Kubernetes Ingress Tutorial for Beginners | simply explained | Kubernetes Tutorial 22

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so in this video we're gonna talk about what ingress is and how you should use it and also what are different use cases for ingress so first of all let's imagine a simple kubernetes cluster where we have a part of my application and it's corresponding service my app service so the first thing you need for a UI application is to be accessible through a browser right so for external requests to be able to reach your application so one way to do that an easy way is through an external service where basically you can access the application using HTTP protocol the IP address of the node in the port however this is good for test cases and if you want to try something very fast but this is not what the final product should look like the final product should be like this so you have a domain name for application and you want a secure connection using HTTPS so the way to do that is using commander this component called ingress so you'll have my app ingress and instead of external service you would instead have an internal service so you would not open your application through the IP address and the port and now if the request comes from the browser it's gonna first reach to the ingress and ingress then we'll redirect it to the internal service and then it will eventually end up with the pot so now let's actually take a look and see how external service configuration looks like so that you have a practical understanding so first of all if you want to know in more details how Cabrera's llamó files are written and what the syntax looks like for different components then I have a separate video so you can check it out but here to just to understand the main concepts so you have the service which is of type load balancer this means we are opening it to public by assigning an external IP address to the service and this is the port number that user can access the application at so basically IP address the external IP address and the port number that you specify here again if you want to know more details about each attribute then check out my kubernetes GML video now with ingress of course it looks differently so let's go through the syntax of ingress basically have a kind ingress instead of a service and in the specification where the whole configuration happens you have so-called rules or routing rules and this basically defines that in the main address or all the requests to that host must be forwarded to an internal service so this is the host that user will enter in the browser and in ingress use define a mapping so what happens when that requests or that host gets issued you redirect it internally to a service the path here basically means the URL path so everything after the domain name so slash whatever path comes after that you can define those rules here and we'll see some different examples of the path configuration later and as you see here in this configuration we have an HTTP protocol so later in this video I'm gonna show you how to configure HTTP connection using English component so right now in the specification we don't have anything configured for the secure connection it's just ad HTTP and one thing to note here is that this HTTP attribute here does not correspond to this one here this is a protocol that the incoming request gets forwarded to to the internal service so this is actually the second step and not to confuse it with this one and now let's see how the internal service to that ingress will look like so basically back end is the targets where the request the incoming request will be redirected and the service name should correspond the internal service name like this and the port should be internal service port and as you see here the only difference between the external and internal services is that here in internal service I don't have the third ports which is the note ports starting from 30 thousands we now have that attribute here and the type is a default type not a load balancer but internal service type which is cluster IP so this should be a valid domain address so you can just write anything here it has to be first of all valid and you should map that domain name to IP address of the node that represents an entry point to your kubernetes cluster so for example if you decide that one of the nodes inside the kubernetes cluster is going to be the entry point then you should map this to the IP address of that note or and we will see that later if you configure a server outside of the kubernetes cluster that will become the entry points to your kubernetes cluster then you should map this hostname to the IP address of that server so now that we saw what kubernetes ingress components looks like let's see how to actually configure ingress in the cluster so remember this diagram I showed you the beginning so basically you have a pod service and corresponding ingress now if you create that ingress components alone that won't be enough for ingress routing rules to work what you need in addition is an implementation for ingress and that implementation is called ingress controller so the step one will be to install an ingress controllers which is basically another pod or another set of parts that run on your note in your kubernetes cluster and thus evaluation and processing of ingress routes so the yellow file that I showed you with the ingress component is basically this part right here and this has to be additionally installed in components cluster so what is ingress controller exactly the function of ingress controller is to evaluate all the rules that you have defined in your cluster and this way to manage all the redirections so basically this will be the entry point in the cluster for all the requests to that domain or the main rules that you've configured and this will evaluate all the rules because you may have 50 rules or 50 ingress components created in your cluster it will evaluate all the rules and decide based on that which forwarding rule applies for that specific request so in order to install this implementation of ingress in your cluster you have to decide which one of many different third-party implementations you want to choose from I'll put a link of the holism description where you see different kinds of English controllers you can choose from there is one from kubernetes itself which is kubernetes nginx ingress controller but there are others as well so once we