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that's not the point case I'm here with Ricci and you are watching the official channel where you can buy the pay-per-view right now for August 25th this is going to be the channel we can watch exclusive content so leading up to the fight what's up it's the Paul bro guys the pay-per-view for the official fight is now available for purchase on this channel so go buy that [ __ ] and make sure y'all subscribe for exclusive content through and more updates about the fight let's go babe enjoy the press conference all right if you don't know by now you should know I'll go by the name of true Geordie and you're about to watch the press conference while ksi log and Paul it's happening today we have caught the Internet's two biggest kings and the brothers taken on each other in this fight today we're going to have these are sitting here telling you exactly what they're going to do to each other but first we're going to do the undercard we have Hello hum coming up taking on Chi mas rigor Aloha [Applause] on combs halal harm [Applause] looking like a boss how are we doing bastards Oh idiot next up to the stage it's J M axe all right loads you got a whole crew going here this one man one man only are you feeling about that he's on his own does that bother you these are my cousins yeah all right I want from both you Jim extra start with you me why are you doing this all right so I had a fight before and that person pussied out of it unfortunately who was up that was Ramon so this wasn't the fire I was supposed to have this fire was quite that I supposed to have ham it was not my first choice but I respect him because he took the fire six weeks I respect that and I know Mike some people might think this fight a bit of a joke you gotta respect him to step in the ring but he can box okay you used to be a boxer yeah some people may find that hot I believe tell us about your Boston experience well I used to box when I was younger like I'm 22 now I stopped boxing when I was 16 because of a back injury and since then I have not had the fitness and the capability to fight it's the same really before I was fighting someone short stumpy and slow who can't box now and find someone short stumpy and slow who kind of can box same game pan you've been trying to whiten him or more some pictures of you in his house take a [ __ ] in this toilet well you trying to get under his skin you think that's gonna work yeah what do you say you're trying to get under this guy's skin by taking a [ __ ] in this toilet possibly sank by the way [ __ ] stank its stank of [ __ ] well to be fair I feel that what you've been eating I know what you mean Ian Cory fair one you could knock that yeah I said before this fight mate there's a deeper meaning to this for you you want to talk about that so as I said some people might not think this is the most serious in the world as I said respect him he can box but I'm gonna be donating any of the money I make from the fight to a mental illness charity could rethink dog as well as all the profits from my supplement company all the profits doesn't matter if it's from the fight or not around that period it's any tales that got just because that was something that affected me and when at ages ago but it did affect me when I was younger and I think like that for young people was massive and I wanted to add a bit of meaning to the fight so hams getting knocked out for a good all right let's we're gonna get you to face off before you get off the stage you could just go into the front lads we'll get your night I we've got to move quickly through no touching no touching all right all right lads our turnoff good lads thanks for coming on stairs boys [Applause] next up we have TGIF Bros G [Applause] TGIF bras cheer is coming at the stage now he's just getting just getting something ready from the buck [ __ ] hot appear like Jesus Christ can you believe that a Eddie Hearn couldn't get the two heavyweights to fight but we've managed to get this up and by the way Eddie you should be ashamed of yourself I'm just saying that right now hey Jeff bros chain [Applause] unfaded him as a Nissan came [Applause] all right that's better Parvati are like you've been talking all sorts about Rimmel this morning on Twitter you see in that if gf8 sacrum L it's gonna be easy do you really mean like easy boy then they Ramallah when he pulled out shave nearly pulled out by rating while he's carried on Rimmel co-evolve out so I don't know why he was talking online cheer why did you pull out and then fight again what happened it if you go to Annie's and Gibbs video I've composed the DMS myself you'll see that I did not sound poorly I said I'll let you know and then when I realize I miss it no I had when I realized what I'd have talked of my trainer and realized that this guy he's gonna get banged so I just messaged him I let him know that I'm not pulling air of literally I I don't mean to go off subject but I'm in the middle of running three or four businesses at the moment I've pushed them all aside for this fight so I knocked out choice Libre you ain't ready man four months four months I've been trying in your training isn't much 81kg is not a miserable run kg I've got a question for you get more last fight how do you think it went I won didn't I you wouldn't but it it wasn't it wasn't you eat your best is what I thought you were gonna come in were you satisfied with our what you think you can do better against jail way bad what do you think about his last fight jaded how wouldn't you say that going did you see weaknesses that you can explore yeah so Gibbs obviously fought before so I've got video a video of him fighting is it you obviously knows about that I don't know I don't want to give too much away man I don't want to give too much away all I'm saying is I've been training with a guy that's twenty stone and he's ATS about two weeks off work so broke his ribs he's on setting in his house why do you think that you're all these stunts