KSI INTERVIEW | True Geordie Podcast #98

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players on your favorite online personalities including ksi in the sidemen EXO keemstar Joella the f2 and many more on blocks tuber upload videos gain a following take on ksi to become the champ just download box tumor available in the App Store now last time we thought yeah you said there was if I forget the call-out login remainders for that day to be honest but um it's not a freeze on the world works me honestly it feels like everything every time I've interviewed you like the first time just before you took a big break from YouTube and like you seem like lost yeah I could tell from a podcaster you were like where do I go now I kind of do music but it was you wouldn't like really fulfilling what you've pulled potential was and now it feels like you are [ __ ] mashing it you know I mean in a good place right now yeah like really lights I'd say hands down 2018 it's not written like finished the year but I think it has something the bursary of mine really hundreds and hundreds at what what do you feel like it's gone into that year to make you feel that way um I think physically I felt the best ever I like I feel so good about my body I felt so good about the way I look mentally I'm just on it like you know like you know but everyone still has bad days here and there but like I just I've just been so happy about everything and even like the people around me like everyone's happy everyone's like in a good spot everyone's just enjoying life and like it's just bringing so much good energy for me and I just I'm just guys it's funny cuz like you're not a professional boxing champion now but you're living the life of that really well the charm everyone treats you like yeah or anyone things out here like you know you've got that lifestyle and like that's how people talk to you now when you're on top of the world yes and they say you know it's hardly have the same motivation once you become that mm-hmm have you found any issues with that no because I don't feel like I've reached my goal yet I feel like I've just we're not scraping the saffet I feel like I've shown and done quiet law I still have more to show and I still more to do yeah and for me I feel like that's the most important thing that's what helps someone reach that well point that they want to get to you may I think it's class that you're always striving and like you're not just satisfied but like the first fight and I'll be honest I suck yeah you know what Sydney go on I'm gonna make this not easy I expected as I said to Joe to do more but obviously the occasion I think got to him and you know it's by any means it's not easy like to stand in front of all those people and to perform in front of millions of our minds it's gonna be hard that's why I've alone and it's gonna be even harder because everyone hates him yeah for you that's your the hero this time yeah yeah it's it's it's different yeah like I don't know I know how I feel about it because I'm always used to being the villain yeah I'm always used to being hated and now all of them they're like ah okay cool alright but in the eyes of many people throughout this build-up like you it feels have a loss to pay our war like it feels like Logan I've had a few people say it made quite a lot saying like actually I'm kind of leaning towards Logan in terms of the likability because yeah I think it's because you embrace that bad guy role you love it just me I do love it man I find it I find it weird being the hero because I never see myself as a hero I always feel like I'm just me I just do what I do and you know people gonna like me is people gonna hate me it's just this way is yeah when everyone's just always like all your best you could this and that you're sick and like I'm so hardly seeing any hate it's just weird like I'm not doing something right if don't hate you then I feel like you're not doing with them because that's the way YouTube is like the comment yeah yeah from day one back in the day when you started like it was always like if you're doing well you're getting [ __ ] that's a stick dance here hundra said yeah that's right you had like a baptism of fire in that respect I know caught we've got a mutual friend and Corden he said to me you kind of predicted how this would all go at the start to him he was kind of said to him like I'm gonna lose the PR war in the sense that Logan's gonna spin this certain way yeah and I'm gonna maybe not in the arena on fight labour in the eyes of the rest of world you're gonna be the bad guy yeah he really fought yeah yeah yeah with my track I put in the line boy you better get it one to ten the only number send a medic boy by together beat the man and out the [ __ ] and jump and read it boy about together cross you out and turn the people empathetic so I already know like people going to after I beat Logan Paul people are gonna be like ah you know I should kind of feel bad for a little game like he's he's litchi down in the dumps and at that point he's gonna get a fanbase who are diehard like through and through with him because of that and they essentially that's why I'm like saving his career because of it so it's it's kind of crazy but like