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welcome everyone to Healing Wednesday circle of 12. I'm Lee Carroll and I'm Monica marani well happy August 2nd personally I can't even believe it's August already I know it means we're halfway through the year more than halfway actually more than half well exactly yeah I'll do the months for you sometime you can look at them together and you can see where we are every month we offer this 90-minute program for free on the first week of the month now our healing Wednesday subscribers we this get the same 90-minute program just like this with other guests every single Wednesday of the Year everyone so what do we do for 90 minutes we have special guests questions and answers discussions meditations and of course channeling from kryon so the last few months programs with some affirmations we'd like to continue doing that for this month of August and you are invited to join us and say the affirmation claim it as your own you'll see the words on the screen to make it easier for you to participate and the subject for the affirmation for this month is benevolent expectations so let's suspend time for a moment relax your body soften your breathing focus on those nice deep breaths moving in and out of your abdomen and chest dear spirit show me what I need to know make it clear so that I understand guide me to be in the right place at the right time right now in this moment I send benevolent energy into my future I expect good things I am so grateful for the many blessings that I continuously receive I share my abundance of happiness and joy with others my life is filled with miracles dear spirit show me what I need to know make it clear so that I understand guide me to be in the right place at the right time right now in this moment I send the benevolent energy into my future I expect good things I am so grateful for the many blessings that I continuously receive I share my abundance of happiness and joy with others my life is filled with miracles dear spirit show me what I need to know make it clear so that I understand guide me to be in the right place at the right time right now in this moment I send benevolent energy into my future I expect good things I am so grateful for the many blessings that I continuously receive I share my abundance of happiness and joy with others my life is filled with miracles thank you Monica that's a great way to begin the evening I think everybody would agree with that and so again we want to let our subscribers know that we're going to be using these very same affirmations for the next three weeks what I'd like to do now is a little question and answer time and the first question well this one is a little different since it is a question I asked kryon when I was writing my third book the human soul revealed here is the question I asked dear kryon I understand that the best question to ask is dear Spirit please tell me what I need to know and then listen for the answers how can we get better at listening how can we improve the flow of communication so I'd like to read to you the answer that kryon gave at that time and if you noticed we actually began our affirmation with that phrase show me what I need to know and in the question we say tell me what I need to know so I think you will really enjoy the answer from kryon here it is day one you have just asked a main question here how can I work with the new paradigm of humanism the old Paradigm has the human being existing the best they can and working the puzzle through logic prayer meditation and Common Sense this would seem to be the ideal unless you knew what was coming the truth is that the way the new human will operate is to drop logic pray and meditate differently and learn to trust that elusive thing called intuition the new human will stop the logic of thinking things through and will trust first intuitive thought and listen to the innate of the body which will help create synchronicity it is a far far different attitude and one that requires far more courage humans are simply not used to walking into the unknown they wish to scope out everything first and go in prepared but the new way depends on knowing that you are cared for and trusting the Unseen this is the whole meaning behind dear Spirit tell me what it is I need to know think of it as a two-pronged statement number one you are letting go of your own logic and puzzles number two you are clearing your mind to Solutions and direction that will be coming less clearly at first and often in many pieces instead of all at once the most frustrating thing for a human to work and plan with is incomplete information yet reality is that way it unfolds slowly around you as a multi-dimensional puzzle as many make their free choices and change the puzzle doesn't it make sense reality isn't a printed map as you metaphorically race toward the river you have no idea where the new multi-dimensional bridge will be in the new reality the bridge is invisible until the last moment and keeps changing its position to the river it would be to the left or to the right and it keeps moving as those around it change still you race toward it knowing that if you make the wrong turn you will have a problem most humans want to stop and consult a 3D map to see where the bridge is pre-planning and attention to General preparation is a staple of good mature thinking you go faster those around you think you've gone mad and are illogical as you round the corner approaching the river the bridge is still on the Move changing every minute or so as the reality around it moves suddenly there is a flash of intuition that says the bridge is to the right you stare there and move right to it as it reveals itself to you you cross it just in time to see it behind you moving yet again blessed is the human who realized what this all means you can no longer plan ahead if you are joining the ranks of those who wish to be in the new energy and closer to the Creative Source you must be in the moment plan what you need to and be ready to change it all if asked then breathe and relax through it all in the arms of the creator so I hope you really received some wonderful information in that answer from kryon and it's almost incredible that I wrote that book human soul revealed in 2015 and even today that answer is still relevant and really demonstrates how if we can kind of suspend logic and Trust in the flow of spirit trust in the Unseen knowing that everything is taken care of then we can use our intuition to put us in the right place at the right time okay I'd like to do another question it's from Annette Annette is in Denmark and is asking what does cryon say about anger wow Annette to shorten profoundly relevant question for our times really is crime speaks of anger all the time and the reason is that it's all part of a new human's changing paradigm if you've been able to listen to or watch crime's messages in these last years or even in the last months the emphasis has been on the shifts potential