KTVU 2020 Election Special

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and good evening everyone really appreciate you jumping on the ktvu live stream tonight on this huge election night in this country i'm alex savage in the ktvu newsroom and obviously all the focus on the presidential race nationwide but here for the next couple of hours we are going to get you local election results and keep you up to date on a lot of important results that are coming into our newsroom as the polls have just closed here in california we're going to get you up to speed on congressional races key congressional races here in the bay area also state senate and assembly races as well that we're keeping an eye on and of course those important statewide propositions as well 12 propositions that are on the ballot here and of course we are going to be getting results here shortly as the polls have just closed in california also going to keep an eye on some of the mayoral races around the bay area tonight so for the next couple of hours we're going to be on here live bringing you poll results as they come in to our newsroom here we have a team of folks of course at ktvu bringing you these election results as we get them so we're going to be streaming here for the next couple of hours until 10 o'clock tonight with all of your local election results now we want to point out this is going to be an interactive experience here so if there are any key races where you live that you want us to keep an eye on just let us know about it we are going to be looking at some races that you might be interested in you can send us an email to ktvu news comments at foxtv.com you can also just send me a tweet directly at alex savage ktvu if there are certain races that you want us to keep an eye on for you so again we are obviously keeping tabs on the presidential race we have full coverage up at ktvu.com right now but here on the live stream and online for the next couple of hours we're going to keep you up to date with local election results again the polls have just closed in california we are expecting to get results in some of these congressional races and on some of those statewide propositions as soon as we get some of those results we will bring them to you live here on this stream we'll be back shortly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do all right welcome back here to the ktvu live stream here on election night as we bring you local election results from here in the bay area and across california obviously though we still continue to follow the presidential race that is unfolding tonight across the country still very early in the count but as the polls have just closed in california a few minutes ago at eight o'clock tonight we do have results from california that we want to put up onto the screen here and show you that joe biden has won the state of california defeating president trump as you can see here handily 76 percent of the vote is what biden has won president trump got 22 percent of the vote here in california now obviously you see three percent of precincts reporting here and even though it is still early though uh the projections are that joe biden will take the state of california and all of its electoral votes but of course california was expected to go to joe biden so nothing surprising here obviously as we await the results in some of the key battleground states across the country here now just to recap uh obviously all eyes on the presidential race tonight and rightly so on this historic election but here on the live stream on ktvu we're going to be bringing you election results from the bay area and of course from around california here as we get those results we are expecting some of those results to be coming in here soon we're going to be focusing on some congressional races obviously also state assembly state senate races as well and of course all of those statewide propositions that voters were deciding on during this election cycle again we hope to get some of the early results of being reported by some of the counties here in california shortly here and then we'll get those results to you as soon as we can also going to follow some of the mayor's races as well and with that being said this was mentioned a short time ago but we want to point it out one more time that we we do want to hear from you if there's any races that you would like us to be focused on or throw the results up on the screen you can let us know here this is how you can make a request send us an email ktvunewscomments at foxtv.com or go ahead and tweet me directly it's alex savage ktvu so again we're here on the ktvu live stream for the next couple of hours obviously we have full coverage of the presidential race ongoing on air at ktvu.com but here online we're focusing on uh your local election results we are awaiting some of those first returns in some of the local races and the statewide propositions as well as soon as we get some of those early numbers and i'm being told now actually we uh we have our first results here uh of one of the local races into the ktv newsroom here so we're going to get this up onto the screen this is i'm sorry this is what brett this is a state senate race okay the results are in for senate district three and here you see we'll put those up on the screen this is uh senator bill dodd state senator bill dodd and you can see right there he is winning easily tonight 77 percent of the vote for the democrat senator bill dodd the republican carlos santa maria with 23 percent of the vote and 21 percent of the precincts reporting here this is a state senate district uh that is up in the north bay includes parts of wine country as well as parts of contra costa county and state senator bill dodd has been in that seat for some time here and it would appear based on some of these early returns that the state senator is on his way or headed in the direction of a victory once