do you think his careers in need of that like yeah hunter wiser I knew because that will always not always be in the back of the back of his like prodigy or it always just be there and he would never be able to you know reach the point that he wants I don't think you ever be able to reach the point that he truly wanted to reach if what I'm not video yeah what well yeah we're both know the video he talking about yeah were you asked to not speak about that at the start of this yeah yes did you agree of that I agree to it but I I was like I'm still going to you know step around it you know I'm not going to talk about it directly but indirectly I'm going to just you know keep it looming that's why I've the wig this why would the pod me saying what I said with the apology on the press conference and just me doing you're doing these little things just trying to poke the the press content or interesting for me because the first one I thought Logan came are very confident hometown yes he had all the crowd with him but I still thought that you held your own and eventually you started doing it you know you have any feeling myself yeah and you started getting into the groove a bit and then when you brought the Hat oh and you started cracking the jokes if felt like Logan lost his temper a bit yeah and it and for me as a fight fan I'm like off you can't hold your head together at that position what is it gonna be like on fight night you know what I mean did you pick that up as well yeah so I realized that he loses like he really I saw that he was losing control and he hated that he normally is the type of guy that loves to have everything he loves to have everything go his way he loves to always win so when he was against someone that was literally in his face taking the piss out of him he was like oh sure what's going on with the [ __ ] and at that moment he just panicked and just decided to try me he had you put his hands on you my hands on my mom he lost yeah and Karina watching I think he he realized that but he he's not gonna admit it oh wait kinda I guess videos video yeah and I'm pretty guys here that's which I kind of appreciate that he was just yeah yeah it's about but even don't at the point where you first met when he walked in the gym I fall when he walked in that me well that gym yeah probably took some balls on it actually yeah yeah I don't know how what his crew was like behind the camera but you know I know you had yet big guys I'm not as he has a few boys as announcer but one thing yeah his his like veins and his neck were pulsing like I could say this it's you know it's it's it's anger but it's forced he isn't he it's like his show he's trying to be a person he isn't honey saying I knew I was show in the boxing ring where do you get that from that you think it's fought what do you see in him ah I mean I've just seen it in just how he is I think they'll face the face the face the face showed off quite a lot just how he was he's like he was just extremely fidgety nervous I did so I can see like his lip was quivering like I mean it doesn't really show it so you wash up and you were saying a lot that during the the truck between us because I kind of felt like be honestly he was given some good answers and he yeah he was speaking quite he was coming up with some funny remark to Maya but you kept saying you're nervous I could say you're nervous you don't like this to you yeah and were you reading that [ __ ] I didn't see it I could see it in his whole body he was just moving he was just like he just wasn't comfortable huh and he I I can tell like in certain situations he hates it he hates it when things aren't going his way he's not in control when he's not in control I know he was looking around yeah yeah when he's not in control he hates it and that's why in I ring when he's not in control he's going to get [ __ ] a hundred percent your uncontrollable that oh my god say you know all right so the press conference yeah sitting there trying to no avail you came in with just this relentless mentality that you were going to wipe the floor with them and did you ever expect him to walk off like you did no no I thought you're gonna take it like a man and did you see him run off I always saying Wow so what are you gonna do in the boxing ring you can't run off if I'm there attacking you and you know you can't take it or you can't handle it and if you're struggling to you know not deal with my power just my speed or you know I'm too elusive for you know what you're gonna do you're caught you're gonna just run off you'll be like now I don't want to do this Jeff sort sort this out this is ridiculous like these punches are hiring me like locally in Blowing can't do that Logan 100% hates it when he's not in control and I see that and that's his weakness you know you did all the same things with Joe yes how mentally obviously physically is another conversation time yeah yeah you played a lot of the same games you certainly got rid of jaws Harrison yeah yeah do you see any similarities or differences between the two are you putting anything together I thought we've Joe does a lot more hatred I had a lot more hatred so I feel like - yeah it was so personal yeah it was so personal seems more like