changes in basic human nature and tools that are starting to appear to help us is it possible that this shift might actually Mark a change in human behavior as in changing human nature crime says yes these would be changes that are both General and also very specific ones like anger there are two categories in Anger as I see it number one changes in our own anger quotient as ways to hang to handle anger within ourselves and number two uh changes in how we handle anger directed at us from others you know anger is a natural emotion and depending on how your life has been shaped by your upbringing it's either something it's either something that rules your life or something that you have to occasionally deal with human behavior Specialists call it a secondary Behavior since it's often following an uncomfortable or fearful uh action from something else but whatever it is and however you define it we know how it feels um and it's to the degree that anyone becomes angry psychologists will tell you it's actually linked to survival and it's common actually common totally common to humanity so crime tells us that it's like a basic emotion that is now slowly evolving and here's what it's evolving from N2 it's evolving from anger and accompanying knee-jerk reaction to Observation accompanied by appropriate mature action how about that one anger starts Wars creates divisions and families on and on it's not something that is very elegant in human behavior any parent knows that it's one of the first things that we see in our children because they're not in control yet and this spills over into adult life for the same reasons if they don't find control unfortunately so what if the things that used to make you angry could begin to make sense or you could reframe them instead of making you angry or or fearful or anything else What If instead of make you disappointed oh that's that's kind of an odd idea but it's true you're no longer what if you could no longer have a situation that made you mad at anyone or anything and instead you think a compassionate action that might help you to deal with the situation in a nutshell to me that's it example here's here's one I'm so angry that that blankety blank neighbor keeps doing this action even though I've asked him not to and others have asked him not to all the neighbors ask him not to and your heart rate goes up your blood pressure hits the ceiling chemistry is released that makes get you ready to fight and you're very upset and the result is you probably won't live as long now you knew that didn't you that's been proven instead what if you think that neighbor is in trouble probably even unbalanced I'm going to send benevolent energy to him that might help this man right now so does it stop the neighbor from doing what he's doing or she is doing no probably not at all but it helps you become more balanced and even creates good chemistry in your body right dead right at that point it might even help dissipate the anger and others around you do you think of that who see how you're handling the situation better than they are and they calm down question can you void the first instant reaction of becoming angry answer if you wish to you can that's what we teach old human nature here it is get mad and stay mad tell others you're mad and see if they are mad too go out together and celebrate your anger over a beer then the next day stay mad call your neighbors to see if they're still in the head does that sound about right this may all change over time according to kryon so here's number two briefly is how you react to others who are angry at you this is crime's favorite one because it's a life changer for many of us for many of you it's a full realization that when someone is yelling at you or calling your names it's their issue not yours I mean it really is their issue they're the ones sitting there getting mad getting red in the face raising their voice and you know they're doing it all because something's bothering them about you so it's all aimed at you meanwhile you're just standing sitting there minding your own business being you so think survival is to react and return the anger with defense or even worse poorly thought out language or actions that you you really never meant What If instead you look at the angry one and you learn not to feel much of anything the reason hey it's their issue I know I know they're saying mean things that may not even be true it's tough to sit there and take it and to watch it happen but that's the point let's learn to be an observer of their issue even though they're not even though perhaps they're they're sitting there trying to elicit a reaction from you you know that's what the whole thing is about and it's tough to take but then be compassionate that they're having a bad day do you think that's possible it is if you must say anything back you can perhaps construct something honestly perhaps that's kind to say to them I know it's possible again it's about reframing how you act which now has compassion at the top of the list instead of ego many of our guests on healing Wednesday delve into this in so many different ways you can work this puzzle by a puzzle by learning about your subconscious programs or perhaps you need to fully understand what's happening even within your Akash now more than ever Humanity's Desiring peace it's working more to understand cultures rather than simply destroying them what what a concept and individually if you're here with me now interested in any of this interested in love interested in changing yourself you'll be interested in this as well love that Lee mentioned how anger can change the chemistry in our body and we can equally change the chemistry in our body when we Focus back to our heart energy and think of all the things that bring us gratitude so let's do that now focus in on your heart area think of something that brings you a moment of gratitude something you are completely grateful for and just keep focusing on the area of your heart connecting that emotion of gratitude and just these two things alone will change the chemistry in your body releasing feel good chemicals as we focus on our heart and gratitude let us now give gratitude for the continuing love that comes to us from cryon greetings dear ones I am kryon of magnetic service this month we wish to have a theme a theme that has been common for all of the years that I've been in front of you loving you it's a thing that I have called peeling The Onion now the onion represents something that you have to peel slowly in order to get to the middle it's used because almost all of you know what an onion is and then if you peel it eventually you'll get to the Core a metaphor about many things because almost everything dear one that you experience in your reality is actually something else what do you do with the humanity that has grown up believing certain things feeling certain things believing they understand the way things work a certain way or coming in with with issues that then are