again tonight but we'll of course continue to monitor that race and all of the other local races happening around the bay area and across california including those statewide propositions as well of course a lot of the focus on proposition 22 what was the most expensive ballot proposition in the history of california the most expensive measure in the history of california having to do with how ride share drivers are classified whether they should be classified as independent contractors or not so we'll keep an eye on that again we're going to have more local election results here on the ktvu live stream throughout the evening all the way up until 10 o'clock tonight while of course we know that you are keeping your eyes on the presidential race we got you covered here online at ktvu.com with all your local election results as soon as we get more results we'll be right back with you all right welcome back here to the ktvu live stream tonight on election night as we bring you live election results from many of the local races and now you're seeing some of the statewide propositions we're getting some of the early results from those this is proposition 14 having to do with stem cell research and you can see right now to pretty close here 51 percent of voters are saying no to prop 14 and 49 percent of voters are in favor this would authorize 5.5 million dollars in bonds for stem cell research to treat diseases like alzheimer's and dementia but as you can see there when you look at the number of precincts reporting right now only two percent of the vote is in here so still uh still early on now we go to proposition 15 which has to do with education funding this is also a property tax reform measure you can see there on your screen the no votes 55 percent of people opposing proposition 15 and 45 percent of those who cast their ballots are in support of this measure this would up the commercial and industrial property taxes and the revenue would be going to local governments and schools as well we have more results from another statewide proposition and there were many of them this time around here's proposition 16. this is a proposition having to do with affirmative action this would repeal uh prop 209 from 1996 that banned government and public institutions from using affirmative action in the hiring process and you can see 60 60 percent of voters right now opposing proposition 16 40 percent of voters in favor of proposition 16 here so this would uh if the the no votes prevail here this proposition uh does does not look like it's on its way to passing here but again still early in the count so we'll wait to see how that plays out next we'll move along here this is proposition 17 and this would allow parolees to vote even those on parole for a felony conviction will be able to vote in elections here and 55 percent of voters in california uh say that they do want uh proposition 17 to pass and they would like parolees to to have the right to vote here a 45 percent of people who cast their ballots oppose this proposition but again these are just early returns two percent of the vote in right now and of course it's you know unclear exactly uh where those are where those counties are uh coming from or where the votes are coming from which counties they might be coming from we'll tell you here about proposition 18 and you can see here this is a proposition that would grant some 17 year olds the right to vote this would allow 17 year olds to vote in primaries if they would turn 18 by the time of the general election later in that year and you can see here 60 percent of voters in california oppose proposition 18 based on these early returns uh 40 percent of the votes that have been tabulated so far are in favor of proposition 18. so you can see uh that the no votes are overwhelming the yes votes there but we'll wait and see how things play out throughout the night now we move proposition 19 some of the early returns coming in on prop 19 here and just to refresh your memory here um you know this is probably one you went over on your voter pamphlet here but to remind you this was a somewhat complex rule change to the property tax rules here this would allow among other things that would allow older homeowners over 55 to transfer their current tax assessment to a more expensive home several times over also would eliminate a tax exemption when someone transfers a home to to a child or a grandchild right now some of the early returns here 53 percent of voters in california in favor of proposition 19 here changing the property tax rules 47 percent of voters saying no now here you go some more early returns coming in on proposition 20. and this has to do with parole restrictions here uh you can see 58 percent of the votes that have been uh counted so far are in opposition to proposition 20 here 42 percent are in favor here and this would reclassify certain crimes uh as being able to be charged as either misdemeanors or felonies also would expand a mandatory dna collection for those convicted of certain certain misdemeanor crimes i think we may have a couple more propositions here i mean i know there are some more here i'm just wondering if we have the results the early returns and here you go proposition 20. this one has to do with rent control here and uh there's a lot of opposition here at least among the the ballots that have been counted thus far 65 percent of voters opposing proposition 21 which would allow local cities and jurisdictions and municipalities to put more rent control in place for for various kinds of housing uh including single-family homes condos and and townhouses here and it looks as though many voters so far in these early returns opposing proposition 21 allowing for for more rent control to be put in place and here's the proposition that so many folks are are focused on here this is a proposition 22 having to do with how those ride share drivers the uber drivers the lyft drivers