business for me this is this is like taking me and my team to a whole nother level and I'm using Logan Paul to do that yeah is that why you sort of headhunted him he was yeah yeah because he was the guy he was the top dog of YouTube I mean was annoying I he was but he is oh it was so I was like okay there are some similarities between you two I know that we may [ __ ] hate it's a lot but like it's yeah I mean there is like we've all effort work out there yeah and you know like how he how he is but I mean like I've been doing this for so long man what I mean is like for me what makes a good YouTube depending on what your tastes are um yeah you can do a lot of different things yeah and you can both turn your hands a different thing yeah it seems anyway but no I I don't know why now I leave that alone was there for me being perfectly honest out there I'm wondering you obviously think you're gonna win this fight yeah how much harder will login be to beat than Jawas Allah Allah understand I'm not like I'm not gonna be there like Logan's gonna be just as easiest job I know Logan is gonna be a lot harder maybe two three four times five times as hot harder than Joe and Wow you know what now I won't even say that because Joe didn't really do much so I'm sorry making a video your message may make it a video the other day like how everyone's like I'm not sure well and he's just like just taking absolutely no no no it's gonna be tough yeah athletic background you know he's got everything in his favor he's got the height the reach you put me up a weight you know it's the opposite of last time yeah yeah and now he's got that and you're gonna have to you know find your way around or like yeah but that's why with this camp it's been disgusting like we've done ham like 100 percent way more than Joel I've seen Carlos then Leon beaten the foam yeah as a big do is a very big dude what came the sparring partners we talking about solid no it's not more big dudes it's more people with boxing experience and more skillful people so it's not I'm not trying to fight big lumps who can just learn hard yeah I'm trying to be a more skillful boxer because that's what's gonna be important in this boxing match because he will be able to just hit me and just do all this and all that and for me I feel like learning how to evade that and just pop off and just just annoying constantly just being in and out in and out just showing my skill that's gonna scare the [ __ ] out of him and when that happens he's fought and he's gonna know his part yeah it I think this is going to be a harder fight for you without a doubt yeah yeah the world probably accepts up um but I I love the challenge man that respect is me mad like I've been doing this YouTube thing for 10 plus years man all my life always love you know just pushing myself more and more this is not just YouTube I mean literally you're going in there against the dude who if if he loves you haven't got your hands up then yeah my career changes I say yeah I'm they're like oh [ __ ] I think you're mentally prepared for that would be further yeah yeah and I know you've you've I'm I'm a tough guy man that's a that's annoying thing because you didn't really get to see it with me versus Joe currently was definitely shirt on lose yeah I guess but trust me especially in this con man I mean I wish I wish we properly filmed a lot of it but dude man I've been hit with some big shot and I'm dropping that I had just had that heart man and it's hard to take that from me it feels like your biggest weakness as everyone knows was you didn't keep your hands up a lot yes I covenant in this fight like it's gonna be absolutely essential for you to do that well I mean weird I mean we've trained to be a better boxer so my hands will be up my hands will be down but when my hands are down he won't really hit me and when my hands are up it's because I'm coming in close and I'm [ __ ] his [ __ ] up so that simple is that like I'm playing smart everything is smart it's all tactical I'm gonna be thinking when I'm in that boxing ring I'm not gonna just be swinging I'm not gonna be like oh [ __ ] ah you know I'm not I'm not afraid of him like he's afraid of me 100% and I know that because he's I'm the champion and he doesn't know what to expect from me he's seen what he's seen but then when he's in that ring and he sees something completely different yeah he's gonna be like oh okay this [ __ ] he's in some people's I had an advantage because if he's got so much footage on you yes and you've got ten seconds of TMZ but even that 10-second chilled show much but but you deliberately let out a clip for Joe yeah he might have done the same to you yeah he's playing you the way you played Joe what if he is every years then fair play fair play I mean they won't matter when all this 25th happens do you are you bothered by the wrestling background however because this is the boxing match in our wrestling match yeah okay in the clinch he might be able to do a few things but I also know a few things as well yeah I wouldn't be surprised if part of his game promised to lean on you yeah yeah yeah where you hope yo I wouldn't be surprised if his game plan was to be dirty like dirty paws yeah if he's there like okay I ain't