enhanced instead of repaired it becomes an onion that has a core of belief or truth or understanding or worthiness or any of these things at the core but it's obfuscated by what you've been told do you get that that's the onion so you think of it as something beautiful a treasure inside that has all these layers of things around it that are puzzles to unravel because they're they're things that you've been told that are not exactly the way things work peeling the onion then is you taking apart or reframing some of the basic things that you've been told or that you feel or that you think are the way they are and finding something beautiful the four weeks will be four subjects and we start with one that is exceptionally generic it has to do with how you believe and it's not about how you believe spiritually that's how you believe about anything because almost everything that you believe right now is slightly different than the actual thing that it is think of what your parents tell you think of what you've learned in school think of what your church tells you combination of all of those things together they create an onion where there is a basic beautiful Truth at the center and all around it are the things that you were told kinds of things I am speaking of are absolutely General things we're going to speak specifically during the next three weeks of other things all of these by the way all of you looking at me right now can see because these particular channels will always be free and they are available so you don't have to be a subscriber to see this particular portion of the program all of this that I teach you is always available but let's talk about General overall belief what are you told you look out into the into the stars as you grow up and the first thing you're told is there isn't anyone there you ever think about that and the reason is because you've never seen anyone there Against All Odds and against all logic you are given a narrative that says that only on this planet is their life and that even though there are literally trillions of suns and planets and the areas that you can see and examine and look at in your your Galaxy which is only one of billions you're the only one that has the spark of life probably the most illogical thing that you've ever been told because the physics is the same wherever you look and the chemistry is the same wherever you look and the way the things Place themselves and developed and evolved is the same wherever you look and yet you're the only one with life but you're not you're not at all everywhere you look is teeming with life now tell me how could you believe that and the answer is it's consensus reality it becomes what you're told all of your belief is that way if it's told to you enough then it's anchored in you to the extent that if someone said you know there's life out there don't you and that it's probably been visiting this planet for a long time you know that don't you and you look at them and you go well you're one of those aren't you you know poor thing that you on the on the head and send you away some of you have had that for yourselves where you mentioned that to someone else and they look at you and go no I don't think so illogical doesn't make any sense and yet it's The Narrative of the day you start peeling the onions starts with logic and then perhaps there's things that are unexplainable and you get to the point where you start looking at the cosmos and you go you know there probably is life everywhere we haven't seen it yet there's probably reasons why we haven't seen it yet number one they're too far away but the ones who have figured it out and can travel they don't come here either not that much and there's a reason for that and the reason for that is you're still dangerous did you figure that out yet when you have evolved to a point where you won't shoot everything down you see in the sky they'll be here and then you'll have the biggest aha in humanity it's ever had when you realize how your belief was so incredibly silly and wrong and that all the time there's been life everywhere just like here for the same reasons that are just like here that evolved just like here that's just one of many things that we want to talk about is there a consensus reality for God the Creator isn't it interesting when you look at history how long did it take for Humanity to understand monotheism now there is one God didn't start out that way there were many now there is an understanding that's an evolution of consciousness to get to the place where Humanity looks and says there's one God but you can't agree with what that God is what that God is about what that God wants how to worship the god that comes later comes next but the consensus reality is still that God is great and you are not how about that one The Narrative is this when you get here it really has nothing to do with the Creator God you got to learn all about God you've got to please God and then in some cases you got to perform for God so that when you leave here it's going to be okay that's a consensus reality dear ones it's a narrative dear ones and it's completely and totally wrong you are born magnificent a piece of that fairy god that you've discovered as Humanity I want to tell you all about that in these next weeks I want to remind you of Who You Are and where you've come from I want to deal with things like you're like your worthiness I want to I want to talk about things that are The Narrative of whether you can change your lives or your past or whether you can heal yourself all those onions it can be peeled slowly or even quickly to reveal the magnificence of the human being how you got here what it means what you can do and then why you're here for This Magnificent shift that is occurring right now that starts to beg the question are humans really what you think or are they something else is there a reason why you're here why humans are here at all what if you're part of a bigger plan a plan of benevolence kindness compassion realization self-awareness a change of human nature is the foot and you are part of it listening to this very program I am kryon in love with you all I'm in love with you because of what you have done the sacrifices that you have made to even be here the things that you've had to slog through in Old energy and past lives simply to return to this time and be more aware there are so many things that your narrative has never told you so many beliefs that say well you know you only have one life you better live it right or perhaps some bad things will happen when you get to the other side of the veil what if you lived many many times does it make sense to create one magnificent Soul let you come down here one time and then punish you what kind of narrative is that what kind of logic of divinity is that there are so many things that you can change and learn and peel that onion that's why I'm here and so it is and following that beautiful message from kryon I invite you to open your eyes if