KSI vs W2S Golf Match

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what a shot what a shot what's up guys welcome back to the Vlogs how are you guys doing I'm doing good we are back for another day I'm feeling good I feel like things have fall into place slowly but surely uh had a meal last night with Josh freezy and Harry and it was funny because on the Vlog yesterday I was like doing the whole Paris thing and then I was like okay I'll get a bit of content at dinner and I cycled to the uh to the meal it was me and Josh there first Harry then arrived then C arrived and honest to honest to you guys I did not even realize that I didn't Vlog until I got back home after the me and then I was like oh appra should do a little outro next minute I'm asleep next minute I woke up and I just forgot to film and I want to say to you guys like not that I not not I don't me this a bad way but I was so glad that I didn't film and I was so glad that I didn't actually even think to film because obviously doing Vlogs every day you can think you know do do you want to over film like is it you know and I'm glad that I didn't have to pull the camera out I didn't feel to pull the camera out and I just kind of like existed in that moment in time with my friends you know so I I appreciate that a lot sorry I didn't film for you guys hopefully it didn't make the Vlog worse for you guys but yeah and then this morning or today sorry I'm going to go work in the Ace office so I have been quite out and about this week I think what was it Tuesday was side man video Wednesday was podcast and I was editing it all day so I wasn't really with them Thursday I was out yesterday in Paris and today I was like you know I need to go to the ace office spend a full day with them um continuing to help kind of like get them up to speed with what we want what I want with Ace um Harry did ask to go play golf and it took a lot of power for me to say no and even then I was like oh should we go should we go um but no I think the best thing to do is work with work on Ace today I had like a sore throat or like a cough all week not not a cough but like you know your voice is not 100% I've had that all week it's annoying me um went to this new coffee shop that launched I was telling Cal and Harry about it last night I was raving about it cuz it's new but I haven't been yet so I was like I can't Rave about it if I haven't been so I'm going to quickly check it out it's this place right here flying horse coffee so I'm going to try it out check it out it's kind of cool though just opened up recently it's got a nice little neon light in there you know your boy Randy likes a neon light I want to take a line back to the office so badly but I also want to talk to you guys and Vlog and film my journey so I'm going to walk right let's go own coffee fine House Coffee hi there we are very nice cool place nice vibe to it would be nice for a sit down little meal little sandwich little breakfast there um obvious let it cool down a little bit before I get it a sit but we all know it's going to be a 7 out of 10 but on the real how does it compare everything else around here when I'm chatting to the boys can I brag about it that's that's the most important thing can I brag about about it music is a funny thing you know guys and yes I'm talking about music randomly right now Jamie and I were having a great conversation about it and Simon sorry on the what's good podcast about music and stuff and obviously having done a personal Journey with my own music like trying to make it not make it successfully but L trying to make the music you know and one thing I've starting to realize is music is such a pure art form and it can be so frustrating with the way it's release and stuff because like oh I'm in the public to much to talk about this hold on let me try and find out up back street all right so here we go Go music is a personal thing and I told you at the start of this Vlog when I started it in Texas that I want to use this Vlog as a way for me to kind of have that mindset conversation dialogue that I would have in my music in my lyrics on YouTube you know I said that the Vlog is something for me that music is to me you know and that's why the Vlog has no music that's why the Vlog has no harsh cuts no Graphics because I want to keep this Raw I want to keep it like a conversation between you and I but because of that people do come in and sometimes think oh man like I want more from this but what that really means is that they want more from me you know cuz the whole point of this Vlog is meant to be like an Outlook of my mental and stuff you know and although I do film the stuff when I'm playing golf or when I'm with side man boys you know I'm still trying to get good titles and stuff trying to get views on this podcast what on this Vlog sorry ultimately it's just me you know um and I was talking to you guys the other day I had like a bit of a an epiphany had a wave of happiness and I spoke to you guys in the Vlog and I was waffling to you guys and someone said they were like oh man Randy like you said the same thing every time it's getting boring now and they were like you say it's all when you go on these long runs you say the same thing and maybe that's true and it is true but then I'm like well that's what I'm thinking about that's what I'm going through you know so and then people say oh you read into comments too much you read into and I do I do do that but it's because I care about what you guys say and like not the hate I don't care about the hate but I care about like feedback and like all this stuff about what the topic is and all all that stuff I do care um and I do need to learn how to not care and that is going to be one part of my life that I kind of like win with you know and I'll be a big like celebration and I'm like okay something's clicked in my