gonna be able to post to this dude he's too good he might at that moment just be like okay I might have to play dirty I'm gonna have to roughing him up back at the headshot you know maybe a few low blows few diss and that just a few tactics just to try and piss me off but he won't piss me off like I've been I've been training too hard am I like my psyche my mentality it's just it's all on point are you good at following that game practice Josh I was chatting before we came in and Josh was like um I'm confident and I'm providing he just does what he's supposed to do as if he's worried that you might just get emotional not anything about you can I mean the only time I get emotional is when sorry I got I got angry when Jo pushed me and I got angry when Logan tried to rip up my banana so we're in the boxing match and we're punching each other I'm not gonna get angry I'm just gonna be like well is this is it now like you know you did all that [ __ ] then now it's time for you to face the music last time we had a laugh about what style Joe was coming in our said he was mimic and Mike Tyson you love that is there any sort of style you're expecting from Logan anti Joshua that's what I'm thinking I'm thinking he's gonna be very regimented very like direct straight you know textbook yeah it's gonna know how to jab he's gonna know how to throw across the base or the hook he's gonna be boom boom just rock-solid just for him are you expect me to hit hard yeah how's your son he's gonna hit hard oh yeah come on of corporate look at them oh yeah did you see that video he did with Bradley Martin wait jabs him in the face yeah yeah I thought it's funny missed the first time yeah yeah I missed the first by again I saw I saw that and I was like those hours I lived in that job and I saw that is such a textbook job you you feel like your levels above that I'm so I've been I've been sparring against people who've been doing Boston for years like years and years I haven't I've been learning how to box for less than a year let's see yeah like how many moms like nine months yeah for me and if you think Logan's going to [ __ ] my [ __ ] up you got nothing to watch gone loose yes the doll came on my podcast he sort of stole a show a little bit yeah yeah I'm sure you do what was it like being in this cub with Fidel I was how's he being training you for Logan yeah he's been amazing he's always doin amazing like we're boys man and he knows exactly what I need to know to get to like get through get past the final hurdle he knows why he knows what to say he knows what I need to work on I would see if the fence was the biggest thing that we worked on and I made sure that the fence is on point and it is everything about my defense is sick if felt after watching jaws documentary and yeah yours you hit gold when you gotta sell compared to what yeah sure god I [ __ ] yeah sure really I got really lucky though with without like because I had before him I had some other random trainer and what would have happened you know oh man I imported him in a tire fight or close to fire I think me meaning Fordow has just put me in a completely different and you've changed his life in a way as well as you said on the podcast cuz yeah the mayweather gym yeah he [ __ ] this guy open the mirror was like this heart man when he's just doing her me it's bland yeah bow it is so sick and when he informed the people to VT as well I was kind of worried I was like to me he's a [ __ ] animal it's like top for the Maram he is a [ __ ] demon yeah and he he was just I was like home just to be in but now who's 2020 at the time was just [ __ ] to be about the doll said worse there isn't gonna be a rematch like I'm training JJ you make sure there is no worry yeah obviously not so oh yeah it's why the camp is freed so yeah he's I think or me no real a 20 row that's why man this camp has been so much harder than the Joe can obviously have come through it like with flying colors but [ __ ] me it was it's been tough and I think what's been that also another talking is gaining weight and I'm putting on weight but still being able to move just as good still be able to that part of the strategy though the way was that obviously yeah a deal with flow out sighs I know so cuz you were put in the cutting equipment that was Joey I was just got caught in those blasts with Logan obviously he's a bigger guy so I need to you know have a few more kgs just to make sure that it's not like he hits me I'm Dallas [ __ ] I'm just constant you put a lot of importance on wait last time I remember it it away in yes when Joe got on the scales you openly laughed and said that's a weekly yeah he has no chance yeah but you're gonna be coming in probably the exact same marching away from Logan yeah but now you're saying it doesn't matter no no no obviously it does not not that sorry the dolls saying it doesn't matter well I mean I think what I was wrong because it does matter it does matter a lot so I feel like because of that if he does come in heavier we just changed our plan to plan B so there's a 9a and this plan B so he comes in Wow if he comes in similar to me plan a if he comes in like way more heavier Plan B and then we just worth that I mean maybe I've missed quoted Vdara I