you've had your eyes closed bring those beautiful eyes open and slowly bring your awareness back into your body and as you bring your awareness back into your body we're going to move into another part of the program where we have a very special guest joining us and she's an amazing woman that has known Lee I think probably even before I knew Lee and the work she's doing is incredibly transformative her name is Jamie price and I want to make sure she's on the zoom feed with us Jamie are you there I am here I'm so excited to be here oh we are delighted to have you with us and um it's so wonderful seeing you on the zoom instead of in person at this um crying event yes I know that's where I I first met her Jamie price is author of opening to light language which you're going to hear more about light language and the cosmic Consciousness Ascension deck it's an energy healer she is an energy healer I would say a channel a teacher she's a whole bunch of things she's also a friend and her work is well known to me I have been privileged to observe her profound channeling and her healing work for many years now over a decade we I know that she's been teaching the path of empowerment as Humanity moves through this natural process of Ascension that we're all talking about it's an ever increasing Consciousness Connection with this with a subtle realm now Jamie developed a profound healing modality Kristen Elaine Soul healing with her lyran guides it's a powerful alchemical template of Soul progression that heals and empowers Bridging the inherent wisdom of the human with the higher self in addition Jamie Channel's healing energies in the form of light language this is a language that has transformational creation codes that further align you with your soul she teaches both of these modalities worldwide and I'm so excited to be able to welcome her to a healing Wednesday Jamie welcome to the show thank you thank you this is such a wonderful dream come true to be connecting with you two like this I'm I think I want to thank you again for being this is really exciting for me too it took a long time to get you here I'm glad you're here now you know when you when people start seeing light language hearing about light language which really has only happened I would say in the last decade or two that that even that terminology has been here and they see how were you ever led to this because it's so unusual it definitely is and when I first started doing light language I had never heard of it I hadn't seen it I didn't know what it was and it came through a healing context for me which I'm really grateful for because it was also so unusual I don't know if I could have allowed myself to take that step because when it first started I was already working on clients and it first started signing through my hands and it was small at first and and then it grew bigger and faster and I was used to communicating with my guides at the time and so they would communicate to me like normal you know telling me the things that were occurring uh with the client or whatever they were wanting to teach me but they would never come right out and say this is light language and so that opening was very gentle and smooth in the beginning with that quiet signing and then somebody on the table with their eyes closed and they would even say um cryptic things to me like there are this many people on Earth that do this and they were talking about my hands moving around at the time and that number would actually go up and down and when I would ask do what they wouldn't answer me so it was meant to be a journey of Discovery and trust and for me personally courage building because I once the sound wanted to come forth I would rather have held that back which I tried to do for a long time and then it would kind of burst out and and there's a whole big longer story of that happening but at that time there really wasn't much that you could find out about it there wasn't a lot of people that knew about it there wasn't a lot of people doing it and so for me that courage building to share it seems like it took a really long time but the passion really outweighed the fear and that was what really kept me going because it's so sacred it's so beautiful and luckily I had that quiet time of my own to really open up into it and now it is because naturally with our Ascension as we open more into these multi-dimensional forms of communication whether we're transmitting something or receiving something light language is opening up more and more because of that and it's just so exciting to see the progression and and the support systems that are now there because especially after teaching this for over a decade I just love watching people open up to this and and not have all of that fear that I had you know now there's a pathway that many people have built that make it much more accepted for us to really communicate in this sacred way I feel privileged that I have been able to see many different humans do light languages I will be honest though I don't understand it I really don't but I can feel the energy of it and so is there a certain type of light language that you want to share with us and explain what it means and I love that you said that it's a creation code yeah yes and it's so natural to us this is something that anyone can do it's not just for certain people or um you know you have to be special to do it it's natural to us now you don't have to do it it's there's it's one of many ways to be able to communicate in a more multi-dimensional way but it is something that's accessible to all of us and it's so natural to us because Monica even as you were saying that like you were saying I have to be honest I don't understand it but I feel it in essence that is the understanding because it communicates on a full body level with all of our sensory systems and and we feel that we tap into something deep and then sometimes you'll get layers of of translation so um that kind of delineation of it is not always available available and sometimes it's a matter of our skill to translate but the the translation is always there because there's always something happening and it's just a matter of feeling into that so I'm happy to share a transmission and whenever I do light language there's always crystalline Soul healing along with it which is silent there's no movements to that but you'll hear and see the light language and so what I'll bring through is actually something that is just very broad for each of us whatever's for our highest good and so what I invite everyone to do is exactly what Monica was just saying is just take a relaxing breath and see what you notice what do you feel what do you sense as you're hearing or seeing the light language so let me take a nice relaxing breath along with me as soon as foreign thank you foreign good take another relaxing breath interesting interesting so if I could put you on the spot and ask you what you felt unconditional love is what I felt and and also because I have