Kryon June 2023 🜷 Kryon Gives Details About New Upgrades Lightworkers Will Receive

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hi everybody thanks for watching this I wanted to tell you this is a little time sensitive greetings dear ones I'm crying of magnetic service each group of old souls has its own energy every single one this one is unique as well there is a camaraderie there isn't a special family tie here There Are Places on the planet where the old soul groups are reincarnate over and over in the same place and we have said this before there is a profundity in that system for it creates a group that is more likely to know one another and have synchronicity with one another there are other places in the planet that are just the opposite where you will reincarnate into a culture you don't recognize and spend a lifetime coming back to the one you do each human being has their own schedule based upon what they choose when they're not here be aware the system is not that of the central Source it's that of the human beings part of the central source you have a peace and a part of God in you which knows everything when you're not here you are part of that which is the Creative Source or the wisdom beyond anything you can imagine you reincarnate yourself in a special way in a special place with energies to deal with the planet yet again and when you came in this time there was the potential you would pass this marker that we have talked about and hear you sit having done so this one was special and in this area there are many old souls who know one another and who will meet one another and do kinds of things with each other that are different from other places it's a system of Confluence of consciousness and it's beautiful if you knew the whole scenario you would understand that each Soul knows the other at some level in some way you are so different dear ones and that is what it's supposed to be your wears in your worries and your fears are so different and that's the way it's supposed to be however coming online if you wish to use a modern term is something that we have discussed just recently and that is what we will call the template a basic review is this when the Pleiadians laid the groundwork for the seeding of humanity giving them the peace of God that you have esoteric seating you mixed your biology with them the result was the DNA you have now and inside it the things that you cannot see that are quantum and dynamic carry with it those seeds of God we told you last time that one of the things that the original creation template had was that human beings would awaken as human beings with dark and light awareness and search first for the Creator no other animal on the planet searches for the Creator it's not simply the elevated intellect of a human being that allows this it's the template and as proof of this I give you that over 85 percent of this planet believes in the afterlife in some way that cannot be an accident it cannot be chance it does not fall into the bell-shaped curve it was designed and planned that way and the template was yours we told you that the template also included that energy and system which you call Karma the template was real it was needed it is your template it has been the same template until now the time capsules of this planet created the template through processes that you are not aware of that are Grand and beautiful that are quantum based that is to say multi-dimensional and that come right from the Creative Source would it interest you to know that Pleiadians are not just creatures from another part of them Galaxy they have their DNA working at over 80 percent they're almost angelic in their physics of Consciousness they don't need crafts to travel to other places they use what you call the process of entanglement already seen by your physicists where physical objects can be in two places at the same time this is not beyond your reasoning it is simply beyond your normal experience and they gave this planet several attributes that you use today this template that they gave you is not a controlling template it's an influential one it pushes that which makes you think certain ways and give you free choice about what you decide about them I want to talk about the new template and that is why we are here you crossed this marker a bridge was crossed in Consciousness and we will tell you you can't uncross that bridge and whoever doubts this who leaves this room history is going to show it humanity is different you're going to leave behind some of the oldest propensities of the template you're going to leave behind the idea of conquering and greed and conspiracy and Power it takes time dear ones sometimes generations to rebirth consciousness for one generation to see the Folly of what they did the time before to realize there are better ways to accomplish that which you really desire which is health celebration of Happiness on this and life span life spans that you have not had before the ability to get along with the rest of the planet and you will have different ideas and different spiritualities and yet you'll have tolerance to get along and you will see that as the prime directive for that will create what you always wanted not war we've told you before the Consciousness is so startlingly different that there'll come a time in history when you look backwards and everything that was before 2012 will be the barbaric age this is where it's going and you are beginning it now this is year two I'll say it again have you met any two-year-olds and what was your impression this is where you are you're just learning you hardly know what it feels like and yet there are old souls who have been through this on other places who are so anxious and so impatient because they know where it's going that they're frustrated when is it going to happen when is it going to happen when is it going to happen and the only reason that you're so impatient dear ones is because you've seen it and you know what can happen no wonder you're impatient it's so different we told you before don't expect a Utopia humans will always be humans there will always be those who will go to low Consciousness with free choice but they will be the minority not the majority human nature will be that which is prevalent on the on the planet and it will be different because of this new template a template as described and defined it helps you to think differently it pushes you to awareness internal subconscious suggestion that you may ignore or not with rejoice this planet looks for the Creator and has found it the monotheistic planet spiritual belief systems are everywhere it's the first thing you notice when you go and travel what is the belief system here what is it over here there's always one Against All Odds the planet believes in God that's a template the new template is going to work with several things but some of them you're going to recognize some of them you already know but I have to list them anyway this new template is beautiful I should tell you there are three more templates coming [Music] this is just the beginning there are no markers to pass but there are places where literal inventions will make a difference in what you're aware of and what you do next and a new template will be needed for you to think Beyond where you were before these are templates of awareness and the Very fact that you have a new one being broadcast from the nodes and the nulls you should celebrate because there are those who said it would never ever happen the template starts to recognize what we channeled recently which is the Triad the Triad is the new Consciousness that involves the three parts of Consciousness that we channeled about specifically they are the brain the intuition and the Heart those three represent the Triad of Consciousness we talked before you consider your brain is the central of everything your brain simply facilitates all of the energies of Consciousness it does not originate them the brain originates that which is survival intuition and innate together hooked to the Akash and the higher self are then also processed by the brain only you see them as differently and they feel different and now we add that which science is starting to see as a player of Consciousness as an organ you think simply pumps blood and it's the heart the heart has the highest magnetic field of any organ including the brain in the body there is more nervous activity in the heart for some strange reason than anywhere else and it almost is seen by some science as the second brain the heart is responsible metaphorically for compassion and it is the new template will increase the Triads efficiency in your body it that is why the new human being is going to be more compassionate you're going to be born that way the empathy for other creatures Just Like You on the planet is going to drive you into peace you will not send soldiers to be killed who are your sons and your daughters none of you will the idea will be a part no matter what is on this planet you will not turn to that it's barbaric it is not what humans do I promise every planet has gone through this and that's where you're going hard for you to understand what we're talking about with these Triads a different way of thinking or intuition in the heart start to play a major part of thought and not the survival brain you pass the marker you've come out of the cave of survival and now you are into Elegance and the Triad will be then increased in its efficiency along with the DNA a compassionate soul will start to be born it's already happening your grandchildren are far too compassionate for their age and you know it they look at other children who don't have what they have and the first thing is they want to give away what they have to them a compassionate Soul does not happen at that age with the old human nature in fact children on the playground often take from one another instead of give this is different take a look it's already begun that was number one number two is something called self-balance my partner teaches it it has already been on the agenda and talk this very day but it's on the template because it is not necessarily something that all old souls have some of you are not self-balancing and you know it something will happen perhaps it's chemically perhaps it's psychologically perhaps it's even Akash it will push a button in your brain that will create an issue that then you have to have solved by another light worker this has been common it comes from an old energy paradigm and it comes from one which is honored and that is what healers and light workers are for suddenly this one has the old soul self-balancing you're your own Guru you can see within yourself it is a designed human attribute that now comes forward for that which is spiritual survival self-balance no matter what happens if you wait just a little while it will return to a peaceful state this is good news for some of you who have gone back and forth and swung the pendulum of emotions there are many light workers who need to hear this because their lives even though and mature old soul have their buttons pressed from other reasons even akashic ones it means that you have the ability to live a more peaceful life every day you awaken in the morning instead of worrying about things to come you have an overwhelming piece of self-balance knowing that you'll deal with them one at a time with wisdom it is self-worth dear ones and it's about time I want to cover just briefly some of the other areas of the template and they all deal with innate innate is the new teaching we have given you before it has been called the smart body innate is that part of your body which knows what's happening corporally is connected to the Akash knows about the Triad and the Heart knows of the pineal even knows of the higher self it is part of the consciousness of you it is not your subconscious it's innate it is a part of your body that is esoterically taught that is to say it is new however it is also one that many know about for the muscle test with it all the time using that which you call Kinesiology to discover more that you don't know with your brain so let me discuss the bridge that is going to start being increased in the innate the first is the obvious one and we've taught it and we'll we'll get through this quickly dear ones because we want to teach the others the human body the corporeal body is still a mystery to your Consciousness as odd As It Seems you don't know what's going on inside and you will this is the main Bridge that's going to be crossed little by little human beings will start to be more aware of what is happening inside them in a corporeal fashion and the proof will be this you will have intuitive flashes and you will get a checkup become because of it and there will be discoveries that you will catch so soon the doctors will say how did you know it's up to you to tell them this is your innate starting to cross the bridge to the Triad the Consciousness not necessarily even the brain the heart the intuitive part of you facilitated by the brain will increase the bridge of knowledge between that which is conscious and that which is innate allowing you very slightly at first to have intuition about what's going on in your body slowly generation after generation will show that human awareness is increasing about what is going on inside you can count on it the second one of the innate series is what animals have had but you don't you have called it instinct you're going to have a series I would say a series of discoveries that will show for the first time that human babies are going to start receiving the Instinct of their parents that is to say human beings are born and the first thing they do is walk in the animal kingdom it's right away in the human Kingdom it's not because that which is instinct is not working the baby comes in helpless instead of instinctual innate will start crossing the bridge of instinct what the mother knows will be passed to the child now we are not going to talk out of turn here there are a series of channelings we have given for what is called The Sisterhood The Sisterhood represents those in lemuria in a certain time frame what we will call the last pachukuri of lemuria and those channelings are public and you can hear them so what I'm going to tell you now is not confidential because if you pass from innate to that which is happening to you corporally as a human being when you're born you're also going to pass something else you are in the womb of the mother sharing the life's bloodstream for all of those months and part of what you will have therefore in this increase is the increase in the mother's Consciousness passed to you whether it's male or female The Compassion of the female mother will play a more important part because of this this Instinct than ever before and you will be