how they are going to be classified whether they're classified as independent contractors or as full-time employees this is that ballot measure that uber and lyft and so many other companies poured millions of dollars into trying to pass here and you can see uh at least in these early returns fifteen percent of the precincts reporting or fifteen percent of the vote in right now and 62 percent of voters in california so far say they're in favor of proposition 22 and you can see 38 percent of the vote is in opposition here again this would reclassify if this passes it would reclassify rideshare and delivery drivers as contract workers as opposed to full-time employees so there's a rundown some of the early results very early preliminary results for some of those statewide propositions here we're going to continue monitoring those propositions as well as other local congressional races and statewide races as well we'll we'll be back shortly with more results here on the ktvu live stream [Music] all right everyone i just appreciate you checking in on the ktv live stream tonight where we are bringing you all of your local election results here online tonight and you see here we have some of the results coming in from the city of oakland here some of the city council results and we're putting these up on the screen because one of our viewers reached out to us on twitter here tonight ronnie i hope i'm saying it right tweeted me and was asking if we could put up some of the city of oakland election results so uh we got those and got them on as quick as we could so uh again we are taking requests tonight uh if there are key races where you live that you you'd like us to uh to to zero in on and get the results up on the live stream tonight we'd certainly be happy to try to do that so you can tweet me at alexsavagektvu.com uh or you can send us an email at ktvu news comments at foxtv.com we're going to keep putting some of these election results up here these are election results for the fairfax town council in marin county also requested by another twitter user tonight [Music] all right welcome back to the ktvu live stream here on election night and we are monitoring local election results from around the bay area and across california with statewide propositions that are on the ballot right now and you can see we're focusing in right now on some of the local congressional races uh the democrat marc desonia from the uh from contra costa county he is has a commanding lead here in these early returns with 78 percent support here from voters we should also tell you here we're still awaiting the first returns on the house race involving speaker nancy pelosi here's results uh for the house race in the east bay and the democrat barbara lee uh looks like she is well on her way to victory tonight we can also tell you speaking of the house of representatives in the 14th congressional district on the peninsula the democrat jackie spear there you see the results she has been confirmed as as the winner here the the ap says that she has won a re-election here in the 14th district with 83 percent support uh from voters here so again representative jackie spear the democrat has won reelection more results here eric swalwell with a commanding lead here in his east bay house district here and appears on his way to a re-election as well coming up we're also we have some requests from folks around the bay area tonight to check in on some of the mayoral races including someone who left me a note here on twitter and wanted to know about the mayor's race in antioch so we're going to try to get that race up and some other mayoral contests happening around the greater bay area as we continue along here with live election results here on the ktv live stream tonight we appreciate you checking in [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you are watching election results streaming live for you tonight ktvu.com here and we want to get you to some of the mayor's races around the bay area here and get you some of the returns that are coming in and this is one race that was requested by a viewer on twitter wanting to know about the race for mayor in the city of antioch and it looks as though lamar thorpe headed for victory in that race so we're going to run down a few more of the mayoral races and then we have some of the city council races from various cities across the bay area again we're streaming live election results for you here at ktvu.com and if there are any races you you'd like us to check in on you can certainly um let us know on twitter or or send us an email and the email is ktvu news comments at fox tv or my twitter's alexsavagektvu so you can let us know what races you're interested in we'll keep putting these results for some of the mayoral races up on your screen here so you can keep checking in while you are obviously focused on the results coming in in that presidential race the all-important presidential race as well we have full coverage at ktvu on air all right welcome back here to the ktvu live stream on this election night and we are showing you election results from some of the important local races all across the bay area here we have results here on your screen from some of the mayoral races we're also keeping an eye on state and state senate and assembly races those important statewide propositions we have results for those that are forthcoming here shortly we're also keeping an eye as well on congressional races here in the bay area so we are trying to get you updated on all of these local races while of course we know obviously a lot of the focus on the presidential race but we want to make sure that these local races are not overlooked here so we want to key in on some of these races in places like oakland here you can see the city council race uh those results some of the uh some of them are coming in right now if there are any races that your would like us to keep an eye on or