head something's clicked But ultimately I like this I do like this I don't I don't want to change who I am I don't want to change how I am I'm trying to be happy I'm trying to figure things out yes but I like the content I like the way I talk I like this kind of like dialogue with you guys I do like it so I don't not I'm not going to change in that regard also I don't know why I can't talk and walk without being out breath because I probably walk too fast or I talk too fast anyway the coffee is banging 7 out of 10 it's very good the point of me saying on this by the way is that I'm going to put a lot of this into my music I I'm going to put this into my music now start making music start making some beats get lyrics down and a lot of these thoughts and things I'm thinking about put them into a verse or a song because I can be more artistic there I can be more precise I can think about what I say more um yeah that's that's the whole longwinded way of me saying that but again it's very cool at the very start of this Vlog it was just me out in Texas being you know and I don't want to change the way I am for the Vlog so if you guys think I'm talking about certain things too much or I'm showing too much or I'm showing too L like I can't I unfortunately I can't do anything about it because I have to keep this Vlog pure I've teleported into the office but obviously I can't show you guys where I go into the office you know so that's why I I've teleported hello hello hello morning morning I want to introduce you guys to the Vlog properly so I can like did they yeah what they say basically one cousin justed me did he know you work the no he had no idea so oh my God all okay there we go go okay what's your name over here Ashley yeah Mar for grading so let's go let's go what's your name yal media manager let's go cool all right one thing about yourself each I everyone I'm 5 actually not are you not why you really no oh yeah yeah yeah they both awesome fans I should have done more researching today when I was hiring both of you together I should have been like oh maybe I shouldn't get two fans of the same Club you know I want to create a rivalry no no chatting banter too much ban you know too much chatting let's work no thing is we know you're a secret Aral fan as no I'm not I'm not even a secret arsal fan I like Arsenal a lot like if if Premier League team has always been Arsenal for sure yeah yeah but obviously now forest in the Prem I don't care I I'm not like Arsenal fan but like do you think Forest will go down this season I think what has to do is we stay up but I'm not sure if we will uh because well I don't know L just keep doing well um but yeah yeah yeah anyway I'm here today all day so I'm like let's make let's take advantage of that and get everything like tied up cool cool this is so naughty he's coming playing golf playing go literally spent this morning on the Vlog being like guys you know I'm locking into Ace today I got invited to golf but I'm not I'm not going to do it and then you still did your a stuff though no I did yeah I got like two three hours in uh fully like locked in with them getting all everything planned for the next week and also I'm there every day next week well well not well subscribe to the Vlog um I'm I'm I'm available all next week so it's good from them but yeah a little golf in although the weather's actually it's getting sunnier the more we leave London so I'm happy with that see more blue guys it was absolutely hooning it down yeah yeah this is the current situation though traffic wise which is what it is but uh yeah so I'll bring you some more golf content today a few more shots London is disgusting for traffic yeah do you think it's going to get worse in life no or like today no I just mean no I just mean like traffic yeah do you is there ever a world where like traffic gets less I feel like nobody ever goes oh my God it's so much better now that everyone's always saying it's just worse what's going to happen is it's going to get expensive though so I heard today apparently a stuff was saying that like uh they're going to start charging per mile to drive in London oh so on the one hand that's probably going to clear a little bit of traffic up but it's going to cost to do it you know um but you guys think electric car you get no no congestion charge but the changing you get that 2025 December it doesn't help that I live in the congestion zone so the moment that I press my pedal onto the street1 15 yeah yeah yeah yeah you know I might sell my car that day yeah yeah yeah or we move out lond by then maybe maybe yeah but yeah there we go listen we're going to go play at the Bucks today y we've uh have you filmed have we filmed there no we look yeah look's video yeah we filmed that I wasn't vlogging back then so um might the first Vlog you've seen there but it's a good course when when the when it gets cooked down it's better because you can find your ball in the summer if they let it grow it's so your balls are just gone um I'm I'm I'm using this though as a preparation ahead of our big Vegas golf yeah yeah what his for now we got the channel now is a genu genu I said to a I'm going to leave to the golf they went into your job now so I was like yeah good point man it actually is well in the videos I was there like you know what it would be so good if people see like progression from everyone on the on the big wedge Channel well listen I I I went for lesson Josh has booked a few lessons Sim's booked a few lessons so everyone's on it now so like you know it's getting serious when Simon's booking yeah you know I said to Josh man stop admitting you're going lessons cuz s's going to go do it now Simon's going to become the best player on the channel I would reckon within the year yeah yeah cuz he he like he's he's pretty good now and he doesn't swing properly there things he