born with a different attitude my partner I'm not really sure you said that correctly the template is going to work so you're more compassionate could it be clearer then it's going to happen because Instinct of that which is your mother is going to be part of you and your mother's instinct is compassion she's a female and she's going to carry a different kind of Consciousness for this planet and the planet's going to change because of it clear innate is responsible there are so many you're going to be more in touch with Akash this is the third innate in the series at the fourth attribute of the day perhaps it's even the fifth depends how you count these you're going to be more aware of the Akash right now the akashic record in your DNA is responsible for irritating you because it's not working well all you remember from your akashic record are things that are dramatic a past life drowning a death carries over the veil when you're born for only one reason because it is the same level of Consciousness you are human nature responds to death and drama and that's what you get from the innate now you're about to grow up and as this starts to grow your Akash is going to pass the things that really really made a difference some of the most beautiful experiences you've ever had you'll dream about them oh you're going to wake up and wish you hadn't because they were so good and you'll start remembering them they will shape what you do next you'll remember celebration and joy and good things that took place with you all this is a change in the way the Akash responds to the template compassionate template for an evolved human being I'll call this the last one foreign you're going to have a greater relationship with source how can I tell you this right now as you sit in the chair listening to me there's a relationship and it's not really a believable one is it you report to a room a man sits in a chair his conscience leaves him and in his body there's a beautiful entity as you feel it I say it's a brother sister who comes and gives you instructions that's your relationship and for for a few minutes you might enjoy actually the feeling that I give you when I hold out my hand to you and say let's let's just join hats for a minute you can talk to Creator all right that's gonna change your relationship with that which is your higher self directly relating to that which is the Creative Source is something created by the template and the new innate you're going to know Who You Are and when you're born and as you start to grow there'll be no question that you're part of creation how you treat it may be a mystery what you do with it is your free choice always free choice but to come a day when you don't wonder if there's a God you're going to wonder what part of it you are and there are those who are so impatient because you've been there and done that and you know I'm right and you can hardly wait that's the new template oh there's more but for now it's enough this is what I want to give you to some it's far-fetched for some you'll have no proof of it while you're on Earth for some for some for some free choice and discernment and how you react to this message literally will shape what you do next how much power over your own life and your own body do you really think you have the more you believe you can change it the higher your DNA will cooperate with you and we'll do the things you tell it to dear ones that's how much power you have I am crying I will not tell you things that are not so I know it's a double negative I will always tell you things that are so but I want you to know There's No Agenda except love and that's a big one for it then defines the compassion of God which you are starting to assume and so it is greetings dear ones I'm kryon of magnetic service today so often in these meetings the end of the day is a channeling that is personal it's often more for those in the group here live than anyone who might be listening indeed those who listen will glean the energy perhaps maybe there'll be some information that is new to them I am so aware dear ones of who is here Spirit knows who's listening no matter when they listen a year from now two years there is a potential of who is listening even now I can tell you it's in the future but the potential is there and spirit knows the time is in this beautiful Circle but even though there is that I want to speak to you here before me human's all I have never been a human there is enamorment if you can call that from this Angelic source not just the love I know how you tick I know how you work I know what you think and that is why I'm here to try to soothe the soul who wants to make up things who wants to get involved perhaps and in the dramas that are are not even there in order to help you across this beautiful time Passage of the old energy to the new my partner asked the question when he was fully aware that he would be channeling for the rest of his life he asked me the question why now he said why at this age and I told him then there was no age and it was the beginning of his teaching and his learning about his own body and about something that lurked within it which is not understood but used so much by those who are sitting in the chairs we have defined it in so many ways we have put it in ways that split it apart and put it back together we've given it numbers of names but the one you know is innate we've defined where it goes in the scheme of the nine we've told you where it goes in the scheme of the three innate is so special for you and innate is something that responds to consciousness let's start at the beginning every single human has an esoteric body that is called the innate would you say it was biological it is linked to your biology so much so that you call it the smart body is it linked to Spirit yes it is linked to that which is your higher self and also to the biology of your higher self the pineal is it part of your heart and brain absolutely does it govern things no what it does is communicate and so the innate is the great communicator of your body it helps give you information and it also receives it the body itself has its own healing mechanism we've told you about the health template we've told you about the Genesis cells we've given you information that the body stands ready to take information in through the innate and then the innate communicates to the cells the cells are always listening and Consciousness is the overview of all of it now why I'm giving you this which is a review is because I would like to describe something that some of you are already doing but it's so beautiful it's an enhanced tool in this age dear ones I'm going to give you information of an enhanced tool that you can use with an eight some of you as I say will simply hear the definition of what you've already been doing and for some of you you need to hear this and so you have the human body with this wonderful esoteric body called innate some would ask it where is it and the answer is everywhere is it the merkaba of the body no but it is linked to it so that smart body which is the innate is part of the bridge you might say between the 3D and the multi-d it is that part of the body that communicates with all of the cells at once if needed it's the part of the body literally that can receive from you the profound Consciousness and transform it to spontaneous remission that is the innate it's that part of the body that you can muscle test it's the smart part it's the smart part that responds to the tapping it's the smart part that responds to that which is being interviewed by another human innate now I have a question for you and it is a question that may be esoteric but it has a very very easy answer the human being biologically may be out of balance perhaps that even creates a mental problem perhaps the human is in psychosis perhaps a human is so far out of balance that they've had to seek a Healer of some kind and there they lay on the table question is the innate also unbalanced the answer as you very well know is it's always balanced the innate is Connected To Source so it doesn't matter how out of balance the human being is innate is always pure always ready this is the reason dear ones affirmations work for even if you are seeking balance and don't have it in some part of your body or your psyche or your consciousness the secret to balance has always been the fact that you have something in you which is always balanced and that is listening and will bring you back into that place whether it's health or mental or consciousness or fear now you know that when you open the meditation that you do or you speak to God you're dealing with another part of you which is always balanced which is Connected To Source and the higher self and the pineal and ready to go this is the most beautiful engine of the human being that exists in you because it is always balanced and always ready there's two Bridges one is you to innate and the other one is innate to Spirit innate to Spirit is always controlled by the energy of the planet did you get that so if the planet is in a low state of energy there's a veil and as good as it wants to innate can only go through that Veil to the degree that you will allow it through the consciousness of the planet that is shifting so right away I am telling you that the innate is able to cross that bridge through the pineal and the higher self to talk to Spirit and get that which is what you deserve based upon the peace of God in you the veil as defined is lifting slightly it requires you however to cross the other Bridge and that's the one from you to innate that's the hardest one we've spoken of it before it requires that you cognize the system simpler words it requires you believe it and that is difficult because that has not necessarily been taught in this particular way how many times have you heard in order to get to God you've got to suffer a little you just broke the bridge how many times have you been told that you you better get on your knees because God is up there and you're down here and you're not worthy well if you believed it you just broke the bridge the bridge expects you to understand there is magnificence here to raise up out of your seat to be proud enough to say dear innate and then State Who You Are give the affirmations knowing that you're worthy because you have inside you God the energy of what you would say is the Christ itself is in you this is taught here it's written on the walls here and maybe that's why you're here this day to know that God dwells in you to such a degree that the bridges can be built so easily but that's not what I want to tell you the question if a human is out of balance is innate out of balance no innate is perfect innate is pure and so item number one you can heal yourself through innate but this is the question that has been on the minds of Healers for so long and the question is that if your innate is in Balance can you somehow transfer that to an unbalanced human being it's well known that it is difficult for any human to muscle test someone else with their muscles can you muscle test with urinate someone else the jury is still out because you're not really asking the right question let me tell you something that healers know there's some of you no matter what profession you say you're in who are sole communicators you'll step into the room before the patient opens their mouth you know what's wrong Medical intuitives can look at a human being and know what's wrong by the way they also can see what's right because they see a picture the picture is not in 3D or 2D or even 4D it is something that is perceived by their innate so suddenly I'm telling you something that you already know but I've just given you the process urinate can sense someone else's innate and give you information about it now that's called a gift but what if this gift we're starting to expand what if it was expanding to the degree that it starts to involve your intuition so that you could literally stand in front of somebody else and know what they're thinking or what their unbalance is or what to say to them to give them peace this is an expanded gift of healing but it goes beyond that what I'm telling you is this is that your innates are starting to overlap because you're allowing it through a higher consciousness and the timing of this shift is starting to give you an enhanced ability to do this I have just given you the secret of an enhanced evolved human being and why you will never go to war someday because you will be expanding this so that you'll feel the other people and so you will have the compassion to know what they're going through and what they're like foreign old way of wondering of trying and tricking or surrounding yourself and competing what if there comes a time when compassion is something the whole group feels for one another instantly just because you're together Ask A Healer in this room is it possible that you can sense what's wrong and what's right with the patient and they'll say yes they do it all the time now extend that make the field bigger if you don't think you've had the gift I will tell you it's sitting there waiting for you to cross the bridge you'll say well I'm not a Healer dear ones what I am saying to you is wouldn't it be nice to feel what the other person next to you is about so that you can give them the right information so you can give them the right emotions so you can create coherence together you're not muscle testing you're innate for someone else you're actually combining the fields of two and Eights so that you can sense what they sense but so that they can also sense the balance you have it helps the Healer to know where to go what to touch what to say it helps the medical intuitive to identify and help heal what if it stopped being an extraordinary gift and instead became common it's happening healers in the room are going to hear it are going to hear it in a way they've never done before they're going to have an enhanced feeling of their senses they'll be able to know things that that they haven't known before because the senses that they didn't think were involved suddenly are some will smell it this is an enhancement of of of a human being who start to evolve with everything you have but the best one that's coming is the combining of innate in such a way that there is understanding and communication and compassion between Souls do you think that would help you in the workplace [Laughter] oh yes do you think it would help you understand your boss [Laughter] not just understand but be compassionate in order to give that boss balance understanding productivity because of that do you think it might help you with your children oh I have something to tell you about your children they already have it that is why some adults don't want to be with certain young people at a certain age did you know