then we define a selector to match any part that has all of these labels this means if we have a deployment component that creates three replicas of parts with label called app my app and type microservice for example and in the service selector attribute we define those two labels then service will match all of those three pod replicas and it will register all three parts as its endpoints and as i said it should match all the selectors not just one so this is how service will know which parts belong to it meaning where to forward that request to the second question was if a pod has multiple ports open where two different applications are listening inside the pod how does service know which port to forward the request to and this is defined in the target port attribute so this target port attribute so let's say target port in our example is three thousand what this means is that when we create the service it will find all the parts that match this selector so these pods will become endpoints of the service and when the service gets a request it will pick one of those pod replicas randomly because it's a load balancer and it will send the request it received to that specific pod on a port defined by target port attribute in this case three thousand also note that when you create a service kubernetes creates an endpoints object that has the same name as the service itself and kubernetes will use this endpoints object to keep track of which pods are members of the service or as i said which pods are the end points of the service and since this is dynamic because whenever you create a new pod replica or a pod dies the end points get updated so this object will basically track that and note here that the service port itself is arbitrary so you can define it yourself whereas the target port is not arbitrary it has to match the port where container the application container inside the pod is listening at now let's say our micro service application got its requests from the browser through ingress and internal cluster ip service and now it needs to communicate with the database to handle that request for example and in our example let's assume that the microservice application uses mongodb database so we have two replicas of mongodb in the cluster which also have their own service endpoint so mongodb service is also of cluster ip and it has its own ip address so now the microservice application inside the pod can talk to the mongodb database also using the service endpoint so the request will come from one of the parts that gets the request from the service to the mongodb service at this ip address and the port that service has open and the service will again select one of those pod replicas and forward that request to the selected pod at the port the target port defined here and this is the port where mongodb application inside the pod is listening at now let's assume that inside that mongodb pod there is another container running that selects the monitoring metrics for prometheus for example and that will be a mongodb exporter and that container let's say is running at port 9216 and this is where the application is accessible at and in the cluster we have a prometheus application that scrapes the metrics endpoint from this mongodb exporter container from this endpoint now that means that service has to handle two different endpoint requests which also means that service has two of its own ports open for handling these two different requests one from the clients that want to talk to the mongodb database and one from the clients like prometheus that want to talk to the mongodb exporter application and this is an example of a multi-port service and note here that when you have multiple ports defined in a service you have to name those ports if it's just one port then you can leave it so to say anonymous you don't have to use the name attribute it's optional but if you have multiple ports defined then you have to name each one of those so these were examples of cluster ip service type now let's see another service type which is called headless service so let's see what headless service type is as we saw each request to the service is forwarded to one of the pod replicas that are registered as service endpoints but imagine if a client wants to communicate with one of the parts directly and selectively or what if the endpoint parts need to communicate with each other directly without going through the service obviously in this case it wouldn't make sense to talk to the service endpoint which will randomly select one of the parts because we want the communication with specific parts now what would be such a use case a use case where this is necessary is when we're deploying stateful applications in kubernetes stateful applications like databases mysql mongodb elasticsearch and so on in such applications the pod replicas aren't identical but rather each one has its individual state and characteristic for example if we're deploying a mysql application you would have a master instance of mysql and worker instances of mysql application and master is the only pod allowed to write to the database and the worker parts must connect to the master to synchronize their data after masterpod has made changes to the database so they get the up-to-date data as well and when new worker pod starts it must connect directly to the most recent worker node to clone the data from and also get up to date with the data state so that's the most common use case where you need direct communication with individual pots so as you see deploying and managing stateful applications like databases and kubernetes is pretty complex and that's why we need special type of components for them in kubernetes however their alternatives were working with sql databases in kubernetes much easier like cockroachdb our sponsor for this video cockroachdb is a cloud native distributed sql database suited perfectly to kubernetes cockroachdb handles the messy details of keeping your data replicated in a consistent way even with all sorts of failures when you run cockroachdb on kubernetes you'll have a great combination of cockroachdbs built-in replication and survivability model and kubernetes process management and this will help you create highly available stateful applications in kubernetes so going back to our example of how client can know pod's ip addresses for such case for a client to connect to all pods individually it needs to figure out the ip address of each individual pod one option to achieve this would be to make an api call to kubernetes api server and it will return the list of pods and their ip addresses but this will make your application too tied to the kubernetes specific api and also this will be inefficient because you will have to get the whole list of pods and their ip addresses every time you want to connect to one of the pods but as an alternative solution kubernetes allows clients to discover pod ip addresses through dns lookups and usually the way it works is that when a client performs a dns lookup for a service the dns server returns a single ip address which belongs to the service and this will be the