that you're focusing on tonight and you want to get the results here up on the live stream you can certainly let us know uh by sending us either an email ktvu news comments at foxtv.com or uh you can send me a tweet alexsavagektvu is my twitter handle and you can let me know about some of the races you'd like to hear about um again we're we're following all of the local races for you here congressional races uh statewide propositions we're uh we're getting some of those results as well i did have a viewer wanting to know about the mayoral race in antioch here and a short time ago she tweeted and asked me about how that race is looking here and there you go the results up on your screen here as we said a short time ago it looks i'm going to pull it up here it looks as though yeah we have 97 of the precincts reported and lamar thorpe uh councilman there in the city of antioch looks as always on his way to victory here uh in the race for the mayor of antioch so there you go someone let us know that they wanted us to uh focus in here on the on the antioch mayor's race and we would put those results up on the screen here as soon as we could get them uh get them to you so uh let us know if there's there's something you got your eye on tonight outside of the of course the huge presidential election that's unfolding across the country we want to make sure that the local races don't get overlooked so we'll bring you results as we get them here on the ktvu live stream and we'll check back in here as needed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you're watching ktv's live stream here on election night bringing you local election results from important races in the bay area and of course those statewide propositions 12 of them on the ballot here during this election and here you see some of the results on your screen starting with proposition 14 and again while we are covering the presidential race on air at ktvu.com we have you covered with local election results online here at ktvu.com you can see proposition 16 uh looks like uh it is uh trailing here uh 54 of voters uh opposing uh an end to a ban on affirmative action that was a a much talked about proposition heading toward election day and here's prop 19 the results for that uh well you just saw there it was in the lead with 53 support um and that would uh allow older homeowners to to transfer their tax assessment when they buy other homes and that uh there you go we have it back up on the screen there you can see that that's uh winning by six percentage points here with uh just two percent of precincts reporting right now but that was a much talked about proposition that would uh allow older homeowners including victims of of wildfires here in california to be able to transfer the the current tax rate that they pay the current tax assessment on their home uh when they go to buy uh a more expensive home and they could do that several times if this passes here and again we have it has 53 percent support so far [Music] all right this is another proposition that a lot of people have had their eye on in california that's prop 22. this is the the proposition having to do with how app-based drivers ride share drivers uber lyft drivers are are classified here and as you can see uh it uh is getting 57 percent support right now uh and it is in the lead and this is a proposition that would reclassify rideshare and delivery drivers as contract workers as opposed to being full-time employees and this was so much money was poured into the the this proposition here by uber by lyft by a number of other companies here uh to be able to to reclassify those uh rideshare drivers as contract workers as opposed to full-time workers here so we're going to really keep an eye on this race tonight the most expensive ballot measure in california history uh and we'll remind you that if you are keeping your eye on on a local race or whatever it is if it's a city council race where you live a mayoral race where you live or you want to know how your local representative in congress um is is doing tonight um you can let us know what race you would like us to check in on here on the live stream here we're going to be going for another 45 minutes so send us an email ktvu newscomments at foxtv.com or you can tweet me directly alexavichktvu and i would be uh glad to try to work on getting some of those results for you and speaking of requests my producer is telling me um that we did get a request for the results in half moon bay uh trying to look here and remind myself who uh valdir uh looks like valdere and i hope i'm saying it right but he requested a short time ago he wanted us to look at the half moon bay city council race so valdir here you go asking ye shall receive 100 of the precincts reporting there in half moon bay and you can see joaquin jimenez is going to win this race here for half moon bay city council district 3 beating out adam eisen tonight so again if you got any local races we'd love to check in on them election night is a it's a wonderful thing here as you can really key in on some of these some of these local races all over the region so let us know what what you are looking at tonight what races you're following and we'll try to try to check in on them as well on the live stream appreciate everyone who's checked in so far on on twitter and online [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone i'm julie haner let's get straight to some local numbers ktvu political reporter greg lee joins us now with a look at some early results for state propositions greg julie good evening 12 statewide ballot measures on the ticket we start with the prop that more than 200 million dollars has been spent on it will determine the future of uber lyft and other app based delivery drivers with just 30 percent reporting this is the most expensive ballot measure in state history so far 58 percent of the vote in california is yes 42 percent of the vote