that because those young people look right through you you know what they're thinking you're exposed they already know some of you have experienced this it's an uncomfortable feeling isn't it that's what I'm talking about but they're not looking at you in judgment they're looking at the compassion Factor do you think it could help you in relationships with your partner I know who's here listen do you think you have a partner you've distanced yourself so far from that there's no hope I know who's here listen I know who's here I want to tell you that that spark of compassion is still there it still is there to be able to combine that if you choose to with understanding and peace it's like reaching out and holding their hand for the first time because that's pure and that's possible it's new it's part of the evolution of humankind I have seen this before dear ones there have those who have had a question that really hasn't been asked crying were you with the Pleiadians when they went through this was there a cry on Channel for the Pleiadians yes yes and yes wasn't called kryon because they didn't speak your language difficult to pronounce because they had vocal cords that were different split into two making double sounds in speech at the same time but dear ones I was there and I watched what you are going through today back then did the planet that seated them go through it yes was there a cry on yes what I'm telling you is this this is beautiful there is precedent it's not new I have seen it all of you have free choice and the free choice just tempers whether you believe in the bridge whether you'll use the bridge or how quickly you'll understand the bridge but the bridge is there it's there to be crossed just like for all of those races of the other planets before you biology a little different humanoid yes but dear ones the innate was the same because it's connected to Spirit God is God and they had the same God that you have that's why their graduate planet was so so beautiful because it exemplified that love that you feel right now the seed that was put into you by the Pleiadians to give you 23 three-dimensional pairs of chromosomes and one multi-dimensional pair number 24 is that is the pleiadian and that is the same God that created this planet is in them is in you and the one that helped create this this beautiful ground and the village that you're in I've seen this before and all I'm telling you is this is the beginning for old souls of a new time question is it too new for you will you cross the bridge will you wait till you come back when it's easier or will you will you take the gauntlet that I've thrown down to you and said what is age do you have any idea how your body is designed if you had an idea it's not designed to age are you aware of that it rejuvenates itself that's not a body designed to age and the only thing that ages you is that DNA which is only working at about 33 to 34 percent that makes the replication of your cells less than it should be where the telomeres start to shorten instead of staying the same length that is changeable with the bridge you cross the bridge you start talking to an eight you give it instructions stop aging and you can watch it in the mirror you can watch your friends who don't have this information that you wish did and won't have it they will age much faster than you I Throw Down The Gauntlet and say do it and see if I'm right can you slow down the body clock yes hundreds of years your body is designed to last hundreds of years that's the plan when you start aging less as a civilization you'll have all kinds of medical journals beef front page what's happening to humanity why is it that you're living so much longer with so fewer drugs and that magazine cover is coming it takes a while your body is so ready for you for a Consciousness that is grown up it's time for the grown-ups to come out of there and talk to the bridge and say I know you let's get going I sit in a magnificent place designed for channelers designed for listeners in a chapel that was built for prayer for an age that the creators actually saw coming so it is greetings dear ones I'm crying of magnetic service each time there's a set of meetings like this there comes a final channeling final message it occurs to many of you that there would never be this exact group together in this way again oh there would be similar ones you may even come to see the channeling yet again at another time but this family is unique you might say it's a onesie it's a it's a group that is together with the consciousness that allies just for a little while two days three days sometimes four and then it moves on that is a very linear thought coming from a place where you design meetings in a linear fashion in a linear time a place is designated you arrive you leave all basic three-dimensional things I've said it before you carry with you the consciousness of the family as long as you live if you wish you place it in that area of your Consciousness that is timeless a place where you can you can remember memories when you were a child or or perhaps even things in the future that you might expect that's where it goes a Timeless place that says it's always real it always will be there's a place dear ones that's beautiful in your brain that allows these kinds of things and you know it you have flashbacks for ACT perhaps to beginning school days or friends that don't exist anymore or memories with loved ones that don't exist anymore and it's so very real and you can hear their voice and smell them and remember the times you had that are beautiful and in some ways it elicits not sadness but celebration and you're right back where it happened that place in your brain not a place at all it's a multi-dimensional Paradigm that allows more than memory it stores emotion let these moments of enjoyment of mature learning of fun endure in that place so that anytime you want to you rekindle the family and when you do it I want you to know something that the ones that you've come to see that channel in the meeting or with you again we are multi-dimensional dear ones all the ones that are pulled from that space on the other side of the veil are already in that state and we'll be right here with you when you do it that's a promise you can feel it you can sense it the human being makes things linear and literal and you walk into a place that is becoming multi-dimensional and non-literal non-linear is difficult for you and the most difficult thing is that which you are trying to create for yourself over and over the messages have been from kryon from adironda from the humans that teach around them that you are able to create a reality that you can envision this seems so far-fetched so many who would hear this that you would actually have energy and control over chance for there are those who would say that life would be only chance you run into a certain person something happens and we're telling you that that is not the way it works and the ones who would criticize this would use the logic and say it has to be chance otherwise if it were not yet there would have to be a plan where people were that you don't know having them meet you is as difficult as you as meeting them they have to be where you are by chance therefore the odds are spectacularly not in your favor that you would be able to create scenarios by yourself with your Consciousness that would put you places and that's why I want to correct the critic for no one said that you're going to create this by yourself and there is a plan this is where it gets complex to the linear mind and the ones who would be literal in looking at how things work as they perceive them I want to give you review instructions again of how this works and plug in to that some frustrations that you feel while you're being frustrated that things are not working out the way you envision them things are working around like a clock like the gears of not chance but of specificity in order to create a reality not just for you but for others who have also asked for the same thing and this may sound to you the very very confusing it doesn't have to be first let us give you one of the axioms that I've given you over and over and over you don't have to understand the minutia of it to participate in it you just don't and there would be those who would even argue with that and they say yes I do I cannot get from A to B without knowing the road map you're asking me to float around and just show up at B without knowing where A or B is and I'm saying to you you got it that's exactly right we have to trust the process the process again and again I bring it down to the level you would understand you leave the room later and most of you will get in an automobile and before you turn the ignition and start the engine what do you do let me guess you get out the manual for the internal combustion engine and you study every single aspect of the gear ratios and the fluid mechanics that are going to get you to where you're going and you say well that's ridiculous yes it is are you getting the point but your trust the process under the hood don't you to get you where you're going and you trust it and it does and it's as simple as that the experiences you've had with the automobile are designed so you never have to look under the hood they're designed so that it will get you from A to B and that is its design and what I'm telling you this is your design in order to go from A to B in these things which we are teaching about innate and these things which you're teaching about trust and that is not anything to do a chance dear ones nothing yesterday my partner showed you the experiments that prove without a doubt measured by satellites without a doubt that you can then change a reality with consciousness in one case it actually changed the strength of the magnetic grid with Consciousness in the other case it interrupted chance and that's what we'll get to that's what we teach that's a process and if you understood it and if you trusted then you start to understand I can design my life when I leave the room I will start expecting benevolent things but more than that let's talk about what you actually want to do I'm going to give you an example that involves all the frustrations that you have number one patience you don't have any because you think that when you make an order in a restaurant eventually sooner than later it will be fulfilled and in that same linear fashion you're conceiving that what you're asking for from Spirit has to go to some spiritual kitchen and be cooked and you're going to wait for it and it will arrive and that is simplicity let me tell you how it works there is an overview of every human on the planet and the consciousness of every human on the planet and what you often are asking for in life let's say it is to be a certain thing or to to accomplish certain things and to be something that you have always envisioned and that is it and in order for that you got to meet people things have to happen to you situations must change and we've told you before that what you can Envision you can have but it has to be in all appropriateness with everything around you now for that to happen you must understand that there are others that also have to interface with this same plan of yours but they exist and that's it what if your plan was an intuitive plan that you've always had because in that which is the field it's manifestable because there are others with the same plan wishing to meet you have you thought of that and if that's the case what do you think would be the complexity of having that other person in the right place at the right time where you arrive and you both seemingly believe its chance maybe there's a little time involved and during that time maybe you'll have other things to do instead of deciding it's not working let's talk about woe woe was a wall man today he's a man and in this little story he has taken this and cognized it and he said I am going to meet a man and together we are going to have an invention or a business that I've always wanted to be in it's going to help people I know it I had two psychics tell me that's where it could go I heard this I feel this I know this then I went to a meeting we're crying well he said it's possible with intent not only that crying gave another Parable early on kryon said it's like getting the ticket to the trains here's your ticket now there's no schedule on it of when the train is coming but you got a ticket to ride and so there's no question you're going to go and you're going to happen it's going to happen in this lifetime and that is is the linear part and that's all you know so you take the ticket and you show up at the place where the train tracks are and there's the little Depot that's where you wait and wait I'll wait some more and you start tapping your toe and then you start doubting whether really it's going to happen at all that's when you reach in your pocket and examine the ticket say yeah the ticket says I'm going on the train and the train is going to take me to this this this this thing I want and and all then you start looking at the at the ticket again and you realize well it doesn't say anything about a train really not really but that's the metaphor here Chuck Ryan talked about going and having the train arrive and I don't see you know I haven't seen any trains arrive and that bothers me so the first thing I'm going to tell you and the advice I'm going to give you if this is you and this suits you I want you to forget it I want you to forget the goal because if you concentrate on the goal that you created it's going to stop it because the goal of what's going to happen may actually be far beyond or different than what you think you are headed for would it be all right if it was better than you created hello yes Aaron I know again would it be all right if it's better than your vision yes all right so here's the point if you're holding on to that vision and that's all you see you're blocking it do you see that so here is woe at the station looking in both directions for the train and he looks to the left and he looks to the right and he does it for months and he's just sitting there sure he gets his meals sure he has a little Depot he gets to go to the bathroom all of these things but he's sitting here waiting for the train wait wait wait wait wait wait pretty soon he gets really disgusted almost ready to tear up his ticket and finally he does crying's wrong this is not working dear angels [Music] tears up the ticket puts it on the ground walks into the depot has to go to the bathroom and runs right into the dude he was supposed to beat in the bathroom dude is a language from my partner do you see what just happened the man he met was exactly what he had hoped for and more there was far more and the man he met was on the other side with other tracks he had