does that are technically wrong but he still does well goes well so if he goes to a coach and they're like do this do this and he listens which he might not if he listens he'll be dialed absolutely and also he gets some clubs that are long enough for him yeah he does kind of just have like this weird hunched over thing like Peter Crouch s yeah yeah yeah but um he'll be a problem and you know Josh actually got something about him Josh hit some random shots now and then I'm like what the [ __ ] how did you do that yeah he didn't have the the best showing last time we filmed I'll be honest but there's something in there there's a dog in there when he hits a good shot he back spins yeah I don't see anyone who who back like he does um but yeah yeah anyway I'll see you guys there we'll show some shots off and Oakley's going to be there as well yes a lot of you know Oakley back in the day I was saying on my video proper OG proper OG one one of the you can't really yeah prop yeah yeah he's a great golf for too yeah he got Channel as well right yes um [ __ ] absolute Bandits absolute Bandits yeah little update for the Vlog I have not allowed myself to Vlog until I hit a good shot but if I don't Vlog soon I'm not going to get a vlog so I haven't played this B in a long time since I started got oakle here as well what's going on you're Dave you on my Vlog I think it is mate yeah yeah I'm not sure if I was vlogging when we play here no no no no no no you you're going for the green right I am going for with a three-wood yeah okay oh wow all right I think so I think that's the play here look at your jack man I think I think it's to play well we got mate you boy guy still there yeah oh yeah of course still doing his thing 10 you're going to go you got to go for it right oh yeah absolutely we cannot bottle out of this I'm down to like I I brought I think eight or nine balls and Kyle's like there's no way you lose eight or nine balls in the first nine by the way and I think I might I already seen him looking in the ponds that is there any other ones I can get that first one that you hit in the bush a while ago I almost Sprint it over and got it I'm down bad keys are over there look oh he's just hold it has he actually hold on no he gave it yourself how they doing some YouTube work look everyone's got to get their bag in it like let me get my bag in peace you're shining a spotlight on my bag chasing what the thing Creator in the wild is that what it was influencer in the wild this is pressure there a lot there's two cameras first up Mr Fish you can see this is exactly where I needs to go over that water now [ __ ] and go that way around we're all going to try this going to go for it with a three-wood wait I the worst thing I started looking through my eyes not the lens I think I'm aimed off I don't know where I am yeah can you uh Kimbo there we go guys through the lens oh this actually looks sick you as a shot oh come on guys this is cold this is cool oh [ __ ] you were draw wielding I didn't mind actually this right here this is making it across the water I thought you te up on the Pepsi can then that'd be a Le oh no that would be sick all right can we make the green that's the question onto the green I'm going to have to come on come on oh no oh no I think it might make it over though just not on the green he's on The Fairway nice nice again I didn't see that at all now this has to go by the way you're going to smash this manate because I've got one ball left so I truly think that you are the man to do this a slce come out hold on it's getting very serious very serious there is no way that this Banana's into the water absolutely no way zero chance of that have a is that is that the right aim for this hole that's it oh god oh oh my God I think he said the electrical you made it mate it's it's not on the green you made it over oh fair oh Randy fair enough bro yeah you're covering The Branding bro it's great D let's go thank you man thank you golf's a great sport but when you're playing like this it really tests your mental Clarity and ability I also meant to get a haircut today but I came golf instead I was going to leave a a little bit early today get a haircut and golf so be back in oh well nice day out though kind of look a big rain cloud but we why do you keep holding like this sorry guys oh my Ball's not that bad okay it's not that bad yeah Par Four I'm here for two how far am my way 119 okay what I do 9 fishing wge took it decent almost killed K freza though so I'm sorry about that guys he he's alive he's alive I can confirm that but yeah not bad actually this there's the second nine right here if I can do well in this second nine double it that's my scorecard you know forget about the first round guys nice nice nice That's a good drop you got it out though oh yeah oh no the bunker I got serious Vlog Envy right now by the way look at that that is just we take this back a little bit so in yeah go that's class right slice it's a vlog L as I aspire to be like check out Kyle's Clips to see the uh [ __ ] off R check out don't check it out I don't want anyone you got this a good shot no it hit the tree it's underneath the tree I'm trying to so you going check out golf all done Oakley came alive on that last nine actually unreal stuff playing like like hit a birdie on one shot Prime Scotty Sher on yeah how how of how regular is a birdie for you um if I can get like one or two around I'd say but depends it depends it depends like some days my front line was atrocious as you but mental game wise in your head second round what do you play off 10 10 love it love it the last clip you saw was me playing golf and then I just forgot to film everything else but I'm now taking weekends off so I'm actually not posting this video so this video is going to have that you're watching right now is the whole weekend in so we've just