done energy work and I'm aware of the energy Anatomy I felt subtle shifts and changes calibrating within my energy system from that transmission for me I I had a remembrance of the language now that is spooky if it wasn't about feeling I felt stuff but it also went huh I've heard this language I know this language I don't know what you were saying but it would be like a child hearing a foreign language um at Birth and recognizing their mother said it or something like that and not really understanding what it was later on that's how it felt for me nice nice and and that's that's what I hear often like oh I know this it's so familiar because we know it on a on a on an unconscious level even if we don't know it consciously and I I love how both of you brought up such uh interesting parts of that because part of what I was experiencing was at at first I was seeing all of these different like energy Lines within the Earth like opening up and connecting and and bringing time through that so that we're able to tune in to multiple timelines more consciously I could feel lemuria I felt India come up I could feel Africa come up I could feel um there was an Asian uh country that came up I don't know exactly where that was so it was just all over the place and they were popping off so quickly um that Lemurian feeling felt very strong and then I could feel this loving flow within the physical body like lighting us up and then towards the end it was about anchoring that so that we are more actively bridging with the Earth and similar to what kryon talks about with the nodes and and how we are continuously tapping into that energy and it's a reciprocal flow so it was really cool yeah I also felt the very powerful presence of and I star mother is what I want to say and it's a message of when you're a newborn child the star mother is saying you are a child of the Creator remember this so tell us about Deliverance yes yes now and if you're thinking what are the lyrics I've never even heard of it l-y-r-a-n is the spelling of them um but tell us more yeah yeah so I had I had been channeling for about six or seven years channeling into English and right before 2012 this was actually November of 2012. my guides came to me and said we'd like for you to channel us more directly and they identified themselves as the layering Council of time and you know I did a channeling and it just felt so loving and I totally recognized their energy and even over the years some of the information that they bring up I can see how they had already been teaching me that it was it was just so fascinating to have that experience but the lyrins are part of the beginning of this humanoid expression so um the the lyrins are our ancient forebearers that uh gave birth to the races on Vega Sirius Orion the Pleiades all of that is connected into and and more but all of that is connected into this Human Experience that the physicality that we are is part of our the lyrins are part of this physical Heritage and then of course we each bring in our unique Soul signatures and our Galactic Heritage but they are like our great great great great Galactic grandparents um from our mainly pleiadian and Syrian physical DNA here so they um have an overall uh support with us balancing our masculine feminine energetics so that we're using the full flow of creation and I'm talking about the energetic of it the direct electrical energy and the circuitous magnetic energy so that we're using that full flow and their their work is very practical they teach a lot about uh bridging our mental emotional and our intentions so that we're very clear about the information that we're flowing into our lives and that we're receiving in our lives and um just a very loving supportive energy and of course they also love talking about time and our timelessness you know when I hear hear describing lyron guides immediately I sense this ancientness but it's also a presence that is beyond time so all of that makes I don't even know if I'm making sense but all of what you were saying is something that I resonate with it makes sense to me it makes sense to me because the Crown's never talked about it you can tell it's multi-dimensional so I mean all things are possible there but especially time so I would imagine although the lions are ancients they're also presents in other words they're here yes absolutely absolutely and they love talking about some of the mechanics of how we experience it here and so that we can bridge that practical understanding of our linear time which we are fully immersed in the sun rises and sets every day it's part of our experience in this density but then also bridging that into the non-linear time so that we don't just get stuck on a cliche like time doesn't exist and then you know we we don't realize that we can't truly Define that because we haven't built it logically from our linear experience into the non-linear experience and yet it's so natural for us and so they they definitely have that sense of that ancientness and that understanding of physical time but also that timelessness so they are completely here in the present in that now moment but they gave you um they gave you a healing modality yes right there so you want to tell us about that I think it's called the crystalline Soul healing yes yes and and of course they had to sneak it in on me because if I knew I was creating a modality I probably would have freaked me out but I am uh I I love paying attention to detail and I am a little OC about that so when I first started working on clients they would teach me what was going on but then I was like oh my gosh you know how can I do more and so I just started making lists of things that uh I was seeing occur in the sessions and then they would spend time they would spend time teaching me about different things like the flow of the past and the future in the present moment so that I could understand it from a linear perspective but overall what I was creating was a template and that's part of what the lyrins are um very deeply involved in is under standing the the underlying mechanics of things and so what all of that list making was about was understanding the different aspects of the crystalline Soul healing template so within the modality you are running that template like a program would run on a computer for instance if you were like doing a virus scan on a computer it's going through everything and it's looking for certain things and if something is a match then it does certain things with that and that's how the crystalline Soul healing template works it's working through your higher self so your higher self is always the final decision maker of the 99 part of you it's the final decision maker of what will release what will activate what's for right now what is going to unfold through experience and so the modality is activating that template on whatever someone is wanting to release or or heal or move into to create and the template runs through the higher self to help them release