torn up his ticket and he was going to the bathroom and that's where they met and this all to tell you that you cannot then count on what you expect as a goal and keep it there and lift it up and draw in your mind over and over and think that that's what spirit's going to deliver to you what you have to do is release it and say this or something better I'm all right to go to a different direction maybe not even the train station I've got a ticket maybe it's not even for a train maybe it's just for a ticket for synchronicity maybe it's a ticket to meet somebody in the bathroom and you don't know you just don't know and that's the point you didn't have to do the minutia of the engine in the car you don't have to do the minutia here what you have to do is live your life with expectation with compassion the expectation is in benevolence and solution and that you will always be guided to be in the right place at the right time so when that person comes no matter where they come to accidentally you'll meet them and you'll recognize it it may even be in a meeting like this where you'll meet them maybe it's not the person but maybe it's a person who knows the person who will then take you there in some way maybe it's two people removed but it'll happen and there are stories within stories even in this group and those listening to this channel it will say that's what happened to me I wasn't expecting it and that's what happened to me I couldn't believe it and if it hadn't been for being in this place I I never really thought I'd even be it never would have happened and then you say well what made you go to that place and they'll say I'll know and that's just a way of saying intuition that you don't understand yet it's not linear but it felt right and you went that's the answer let these kinds of new paradigms guide your life in a way that your parents never taught you be in places because you feel you should be instead of that that is the thing that somebody told you to do feel that which is the reality of the next step or going left or going right with all integrity and responsibility to be in the right place at the right time I think so many times of those who said all I was I was pulled out of my city and I I knew I had to start this Healing Center and I I used all my credit cards and I went someplace else and I tried this and that and it all failed and I had to come back and live with Mom mom had a friend and that's where I met my life's partner I had to come back and they wanted to start a Healing Center and that's how it works you think you know you think you got it figured out sometimes you act way too soon not understanding that when you get instructions from that other side of the veil and you think things happened to you that to give you Vision that it doesn't mean necessarily immediately or right now it means this is what you're waiting for now have the patience to be in the right place at the right time and follow the guidance of your intuition not of your logic not of the way you think it works and in the process Beloved the whole time instead of frustration peace knowing that what it is that you desire indeed will be yours it's not a trick it's a plan and it's Consciousness that is so powerful in the human that creates this not from some Angelic Source not from the Creative Source it's you working with the plan that was built and designed so that humans can work with one another find one another love one another and be peaceful in the process that's the message it always will be so dear human beings of a family group that is unique tonight I want you to recreate this family anytime you want I'll be there adironda will be there and you'll hear the wisdom yet again in a different way coming from the other side of the veil for you because that's the design and because you're magnificent that's the design think of these things and leave differently than you came and so it is hi everybody thanks for watching this I wanted to tell you this is a little time sensitive greetings dear ones I am kryon of magnetic service the thrust of the teaching today I gave to my partner so that you could ask the question is it possible that this new energy the new Consciousness that all of the things we've been talking about would also involve that which was the whole planet the energy of the Earth the physics that you know the esoterics that you believe the angelics that you depend on and the answer is yes everything and everyone is involved in this which is the greatest shift that Humanity has ever started and I emphasize yet again started but that is where you are in the scheme of things dear ones Consciousness is not something that shifts instantly it will happen in different forms in different ways in different cultures and it takes different times as you sit there or as you listen to this for your culture you may already be experiencing this very thing and in others they may not experience it per generation one becomes a catalyst for the other and typically there will be those on the planet who will receive things to help others the shift is real there are still those listening who Wonder I'd like to tell you about it I'm going to label this particular message surprises in the new energy we're going to start by saying there are those who inexplicably have just awakened those who would listen to these channels which have been posted since 2005 and find them new for the first time without a book stumble upon this message and be listening now so I'll say to you dear one welcome it's not an accident that your ears hear this a message for you why would you suddenly be interested in these things now it's almost like there is an acceleration program for some people ones who would never ever be listening to something like this are now doing so willingly without anyone around is there something here and there is dear one if you're one of those who is just Awakening now in so many ways we tell you that this is what the energy creates it literally affects that which is your Akash you start to awaken into purpose that you never thought you had before things start occurring to you beautiful things is there more is there a lot more is there a system that I have missed what is being said about it who is talking and then there is that Integrity that starts to tell you what you're hearing is right or wrong is the messenger trying to sell you something is the messenger trying to get you to do something this messenger of crying he's trying to tell you that you are loved beyond what you think you are from A Creative Source that you have called God the Earth knows about this Source the singular God the Oneness of God but they don't know that there is a beauty of benevolence that exists that knows your name that's the message and that something Grand has happened on the planet something that was predicted by the ancients not by the currents not by your scripture but by the Ancients that is what is taking place things that you will find in the ancient calendars and the writings on the walls in the lips of the elders who remember what they were taught a time of great decision a time of great light and dark a Time of no fence sitting a time of Truth a time of awareness and Awakening and every single human will have a choice to accept it to see it or to simply walk the way they've been walking but the ones who will see it first the ones who will listen to this message and wonder why they are the ones that have been on this planet for eons that is the old soul your soul is journeying through life the soul is eternal it never dies he comes and goes and comes and goes in different kinds of situations cultures bodies genders and learns things as it goes this is the time you planned for old soul whether you know it or not there may be mystery right now to you what is this what is really being said and so for you we say take it slowly listen carefully and perceive truth but the Ancients knew that human consciousness would someday awaken to a higher much higher ethics the beginning would be with those who were old souls who had been on the planet the longest and would have the equipment that is the experience to see what it was it's a fast track of learning helped Along by the things that we have channeled are happening that the Earth itself and all that is upon it knows who you are and what is going on and that there are processes at work that will make this an Awakening far far easier because the processes are one that will void the dark make it uncomfortable for those who only want the darkness in their lives and will eventually wipe away that which you even would consider to be evil this is where you are the beginning is where you are the second kind of person is the one I want to address now who is the old soul who knows this who has been listening for years who expected it and now is having trouble with it trouble in the New Age we could say and the reasons have been covered over and over but I want to give some advice a few pointers you may not have heard before a review and then some new things first I want to take a moment 28 years ago the ball was rolling toward this I came in in 1989 the political changes on the planet were vast it was starting then to change the future my partner was not necessarily receptive and it took years to the place where he could write it was even understandable at that point in time you might say well crying did you think you would ever be talking about the shift would it take place I had seen this before I knew there would be those who would not accept it but I want to tell you how I feel there is a motion on the other side of the veil it is compassion it is love it is celebration it's pure it is absolutely pure there are those who have sat in the Ecstasy of God for eons they've talked about it you see them they're painted their eyes are cast upwards and they have God inside there's light around them that's how I feel to sit here have you and have you been past that marker and on your way to something Grand knowing in advance that there will be doubt in the future for because you will see two steps forward and one back and yet there's no stopping the ball from Rolling toward an accelerated graduate Earth of high consciousness at a pace that will be at your own decision at your own level but it will go faster dear ones dear old soul if you'll listen to me now some of you have been in this you call metaphysics most of your life that's who I want to address the one who was just Awakening who was not in this won't have the issues you have none of them everything will be new they will have decisions to make they will not have to unlearn anything that they learned and you will and the hardest thing is the bias that you carry over it tells you you know how to connect to God we have talked about this before we've given you metaphors before but we really haven't discussed it in this terminology what are you going to do when you lose it healer are you listening reader are you listening the connection is that which you felt in the past you know you're connected you can feel it again I go with the paintings the shaft of light comes down in your eyes are cast up it's like you're looking into the eyes of an Angel you feel it your whole cellular structure radiates and vibrates I'm connected and that's when the epiphanies come and the Beautiful dreams the writings the prophecies the joy and Along Comes 2012. and you sit there with your eyes cast up and there's no light and there's no thing no thing that would ever give you an indication you were connected at all nothing and we've discussed this before and you say it's been shut off and it hasn't been it simply moved but the bias you carry is that this is what I've always done it's coming back things will settle to coming back no it isn't dear ones it moved on it moved to a higher frequency it moved to a higher level it moved to a higher light source it moved a little bit over there not too far it's just over there and yet the bias of the human being says God is the same today yesterday forever therefore God is going to be the same and the truth is this you're right but again we say it's human beings that change the relationship to God therefore move over because you are expected to vibrate higher to feel that which says you can get into the light the old place you sat is that which is now old it's not commensurate with your magnificence get up move over get in the light the frequency you might say you might describe of the connection has moved you might say it's higher I say it's different you've had what I would call a very identifiable three-dimensional frequency you tune into and feel the Ecstasy of God suddenly there's layers suddenly there's multi-dimensionality Suddenly It's in color instead of just one yellow the light now resonates so differently and you're still sitting in that same place literally in the dark because you don't want to move there are those who say all right all right cry and understand how do I do it let me ask you this how did you do the first one did you jump through hoops did you climb ladders or steps did you have to have lessons and the answer is no you just sat there and you went into a space that said dear Spirit I'm here let's talk you gave the invitation and over a period of time this is what took place then the connection got more often if you're a meditator you know you get into a certain space literally where you float everything is there it clicks into place let me ask you what'd you have to do to get there the answer is just expected that's the answer number one we'll say it again understand it moved understand that you did nothing wrong and that this new energy is uncomfortable for some of you because you're just not getting that you're still sitting in a place expecting the same thing to happen it got bigger so did you you're just not matched up yet so how do you do it you do the same thing you always did first of all change your position don't even consider that it's still where you were go to another place perhaps even change the chair do anything you can that tells your innate I'm getting ready for something different then when you sit there you can do the same thing you did before dear spirit I am here in my magnificence I've got inside I'm ready for the connection and over time dear ones he'll come to you it's almost like you're matching light sources but as long as you expect your light to be somewhere else is not going to happen that's the first step second step if you want to call it even a step at all is don't decide in advance what it's going to feel like you think you know don't you I've connected for 50 years you might say or 30 or 20 or 10. with spirit I'm a Healer I know what it feels like to be connected no you don't you know what it feels like to be marginally connected you have no idea about being connected and that is the offer don't decide