services cluster ip address which we saw previously however if you tell kubernetes that you don't need a cluster ip address of the service by setting the cluster ip field to none when creating a service then the dns server will return the pod ip addresses instead of the services ip address and now the client can do a simple dns lookup to get the ip address of the pods that are members of that service and the client can use that ip address to connect to the specific part it wants to talk to or all of the parts so the way we define a headless service in a service configuration file is basically setting the cluster ip to none so when we create these service from this configuration file kubernetes will not assign the service a cluster ip address and we can see that in the output when i list my services so i have a cluster ip service that i created for the microservice and a headless service and note here that when we deploy stateful applications in the cluster like mongodb for example we have the normal service the cluster ip service that basically handles the communication to mongodb and maybe other container inside the pod and in addition to that service we have a headless service so we always have these two services alongside each other so this can do the usual load balancing stuff for this kind of use case and for use cases where client needs to communicate with one of those parts directly like a master node directly to perform the right commands or the pods to talk to each other for data synchronization the headless service will be used for that when we define a service configuration we can specify a type of the service and the type attribute can have three different values it could be cluster ip which is a default that's why we don't have to specify that we have a node port and load balancer so type node port basically creates a service that is accessible on a static port on each worker node in the cluster now to compare that to our previous example the cluster ip service is only accessible within the cluster itself so no external traffic can directly address the cluster ip service the node port service however makes the external traffic accessible on static or fixed port on each worker node so in this case instead of ingress the browser request will come directly to the worker node at the port that the service specification defines and the port that node port service type exposes is defined in the node port attribute and here note that the note port value has a predefined range between thirty thousand and thirty two thousand seven hundred sixty seven so you can have one of the values from that range as a node port value anything outside that range won't be accepted so this means that the node port service is accessible for the external traffic like browser request for example at ip address of the worker node and the node port defined here however just like in cluster ip we have a port of the service so when we create the node port service a cluster ip service to which the node port service will route is automatically created and here as you see if i list the services the note port will have a cluster ip address and for each ip address it will also have the ports open where the service is accessible at and also note that service spends all the worker nodes so if you have three pod replicas on three different nodes basically the service will be able to handle that request coming on any of the worker nodes and then forward it to one of those pod replicas now that type of service exposure is not very efficient and also not secure because you're basically opening the ports to directly talk to the services on each worker node so the external clients basically have access to the worker nodes directly so if we gave all the services this node port service type then we would have a bunch of ports open on the worker nodes clients from outside can directly talk to so it's not very efficient and secure way to handle that and as a better alternative there is a load balancer service type and the way it works with load balancer service type is that the service becomes accessible externally through a cloud provider's load balancer functionality so each cloud provider has its own native load balancer implementation and that is created and used whenever we create a load balancer service type google cloud platform aws azure linode openstack and so on all of them offer this functionality so whenever we create a load balancer node port and cluster ip services are created automatically by kubernetes to which the external load balancer of the cloud platform will route the traffic to and this is an example of how did we define load balancer service configuration so instead of node port type we have a load balancer and the same way we have the port of the service which belongs to the cluster ip and we have the node port which is the port that opens on the worker node but it's not directly accessible externally but only through the load balancer itself so the entry point becomes a load balancer first and it can then direct the traffic to node port on the worker node and the cluster ip the internal service so that's how the flow would work with the load balancer service so in other words the load balancer service type is an extension of the node port type which itself is an extension of the cluster ip type and again if i create a load balancer service type and list all the services you can see the differences in the display as well where for each service type you see the ip addresses you see the type and you see the ports that the service has opened and i should mention here that in a real kubernetes setup example you would probably not use node port for external connection you would maybe use it to test some surveys very quickly but not for production use cases so for example if you have a application that is accessible through browser you will either configure ingress for each such request so you would have internal services the cluster ip services that ingress will route to or you would have a load balancer that uses the cloud platform's native load balancer implementation so that was an overview of kubernetes service types the differences between them and when to use which i hope you guys got a lot of information out of this video let me know in the comments if you have any questions what is your feedback for the video or what other topics you want me to cover next thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: TechWorld with Nana
Views: 172,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubernetes services, kubernetes service, kubernetes networking, kubernetes service discovery, kubernetes service load balancer, kubernetes service clusterip, kubernetes nodeport, kubernetes service types, kubernetes services tutorial, services in kubernetes, clusterip vs nodeport vs loadbalancer, clusterip vs nodeport, kubernetes endpoints, kubernetes headless service, headless service in kubernetes, kubernetes service yaml, kubernetes labels and selectors, techworld with nana
Id: T4Z7visMM4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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