is no a reminder propositions need more than 50 percent of the vote to pass prop 22 asks whether the so-called gig economy will be able to keep drivers classified as independent contractors or treat them as employees effectively exempting them from ab5 that was passed at the beginning of this year now look at prop 15 a lot of money spent on this one as well 11 reporting if passed it will raise taxes on some commercial and industrial property owners across the state effectively creating a split roll so far 52 percent very close have voted yes 48 percent have voted no now prop 16 it would restore affirmative action allowing the state to grant preferential treatment on the basis of race in college admission government hiring and contracting so far 39 percent reporting 54 percent voting no 46 percent voting yes again a very close proposition measure here now to the race everyone is watching tonight who will be the next president of the united states a close race nationwide but the results here in california really never in doubt as expected the golden state called for joe biden and senator kamala harris immediately as polls closed at 8 pm 55 electoral votes to joe biden here's some numbers 45 percent reporting joe biden comfortably in the lead 68 percent to president trump's 30. julie all right we'll check back in with you a little bit later on this evening during the 10 and 11 o'clock hours greg thank you well manny's in san francisco's mission district is hosting an election night watch party this evening masks are required and social distancing rules are being enforced ketv's amber lee joins us now she's live at manny's with a look at how it's all going amber hi julie this is a watch party for democrats by special permit valencia street right here is closed off between 15th and 16th street a crowd of about 200 people have gathered here to show their support for former vice president joe biden now people are wearing masks sitting at a table set up with six feet apart right now you can see people are just listening to a speaker each guest paid 18 to get in they were given biden and harris signs a lot of people tell me despite the results coming in in favor of biden they are simply not ready to celebrate given what happened four years ago but like i said they are optimistic but nervous and they're just watching and waiting to see the final results from all across the country julie yeah i don't know if you can hear me it's kind of loud down there but has the crowd remain fairly steady i think you said you had to have a ticket or a reservation in order to get in i was just wondering how long people are planning to stay well they started coming in around five it's four hours and counting and nobody looks like they're leaving and i think that's because the results are trending towards biden and so the people are just watching closely very passionate about their support for the former vice president so i think people aren't going to leave quite yet earlier the organizer told me that it would depend on how the elections go so that's the latest from here julie all right amber thank you and thank you for joining us that is a quick look at your local races we'll see you with much more coming up tonight at 10. good night [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right appreciate you checking in here tonight on the ktvu live stream we're putting up election results from around the bay area and we are updating statewide propositions and we're updating uh the situation with the supervisors races in san francisco for you tonight someone um reached out to us on twitter and was asking for uh some of the results from san francisco uh and as you can see here they are starting to come in district three you can see there uh aaron peskin uh looks like he's doing pretty well here uh early on uh as he as he tries to get reelected to that seat on the board of supervisors the results here from district 5 in san francisco we were waiting a little while to get some of the results from from san francisco but now we are starting to get returns from the city here so we're going to get those to you i did i had a couple people who were reaching out to us looking looking for some of the early results from the city so here you go uh and again send us send us a message you can uh email or or tweet us you can tweet me alex savage ktvu um and i'll we're gonna try to get results from any any local races that you are uh looking for information about we're doing our best to try to get those results up on the live stream here as quickly as we possibly can so there you go the email on your screen or you can send me a tweet and we are continuing to follow again local mayor's races supervisors races city council races um of course congressional races we're still uh obviously following some state senate and assembly races from from here in the bay area and of course those 12 statewide propositions that voters are deciding on uh this election and uh so we have some early returns on some of those propositions nothing definitive yet but we're going to run back over some of those propositions soon here but here you go here's the latest information on the board of supervisors race in san francisco and also here uh is another race that was requested by one of our viewers here so let's put it up there that was measure rr the caltrain tax on the peninsula and also another instant request somewhat instant someone asked for the richmond city council race so here you go i'm looking to see who that was who asked me about that hey well i can't find it but in any case here you go some of the local races from the city of richmond so that's how it works uh we're we're trying to get local election results up as quickly as we can as soon as we get the numbers well we're going to try to put them up here on the live screen live stream so thanks so much for for having us on tonight however you're watching if you're you have us up on your