in advance what you're looking for instead you stand in this purified light that you can't see and you haven't really experienced yet and you say dear Spirit I'm here match my light to yours and then don't expect something that you had before it's not going to overwhelm you with emotion dear ones maybe the first one did now it's gonna overwhelm you with truth and wisdom and appropriateness like a key in a lock there you are and you're going to say this is good you'll feel it in your heart not in an overwhelming emotional way but in a way that says I am connected hard to describe the difference between euphoria and being connected one is an emotion it's actually pretty much one way but the key in the lock the real connectivity is a two-way street you are being given answers you're being given wisdom all of these things I want to talk to some of you I know who's listening to this this is not for this audience necessarily I know who's listening I want to talk to the senior who's given up now you know I've identified you don't you it's too much trouble you'll say I'm a creature of old habits I've been doing this a certain way for so long I'm not really sure that I can change and even as you say that and your body hears that there is an enormous Entourage dressed in formal attire waiting for the party for you to find the energy it's just a step away you have so much help if you simply acknowledge I'm going to continue and it's going to be better than it ever was there are those of you who have stepped away and told your psyche and your innate that you are frightened and worried because you can't find it again did you know this is an invitation for disease in your body because if you're not going to stand in the light dear ones why even exist you might even Shine Your Life Away you spent so much time invested in the light you can't just cross this bridge and give up that's an invitation for an unbalance you know better you know better we're all there dressed in formal formal attire we're waiting for the light to be turned on for you to arrive and reconnect in a way it never have before and keep it going that's for The Elder who gives up being uncomfortable in this new energy is so common for old souls because now you've got to drop the baggage that's the other one what is it that you've carried around that you think you need the protection the clearing whatever it is we've told you before this is new you can't you can't carry around your your lamp oil when you have electricity and some of you are it's dangerous catches on fire do you get it it's dangerous to carry the old baggage into the new energy because you'll always use it as a crutch or expect it's going to do this or that when it does nothing your light in this new energy is so immense you don't need electricity or lamp oil all you need is you as an understanding finally you're connected in a way in a way you've had dreams about haven't you had the dreams where you're connected haven't you had them stand where you have shafts of light coming through you now you know I'm talking to you don't you I know who's here shafts of light and you wake up from the dream you say wouldn't that be nice it is nice welcome to the new energy because that's you that was a foreteller of you in this energy the light is esoteric you can't measure it not really not yet but the ones who can feel it are the ones that would oppose you because no longer is there opposition not to that kind of light they'll run from you you've got wisdom power the power of Truth and knowledge knowledge that will create a civilization eventually that will never war with itself this is who you are if you get connected your health will start to correct itself balance is what happens when connectivity takes place I want to tell you something everyone here needs to hear that if you get connected the innate in your body will start to clean up that which is biological it's about that which cleans the body with compassion understanding and Truth when your stress levels disappear so they can't be measured anymore where disease flows away from you instead of into you when you can safely walk in Dark Places and not be afraid because you carry your own light when the fear of that which would unbalance you goes away because you know it's not yours anymore it doesn't belong to you anymore there are those in the room who've actually accepted disease to the point where you say I have this have you ever thought about what your body hears when you say I have this and you name something you've just owned it acknowledged it and your body heard you that is dangerous old soul watch what you say I have magnificence I have light I'm working the puzzle to eliminate this I am in the process of clearing this never say I have this and then name a disease or an issue or a problem because your innate is so aware right now of your commands to it it's almost like it's listening to every single word you say to everyone it's time for you to claim that magnificence it's going to help you to connect believe me you're beginning to turn on your light it's the beginning it's why I'm here the transition is tough only because the bias is caused from eons of being a certain way and now it is not that's the message today oh there's more much more the oil the catalyst the thing that greases the wheels of all of this is a word you don't want to hear patience all of you are impatient every single one because at some level you can feel it coming the train is arriving you got the ticket you've been waiting years you can hear it but it's not here yet so now you ring your hands and say come on come on come on come on come on come on I want you to be patient because it's a guarantee you're going to get on the train and in the process of the patience more stress will disappear it's all related dear once to you passing into an energy you've never seen before never felt before never been in before I'm crying in love with Humanity for these very reasons being a light worker is work and so it is hi everybody thanks for watching this I wanted to tell you this is a little time sensitive greetings dear ones I'm crying of magnetic service for those listening or in Perth Australia beautiful area with a glistening ocean clear lovely where you can look out upon Gaia itself and pause in the Wonder the spectacular sights and Views that are here dear ones there is so many there are so many human beings who are asking the same questions this is a time of changing energy and as the Energy starts to shift reality itself is being questioned humans who have lived a certain way all of their lives are starting to look at themselves and saying what do I feel that is different we have spoken so many times about the shift about the new Consciousness which is coming and who it is who will make the difference on this planet and the who it is are the ones who are listening to the words right now there is a shift coming that is unexpected not frightening just unexpected and we've never really talked about it in this way before so I'll just tell you it is one thing called dimensional shift and for you to understand any of this I have to start at the beginning I'm going to discuss dimensions and you would say well that's not very spiritual really we'll see if you were a single dimensional person in one you'd be on a piece of paper and you'd go in One Direction that would be your perception period couldn't do anything else if you add two Dimensions to it suddenly you can go another Direction on that flat piece of paper that's your perception and if somebody told you about a concept of up or down you laugh at them because that's not in the purview of your Consciousness it's not anything that people do if you're in three dimensions suddenly you're on a globe instead of a piece of paper and you have up and down back and forth now you're far more free you look backwards into the one and the two and you say well that was silly and stupid to think I could only go in One Direction and a piece of paper now I know better now I'm in three if you add the fourth it's a little more esoteric a little more brainy it's about time so the fourth dimension was one that lets you then start measuring things and and know about the time it takes to do things you have a concept of time and there you are and there is where you have been and that's where and I'll say it you've been stuck now you'll say wait a minute we were born into four this is what humans do this is what what is normal for Humanity we're in four dimensions there are those who say well what's in the higher dimensions you see you cannot go there with your mind intellectual you can't go there you think you can but no no more than the one on the piece of paper could go into the globe can you go into five six seven eight because you just don't even know what they are you have no idea how many dimensions is God in you might ask God Spirit Creative Source whatever name you wish for that where you came from God is in all dimensions all right follow my logic because I have something to tell you scientists and it hasn't been lately have known now for over two decades to certain things around you are multi-dimensional Way Beyond four and they're head scratchers they don't understand them but they started to discover as they looked at atomic structure that lo and behold many many dimensions were in every single atom the atoms and the chair that you sit in the atoms in the body that you reside in all atomic structure therefore was multi-dimensional scientists could identify 11 or 12. but that told them there were probably an infinite number of dimensional possibilities in every single atom on the planet what are you made of and the answer is multi-dimensional atoms where is God God is in every single dimension in all of them where are you number four how can that be what is it then that would determine dimensional awareness and what does it mean to be in a higher dimension it's so interesting you have to you have to honor the concept of linearity humans are linear multi-dimensional things are not the only way that I can show this to you is to give you something very simple how long is a piece of string you will say well let me get out my measuring stick and you will measure it and you'll tell me how long does someone live you will have the clock and you will measure that the concept of linearity is that every single thing including life must have a beginning and an end that is linearity and if you sit there and say well isn't that reality I will tell you no it is not that is your reality in four dimensions everything has to have a beginning and an end so you start asking questions about yourself your soul isn't it interesting that this planet as an agreement of one God that all humans will have a soul whatever that means and that the soul would continue even after the human dies so there is the acknowledgment that a soul is apart from the four dimensions and seemingly goes and goes and goes and yet no one is questioning what happened before you got here how long is your soul how old is your soul in a linear fashion there has to be a beginning and an end what about that piece of strength let's say we take that piece of string and we tie it together now it's a loop how long is the string the answer is you cannot measure it now because it's in a loop so that's mean it's unmeasurable no so how long is the loop and the answer is infinitely long it's forever now when you start to apply that to other things perhaps that are living including that which your soul it starts to then twist your mind just a little and you say how does that really work and the answer is it works well your soul is forever that which is in your body is part of that multi-dimensional atomic structure that it always was and always will be and yet that's not how you see it because that's just a little too strange is your soul inside your body or is it outside and how big is it all linear questions that cannot be answered in a linear way here's another example you may like or not let's say you have a wristband of some kind and let's say that wristband can be removed a pair of scissors will remove it let's say there's an ant crawling on the band the ant is crawling on the outside then maybe the ant will crawl on the inside and so when you say where are you ant it'll say on the outside or on the inside you realize the ant really can't be on the inside and the outside at the same time now could it take that band and cut it with scissors take it and twist it one half and tape it back together and now when the ant crawls on that it's called a Mobius strip and the Ant is on the outside and the inside all at the same time dear ones that is simply a simple Simple Simon Way of telling you that multi-dimensionality is something that you have a very difficulty understanding crying why are you telling this I will tell you the next step what is it that determines the dimension you're in did you ever ask that if you walk around with full dimensionality in your atomic structure what is it the kitchen for let me take you somewhere beautiful in this Society one of the Major Prophets You would have you call the master of love the master of Love walked this planet two thousand years ago and he was different this human being was multi-dimensional wherever he walked he would he would encounter those perhaps who were sick and when he touched them they weren't sick anymore it's been told that the grass grew under his feet as he walked and animals followed him there's report after report that he had a control over physics that he could make things out of nothing and change things from one to another in all of this beauty a four-dimensional human being had one reaction fear the damn it was magic and you know what happened eventually you might be interested in the in the healing part we have not really discussed this much but you should hear this are other things that are alive on the planet also having specific dimensionality yes funny you should ask would a virus have a dimensional perception after all it's alive and the answer is yes it's a 3D entity it doesn't even know about time in that way it's stupid it will infect a host and live on the host not understanding that in time it will kill itself Along Comes a multi-dimensional human being infusing a higher dimensional perception onto a diseased person and the disease cannot exist in a higher dimension and the disease dies there are so many human beings who have for a moment slipped out of their four-dimensional pattern either in Euphoria or in fear they have gone past that four dimension and for a few moments their whole body rang with a multi-dimensional which is timeless and the disease in them shattered because it could not stay in a high dimensional Place dear ones there'll come a time when Humanity moves past four dimensions and there will be no disease because it's