finished the podcast mini M's there John's there Adam's there what John what would your YouTube name be John on cam yeah John Cam that sucks oh thanks man do like a new one make a new one right now title name but not John cam John online oh nice I like that yeah Adam what would you get got py a py a oh I like that py a hey py actually did a marathon you know shout out by the way yeah no that is sick I can do that no no cor pack I'll be honest I literally don't know any of the name whenever you said like cor pack in the chat I'm just like I don't know what I don't get it so these ones are the cor pack now okay they're like they're new so you got three didn't you you got sent three yeah yeah different colors but they're all cor pack so what about you know the all white ones with the tiny bit of orange here not cor pack so what is cor pack I don't know just Cal just says corack really funny he's like what you wearing CAC Cal says all the names and you sound stupid yeah by the way they got some stupid passing us sciss sciss is one of the I love looks and I love the brand but the names are on letters just letters yeah yeah low res quick export done now for the podcast which means we can go through it and start doing clip ideas and stuff this is already for Joel now so Joel can uh can I get this done to HD that's me done for today for the podcast uh the rest of the boys have left now which is good I have a meeting with Ace today like the the director meeting um somewhere in London so I'm going to go do that and then also later on I'm going to have uh you know some drinks for the boys I'll take you on that Journey as well again I'm having these weekends off but I will film a few updates it's just that I'm not posting weekends and also if I'm with Harper there's no pressure to actually film stuff I'm not with Harper this weekend Laura is with her this weekend which is absolutely fine I'm seeing next weekend um obviously I do miss her a lot and like you know it's definitely a worst weekend but also I want to make sure I am giving you know space where needed um so Laura can go out and do stuff on weekends as well but anyway yeah I'm going to cycle now for the ace meeting probably won't film that but yeah just keeping you guys updated um yeah cool two birds one stone two birs with the one stone I'm under the bridge right now where he shot the two bir hey what's good I'm here vlogging on the weekend we got my guy [ __ ] kill myself got the cameras out the boys wanted to come for a drink and he's got the [ __ ] cameras out again Randy again I look out short like maybe I'll see Randy vlogging I'll go see him I'll on him I'll see him I'll see him I'll see Arthur hold on hello again you're weird guy he's strange but he's you're so fit but you're weird yeah you you would back that no okay good Lu with no social over the water been a [ __ ] [ __ ] on this pressure [ __ ] okay I don't I don't think you need to leather it no no cuz if you hit it cleanly it will go that far for sure cuz it's fishing wedge the pressure oh no wait the ball fell into a hole you can move it now yeah yeah let's put it put it there look uh okay right yeah it wasn't a Hole by the way why you think just that just yeah just a nice throw it'll get there for sure it's not far okay okay let's over the water you know it's not that bad oh unlucky the Randy banana there a no pressure hurry no camera yeah really this's always [ __ ] oh that's going to happen go go go go go go oh unlucky that's so sad God disy missed it oh mate my God please oh what a shot mate wait stay there yes what a shot what a shot take it holding one for the big dog you've done all did you drive her again yeah [ __ ] it Jesus Lord well I mean it's cleared the W yeah the driver I have no idea where that went all right for birie that so bad that is actually so bad a little short bro hold you get buddy oh sh yeah yeah you got shot here oh oh no both it short that line was good though all right little Randy dog Vlog oh sorry Randy Vlog that's weird um part three over the water Harry to go first [ __ ] wind don't do this it's a great shot with the winds got it oh my God yeah what no way we can J you with the drivers give me the most space to hit the I still miss we need you to put in the water yeah there's a lot of money on this well not a lot of money there just dinner on this as well it add up though tea a whole pot of tea actually you got to watch out pot of tea is going to bankr me I hate that you don't you stop filming VC no no it's fine you have to now do it yes you avoided the water you have avoided the water oh you taking out birds and also that's one of your best shots of the day so take that J if you if you catch this in any way it's going to just [ __ ] go like miles it will think yeah like if you do what you need yeah get a six ey honestly six get a six IR yeah yeah let's we'll show yeah yeah cuz the only way I does well as if you scuff it and also I'm going to tee you up properly yeah and there you go yeah hello to as well look why don't you get this you get this angle what angle is this also break my phone come on I'm not that bad hopefully how's the shotgun see where the ball goes I'll pick it up once he hits it let him cook no no it's coming [ __ ] off you need to dig it in a bit more you're right use the thing F I [ __ ] it man I don't care sorry [Music] safe yeah you know what got safe come this [Music] [Music] window do it yes yes [ __ ] yes yesy the drink [ __ ] unlucky [ __ ] here's Harry's monstrous drive by the way but then over here you've got Randy's there and then JJ's a so look we're all together cute and vix yourself over there
Channel: RANDY
Views: 270,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Randolph, sidemen, Travel, British
Id: xPNhxb9e3D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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