you've done over the years all the pain you put yourself through it's going to help you in the ring 100% 100% I have took some [ __ ] over the years and it's the ring been in the ring and training with the people I've been training with have it's nothing compared to what I've been through in the past four years as you guys know the videos are crazy after some crazy [ __ ] it's definitely gonna help me definitely is it true that you're gonna wear a concrete microwave as a head guard I've just heard rumors of that yeah it's kiss yours considerable what is your greatest strength in the ring my greatest strength I am extremely childish gibble and their power in more shots I don't I don't punch him away I punch for a way or two above me gibble he's talking confident he's saying he hits harder than what he is do you believe that waffle I saw his trainer post up his club saying that he hits very hard it was just a bit of creasing so I rang us little waffle at the end of the day is getting knocked down I said he's just so nice former 20 stone guys what level of guys are you sparring with five heavyweight they 100kg what he 81 kg what's that gonna do to me nothing last time you fought a much lighter guy you are you what way are you two up right now I am at 81 kg just under just under heavy enough of it Oh either way or heavy enough that will do what do you dislike most about Jay keyboard I don't just like it me it's good at YouTube box and why he's dead so I'm gonna crack in my face how often do you train per week cable every day three hours she only just started two hours late last month oh I believe you I believe you Tori what about you gene how often do you train per week mate I train every single day of the week except for weekends you know I got I got I got I got [ __ ] to do man I got [ __ ] to do while I'm training I'm pointing the graphed quality over quantity quality over quantity are trained efficient I want to predict terrain efficiently I want a prediction from you cable how is this fight end in your opinion 2nd round he's lucky bit makes past the third what about you - prediction scrap in the way that a Nissen scrapped in his last fight in the first [ __ ] around we're going to do a face-off now lads nor touch in no funny [ __ ] just let's I die [Applause] come into the stage it's jazz Paul [Applause] yeah hey boo instead she's a [ __ ] yeah boo instead she's a [ __ ] that's crazy I thought you guys are on dezzy's team yeah hey [ __ ] Jake Paul [ __ ] Jake Paul [ __ ] Jake Paul let's go [ __ ] Jake Paul yeah thank y'all for coming out tonight thank y'all for coming out tonight to the show ha ha respect don't be throwing anything yeah don't be throwing nothing all right love you told me throw nothing all right and his opponent it's daddy what's up what's up I love this I love this how are you guys doing for chiku but Jane Paul [ __ ] tape oh [ __ ] tape oh [ __ ] Jake well [ __ ] sake Paul [ __ ] Jake do you hear hey y'all dumbasses say anything else [Applause] don't say anything else all right Dungey let's get it going right sit down down sat down American education now let's get it done let's go let's go girl mr. B yeah welcome to England [ __ ] do ya'll say anything else well let's get it come on Cilla tosu [ __ ] Jake well [ __ ] Jake ball for cheap pool for cheap pool for jake paul for jake paul yeah yeah I'm gonna song about it it's got 60 million views thank you all right all right all right yeah go ahead touch me how it that you come on let's let's get cut we got sir this Time Warner yeah some [ __ ] uncertain questions so let's just go come on first question Deji so initially you were pushing them meet the ksi jig fight at what point did you realize it was you who was going to take on Jake who happened in LA when this [ __ ] refused to fight my brother so I had to step in I had to step in and fight you myself cuz you're a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] let it all out buddy let it all out all right get all your emotion out now question for Chi Chi add it all out cheers let it all out everybody see he's standing up you're sitting down that's it battery that's turning come on man keep sitting down check a lot of people are saying that you were talking JJ to get the teddy fight cause it's an easier fight it's not true [Applause] can we stop throwing [ __ ] cuz everyone's gonna go home all right all right check a lot of people are saying that you took Deji cuz he was the easier fight than changing it's not true now after my brother [ __ ] up Logan I'm down to fight K aside 200 G question for dead Chi I'm a [ __ ] Deji Logan's gonna [ __ ] up here's a question for dead sheep keep yelling so they're cheap yelling yelling a lot of people have said about your training come it hasn't gone to plan I want to know what's the issues because one minute you're training with the dull why are you not training with the doll anymore yeah that's very issues any more training is training is amazing all right I'm training to destroy you and that's what everyone's gonna see all this 25th is it hey hey is that your tubby sparring partner boxing is John thanks boxy gym home of zero world champions serie woke up so Jim Fixx pockets no new heads Satechi wasn't being trained with Vittal anymore what did you think I mean it's expected it's expected because the doll and ksi are actually training they trained for the Weller fight they know I'm sparring the world and they don't but doll said on his story that he was done with the [ __ ] because daddy wasn't working hard enough and so he had to go to Vic's boxing gym today to fix boxing gym we trained edgy and that's it that's right that's right that's how it is question for Ted G then G Jay claims to have only just started training and a lot of his footage is what's being minim way he's still dressed like [ __ ] do you think he's deliberately dress like [ __ ] for this fight do you think Jake Paul is putting minimum Chinese try on the second chest I'll pray for them condom do you think that Jake is