a three-dimensional entity what was it that determined for or Beyond and the answer is consciousness Consciousness is the motivator the ruler the changer of dimensionality in humans I have told you repeatedly that if you start to become a compassionate human being if you start to understand the profundity of the love of God that it starts to move you dimensionally it moves you dear wants past four into that place that you can't count anymore you get off of that Peg and you feel it and you know it I've changed and I don't know why and we told you what the results would be you wouldn't age as much isn't it interesting that dimensional perception will take you off the clock what scientist was it who told you that your fourth dimension being time is variable it was Einstein what would happen if you move into a dimensionality where there is no time or the time is different your body then won't age what human being do you know that was written about that you all have a name Abraham this man he was talking to God he was talking also to multiple Angels he was getting instructions and he lived for 900 years there are those who say well that has to be a typo in the Bible it isn't he lived 900 years because this man had to be multi-dimensional to do what he did to be who he was at the beginning dear ones it was different so I want you to understand what is it that changes Dimensions within you and it's your consciousness the master of love multi-dimensional high high Consciousness even controlled physics that's what multiple that's what compassion does that's what happens when you have compassion that you can't even measure that's what happens when you have an individual who's so compassionate they can feel every human being around them all the time in a very good and positive way and not a way that would disable them in a way where they can think about good things and it would be broadcast to others who would receive the good things that's the master of love that's a multi-dimensional human being I'll tell you something I've never said before right now on this planet there are people who can make things out of nothing with their hands with high consciousness in very special places right now on this planet there are those who can sit in midair you call it levitation and you laugh they're doing it why is that possible what are they doing how could it be and I will tell you it is the perception of the consciousness that you're in it is the change of human nature into a very beautiful beautiful Paradigm that you are barely starting to touch called infinite love an infinite compassion it's going to slow down your aging it's going to make you a person it wakes up compassionate and doesn't worry about time understanding that there's something bigger than you ever thought your soul you become closer to your soul the higher you get in your in your perception of dimension and in that dear ones the higher you get and closer to your very Soul the longer you live the less the disease will attach itself the more people who will look at you and say I don't know what you have but I want it they will see balance and they will see love they will see caring this is the new human be aware that dimensionality you're moving into other dimensions and I will not call it five or six because dimensionality becomes unlinear when you pass for and you'll stop asking the questions how long is a string you'll stop asking the questions how big is something how big is God if you're part of God how big are you you want to know how big your soul is it's as big as God is did you know there are others in other universes who know you and that would stagger your mind to know how big you are not how big your body is dear ones but how big that Consciousness is that's eternal it's in every one of you you are magnificent I have been coming to this planet now for 30 years and my message every time I arrive don't believe anybody who tells you you're less than magnificent don't believe anybody who tells you you're dirty because that's not how God sees you that's how humans see you know these things I'm going to continue this discussion tonight and so it is hi everybody thanks for watching this I wanted to tell you this is a little time sensitive greetings dear ones I'm kryon a magnetic service it may sound cryptic but as it is above so it is below and the fractals of time are the same no matter what the time is and the patterns of the large are the patterns of the small and in that there is a secret and the biggest secret of all when it comes to these kinds of statements is what is being discovered within human consciousness for human consciousness is a player in the physics of everything it cannot be discounted it must be in the laws of physics and it will be for it is the catalyst that often can change that which we say is the relationship between the parts all cryptic right now for you I want to give you some history and the history is of astronomy and physics in order to point out something that is extremely real that can come right home to your own body it's fascinating for some it's science it's real an astronomer a female astronomer named Vera Rubin made a discovery many years ago and she looked at the Andromeda Galaxy very similar to your own and studied it for years slowly and something occurred a discovery amazing she discovered that all of the stars went around the center of that Galaxy at the same identical speed now that is not what happens in your solar system in fact it flies in the face of Newtonian science or Kepler all of the things that you base the motion of matter on was wrong and when she discovered it she handed it over to the community and they studied it to confirm and validate she was right now here's where it gets fun for in physics and astronomy what you've had for decades and decades are rules of physics that you watched happen over and over you use them to fly to the Stars to the to the asteroids to the Moon all of the mathematics that you used based on Newton based on Kepler and then you look at another galaxy and realize it's just like yours something you could not measure because you're within it she saw in a far away Galaxy not too far very close actually to you and so what they did with this information is to say they have discovered a peace and a part of Newtonian science they never knew look at what they've done they've taken what they know and have altered it to fit the rules of what they see and that became the invention of dark matter there had to be something that they didn't see which was altering what they know to be which is Newtonian and Kepler science the invention of Dark Matter therefore became something an invention because they didn't know what they didn't know Vera in the last 10 years of her life started to object here she was the one who exposed this wonderful idea of dark matter and yet she started to object he separated herself from the males and she started to Proclaim what she believes she discovered was new physics something that had never been seen before so don't alter what you know go to what you don't know take a look at something that never was revealed before a relationship between the parts of the center of a galaxy doing something that would literally entangle all the stars together so they'd rotate like a plate all the same speed relatively to this day no one has listened to that but she knew before she passed over that she had discovered something that nobody knew about yet something new that was the relationship between the parts of a galaxy As Above So Below for that relationship dear ones goes right to atomic structure physics is physics big physics and little physics Echo one another they're fractals of themselves and you don't get something completely and totally different simply because it's large and in between this huge and small in between the rules of the fractals is the human being and in the human being I will say yet again the secret to everything you want and what I mean by want that would be longer Life Health peace balance Joy benevolence all of these things the secret is the relationship between the parts and now you have to start looking at one of the parts you never thought was a part define consciousness what is it [Music] I will give you a non-technical definition of consciousness the consciousness of a human being is what comes out of your mouth high or low it's in the expectations of everyday verbiage and language everyday thoughts whether you expect the worst whether you complain whether you're not happy with things or you're never happy with things or whether you look at the world differently and you see that which is benevolent because you can have peace in understanding a bigger picture when somebody stands in front of you and calls you names there may be obscenities you look at them and you say I see the god in you I'm sorry you're having a bad day and that's the truth that is the truth that is a basic beautiful sacred truth they have the same peace of God you do and by choice they have chosen a Consciousness which is difficult difficult for you to see and for them to be in and when you look at it the relationship of the parts between your soul and their soul can intertwine for a moment and in a way they can feel that which you send to them which is love understanding benevolence in the process of them gesticulating and calling in Ames and that my dear friends is spiritual maturity and balance and understanding that's what you strive for the relationship between the parts is the secret for a long life and the parts are between Consciousness and the Soul it is the extension of the channel last night but it's more than that this coherence that you talk about is very real it's a Harmony that is beyond that which is on paper or on the screen or numbers it's a Harmony that is felt and owned you own it and it's not just for a moment mothers you've all felt it definition of pure coherence mom looking into that infant's eyes at Birth comes out of you opens its eyes given to you and you look upon the face of lineage of you and for a moment there is a hundred percent coherence between you and your child the soul that has just come out of you is it possible to duplicate that dear ones that is exactly what we want you to duplicate could you develop perhaps an exercise I don't want you to try to look in the mirror and open your eyes and do this that don't work that doesn't work it's too linear way too linear instead perhaps you could look inside yourself and see the child that was there for all of you are there and in that moment I want you to see your soul which is old and has Infinite Wisdom as part of the Creative Source looking at you for the first time in that human body feel the coherence between being fresh new Young just here and the Soul which is old that is also you and the relationship for the parts for that moment is beautiful compassionate coherent joyful laughing welcome back here we are again let's go do it and if you can imagine such a thing from the depths of that which is your compassion desire and wisdom for balance you will invoke the inner child Within and you'll start a coherence with yourself you'll be able to love yourself clearly because all you'll see is that new and fresh you the soul does not age only the body ages the soul does not and so the freshness that was there is still there regardless of what is what has happened in your life regardless it doesn't matter you can go to that place of freshness and newness and compassion and love and rekindle it this is how a human being begins to love themselves there has to be a recalibration of some sort Beyond just that of wanting it or talking about it or verbalizing it you got to own it and it's there as a resource to be owned imagine if you could rewind the clock just for a moment to that moment of birth not when you looked into the eyes of your mother but when you looked into the eyes of your own soul an ancient Wise Wise old soul and for an instant you looked at one another and there was full total coherence Joy compassion benevolence you recognized each other here you are again in a new biological body ready to start anew and there is that which would recognize one with the other and the relationship between the parts is perfect what's different now age things that have happened what's different now are you starting to react perhaps to that which is around you it's it made you angry are you frustrated do you have anxiety over what you cannot control do you realize that all of those things are your choice that's the consciousness of free choice and in that free choice you have that which is possible to do whatever you want with it totally in control and in that you can change what comes out of your mouth you can change that what you think you can start to exercise the muscle of compassion and benevolence and when you do dear ones it starts to create a coherence with that which is your soul some Say It's Your Heart that ancient part of you which knows all and that's then what creates the peace that's then what slows the chemistry of Aging that's what keeps the diseases from attaching themselves to you it goes way beyond that which is your brain consciousness is not necessarily something that is generated from the brain alone it comes from that which is the relationship between the parts of the human being that which you think that What You've Been Told that which is in the synapse and that which is in your heart how do things work how have you been told they work do they have to be forced do they work with complaining and the answer is no and you know better and you know that and yet the habits are there are they not back to the message of last night but beyond it Way Beyond it if the secrets of physics all physics is the relationship to the parts one with another then the secrets to all that you wish in a DNA that can be mastery is the relationship to the parts what you think and who you are the ancient part of you which is the soul the current part of you which is the consciousness of the human Who You Are the closer together they become the more you train that which is in the paneer and the heart and the Brain to be closer to the ancient benevolence of the soul the closer they get the more perfect the coherence becomes and in that coherence is Magic that's what allows you to live hundreds of years there'll come a day when coherence or something they call coherence is taught from birth and in that there is the cognization the belief the understanding that consciousness is a player on the field of physics the secret to humanity it will not war is coherent the secret to humanity without disease is coherence coherence between the parts of the human being a balance between that which is emotional intellectual a balance between that which is very esoteric call to Soul and very linear called the brain and when that balance