think what Vidal was meaning to me was if there was 20 kilograms difference then we're told oh yeah but then then that's just what he said to me was boxing skill wise you've gone and yes that's all that's always but it's interesting to say that this is oh there's a plan for me yeah yeah obviously because you know he's the big guy I'm not gonna just stand in front of him and just take bangs like yeah I could slip this list that but you know he obviously he's gonna do damage so if I you know do I need to do I'll [ __ ] him up and he'll just be like what the [ __ ] going on and before you know it those big arms so didn't go real heavy you mentioned this in the face off with him yeah the gloves are off you said you're throwing a lot of unnecessary shots there yeah when I watch it I was like he was like yeah a lot of punches awkward landing it and not that once again makes me think is this is this that he's putting that over there cuz he wants you to say that generally it's hard to tell yeah but this footwork did look this and them yeah that's what I mean I was gonna say like he's like with that clip it shows like there's a lot of positive like shows he's got power he shows that he's got that left hook so he's making sure that my right hands up you know he wants to make sure that would you call it his footwork for a wrestler [ __ ] hell man I wasn't expecting that and I was like okay cool we'll take that into account and just all these things were just taking it into account and then when it gets the ring it's like okay it's game time moving but without well a fight and my opinion are you change I are three obviously I was looking is a great youtuber yeah no YouTube grip but when you walk to that ring with the calmness that you did yeah this guy is something different yeah and like you had for your first ever perfect like first of all a big fight in front of a crowd that babe yes it was like McGregor confidence like I was I was impressed I got salt it's genuinely I mean obviously I was done I know you were I know you were just fighting Joe oh yeah the point is is anyone to go into that situation would would have been most people 99% and would have been a lot more stress though yeah worried about that and I was like more so than the boxing skills I was more impressed with how calm you were like yeah I came away feeling like [ __ ] me this guy's got ice in his veins so yeah you don't it takes a lot for you to go [ __ ] yeah nervy yes and from the first press convert Abbott did with you I remember album have you seen all these people me like [ __ ] me I've never done only this before and then you're just like it's nothing what I mean for me what boosts me is the occasion the occasion always boosts me like when there's pressure when there's like eyes on me I just do better man like even when I spa when there's more people there watching me I perform better and when there's a crowd going to one [ __ ] him up and all that I just it boosts me man I love it I like the energy I don't know I meet all my energy all the chakras sound like some but I just it just fulfills me and it just boosts me and this makes me just food just better and just make me what yeah because a lot of people before they go to the ring like I've heard professional fighter so yeah 50 invites throwing up yeah I'll be I mean like research and fighters for decade like the confidence you have is not normal it is not normal like jananam say okay well you were you even a little bit before you did the ring walk with voila were you even a little bit like well I mean what were you feeling the only time I was I thought me was can't lose where you saw me in the blue hoodie when I woke up in a blue hoodie and all that but I didn't really show it and can't lose what boosted me was when I saw the livestream I saw the livestream I saw the people there I saw my mates you know you know what sue it up looking fake you know like I was with I saw you I saw everyone I was there I I'm guest this looks insane yeah and I can't wait to go in front of them and show them who's the boss are you aware that you're that sounds [ __ ] but you're making history like you're like are you aware like one day people are going to look like the new truth they surveillance was more than a wall oven because yeah this is seen as two kings and the internet go and and it like you really like them the biggest and the UK's biggest in America and as much as I then want your websites are going to compare this to me we know it's not McGregor I mean yeah but in the world of YouTube users are doing something that will probably never happen again like mommy even after login there's not many avenues to court yeah yeah he's the biggest issue about who physically can compete with you yes and make a compelling much of that everyone wants us yeah like you're gonna do the numbers are gonna be in me as like yeah are you is this about legacy for you on YouTube or is this just are you just making this up as you go along and same where it takes you know what a question tom here for what I quess know I know you're you you say you walk like you talk the talk you walk the walk or warp in a hell of a [ __ ] walk right now like because YouTube's us this baby but like you're doing [ __ ] that