your tablet or your phone while you might be watching the presidential race and those results come in this is a good way to stay updated [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right welcome back here to the ktvu live stream and we are live in the newsroom tonight you can see here we have some results some local results from bay area counties in the presidential race and a lot of these results obviously not entirely surprising but this is how things have shaken out in the bay area in the race for president and of course joe biden has already been declared the winner here in the state of california that happened boy just uh moments after the polls closed here in our state uh biden was declared the winner in california but as as the eyes of the country are on the presidential race right now here on the live stream tonight we're trying to keep you updated on a lot of the local races including those dozen statewide propositions that voters are deciding on right now you can see some of them uh boy neck and neck there for proposition 15 and this is another much talked about proposition that appears to be failing that was proposition 16. that was having to do with affirmative action and repealing a ban on affirmative action proposition 18 here and we'll talk a second here about proposition 19 because the the results there are are interesting and that's one that a lot of folks have their eye on there having to do with changing property tax rules uh and i appreciate you guys going back to it in the control room there but this would allow older homeowners including victims of wildfires in california to be able to to keep their current tax base on their homes or properties and and be able to buy more expensive homes and it would eliminate some other tax exemptions when someone transfers a home to a child or a grandchild so this is a proposition that's got a lot of attention you can see right now 53 support but it's still early in the returns we'll move along here with some more results on some of the statewide propositions [Music] and here's the latest information on proposition 22 the much talked about proposition here the most expensive ballot measure in state history here in about half the precincts close to half of the precincts reporting right now and you can see prop 22 is out to a pretty sizable lead right now 58 percent support here and if prop 22 does pass this it would be this would mean that those ride share drivers uber and lyft drivers would be reclassified as contract workers as opposed to being full-time employees and there would be a whole new system of wages and and labor rules uh and health care subsidies for them if this does in fact pass here in the state of california that is one that a ton of money has been poured into especially by uber and lyft here so about half the precincts reporting we are certainly keeping our eyes on prop 22 tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right you're watching the ktvu live stream tonight here on a very important election night you were seeing some of the local results for the presidential race there but we are really keeping our eye more on the the local races and the statewide propositions so we'll give you one uh final rundown here uh we're going to wrap up the live stream shortly here at 10 o'clock in time for the 10 o'clock news but here's one last wrap up of where things stand with these statewide propositions uh there's prop 15 and boy it is evenly split there in terms of the vote 50 percent 50 percent here's prop 16 this would uh end the current ban on affirmative action for for hiring uh at public universities and you can see there it uh it is uh losing at this point 54 percent of voters saying no and here's prop 17 and this would if it if it were to pass here but it is losing at this point beg your pardon i got ahead of myself a little bit but uh prop 17 has to do with allowing parolees to uh to vote here's prop 18 which would allow some 17 year olds to be able to vote in primary elections and this is uh we have here 54 percent of people saying they they don't want this to be the case here with 50 percent of the vote in here's the very early results for prop 19. and we've talked a lot about prop 19 that would change the property tax rules here in california and allow older homeowners to to transfer their current tax assessment over to buying new homes and eliminate some other tax exemptions as well for transferring properties this was a this was a big one here here's prop 20 that would alter some of the criminal codes in california and here you see a proposition to allow local cities to put more rent control rules in place and looks to be going uh in the wrong direction here potentially down to defeat here even though just two percent of the precincts are reporting right now and here you go one of the big ones here proposition 22 having to do with the classifica the classification of app-based drivers here uber and lyft drivers and you can see 58 of the vote so far in support of a prop 22 that would reclassify those ride share drivers as contract workers and so yeah this is a huge proposition uh one of the one of the big ones a lot of money hundreds of millions of dollars poured into prop 22 here and it looks as though it is on its way to passing here but of course we still just have 55 of the vote that has been tallied up thus far statewide so really appreciate you guys checking in on the ktv live stream tonight to get some of the early local election results from around the bay area and of course across california the 10 o'clock news is up next appreciate you checking in with us tonight you
Channel: KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco
Views: 1,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FkbhPUnWAmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 51sec (7131 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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