deliberately putting bare minimum videos up to make it look like he's not training so he's got excuses orgy just like he's trying to hide it from you yeah I just hope he can fight better than he can dress does she dress like [ __ ] or actual [ __ ] you are actual sick yeah let it out there whose period let it out let it out stop throwing [ __ ] let it out all right let it out get all your emotions out little guy Jake what's your opinion so far on all of the footage you've seen of desi sporran yeah everybody's thrown stuff so just calm the [ __ ] you really all right everyone's going to leave the stage if you keep throwing stuff I think we're just done with the bull [ __ ] back and forth talk yard make sure your foot issues the footage the footage of desi sparring he gets hit in the stomach one girl and he drops to the ground what do you see you can either make sure you have you can't deny that she's [ __ ] Jake Paul [ __ ] Jay Paul y'all are dumb y'all are dumb y'all are dumb say something else say something else say something else [ __ ] Jake Paul [ __ ] Jake Paul yep yep yep yep you know chick yeah G I loved it you're loving a must have some fun dude hey I agree Jay agree you have a muscle size budget of all you have a muscle size advantage of Adeje you're the bigger guy if you don't win it's not not even more humiliating for you since kg is clearly smaller than you you're still wearing heels there's zero percent chance that there's zero percent chance at that she went to spite his old trainer knows it his brother knows it the Seidman that's why they turned him out of the house they kicked him out of the house because he's training like [ __ ] everyone knows he's gonna lose keep star race come no one supports this kid besides the 800 people in this room Congrats what were you saying bro OS does any other G G let's do a face off right now no touching no touching no touch don't throw anything come on all right [Applause] no eye contact what did I say no touchin Lud's not touch touch [Applause] all right you're not enough light that's good to know all right lads that's enough come on that's enough that's enough that's enough now come on come on come on daddy do [Applause] well done well done come on [Applause] [Music] you gotta tell me I gotta stop there I'm on the money in their face I'm on it [Applause] all right that's it all right suck your mom alright son fail to stand you suck you're gonna clear the stage finals next next leave the stage leave the stage leave the state leave the state [Applause] fine oh yeah beg you lost our friendship I beg you lot stop French it's not safe for the people on stage please please [Applause] [Music] you don't need a [ __ ] pro to me i right go cello huh all right well be installed normal throwing [ __ ] seriously because the whole thing will stop straightaway just do us all a favor cuz I I want us to have a [ __ ] good press conference yeah and [ __ ] are spoiling it you know I mean [Applause] are you ready [Applause] coming to the stage the reigning defending YouTube champion of the world it's Kay ass [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yo switching it up then come into the stage the Challenger Logan Paul [Applause] [Applause] right no throwing [ __ ] come on now [Music] [Applause] [Music] symma Stu you ready you ready coming to the stage again the reigning defending YouTube top of the world que us okay welcome to London [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that Walmart [ __ ] won't work here boy yo-yo has an England already suffered enough we lost to Croatia in the semi-final we had truck come over last week now we got you this week how you feeling bro yo yo yo yo guys guys guys guys guys so I found that uh you got a new girlfriend now Chloe Bennet what's up babes [Applause] we're wait so why don't you introduce me to her apparently you only have 85% of your testicle let me give her the extra 15 let me show you a real man shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] this is my town now [ __ ] it's so funny shut the [ __ ] up it's funny to hear you talk about your baby carrot dick keep going I enjoy it yo it's cool that your entire fan base is here in one room yo Tommy yes I am totally this you've been taking elves for ages I don't know how are you how are you gonna train with audition for Baywatch get the part and still not end up in the final movie my soul ended up in the final movie where were you oh yeah deleted scenes you know I listen let's let's give it let's get a child going [ __ ] their poles [ __ ] [Applause] you see you see everyone everyone has everyone has my back and no one has yours besides your Ludacris mom and your disgusting delusional diet your disgusting man you said you beat me in the fight you said you beat me in the fight with one hand right you wouldn't do [ __ ] you're an old man but I'm sure I'm sure you wouldn't mind last one wonderful day little girls you like kissing [Applause] you sick deadbeat bald-headed prick are you gonna make not one but two dumbass children the [ __ ] is what will your sperm if you want to ask you about the video shut the [ __ ] up ask your mom go ask your mom children you ready for some questions I said let's do some questions don't throw anything calm down all right hey I'ma be honest [ __ ] you loca [ __ ] you later [ __ ] you loca [ __ ] you loca [ __ ] you local all right how you feeling bro it's not lip covering hey hey I would hear and answer your questions or I feel like kiss I address everything I want written in the mouth just shot see you August 20 been bro [Applause] Barbeau [ __ ] [ __ ] up poles [ __ ] up ooh [Applause] August 25th mark my words not [ __ ] is going down I don't play in this [ __ ] I don't play watch what's your line fragile eg [ __ ] like I always said I won't I talk the talk [Applause]
Channel: KSIvsLogan
Views: 3,740,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GMIdiZssnFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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