is achieved dear ones that's when you start feeling you belong here that all is well here and that when those issues occur as they always will in duality you have perfect solution you understand them you know them you can smile this or something better I'll get through this I always do not all Humanity will be alike there will always be those coming in learning there will always be those above who have greater experience than you there will always be issues to solve between you and that's the point because solution will be far easier with coherence As Above So Below as the large is the small you take the issue of humanity and billions of Souls working together a relationship between the parts that has more coherence creates peace on Earth relationship between the parts creates trade which makes sense politics which changes and wants to improve benevolence being the goal and the issue compassion being something that is understood as the gold between relationships and family it's coming you live in a black and white Earth a black and white reality and color is coming I said it before it's not just in Israel it's in the relationship between the parts of you and you do you know how much you're loved by you would you like the greatest lover on the planet it's your soul and your consciousness and that creates such comfort that you can go from place to place smiling with how good you feel and how happy you are with life regardless of the spinning around you regardless of the drama around you regardless of low consciousness all over the media because you know better because you know a truth that has hidden for years the relationship between the parts is the answer to peace on Earth and peace within you as above solo it may be cryptic to you now but just wait there will be a scientist someday a new Tesla perhaps a nuke Einstein perhaps that looks for the relationship between the parts of everything the formulas will snap into place and Consciousness will be the catalyst it's coming it has to that's the track that you're on there are still those who cannot see the track they look Beyond in the future and they say it's not happening you won't be here it's going to fail no human's going to make it and that's only because the reader goes out and doesn't see what's here they see something new and they don't recognize it they say there's no Humanity in 50 years you won't make it not understanding that's right there won't be the kind of humanity that's here today it will have graduated to a new level even within two generations three four you won't recognize it the reader goes out and sees nothing they recognize because it's better than I was they've never seen it before it doesn't compute they don't see what they expect and so they come back and they say well you didn't make it oh yes you did you made it in such a way that they don't recognize a world of peace they don't recognize a world that's starting to have confluence of quality they don't recognize the things because they're not here yet I say it again go back 50 years and ask the question how is your Wi-Fi and they'll say we don't know what you mean and they say well okay well Wi-Fi is generated from that which is your internet how is your internet and they'll say we don't know what you mean they'll say oh well that's because how was your how is your computer how fast is it they'll say we don't know what you mean that's three layers removed from their reality and you're asking them about a Wi-Fi and they have no idea what a computer is do you understand in 50 years you won't recognize it it's not just a technology of machines it is the high technology of Consciousness that is on its way to changing this planet so those right now who go out and take a look at it can't even see it because they don't know what a Wi-Fi is three steps removed from what's coming I hope this isn't too cryptic for you to understand no one can see it if they've never had it if it's never been experienced you don't know what Humanity looks like working at 44 you just don't you don't know what benevolence looks like if you've never had it can you imagine a planet that works together can you imagine a political system that isn't angry with each other no how's your Wi-Fi it's coming in ways you don't expect it's coming in channeled systems that you've never seen coming in inventions that will change everything you do that's what's in the future unseeable by so many who are so proud of being able to go and see what they see I give you this news so you'll have an understanding of perhaps what you'll hear even through channeling let the purity of this message not be lost you have free will to accelerate it or slow it down that is free will there may be some obstacles you have to get through Humanity but you will get through them because the ball is rolling the snowball is rolling down the hill and there's no trees in sight for it to hit how fast it goes depends on the physics of gravity which you can control [Music] with consciousness that's a metaphor that's all I'll say now the relationship between the parts of you is the secret to peace within you the peace within Humanity and an accelerated graduating Earth Let It Be and so it is hi everybody thanks for watching this I wanted to tell you this is a little time sensitive greetings dear ones I am kryon of magnetic service this is the end of a workshop day I've said many times these are different channels many times the messages are just for those who attend and yet the instructions for my partner are to publish all channels to make sure they can be heard and felt so there are listeners that of course are not attendees some of what I'm going to say to you dear ones sitting in the chairs in front of me is it's going to be appropriate also for those listening but this is mainly for this group there's a truth here a beautiful one that's hard to to imagine to cognize that God is real that the Creative Source of the universe immense as it is part of you that's the plan that's how you're wired this is also part of the creation story The Angelic presence if you want to call it that has given you the the seed biology the creative story is that you were given on purpose the knowledge of light and dark and with free choice you can choose a divine or not it is a beautiful story that encompasses a plan and the plan has you discovering Who You Are God is real and available and in this new energy more than available perhaps even standing and waiting what makes this so unbelievable to most of those who are humans anywhere on this planet is that it's almost an oxymoron you believe that you are so small How could a god care the one who who set the stars in motion How could a god care and yet that which is your consciousness sometime expands as big as God and you know this that the body that you are in small as it might be has a peace of the Creator and a Consciousness potential that is immense that's the oxymoron so at some level you know I'm right also at some level you know that your soul keeps going when the body is finished those two things add up to a partial belief but the message for those in front of me are this messages really or this that each one of you is on a separate individual path and many of you are struggling with a basic concept not that God is real or not but the concept is can you apply any of this today really to yourself can you change your situation I know who's here and your situation could be that of that is what is occurring around you or what is happening in your life or what is happening in the cells of your body and like so many others the tradition the biases what you were told all conspire against you and you feel just a little apart from that which has been presented for two days some of you have actually crawled into your shell I know who's here and although you have listened and heard everything really hasn't gotten very far some of you have made up your mind that what you've heard here is for someone else in the chair not you it didn't seem to ring true it didn't seem to apply and that's because the shell that you've built around yourself this is a very tough one and the shell is of your own making of course you deciding in advance that you can't do it some of you come because you're looking for that which would penetrate the shell and maybe at this point in time you said well maybe this wasn't it others of you you had the information given this weekend you saw the profundities the beauty perhaps even felt the compassion And yet when you leave this place you can't really call it your own you can't own it not yet you see I know who's here what gets in the way is what always gets in the way the past the lack of self-worth what you were taught what you think you know I want to take you on a journey and you have got to agree to fantasize with me this is not going to work it's not going to harm anyone here I want you to visualize things with me and I want you to feel these things with me that's why you came you came for change you came for knowledge you came for wisdom perhaps an awareness and Awakening anything that would then create a situation which which would better Who You Are so perhaps you could leave a little differently than you came that is the purpose of being in the chair you've invested in yourself so why not do this final exercise in this Workshop day it's a fantasy it's a metaphor some would even say it's cute but it's as real as it gets I want to introduce you to something the fantasy has you with your own consciousness in a vision state some would say a dream I say a vision for the word vision is going to give you permission for anything to happen Visions unlike dreams are remembered and feel real at the time I invite you to step aside of yourself for just a moment if you can if you wish to even if you can't understand acknowledge cognize that God is here that this message is from the other side of the veil and knows your name and invites you to participate right now come with me in this Vision step out of that which is your condition your situation just for a moment if you can leave your worries at the door just for a moment won't take long what would you envision if you were standing into a room that was completely and totally blank and white there was nothing there and something is going to appear and it's going to be for you there's a door and the door has a label on it and the door has the label that says Mysteries of the body if you were making a movie music goes here the door has that label because it has to be just a little what you say interesting and yet untouchable to some for that is something you may not want to know what Mysteries lie Beyond the Door that's the door you're going to open we're going to open it together and you realize in this blank room the body that they are speaking of in the sign is you it's not about the human body it's your name goes here body you're about ready to open the door of the Mysteries you know why should you have to open a door at all this is one of the metaphors there is literally a wall between you and yourselves would you look down at your body you don't tend to greet it you even call it by its part you say my leg hurts instead of I hurt my toe hurts instead of I hurt the pieces and the parts of your body you're not in contact with them there's a wall between you that's part of what the workshop is about how to get through the wall well you're about ready to go because this door has been created for you right now today in this exercise I want you to open it with me no fear no anxiety you'll see why in a moment you open the door and you see that it's a bit stubborn you have to pull a little because that wall between you and your cellular structure is a tough one finally the door comes open wide open and you start hearing that which perhaps is the sounds of the body you're not really familiar with those sounds one of the biggest features always is your heart you hear that first and then there's more there's the sound of running fluids even perhaps the snap of the synapse and the electricity all of that it's a little it's a little strange you're not ready to enter just yet then you realize this is just you so why not you walk over the threshold of this door and suddenly you're in another world as you look forward in this metaphor you realize you're in some kind of for a better word control room you can see that which is the control of specific things in your body you recognize it somehow there's the heart the brain there's the pineal and a few other things you don't see the control over specific systems like you thought you might but still it is a control room and then you realize something that you're not alone that in this control room there's just a myriad of small entities and you're starting to realize that they're your DNA and then you start to see they have names on them little Badges and every badge has the same name you you've stepped into the control room of everything in your body you start to realize that there are an enormous number of these little entities you're not afraid of them they haven't noticed you yet these little badges are all over them on their backs on their fronts they've got your name your name is on all of them all working together the best they can and then something happens something amazing happens everything falls silent for a moment you hear what you might recognize and perceive as a gasp when they all realize you've entered the room then they turn and show themselves to you you see that they're shocked they're amazed you see just for a moment they are stunned then there's this big smile on every single one of them when they realize the celebrity in the room is you suddenly they start towards you and they crowd around you you can feel them millions of them just touching you so happy that you've actually entered the room others come in this may seem odd you you hear you feel the flash bulbs going off look who's here look who's here it couldn't be so the boss has arrived they are so enamored that they get to meet you when in human history in the past you never visited the room ever ever at the wall was simply there and they guessed the whole time who you were and then they back off the language of the sales you don't understand that don't speak English they don't speak French they don't speak Portuguese I don't speak Spanish they don't speak anything but cell language and you can tell that they want to say something they have their their hands if you can imagine hands on DNA they have their hands outstretched like like they're asking a question and then you realize that collectively they're sending a message to you one question what can we do for you from their standpoint it's been eons since the actual god-consciousness of who they serve has walked into a room and they've never really had the communication they've had signals partial messages they never