any blockages it supports people physically mentally emotionally and and helps us align more with our higher self so that there's more overall coherence within us and then we become more of the natural powerful creators that we are to someone the way that you can become more multi-dimensional because you're talking about the Laurens and the time and that they are Timeless but being aware of time still and this is what crane has said that even though we're in three dimensions when you start moving into multi-dimensions you're still aware of three dimensions it's just your bubble gets bigger and you're aware of all the other things around the 3D reality that you're in so how would you kind of explain getting in touch or expanding your multi-dimensionality yes so for me a big part of it is listening or another way of saying that is that quiet observing time because that's where you start to see the things unfolding that aren't going to be so obvious because the subtle realm as my guides have lovingly said to me before sometimes subtle means subtle and so you have to pay attention it's going to be things that are a little more quiet at first it's going to be things that are not provable and yet they're at first and yet they're coming through this this very physical biomechanism that we're accustomed to and so they can be subtle at first and so paying attention to some of the things that you're feeling how you're feeling physically and we have references for all of this it's one thing that Ariane is constantly saying this is natural to you you already have the mechanism for this so what are you feeling do you get goosebumps do you feel contraction in your body do you feel butterflies in your stomach do you feel an emotion like passion or knowingness or reverence do you have a thought like I already know that person and you don't know how you know you like how did that thought happen so really paying attention to your subtle communication helps you recognize how life is subtly communicating to you over and over and over and then starting to demystify some of the things that we think are so unusual like being able to channel for example it's something that is natural to us but as we're expanding our vibration into more of a conscious connection and interaction with the subtle realm channeling becomes more natural and we start to recognize we've been doing it all along we do that when we're in the present moment we do that when we're drawing we do that when we're conversing and we do that when we're singing or creating art and then sometimes we do it in some other forms like the verbal channeling that you do Lee and channeling light language these are all part of our natural multi-dimensional capability and when we demystify that it starts to be make more sense that we are part of this Earth we are part of this this Cosmos and then things like our Galactic Heritage become just a natural part of who we are and we get to see it sometimes on people's faces or in the recognition whether that's more of their Elemental connection or more of an Angelic connection or something that feels more Galactic species oriented that it's it's part of us naturally and just that listening and observing and paying attention to that subtlety especially your own thoughts emotions and physical feelings you start to see it everywhere I'm go ahead oh I was wanting to know what are some of the more amazing kind of Transformations exactly seeing in the clients where you have done the crystal soul healing what are some of the changes so it can definitely work on physical issues it can help people mentally or emotionally it helps in situations and and the really exciting thing is it's not just me I mean I even get to see my students have amazing Transformations with their clients but I've seen everything from someone who couldn't walk very easily being able to walk more easily after the session I've seen job changes I've seen people have amazing openings with their own psychic senses after it some of the things that my students have seen I remember having a student that had a client where there was a lot of physical things going on with digestion not being able to physically move so much because it was it was so hard to deal with and having a transformation with that after two sessions with a student that had just learned the modality so it's it's it's so exciting to see how we are all so open now to our own transformation and being able to flow energy and and hold that space for someone to be able to have a life-changing events whether that's something physical or even just recognizing the courage and empowerment that they have sometimes it's easy to overlook those and and feel like oh well I didn't have a big shift and yet it's often because things flow more malleably in the subtle realm it's often those first layers of more peace more of a calm mind that then your own natural wisdom can flow and that's the thing that has been so important to me throughout this is this is about the natural Divinity that's within all of us that we all have these capabilities and crystalline Soul healing is one way that people get to recognize their wisdom and things unfold in their life because this whole thing with Ascension is all about empowerment and when we get to that place we see it everywhere and then life just flows more easily with love I couldn't have wished for anything better than what you are doing and how even you were saying a student like two days into it is able to do it so it shows that there is a Divine energy of a process that we just have to allow it to happen and with the allowance comes the amazing transformation so if you are interested in the crystalline Soul here healing Jamie's website Jamie you can see that in the chat and if you're watching the replay scroll below the video and you'll have a link to be able to get to Jamie's website is there any kind of final words that you want to share with our beautiful community yes so one thing that Ariane has always said is life is fail-safed toward love we can't get it wrong and all we are doing here is remembering that depth of love that's within us and we are so so cherished and so loved by life that as we recognize that more with ourselves we can't help but flow that to others so one thing I always like to remind people because I need this reminder a lot is love the self let life flow from there you so deserve it you are creating massive change when you do that because that's where it all begins and that's how it flows more strongly and then you can't help but be creative and loving with everyone around you full you can't get it wrong you are so loved your life you can't get it wrong thank you so much Jamie oh thank you well I'm gonna take that with me as I go into this next break we're going to take a 10 minute break before we come back for the circle of 12 and just remember you are so loved whatever's happening in your life you can't get it wrong [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign welcome