is gonna in 50 years the way we look back on you know grating the players whatever like people who are obsessed with YouTube down the road are gonna look back when people like this event yeah Wow like they did that you know I'm I don't think it's I mean it's like I don't legacy I don't I thought I just do it because I just do it I don't know it's weird like I just I always just want for me I just want to see how much more I can do I always want to see what you know what I'm capable of like seeing like for me breaking down the power of ten little people saying you can't do this you can't do that I love telling people now [ __ ] you I'm gonna do that and I'm gonna do it well that's just how I've always been and it's not about I want people to remember me it's not about me trying to be this big shot or whatever I'm just doing me because I want to do it for myself and I just want I guess I I mean it's cool that people look up to me and I think it's cool that people are inspired you know you can spell yeah but I mean I've just you know I started this all as a kid playing games and you know it just puts being like oh you know I want I want this to be my career and then you know like I always had people telling me you can never make money playing and you can't do this you can't do that and then I always just told everyone no I'm going to make this happen I'm proving people wrong it's always just being my thing and I I don't know I think for me now it's all about making sure everyone else is just everyone else is good like like that's why I'm like with the Dow I know a lot of people who would have been in my situation with it being like yo Vidal got way too much screen time you over down look too good he's like overshadowing me blah blah blah blah but for me I'm there like I'm I'm gassed I'm gassed up with now he's got such a platform already on it he hasn't even had one fight and I know like you know his first fights gonna be that's what I know he's gonna be bigger than actually Joshua bigger than all these boxes because he's started from sucked from a place that no one started from and he's already one of the biggest hypes and he hasn't even watched he hasn't even fought yet it's crazy and like even with the side man and my bro and you know my family just saw hey you know for me like I've always just I always just want everyone to do well you even you're even you help that's just it even with like the the FIFA community with the YouTube community like any any little bit I can't do I'm always there to just try to help people even people who hate me like I met is his name I don't know his youtube name Alex I mean it's I'm ice yeah so he's made videos like hate on me and saying this than that but I've always just been yeah I went to him use that the would you call a he was me Melissa's plus-one and yeah and I was I just talked to him at yeah and he was our yard just do this blah blah blah I was like oh it's cool like you can keep doing I understand why you're making videos hanging me because it's your way to come up it's just how you need to do it like he was doing FIFA videos full-time and got nowhere and then as soon as he started making controversial videos he started making you know you start making the name because that's not bother you at all when our man come on man like there's so much of the world we need to just share it rather than just be selfish so I know that's all that's that's not for me that's always how it's been like it's not about legacy it's not about do it you know trying to be this name way it's just about just making sure everyone is having a good time man and fulfilling stuff for myself make you know proving people wrong and yeah no child no Jennifer I know you're pretty well now yeah and everything you just said is footman true you mentioned your brother yes he's fighting the same night no for me are you gonna watch that fight because you're gonna be ready a little yeah watch it I'll watch her of course you know he's got a hell of a challenge ahead of him the Jake also has a size advantage yeah on him theoretically speaker and obviously if he wins great let's go out yes I do my with fine if it doesn't go that way and then say he loses badly yeah you've got a watch that are you gonna be able to men we removed that from your mind and Hualien do you're jealous how sure are you that I'm 100% sure it's because like I've already fought the worst you've accepted yeah yeah it's all in your head is accept the worst yeah and if anything else happens that's great but this is yeah yeah so happen that's why I mean if I you know I might not know his point like anything else is is the bonus and that's it like if he fights well but loses that's a bonus if he wins that's a bonus if he loses it is what it is and I'll be there to company you know come for him and just be like unlock you man let me do my fight we [ __ ] this guy up and then you know we can chat in the after pie and then you know I sort of you know we're still gonna be living good you know so I mean like yeah I think when I when I talked about the well I fight I thought about you guys and I thought when I lose like the people who love you are still gonna love you I like then that's when you realize who your real friends