met the boss and In This Moment before the door closes they want to know what can we do for you what do you want what is it that we can do the vision is over because the question is only answerable by each individual hearing this message this is real for in this new energy your Consciousness is beginning to break the barrier and talk to the cells directly they're starting to hear what your ears hear they're starting to get the messages by the way you behave did you ever know they consider you a celebrity did you ever know of the frustration of the DNA that all they hear are muffled sounds until now what is it you're going to tell them if you could ask for one thing perhaps in your situation it would be peace cellular peace over what is going on in your body or around you or perhaps you would ask for a Confluence of Health balance chemistry What About Love compassion what is it that you could give them that they could go to work on right now to create what you came for communication would be a good one this is the vision that I want you to grasp and hold and leave here with because it's true I don't care how unworthy you feel there is an Entourage called you that has been waiting so long for you to talk to it besides all the Divine and the esoteric things that you've learned there is a body Entourage what would you say to your pineal which talks to your higher self that's the control room you walked into it's the soul it's the body it's the innate the heart of the brain it's the Triad that controls all that is that is you and you stand right in the middle of it and you're a celebrity did you feel for a moment in the vision the love the body had for you the shock and the surprise and the Delight of being able to touch you look upon your face all of them with your name it is time dear ones to make the vision real and know that nothing that has ever happened to you is going to keep you from marrying to those cells to talking to those cells you are worthy you're a celebrity don't let anybody or anything or any situation talk you out of the truth of this feel it in your very soul as you sit there you are worthy of this so let's get going void the things that keep you from your own magnificence that's the message as it always is feel it know it Embrace this new group of friends the flash bulbs are still going off and so it is hi everybody thanks for watching this I wanted to tell you this is a little time sensitive greetings dear ones I'm crying of magnetic service The Voice you hear indeed represents the energy of the Creative Source that is God to some Spirit to others whatever you want to call it we've discussed what the Creative Source is and what it is not a benevolent source that knows you unbelievable to some that the human being individually would be known by the one or many the soup the creation that was responsible for setting the universe in motion and the reason for this personal touch you might say is because in you is part of the creator we've told you this before the system is complete because you are part of God it's important especially in this new energy that you really cognize this and feel this we go back again to the Ancients to see what they would say for instance what is the first organized spiritual system on the planet thousands of years ago what was their first intuition about who Humanity was and the answer is God inside there are still cultures many of them millions of individuals on the planet who would greet you with the Namaste the the acknowledgment of my God inside me greets to God in you God inside is not a foreign concept do you realize the connection that is possible here dear ones with the DNA working at the degree it is the shallowness of all of it as you progress and as you have an Elegance of the Divine evolvement which is at hand the first thing that's going to happen is that connection is going to get better and the god inside becomes the god outside and inside but for now I want you to really really cognize that you've come into this planet with a Creator inside you this is reasonable and logical for the test of the planet for the souls that have to come here and work the issue there has got to be Creation in each of you if that's the case I'm going to ask the big question of the evening when you sit to meditate when you sit to pray when you worship why do you lift your hands and pray to somebody other than the god inside humanity is going to have to start understanding in this new energy the way to the future is not an externalness it's an internalist look at what has happened and what it's become the god inside from the Ancients has become the god outside you didn't just remove God from your bodies in this Society you made it so humans were useless and worthless and born dirty and had to to Grumble and crawl even to to be noticed by this creator it's a disservice it's a dysfunction to the entire body when God is inside the evolution of the human spirit will have a great Catalyst and that will be the belief of starting to activate the internal compass your Consciousness to this point has always had a lack of self-worth God inside is a beautiful concept and it didn't stick and now we start asking you to create something that is going to be understood by you but not practiced by you a concept that says you leave divine because you were born magnificent and you were the first breath you took the soul that entered your body all of the planning to get you here creates a magnificence of beauty that is seen by spirit and God is beautiful and yet you don't and now it is time to start reevaluating what's in there the internal compass is more than just intuition it is God inside of every single human being asking to be activated you still are guilty you you not of a bias or even when you meditate you're looking at an external source dear spirit I want this help me with this dear spirit I love you if you internalized it and called it what it is in an older energy we taught you that the best question you could ever ask of God is tell me what I need to know and now we're saying the question is the same but now you're going to start asking God inside internalization of this issue means that when you sit to meditate you honor your body first because that is where God is in every single piece of DNA hundreds of trillions of pieces God's in all of them there is a piece of you which is quantum a very small part of the DNA molecule has been proven to have a Quantum attribute that is just part of what we speak of there's more than you think in there if God is inside you ought to be able to sit down and meditate and start pulling forward that which you need as your internal Compass because you are calling on this source which has always been there not the source that sits in the sky the sword sits inside and to make it easier for you you might reframe the way you speak or think and you might start with dear spirit inside tell me what it is I need to know activate my internal compass so that I will be able to sense the direction and not worry dear spirit inside quench the fear that I have about anything dear spirit inside show me the peace that passes all understanding because I'm worried dear spirit inside I'm afraid activate that which I know is inside me so that every single cell can feel what I know is there I am eternal give me the peace the quietness and do it now has it ever occurred to you that your consciousness can speak to the Creator inside your body look at this pathway that you've all but ignored as you search other places we've said it before in the scenario of today somehow you have got to the place where you've eliminated Gaia you've made God dysfunctional it's a God who loves you so much you're going to burn in hell if you say the wrong thing that's not God would you do it to your kids that's not God inside you is the whole engine it's all there and it's time for you now to take it kick-started is it possible that every single cell of your body knows what I'm talking about we've spoken about the field we've given you two major channels on the benevolence of the field some have called it entrainment there is a field of physics that wants Harmony that puts things together in a synchronous fashion we've even called it physics with an attitude because it's not it's it's not fair it's not neutral it's benevolent and in this new energy you're going to see this manifest itself every single time you ask it to this is the wind at your back finally this is the help you ask for finally and it comes not from the sky but absolute normal physics it can be measured there's a reality in your court that wants to help you activate the internal compass you wake up at three Thirty I know who's here and some of you wonder what do I worry about now because that's the pattern isn't it years and years and years you assemble the worries and the fears you make a laundry list and then you present them to God linear of you what if you woke up at three and said thank you Spirit internally for waking me up dear God inside show me why I'm awake oh I see so you could hold my hand and tell me you love me so I could go back to sleep and be more peaceful than I ever was thank you God inside there is no thing no thing too great for the god inside no matter what you're feeling no wonder what anxiousness you have no matter what is there that you think maybe even permanent no matter what you're going through there is a bridge to the god inside that will wipe it away and the peaceful River of Love Will flow through you like it never has before people will see it in you people experiencing some of the things things you have to experience will see it in you because you've mastered it you discovered where God is and the irony of it you've just returned to the Past the Ancients do it all along and now you're just Reawakening some of the most profound knowledge of humanity it hasn't even been hidden it's just that you had to get to the place where you wanted to see it to awaken it part of the spiritual awakening in this new energy is awareness of things that are there that you didn't see before of you accepting Concepts that you never considered before of having the thought that perhaps they belong to you instead of to a guru or or the Channeler that indeed all of the equipment for everything we're talking about is already in place it's been sleeping a long time sleeping the whole idea of Awakening something that's been asleep is no more just a metaphor it is reality but that's the way it feels you walk out of the room with a new awareness but perhaps a new paradigm stop looking outside yourself for answers because they've always been in you meditate the same as you always have meditate but what you're now doing is balancing internally that which will manifest externally in your actions in your Consciousness in how you treat others and how you greet the god inside anyone who comes in your path we have spoken over and over about compassionate action we've talked about a change of Consciousness that makes your actions different he says this leads to healthy things it leads to longer life this is the evolvement of a new human being but this is a major hurdle listen to the way you meditate and pray add the word inside every time you mention Spirit every time you mention God dear God inside dear spirit inside and your body is going to get used to this it's going to own it it's going to start understanding you have cognized a Divine Creator inside yourselves it's step one to so many things that you have that you didn't think you could do now I know who's in the room I know who's listening what have you got right now that is so sorrowful or that creates worry and fear what is it about Humanity that lets you project the worst into something worse so whatever it is that you fear then you create a bigger monster this is the old energy paradigm that will completely and totally be wiped away by dear God inside Darkness cannot exist When Love rules hatred cannot be there when Joy rules sorrow cannot exist when laughter is the king and this is the teaching of the day of the year of the century you turn the corner dear God inside and you join the ancients who knew it from the beginning for it was intuitive then when you have time and when you want to I want you to walk outside to where the trees are and the dirt not the cement where your feet can touch the dirt and you can say something that Gaia has wanted to hear for centuries I want you to say my God inside says welcome home you're going to start collecting energy from the source of Gaia itself because that is your partner here you cannot survive without it we're in a place where there's many farmers you ask them they know Farmers have a tendency to go barefoot when no others would and you'd say why would you do that and they would say because I want the dirt between my toes because I can feel that which is the energy of the dirt of the Divine and it soothes my soul it's the step after God inside no matter where you live you can do this you could go where it exists and do this and I'll tell you you're going to receive a revelation of energy when you start including Gaia yet again a deer wants first is God inside the externalization of where and how God works converted to the internalization of the reality of how God works is the key did you know that when you start that your biology starts to shift did you know that your Chemistry will start to shift did you know that the benevolence of the field will have a greater impact upon your health because suddenly you are Allied with things that you never were before if God is external how are you ever going to internalize your health if God is external how are you ever going to have the peace inside if God is external what's it all about why do you exist the logic of this should be clear because there is no external you are God and collectively your Consciousness will change the planet because you are God there's more will continue at another time dear ones as you sit listening all of you I want you to know that this message is so so filled with with a word that my partner can't conceive of because it doesn't exist there's no word of how much the Creator is part of you there's a confluence of love that flows from the other side of the veil directly to you when you cognize and understand and internalize the Creator as long as we're outside of you it just sits there when you bring it in would you bring it in you're going to live longer when you bring it in it starts to be complete I'm crying I would not tell you these things if they were not so the new human is beginning to arrive and so it is
Views: 24,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kryon, Kryon2023
Id: 9LHuaoDUsko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 45sec (11985 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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