back everybody thank you Jamie so much I'm it I'm so pleased to see the I would say the presence and the awareness and the evolvement of light language exactly and I think it's one it's wonderful that we have so many now that are opening up to their spiritual gifts so I hope that everyone's getting that across now that we all have so many unique things to offer and that all of us it's like I kind of feel we're all pieces of a grand jigsaw puzzle and we all have this unique offering to give and we're all special and even if you're sitting there thinking I don't have anything unique to offer you are still a magnificent part of the whole jigsaw puzzle of the wholeness that's what we're finding out and there's so many people are waking up because like oh I can do this exactly and then and books start to happen and and Facilities start to occur yeah and the most important thing I think is not necessarily that you're a teacher but if you can just embody love itself that is what changes the planet more than anything else and you know you have people like Marilyn Harper who are teaching people how to channel yes and yeah there's many people now being taught how to channel so you're right yes well I'd like to do now uh move to a part of the program that's one of our favorite Parts called Miracle moments it's about celebrating the Miracles of others and um how it's about connecting and sending love and compassion in our own portal to those who are asking for a miracle and the report of the Miracles that are happening I want you to know that the energy of compassion and prayer for others is powerful I've experienced it group prayer works and so does talking to your smart body called the innate I'd like to ask Monica to share a miracle moment it's a good one which has happened to one of our circle of 12 members it's miracle moment it was shared in the member membership portal by Rupa Rupa says I haven't missed a single healing Wednesday since it started an eagerly wait for it every week I was diagnosed with endometriosis and was advised surgery by my doctor as the only solution which I resisted I think deep down I just hoped it would get better somehow and was in no rush to confirm to the doctor that I would go ahead with the surgery I was doing the weekly day meditations with complete belief and faith in what crying was saying and teaching I did not expect or hope for this outcome at all my pain subsided over time until it flared up again which was what was happening on and off for months when it all started but the pain finally remained gone for a while and when I went for my next scan there were no cysts or any need for surgery everything inside had gone back to normal I know and I don't know how I know but I know that I was healed of this thanks to the healing Wednesday meditations it's not even that I sat with the hope to heal myself of this I just sat there in resonance loving the channelings and meditations and received this beautiful gift from kryon and spirit and what a powerful miracle moment Rupa to share that with us and I especially loved that you were sharing your journey with us and that it wasn't an instant thing you you had a journey where it was flaring up and going away and coming back but through all of it you were willing to just step into the energy of love that cry on is wanting us to all experience and you allowed yourself to receive that and just that in and of itself created this miracle how amazing and there's many who are asking for their own miracle moment to occur we have in our membership portal what's called a submission for a prayer request and on that list many are asking us in this beautiful Community to send prayers of benevolence and love and energy to them as they are looking for their own solutions to things that are happening so let's do that together because when one or more come together the intent of what you're sending is Amplified and so I ask you to close your eyes and simply Focus again on the area of your heart your heart energy there is intelligence and wisdom within your heart that radiates love and compassion at the same time as it delivers intelligence and wisdom and in this heart energy that we are focusing on we build a field of coherence between us as we collectively focus on our heart energy and in this coherence this field that we create let this intention be that all those who are asking for a miracle moment right now we penetrate any filters that stop them from receiving the love that is constantly being broadcast by the Creator and so we're gently sending a soft gentle energy of love to caress those filters of disbelief that we soften the wall that they have created between the unconditional love of the Creator and themselves so we're just holding this intent this focus of a beautiful energy surrounding every person requesting a miracle moment beyond the list that's been submitted every person on the planet now let's focus on this soft energy of dissolving anything that would stand between the love that the creator has for us and the individual and as we continue holding this vision of dissolving anything that stops US from receiving the love let us give this an amplified Push by now resting and relaxing in the arms of spirit as we receive beautiful message and guidance from kryon greetings dear ones I'm kryon Come a Little Closer it truly is a beautiful thing to be able to talk to you frankly about the truths that you were never told or the truths that might be self-evident but that you deny so interesting is this consensus reality this narrative that Humanity has accepted almost universally and there's so much more this is the shift and this is the time that we speak of these things and it's not simply to awaken you to be a better human is because the shift is the time when Humanity itself will change if you have not heard of the shift before we've spoken of it so many times it's cosmology it is it is part of the predictions of the Ancients it's here there is indeed a Time that has been predicted where Humanity would either destroy itself or continue at a higher level you passed through that time you were firmly in the area where Consciousness is starting to change and the change of Consciousness is where the entire planet at some level is going to expect more of itself to start to clean up those things that are no longer appropriate with human to Human and it's going to take a while but the seeds have already been planted of what you will and will not do or will will or not want to do in the future you've seen it it's in your Society a day actually when you might laugh when they say we are outlawing War anyone who starts one no one's going to come that used to be a joke but it is no longer and you're starting to see it on the planet this is new consciousness with the new Consciousness comes new awareness and a and I would say a a desire to rewrite the things that you need to rewrite because you didn't get them right more and more it's like a scientist discovering what they didn't know before