install ingress controller in your cluster you're good to go create ingress rules and the whole configuration is gonna work so now that I've shown you how ingress can be used in a Cabana this cluster there is one thing that I think is important to understand in terms of setting up the whole cluster to be able to receive external requests now first of all you have to consider the environment where you come in at these cluster is running if you are using some cloud service provider like Amazon Web Services Google cloud lino there are a couple more that have out-of-the-box coronated solutions or they have their own virtualized load balances etc your cluster configuration would look something like this so you would have a cloud load balancer that is specifically implemented by that cloud provider and external requests coming from the browser will first hit the load balancer and that load balancer then will redirect the requests to ingress controller now this is not the only way to do it even in cloud environment you can do it in a couple of different ways but this is one of the most common strategies an advantage of using cloud provided for that is that you don't have to implement a load balancer yourself so with minimal effort probably on most cloud providers you will have the load balancer up and run and ready to receive those requests and forward those requests into your cabinets cluster so very easy setup now if you are deploying your humanities cluster on a bare metal environment then you would have to do that part yourself so basically you would have to configure some kind of entry point to your cabinets cluster yourself and there's a whole list of different ways to do that and I'm gonna put that also in the description but generally speaking either inside of a cluster or outside is a separate server you will have to provide an entry point and one of those types is an external proxy server which can be a software or hardware solution that will take a role of that load balancer in an entry point to your cluster so basically what this would mean is that you will have a separate server and you would give this a public IP address and you would open the ports in order for the requests to be accepted and this proxy server then will act as an entry point to your cluster so this will be the only one accessible externally so none of the servers in your kubernetes cluster will have publicly accessible IP address which is obviously a very good security practice so all the requests will enter the proxy server and that will then redirect the request to ingress controller and English controller will then decide which ingress rule applies to that specific request and the whole internal request forwarding will happen so as I said there are different ways to configure that and to set it up depending on which environment you are and also which approach you choose but I think it's a very important concept to understand how the whole cluster setup works so in my case since I'm using mini cube to demonstrate all this on my laptop the setup will be pretty easy and even though this might not apply exactly to your cluster setting still you will see in practice how all these things work so the first thing is to install ingress controller in mini cube and the way to do that is by executing mini cube add-ons enable ingress so what this does is automatically configures or automatically starts the kubernetes nginx implementation of ingress controller so that's one of the many third-party implementations which you can also safely use in production environments not just mini cube but this is what mini cube actually offers you out of the box so with one simple command ingress controller will be configured in your cluster and if you do cube CT I'll get pod in a cube system namespace you will see the nginx ingress controller pod running in your cluster so once I have English controller installed now I can create an ingress rule that the controller can evaluate so let's actually head over to the command line where I'm gonna create ingress rule for kubernetes dashboard component so in my mini cube cluster I have kubernetes dashboard which is right now not accessible externally so what I'm gonna do is since I already have internal service for kubernetes dashboard and a pod for that I'm gonna configure an ingress rule for the dashboard so I can access it from a browser using some domain name so I'm gonna so this shows me all the components that I have in CONUS dashboard and since I already have internal service for kubernetes dashboard in the pod that's running I can now create an ingress rule in order to access my kubernetes dashboard using some hostname so let's go ahead and do that so I'm gonna create an ingress for Communities dashboard so these are just metadata the name it's gonna be dashboard ingress and the namespace it's gonna be in the same namespace as a service and pod so in the specification we are gonna define the rules so the first rule is the hostname I'm just gonna call I'm gonna define dashboard com and the HTTP forwarding to internal service path let's leave it at all path and this is the back end of the service so service name will be what we saw here so this is the service name and service port is what the service listens so this is actually 80 right here and this will be it that's the ingress configuration for forwarding every request that is directed to dashboard comm to internal kubernetes dashboard service and we know it's internal because its type is cluster IP so no external IP address so obviously I just made up host name dashboard comm it's not registered anywhere and I also didn't configure anywhere which IP address this host name should resolve to and this is something that you will always have to configure so first of all let's actually create that ingress rule so keep CTL apply and it's called dashboard ingress mo see English was created so if I do get increase in the name space I should see my ingress here and as you see address is now empty because it takes a little bit of time to assign the address to ingress so we'll have to wait for that to get the IP address that will map to this host so I'm just gonna watch this and it's I see that address was assigned so what I'm gonna do now is that I'm gonna take that address and in my if you see hosts file at the end I'm gonna define that mapping so that IP address will be mapped to dashboard comm and again this works locally if I'm gonna type dashboard calm in the browser this will be