are yeah when when you lose if everyone just pieces out you know they're not real friends but the people who are you know there to support you even after you lose their real friends have you thought about what if you should lose how things would play out in your career I'm not nothing I'm not is doesn't that's the thing with me like when I'm saying this is happening it's happening whether anyone likes or not so if someone says no this is gonna happen no this is this all my life it's been like this and it's not going to change have you ever met anyone lately Logan like if you ever cuz he's a pretty different type of guy I when I look at you both I see two really successful I with you and Joe I found that there was a clear difference yeah where because you made jaws career by his own admission where is with you and Logan you've had similar rises in your own countries and it's almost like these two like stars are gonna collide and a lot of people will see you as equal Simula because you've always worn you've always gotten your own where you've always six-year and everything have done and I'm practice is I'm sure he has the same mainstay as the way you're talking right now what what sets your state of mind I don't thought was I don't think he does have the same mind sighs really I think he wants to have the same mind says me but he he physically can't and it's because yeah it just hasn't been doing it as long as me I've been doing this whole YouTube thing for so long way longer than most people on YouTube who is still doing well today so he hasn't he he doesn't I feel like he still doesn't get it he just roast the fame so quick and then he hasn't ever tried to sustain it to the you know to a level he's always just been like okay that it's he's just done that didn't it I feel like he like isn't on the similar mindset to me you the way you're talking I'm picking up as if you feel like when I lose for example you would always find a way whereas it feels that you're saying he saw got one way yeah he's kind of put himself in a box when it comes to if he loses he's just they're like oh I can't be that much of man anymore I can't be you know this I can't say [ __ ] like there's someone who's gonna be better than me and I think that's gonna eat him up really him up so much man especially when he loses he's going to he's going to [ __ ] and destroy him because it's visible yeah so on Rabia shine provide of being assigned type away and then for someone who's smaller a smaller guy to be um and that's gonna really like just not compute in his head well you know he'll get back here he'll be back I'm sure I'm sure that's why I'm there like your boy I want a rematch 100% and he will train like a machine he will be so set to [ __ ] my [ __ ] up he will probably put aside everything be like February March April I don't give a [ __ ] I'm going to [ __ ] dish boy ksi and that's just gonna be his mindset and then obviouly much really good yeah go for it let's do it let's do it I'm ready man I'm ready I'm ready bro it's good it's gonna be easy August 25th and it's gonna be easy wherever the [ __ ] we do it the next simple as that man I final fight prediction mate what what happened for one for round four that's why I want it that's why I want to end him round one he's gonna be nervous he's gonna be like [ __ ] okay this is happening and he's good wow this is why he's thinking all this I'm jabbing the [ __ ] out of him but he's gonna try and count on me I'm too quick I'm too quick okay he's gonna be okay cool round two let me rush him a bit let me come towards him and wrong answer I'm there again [ __ ] your shell because this is what I want I want to get close I don't want to play the long range game but I can play the long range game as well I can play any other [ __ ] game you want round three I'm gonna be tired Mohammad can have a [ __ ] okay he's still like bouncing around now I'm talking to him now I'm getting in his head while worth fighting and he's like [ __ ] this guy is talking to me he's not even tired what what the [ __ ] is this I'm [ __ ] knocking and you know he's just been beating me around the bush left right and centre [ __ ] I'm gonna play day I'm not gonna get me I'm too good for this round four hit hit hit our standing count hit hit hit and drop he's getting dropped 100% well that's pretty detailed explanation well hadn't it there we go thanks for your time appreciate it I'm not the fight I see you next year and do the same if we got the rematch just every other rumors yeah hopefully if it every do have I been to America if I could see and I come to America I saw hey she has met thanks very much appreciate it on the system all the best thank you when people are tweeting at you you can't do [ __ ] about it you have to accept the fact that people hate you when twenty thousand people are booing me I can do something about it that's gonna be fun
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 1,639,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KSI, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, ComedyShortsGamer, Fight, Boxing, Logan Paul Vlogs, Sidemen
Id: D64lCVkN2Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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