it's like a a scientist having a Great Awakening and aha oh look at this and that changes everything from then on think of that in human nature what is it perhaps that you don't know that's always been there that's the circle of 12 tonight the things perhaps that you've learned a certain way that you would like to peel the onion and slowly have revealed to you the way things really are and some of these are very simple here's an example all of you have come from a 3D position where you've been told the following only believe in things you can see someone comes along with something that seems to be odd or weird or invisible or and you turn your back you don't even want to see it because you've been told if you can't relate to things you can see with your own eyes they're often then trickery charlatanism or whatever and so someone would come along and question that you say only believe in things you can see well what about gravity or and magnetism and you'll say well that's different you see I can see the results of them even though they're invisible therefore I know they exist then you start asking what about love and it can go on and on and they the intellectual justification will eventually fall off the cliff because you will realize wow there are a lot of things that are invisible dear ones one of the basic invisible things that you have no idea is that Consciousness is energy it is energy and can manipulate and push and pull and that is a biggie and yet this is one that is denied so often because there are those who have told you from birth a certain thing and you will not then peel that onion unless there's a reason to now there's a reason to because many of you are starting to feel the results or seeing the results of actions which are spooky they have been spooky to you in the past you can think certain ways and certain things happen you start to see the healing that you've asked for in your body that's too spooky others will tell you we don't know how that works but it must be magic that's consensus reality can you get beyond that the circle of 12 tonight will be the first expression where you go to an area and have that onion peel for you Fast Track onion peeling we'll call it from the circle of 12. for these in this month I want you to go across the bridge with me to an area that you haven't been to before the bridge well that is from the known to the unknown or from the 3D to the multi-di but not really it's just a metaphor but let's do it anyway cross the bridge with me take my hand stroll confidently across this bridge which used to be something that many of you were timid about you are Crossing into your own Pure Energy an energy that doesn't really exist this well when you're human you've got all those those things to hobble you like three dimensions and a consensus reality when you move to your soul come with me through that that mist that is in the middle of the bridge and and have revealed to you the beauty ah I'm home can you feel that you've dropped into your own core where everything is safe this is where you belong s you with you this is you the most powerful thing you can imagine anything is possible here and you could take it across the bridge and work with it as a human on the other side the other side being 3D where you think you are right now sitting in the chair watching this program you can be in two places at the same time in multi-dimensionality ask a Quantum physicist about that easy and here you are doing it this is as real as it gets dear ones if you want it to be and on this beautiful side of the veil that you are where your soul exists I invite you to go to a new area not through a portal not through a door not to a theater but a new area last month we had you administered to with a green mist this month is similar this is not a time when you learn anything it's a time when you're being administered to where you simply sit and let the magnificence of all those around you work with you I ask you for the entire month and those of you who perhaps are only here one time I ask you do you allow this in your life because permission must be granted at some level you get it one time and then it can be done many times even while you're doing the dishes even while you're driving these are the kinds of things that can be infused and embedded the beautiful sacred things you've asked for like a trickle charge your battery over a long period of time to make it full and robust and and ready to go it's like that trickle charge the human with the beautiful things there is an onion in front of you of belief that we'd like to have this beautiful time cut through Envision yourself sitting in the chair go ahead and sit there or lying at a table go ahead lay there in order to then be administered to where all you have to do is say yes I allow it I believe it [Music] you might even say it's your Birthright as being a human with the soul that you have in this time of the shift this is doable and possible meet the vision Master ah new one the vision Master is one who will help you with a vision of taking that onion and not peeling it but cutting through it to get to the Core that is what you will then receive you don't have to then try to bust your way or peel your way through a subconscious belief that you were told as children as adults that actually is not accurate at all one that perhaps limits you from finding truth [Music] one of the biggest truths the power of you the power and the energy of your Consciousness can do so many things everything is possible the Masters showed it to you you thought it was their magic you thought it was just for them that's why they came to show you what a human being can do before you were talked out of it and that's the onion let the vision Master come into this room with all that is with he or she it's genderless love is that way and it comes in and fills you completely and starts to trickle charge you to peel the onion what have you been told that isn't true it's not the fault of those who told you they did their best but what is it that you can cut right through so slowly you'll be open to the magnificence that you are this is the onion we want you to cut through first before we do any of the others can you sit and work with me on this I'm beside you the whole time I'm with you because I want to see it because I love the reaction you have when you start to awaken oh I didn't know that really wow [Music] self-realization cutting through the nonsense perhaps that you were told dear ones I am crying in love with you all stay feel the truths of what I am telling you and let that Vision Master help you to cut through the onion so you're not going to have to peel it and reveal the core that beautiful you or anything is possible and so it is [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Kryon Lee Carroll
Views: 34,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 56sec (6116 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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