the IP address that it's gonna be mapped to which basically means that the request will come in to my mini cube cluster will be handed over to English controller and English controller then we'll go and evaluate this rule that I've defined here and forward that request to service so this is all the configuration we need so now I'm gonna go and and enter dashboard comm and I will see my kubernetes dashboard here so embrace also has something called a default back-end so if I do cube CTL describe ingress the name of the ingress in the namespace I'll get this output and here there is an attribute called default back-end that maps to default HTTP back-end port 80 so what this means is that whenever a request comes into the communities cluster that is not mapped to any back-end so there is no rule for mapping the request 20 to a service then this default back-end is used to handle that request so obviously if you don't have this service created or defined in your cluster kubernetes will try to forward it to the service it won't find it and you would get some default error response so for example if I entered some path that I haven't configured I just get page not found so a good usage for that is to define custom error messages when pages and found when request comes in that you can handle or the application can handle so that users still sees meaningful error message or just the custom page where you can redirect them to your home page or something like this so all you have to do is create an internal service with the same name so default they should be back-end and the port number and also create a pod or application that sends that error custom error message response so till now I have shown you what ingress is and how you can use it I've also shown you a demo of how to create an ingress rule in mini cube but we've used only very basic ingress ml configuration just a simple forwarding to one internal service with one path but you can do much more with ingress configuration than just basic forwarding and in the next section we'll gonna go through more use cases of how you can define more fine granular routing for applications inside kubernetes cluster so the first thing is defining multiple paths of the same host so consider following use case Google has one domain but has many services that it offers so for example if you have a Google account you can use its analytics you can use it shopping you have a calendar you have a Gmail etc so all of these are separate applications that are accessible with the same domain so consider you have an application that does something similar so you offer two separate applications they're part of the same ecosystem but you still want to have them on separate URLs so what you can do is that in rules you can define the host which is my app calm and in the paths section you can define multiple paths so if user wants to access your analytics application then they have to enter my Abe comm slash analytics and that will forward the request to internal an analytic service and the pot or if they want to access the shopping application then the URL for that would be my F comm slash shopping so this way you can do forwarding with one ingress of the same host to multiple applications using multiple paths another use case is when instead of using URLs to make different applications accessible some companies use subdomains so instead of having my app comm slash analytics they create a subdomain analytics dot my app comm so if you have your application configured that way your configuration will look like this so instead of having one host like in the previous example and multiple paths here inside now you have multiple hosts where each host represents a subdomain and inside you just have one path that again redirects the request to analytic service pretty straightforward so now in the same request setting you have analytic service and a part behind it another request will look like this using a subdomain instead of path and one final topic that I mentioned that we'll cover here is configuring TLS certificate till now we've only seen ingress configuration for HTTP requests but it's super easy to configure HTTP forwarding in ingress so the only thing that you need to do is define attribute called TLS above the rules section with host which is the same host as right here and the secret name which is a reference of a secret that you have to create in a cluster that holds that TLS certificate so the secret configuration would look like this so the name is the reference right here and the data or the actual contents contain TLS certificate and TLS key if you've seen my other videos where I create different components like secret you probably notice the type additional type attribute here in kubernetes there is a specific type of a secret called TLS so I'll have to use that type when you create a TLS secret and there are three notes to me to be made here one is that the keys of this data have to be named exactly like that the values are the actual file contents of the certificate or key contents and not the file path or location so you have to put the whole content here basics before encode it and the third one is that you have to create the secret in the same namespace as the ingress component for it to be able to use that otherwise you can't reference a secret from another namespace and these four lines is all you need to configure mapping of an HTTP request to that host to internal service thanks for watching the video I hope it was helpful and if it was don't forget to like it if you want to be notified whenever a new video comes out then subscribe to my channel if you have any questions if something wasn't clear in the video please post them in the comment section below and I will try to answer them so thank you and see you in the next video
Channel: TechWorld with Nana
Views: 331,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubernetes ingress, ingress, kubernetes ingress tutorial, what is kubernetes ingress, kubernetes ingress controller, what is kubernetes ingress controller, ingress kubernetes, kubernetes ingress example, kubernetes ingress setup, kubernetes ingress explained, kubernetes nginx ingress, kubernetes ingress tls, kubernetes ingress vs service, kubernetes ingress tutorial for beginners, ingress kubernetes controller, ingress in kubernetes, kubernetes, techworld with nana
Id: 80Ew_fsV4rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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